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A Paines Plough and Sheffield Theatres production of Lungs by This play is written to be performed on a bare stage. There is no
Duncan Macmillan was first performed on Wednesday 19 October scenery, no furniture, no props and no mime. There are no costume
2011 at the Crucible Studio Theatre, Sheffield as part of The changes. Light and sound should not be used to indicate a change in
Roundabout Season with the following cast: time or place.

w Kate O'Flynn A forward slash mark ( / ) marks the point of interruption in over­
lapping dialogue.
M Alistair Cope

A comma on a separate line (, ) indicates a pause, a rest or a silence,

Creative Team
the length of which should be determined by the context.
Direction Richard Wilson
The absence of a full stop at the end of a line indicates a point of
Design Lucy Osborne
interruption, a trailing off or an interruption of thought.
Lighting Emma Chapman

Sound Adrienne Quartly There is no interval.

Movement Kate Sagovsky

Assistant Direction Marieke Audsley

Costume Supervisor Sally Wilson

Production Manager Bernd Fauler

Stage Manager Sarah Caselton-Smith

Assistant Stage Manager Louise Martin

Auditorium Builder Factory Settings

Costumes by Sheffield Theatres wardrobe departments


Lights up. try to convince me to

pressure? Put the pressure on,

w A baby? w
l'm not a a a a
M Breathe.
we're having a conversation.
w A baby? That's all that's happening. All
M I was just thinking. that's happening is we're having

w About the future. a conversation.

We'd have to change how we w You're having a conversation.

live. M We're having a conversation.

w The planet, use less w A conversation you're starting.

M no, that's, wel I yes but that's not A conversation I'm, yes, that I'm
w okay. trying to start.

A conversation that you're

M I'm freaking you out. w
deciding to start now.
w Not/ freaking me out.
M Yes.
Completely. You thought you'd
be the one. w In Ikea.

w No.
M I hadn't planned to.

The one to say it, yes. To say yes, w No. Okay. Yes. Okay.

M yes okay, I'm ready, yes, let's do M Do you want some water/ or
it, yes. w that kid with the panda is staring.
w That's M You're hyperventilating.
M to put the pressure on, yes, / to w Don't exaggerate.

M If it's too much I'm talking to you now. I'm

w it's not/ too much. telling you now. We're talking,

M we're talking now, we're having a
If it's too much we can put it
conversation. When should I
back in the box, just put a lid on
M it and lock it away and then later
we're not. We're not. This isn't a
when you're feeling less freaked w
out/ we can conversation.

w I'm not freaked out. M Okay.

M Alright fine okay. w It just isn't.

I'm not freaked out I'm just M Okay.

w surprised. I'm surprised I'm I don't know what it is but I

fucking shocked actually. I'm w know for fucking certain it's not

M freaked out. a

w I'm not. M right okay okay.

Can we at least get out of the

M You are. w
queue? Everybody's
I'm completely freaked out yes
because why don't you ever, how of course, I'm sorry, I didn't
can you, why didn't you, why mean to just

would you not talk to me about

this/ I wish you'd let me IN I
wish you'd let me IN to your
yes. I need a minute. Can we put
head. Into your fucking w
it back in the box?
impenetrable fucking
M There's no rush.

w Just to M I know I just worried.

M there's no hurry. w No need.

w Catch my breath. M Good.

M It's a conversation.

Bit of a walk or something. Ten

w minutes. w
Did we get any of the stuff we
came here for?
Meet you back at the car.
M I went back but they'd
M Okay.

w What's wrong?
w shit.

M Yeah.
M You said ten minutes.

w I needed to think.

M It's pitch dark. You stink of fags.

w It's snowing. Is it snowing? w A baby?

M You've not got a coat.

w This weather is insane.

Coldest winter ever they've just M I was just thinking.

M said. Hottest summer, coldest


w And you left the engine running.

Can we just
M I was listening to the radio.
we will talk about it but

w I'm okay. M I know.


w not right now. I'm too expect me to just be fine and

M yeah, me too. rational and clear-headed/ and

w Can I drive?
when would be the right time to
M Course. M
/ mention
You can play your tape. Let me
w I don't know I don't have the
hear your new songs.
w answers I just know that that
M They're not finished. wasn't it.
Okay, well,
let's just sit and not say anything
w then okay? just be silent, just not
have to deal with this right away I'm sorry.

because M I'm sorry too.

M good.

w I don't have the

it's okay. Whenever you want to You're right.

talk about it we/ can
It is. It is

no okay of course good but not M yes.

now I don't have anything to say
w Something we should
about it right now because it's
w such a shock, it's such an
M we should.

enormous, you can't just say We should be, yes, be talking

something like that to someone about. We should. Yes.
you can't just say that to me and M Good.

w Because, fuck, we're not getting people were staring and I was

M I know. pushing a trolley and holding a

lamp and I couldn't breathe.
w Any younger.
M You got the gist.
M No.
w I think so.

Or you wouldn't have got as

freaked out as you did.
So are we talking about it or
w Touche.
w no.


Go on.
Where do we go from here?
M With what?
Well, we should try to leave the
With, you were saying, with, you car park.
w know, what? What were you
Sarcasm? Right now? You think
saying? w
that's going to
M I've said it all.
M I'd like to hear your opinion.
Then say it again because I
w w Yes.
couldn't hear you before because

M Of course. M I'm not asking a question.

w Of course yes. w Aren't you?

M It's a two-way M No.

w I know. w You're starting a conversation.

M It's a two-way thing and so M I'm trying to.

w but Well it's started and now it's

M go on. happening and I'm saying yes.

Alright, M Right.
it's this it's Look, alright, listen, you have to

I have no idea. I don't understand alright, I'm thinking

opinion? I don't have out loud here so please just let

it's like you've punched me in me talk just let me think it

the face then asked me a maths through out loud please alright

question/ while I'm still on the don't just jump in if I say

something wrong or stupid just
M like I punched you in the face? w
let me think okay because I've
w You know what I mean. always wanted alright and I'm
M No. talking in the abstract I've always
wanted I've always had a sense
Okay. Yes. Let's do it. Let's do it.
or an idea of myself always
w Yes. Let's do it.
defined myself okay as a person
who would,
M I'm not
that my purpose in life that my
w I'm saying yes.
function on this planet would be

to and not that I ever thought about it being a boy or girl just
about it like that it's only now small and soft and adorable and
because you're asking or not with that milky head smell and
asking but mentioning, starting the tiny socks and giggles and
the conversation only because of yes vomit even it's all part of it,
that that I'm now even thinking looking after it, caring for it
about it but it's always sort of that's I think that's the impulse
been a given for me an and there's always been a father
assumption ever since I was a in the picture but sort of a blurry
little girl playing with dolls I background generic man, I'm
mean long long long before I sorry, it's just this picture of my
met you, it's never been what I life I've always had since I was
guess it should be which is a a a able to think and I've never ever
a a a an extension of an questioned it . Never.
expression of you know, fucking
And I've pushed it all down and
love or whatever, a coming focussed on my career, on my
together of two people it's studies, on myself and now it's
always been this alright and this becoming, potentially becoming
sounds stupid and na"ive but it's a bit real I'm going to have to
always been an image, think about it for a second
I guess, of myself with a bump please just a a a a a a or much
and glowing in that motherly or longer in fact because well
pushing a pram or a cot with a because I'm not an idiot, I'm a
mobile above it or singing to it thoughtful, very thoughtful
reading Beatrix Potter or Dr person and I want to do
Seus, I don't care, never cared everything for the right reason or

at least a good reason and I M enormity

believe in questioning and never
or whatever which is a maybe it's
just blindly accepting or and it's a survival mechanism perhaps
going to take a lot of effort to an inbuilt thing because, fuck, if
unravel or to to to to to to you thought about it if you really
excavate not excavate but w properly thought about it before
excavate all of those actually doing it then you'd never
previously held beliefs and ever actually fucking do it
assumptions because it's because it's too fucking too
important probably the most fucking
important thing you could do to M enormous
bring another person a yes a
it is it is it is it's fucking
person an actually living
enormous, fucking enormous
breathing thinking because they
fucking the purpose of life itself,
won't stay small forever and I
the purpose, the meaning, the
think don't they I think a lot of
meaninglessness, the love and
people think about them being
the horror and the hope and the
small, just tiny and sweet and
unconditional with their eyes and
w fear and everything the volume
of all of it turned right up, the
giggles and tiny little fingers
rest of your life the rest of
gripping your thumb and I do I
someone else's life committing
did I think I thought like that
someone to something forever,
because it's too hard like we're
ancestry, the seven and a half
not quite designed to be able to
fully comprehend the the the the
generations of human history

and I don't even know much w We're having a conversation.

