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Major issues faced by Kolhapur are none other than floods and their aftermath. In Predictions
spite of formulating Disaster Management Plan, Monsoon management plan; KMC
seems to be unsuccessful in avoiding losses caused due to floods. Preparations
based on the


Assessment of
Key Map

Recommended Flood Measures & policy instruments aimed at reducing flood risk may reduce flood RECOMMENDATIONS
Possible reasons of floods* Precautions necessary for floods* Management stages probability, the flood process & vulnerability of protected land.
• A local DRR and resilience strategy needs to be
*Source – Flood Disaster Kolhapur district.pdf (2015)
PREVENTION AND linked to the actual priorities of each locality
Over 50 people lost their lives and more
than 10,000 families lost their houses. MITIGATION MEASURES and its entire population, and it should
Floodplains, the flat land along the river, UNDER DISTRICT DISASTER incorporate certain flexibility and periodic
provide the space for rivers to spread evaluation mechanisms to adjust course, evolve
MANAGEMENT PLAN and adapt to changing circumstances.
their waters. When this space is
encroached upon, river ecology (such as • Provide better early warning • Floodways as a tool for controlling floods –
its capacity to hold extra water changes) 1 methods for flood, storms, cyclone Floodways help to reserve central part of
is drastically impacted. floodplain to ensure that some part of
• Reduce the destruction and loss of floodplain will remain open to carry
WHAT IS RIVER 2 life within buildings floodwaters efficiently.
REGULATION ZONE POLICY? • Provide for safer environments for
• Introduced in 2000 under section 5 3 transportation systems
of the Environment Protection Act to
• Eliminate flooding in populated
regulate industrial activity near river
4 areas
• Areas within 2Km of high flood lines • Ensure redundant water supply
on either side of the basin are to be 5 systems
treated as no-development zones.
• The government’s view- Due to • Reduce environmental degradation
prevention of growth of industrial 6 and restoration of livelihood
units on river banks, the problem of
unauthorized constructions has come • Reduce effects of the natural
up at various places and that’s why 7 environment on the infrastructure
scrapped it. Concept diagram of a floodway which can be designed for river
• The notification is important not only • Ensure redundant power systems stretches in vulnerable areas as shown in adjacent map
8 on critical facilities
for river ecology but also for the life Sources –
• Adaptive flood risk management planning based on a comprehensive flood risk
and property of people who live in • Ensure adequate materials conceptualization (2016)
• Implementation guide for local disaster risk reduction & resilience strategies (2018)
floodplains owing to lack of 9 available for road maintenance • Flood Risk Assessment of Panchganga River (Kolhapur District, Maharashtra) Using

Flood risk map showing vulnerable areas knowledge. GIS-Based Multicriteria Decision Technique (2017)

College of Engineering Studio Faculty Date and Sign Prepared by

Pune Yogesh Keskar
CLIMATOLOGY AND ENVIRONMENT- PROPOSAL Semester VI Arati Petkar Gauri Rajendra Kshirsagar
T.Y. B.Tech Planning Shubhangi Thakare (111714057)
2019-2020 Jaspreet Chhabda

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