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HRM Case Study

Harsha and Franklin both of them are postgraduates in management under different streams from
the same B-School. Both of them are close to each other from the college days itself and the same
friendship is continuing in the organization too as they are placed in the same company, Hy-tech
technology solutions. Harsha placed in the HR department as employee counsellor and Franklin in
the finance department as a key finance executive. As per the grade is concerned both are at the
same level but when responsibility is concerned Franklin is holding more responsibility being in core

By nature, Harsha is friendly in nature and ready to help the needy. Franklin is silent in nature ready
to help if approached personally and always a bit egoistic in nature. They have successfully
completed 4 years in the organization. And management is very much satisfied with both of them as
they are equally talented and constant performers.

Harsha felt that now a day’s Franklin is not like as he uses to be in the past. She noticed some
behavioural changes with him. During general conversations, she feels that Franklin is taunting her
that she is famous among the employees in the organization, on the other hand, he is not even
recognized by fellow employees.

One morning Mr. Mehta General Manager Hy-tech technology solutions shocked while going
through the mail received from Franklin about his resignation. Mr. Mehta called Harsha immediately
and discussed the same as she is close to Franklin. By hearing the news Harsha got stunned and said
that she does not know this before she also revealed here current experience with him. Mr. Mehta
who does not want to lose both of them promised her that he will handle this and he won’t allow
Franklin to resign.

In the afternoon Mr. Metha took Franklin to Canteen to make him comfortable after some general
discussion he starts on the issue. Franklin, after some hesitation, opened his thinking in front of Mr.
Mehta. The problem of Franklin is

1) when he comes alone to canteen the people from others don’t even recognize him but if he
accompanied by Harsha he gets well treated by others.

2) one day Both of them entered the company together the security in the gate wished them but the
next day when he came alone the same security did not do so.

3) Even in meetings held in the office, the points raised by Harsha will get more value so many times
he keeps silent in the meeting.

It happens to Franklin that he has to face such degradation in each day of work which totally disturbs
him. Franklin also questioned that ” Harsha and myself have the same qualification, from the same
institute, passed out in the same year both with first class. We have the same number of experiences
in this organization. Moreover, the responsibilities with me are more valuable than those of Harsha.
After all these things if I am been ignored or unrecognized by the fellow employees my ego does not
allow me to continue here”.

Submitted by Nosheen Humayun, MS MS ,1st Semester, IBMS AUP, Session 2020 Page 1 of 4
By listening to this statement Mr.Metha felt that it is not going to be very difficult to stop his
resignation. Mr. Mehta explained Franklin the reasons for such partial behaviour of the employees.
After listening to Mr. Mehta Franklin said sorry for his reaction and ready to take back
his resignation. And he called Harsha and spoke with like before.

Questions for HRM Case Studies: Case Study

Find the reason that Mr. Mehta would have given to Franklin.


Franklin develops a feelings of loneliness majorly because of his egoistic and unfriendly nature

and also due to the nature of tasks he is performing that requires high level of secrecy. While

Harsha is friendly and quickly attracts to and by others. This feelings emerges due to the

adequacy and quality of any ones relationships in particular situations. All humans desire to

have an emotional connection and attachment with those around them. And when they lack that

emotional support, they feel lonely. The reason for workplace loneliness can be explained in the

context of emotional and social loneliness. Emotional loneliness refers to when people feel the

absence of someone to feel close to and connect to. Social loneliness occurs as a result of a lack

of social relationships, i.e friendships, romantic relationships with whom they can share their

interests. The combination of both these conditions in the workplace gives rise to feelings of

loneliness and emptiness. This loneliness has an adverse effect on our health.

It Affects Interpersonal Relationships. Loneliness in the workplace triggers emotional

withdrawal. When people feel lonely, they start withdrawing themselves from social events.

They stop communicating and interacting with their peers. They stop participating in activities

that involve working in groups. As a result, other employees also stop including them in

activities and decision-making processes. This affects relationships and can cause internal

conflicts between peers.

Submitted by Nosheen Humayun, MS MS ,1st Semester, IBMS AUP, Session 2020 Page 2 of 4
It Deteriorates Mental Health. These feelings of isolation can cause depression, anxiety and in

some extreme cases even suicide. Loneliness often makes people feel disconnected or alienated

from those around them. They feel nobody understands them or they are not likable and nobody

cares about them. Loneliness festers a lot of self-doubt and insecurity. As a result, they isolate

themselves from others which causes negative thoughts and emotions.

It Weakens Physical Health. When people feel they lack an emotional connection with anyone or

don’t have anyone, they turn to things that they can hold on to. Thus, they start smoking or

consuming alcohol or getting addicted to drugs. Apart from this, loneliness increases the risk of

serious cardiovascular diseases.

It Reduces Employee Engagement. In the context of an organization, workplace loneliness refers

to feeling disengaged and disconnected from work and peers. Since employees feel they lack the

desired connection with peers, they become emotionally detached with the organization and its

success. The lack of belonging reduces their commitment to the organization. Employees rarely

get involved with the organization’s functions and important decision-making processes. The

overall result is reduced employee engagement.

It Increases Turnover. Workplace loneliness over a long time can make employees even decide

to leave the organization. Since employees who feel lonely feel no attachment to their work and

organization, their motivation to work and perform is also very low. Their sense of belonging to

the organization is very low and they feel they have no purpose in the organization. This can lead

them to make the decision to leave your organization.

It Declines Job Performance. When employees feel lonely at work, nothing interests them. They

lack the emotional connection and attachment with those around them which eventually

Submitted by Nosheen Humayun, MS MS ,1st Semester, IBMS AUP, Session 2020 Page 3 of 4
translates to their work. They don’t feel motivated to work and derive no pleasure out of their

work. In spite of being uninterested, employees might work for some time. But for a longer

duration, it’ll cause burnout and eventually decline their performance and productivity.

Submitted by Nosheen Humayun, MS MS ,1st Semester, IBMS AUP, Session 2020 Page 4 of 4

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