about my own grandparents, let M Yes.
alone my great grandparents or
w That's all that's happening.
or or or and it's their genes, thei
genetic stuff, really, them, these Look, let's get home and drink

dead people moving around M some gin and see if we want to

making choices for this little, talk about it.

this tiny, but that's not the whole w And the planet.
M I don't want ice. Take my ice.
M breathe.
The planet. Because you worry
This is what I'm saying this is w about the same things I do, you
what I'm saying because they care about the same
don't stay small, they grow up
M right, yes.
and become people, they
And they say don't they that if
become grown-ups like everyone
w you really care about the planet,
else, they become their own
grown-up people and they think
w if you really care about the future
of mankind then don't have
their own thoughts and they buy
their own clothes and they leave
home and they hate you. M Do they?

Alright, because I'm thinking out I mean, they actually say if you

loud. w really care about the planet then

kill yourself but I'm
I'm thinking and talking.
I mean, I'm not going to do that.
M I didn't say anything.

because there's, what, there's Hannah

seven billion people or so, M Edwin?
there's too many people and
What if she or he was the person
there's not enough of everything
to work it all out and save
so really the right thing to do, the
ethical thing to do is to not
w everything, everyone, the world,
polar bears, Bangladesh,
contribute to that, particularly
everything, we don't know so
people like us.
M no, but
M People like
or we could plant a forest. We
car driving, plastic bag using,
could work out the carbon
w aerosol spraying, avocado
footprint of the expanding
importing, Western,
nappies in the landfill and the
M but we're good people.
w Baby Gap hoodies flown in from
Exactly. We are we are we are the Congo or wherever and we
good people yes we are. Good. could plant trees, entire forests,

Are we? make something pure and and

and oxygenating, so
M You can't think about that stuff.
M how do you factor that in?
No I know. It's not our
responsibility. w Exactly.

And anyway, so much about it is The world is going to need good

w unknown. people in it.
And what if this kid, this With everything that's
hypothetical what if she, or he, happening.
this imaginary little Edwin or We can't just leave it to the

people who don't think, the M no, no.

people who just have child after w Sterilise? Exterminate?
child without ever properly
M Not what I'm saying.
examining their their their their
capacity for love. w Camps? Enforced

I mean, that's what's wrong with no. Of course not I'm not
everything isn't it? I don't have the answers.

Yes. I know. Exactly. Yes, some people are saying that

Hang on what? maybe that will happen but we'll
Are you saying some people are be long dead by the time that's
too stupid to have children?
I mean, you know more about
No. No of course not. But this stuff than I do.
yes. You're the one doing the PhD.
Some people, lots of people,
But, yes, if we're being honest,
M aren't thinking it through, not
really, teen mothers in tracksuits
fully, and maybe the smartest,
with fags in their mouths,
most caring, most informed
smacking their kids in
people aren't having children.
supermarkets, being a gran by
w Right. thirty, multiplying like rats,

So it's their genes that aren't w rats?

surviving. So things are getting
M Meanwhile the people who read
less caring and less informed
books, the people who think and
and more savage.
M try to help and I know I'm being
So, to save the planet it'll be, a bit fascist here, I'm just playing
what, eugenics or Devil's advocate here of course I

am but there are some you were saying.

thoughtful people who are I think I'm going to be sick. No
waiting for the perfect w
I'm not. I am actually I think yes.
circumstances and it'll never
M Do you want me to
happen there's no such thing as
perfect so the I know that's what I feel, what I
think sometimes, but when you
world is overcrowded and people
think well I don't want to bring
w say it out loud it sounds like the
worst, cruellest, sickest, most
my child into this world full of
crack dealers and pimps and
homeless, and I know this M what do you want me to do?

sounds reactionary but let's not just a cuddle and shut up for a
be politically, you know, correct w bit I think would be good
about this for a second, there are actually.
some people who just shouldn't
M Is that okay?
have children. They just

And would it be such a great loss

if those people, We should adopt then maybe,
you know, probably, shouldn't we?
have children? Or
I mean,
Why aren't you saying anything?
isn't this what you were saying?
I'm only carrying on from what M Yes, no, yes, I know, you're right.

You're absolutely right. The best mothers who only lives through
thing to do, absolutely, with the their children. I want to still read
world as it is would be to books and do things. I will not

w so many unwanted, unloved use having a child as an excuse

for becoming an idiot.
and it's completely irrational, I
know it is, but I
M You're not your mother.

M I don't w You're not your dad.

want I want to be able to play with my
to do that. M kids without it having to be
I know that makes me sort of a competitive or educational.
terrible person. I just don't think I want to still have sex. We
I'd be w
mustn't let it ruin our
what if it's something I really
w M
people get so boring and it
want to do? doesn't have to be like that.
M Then we can talk about it. I don't want to have to host the
w But not do it. best birthday parties or make the
best Chewbacca costume for

Or push our kids to do stuff they

I worry I might be one of those M
don't want to do.
fathers who doesn't notice his
kids unless they're winning stuff
w Harp lessons or

or getting in trouble. but it has to value learning and

w I don't want to be one of those
be able to think for itself.

But not so thoughtful that it gets about this? To be worrying about

depressed and lonely. all this? We used to do stuff. Go

Autumn babies get picked first to the zoo. Go clubbing.

for sport. M We still do.

No princesses or soldiers. No w When?

w guns and tiaras. M How about tonight?
Disney will not dictate what our
w Not tonight.
and the schools are a mess, we'd
M Friday.
have to get on the board of
governors or parents w It'll be too hectic on Friday.
associations. M Wednesday.
We're talking about it. Look at

w Okay.


We're not going to know. We can
theorise all we like,
w we have to. M
But when we've got a baby in our
arms we'll look back on what we
said and laugh at how na'ive we M
w Are we too young to be thinking w

M IT'S VERY LOUD IN HERE. w I'm sure. Yes.



w Let's go to bed.

M Okay.

ARE YOU READY TO GO w Can we stop a second?

HOME? M Again?

My feet still hurt. Used to love w I think I just need
those boots.
M it's been weeks.
M Look at those llamas.
w I'm sorry I'm just
w Everyone here has a pram.
M not again.
M Shall I grow a beard?
w If we're/ going to do this
Yes okay yes it's yes let's make
there's no if there's no so don't
another person. I gave myself a M
please don't/ start with that.
w week to think it through and yes I
I'm not starting I'm just
think we should do it. I think we
should try. I'm talking, I'm saying that if

M You're sure? because I mean, not if, because,

because we're doing

M we are we are
You're not sure or you wouldn't
need to
w you're going to have to

M I am. I'm sorry I'm sorry I've ruined it

Let me finish, you're going to w I'm tense and it's not just your

w have to relax because this should fault

be beautiful and M what isn't? Fault? What is?

M I'm fine. w No, stop, okay look all I'm

You're fine okay good good okay. So.

because it's just, and maybe I'm
reading this all wrong maybe I'm
seeing something that's not We're trying. We're trying and it's
w really happening, but it feels like that's wonderful, it is and it's
you're sort offeeling quite a lot scary it's wonderful and scary
of that the way you're being and not just for me because it's
towards me is sort of giving off a my body it's going to be
lot of
happening to, not to but inside
hate. or whatever but for both of us it
M I don't hate you. is isn't it, and we're not talking
about it and there's this
No I know I know you don't I
w know that I know that I know you
atmosphere isn't there or is it
just me who's

M I don't hate you.

