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Bridge Structures

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A general method for nonlinear analysis of bridge


Marcello Arici & Michele Fabio Granata

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for nonlinear analysis of bridge structures, Bridge Structures, 1:3, 223-244, DOI:

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Published online: 16 Feb 2007.

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Bridge Structures, Vol. 1, No. 3, September 2005, 223 – 244

A general method for nonlinear analysis of bridge structures


Università degli Studi di Palermo, Dipartimento di Ingegneria Strutturale e Geotecnica,

Viale delle Scienze – Palermo, Italy

Modern bridge structures which are built by assembling slender arches, three-dimensional
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thin straight or curved members, and cable structures are often too deformable to be
treated with the first-order elastic theory. The analysis of such structures requires the
employment of large displacement theory. Additionally, a post-elastic nonlinear analysis
is required to control and evaluate damage without collapse in the seismic design
philosophies for bridge structures. Hence, it is essential to develop an effective procedure
that considers both geometric and material nonlinearities for the three-dimensional
analysis of bridges structural members.
A general procedure for the analysis of linear and nonlinear behaviours of curved
structures using the transfer matrix method (TMM) is presented. The procedure is a
TMM extension to geometric and material nonlinear formulations, with large
displacements, small deformations and localized plastic hinges. Some applications are
presented for the nonlinear analysis of slender arch-bridge structures.

Keywords: Transfer matrices; Large displacements; Arch; Bridge; Nonlinearity

in tensile structures, are too deformable to be treated with

1. Introduction
the first-order elastic theory. It is necessary to perform the
Arch and curved beam members frequently occur in highway analysis using the large displacement theory.
structures, particularly in arch bridges and in multilevel During the last decade, practical static and dynamic
interchanges on urban freeways. The analysis of such nonlinear analysis of structures has progressed, due to the
structures has typically been carried out by modelling the intensive use of computers and finite element models. The
curved members as a sequence of short straight segments. possibility to utilize nonlinear geometric and material three-
Since this approach utilizes three-dimensional beam frame dimensional elements can be very useful to allow general
elements, which are commonly available in analysis computer nonlinear analysis for curved structures. From this point of
codes, it has widely been utilized among bridge designers. view the introduction of three-dimensional curved bar ele-
Nevertheless, the errors in the approximations due to the ments is important for applications to nonlinear analysis of
stress resultants evaluation obtained by means of straight arch bridges or to curved members of other kind of structures.
member idealisation can be substantial, even for a refined The transfer matrix method, introduced in the field of
mesh (Palaninathan and Chandrasekharan 1985, Tabarrok elasto-static and dynamic analysis (Pestel and Leckie 1963,
et al. 1998). On the other hand, a post-elastic nonlinear Becker et al. 2002), has already been extended to the field
analysis is often required in seismic design of bridges to assess of large displacement nonlinear analysis (Yoshida and
inelastic structural behaviour under seismic loads. Imoto 1973, Fujii and Gong 1988). The method can be
Additionally, modern arch structures, especially those very useful for simply connected structures, where a
made of steel or aluminium with slender sections, or cables section divides the structure into two independent parts.

*Corresponding author. Email:

Bridge Structures
ISSN 1573-2487 print/ISSN 1744-8999 online ª 2005 Taylor & Francis
DOI: 10.1080/15732480500278236
224 M. Arici and M. F. Granata

This kind of chain structures is typical of bridges. m(s) = (m1, m2, m3)T which can be assembled in the general-
A versatile procedure for curved structures is presented ized external force vector fe(s). Then:
herein for large displacement analysis with small strains
and inelastic material. It is an extension of an elastic uðsÞ ¼ ðvT ; jT ÞT ; fe ðsÞ ¼ ðpT ; mT ÞT ð1a;bÞ
structural analysis, developed essentially as a mixed Let e(s) = (e1,e2,e3)T and k(s) = (k1,k2,k3)T denote the strain
method by using transfer matrices in the field of linear and curvature sub-vectors, respectively. These can be
analysis. The procedure for three-dimensional structures assembled in the generalized strain vector q(s). In the same
leads to a nonlinear system of equations of sixth order way the stress resultant vector Q(s) has six components, the
which does not depend on the number of elements. The first three assembled in the sub-vector T(s) = (T1,T2,T3)T
solution of the system is obtained by means of an iterative and the last three in the sub-vector M(s) = (M1,M2,M3)T.
modified Newton method. Then:
qðsÞ ¼ ðeT ; kT ÞT ; QðsÞ ¼ ðTT ; MT ÞT ð2a;bÞ
2. Governing equations of the elasto-static problem
in small displacement field The total strain vector (2a) can be divided into two parts,
considering the elastic strain vector qi and, when applied,
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With reference to a space curved bar (total axial length L), the external inelastic imposed strain vector qe (i.e. thermal
having low initial curvature and consisting of homogeneous strains):
isotropic material that displays linearly elastic behaviour, let
s be the curvilinear coordinate joining the centroids of the q ¼ qi þ qe ð3Þ
cross-sections, with respect to a fixed origin s = 0. Consider
Let f(s) be the non-singular and symmetric flexibility
a local coordinate system (figure 1) formed by the Frenet
matrix of the elastic bar, inverse of the stiffness matrix E:
unit vectors n(s) = i1, b(s) = i2, t(s) = i3; the normal,
binormal and tangent of the bar axis, respectively. The 2 3
principal axes of inertia of the cross section are assumed to w1 w12 xC
6 0 0 0 7
coincide with i1 and i2, and the warping of the cross-section 6 GA GA GJ 7
6w w2 C 7
x1 7
due to torsion can be neglected. The configuration of the 6 12
6 0 0 0 7
deformed bar is fully described by the generalized displace- 6 GA GA GJ 7
6 1 7
ment vector u(s); having six components. The first three are 6 0 0 0 0 0 7
6 7
written together in the sub-vector displacement v(s) = fðsÞ ¼ E ðsÞ ¼ 6
EA 7 ð4Þ
6 0 1
(v1,v2,v3)T; and the last are written in the sub-vector 6 0 0 0 0 7
6 EJ1 7
rotation j(s) = (j1, j2, j3)T. The bar is subjected to 6
6 0 1 7
6 0 0 0 0 7
applied distributed loads p(s) = (p1, p2, p3)T and moments 6 C EJ2 7
4x xC 1 5
2 1
0 0 0

where w1, w2, w12 are the shear factors, x1C, x2C are the shear
centre coordinates with respect to the centroid of the cross
section; G and E are the shear modulus and Young’s
modulus, respectively; while A is the cross-section area, Ji
(for i = 1, 2) are the principal inertia moments and J is the
torsional constant. If the cross section has one axis of
symmetry, w12 = 0 and one of the distances xiC between
shear centre and the centroid has zero value. When the cross
section has two axes of symmetry, the shear centre coincides
with the centroid and the flexibility matrix becomes a
diagonal one. In the general case, for compact sections
the terms of the flexibility matrix outside the principal
diagonal which are different from zero are usually much
smaller than the diagonal ones, so they can be neglected for
practical applications.
The elastic constitutive equations can be written as

