0.4activity - Fourt

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Estiven Alejandro Bayona Suárez

Juan Manuel Sanabria García


Technology in Documentary Management

File: 1902457
Administrative Management Center
SENA Distrito Capital

Correct - Practical exercises

Workshop, point number one
El anciano Mr. Stein está escribiendo sus memorias .
Completa sus notas con el participio del verbo entre paréntesis.
1. I have done (do) many things in my life.
2. I’ve traveled/travelled (travel) to many countries and I’ve seen (see) many beautiful places.
3. I’ve met (meet) lots of interesting people all over the world.
4. I have been visited/visiting (visits) cities in all 5 continents.
5. I’ve sailed (Sail) round the world and I’ve climbed (climb) some of the highest mountains.
6. I Have even participated (participate) in a north pole expedition.
7. I Have eaten (eat) friend ants in Africa.
8. I Have had (have) some difficult moments but I have I’ve forgotten/forgotting (forget) all of

Workshop, point number two

Completa las oraciones con el present perfect de los verbos del recuadro:

Not buy Go
Not do Meet
Not eat Take
Not see Invited
Not phone Forget

1. No, I haven’t phoned or have not phoned my sister. I’ll text her later
2. She invited a lot of people to her wedding.
3. We take a lot of photographs during our holidays.
4. A: Where’s Mike?
B: I don’t know, I Not see him today.
5. Mum, Alex go his bed!!
6. It’s Megan’s birthday tomorrow but Not buy her present.
7. A: Where’s Ann?
B: She meet to bed.
8. I think we not do before but I forget your name.
9. I’m starving! I not eat anything since yesterday.
Workshop, point number three
Construye preguntas y respuestas cortas usando el present perfect.
1. You / phone / the doctor?
Have you phoned the doctor? Yes, I have

2. She / finish / her meal?

Has she finished her meal? Yes, She has

3. They / buy / a new car?

Have they bought a new car? No, They have

4. Harry / tell / you / the news?

Has Harry told you the news? Yes, Harry Has
Has He told you the news? Yes, He Has

5. John / go / on holiday?
Has John gone on holiday? Yes, John has
Has He gone on holiday? Yes, He has

6. Megan / open / her presents?

Has Megan opened her presents? No, Megan has
Has She opened her presents? No, She has

7. You / be / to the opera?

Have, you been to the opera? Yes, you have

8. Rick and Emma / make / many mistakes?

Have Rick and Emma made many mistakes? No, They Have

Workshop, point number fourt

Traduce al inglès.
1. Esta mañana no he desayunado.
I have not had breakfast this morning.
2. Carla no ha vuelto de las tiendas
Carla has not returned from the stores.
She hasn’t returned from the stores. / She hasn’t come back of the from stores.
Carla has not come backed from the stores
3. ¿Has terminado los ejercicios de inglés?
Have you finished the English exercises?
a. ¿Ha dejado de llover?
Has it stopped rain? / Has it stop rain!
4. Me ha pasado, el Motor Storm Apocalypse en tres días(I’ve passed the Motor Storm
Apocalypse in three days)/It has finished to me, the Motor Storm Apocalypse in three

Affirmative: qualifia
have/has verb (past participle)


haven’t/hasn’t + verb

Have/Has +subject+ verb (past participle)

I-Identify the auxiliary and verb in Present Perfect

1- He has mowed the lawn.

2- I have been to France three times.

3- She has put on weight recently.

4- They have accomplished a three-year diploma.

5- She has finished her homework.

6- Tolstoy has written many books.

II- Put the following sentences in the Present Perfect:

1- (I / go / to the cinema today) I’ve gone to the cinema today

2- (She / have a pet for years) She has had a pet for years
3- (They / eat / all the chocolate!) They have eaten all the chocolate!
4- (they / live/ in Egypt for six months) They have lived in Egypt for six months
5- (we / go/ to South Africa) We have gone to South Africa
6- (she / watch / ‘Harry Potter’ four times) She has watched “Harry Potter” four times

III-Write the negative form:

1- (you / not / study chemistry) You have not studied chemistry

2- (They / not / go to bed) They haven’t gone to the bed.
3- (I / not / hear the latest song of Britney Spears I haven’t the heard yet. The latest song of
yet) Britney Spears.
4- (We / not / forget Shakespeare’s plays) We haven’t forgotten the plays Shakespeare’s.
5- (we / not / go to Paris yet) We have not gone to Paris yet.
6- (He / not / see his family for over ten years) He hasn’t seen his family for over the years.
IV-Write the interrogative form:

1- (you / come here before?) Has you come here before?

2- (who / we / forget to invite to the wedding?) Who have we forgotten to invite to the wedding?
3- (I / explain / everything to the inspector?) Have you the explained everything to the inspector?
4- (Who / you / meet recently?) Who has you met recently?
5- (you / do your homework?) Have you done your homework?
6- (When / she / make this delicious cake?) When has she made this delicious cake?

V-Correct the mistakes:

Incorrect Correct
1- Has she passe the exam? Has she passed the exam?
2-Has you ate dinner yet? Have you eaten dinner yet?
3- Has he readed the newspaper today? Has he read the newspaper today?
4- You didn’t studied English for many years. You didn’t studied English for many years.
You didn’t study English for many years.
5- Where has you be? Where have you been?
6- They hasn’t saw ‘Harry Potter’. They haven’t sawn “Harry Potter”.
They haven’t seen “Harry Potter”.
7- I hasn’t meet her yet. I haven’t met her yet.
8- They have visit the Pyramids yet. They have visited the Pyramids yet.
They have visited yet the Pyramids.
9-When have you did your homework? When have you done your homework?
10- How have she meet her husband? How has she met her husband?
11- Why have he miss the train? Why has he missed the train?
12- It has rain a lot this week. It has rained a lot this week.
13- Have you use lenses before? Have you used the lenses before?
14- She haven’t play tennis before. She hasn’t play tennis before.
15-He have puted on a beautiful suit. He has put on a beautiful suit.

 https://agendaweb.org/exercises/verbs/present-perfect
 https://agendaweb.org/exercises/verbs/present-perfect-mixed
 https://agendaweb.org/exercises/verbs/present-perfect-multiple
 https://agendaweb.org/exercises/verbs/present-perfect-2
 https://www.learnenglish.de/games/tenses/prespersim.html
 https://conjugador.reverso.net/conjugacion-ingles-verbo-sail.html
 https://www.englisch-hilfen.de/en/exercises/tenses/present_perfect_statements2.htm

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