Please don't take that the wrong

way. maybe it's just me then.

M Might go for a walk. M I was there. I was ready.


w Yes. Yes.

Yes I know.
And you've got that porno look
I know and I'm sorry.
in your eyes.
I know.
M I can't help the way I look.

That look like you want to hurt

me a lot.

But it's M I don't.

alright. That look that murderers and

Deep breath. men in porn films have.

I want our M It's just

I'm concentrating.
it's about making a person. What
w Scares me.
we're doing. It's
M Really?
about this amazing
miracle, not miracle but you w No.
know what I mean, miracle yes No of course it doesn't.
miracle it's about this miracle But yes, a bit.
happening and it
M Fucking hell.
I want it to
Don't feel bad about it I don't
need it to feel w
I don't know want you to

sacred or M do you feel this a lot? When we

not sacred but
w no. No. No. No.

M You've said it before. sometimes I want to get inside

w Sometimes but
M you so much, want to open you
up, split you apart/ like you're a
you've mentioned it. It's one of
M okay okay okay and that's
your things.
w in the right context that's fine ,
Only sometimes it
w that's more than fine that's
things? One of my things?
but this is different, this is
I want you. Sometimes I get this
when I want you I'm thinking about

get this animal fucking aren't you thinking about

horrible you know what it means? What we're
lust doing? The thing beyond
I suppose,
the moment?
M want to
fucking M Honestly?

you know. w Yes honestly.

Honestly I'm just thinking about
Want to M
the moment.
yes, hurt you maybe. A little.
Make you scream.
w Okay.

In that moment I'm not thinking

I know baby and sometimes
w I'm just my cock and my mouth
that's really M
and my/ hands and looking at
M you want it.
Sometimes I do I do sometimes
w w
yes alright alright alright okay,
I do but
good okay.

M So squeamish about this stuff. the danger, the

w I'm not I'm just M danger?

just want a the way you need me, that

I don't know. Connection. Is that there's nothing else on the entire

what I mean? planet for you at that moment,

bombs could be going off, an
earthquake or whatever and it
like it's the two of us together wouldn't matter to you in that
and not something you're
moment and I love I can make
doing you feel that way and I do, often,

to me. usually, lots of the time I'm there

as well, I'm absolutely the
Did you know in those scanning
world's not there it's just us and
machines the same bit of a
we're the whole universe.
man's brain lights up when he
looks at a woman as when he And then sometimes

looks at a spanner? and I'm just being honest here

M What does that mean? okay but sometimes it looks like
you're about to hack off my
w Sorry. Sorry.
limbs. You know? Like you're
Sometimes that look you do is
going to smash in my teeth,
sexy. It is. Sometimes it makes
throw me into bin bags and bury
me think
me in the woods.
Not always but that's how it feels
And your shoulders and your sometimes.
noises and the weight of you and

M Fucking hell.

Only sometimes. And only for a

Know any good jokes?
M Fuck.

w I shouldn't have said anything.

M No.
We won't sleep now will we? Not
w I should have just for a bit.
M no it's

w shit.

M I never want to hurt you. We can try again. I'm glad we

I'm sorry I'm just scared and I'm talked about it. We can try again.
not Yeah. Of course.
We will.

We can try again. I'm glad we

talked about it. We can try again.
I don't know what I'm talking
about. I never feel that way. Yeah. Of course.
We will.
Not right away though.

w No. Okay.

woo. Fucking hell.

I need a big laugh or a big cry.


I/ love you. M fuck sake.

I'm going to read for a bit. Watch w I'm just saying.

TV maybe. M Okay.
Do you want me to come with

M No.
w Okay.
Get some sleep.
M Good morning.
w w You're cheerful.
M I think spring's here.
just, w You made breakfast.

We should move.
sorry but
Go to Brighton. Isn't that what
don't people do?
you know. Get some outdoor space. Fresh

I know you're air. Room for goalposts.

that you didn't Trampoline. Paddling pool.
Trees. We should plant some
M what?
trees. Put a bit more oxygen into
w Doesn't matter. the world. Like you said. Do our
I wasn't going to masturbate if bit.
that's/ what you're asking. w We should get married.
All I'm saying is we need all the M
w Let's think about it.
help we can get so please don't

w You don't want to? Sorry. I didn't mean that. It's just

M One thing at a time maybe. the economy is in freefall and

nobody's buying vinyl anymore.
w I'll make coffee.
You really don't want to get
M You should get a job. married?
Once I've got my PhD my/
w What do you mean happening
prospects will be to? Last night when we were
M we can't both be M talking you said it's your body,
that it's your body it's happening
I know this isn't very feminist of
me but actually sweetheart I
think you should, if we're serious w Well it is.
about this, you should get M Talk about it like it's a
something a bit more full-time
it is my body that
w when it happens, yes, it'll
I know you get free records and happen to me.
time off to do gigs but we've
Alright I know yes of course but
both got to make sacrifices and M
do you want some of this?
I'm not going to be able to work
once I get bigger and then for a w I'm not hungry.

lot of that first year and we're You make it sound like a
going to need to I don't know

plenty of musicians have

M damage,
M violence,
an act of terrorism or
Plenty of successful musicians
w w well,
have children.

M you see it as
I'll stretch, expand, become a a a
w yes.
a a house, my breasts will swell,
M Threatening. ache, hurt like hell then get

Not just that but drained and lose their shape

actually I will have some forever, my

but, yes I'm fucking terrified. If
I'm honest. you know, my

M That's I mean,
that's bound to change with
it's a shame.
what it has to go
w It's realistic. I'm trying to be through.
I'm readying myself. Have you ever seen a real birth?
It's not like TV. It's blood and
Yes I'm excited about growing
shit and mess and I'll be torn
bigger and getting scans and yes
and bruised like I've gone under
giving birth as well of course but
a truck.
it's going to be painful and
uncomfortable and my feelings, This must be how a caterpillar
my thoughts are going to be all feels as it cocoons itself.
over the place. I'm sorry I can't
And I've got anxiety about that.
that I can't do it.
Of course I do.
w You don't have a womb.

You get that right? M That's what I'm saying.

You wish you could be the one

who gets

M yes.

w Pregnant? If you're serious/ about

M Don't laugh at me. w yes you're right.

You wish you could gestate the You're going to be a home, an

w foetus to full term then birth it ecosystem and you're/ polluting
through your I've said yes shut up yes I've said
a bit yes I do. I feel already that yes alright so/ please just
we're not equal somehow, that I it doesn't make sense to me that
M can never quite know what it M you could want to be a mother
feels like and you'll know that I and still be smoking.
can't and
You don't understand because

you're over-thinking it. This is
w you've never been addicted to
delicious, is there more? anything.
M Have mine. Those two impulses seem to me
w No. to be completely

M I'm done. w you're right.

w What's wrong? So shut up.

M Nothing.

Good luck.

You should quit smoking. M I'm doing it for you.

w For us.

M T hat's what I mean. York?

w You look handsome in your suit. M

M I feel sick. two thousand five hundred and

w How did it go? fifty.

M M two/ thousand
Find out Monday.

w Keep checking your email. I could fly to New York and back
every day for seven years and
M Here goes. w
still not leave a carbon footprint
w Well? as big as if I have a child.
You're looking at the newest cog M You're having second thoughts.
in the corporate machine.
Ten thousand tonnes of CO .
w I'm so proud of you. T hat's the weight of the Eiffel
M Will you drive me? Tower. I'd be giving birth to the
Eiffel Tower.
w How many do you think?
M You/ wouldn't be giving
M Left here. How many
and if we had a second it doesn't
trees. Few weeks ago you said
just double because the chances
about planting trees. Do you
of them reproducing and how
w know? I do. How many trees
many they might have and how
would we have to plant to
counteract the
w many their children's children
might have and how many their
M left again.
children's children's children
I did some maths. How many might have that goes up
plane trips? London to New exponentially.