Figure 1. Three-dimensional curved bar. qi ¼ E1 Q ð5Þ

A method for nonlinear analysis of bridges 225

The principle of stationary total potential energy, assuming The variational problem (6) can now be written in the new
d u(0) = d u(L) = 0, can be written as: canonical form (Lanczos 1964):
Z L d ðQT u0  HÞds ¼ 0 ð12Þ
dPp ¼ d Wds ¼ 0 ð6Þ 0
The corresponding system of the Euler – Lagrange
1 equation is now:
W ¼ qTi Eqi  feT u ð7Þ
W is the total potential energy density, a function of d @W @W @W @H
 ¼ ¼ u0 þ ¼ 0;
arbitrary but suitable displacements and strains observing ds @Q0 @Q @Q @Q
the following field compatibility equation: ð13a;bÞ
d @W @W dQ @H
 ¼ þ ¼0
u0 ¼ Bu þ qi þ qe ð8Þ ds @u0 @u ds @u

This system is a canonical Hamiltonian system of 12

The symbol ( )0 represents the derivative with respect to the
differential equations governing the static behaviour. The
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curvilinear coordinate and the matrix B is a square matrix

Hamiltonian function can be written in an explicit form
representing the gradient matrix of the displacements;
obtained from (11b), (7*) and (5):
2 3 Hðu; QÞ ¼ 1=2 QT E1 Q  QT Bu þ feT u þ qTe Q ð14aÞ
B0 B1
B¼4 5 ð9Þ which can be reduced to the compact form:
0 B0
HðzÞ ¼ 1=2 zT Az þ deT z ð14bÞ
The square symmetric matrix A of order 12, and the vectors
2 3 2 3 z and de, are defined by:
0 t0 k0 0 1 0
B0 ¼ BT0 ¼ 4 t0 0 0 5; B1 ¼ 4 1 0 05 0 BT
k0 0 0 0 0 0 A¼ ; z ¼ ðuT ; QT ÞT ; de ¼ ð feT ; qTe ÞT
B E1
ð10a;bÞ ð15a;b;cÞ

In equation (10); t0 and k0 are the initial tortuosity and the It is worth noting that substituting the Hamiltonian
initial curvature of the bar axis (Arici 1989). Introducing (8) function expressed in an explicit form (14a) into (12), the
into (7), one obtains the total potential energy density W, as function that should be stationary takes on the mixed form
a function of the vectors u, u0 and of the vectors of the of the Hellinger – Reissner principle (Pian et al. 1983,
external actions fe and qe: Corradi Dell’Acqua 1992). The Euler – Lagrange system
(13) can be rewritten in the form:
Wðu; u0 ; sÞ ¼ 1=2ðu0 þ Bu  qe ÞT Eðu0 þ Bu  qe Þ  feT uð7 Þ
@H @H
u0 ¼ ¼ Bu þ E1 Q þ qe ; Q0 ¼  ¼ BT Q  fe
In the total potential energy principle for static problems @Q @u
the function W, written in the form displayed by Equation ð16a;bÞ
(7*), plays the same role as the Lagrangian function in the Expression (16a) shows the field compatibility equation,
Hamilton principle for dynamic problems. The variational also containing the constitutive equation; while (16b)
problem (6) can be transformed into a double set of displays the field equilibrium equation. In a more compact
first-order differential equations, by applying the Legendre form the system can be written:
transformation to the expression (7*). Assuming as active
variables of the transformation the components of the @H
z0 ¼ J or z0 ¼ JðAz þ de Þ ð16c;dÞ
vector u0 , and the new corresponding canonical variables @z
(momenta), @W/@u0 one obtains the dual Hamiltonian J is the skew symmetric symplectic operator, defined by:
function H of W. Considering (5) and (8), the new  
corresponding canonical variables coincide with the com- 0 I
J¼ ð17Þ
ponents of the Q vector. It follows that: I 0

When the Hamiltonian function does not explicitly depend

@W on the curvilinear coordinate, s, it proves to be invariant
Q ¼ 0 ; Hðu; QÞ ¼ QT u0  W ð11a;bÞ
@u and is a first integral of the canonical system.
226 M. Arici and M. F. Granata

Finally, the complete system (16d) has the following

3. Integration of the equation system
solution obtained by using equations (22):
With reference to a three-dimensional slanting bar, having
constant tortuosity t0 and constant curvature k0, a solution uðsÞ YðsÞ DðsÞ uð0Þ Nu ðsÞ
zðsÞ ¼ ¼ þ
of the system (16d) is sought. First, consider the reduced QðsÞ 0 YT ðsÞ Qð0Þ NQ ðsÞ
system (16a) that can be solved knowing the fundamental ð23Þ
matrix Y(s) = exp(7Bs) of the system. The solution takes
the form: Z where:
s Z s
1 1
uðsÞ ¼ YðsÞuð0Þ þ YðsÞ Y ðZÞE QðZÞdZ DðsÞ ¼ Yðs  ZÞE1 YT ðZÞdZ ð24Þ
Z s o
þ YðsÞ Y1 ðZÞqe ðZÞdZ ð18Þ Z s Z s
Nu ðsÞ ¼ Yðs  ZÞqe ðZÞdZ  Dðs  ZÞfe ðZÞdZ ð25aÞ
The first term on the right-hand side represents the 0
Z s 0

homogeneous solution of the system (16a), while the second NQ ðsÞ ¼  YT ðZ  sÞfe ðZÞdZ ð25bÞ
and third terms are particular solutions with zero initial 0
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The homogeneous solution, which is obtained by setting Equation (23) shows that the matrix:
the total strain vector q(s) = 0, represents the set of  
YðsÞ DðsÞ
functions that describe the rigid body displacements of CðsÞ ¼ ð26Þ
0 YT ðsÞ
the element.
Hence the fundamental matrix can be directly obtained is therefore the field transfer matrix of the complete system
by writing the rigid displacement components of the bar (16d). When the bar has constant geometric and elastic
in the section having curvilinear coordinate s as a function properties, the matrix A considered in (15a) has constant
of the displacement components at the initial section. Then terms; therefore the matrix C equals the matrix exponential
the fundamental matrix takes the following form: function exp(JAs) and then C71(s) = C(7s). The influence
  of the external actions on the state vector z(s) is represented
Y0 Y 1 by the vectors Nu and NQ. A similar expression for the state
YðsÞ ¼ ; Yð0Þ ¼ I ð19a;bÞ
0 Y0
vector z(s) has been developed for plane arches in finite
displacement field (Fujii and Gong 1988). Equations
and can be assumed as the transfer matrix of the system
(22a,b) clearly show that the displacement u(s) in the
(Pipes and Hovanessian 1969). In (19a) Y0 is the matrix
generic section is the sum of one part due to the rigid body
that multiplied for initial values of displacements in 0, gives
motions and a second part due to elastic and imposed
rigid displacements in s while Y1 is the matrix that
deformations, while the vector Q(s) is obtained from the
multiplied for initial values of rotations in 0 gives rigid
equilibrium condition on the undeformed initial reference
displacements in s. The matrices Y0 and Y1 are given in
Appendix A. The solution of the system (16b) can be
obtained directly because its homogeneous system is the For practical applications, in Appendix A the matrices
adjoint system of the homogeneous one corresponding to Y(s) and D(s) are given for a three-dimensional plane
(16a); hence its transfer matrix is YT(7s). Then: circular bar with constant cross sections. The same matrices
Z s are also derived for the three-dimensional rectilinear beam.
QðsÞ ¼ YT ðsÞQð0Þ  YT ðsÞ YT ðZÞfe ðZÞdZ ð20Þ In the case of plane bars loaded in the plane (plane
arches) the active degrees of freedom and the internal forces
Since the gradient matrix B does not depend on terms are only the six odd components of the state vector z;
the curvilinear coordinate s, the transfer matrix, Y(s), has while in the case of bars loaded perpendicularly to the plane
the following properties: (plane curved beams), they are the six even components.
Yðs  ZÞ ¼ YðsÞYðZÞ; Y1 ðsÞ ¼ YðsÞ ð21a;bÞ The element transfer matrices and the state vector for
both the two-dimensional problems can be obtained by
Hence solutions (18) and (20) can be written more simply as: deleting the even or the odd rows and columns from the
Z s
general ones.
uðsÞ ¼ YðsÞuð0Þ þ Yðs  ZÞE1 QðZÞdZ Through this approach it is also possible to obtain the
Z s 0
stiffness matrix of a three-dimensional curved bar for a
þ Yðs  ZÞqe ðZÞdZ ð22aÞ
0 Z s more traditional analysis. In Appendix B the stiffness
QðsÞ ¼ YT ðsÞQð0Þ  YT ðZ  sÞfe ðZÞdZ ð22bÞ matrix is obtained for a bar having constant cross section
0 and constant initial curvature.
A method for nonlinear analysis of bridges 227

