Northern Bottlenose Whale

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Ecosystem of the Description of
bottlenose whale the bottlenose
The northern bottlenose whale
whale likes cold, deep,
temperate to sub arctic
oceanic waters which The Northern bottlenose
are greater than 6500 ft. whale has a large bulbous
They can be found in forehead and prominent beak.
the North Atlantic The color of the whale is grey
Ocean and can be in or brown. The difference
New England, Canada, between a male and female
Greenland, Iceland, bottlenose whale is that the
England, and Europe adult males have larger, flatter
but only until foreheads that become whiter
Spitzbergen and down within ages, and adult males
to the Azores and may have a lone pair of
northern Africa. They erupted teeth in the lower jaw.
feed mostly on squid, A full mature bottlenose
whale can be up to 30 feet
By Maaz
fish, shrimp, sea
cucumbers, and sea long and up to 7 tons. Ibrahim 9A
stars. They get killed by
human activity and October 9,
harsh noise due to their
hearing. 2018
Reason for being

The bottlenose whale is

endangered because of
hunting. The bottlenose whale
has a waxy substance used for
oil lamps, lubricants, and
candles in them. These are
everyday items people used
and so people would go
hunting them for production
of these items. There are

Aliquam consectetuer posuere lorem. approximately 143 bottlenose

whales left in the world.

Aliquam enim lacus, consequat eu, porttitor quis, Suspendisse ac neque. Cum sociis natoque
tincidunt vitae, quam. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur
in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia ridiculus mus. Donec sed turpis ornare nisl commodo
Curae; Nulla facilisi. Nulla mollis erat non lectus. Ut cursus. Curabitur vehicula gravida magna. Morbi
adipiscing porta est. Donec ut lectus vel odio luctus. Nam gravida cursus turpis.
venenatis ultrices. Pellentesque habitant morbi Donec risus lectus, auctor non, pretium eu,
tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac volutpat ac, ipsum. In hac habitasse platea dictumst.
turpis egestas. Mauris nec dolor. Donec congue urna Mauris vitae dui. Curabitur feugiat, eros nec posuere
blandit nulla. iaculis, nunc augue pharetra nunc, quis interdum
Cras nec quam vitae augue gravida tristique. Cras libero risus eu orci. Aenean tempor gravida orci. Sed
arcu quam, bibendum sed, tincidunt at, suscipit ut, et est. Nunc massa urna, mollis vitae, viverra ac,
neque. Pellentesque tellus tellus, nonummy ac, auctor vulputate id, dolor. Pellentesque rhoncus pede eu
in, nonummy id, nisi. Nam nisi ante, varius quis, sapien.
porta ac, rhoncus sed, mi. Proin tempus est rhoncus Nullam felis velit, fermentum in, vestibulum eu,
risus. Nullam dolor ipsum, posuere at, suscipit varius, fermentum quis, risus. Quisque sollicitudin.
accumsan at, enim. Curabitur suscipit massa ut pede.

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