Fuck recycling or electric cars, know you know all of that. You
fuck energy efficient fucking light tell me off for the stuff I read
bulbs, unless educated, because it's too too too I don't
thoughtful people like us stop know.
making babies the world is Fucking, hurricanes. Floods.
totally fucking fucked. w Fucking volcanoes. Earthquakes.
M We should talk about this. Tsunamis. Bring it on.

We are talking about it, it's M Up here on the right.

fucking nuts it's fucking And we're just letting it happen.
terrifying it's the taboo, the last We're so caught up with our little
real taboo. / There is no w
fucking lives and we're killing
incentive to save lives right now, everyone.
w there is no incentive to to to to
M We're not killing everyone.
to cure AIDS or whatever, to
keep people alive, what we need We're not killing everyone.

is the planet to fucking purge us

fucking drown us, burn us, cull
everyone by about two thirds.
w I got my period.
What's happening now? What's
actually happening in your mind?
M Oh sweetheart.

What have you been reading? w That doesn't mean I'm not right.
M Because really it's important to M I know.
check your sources thoroughly.
I'm going to smoke a cigarette
There's a lot of scaremongering
and I know you know that, I
w and I don't need you judging me,
alright? I'm going to smoke 'til I

vomit. You could meet me for lunch.

Do you want me to take the day

M We could make it a regular thing.
M Tuesday thing.

Yes. No. Your first day? Don't be w Okay.

stupid. M What's that?

M I can. w Sandwiches. Picnic.

We're here now. Go on. Just M Shit.

come straight home after.
w It's Tuesday.
M Okay. M I forgot.
w And bring cake. Made us a picnic. This weather.
M Here. w Let's sit on the grass. Find some

w What's that? shade.

M Cake. M Look, I can't.

w I missed you. w
Didn't make it. Bought it. Got
you a donut and a Ribena too.
Why? I mean, thanks, you too,
M M I forgot, I'm sorry.

lately it's feeling more and more And an apple to counteract the
w w donut. What do you mean
odd when we're apart.
forgot? It's Tuesday.
Sorry I've barely been here. My
M M There's a meeting.
appraisal's coming up.

I wish I could come to work with w At lunch?

w M
you. Carbon efficiency, ethical blah

blah blah. there. And it'll only take us forty

w Skip it. years to burn the same again.

Our kid would be middle aged,
M I asked for it.
maybe have kids of their own.
w Go in late. You / asked for it? Grandkids even.
Offsetting, that sort of thing yes I It's actually pretty interesting
asked for it. I think we should when you get into it, when
plant trees. T he company. Lots
M sex we should have sex. Find
of them. Forests of them. Try to
offset our you know, our
Now. Walk and eat. Have donuts
footprint, our
and if we find somewhere a a a a
w yes. w I don't know, a secluded
I've been reading that book of bush or
yours. Was up half the night. I've wooded area, or a
overtaken you with it I think. I've you know, a public
got to that bit about how since toilet,
M the Industrial Revolution we, M not a public
people, everyone, we've put half
we could be quick. You could
a trillion tonnes of pure carbon w
make your meeting.
into the air. Twenty seven billion
tonnes a year.

w I had to stop reading it.

Apparently an elephant weighs a M What kind of donut?

M tonne. So there's half a trillion w Iced.

elephants worth of carbon up

actually though?

M Yes we are.

M Alright. w How?

w Well. M How?

Well well well. w In what way are we?

M We haven't done that in a while. M We just are.

w Needed to. w Yes. Okay.

M You're loud. M We're going to be great parents.

w Was I loud?
I think it's okay to ask the
M Where did that come from?
w What does that mean?
So do I.

M I'll have some explaining to do.

w Good.

w There'll be other meetings. M

It's part of what makes us good
M Yeah.
But I don't
Proud of you. It's good, it's a
w we don't believe, do we, in good
w good thing that you're trying to
and bad. Right and wrong.
M Don't we?
M I missed the meeting.
w Don't believe in evil.
w Are we good people?
Not evil no, we don't condemn
M Yes.
M people, we try to empathise, to
w I mean, yes I know but are we put ourselves in their/ position.

Shoes I know we do yes but people.

doesn't everybody think that w Okay. Good.
they're good? Doesn't everyone
M I'm going back to work now.
believe they're

some people wouldn't ask,

w Okay. I love you.
wouldn't question it. It's going to be very lucky to
have such thoughtful parents
w Hitler or Rupert Murdoch or M
who care about things and who
everyone thinks they're doing the will love it very much.
right thing. Pretty much.
w It?
w So what makes us sure?
M Him or her.
M You're worrying too much.
w We recycle.
w Yes.
M We do.
M You're thinking too much.
We don't keep the tap running
w Okay. w
when we brush our teeth.
M Okay? M That's right.
We must be very certain, We watch the news. We vote. We
arrogant even, to want to create w
march. We recycle.
w another person out of our genes
M Yes.
and to teach / it and to bring it
We support the smaller coffee
up as
shops against the larger chains.
we are we are we are certain.
M We're not M Even when it tastes like soil.

bad w Does it? Sorry.


I'll see you tonight. I'll run you a M I didn't say/ anything.
M bath and we can sit and talk. You gave five hundred pounds to
How's that? the crisis appeal when that
w More hot. horrible thing happened. Okay

Okay. Move your feet I don't too much hot now.

want to scald you. M Sorry.

We watch documentaries. We We shouldn't feel guilty about

read books about proper things. having things when really in the
We read the classics. We watch grand scheme of things we are
subtitled films. w not spoilt, we don't live beyond

M We ride bikes. We buy fair trade. not too far beyond our means
it's not swimming pools and
w We give to charity.
sports cars and

M I'm not saying anything.

We live pretty simply actually, we

What? spend money on food and books

M I didn't say anything. and music and films and

holidays sometimes and our
We do. We give to charity. I do
mortgage and we don't just
w fun runs. I've done one anyway w
throw it away and yes it would be
and I'll do another one.
lovely to give more I do feel like
M I didn't say anything. we should, I wish we could give
You have a red credit card for more but it's just not, we don't
Bono's AIDS in Africa thing. have any more

hey, just isn't it fucking obvious, isn't it

alright, you're fucking sometimes you're like a

w am I being mental? child sometimes and you look at

me with those pathetic eyes like
You're somewhere on the
M what should I do? Do I have to
say it? Yes, yes, yes go, check, go
Oh fuck it's maybe it's and check now why are you not
hormones maybe it's my putting your shoes on why are
hormones I do feel crazy I do you just staring at me like I'm a
feel like some, I don't know,
is this still the hormones do you
some chemicals some foreign
M think or are you just being nasty
chemicals are
M alright still, you're still
I'm sorry oh fuck I'm losing my
sorry I'll stop I'll stop I'll just sit mind this is amazing does this
for a second I'll just try to calm happen? Is this what happens or
down, just soak for a second do w am I just having a breakdown? I
you think that's what it is? Do fucking better be pregnant
w you think the garage is still open because otherwise this is
do you think they'll, they sell terrifying.
condoms and things don't they
Isn't it vomiting? Isn't that the
but a pregnancy test do you M
first thing? Or missing a period?
think they'll
It's not been long enough for
M do you want me to go and see? w
what date is it?
Don't ask please don't ask that
w M It's
why are you having to ask me

w thirteenth, fourteenth Check it each minute but then

M keep checking.
when did you
Good good yes good. I'll come
cinema when did we go and see w
that film? and get you.

M You mean the Right okay.

that shit film that you liked and I
w I can't go when you're right
fell asleep in? w
M That was
You've peed in front/ of me
was that three, four weeks ago M
w before, you've
I know but I've got performance
M You didn't like that film? w
anxiety as it is and
Five. I think it was fuck I think
M some water I could get you some
yes it was fuck fuck fuck it was I
should have already had go. Go. please yes but then will that
w w count if it's come/ straight
Go. Why are you still here? I'll
come with you. I need a towel. through you

Give me a kiss. or will it have to sort of percolate

M I see what you're saying.
How long does it say?

w A minute. Two minutes. w It doesn't say in the instructions.

M Alright. M Do I really have to leave?