equation (23), to define the new expanded state vector Si(s)

4. Elastic analysis of complex structures
and the relation:
When a curved bar (total axial length L) is made up of
Si ðsÞ ¼ Fi ðsÞSi ð0Þ ð28Þ
several elements of length li, having different but constant
geometric and elastic properties, the structure can be By introducing the new expanded field transfer matrix Fi
divided into elements. For each element it is possible, with for the element 5i4, where:
equation (23), to express the state vector zi(s) in the generic 2 3
  Yi ðsÞ Di ðsÞ Nui ðsÞ
section (s coordinate) referred to the vector zi(0) in the z ðsÞ 6 7
initial section of the element (figure 2). Si ðsÞ ¼ i ; Fi ðsÞ ¼ 4 0 YTi ðsÞ NQi ðsÞ 5
Additionally, when a node I, between the elements 5i4 0T 0T 1
and 5i+14, presents imposed discontinuities DuI in the ð29a;bÞ
geometric axis or applied concentrated forces DQI these can
be taken into account by considering the compatibility and it is also convenient to introduce the nodal point matrix PI
equilibrium of the actions on the left and right of the node. for the imposed discontinuities in the node I:
2 3
One must have: I 0 DuI
  PI ¼ 4 0 I DQI 5
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DuI ð29cÞ
ziþ1 ð0Þ ¼ zi ðli Þ þ DzI ; DzI ¼ ð27a;bÞ 0T 0T 1

which is also valid when DzI = 0. Internal releases or Moreover, when an internal release is present at the node I,
additional supports in the nodes could also be considered. the vector DuI, contains an unknown quantity DuI,j in one
An internal release located in an internal node I generates, of its six components and null values in the all other
in that node, an unknown kinematical discontinuity DuI, j components. Furthermore the nodal point matrix PI,
( j = 1 to 6) and imposes a null value for the dual instead of the unit matrix I in the second block, has a
mechanical quantity (i.e. QI, j = 0). By contrast, an addi- matrix containing a null value in the corresponding one of
tional internal support, applied at the generic node I, the six terms of the diagonal and a value of 1 in the all other
produces in that node an unknown mechanical disconti- terms. Now, node 0 is assumed to be at the left end of the
nuity DQI, j ( j = 1 to 6) but imposes a null value for the structure. Considering the first element and the initial
dual kinematical quantity (i.e. uI, j = 0). Hence it is possible boundary conditions, it is possible to define the state vector
to consider these two cases in the structure simply by S1(0) of the section s = 0; this vector will have 6 + 1 known
considering in Equations (27) a suitable vector zi(li), having components and 6 unknown components. In the element
a null jth component (in the Qi(li) subvector or alternatively 5i4, the state vector Si(s) can be expressed by the
in the ui(li) subvector), and a suitable vector of disconti- recursive formula:
nuities DzI , having an unknown jth component (in the DuI
subvector or alternatively in the DQI subvector) together Si ðsÞ ¼ Fi ðsÞ  PI1  Fi1 ðli1 Þ  ::::::::::  P1  F1 ðl1 Þ  S1 ð0Þ
with null values for all the other components. ð30Þ
To compact the expressions (23), it would be convenient
to add a unit component to the state vector zi(s), one row Proceeding up to the final right node, N, and imposing the
and one column to the transfer matrices, taking their six boundary conditions at the right end, the linear system
dimension to 12 + 1. It is thus possible, by means of of equations on the six unknown quantities is finally

Sn ðln Þ ¼ Fn ðln Þ  PN1  Fn1 ðln1 Þ  PI  Fi ðli Þ::::::::::

P1  F1 ðl1 Þ  S1 ð0Þ

Once the linear system is solved, the vector S1(0) is

completely known and by means of equation (30) it is
possible to calculate the state vector in each element, i.e. the
vectors ui(s) and Qi(s) for the entire structure. Any kind of
space curved bar can be subdivided into an appropriate
number of small cylindrical helix elements having constant
parameters, or more simply into three-dimensional small
plane circular bar elements, where Ri is the radius of the
initial curvature evaluated in the mid-section of the element
Figure 2. Curved bar with several elements. and suitable matrices PI. With the procedure outlined in
228 M. Arici and M. F. Granata

Appendix B, it is also possible to obtain the stiffness matrix second and the third term on the right-hand side of
for a bar having variable cross sections and/or variable equation (22a) only have to be modified to take into
curvatures. In this case, after subdividing the structure into account the initial rigid rotations, now no longer negligible.
small elements with constant radii, one must consider the Equation (22b) (equilibrium conditions) must also be
complete transfer matrix for the entire structure and extract modified to take into account the rigid rotations of the
its sub-matrices. With reference to equations (51) and (52) in geometric axis on the components of the external and
Appendix B, using the sub-matrix [1,1] of the complete internal force vectors. Modified expressions for (23), (24)
transfer matrix instead of the matrix Y(l ), the sub-matrix and (25) of the state vector, transfer matrix and load
[2,2] instead of the matrix YT(7l ) and the sub-matrix [1,2] vectors of each element for finite displacements must be
instead of the matrix D(l ), one obtains the stiffness matrix K derived. In this way, the displacement vector u(s) takes into
for any kind of bar. account the large rigid body displacements, but also
considers the linear elastic deformation of the element
instead of the nonlinear one, that must be small under the
5. Extension to finite displacements
assumed hypotheses.
Assume the following hypotheses: The vector Q(s) is obtained considering only the rigid
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body configuration of the element neglecting the influence

