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Transport in Porous Media 3 (1988), 111-131.

9 1988 by Kluwer Academic Publishers.

Estimation of Three-Phase Relative Permeabilities

M I G U E L A. A L E M A N * and J O H N C. S L A T T E R Y
Department of Chemical Engineering, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL 60208, U.S.A.

(Received: 16 October 1986; revised: 1 December 1987)

Abstract. Starting from the statistical structural model of Alemfin et al. (1988), we have developed an
alternative to Stone's (1970, 1973; Aziz and Settari, 1979) methods for estimating steady-state,
three-phase relative permeabilities from two sets of steady-state, two-phase relative permeabilities.
Our result reduces to Stone's (1970; Aziz and Settari, 1979) first method, when the steady-state,
two-phase relative permeability of the intermediate-wetting phase with respect to either the wetting
phase or the nonwetting phase is a linear function of the saturation of the intermediate-wetting phase.
As the curvature of either of these relative permeability functions increases, the deviation of our
result from Stone's (1970; Aziz and Settari, 1979) first method increases. Currently, there are no data
available that are sufficiently complete to form the basis of a comparison between our result and
either of the methods of Stone (1970, 1973; Aziz and Settari, 1979).

Key words. Three-phase relative permeabilities, local volume averaging, structural model, statistical

1. Notation
a free parameter in Equation (19)
B(m, n) Beta function defined by Equation (17)
F(W), F (nw) defined by Equations (31) and (27), respectively
G(O defined by Equations (37) and (39)
H(i) defined by Equations (38) and (40)
k (i) three-phase relative permeability fo phase i
k(i)* defined by Equations (34) through (36)
k(i,J) relative permeability to phase i during a two-phase flow with phase
j, possibly in the presence of an immobile phase
k(i,j)* defined by analogy with Equations (41) and (42)
k(i,j)** defined by Equations (49), (50), (53), and (54)
max defined by Equation (11)
k~ defined by Equation (10)
197o defined by Equation (58)
1973 defined by Equation (13)
L length and diameter of cylindrical averaging surface S
Lt length of an individual capillary tube enclosed by S
L*, defined by Equation (19)

* Amoco Production Company, PO Box 591, Tulsa, OK 74102, U.S.A.


L t,min length of pore whose radius is Rmax

N total number of pores contained within the averaging surface S
p~, p~ pressure of phase i at entrance and exit of averaging surface S,
Ap defined by Equation (21)
p(i,j) capillary pressure function
p~i,m defined by Equations (23), (29), and (32)
(p>") intrinsic average of pressure within phase i defined by Alemfin et al.
R pore radius
R* defined by Equation (18)
Rmax maximum pore radius that occurs within S
S (i) local saturation of phase i
s(i)* defined by Equation (7)
min minimum or immobile saturation of phase i
S averaging surface introduced in local volume averaging
v(i) volume of phase i occupying the pore space enclosed by S
Greek Letters
~,[3 parameters in the Beta distribution defined by Equation (16)
[3(w~, 13(.w~ functions of only the wetting phase saturation and the non-wetting
phase saturation, respectively. Introduced in Equation (6)
,)f(i,J) interfacial tension between phases i and j
r(x) Gamma function
A defined by Equation (57)
0,4, spherical coordinates in system centered upon the axis of the
averaging surface S
max maximum value of 0, 45 ~ in view of assumption (9)
~)(i,j) contact angle between phases i and j measured through the dis-
placing phase
o-(W), Or(nw) functions of only the wetting phase saturation and the non-wetting
phase saturation, respect!vely. Introduced in Equation (12)
V gradient operator

2. Introduction: Indirect Determination of Three-Phase

Relative Per meabifities
An accurate description of three-phase displacements requires three-phase rela-
tive permeal~ilities. Since three-phase relative permeabilities can be functions of
the saturation history of all three phases, their direct experimental determination
is difficult. This prompted Stone (1970, 1973) to develop two indirect methods
for the estimation of steady-state, three-phase relative permeabilities from two
sets of the more easily measured steady-state, two-phase relative permeabilities.
Stone's (1970, 1973) methods were later normalized by Aziz and Settari (1979) to
allow for the presence of immobile phases. When we refer to Stone's (1970,
1973) methods in what follows, we mean these normalized forms.
Stone (1970, 1973; Aziz and Settari, 1979) makes several assumptions that we
shall also adopt.
(1) The porous medium has well-defined wetting characteristics: one of the
fluids is strongly wetting, one exhibits intermediate wettability, and one is
strongly nonwetting.
(2) The relative permeability to the wetting phase is a function only of its own
saturation (Leverett and Lewis, 1941; Corey et al., 1956; Saraf and Fatt,
1967; Schneider and Owens, 1970; Saraf et al., 1982)