Let's leave it for three just to This isn't one of the special bits.
w w Pissing on a plastic stick isn't
make sure.
one of the sacramental

yes. I want to, I want to see all of right.

it I think it's all Now we wait.
fine okay okay okay run the tap

M how's that?
How long's that been?
w Ssshhh.
M Thirty seconds.
M Gush or a trickle?
w Really? Wow.
w Please.
M A minute.
M Sorry.
w How about

M two minutes.

w Right.
Shouldn't keep it running like
M Three.

Can we not think of the planet

w Okay,
w here we go.
for one second?

M Sorry.

Okay that's
w I think M Where's my phone?
w You hate your parents.

M That's not true.

w Okay, I hate your parents but


I mean they're not like mine, w I just

mine are yes.
you could have called them M Okay.
I'm tingly. What is it I'm feeling?
I'm going to dial. Do you want to w
w Like, naughty a little bit, like
speak to them?
M you shouldn't feel naughty.
M No.
Like embarrassed almost, like
After, I mean, they'll want to w
w I'm
speak to you.
M it's a secret that's why.
M Why?
It is it is it's our secret. It's our
I don't know, they might, they
w w
secret. Fucking hell I just had
might want to say, you know this fucking massive, ooooaar,
I could call mine at the same shiver up my spine.
time. M You've gone white.
You could of course you could, Fucking goose bumps I'm
just let me, I just, let's just get shaking look I just had this and
w this first call done and then, you this is going to seem so weird
know, then people know, then but I just had this thought which
it's out and was that it's not just you and me
you want them to be the first to any more, in this room, it's you
know. and me and then there's this

w Is that okay? other thing here now which is

half you and half me and half
M Before mine.
completely something new.

It's happening. It's happening. maybe or

It's happening.
w no, I know I know.
M Yes.
M I'm watching you.

You look normal or is it just that
w Right.
I'm not seeing clearly?
Getting everything from you,
No, I feel M
M you're
I'm happy. I'm ecstatic.
w buzzing.
w Good. Good.
M Should we call your parents?
M It's not sunk in yet I don't think.
w Okay.
No. I know. I know. What do you
w M No, I mean, should we?
mean it's not sunk in?

M Nothing, it's
w Because

they do say don't

I've been preparing myself for it,
not straight away
bracing myself and now M
because it's still very early and a
w shock.
lot can
M Exactly.
w why are you saying this?
But you are
Just, they say it for a reason
you're feeling something of
w M because, you know, they say one
course you are, you're
in four pregnancies ends in
not just
do we have to be sensible right
w now? Do we have to bring in the
M yes I'm
thunderclouds of reason to rain
it's the eye of the hurricane

on this moment of pure fucking Am I losing my mind? I'm being

bliss? Can't we for just one w so nasty and I don't want to be
second feel invincible and nasty.
reckless before we start saying M It's okay.
words like miscarriage?
Not to you. I don't want to be
M I'm sorry. w nasty to you.
You have no idea at times, I'm Not to anyone actually.
feeling something and hoping I'm not smoking as well so
you're feeling it too but you're
w cranky. First day of school
just thinking thinking thinking
feeling. The world just got bigger
trying to be logical and it
and I can see us from space and
frightens the life out of me.
we're just a


I'm going to call my mum.

Yeah, this is
M Do you really hate my parents?
M this is all a bit
I'm just feeling a bit w Yes.

that was uncalled for the way I

w spoke to you just now I think
wasn't it?
M Because
M It's okay.

w You're right you're right, you are. why?

M Okay.
w The thought of our offspring

sharing their genetic code. That I M I don't.

could look into my son's eyes
Why would you say that? My
and see your father makes me w parents have never been/
no. I'm being emotional. Ignore anything but
me. They're fine. I'm fond of M they have I know. I'm not
them in a way. Of course I am.
w you should be careful.
M We never stay. Not long.
M Sorry.
That's because
And our kid is going to have
don't you feel this w
their genes too so be careful.
that in their own way they're
w M Can we just
lovely, they're
once you get attuned to their never mind.
you know,
w What?
but if I stay there for any length
M Never mind.
of time I worry that I might just
put some scissors though their
w What?

necks. Can we
I need to just put this on pause,
M Right. M
just put this argument/ on
w Don't you feel that way?
pause and say I love you.
M What, about your parents?
Not an argument it's a/
w No, about

why would you feel that way if we're going to be tearing bits
about my parents? off each other it's good that we

take a second just to Oh, you know.

w can you not do this? She's happy. Of course she is.

M we're parents now. M Except

nothing. She's pleased, she's


M They didn't want to speak to me?

w Yes. Okay.
w No.
M So do you want to hug or maybe
M Congratulate me?
w no let's save that for
w She was crying.
M no, okay.
M Good crying?
I don't feel like doing that right
w Crying for, I don't know. I don't
now. w
think she means what she said.
M Fine.
M What did she say?

w She knows I love you.

Let's call your mum and dad. M What did she say?

She's just anxious for me that's


Wishes you were having

w Maybe later. M
someone else's baby.
M Yeah.
w I didn't say that.
w Okay.
Well you're not, you're having
M So what did she say? M
mine so she can go fuck herself.

w Please don't/ talk about

M bitch bitch bitch bitch.

w No. M I'm going to prove her wrong.

Thinks I'm boring that's what w I know you will.
you said.

w No.

Because I told her I was reading

M I know you will.
a book on radiation.
Come here.
w No.

Because I tried to talk to her

about food scarcity and
economic incentives for capping What's the matter?
emissions. M I can't sleep.
w Now you are being boring. w Try.
M They were your books. M I've been trying for hours.
w She didn't say anything. w Switch your brain off.
M Give me the phone. It's just disaster scenarios
w Okay. playing out in my head.

M I'm going to call her. w Oh baby.

w Fine. Keep drifting off but it's

M explosions and helicopters and
M lwill.
chunks of land collapsing into
w Go ahead.

the sea. again until we get one that's

w Anxiety dreams. perfect.

M No shit. I'm not saying that but let's be/

realistic about
w You've seen too many crap films.
I'm saying I know what I want.
M We should at least/ consider
I don't care if it's born without
w I know but just bones or limbs, legs or a face
when then, when? We need to be just a a a a a an amorphous blob
equipped for if they of skin and a mouth which just
screams and screams I don't
I'm not going to know until they
care if it's like the thing in
say. I can't plan for how I'm
w Eraserhead it's mine, ours and
going to feel in that moment if
it's part of us and we'll love it,
they're saying our child is
we will, we'll love it no matter
M okay but
no matter.
that there's something wrong

We should have thought about it

before. Talked about it. M No. Of course. I know.

w Okay alright here it is. w Won't we?

I want it whatever. If it's

I don't know

I'm not comfortable with Yes.

flushing it away and starting M
Of course.

It's going to be harder to travel

now you know, with

Let's try to sleep.

nothing's ending. It's the start of

something. I'm young. We're
Are you asleep?
young. It's exciting.

Can't tell if my eyes are open.

Am I keeping you awake?
I can't sleep.
Just can't stop thinking.

I'm trying. Everything. Life. The universe.


Try to picture what I'll look like.

Dead. Stopped.
I've always thought
Just another object in the room.
I'm okay, I'm an okay person. A Who'll see me like that.
normal enough person. What my expression will be.
Basically, you know, good.
When the face just relaxes it
looks sort of sarcastic I think.
My dead face.