(a) the constitutive laws are linearly elastic; of the deformations on the equilibrium. In order to reduce
(b) the displacements and rotations of the sections can be the inaccuracies obtained in this way and to maintain
large; the small strain hypothesis, it is necessary to subdivide the
(c) the deformations must be very small; so that they can entire structure into much smaller elements. With these
be approximated with the elastic ones, even if the changes in the matrix expressions, it is possible to apply
displacements are large. the procedure exposed in the previous section, obtaining
the six-order equation system (31), which becomes non-
These assumptions are verified when the length of each linear when the displacements are large. The solution of the
element is small. Thus, every structure must be divided into system can be obtained by means of an iterative modified
a suitable number of elements that are short enough to Newton method.
consider linear elastic strains instead of the nonlinear
strains. Under these hypotheses, it is possible to extend the
5.1 Application of finite displacements procedure to
procedure exposed in the previous section for small
2D circular plane arch elements
displacements to nonlinear geometric problems with finite
displacements. The total Lagrangian formulation is con- In order to clarify the procedure using the finite displace-
sidered for the solution of the boundary value problem in ment, its application to the case of a two-dimensional
the finite displacements field with small strains. plane arch with constant cross section is shown. For a
In this case, referring to equation (22a), the first term on two-dimensional circular plane arch element, with initial
the right-hand side, which concerns rigid body displace- curvature radius, R, the state vector is reduced to the six
ments, has to be modified through the introduction of a odd components:
matrix Yf (s) that can take into account the displacements 8 9 8 9
magnitude, rather than Y(s) which was defined only in   < v1 ðsÞ = < TðsÞ =
small displacement field. The matrix, Yf, can be directly zðsÞ ¼ ; uðsÞ ¼ v3 ðsÞ ; QðsÞ ¼ NðsÞ
QðsÞ : ; : ;
found through the relationship between the large rigid body j2 ðsÞ MðsÞ
displacements of the generic section at s and the initial ð32a;b;cÞ
displacement vector (for the section at s = 0). The
The modified transfer matrix Yf (#) is now of order 3 and
displacement magnitude, in fact, implies a change only in
considering the angular coordinate, # ¼ s=R, it can be
the sub-matrix Y1(s) in equation (19a). This sub-matrix,
obtained directly considering rigid body motions of the
whose terms link the rigid body displacement components
elements for finite displacements:
in the section having coordinate s with the rotations of the
section in s = 0, must be substituted with the sub-matrix Yf ð#Þ¼
Yf1(s) in which each term becomes a function of the 2  3
sin j2 ð0Þ ð1cos j2 ð0ÞÞ
rotation components ji (0) (i = 1,2,3) in the initial section. 6 cos # sin # R sin # j ð0Þ þ ð1cos #Þ j2 ð0Þ 7
6  2
In the next subsection, the matrix Yf and the other changes 6 7
6 sin j2 ð0Þ ð1cos j2 ð0ÞÞ 7
for the case of finite displacements are derived for a two- 6 sin # cos # R ð1cos #Þ  sin # 7
4 j2 ð0Þ j2 ð0Þ 5
dimensional circular plane arch. Additionally, the assumed
0 0 1
hypothesis of small deformations allows the approximation
of the real deformations with the elastic ones. Hence, the ð33Þ
A method for nonlinear analysis of bridges 229

The ratios sin j2(0)/j2(0) and (17cos j2(0))/j2(0) express an unknown relative rotation about the barycentric neutral
the influence of the large rotation component j2(0) on the axis. In this case, only one relative rotation Dj must be
terms of the matrix without any limit about its amplitude. calculated and only one moment is fixed at its ultimate
In the case of small displacements, all the terms of the value. In the general case, when there is an interaction of
matrix Yf become independent from j2(0), because the stress resultants, with Qp being the vector of ultimate stress
ratios (since j2(0) ! 0) will simply be sin j2(0)/j2(0) = 1 resultants values at each point of the yield surface
and (17cos j2(0))/j2(0) = 0. FI(Qp) = 0 (interaction domain), the internal generalized
To derive the field matrix, Cf (y), for this case, it is release does not generate a simple relative rotation about
necessary to find the three-order matrices YT(7y) and the barycentric axis of the section. In this case in fact, a
D(y). The first matrix can be obtained from equation (19a) plastic concentrated deformation vector, DuI, is directed
using the sub-matrices (38) and (41) in Appendix A. Trans- along the external normal to the yield surface, FI(Qp) = 0,
posing the six-order matrix Y(y) and substituting y with at the point Qp on the surface, following the well known
7y in the matrix, one obtains YT(7y). The matrix D(y) can rules for plastic flow of the plasticity theory (Martin 1975).
be obtained from equation (43) using (44), (45), (46) and (47). All kinematical components of DuI depend on the same free
Deleting the even rows and columns of the matrices parameter lI 4 0 and all the values for stress resultants
YT(7y) and D(y) and using the transformation matrix Tf,
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are fixed.
one can finally obtain the field matrix Cf (y) for finite On the contrary, if the plastic generalized hinge is not
displacements: active at a section, the following values are realized;
FI(Qp) 5 0 and lI = 0. Thus, for each node in which a
" # generalized concentrated plastic hinge is active or not, it
Yf ð#Þ TTf Dð#ÞTf
CfðyÞ ¼ ð34Þ must be lI  FI(Qp) = 0.
0 TTf YT ð#ÞTf Maintaining all other elements of the structure in the
elastic range, equilibrium and compatibility equations at
In equation (34), Tf is given by: yielded sections must be achieved on the base of the section
yield surfaces, introducing in the nodes special point
2 3 matrices PIY. Thus, in equation (29c), it must be assumed
cos j2 ð0Þ sin j2 ð0Þ 0
that DuI ¼ lI @FI =@Qp , DQI = Qp, and substituting I with 0
Tf ¼ 4 sin j2 ð0Þ cos j2 ð0Þ 0 5 ð35Þ
matrix in the second block, the special nodal point matrices
0 0 1 PIY have the following expression:
For numerical analysis with large displacements of arches 2 3
it is convenient to express the state vector in each section lI
6 I 0
@Qp 7
of the generic element (the displacement vector ui and the 6 7
6 7
internal force vector Qi) with reference to a fixed system PY
I ¼6 0 0 Qp 7 ð36Þ
6 7
of rectangular Cartesian coordinates rather than to the 4 5
local system (i1(s), i2(s), i3(s)) depending on the coordinate 0T 0T 1
s. This can be done by using simple transformation
where FI (Qp) = 0 is the yield surface equation of the
considered section, Qp is the vector of stress resultants
ultimate values, lI 4 0 (for FI (Qp) = 0) is the unknown
6. Extension to material postelastic behaviour
multiplier of the plastic deformations, and @FI/@Qp the
It is possible to consider the material inelastic structural vector of the partial derivatives of the interaction function
behaviour introducing an elastic – plastic hinge (lumped with respect to ultimate stress resultants vector. The yield
plasticity) analysis. Material inelasticity can be taken into surface equations for steel and concrete sections suitable for
account using generalized concentrated ‘zero-length’ plastic the use in nonlinear analysis can be obtained from the
hinges in those critical sections where the material can literature (Chen and Han 1995). Those equations can also
reach its plastic capacity. According to section 4, each of be derived using the elastic – perfectly plastic stress – strain
these sections can be considered at a node I of the relationships. Generally, the influence of torsion and shear
subdivided structure into elements. When a section is fully stress resultants on the yield surface is not considered. It is
yielded, an internal release at that node is generated, thus possible to use a suitable iterative procedure to take
activating a plastic concentrated deformation vector DuI, into account the material inelastic behaviour, obtaining the
depending on only one unknown parameter lI 4 0. Thus, state vectors that observe both compatibility and equili-
when plasticity conditions depend on pure flexure due to brium conditions and the plastic conditions FI (Qp) = 0 in
only one bending moment, an internal hinge is opened with the yielded sections.
230 M. Arici and M. F. Granata

is pushed laterally in several load increments until failure is

7. Numerical applications
Four numerical examples are presented herein to validate The final purpose of such analysis is to determine the
the analytical model described above. The examples cover a displacement or ductility capacity of the structure under
wide range of applications.