k (~) = k(W)(s(W)), (1)

where s (i) is the local saturation of phase i and k (~) the three-phase relative
permeability to phase i.
(3) The relative permeability to the nonwetting phase is a function only of its
own saturation (Corey et al., 1956; Saraf and Fatt, 1967; Schneider and
Owens, 1970; Saraf et al., 1982)
k ~w> = k~"W)(s~"W)). (2)
(4) Provided the direction of saturation change is consistent, the relative
permeabilities to the wetting and nonwetting phases are the same functions
of saturation in a three-phase flow as they are in a two-phase flow with the
intermediate-wetting phase (Corey et al., 1956; Dalton et al. as reported
by Stone, 1970, 1973; Saraf and Fatt, 1967; Leverett and Lewis, 1941)
k~ ~)) = k(~'iW)(s(~')), (3)
k(~W)(s("W)) = k(~'i~)(s("W)). (4)

Here k (~J) is the relative permeability to phase i during a two-phase flow

with phase j, possibly in the presence of an immobile phase.
(5) The relative permeability to the intermediate-wetting phase is a function of
two independent saturations (Leverett and Lewis, 1941; Caudle et al.,
1951; Holmgren and Morse, 1951; Kyte et al., 1956; Corey et al., 1956;
Snell, 1962; Saraf and Fatt, 1967; Schneider and Owens, 1970; Saraf et al.,
k ~ ) = k~"~)(s (w), s~ (5)
fin contrast, Delshad et al. (1985) observed that, for a low interfacial
tension brine-oil-surfactant-alcohol mixture, the relative permeability of
each phase is a function only of its own saturation during three-phase flow.]
In his first method, Stone (1970; Aziz and Settari, 1979) expresses the
three-phase relative permeability to the intermediate-wetting phase as a product
of/3 (w~, a function only of the wetting phase saturation, and/3 (nw), a function only
of the nonwetting phase saturation,
~l~(iW)(s(W)' S ( n w ) ) ~- s(iW)* ~(W)~(nw) (6)
in which
S(i) _ ~(i).
S ( i ) * ------ omm (7)
1 - - s ( W )n - - S ( m W 2 - S(mni~ )

and s~!. is the minimum or immobile saturation of phase i. Observing that

limit s ("w)* --) O: k(iW)___~ k(iW,W), (8)
limit s (w)*---, O: k~ k (/..... ), (9)

he concludes
k~ k (iw'nw) 1
k (li9~7)0= sOW)* _ _
1 - s (w)* 1 - s ('~')* k(im~ ' (10)

at s (~ ~- 1 - - S (j)"
mln --
~~ (m
in. . k(0 = t.(0
,~rnax, (11)
In his second method, Stone (1973; Aziz and Settari, 1979) assumes that the
sum of all three-phase relative permeabilities can be expressed as a product of
o-(w~, a function only of the wetting phase saturation, and o"(nw~, a function only of
the nonwetting phase saturation,

k(W) k~
+ ~ + k ( ~ ) = (r(w)(r ("w). (12)

Arguing in the same manner as he did in reaching Equation (10), he determines

1973 __ ( koW,W)\( k(, . . . . ) )
k(~, iw)+ ~ ) .--k-~-~x 5 - + k("W.iw) _

- k (w'/w)- k ("w'/w). (13)

An alternative normalization by Dietrich and Bondor (1976) has not been widely
It is difficult to establish under what conditions Equations (6) and (12) can be

3. S t a t e m e n t of Problem

In what follows, the statistical structural model of Alem~n et al. (1988) is

extended to describe steady-state, three-phase flows in a porous medium. Our
corresponding expressions for the three-phase relative permeabilities as functions
of saturation are used to construct an alternative to Stone's (1970, 1973; Aziz
and Settari, 1979) methods for estimating the steady-state, three-phase relative
permeabilities from two sets of steady-state, two-phase relative permeabilities.
We will require the following additional idealizations.

