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Appendix 1 Summary questions: exam focus

Summary questions test your ability to:

• understand texts
• make clear, brief notes
• select, order and collate information and present it in your own words
• write concisely and fluently.

Core: Paper 1, Question 3 (15 marks)

You will be given one question following Reading Passage B. Question 3 is a two-part
summary question, for which you will have 25–30 minutes. For part (a) of this
question, you will need to make notes on key points from the passage. In part (b),
you will be asked to summarise information on a particular aspect of the passage in
100–150 words using your notes from part (a).
This question is worth 15 marks, 5 marks of which are for the quality of your writing.
This question tests Assessment objectives R1, R2 and R5, and W1, W2 and W3.

Extended: Paper 2, Question 3 (20 marks)

You will be given one question following Reading Passage B. Question 3 is a two-part
summary question, for which you will have about 40–45 minutes. For part (a) of this
question, you will need to make notes on key points from the passage. In part (b),
you will then be asked to write a summary about a particular aspect of the passage
in 200–250 words using your notes from part (a).
The question is worth 20 marks, 5 marks of which are for the quality of your writing.
This question tests Assessment objectives R1, R2 and R5, and W1, W2 and W3.

Checklist for success Answering the question:

 Make sure you provide the information the
Understanding the question: question asks for.
 Read the question carefully.  Cover all the main relevant points and structure
 Focus on what the question asks. your summary logically.
 Underline the main points in the passage(s)  Try to use some complex sentences, combining
relating to the question. points that are well punctuated and fluent.
 Write tightly and succinctly.
Preparing to answer the question:  Do not include introductory or concluding
 Locate: find key points from the text, using sentences, but get straight into the summary.
skimming and scanning.  Avoid including any quotations or examples.
 Select: choose the most relevant points from
those you’ve found and list these as notes.
 Order: put these points in the best order to
answer the question, using your own words.

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