I wish I'd read more when I was If it's going to happen, the

younger. Or just, maybe slept solution to it all, the survival of

with more people. Or travelled. mankind, it will happen in our


lifetime. worry that sometimes you think

It has to. And we'll be alive to that that's strength and it's not,
witness it. it's not, it's just

When we're talking I can't take I dreamt that the baby had been
my eyes off you. You're so born but it was just a cloud. A
honest with me and it hurts little thunder cloud. Or a
sometimes but I remind myself squirming little creature with
you only say these things fangs and claws and flashing
because you trust me. That I'm eyes.
an anchor or something, I'm a
nucleus to your proton, is that I'II take a book off the shelf, any
right? I think sometimes you book and you'll have turned
think we're having a down the pages and underlined
conversation and that I'm things. Put stars in the margins.
listening and responding but And I stare at the sentence
really I'm only silent because I you've highlighted. I'll reread the
have no idea what to say. paragraph. I'll think what has she
seen that I can't see? What is it
You're like an animal, a hungry,
that I don't understand?
wild animal and you're circling
me and snarling and you're w Go to sleep.
beautiful and exciting and you're M What time is it?
trusting me because I'm
w You've been snoring.
standing still but really I'm just
frozen to the spot, really I just M What are you doing?

don't know what else to do and I w Vomiting. Feel poisoned. Burst a


blood vessel in my eye, look.

Why do they use food to explain
M Oh. Yeah.
everything? And why do they call
w Look, my stomach. I'm definitely the baby 'baby'. Not 'your baby'?

M no, you are I can see it. 'Baby is the size of a lentil.'

w I'm 'Baby is the size of a kidney

M massive.
'A peanut.'
w 'An olive.'
I wasn't thinking
M Are you hungry?
M no I mean,
w Famished.
w massive? Really?
M I'll make you breakfast.
M Just, no, showing, you're
I want bacon and washing
w I just meant w
I mean you can see it, you can, M You can have bacon.
you're definitely
w Close your eyes.
w you can see it, you can definitely
M What have you done?
M there's a bump.
w We have a nursery.
w A bump. I've got a bump.
M Green?

We don't want pink or blue and

yellow is so
According to the Internet, my M you're covered.
uterus is the size of a grapefruit.
w I've painted little trees.

M I brought you chilli chocolate. M Not to us.

w You're my hero. I'm so terrified. I have no idea

Is it crazy I've been looking into how I'm going to be.
local schools? You're going to be a wonderful
Do you want to know? Boy or mum.
girl? Or should / we w You don't know that.

shou Id it be a surprise on the M Yes I do.


Not that the day won't be special

enough as it is.
Thank you for being my person.
M I'm too curious to wait. w
For putting up with me when I'm
w Me too.

we should get married. I know

I was thinking. w that's old fashioned or whatever.
It's silly. I know you're against the idea.
What if I don't
I love you. I don't say that
what if I can't
love it?
M You look beautiful.
What if I look in its eyes and I let
w Not fat?
it grip my little finger and I hold
M Fat and beautiful.
it in my arms and I don't feel a
thing? That happens doesn't it?

w Much.
At least I can start smoking
M Yes. w
w I'll be a planet.
Oh sweetheart.
So Shit.

you know. You were right. We shouldn't

Brace yourself.
have got excited.

M Don't be silly.

We shouldn't have told anyone.

M Okay. We knew this could happen.

w Ouch. Do you have change for the

coffee machine?
M What is it?
M Give me the keys.
w Oh.
w I'm not an invalid.
Oh no.
M Talk to me.
M Blood.
w I don't want to.
w Not this. Not to us.
M Hold my hand then.
M Hospital. Now.
It's for the best probably isn't it?
w I can't bear this.
Would have completely taken
M I'll wait outside. over our lives. So much time and
No. money, so much that could go
w w wrong. End up sleepless with
I need you.
worry or with our heads in the
M Okay.
T he world.
Who'd want to have a child now?

We should be happy. This is a w It wasn't as necessary or

relief it is it is it is we should be M it was my idea.
relieved we should take a deep
breath and give a huge sigh of
thank fuck for that because we're
not going to add to any of it, w Yeah. I'm just trying to
we're not going to add yet one
I'm just trying
more lost person into this
crowded little world so good for
us. Let's go on holiday. Let's fly
M get some sleep.
Let's spend our money on us
before the global economy
completely implodes. Let's crack
open some champagne. When I'm here.
the riots start let's join in. Let's I heard you get up, can I sit with
smash something. Start some you?
fires. If we see an electric car
You fell asleep. I brought you in
with a baby on board sticker let's
ram it off the road the fucking
hypocrites. The damage they're Goodnight.

doing. Good morning.

It's a relief for you I suppose.
M Why would you say that?
I made some tea.
w Just
I'll see you after work.
you never quite seemed as
Have you been sat there all day?
M that's not true.
It's getting dark.

It's getting light. shred of empathy, that there's no

Come to bed. real meaningful connection

between us, that I've just wanted

You fell asleep. it and felt it but it's not there and
it makes me feel desperate, feel
I woke up and you were gone.
alone and abandoned and like I
want to stop breathing.
You've not said a word to me for
days. M You're angry with me.

w No. No I'm not I'm

yes. Alright I must be I suppose.

I'm angry at this. This
everything. I hate it.

M We can try again.

w No.
What's wrong?
I can't bear it.
w Please don't. Don't ask me that.
M I want to know.

You should know without me There it is.

saying. If you ask then it makes
me think you have no soul no
fucking clue about me and that
you have this weird male fucking Should we stay together do you
autism or something this ability think? Or should we
to just shut off your brain, your
feelings, I don't know.
it makes me think you have no

because I'm telling you to, I

don't want that, not

M sorry.
Fucking apologising you don't
I'm not saying this because I
w want to break up. I don't know
w know do you what you're
apologising for, so
what I want.
I need some
I just think it would be
I think it's a good opportunity for just space.
us to M Space?
you know,
Space. Fucking space. Yes. The
w fucking final frontier why are you
Have a conversation.
/ repeating things I'm saying?
Ask ourselves some serious
you know, Sorry I'm

difficult just
M getting my head around it that's
M opportunity?
all. Just trying to catch up a bit,
You know what I'm saying please
w trying to fucking
fucking help me out here.
w get your head around it.
M No. I know what I want.
Yes. And it's taking me a second
We should, no, we should take so I'm sorry. I love you. I'm
some time and really think about M I don't know what you need or
this because right now I don't what you this is difficult for me
w want to look at you. I need you to too.
just fucking put your arms
Oh fuck off/ I'm not saying it's
around me but you're not and
w not, I'm not saying
don't, please, not now, not
it's easy for you I know it's

don't put that on me don't we could try again. If that's what

look we're both in the same we want to do.
we've both M It is.
just I need some help I need w I don't know.
some help a little fucking
I need you to give me some
clues here as to what you need
because honestly I feel like Feel like I've had my skin peeled
you're standing behind a glass off.
wall just this sheet of glass and I
M I kissed someone else. At work.
can't reach you.
The new girl. The temp. I didn't
w Don't cry for fuck sake because
talk to her about you and I don't
look, know why, didn't say I had a

for fuck sake.

she was nice to me. She was nice

It's okay. to me. We talked about music.

Fuck. It is. And she kissed me and I didn't

stop her.
There are people in the world
with real problems. However hurt you feel and raw
This is just and angry that's how I'm feeling
too and that I love you more
people go through this
than anything. I'd cut off my
everywhere. All the time.
arms for you. I'd pull my eyes
Through time.
out. And I'm sorry. And I know
that if I go back in on Monday

and she's there I might do it I don't know if that's ever going

again. to go away completely. I'm sorry

I could see our future together, I've not been able to tell you

this picture of what our lives what I've needed. I don't know

were going to be like and it feels what I needed.

like I've been burgled and I have Yes I do.

to live in this stupid angry I needed you to be patient with
version of the world where the me. To wait as long as it took. I
person I adore, my best friend in needed you to be braver than me
the world can't even look at me and put your own feelings
and where I can't look at myself. second and to understand. To try
I miss you. to imagine what it's like to

I want to sit opposite you in a miscarry. To realise that there are

restaurant, share a bottle of certain feelings I'm trying to

wine. I want to go to the cinema cope with and protecting you

and hold your hand. Run around from and I'm working hard.

in the park. Most of all I needed you to not

We can try again. kiss someone else.

Adopt maybe.

So, I'm being sensible for both

of us. T hat's it.

Why are you smiling?

Lucky we don't have kids.
For the first time in ages I feel a
little clarity.

I'm sad. I've been really sad and


So there you are. M How was the funeral?

M You look good. w It's tomorrow.

w No I don't, shut up. T hank you. M Oh.