(6) All three phases are incompressible Newtonian fluids that have constant
physical properties and that are immiscible with one another. There are no
other fluid phases present.
(7) The discussion is restricted to decreasing intermediate-wetting phase
(8) The porous medium is solid, rigid, and stationary with a uniform porosity.
It is non-oriented or isotropic in the sense that there is no natural direction
associated with the pore structure enclosed by an averaging surface.
(9) Since the configuration of the averaging surface S is arbitrary, we choose
for convenience a cylinder, the length and diameter of which are L.
(10) For an isotropic porous medium, the capillary pressure, the permeability,
and the two relative permeabilities do not depend upon the orientation of
the averaging surface with respect to the gradients of the intrinsic volume-
averaged pressures. For convenience, we orient our cylindrical averaging
volume such that its axis is parallel to the local gradients of the intrinsic
volume-averaged pressures.
(11) The Capillary pressure, the permeability, and the two relative permeabilities
do not depend upon the velocity distributions and the pressure distributions
outside the cylindrical averaging volume. For convenience, we say that, on
the cylindrical surface parallel to the gradients of the intrinsic averaged
pressures, there is no flow and that the pressures of both phases are
constants on the inlet and outlet surfaces.
(12) The basic representation for the pore structure enclosed by the averaging
surface S is a set of non-intersecting, cylindrical capillaries that are
randomly oriented in space according to the probability density function

sin 0
- . (14)
p ( O, c~) 2 rr

Here 0 and 4~ refer to a spherical coordinate system centered upon the axis
of the averaging surface S. An individual capillary is not necessarily
straight, but its radius is independent of axial position. By the orientation of
a capillary, we refer to an imaginary straight line drawn between the
intersections of the axis of the capillary with the inlet and outlet surfaces of
S. In view of assumption (9), flow is possible only in those capillaries for

0~< 0~< 0max (15)


where 0max = 450 in view of our arbitrary decision about the relationship
between the length and diameter of S in assumption (9).
This model of the pore space is not as realistic as the three-dimensional,
randomized, network model employed by Lin and Slattery (1982). The disad-
vantage of the three-dimensional, randomized, network model is that it leads to
results that can be presented in only a numerical form in contrast with the more
easily understood and conveniently used results derived here.
Heiba et al. (1984) use a Bethe (Cayley) tree as a model for the pore space. A
Bethe tree is an endlessly branching structure that totally lacks reconnections. As
a result, there is only one path between any two points in the structure. Like the
simple statistical model used here, this model leads to simpler computations,
while sacrificing detail at the pore level (multiple connectivity of real porous
media). Although Heiba et al. (1984) make no direct comparisons with experi-
mental data, their predictions are qualitatively consistent with available experi-
mental data (for example, our assumptions (2), (3), and (5)).
(13) This random orientation of pores is consistent with a probability density
function f(R/Rmax) represented by the Beta distribution (Haring and
Greenkorn, 1970)

f(R*) - B(o~ + 1,/3 + 1) R*~(1 - R*)t3' (16)

in which
B(m, n ) = (17)
F(m + n)
is the Beta function, F(x) is the Gamma function,

R* -- R/Rm.x, (18)
R denotes pore radius, and Rmax is the maximum pore radius that occurs
within S. The minimum R for the Beta distribution is zero. Since the
probability density function normally is negligibly small for radii smaller
than some finite value, there will be a nonzero effective minimum R, the
value of which depends upon the parameters a and/3.
(14) The length Lt of an individual capillary tube enclosed by S is related to R
by (Fatt, 1956)
L* - LJLt,min = R *a. (19)
Here Lt,min is the length of the pore whose radius is Rmx ; a is a free
parameter. Equation (19) may be more justified for unconsolidated porous
media than for naturally consolidated media such as sandstones (Lin and
Slattery, 1982). Following Lin and Slattery (1982), we will assume that

(15) The pressure difference between phase ...(i) and phase ...(J) at the inlet
9 9 .1 and outlet...2 surfaces of the averaging surface S is given by the local
capillary pressure
p~i)_ p~,) = p(i)2 - P(J)= Pr (20)
ap-Ip w)-pWI

= [p~.W)_ p~2.~)l, (21)

we will identify the larger of [V(p)(W)[, [V(p)(~w)[, and [V(p)("w)[ with A p / L :
max(lV(p)(W)[' [V(P)(~w)[' [V(P)("w)]) -- L-" (22)

Here (p)(i) is the intrinsic average of pressure for phase i defined by

Alemfin et al. (1988).

