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Defining the Project Development Process for Urban Rail Projects

In managing and implementing any large transportation infrastructure project, particularly an

urban rail project, it is important to understand how the project evolves from planning through
implementation to start-up and operations. Table R1 defines critical steps of the project
development process as they are used throughout the modules of this e-learning course. While
some of the steps are necessarily sequential, others may be initiated in parallel (for example,
financing and procurement). Some of these definitions may vary from those used in other
sources, so this box serves as an important reference when digesting and sequencing the
recommendations set out in the modules of this e-learning course. Participants should be
aware of the complexities entailed and cognizant of local procedure regarding project planning
and investment so as to properly contextualize the steps and activities discussed in this course.

Table R1. Steps in the Project Development Process and their Main Activities
Step Main Activities
System  Conduct diagnostic studies of urban mobility and land use 

planning  Develop an integrated urban mobility strategy 

 Identify priority corridors and define the needs and requirements of
individual projects based on the long-term vision of the metropolitan region
and its development 

Corridor Generate investment alternatives 

planning  Identify possible solutions in response to the needs of the corridor, scope of
the investments, and any other constraints 

 Confirm that these alternatives can be economically and sustainably delivered
and are aligned with the integrated urban mobility strategy 

Analyze investment alternatives and select a preferred alternative
 Assess and select the most appropriate and cost-effective investment
alternative that delivers on the interests of diverse stakeholders 

 Conduct high-level environmental and social analysis 

 Decide whether or not to pursue urban rail as the preferred alternative 

Preliminary Initiate development of the urban rail project
design  Put in place the systems to manage the project budget, schedule, and staffing

 Undertake surveys to reduce or eliminate major project uncertainties through
extensive geotechnical and site investigations, development of land
acquisition plans, and development of utility diversion and protection plans 

 Assess the social, environmental, health, and safety impacts and risks related
to the project and develop systems and plans for their management and

 Identify and analyze options for project procurement and delivery, including
contract packaging and pricing 

 Select the preferred option
Detailed design  Produce a design that underpins tender-ready cost, time, resource, and risk
estimates commensurate with the chosen method of project delivery 

 Conduct additional studies of project integration with urban development and
other transportation modes at the detailed (station) level 

 Receive all necessary permitting and approvals for awarding a contract and
Detailed design for initiating construction, including final designs, land titles, and utility
(continued) relocation plans 

Procurement • Arrange for financing (may be part of the delivery method in public-private
and financing partnership schemes) 

Step Main Activities
• Implement the project delivery method, contract pricing mechanism,
procurement method, and bidding procedures for the project 

• Select the highest ranked project proposal(s) and award the contract(s) 

• Meet conditions for financial close 

Construction Build infrastructure 

 Manage all contracts for civil and electromechanical works and rolling stock

 Oversee construction of the urban rail system to the specifications of the
design and in accordance with project budget and schedule 

Conduct testing and pre-operations 

 Test the system to ensure operations in accordance with design 

 If applicable, transfer asset responsibility from the project team to the

 Set up any contingencies or warranties at start of defect liability period 

Operations and Operate the urban rail system 

maintenance  Conduct service planning and provide service that is safe, reliable, and meets
the needs of users 

 Maintain the assets to support the longevity of the system 

Project closeout (at end of defect liability period, usually two to three years after
start of operations)
 Settle contractual accounts 

 Formally close the project and its support systems 

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