M No, it's Come with me. Will you come

w thanks for meeting me. w with me? I mean, if/ you want
Oh, it's
M no, of course. I was surprised M Really? Because

when you asked w weird? Too weird, forget it. Sorry.

w right. Of course, I'll, yeah if you want

M Starbucks. me to.

w Oh. Yeah. Well. You know. w

I do yeah that would be good.
You don't need to check with
M Didn't seem like you.
M check with what? What?
w Beard.
w Nothing.
M I know.

w It's good.

M Oh. Yeah. M My dad died. Few months back.

w I didn't know who else to tell. w You never said.

M No, I'm glad you did. M No, I know I didn't know if

w Mum was very fond of you. w oh, no, that's

M I thought she hated me.

w Yeah.

We're getting to that age now.


How are you anyway? How's

Scary. Be just us left soon.
w life? How's work?
Good? Everything good?

M Yeah/ it's

Fuck. Look at you. w how's the temp?

M You too. M Oh. Yeah. No, we're not

w Just want to just w no?

take just a second. M No we're, we, / I mean we

Mental picture. that's really I'm really I'm sorry

Click. about that.

M It's alright. No no no, I mean after we,

you and I
w No, I know. I know.
once we
M Oh, please don't M I just wasn't
you don't need to oh. I didn't have the
I'm sorry, I promised myself I
w for another

M it's okay. It's okay. not right away, not

Mess. Already. Brilliant. Well
w so you didn't
done me.
w I mean
M You're okay, just with the

you're okay.

that didn't
you didn't

oh, well, yeah but M Yeah.

I mean, that was just w You don't have to

M I don't mind.
fucking hell.
w I don't want to hear it.
That was this whole other

w right.

M Thing. So okay.
w Right. Yeah. This is horrible.
M How about you? I don't know what I was
Do we really want to talk about expecting.
this? I mean, I think I might leave before we
I don't want to talk about this. start talking about the weather.
w I know that we're not
M It's fucked.
that you and I are no longer
but I still don't want to hear It is. It's impossible. Sweat's
about your your your sex life or pouring off me like

M no okay. everything's shut down. City

can't cope with it.
w So you're not together now?

No. Fuck. No. No.

w Keep passing out.
No. M What?

No. Dehydration or

w Right. Okay.
w I carry a bottle around with me
but I just go through it like
M Now I'm with
M yeah.
w oh okay.
w So I take two but then I'm just

lugging around all this water and We both are.

it's I quit smoking.
M I know I'm the same it's M Yeah?

we weren't right together were
w It's shit. I feel so much better.
M I started.
We were good people, weren't
we, but
w You're kidding.

M I look cool.
it just wasn't meant to be.

You don't believe in any of that

w No.
predetermination, destiny stuff. No.

w I do now. M How about your course?

Oh, w Oh. Yeah. Finishesd. Done.

sorry. Really? M You're a doctor.

Yes. w Technically.

I think what with the world how

it is,
I think if I didn't think someone I've been playing again. Couple

was going to fix it all, that some

M of gigs in a friend's band.

superhuman genius was going Nothing big.

to work out how to fix it all then w Yeah?

It's a sort of electronic thing, a

I think I'd just entirely lose my M
new direction.
w Right.
I don't know.
M I think I've got stupider.
I'm different.

Since we While I'm driving. Not that,

exactly, because I'm not tired, all
I do is sleep. It's not that. It's
just who's been driving? I don't
I don't know what books to read, remember anything from the last
I don't really read anything. twenty minutes. You know. Like

I have no idea what's happening I've been on autopilot. Zombie

in the world. or

w It's fucked. and I have days like that.

M I can't remember how to think. Days.

And it feels, you know, really

Now I'm here with you and

Not having to worry about stuff I

have no control over. I used to
get so angry at people who didn't
w yeah.
read or think or care about
anything but I completely get it

M Yeah.
Sometimes I'll be driving. No,
it's stupid.
w Well.

Well well well.


M Yeah.
Sometimes I'll have this thing,
I'll just sort of like I wake up. w Well.

M Yeah. w it's fine.

w Well well well.

M That was M no I'm

I wasn't thinking, I was just
w it was. It really was.
w no of course.
M I don't feel bad about this.
M just talking just
w it's just
what? You don't
it felt right.
M not at all. w
Didn't it? I mean
to me anyway.

Yeah, no, of course it was

w Oh. yes.

M What? It did.

w Nothing.

M What?

w No, nothing I'm It did.

I was being But

I was thinking something. can we save the buts? I think we

both know.
M What?
Can we just
w just
for a minute
letting myself get carried away
just lie here and pretend that
for a bit.
we're years ago and nothing's
I forgot for a second. About her.
happened. That we'll get the
M Oh. No, I didn't mean papers and maybe go to the pub

for a roast. Play the quiz M You want to know?

machine. Have a quarrel about Yes. No. I've not so much as
some book I've been reading w kissed anyone else. I'm crying
that I explain badly and sound again. Shit.
like I'm advocating
I tried to. I went for a drink with
I don't know, this guy. But he was
compulsory euthanasia of the
old or horrible.
you know, I kept a drawer of your
socks and things.

It's stuffy in here. Sorry. Can't

Don't tell me her name. Your
breathe. I'd open the window but
it's just as bad out there.

I've not slept with anyone else

since you.

You don't need to know that. It M Fiancee.

doesn't matter. It doesn't matter
that you slept with two people.

w Oh.

M Yeah.
What, more?

M We were apart for

Let's never see each other again.
no I know. I know.
w It doesn't matter. How many? It Okay?

doesn't matter.

Can we just What, more?

for a minute M We were apart for
just lie here and pretend that
no I know. I know.
we're years ago and nothing's
happened. That we'll get the
w It doesn't matter. How many? It
doesn't matter.
papers and maybe go to the pub
for a roast. Play the quiz M You want to know?

machine. Have a quarrel about Yes. No. I've not so much as

some book I've been reading w kissed anyone else. I'm crying
that I explain badly and sound again. Shit.
like I'm advocating
I tried to. I went for a drink with
I don't know, this guy. But he was
compulsory euthanasia of the
old or horrible.

you know, I kept a drawer of your

socks and things.

It's stuffy in here. Sorry. Can't

Don't tell me her name. Your
breathe. I'd open the window but
it's just as bad out there.

I've not slept with anyone else

since you.

You don't need to know that. It

M Fiancee.

doesn't matter. It doesn't matter

that you slept with two people.

w Oh.

M Yeah.

Let's never see each other again.

w So, okay, that's as far as I
planned. I got as far as telling
you then I hoped you'd maybe
jump in and save the day, be all

You look startled. manly and know what happens

next because this is
You said we shouldn't see each
other. I mean,

Yet here I am. Why might that come on Superman. Swoop

w down. Save the day.

M It's raining.
w Do I look different?

M You've not got a coat. Different?

I thought I might, yes

w Nothing.
I've broken you. You've shut

different. down. It's too much. Can I come

in at least? I'm drenched.

Glowing maybe.

It'll be born by the time you've

M You mean said something. It'll plop out of
me and be slippering, squirming
w yep.
around in the afterbirth can I at

least come in or to do the right thing.

M listen, w The right thing. Good.

w it speaks. M I'm going to support you.

M Okay, listen, I'm sorry but can I w Support. Great.

can we talk later? I'll come Will you just please, I'm sorry,
round, I'll but just be quiet because it's
w she's here isn't she?
you're making it impossible to
think and I really need to think.
Of course she is. I'm an idiot.
This is horrible. I'm going. No. I won't. You shouldn't need
to think. You shouldn't. You
M Wait, just
should just fucking know what to
w I can't do this.
do. Say what you want. Say what
M Please. you're feeling. Don't tell me what
I need to hear.
w Don't.
I don't know what you need to
M I knew I'd find you here. M
w How?
w Then it shouldn't be a problem.
M I looked everywhere else.
What I'm feeling, what I'm
w You know me so well.
thinking is there is no perfect
M Shouldn't be out here at night. outcome of this. I have to tell my

We had sex in those toilets do fiancee.

you remember? w Yes you do.