Example 1: Inelastic analysis of a one-story portal frame.

A nonlinear static push-over analysis of a steel bridge bent
frame, consisting of a bent cap beam (I steel section) and two
columns fixed at the base, is considered. In recent years,
displacement-based design has been used in bridge seismic
design as a valid alternative approach to strength-based
design (Akkari and Duan 1999). The nonlinear static push-
over analysis is used to describe the lateral displacement
response when the structure, under tributary gravity loads, Figure 3. Portal frame, numerical example 1.
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Figure 4. Horizontal displacement diagram at node 2 for the seismic push-over analysis of a bridge bent frame.

Figure 5. Horizontal displacement diagram at node 2 for proportional loading.

A method for nonlinear analysis of bridges 231

horizontal loads in comparison with the displacement or of the matrices and calculating the vectors Nu, NQ with
ductility demand obtained from linear dynamic analysis. equations (25a,b):
The selected bridge bent frame is a steel portal frame as
2 3
shown in figure 3. The proposed procedure is validated by s3 s2 s4
61 0 s  0 qw
comparing the response with the results reported in 6 6EJ2 2EJ2 24EJ2 7
(Nanakorn 2004), for the same portal frame. The idealized 6 s 7
60 1 0 0 0 0 7
bridge bent frame is analysed considering the material 6 EA 7
6 7
inelastic behaviour by an elastic-plastic hinge analysis, in 6 7
6 s2 s 3
s 7
60 0 1  0 qw 7
small displacement field, using 8 rectilinear elements 6 2EJ2 EJ2 6EJ2 7
6 7
(l = 500 cm) connected by N = 9 nodes. The yield surface Fb ðsÞ ¼ 6
6 0 0 1 0 0 qw s 77
F(MP, NP), which gives the interaction diagram between 6 7
ultimate moment and ultimate axial force for the I-steel 6 7
60 0 0 0 1 0 0 7
sections, is used. This diagram has been obtained as a 6 7
6 7
lozenge domain in the M0, N0 plane, neglecting the 6 2 7
60 0 0 0 0 1 qw s2 7
contribution of the web area of the section. The non- 6 7
4 5
Downloaded by [University of California, San Diego] at 02:32 07 January 2016

dimensional interaction equation is: F(MP, NP) = MP/

0 0 0 0 0 0 1
M0 + NP/N071 4 0.
For an I-beam with H = 100 cm and a steel strength of
Each rectilinear element of the columns has the same field
355 MPa, the ultimate flexural moment without axial load
transfer matrix Fc(s) except for the last matrix column. The
is M0 = +3696 kNm, and the ultimate axial load without
terms of this column are all equal to zero (qw = 0) except
flexural moment is N0 = +7670 kN. The value of the
for the last value.
total tributary superstructure dead load on the cap beam is
qwL = 2140 kN.
The expanded state vector of the generic element 5i4
for the case of plane frame loaded in plane has 6 + 1
components: Si = (u1, u3, j2, T, N, M, 1)T, where T is the
shear, N is the axial force, and M is the bending moment.
Each element of the cap beam under the vertical distributed
load (directed along i1) has the same field transfer matrix.
This matrix can be obtained from equation (29b), by means
of equations (48) – (50), deleting the even rows and columns Figure 6. Plane hinged circular arch, numerical example 2.

Figure 7. P–Dv diagram for circular arch.

232 M. Arici and M. F. Granata
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Figure 8. P–j0 diagram for circular arch.

Figure 9. P–H diagram for circular arch.

The horizontal load Q applied on the top of the column

before node 2 gives the point matrix:
2 3
1 0 0 0 0 0 0
6 7
60 1 0 0 0 0 0 7
6 7
60 0 1 0 0 0 0 7
6 7
Q 6 7
P2 ¼ 60 0 0 1 0 0 Q 7
6 7
60 0 0 0 1 0 0 7
6 7
6 7
40 0 0 0 0 1 0 5
0 0 0 0 0 0 1
Figure 10. Funicular rectilinear arch.
A method for nonlinear analysis of bridges 233

The variation of the structure line axis induces at the corner At node 0, the state vector S0 = (0, 0, 0, T(0), N(0),
sections of the frame (nodes 2 and 6) the point transforma- M(0), 1)T contains the three initial unknown quantities
tion matrices P2 = P6: T(0), N(0), M(0). The push-over analysis starts, considering
the lateral load with a value Q1 = m1 qw L, where m1 is a
2 3
cos 90 sin 90 0 0 0 0 0 non-proportional load multiplier. For this value, the elastic
6 sin 90 cos 90 0 0 0 0 07 state vector in the final node 8 is computed using the
6 7
6 0 0 1 0 0 0 07 general rule (31):
6 7
P2 ¼ P6 ¼ 6
6 0 0 0 cos 90 sin 90 0 077
6 0 0 0 sin 90 cos 90 0 07 S8 ¼ Fc ðl Þ Fc ðl Þ P6 Fb ðl Þ Fb ðl Þ Fb ðl Þ Fb ðl Þ
6 7
4 0 0 0 0 0 1 05
2 Fc ðl Þ Fc ðl ÞS0
0 0 0 0 0 0 1
Downloaded by [University of California, San Diego] at 02:32 07 January 2016

Figure 11. P–Dv diagram for rectilinear arch.

Figure 12. P–j0 diagram for rectilinear arch.

234 M. Arici and M. F. Granata

The components of the state vector S8 contain the three structure, the value of the function FI(M, N) must be
initial unknown quantities; hence the boundary value computed, for each section or node, relative to the actual
problem can be solved by imposing the three assigned values of M, N and verify if some of this values are greater
boundary conditions at the right end of the structure. In than 0. When all the values are negative it means that no
this way, the linear system is solved obtaining the three plastic hinges have been developed in the sections and the
initial unknown quantities of the state vector S0. Now, the response of the structure is still elastic. On the contrary, if
state vectors can be computed for all the nodes and along some of the F(M, N) values are positive some hinges can be
the sections of the elements of the structure using equation activated. In this case, sections with negative values will
(30), and the actual values of displacements and stress be identified as the critical sections. The critical sections
resultants at these sections can be obtained. To know if a must not be more than n, where n is the number of
generalized hinge can be opened in any section of the redundancies. If these sections are localized in the already
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Figure 13. P–H diagram for rectilinear arch.

