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Tips For Preparing Your Manuscript

You’ve done your research and now it’s
time to prepare your manuscript, choose a
journal, get published, and attract a large
readership. Easy, right?

1 Create a
useful outline
10 Choose the
journal carefully
Preparing your manuscript for
publication is no picnic! Not only do
you need to prepare a manuscript that
is clear, concise, and captivating, you
also need to find the best home for it.

We’ve put together 10 tips to help you
write a successful manuscript and
choose the most appropriate journal.

Read & follow

the guidelines
Start your outline early in a project. Understand which field your Understand what is expected
As you gather data, make sure to findings will have the greatest of your manuscript submission.
ask yourself “why, what, and how” impact. Identify who you want to Each journal has a different set of
major advances emerged reach. Match your desired audience guidelines, so review carefully!
from your study. “What do with the readership of the
the results mean?” “Why journal. Consider the scope
did I do these reactions?” of the journal not the
impact factor!

Attract readers
with a strong title
6 Draw graphics 5 4
Craft a compelling title — describe with care Tell a story
your findings in as few words as Graphics deliver the data in an The purpose of a scientific paper is to
possible in an evocative orderly way and help the reader communicate scientific advances, so
way. Publishers are actively digest the greatest number of it’s important to write grammatically
seeking to promote the work ideas in the shortest amount of correct sentences. The more easily
of authors — make it easy by time. Be clear and precise, simple your readers can understand your
having an exciting title that leaves but informative, and don’t forget paper, the more likely they will
readers wanting more! to use color! appreciate it. Clear and
concise writing can
enhance an elegant study.

7 8
TOC graphics count Revise, edit and rework
You need several pairs of eyes on
Prepare the ‘SI’
Make sure your ‘Table of
your paper. Learn from others and with care
Contents’ graphic reflects
don’t be afraid of constructive A manuscript can’t contain every piece
the science described in the
criticism. of data collected throughout a project.
manuscript. Try to capture the
reader’s attention by giving a Use the ‘Supporting Information’ to add
quick visual impression of the additional relevant resources for the
essence of your work. reader. But don’t forget to give the SI a
thorough review before submission,

both to avoid errors and to potentially
decrease the revision time if your
work is accepted.
Write a strong
cover letter
A well written cover
letter highlights the
relevance and importance
of your work, explains why
the work is appropriate for the
journal’s readership, and will leave
editors wanting to find out more.
Include specifics like the editor’s
name and the journal’s name, and
keep your letter to under one page.

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