4. Capillary Pressure: Quasi-Static Displacement

Let us begin with all of the pores enclosed by the averaging surface filled with the
intermediate-wetting phase9 This corresponds to saying that p~"W'iW)=0 and
p~W,W)___~~. At the inlet to the region enclosed by the averaging surface, increase
p~,W,~w)incrementally 9
The nonwetting phase will not displace the intermediate-wetting phase, until
p~,W,~W) exceeds some threshold value required to displace the intermediate-
wetting phase from the pore having the largest diameter. As p~,W,~W)is increased
above this threshold value, the intermediate-wetting phase is drained from the
system, and it is replaced by the nonwetting phase. For each incremental change
in p~,W,~W)at the inlet, we compute the corresponding change in the saturation of
the nonwetting phase, recognizing that the nonwetting phase will displace the
intermediate-wetting phase from a pore only if
1 - 2~/("w'~W)lc~ O("w'iw)[ (23)
R* > p~,~,~w).- ,,(,w,,~)o
/1c "~max
Here 3,(~'i) is the interfacial tension between phases i and j and (9(~'i) the contact
angle between phases i and j measured through the displacing phase9 For each
value of the capillary pressure, the volume V (iw) of intermediate-wetting phase
occupying the pore space is
NTrRmaxLt,min f00max~ ( ..... )*--1 R*"+a+2(1 - R*) t3 sin 0 dR* dO,
V(~W) = B ( a + 1,/3 + 1)
in which N is the total number of pores contained within the averaging surface S.
Similarly, the total volume of pore space or the total volume of the wetting and
nonwetting phases bounded by S is

V (w) + V (~) + V (nw)

= N'rrRmaxLt,min
B ( a + 1,/3 + 1)
f 0rnax
R*~+a+2(1 - R*) ~ sin 0 dR* dO

2 ~ Omax
= NTrRm,xLt,min B(a + a + 3,/3 + 1) sin 0 dO. (25)
B ( a + 1,/3 + 1) ~o

Consequently, the local saturation of the nonwetting phase may be expressed as

s (nw) = 1 - F ("w) (26)

in which we have introduced for simplicity

P(nw,iw)* 1

F ("w) =- [ B ( a + a + 3,/3 + 1)] -1

fO R*~+a+2(1 - R*) ~ dR*. (27)

This simple statistical structural model is not sufficiently detailed to permit

quantitative representations of experimental data. Since this model does not
recognize the consequences of pore interconnections, it does not allow for
trapping and bypassing. It cannot describe the consequences of immobile phases.
For this reason, we follow Alemfin e t al. (1988) in recommending that Equation
(26) be interpreted as
s ("w)* = 1 - F ("w), (28)

where s ("wr is defined by Equation (7).

Let us now consider the displacement of the intermediate-wetting phase by the
wetting phase. At the inlet to the region enclosed by the averaging surface S,
decrease p(iw,~) incrementally. The wetting phase will not displace the inter-
mediate-wetting phase, until p(iW,W)falls below some threshold value required to
displace the intermediate-wetting phase from the pore having the smallest
diameter. As p(iW,W)is decreased below this threshold value, intermediate-wetting
phase is displaced from the system and is replaced by the wetting phase. For each
incremental change in p(i~,w) at the inlet, we compute the corresponding change
in the saturation of the wetting phase, recognizing that the wetting phase will
displace the intermediate-wetting phase from a pore only if
1 2 y(~w'w)[cosO(iw'w)I (29)
R * < p(iW, w)-~* - -
By analogy with Equation (28), the saturation of the wetting phase may be
expressed as
s (~) = F (w) (30)
F~W)-[B(a+a+3, fl+l)] -1 I ~c R*~+~+2(1-R*)~sinOdR*. (31)

In this way, we can calculate the drainage p(~W,iW) and the imbibition p~iw,,~)
loops of the capillary pressures that might be measured using a quasi-static,
three-phase flow, in which the system is allowed to approach equilibrium between
incremental changes in the pressures at the entrance. Since there are no pore
interconnections, this structural model does not permit us to describe any
bypassing or trapping of the displaced phase. As a result, there is no hysteresis
between the drainage and imbibition loops of the capillary pressure functions.
Although one might expect the wetting phase to invade pores of sufficiently
small radius
1 2~,~. . . . )lcos ~)~w,w) I
R *< ,,(nw,w)* = -
- n(nw,w) R (32)
1TM c k" c - -rnax

already invaded by the nonwetting phase, a careful analysis shows that, under
conditions of well-defined wettability (see assumption (1), this will not happen. If
the wetting phase should invade such a pore, the intermediate-wetting phase
would at once invade this pore (since it would be sufficiently large for i w - w
drainage to occur), and the nonwetting phase would then recover the lost ground
(since we already know that this pore would be sufficiently large for n w - iw
drainage to occur). When all three restrictions are considered simultaneously,
there can be no invasion by the wetting phase into the pores occupied by the
nonwetting phase.
A similar argument can be used to show that, under conditions of well-defined
wettability (see assumption (1)), the nonwetting phase will not invade pores
already filled by wetting phase, even if for the pores in question
R* > p(nW,W)--~ (33)

5. Capillary Pressure: Steady-State Flow

Let us assume that we have arrived at a particular saturation distribution as the
result of a series of quasi-static displacements as described above. We then
impose equal pressure gradients in each phase consistent with this saturation
distribution, in order to achieve steady-state flows of the three phases. In a
steady-state flow, all phase interfaces are stationary (Kimbler and Caudle, 1957).
According to the argument given by Alem~in et al. (1988), this implies that the
capillary pressure function for a steady-state flow takes the same form as that for
a quasi-static displacement as derived in the previous section.