Figure 14. P–Dv diagram for circular arch with shear deformation effects.
A method for nonlinear analysis of bridges 235

selected nodes, the special nodal point matrices, shown in plastic flow rule (law of normality), a vector of relative
equation (36), have to be inserted at these nodes. displacements, DuI = (0, Du3I = lI @FI/@NPI, Dj2I = lI
Conversely, if one of the possible yielded sections is along @FI/@MPI)T. An applied vector DQI = (0, NPI, MPI)T,
an element subjected to distributed loads, a new node must must also be considered and substitute, in the nodal point
be introduced in that section and the previous element can matrix, 0 instead of 1 in those terms which multiply NI and
be subdivided in two different elements. When in a node I, MI. The distance, yPI, between the plastic neutral axis of
the section is yielded it must be: lI 5 0, FI(MI, NI) = 0. On the section and the centroid, when the ultimate values NPI
the contrary, if the hinge is still not active lI = 0 and and MPI act on the section, can be expressed as:
FI(MPI, NPI) 5 0.
To fulfil the plastic condition FI (MPI, NPI) = 0 at the @MPI @FI @FI
yPI ¼ ¼ : ; Du3I ¼ yPI Dj2I
node, where FI (MI, NI) 4 0, one should consider, for the @NPI @NPI @MPI
Downloaded by [University of California, San Diego] at 02:32 07 January 2016

Figure 15. P–j0 diagram for circular arch with shear deformation effects.

Figure 16. P–H diagram for circular arch with shear deformation effects.
236 M. Arici and M. F. Granata

Hence the special node point matrices to be applied at the resultants values MI(k), NI(k). Compute the values of
yielded nodes can be written in the form: FI(MI(k), NI(k)) at all the nodes.
2 3
1 0 0 0 0 0 0 Step (5) If some of the values FI(MI(k), NI(k)) 5 0 are
6 7 realized at any node, then close the hinge at that section
60 1 0 0 0 0 yPI Dj2I 7
6 7 assuming the special nodal point matrix coincident with
6 7
60 0 1 0 0 0 Dj2I 7 the identity matrix PIY(k)=I. Go to step 1 and repeat
6 7
Y 6 7 (k + 1) (k)
PI ¼ 6 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 7 the iterative procedure until MPI  MPI and
6 7 (k + 1) (k)
60 0 0 0 0 0 NPI 7 NPI  NPI .
6 7
6 7
60 0 0 0 0 0 MPI 7
4 5 Using this procedure, one can know the response of the
0 0 0 0 0 0 1 structure due to the applied load, Q1, with qw = 1.07 kNcm.
Increasing the load value, the structural response must be
To find the values of NPI, MPI and yPI at the yielded nodes, recomputed. The first hinge opens at node 6 for a value of
an iterative procedure is necessary. The kth iteration is the load multiplier m1 = 0.13. The second hinge opens at node 8
performed as follows:
Downloaded by [University of California, San Diego] at 02:32 07 January 2016

for a value of load multiplier m2 = 0.27, the third opens at

node 0 for m3 = 0.44. The last hinge is opened at node 3
Step (1) Let MI(k71) and NI(k71) be the actual values of
stress resultants computed at the previous iteration in each
node I. For those nodes in which FI(MI(k71), NI(k71)) 4 0
is found, assume NPI =NI(k71) and compute MPI(k)
from the
(k) (k)
condition FI (MPI , NPI ) = 0.

Step (2) For the selected nodes, compute the new values
of yPI from the condition
ðkÞ @FI @FI
yPI ¼ :
@NPI @MPI ðMðkÞ ; NðkÞ Þ
Step (3) Assemble the special nodal point matrices PIY (k)
for the selected nodes.

Step (4) Solve the structure partially released with the

special nodal point matrices PIY (k) and find the stress
Figure 17. Curved circular bridge, numerical example 3.

Figure 18. Vertical displacement at mid-span section for horizontal circular beam (h/L = 0.25).
A method for nonlinear analysis of bridges 237
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Figure 19. Torsional rotation at mid-span section for horizontal circular beam (h/L = 0.25).

Figure 20. Bending moment at mid-span section for horizontal circular beam (h/L = 0.25).

under the collapse load multiplier m4 = 0.49. Figure 4 conditions neglecting the interaction with axial force. In
shows the diagram of dimensionless horizontal displace- order to compare the results with those obtained by
ment u2EJ2/M0L2 at node 2 as a function of the increasing (Nanakorn 2004), the analysis was performed neglecting
load multiplier m(Q = mqwL), until collapse. This diagram is the axial flexibility of the elements. Figure 5 shows the
suitable to determine the displacement capacity of the diagram of dimensionless horizontal displacement u2EJ2/
structure under horizontal loads in comparison with the M0L2 at node 2 as a function of the increasing
displacement demand obtained from linear dynamic analy- dimensionless load qwL2/M0. The first hinge opens at
sis of the frame. node 8 for a value of qwL2/M0 = 1.32. The second opens
To validate the results obtained with the proposed at node 6 for a value of 1.54; the third opens at section 0
procedure, another analysis was performed for the case for a value of 1.63 and the last at node 3 for the collapse
of proportional load Q = qwL, increasing the value of qw value of 1.867, in agreement with values of (Nanakorn
and considering only pure flexure on the yielding 2004).
238 M. Arici and M. F. Granata

Only half a plane arch has been considered. The

Example 2—Plane hinged arch subjected to centred vertical
numerical solution was performed solving the nonlinear
force P (figure 6). The problem of the circular arch in the
system of order three through an iterative, but non-
context of large displacements was discussed by Huddleston
incremental method, assuming some initial attempt values
(1968). To compare the results, firstly shear deformations are
for the unknowns; j0, V0, H0 and imposing the following
neglected and the following dimensionless parameters are
nonlinear conditions (boundary conditions at the mid-span
taken into account: h/L and C = J2/AL2 (the inverse of the
square of slenderness). As a function of the dimensionless load
parameter, PL2/EJ2, figure 7 shows the relationship with the
Dor ðL=2Þ ¼ f1 ðj0 ; V0 ; H0 Þ ¼ 0;
ratio, Dv/L (where Dv is the vertical displacement of the mid-
span section), figure 8 displays the relationship with initial jðL=2Þ ¼ f2 ðj0 ; V0 ; H0 Þ ¼ 0;
section rotation j0, whereas figure 9 depicts the relationship VðL=2Þ  P=2 ¼ f3 ðj0 ; V0 ; H0 Þ ¼ 0:
with the dimensionless horizontal reaction H0L2/EJ2.
The solution was obtained through a modified Newton
method (Ortega and Rheinboldt 1970). The calculations
were made considering the half-arch divided into 20 smaller
Downloaded by [University of California, San Diego] at 02:32 07 January 2016

circular elements, giving the same results as given in

(Huddleston 1968). To overcome the problem of saddle
curves of the (P, Dv) diagram, it was necessary to impose
assigned values for Dv at the mid-span section and to
calculate the values V(L/2), rather than to impose values
for the load, P, because the iterative procedure converges
too slowly or does not converge. Another analysis was also
performed on a funicular arch with two rectilinear
elements. With the value h/L = 0 the case of an extensible
tie-rod was also considered, the same results being found as
for the circular arch with h/L = 0. The results coincide with
those obtained by Huddleston and Dowd (1979) for the
latter case. It is interesting to note that, for circular arches
with different values of the parameter C, the curves (PL2/
EJ2, Dv/L) intersect each other twice across the same points.
Figure 21. Hinged parabolic arch with variable cross The same occurs for the curves (PL2/EJ2, j0) for the same
section, numerical example 4. values of PL2/EJ2. This occurrence can also be observed for

Figure 22. Vertical deflection diagram D(y) for parabolic arch.

