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In the period of: Semester 2, 2018/2019

Name: Name:
Matric no.: Matric no.:
Signature: Signature:
Date: Date:

The said parties, for the consideration of writing the English for Academic Writing
(LE 4000) Essay, hereby agree to the following:
1. Make all decisions regarding the paper together.
2. Provide equal contribution by both parties on all assignments.
3. Divide the workload fairly.
4. Adhere to the division of workload as agreed by both parties.
5. Be responsible for the course file.
6. Do all assignments related to the paper, together.
7. Respect the work done by both parties.
8. Give full commitment to the assignments given.
9. Adhere to the deadlines given by lecturer and partner.
10. Will not commit plagiarism in any of the assignments given.
If there is a breach of agreement on any of these aspects, we agree for the lecturer
to take any or all of the following actions:
1. Deduct marks for late submission. (1 mark per day)
2. Deduct marks for incomplete course file
3. Award Zero (0) mark for plagiarized or copied papers
4. Award marks to only one party if the other party fails to do his/her part in any
of the assignments (Evidence must be produced).
5. Award Zero (0) mark to the party that breaches the contract (after reviewing
evidence given).

LECTURER’S NAME: __________________________________

SECTION NO. : _______________

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