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A Covid-19 Experience

(This is a work of fiction. Names, characters and incidents are the products of the author’s
imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely

Hi, my name is Vigneeshwar. I am 17 years old and I live in Malaysia. My country

was put under a Movement Control Order (MCO) which is a cordon sanitaire implemented
as a preventive measure by the federal government of Malaysia in response to the COVID-19
pandemic in the country on the 18th of March 2020. With the entire world regions in a sudden
wave of panic getting swallowed by this extremely contagious virus like a wildfire, I am glad
that our Malaysian government, unlike many other countries, were smart and cautious enough
to understand the severity of this pandemic and took swift action to chokehold the spread of
this virus before it collapsed our economy.
I, a responsible citizen of Malaysia am proud to say that I did my part in this fight as
well! What did I do you ask? Well, I stayed at home! I did not go aimlessly wander around
the city to pass time nor did I see anyone other than the people I am living with, also known
as my really noisy family. According to a research I have done during my time in quarantine
is that it really takes a lot out from a persons’ mental strength to not become a psychopath
and kill all my brothers but that is a joke of course and not me showing my secret sadistic
side, self-contemplating why it is not wrong to cause homicide if the people are annoying.
Are you wondering, why is this story so weird and dark all the sudden? Let me
remind you, “This is a work of fiction”.
“Wait, I thought you were going to explain about your Covid-19 experience?” an
elderly future reader asks.
“Yes but I do like to add milk to my coffee, it’s like how you test the water at the
public swimming pool before jumping in which you shouldn’t do in these times due do to
pandemic because the virus can spread through water very easily and also don’t forget to
wear a mask and al-“
“Ah! Ok! Chill man! Well I prefer to not get to the dark parts early on in the story and
also I said and I quote ‘A Covid-19 Experience’ not ‘My Covid-19 Experience’ ” I will say
“What part of this pandemic is dark? It’s just people getting sick from a disease like
what every other disease does. You are the one fictionalising this story by altering segments
of your memory into fantasy!”
“Ok, boomer.”
*ends call*
Sadly since senile people cannot enjoy good writing, it would be a waste of time
explaining to him why I should add unnecessary fillers also senile people are very hot-
tempered, maybe it has something to do with him being old and balding but who am I to
judge? Why am I being so rude to an elderly? Simply. Simply because I do not like people
who spreads false information like Uncle Ali there. What false information did he spread you
ask? Well he said and I quote, “It’s just people getting sick from a disease like what every
other disease does”. According to what he said, we all should treat this disease like every
other disease but unlike other diseases, Covid-19 is extremely contagious and could kill off
the entire human species off the world if it is not handled properly and with foolish people
like that grandpa spreading false information, people might get misinformed or brainwashed
into thinking it is all a big conspiracy and start protesting like in America which caused a
whopping 3.8 million cases on the 18th of July 2020.
“Ok but Uncle Ali might have been misinformed as well so how can you bully a
senior citizen like that!” an angry future reader says.
“Ah right. I might have been too harsh on the grandpa, I am sorry Uncle Ali. I hope
you will start reading information from reliable sources from now on. Goodbye!”

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