6. Steady-State Relative Penneabilities

Let us consider the same steady-state flow described in the previous section. All
of the capillaries for which R * < p~iW,W)* are filled with the wetting phase; all of
the capillaries for which R * > p~.W,i~)* are filled with the nonwetting phase, and
all of the capillaries for which p~i~'w)* ~< R * ~< p~.W,~W)* are filled with the inter-
mediate-wetting phase. Based upon this fluid distribution, we can write the
steady-state, three-phase relative permeability to the wetting phase as (Alemhn et
al., 1988)
k(W)* =
= s(W)* G (w)
H(W) (34)

the steady-state, three-phase relative permeability to the nonwetting phase as

k (.~,)* =_

= s(.W). 1 - G ("~)
1 - H ("w) (35)

and the steady-state, three-phase relative permeability to the intermediate-

wetting phase as

= s(iW)* G ( " w ) - G(W)

H(nw) _ H(W)" (36)

G(W) = G(W)(s(W)*)
[ p(iW,~)*-1
=--[ B ( a + 5,/3 + 1)] -1 R*~+4(1 - R*) t3 dR*, (37)

H(W) = H(~)(s(W) *)

=[B(a +3,/3 + 1)] -1 f9/0 p`iw'w)'-i

c R*"+2(1 -- R*) t3 d R * , (38)

G (-w) = G(-W)(s(-W)*)

= [ B ( a + 5,/3 + 1)] -1 fop(..... )*--1 R*•+4( 1 -- R*) t3 dR*, (39)

H(-W) = H(-W)(s(-~)*)
[ p(.~,i~) *-1
=-- [B(ot + 3,/3 + 1)] -1 R*"+2(1 - R*) t3 dR*. (4o)
7. Predictions Based upon Two-Phase Relative Permeabilities
Our objective here is similar to that of Stone (1970, 1973; Aziz and Settari,
1979). We wish to predict steady-state, three-phase relative permeabilities given
only steady-state, two-phase relative permeabilities. Like Stone (1970, 1973;
Aziz and Settari, 1979), we adopt Equations (3) and (4) for the steady-state,
three-phase relative perrneabilities to the wetting and nonwetting phases. The
only question is the expression to be used to estimate the steady-state, three-
phase relative permeability for the intermediate-wetting phase.
By Equations (3), (4), (34), and (35), we have

k(W)* = k(W,iw)* =_ k (w'iw)


= s(W)* G (w) (41)


k(nw)* = k(nw,iw)*-
__ k (nw'iw)
= s(nW). 1 - a (nw)
1 - H (nw)"


limit s (nw)*----> O: k (~)* = k (~w'w)*, (43)

we can use Equations (27), (28), (39), and (40) to say

1 - G (~
k "~,wr = (1 - s (wr) ~-_ -~-~. (44)

Similarly, when we require

limit s(~)*--> O: k (~)* = k (~w'"w)* (45)

we find using Equations (30), (31), (37), and (38)

k (i. . . . )* = (1 - s ("w)*) H(.W ~. (46)

From Equations (41) and (44) w e h a v e

G(W) = k(~aw)** H(W~ ' (47)

k (iw'w)**- 1
H(W) = k(iW,W)**_ k(WdW)**, (48)

where it has been convenient to introduce

k ~w'iw~** ---- (49)
s(W)* ,
k (~w'wr* - - - (50)
1 - s (w)*"

In a similar manner, we can employ Equations (42) and (46) to learn

G(.~) _= k(~. . . . )**H(.~), (51)
k (nw'iw)**- 1
H ( " W ) = k ( . ~ , ~ w ) * * _ k(~. . . . )**, (52)

in which
k ~"w'i~**=- s(.~. , (53)

k(i . . . . )** ---- (54)
1 - s (nw)*

Finally, Equations (47), (48), (51), and (52) permit us to express Equation (36) as
k(iW~* = s(iW)*[ k(i . . . . )**(1 - k("'~'i~'~**)( k(~ '~'w~** - k (waw~**) -