A method for nonlinear analysis of bridges 239

rectilinear arches (figures 10–13). Since the horizontal Example 3—Curved horizontally circular beam subjected to
reactions H0L2/EJ2 are also equal for these load values, a concentrated vertical load. As a third example, a circular
arches with equal ratio h/L attain the same deformed bridge of radius R, as shown in figure 17, is considered
shapes. For this unexpected result no suitable explanation (Arici 1989). The bridge, whose length is gR, is simply
has been reached. The computation was repeated taking the supported by cylindrical hinges having radial axes at the
shear deformation effects into account, and it was found two boundaries placed at a distance L. The bridge is
that these effects are considerable when the arch attains subjected to a concentrated vertical load acting at the
very large displacements and when the horizontal reaction mid-span section.
diminishes (figures 14–16).
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Figure 23. Section rotation diagram j(y) for parabolic arch.

Figure 24. Bending moment diagram M(y) for parabolic arch.

240 M. Arici and M. F. Granata

In the example, the width/length and width/radius ratios one-dimensional elastic structures made of any kind of
are so small that the bridge can be considered as a circular space curved bar, including structures with variable cross
beam with small initial curvature. In this case, the state section and variable curvatures. The procedure works in
vector is reduced to the six even components of the general the small and large displacement fields; both in plane and
one. Neglecting shear deformation effects and introducing in space and for material inelastic analysis. The structure
the following dimensionless parameters: h/L and C = EJ1/ must be subdivided into an appropriate number of
GJ, the diagrams of the ratio Dv/L, of the torsional rotation elements having constant mechanical and geometrical
j3 and of the dimensionless bending moment M1L/EJ1, all properties. Each element can have axial, flexural, shear
computed at the mid-span section, as functions of the load and also De Saint Venant-type torsional flexibility. The
parameter PL2/EJ1, are shown in figures 18–20. It should procedure is versatile and there are no differential
be noted that C = 1 corresponds to the case of box section equations to be solved. For space curved structures with
having torsional stiffness of the same value as the flexural finite displacements, only the solution of a nonlinear
one, and C = 10 represents the case of a girder bridge with equation system of the sixth order, which does not depend
a small torsional stiffness. For h/L = 0.25, the curves show on the number of elements, is needed. Additionally, there
that the torsional stiffness strongly affects the buckling are none of the pathologies exhibited by finite element
Downloaded by [University of California, San Diego] at 02:32 07 January 2016

load, which is reduced by up to a factor of 4 for the girder models for this kind of problems nor any kind of locking
bridge case with respect to the box section bridge. On the phenomena.
other hand, applying linear elastic analysis, for the
particular position of the restraints the stress resultants
are independent of the stiffness moduli, as was demon-
strated by (Arici 1989). This can be seen from the slopes of
the bending moment curves near the origin, figure 20, The authors gratefully acknowledge the support of the
which are the same for C = 1 and for C = 10. The bending Italian Ministry of Universities and Scientific Research
moment curves at the mid-span section show a particular (M.I.U.R.) for this work.
loop shape, as displayed in figure 20. Apparently, for
h/L = 0 the case of the straight bridge is found, while for
h/L = 1/2 the structure overturns.
List of symbols
Example 4—Hinged parabolic arch. To demonstrate the A = cross-section area
suitability of the proposed method to consider the A = symmetric matrix of quadratic form that gives the H
variability of cross sections and of the curvature radius in function
the small and large displacement fields, the hinged B; B0, B1 = displacements gradient matrix and its subma-
parabolic arch solved in Benedetti and Tralli (1989) and trices
Haktanir (1994) was considered. Half of the arch shown in C = dimensionless ratio
figure 21 was subdivided into 10 arch (2-D) elements with C(s) = transfer matrix of the complete system
constant radius and constant cross section. A concentrated Cf (s) = modified transfer matrix of the complete system
load that is 100 times greater than those applied in (finite displacement)
Benedetti and Tralli (1989) and Haktanir (1994) was de(s) = generalized external actions vector
considered. The parabolic arch was solved in the linear D(s); D0 . . . D3 = submatrix of C and its submatrices
and nonlinear fields, assuming both the Bernoulli – Euler E, G = Young and shear moduli
and the Timoshenko hypothesis. The results for small E(s) = stiffness matrix of the elastic element
displacements agree perfectly with those of Haktanir fe(s) = external forces vector
(1994), and are also in close conformity with the results Fi(s) = field transfer matrix for the element
of Benedetti and Tralli (1989). Assuming the large h = rise of the arch
displacement hypothesis, no great differences are found H0 = horizontal reaction of the arch
from the linear solution for the assumed load value. H = Hamiltonian function
Figures 22–24 show the vertical displacement, D(y); the i, I = index for the generic element and generic node of the
section rotation, j(y); and bending moment, M(y), structure
diagrams. i1, i2, i3 = local coordinate system unit vectors
I = identity matrix
J = torsional constant
8. Conclusions
J1, J2 = principal inertia moments
A procedure based on the transfer matrix method has J = symplectic operator
been developed in this paper. It allows the analysis of k0 = initial curvature of the bar axis
A method for nonlinear analysis of bridges 241

k(s); k1, k2, k3 = subvector of curvature and its

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Nu(s), NQ(s) = external actions vectors into the field Hill: Italia).
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q(s); qe, qi = generalized strain vector, imposed and elastic
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Q(s) = stress resultants vector Expositions n.4. Univ. Of Toronto Press: Toronto).
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W = potential energy density 70, 275 – 299.
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z(s) = state vector Engng Mech. Div. ASCE 1973, 99, 343 – 366.
DQI = mechanical discontinuities vector
DuI = kinematical discontinuities vector Appendix A
Dv = vertical displacement of the mid-span section
Dzi = generalized discontinuities vector Three-dimensional circular plane bar
e(s); e1, e2, e3 = strain subvector and its components
y = angular coordinate Derivation of the sub-matrices Y0 and Y1. For a circular
lI = multiplier of the plastic deformations at node I plane arch with radius R, length l = Rg, where g is the
x1C, x2C = shear centre coordinates with respect to the angular coordinate of the extreme section, # ¼ s=R, the
centroid sub-matrices, Y0 and Y1, can be obtained by imposing rigid
Pp = total potential energy translations and rigid rotations on the initial section of the
r = direction cosines matrix bar.
t0 = initial tortuosity of the bar axis Three rigid motions consisting of three translations of
j(s); j1, j2, j3 = rotations subvector and its components the origin (s = 0) along the three local axes (i1, i2, i3):
f(s) = flexibility matrix of the elastic element v(0) = (v1(0), v2(0), v3(0))T, generate only the same
F(Qp) = 0 = yield surface (plastic conditions) rigid translations (no rotations) of the generic section
w1, w2, w12 = shear factors (coordinate s, angular coordinate #). These translations,
242 M. Arici and M. F. Granata

referred to the new local coordinate system, can be where

expressed as:
2 3
0 R sin # 0
Y1 ð#Þ ¼ 4 R sin # 0 Rð1  cos #Þ 5 ð41Þ
vð#Þ ¼ Y0 ð#Þvð0Þ ð37Þ
0 Rð1  cos #Þ 0
where The imposed rigid rotations also produce three rigid
2 3 rotations around the local axes of the generic section:
cos # 0 sin #
jð#Þ ¼ Y0 ð#Þjð0Þ ð42Þ
Y0 ð#Þ ¼ 4 0 1 0 5 ð38Þ
sin # 0 cos # where Y0(#) is the matrix given by equation (38).