M I'm sorry I couldn't speak before. And I

w I made you miss your meeting. M

please, shut up for a second.
I'm sorry, just give me a chance
M Obviously I'm going to do I want

M You're not/ going to

I've not decided yet and don't tell

me your opinion because it's
Thank you. w
fucking irrelevant. What's your

M All I'm saying is

w you think I should abort it.
M Hang on a second.
Get rid of the problem. It's a
let's get married.
w problem. This unborn person is
w No.
M Why?
M just maybe we should maybe
Okay, one, because you're
w kill it.
already engaged to someone
M Talk. Think it through.
Two, w You do. You want it dead.
w because that's the least romantic I'll support you in anything you/
proposal in the entire sad sorry choose to do.
two hundred thousand year
I wish you were dead. I wish I
history of the human race and
w was dead. I need an earthquake.
A tsunami.
because I don't want to. Fucking
I'll do what it takes. I'll do
hold your horses I don't even
M whatever you want, whatever you
know whether I'm going to keep
it yet so let's not get ahead of
ourselves. w I need you to call your fiancee.

M I'm not going to tell her on the


phone. whilst your sperm was fertilising

Because you don't want to hurt my egg. As I sobbed on my own.

w Sobbed so hard I burst all the
her feelings.
capillaries under my eyes.
Because she deserves better than
M Vomited. Took an earring and
pushed the metal point into my
Better than her husband-to-be
w arm, drew blood, a lot, here look,
impregnating his ex-girlfriend? it got infected.
M T han being told by phone. What happened with me and you
How touching. You must love wasn't to do with her.
her very much. You and me, you really have
Yes. Actually I do. Is that stopped reading.
surprising, she's my fucking I still loved her, yes, at that
fiancee. We're getting married in M moment. I didn't want to hurt
three months. her.
w I must buy a hat. w You just weren't thinking.
Were. We were. Obviously we M I didn't think she'd find out.
can't now.
Wow. Okay. Well that's
And you loved her even when completely fine then. Obviously
w you were fucking me on my you loved her very much, it's just
sofa? at that particular moment,
M Yes. ejaculating was a little bit more
important to you than her sanity
You loved her when you were
w and wellbeing and now this is
coming inside me?
happening, a chain of events
M Yes.
which is going to culminate in
w Which is why you were with her the miracle of childbirth and it's

going to grow up and behave like one of those people under a

you and leave armies of sobbing train, one of those station
women puncturing themselves announcements, I would, I
alone in their rooms. Give me fucking would, I'd open up every
your phone I want to talk to her. vein and write on the wall big

M No. and red 'this is not a cry for

help'. Give me your phone.
I want to apologise to her. When
we had sex I thought how sad M No.

you seemed, how lonely and How did I become this person? I
desperate and how much you used to be a good person and
w missed me, how much I missed w now I'm evil. I'm actually evil.
you and how horrific this Give me the phone, I'm serious,
two-dimensional idiot fiancee of I want to talk to her.
yours must be but I bet she's
M That won't help.
lovely. I bet she's just extremely
w Give me the phone.

nice. M No.
Give me your phone.

M No.

This day this day this fucking No you're probably right. I don't
wedding day she's planned since w
think I'd handle it well.
she put a napkin on a Barbie and
I'm going to talk to her. Now.
w now here I am, my fucking belly, M
Face to face.
swelling by the minute, the
evidence that her entire world is Okay? I'm doing it.


She'll probably off herself, be


under my ear, her ring

Can I come to yours once I've
seen her?
w good.

M Yeah,
w Why?
I suppose.
M Because I want to.
No she deserved to. She
And I'll have nowhere else to go. w
deserved to really fucking
w Okay but
M yeah.
can we just have a second?
Without talking. You and me.
w Cripple you.

M No, you're right.

You, me and the little speck
The ten thousand tonnes of CO, w For what you did.

waiting to be unleashed onto the M Yeah, but

should have cut your fucking
Just a second.
dick off.

The three of us. M Okay.

I must be insane. You clearly

can't be trusted.

M Okay. M

w You're bleeding.
you're clearly unable to overrule
your prick.
M She was upset.
M I'm not entirely to blame for
w And there was
yes actually yes fucking yes you
M kicking. Screaming. Hitting. w
fucking are, yes.
w Did she hurt you?
M It was both of us who
M Scratching. She caught me on,
w I'm not engaged to her.

M Nor am I now. M I just assumed.

w Touche. Well don't. T his is all just going

w at a hundred miles an hour and I
need a second to breathe.

No. If we think about it too

Touche. M
much we won't do it.

w Do what?

M T his. Now. Us.

So what now? We just what? Go
M Yes it's not the perfect
back to normal?
circumstances, but let's go into
w Normal? What normal? What? this with open arms. I love you.

M No, just Okay? I always have. When I'm

away from you I forget how to
w we're not a couple.
enjoy anything and when I'm
M Oh. with you I feel at home.
We're not
w We've never worked out how to
we're not going to be like be together without making each
M no, right. other feel a bit shit and I want to
find a way to not do that. You've
Not like before. We need to start
w got to stop being angry with me
fresh. If at all.
and I've got to stop giving you
I just
M reasons to be.
sorry, I thought
You've needed me to know what
I don't know you. You're a
to do. To know how I'm feeling
fucking stranger now. A fucking
w and to put it in the right words.
deceitful, immature evil little
You've needed me to grow up.
So that's what's happening. I'm

putting it in the right words. I'm

growing up.

We're not going to overthink

I'll think about it.

We're doing this.

We're going to get the books and

M Breathe in.
go to classes and work out how
to be parents. And we're going to w Okay.
grow old together and look back M Breathe.
on all this and laugh because it
w They're getting more frequent.
will seem like a different lifetime.
M Every few minutes.
And we'll have a conversation
and we'll just try to do the right w Get the keys.

thing. Because we're good M We're here.

people. Right?
w Don't leave me.
And we'll plant forests. I mean it.
M I'm right here.
We'll cycle everywhere. We'll
grow our own food if we have to.
w I'm scared.

We'll never take another plane. M You're so brave.

We'll just stay right here. And w Hurts.
we'll plant forests.
M I forgot the camera.

w Here it comes.

M He's so beautiful.
w Thank you.
w Let me hold him.
I needed to hear that.
M Of course.

w We're a family. M I know.

M I'm so tired. w Have you got your camera?

w It's your turn. M Let's get married.

M Shall I bring him in with us? w I do.

w He's got to wean. M We need to be prepared.

M I know. It won't be as bad as they're

w The books all say so. saying.

M Good marks all round. M He hasn't called.

w I'm so proud of him. w They've suspended all flights.

M I forgot my camera.
M It's so hot.

w There he goes. w The planet's fucked.

M Don't cry. M He looks so different.

He's never slept away from w He wants to help out.

home. M We're fine.

M We're going to be fine. w That's what I told him.

w You shouldn't let him see that. M It's a standard operation.

M I'll talk to him. w I know.

He needs to hear it from his M just goes with old age.

father. w He's going to drive you.
M Are we going up this weekend? M I'm going to be okay.
I just want to see him before he's
w I'm scared.
w off because, what with the world
M You're fine.
as it is,
w He's found me a home. They

have classes and things there. by. Change the flowers.

Art and things. It's nearer to him I don't know if I'll get much of a
so a long way from here. He gets chance to pop back here so
cross with me sometimes. You
know how he is. I think a lot of anyway.
people are angry at me. At us.
Those of us still around. I forget
more and more. I don't know
what they're so upset about. I love you.

I miss talking to you. Here I am

talking to myself.

Your forests have gone. I don't Lights out.

watch the news any more, it all

just gets worse and worse.

Everything's covered in ash. He

tells me to stop dusting. Snaps
at me.

I'm tired. Fed up.

But I'm okay. Listen to me
moaning on. It's a nice cool day
today, like we used to have.
Fresh air. No sirens. No noise.
It's good.

Anyway, I just thought I'd stop

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