_ k(WaW)**(1 _ k(.~.w)**)(k(,~w,.~)** _ k(i . . . . r*)] x

x [(1 - k ( " W , ~ W r * ) ( k ~ w , w r * - k ~w,iwr*) -
- (1 - k(iW'W)**)(k ("w'*w)** - k ~ . . . . )**)]-1. (55)

This can be viewed as an alternative to the two expressions that Stone (1970,
1973; Aziz and Settari, 1979) has proposed for the steady-state, three-phase,
relative permeability of the intermediate-wetting phase in terms of steady-state,
two-phase relative permeabilities.
i.(iw) , the expression
It is helpful to write Equation (55) as a correction to n.1970
obtained by Stone (1970) and defined by Equation (10):
k(~W)* = ,~v(~w)*1970q- A, (56)
[(1 - k(iW'w)**)(1- k (i . . . . I**) x
x (k(iW'W)**k(i . . . . )** - k(W'iw)**k("w'iw)**)] x

x [(1 - k(iW'w)**)(1 - k (i. . . . )**) -

- (1 - k~W,'Wr*)(1 - k~"W'iWr*)] - 1 , (57)
b(iw)* ~ 1970
~ 1 9 7 0 ~ k(iw ). (58)
#~ l n a x
Note that k (~w)* ~1970b(iw)*and A = 0, when either k (~w'w)* or k (~. . . . )* is a linear

function of s (~w)* (either k (~w'w)** = 1 or k (~. . . . )**= 1). As the curvature of either
of these relative permeability functions increases, the magnitude of A or the error
involved in using Equation (10) (Stone, 1970) increases.

8. Comparison with Experimental Data

In order to use Equation (55) in estimating the steady-state, three-phase, relative
permeability to the intermediate-wetting phase, we must have essentially the
same experimental data required by Equation (10) (Stone, 1970; Aziz and Settari,
1979) and by Equation (13) (Stone, 1973; Aziz and Settari, 1979). Like Equation
(13), Equation (55) requires steady-state, two-phase, relative permeabilities for
all three phases. Equation (10) requires steady-state, two-phase, relative per-
meabilities for only the intermediate-wetting phase. Like Equation (10), Equation
(55) requires s~Wn ), the minimum, residual, or immobile saturation of the inter-
mediate-wetting phase at the conclusion of a displacement by the other two
phases; Equation (13) does not. To our knowledge, there are no data that are
sufficiently complete to form the basis of a test of Equations (10), (13), and (55).
We will now show comparisons with three sets of data. Holmgren and Morse
(1951) and Schneider and Owens (1970) determined their two-phase, relative
permeabilities in the absence of a third, immobile phase. Equations (10), (13),
and (55) require two-phase, relative permeabilities that are obtained as limiting
cases of three-phase flows. Saraf et al. (1982) used an unsteady-state experiment
that employed Sarem's (1966) analysis of the experimental data. Although
Sarem's (1966) analysis assumes that each relative permeability in an unsteady-
state, three-phase experiment is a function only of its own saturation, Saraf et al.
(1982) reports intermediate-wetting phase relative permeabilities that are func-
tions of the saturation of all three phases. This leaves three sets of data (Corey et
al., 1956; Saraf and Fatt, 1967; Dalton et al. as reported by Stone, 1970, 1973),
all of which have limitations.

8.1. COREY E T A L . (1956)

Corey et al. (1956) performed steady-state, oil-gas, two-phase flow experiments
in the presence of an immobile wetting phase (brine) using a number of
water-wet, consolidated Berea sandstones. The test core was initially saturated
with brine, in order to establish water-wettability. Intermediate-wetting phase
(oil) was pumped through the core at a constant volume rate of flow, until a
desired wetting phase saturation was established. The wetting phase was then
rendered immobile by placing the core between capillary barriers impermeable to
that phase. Nonwetting (gas) and intermediate-wetting phases were then pumped
through the core at constant volume rates of flow, until a steady-state flow was
obtained. This procedure was repeated with different cores at various values of

the wetting phase saturation. Note that this was not a true three-phase flow, since
the wetting phase was artificially constrained by impermeable barriers. It is likely
that nonuniform wetting phase saturations resulted.
Corey et al. (1956) do not report two-phase flow data between the nonwetting
and the intermediate-wetting phases at s ( ~ = 0.17, the connate water saturation
of their Berea sandstone samples. Assuming that the relative permeability to the
nonwetting phase is a function only of its own saturation (assumption (3)), we use
values for k ("w'iw) obtained at s ( ~ = 0 (Figure 4 of Corey et al., 1956). For
k(i. . . . ~, we extrapolated to S(m~= 0.17 (Figure 4 of Corey et al., 1956). [Stone
(1973) and Fayers and Mathews (1984) use the same approach in evaluating
these relative permeabilities.]
Corey et al. (1956) do not report two-phase relative permeabilities between the
wetting and the intermediate-wetting phases. We use the values for k (w'i",)
recommended by Corey et al. (1956, Figure 5), which approximate k (w'~w) by
k (i. . . . ). Although this is likely to be in error, there is no alternative in the
absence of experimental data. For k (.... 9 ~, we extrapolated to ~min
--,,n (Figure 4
of Corey et al., 1956). [Stone (1970) and Fayers and Mathews (1984) take the