The transfer matrix Y(#) can be obtained by assembling

Conversely, three small rigid rotations applied around the
the sub-matrices Y0(#) and Y1(#) in (19a).
local axes at the origin:

Derivation of the D(#) matrix

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jð0Þ ¼ ðj1 ð0Þ; j2 ð0Þ; j3 ð0ÞÞ ð39Þ
By applying equation (24) and considering a diagonal
flexibility matrix E71, one obtains the D(#) matrix for the
give three rigid translations along the three local axes of the three-dimensional curved bar. Considering the matrix
generic section: partitioned into four sub-matrices:

vð#Þ ¼ Y1 ð#Þjð0Þ ð40Þ D0 ð#Þ D1 ð#Þ
Dð#Þ ¼ ð43Þ
D2 ð#Þ D3 ð#Þ

The matrix D0(#) can be written as:

2 3
Rw1 Rw1
6 ð# cos # þ sin #Þþ  ð# sin #Þþ 7
6 2GA 2GA 7
6 R R 7
6 þ ð# cos #  sin #Þþ 0  ð# sin #Þþ 7
6 7
6 2EA 2EA 7
6 7
6 R3 R3 7
6 þ ð# cos #  sin #Þþ  ½# sin #  ð2  cos #Þ 7
6 2EJ2 2EJ2 7
6 7
6 7
6 Rw2 7
6 #þ 7
6 GA 7
6 7
6 R3 7
6 7
D0 ð#Þ ¼ 6 0 þ ð# cos #  sin #Þþ 0 7 ð44Þ
6 2EJ1 7
6 7
6 R3 7
6 7
6 þ ð2# þ # cos #  3 sin #Þ 7
6 2GJ 7
6 7
6 Rw1 Rw1 7
6 7
6 2GA ð# sin #Þ þ 2GA
ð# cos #  sin #Þþ 7
6 7
6 7
6 þ R ð# sin #Þ þ þ
ð# cos # þ sin #Þþ 7
6 0 7
6 2EA 2EA 7
6 7
4 R3 R3 5
þ ½# sin #  2ð1  cos #Þ ð2# þ # cos #  3 sin #Þ
2EJ2 2EJ2
A method for nonlinear analysis of bridges 243

2 3
6 0 ð 1  cos yÞ 0 7
6 EJ2 7
6 2 2 7
6  R ½# sin #  2ð1  cos #Þþ 
ð# cos #  sin #Þþ 7
6 2GJ 2GJ 7
D1 ð#Þ ¼ 6
6 2 0 7
7 ð45Þ
6  R ð# sin #Þ R2
6 2EJ  ð# cos #  sin #Þ 7
6 1 2EJ1 7
4 R2 5
0 ð#  sin #Þ 0

2 3
6 ½# sin #  2ð1  cos #Þþ 7
6 0 2GJ 0 7
6 R2 7
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6 þ ð# sin #Þ 7
6 2EJ1 7
6 7
6 R2 R2 7
D2 ð#Þ ¼ 6
6 EJ ð1  cos #Þ 0 ð#  sin#Þ 7
7 ð46Þ
6 2 EJ2 7
6 R2 7
6  ð# cos #  sin #Þþ 7
6 7
6 0 2GJ 0 7
4 R 2 5
 ð# cos #  sin #Þ

2 3
6 ð# cos #  sin #Þþ  ð# sin #Þþ 7
6 2GJ 0 2GJ 7
6 R R 7
6 þ ð# cos # þ sin #Þ  ð# sin #Þ 7
6 2EJ1 2EJ1 7
6 R# 7
6 7
D3 ð#Þ ¼ 6 0 0 7 ð47Þ
6 EJ2 7
6 R R 7
6 ð# sin #Þþ ð# cos # þ sin #Þþ 7
6 7
6 2GJ 0 2GJ 7
4 R R 5
þ ð# sin #Þ þ ð# cos #  sin #Þ
2EJ1 2EJ1

The field transfer matrix, C(#), can be obtained by assembling the matrices Y(#), YT-(#) and D(#) in (26).

The sub-matrices of the matrix D(s) become:

3D rectilinear beam
2 3
s3 sw1
For a rectilinear beam with length l, considering 6EJ þ GA 0 0
6 2
s = R#(R !: and # ! 0) in the previous matrices, one 6 s3 sw2 7
D0 ðsÞ ¼ 6 0 þ 0 7 ð49a; bÞ
obtains: 4 6EJ1 GA 5
0 0 EA

2 3 2 3 2 s2
1 0 0 0 s 0 0 2EJ2 0
Y0 ðsÞ ¼ 4 0 1 0 5; Y1 ðsÞ ¼ 4 s 0 05 ð48a; bÞ 6 7
D1 ðsÞ ¼ 6
4 s2
0 07
0 0 1 0 0 0 2EJ1

0 0 0
244 M. Arici and M. F. Granata

2 3 2 s 3
0 s2
2EJ1 0 EJ1 0 0 PQ ¼ ðQT ð0Þ; QT ðlÞÞT ; w ¼ ðuT ð0Þ; uT ðlÞÞT ð53a; bÞ
6 7 6 7
6 7 6
D2 ðsÞ ¼ 6 s2
6 2EJ 0 077 D3 ðsÞ ¼ 6 0 s
EJ2 07
4 2 5 4 5 PQ is the end force vector, K the element stiffness matrix of
0 0 0 0 0 GJ the curved bar, and w the end displacement vector, all of
order 12 for the three-dimensional problem.
ð50a; bÞ
To obtain the element stiffness matrix K* with respect to
a common reference system (X,Y,Z), it is necessary to
Appendix B apply the orthonormal transformation matrix Tr from the
local curvilinear coordinate system (i1, i2, i3) to the global
Derivation of the stiffness matrix K
In order to obtain the stiffness matrix for the elastic curved
bar, equations (23) must be rearranged, after setting s = L
K  ¼ TTr K Tr r ð54Þ
(#= g) in equations (23) and (24) and assuming
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NQ = Nu = 0. Using properties (21), one obtains:

where Tr is a 12 6 12 matrix collecting the direction cosines
     lk, mk, nk (k = 1,2,3) of the global axes with respect to the
¼ ð51aÞ local axes at the two ends I and J:

" # " #
Equation (51a) could also takes the following compact TI 0 r 0
form: Trð12  12Þ ¼ ; TIð6  6Þ ¼ ;
0 TJ 0 r I
PQ ¼ Kw ð51bÞ 2 3
l1 m1 n1
where: 6 7
6 7
rð3  3Þ ¼ 6 l2 m2 n2 7 ð55a; b; cÞ
KII ¼ DðlÞ1 YðlÞ; KIJ ¼ KTJI ¼ DðlÞ1 ; KJJ ¼ YT ðlÞDðlÞ1 4 5
ð52a; b; cÞ l3 m3 n3

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