k,*) S(~) =0.17



0 0.1 0.2 0.5 0.4 0.5 0.6

Fig. 1. Comparison of k(iw) measured by Corey et al. (1956) with Equation (55) (solid curves). The
predictions of Equation (13) (dashed curves; Stone, 1973) and of Equation (10) (dotted curves; Stone,
1970) are shown only where they significantly deviate from those of Equation (55).



k(i')0.4 ~i 0.39

o o.,
Fig. 2. Comparisonof k(~w)measured by Corey et al. (1956) with Equation (55) (solid curves). The
predictions of Equation (13) (dashed curves; Stone, 1973) and of Equation (10) (dotted curves; Stone,
1970) are shown only where they significantlydeviate from those of Equation (55).

same approach; Stone (1973) obtained k ~iw'w) by minimizing the deviations

between theory and experiment.]
Figures 1 and 2 compare the predictions of Equations (10), (13), and (55) with
the experimental data of Corey e t al. (1956; Figures 3 through 6 of Stone, 1973).
In the absence of experimental data, we were forced to treat S~Tn~ as an adjustable
parameter in both Equations (10) and (55). T h e values of s~72 obtained by
least-square-error fits of these equations to the experimental data are reported in
Table I.

Table I. Values of s~7,~determined by least-square-

error fits of Equations (10) and (55) to experimental
data for k~w) reported by Corey et al. (1956)

s(w) s~72 (Eq. (55)) s~'~ (Eq. (10))

0.17 0.13 0.13

0.39 0.22 0.21
0.51 0.12 0.03
0.60 0.17 0.16
0.71 0.16 0.15

8.2. SARAF AND FATT (1967)

Saraf and Fatt (1967) performed steady-state, two- and three-phase flow experi-
ments on water-wet Boise sandstones, using nuclear magnetic resonance to
measure the fluid saturations. The test core was initially saturated with the
wetting phase (brine). Intermediate-wetting phase (oil) was introduced into the
core to establish the desired wetting phase saturation: Finally, the intermediate-
wetting phase was displaced by the non-wetting phase (gas), while maintaining a
constant wetting phase saturation. This procedure was repeated with different
cores at various values of the wetting phase saturation.
Saraf and Fatt (1967) did not report two-phase flow data between the nonwet-
ting and intermediate-wetting phases at s(~ = 0.25, the connate water saturation
of their Boise sandstone samples. Assuming that the relative permeability to the
nonwetting phase is a function only of its own saturation, we used values for
k ("w'iw) from their three-phase flow data (Figure 9 of Saraf and Fatt, 1967).
[Stone ,(1973) and Fayers and Mathews (1984) follow the same approach.] For
k (i. . . . ), we used values obtained by extrapolating k (~w)to S(~n = 0.25 (Figure 6 of
Saraf and Fatt, 1967). [Fayers and Mathews (1984) followed the same procedure;
Stone (1970, 1973) constructed k (~. . . . ) by minimizing the deviations between
theory and experiment.]

0.5, 0


0.3 I- \ ' " 0'~, s('):O.30



X ~'~ .-I-x \ ~

0 (3.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
Fig. 3. Comparison of k (iw) measured by Saraf and Fatt (1967) with Equation (55) (solid curves).
The predictions of Equation (13) (dashed curves; Stone, 1973) and of Equation (10) (dotted curves;
Stone, 1970) are shown only where they sienificantlv deviate from those of Eauation (55L


s {'} =0.35

k (iw)




03 \
X ' . \

0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
Fig. 4. Comparison of k (~') measured by Saraf and Fatt (1967) with Equation (55) (solid curves).
The predictions of Equation (13) (dashed curves; Stone, 1973) and of Equation (10) (dotted curves;
Stone, 1970) are shown only where they significantly deviate from those of Equation (55).

We used the data reported by Saraf and Fatt (1967, Figure 5) for k (~''iw) and
k (iw'w) as did Stone (1970, 1973). Fayers and Mathews (1984) accepted their data
for k (w'~w), but chose to extrapolate k (~) in order to obtain k (~'~).
Figures 3 and 4 compare the predictions of Equations (10), (13), and (55) with
the experimental data of Saraf and Fatt (1967; Figures 3 through 6 of Stone,
1973). The values of s ( ~ ) obtained by least-square-error fits of Equations (10)
and (55) to the experimental data are reported in Table II.

Table II. Values of s~72 determined by least-square-

error fits of Equations (t0) and (55) to experimental
data for k ~ reported by Saraf and Fatt (1967)

s(') s~d (Eq, (55)) sf.'~'.~(Eq. (10))

0.30 0.30 0~29
0.35 0.30 0,30
0.40 0.22 0.21
0.41 0,30 0.29
0.52 0.28 0.28
0.55 0.31 0,30
0.60 0.27 0.27

9 \
9 \

s(*) = O.3 0
\\\- \
k(iW) \
, \\
0.40 ": eeo.\Xa

0 0.1 O.Z 0.5

Fig. 5. Comparison of k (~') measured by Dalton et al. (Stone, 1970, 1973) with Equation (55) (solid
curves). The predictions of Equation (13) (dashed curves; Stone, 1973) and of Equation (10) (dotted
curves; Stone, 1970) are shown only where they significantly deviate from those of Equation (55),

8.3. DALTON E T A L . (STONE, 1970, 1973)

Dalton e t al. (Stone, 1970, 1973) determined two- and three-phase relative
permeabilities in unconsolidated Miocene sand packs. Little is known about their
experimental procedures, since their experiments have been reported only by
Stone (1970, 1973).
Figures 5 and 6 c o m p a r e the predictions of Equations (10), (13), and (55) with
the experimental data of Dalton e t al. (Figures 10 through 12 of Stone, 1973):

Table III. Values of s(~'~) determined by least-

square-error fits of Equations (10) and (55) to
experimental data for k (~w)determined by Dalton et
al. (as reported by Stone, 1970, 1973)

s(w) s~'~) (Eq. (55)) s~'2 (Eq. (10))

0.30 0.41 0.44

0.35 0.37 0.42
0.40 0.27 0.30
0.50 0.22 0.20
! \\

0.15 \\ s(*) = 0 . 3 5

k(i*) 9 \\
0.10 X\
0.50 \
0.05 \

I I I ~ = 9 I

0 0.1 0.2 0.3

Fig. 6. Comparison of k C~w)measured by Dalton et al. (Stone, 1970, 1973) with Equation (55) (solid
curves). The predictions of Equation (13) (dashed curves; Stone, 1973) and of Equation (10) (dotted
curves; Stone, 1970) are shown only where they significantly deviate from those of Equation (55).

The values of s~'n~ obtained by least-square-error fits of Equations (10) and (55)
to the experimental data are reported in Table III.

9. Conclusions
Starting from the statistical structural model of Alemfin et al. (1988), we have
developed an alternative to Stone's (1970, 1973; Aziz and Settari, 1979) methods
for estimating steady-state, three-phase relative permeabilities from two sets of
steady-state, two-phase relative permeabilities. We avoid in this way assuming
either Equation (6) (Stone, 1970; Aziz and Settari, 1979) or Equation (12)
(Stone, 1973; Aziz and Settari, 1979), neither of which we have been able to
Stone's (1970; Aziz and Settari, 1979) first method defined by Equation (10)
reduces to our result Equation (55) in the limit where either k <~w'w)* or k (i. . . . )* is
a linear function of s (iw? (either k (~w'w~**= 1 or k (~. . . . )** = 1). As the curvature of
either of these relative permeability functions increases, the deviation between
Equations (10) and (55) increases.
To our knowledge, there are no data available that are sufficiently complete to

form the basis of a comparison between Equation (55) and either Equation (10)
or Equation (13). For three sets of data (Corey et al., 1970; Saraf and Fatt, 1967;
Dalton et al. as reported by Stone, 1970, 1973) Equation (55) does marginally
better than Equation (10) (Stone, 1970; Aziz and Settari, 1979) and better than
Equation ('13) (Stone, 1973; Aziz and Settari, 1979). However, because ~;rnin
not given for these three sets of data, there was otle free parameter in using
Equations (10) and (55), but no free parameter in using Equation (13).
The predictions of Equation (55) are sensitive to the value of s~Wd. For given
steady-state, two-phase relative permeabilities, there is a limited range of S~Wn~for
which reasonable results will be obtained.

The authors are grateful for financial support received from Amoco Production
Company, Exxon Education Foundation, The Standard Oil Company, and Union
Oil Company of California. We appreciate the comments and assistance of L. E.
Baker (Amoco Production Company) and Alfred Li.

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