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Ms. Kilgore & Ms.

Shires English Department

CLASS SYLLABUS South Cobb High School

Tasia Kilgore & Kimberly Shires

Website: CTLS Learn and
10th Grade World Literature Contact Number: available upon request

Course Description: World Literature is a college prep course which surveys the works of the early literature of the
world through the present day. Focusing on a study of world literature, the student develops an understanding of
chronological context and the relevance of period structures in literature within cultures around the world. This class
will be comprised of literature, discussion, exams, projects, and writing activities. Writing experiences related to the
interpretation of literature, research, grammar practice, vocabulary development, listening, and speaking are also
elements of this course. Students will be responsible for reading all novels and plays assigned for class discussions.
Participation is vital and will play a major role in the understanding and analysis of literature. Often students will be
asked to work in a group format and will be expected to cooperate fully with group members.

World Literature (English II) emphasizes student enhancement of reading, writing, speaking, listening and critical
thinking skills through integrated activities. Becoming effective writers, readers, thinkers and speakers will be a major
goal of this course. Writing and reading assignments will be frequent.

 Texts (accessed through Clever)

SpringBoard English Language Arts II (National)
Antigone (play within textbook)
Things Fall Apart (novel within textbook)
Independent Reading
Persepolis (graphic novel that can be accessed online)
Informational Texts: lessons on media literacy, feature articles, websites, scientific texts,
encyclopedias, and play reviews.
 Conventions and SAT (Quill, accessed through Clever)
MLA Manuscript Form, Punctuation (commas, semicolons, colons),
Clauses (dependent, independent), Phrases (verbal, prepositional), Agreement (pronoun/antecedent,
subject/verb), Sentence Types, ACT/SAT Prep
 Writing
Focus on Argumentative Writing
 Vocabulary
From Springboard textbook with additions at teacher discretion. More information to come.

Parallel Reading
In addition to textbook materials, students will read county-approved works. Additional county-approved titles may be
added to this list at the teacher’s discretion.

Materials Required for Class (Daily)

Computer Headphones Access to Microsoft Office
Access to StudentVue/ParentVue

Suggested and helpful, but not mandatory:

Daily/Weekly Planner

Note: The content of this syllabus is subject to change in accordance with the needs of the class and/or instructor.
Ms. Kilgore & Ms. Shires English Department
CLASS SYLLABUS South Cobb High School

Note: The content of this syllabus is subject to change in accordance with the needs of the class and/or instructor.
Ms. Kilgore & Ms. Shires English Department
CLASS SYLLABUS South Cobb High School
Class Expectations/Rules

Use respectful language in live classes, chats, and emails to classmates and teachers.

Be on time (5 minutes early) and prepared. Gather your necessary materials before joining live class.

Have a professional background (posters, family members walking by, etc.)

Raise your hand and/or use reaction buttons.

BE PATIENT! We are all adapting to a new school environment which will require patience from EVERYONE! Be
understanding of your teacher as we are understanding of our students’ various situations.

Focus on the meeting. Don’t play games on your phone or be watching other things while in class.


Be somewhere as quiet as possible.

Turn your camera on.

Mute yourself when someone else is talking.

Use headphones when you can.

Make sure your computer is plugged in/charged.

Use the chat for questions and relevant comments.

Participate! Your education is YOUR responsibility. Turn in your work, ask for help, and learn!

Follow all other school rules/policies as listed in the Student Handbook.

Dress appropriately.

Grading Code
100 - 90 A Excellent
89 - 80 B Good
79 -74 C Average
70 - 73 D Below Average
69 - 0 F Poor

Grading Policy
Summative Assessments = 80% of total grade Formative Assessments = 20% of grade
16% - Language Standards (grammar, vocabulary, etc.) 5% - Language Standards (grammar, vocab.)
16% - Speaking and Listening Standards (presentations) 5% - Speaking and Listening Standards
16% - Reading Standards (common assessments in reading comprehension) 5% - Reading Standards (class articles)
16% - Writing Standards (essays) 5% - Writing Standards (practice paragraphs)
16% - Final Exam

Some assignments will be entered in the gradebook without weight. These assignments will not affect your grade, but they
will be used to determine remediation and future lessons.

Note: The content of this syllabus is subject to change in accordance with the needs of the class and/or instructor.
Ms. Kilgore & Ms. Shires English Department
CLASS SYLLABUS South Cobb High School
Keeping and Tracking Your Work/Organization
Students are responsible for keeping all the materials for class throughout the year. Do not permanently delete any
assignments from your computer/OneDrive. Although technology is great, we all know there are times when it fails. Save all
your assignments to OneDrive so it can be retrieved even if your physical computer has issues.

Suggestion: Create a OneDrive Folder for each of your classes. Within those folders, create sub-folders so your work stays
organized and can be easily found.

Folders for World Literature should be organized by UNIT. Having folders simply as Unit 1, Unit 2, etc. will be an easy way
to organize yourself. Within those folders, feel free to organize more specifically as you see fit. For example, you may have
Unit 1 organized like this:

Main Folder: Unit 1

Sub Folder: Writing
Sub Folder: Vocabulary
Sub Folder: Reading Questions

Tardy Policy and Attendance

Being prompt is a skill that must be groomed and should be exercised daily. The South Cobb High School Tardy Policy
will continue to be followed and enforced.
To avoid being counted tardy, students must be seated and ready for class at the beginning of the session. If you arrive after
the bell, you will be marked tardy. There will be no exceptions. Please note that opener activities are scheduled at the
beginning of class for to benefit your learning and our classroom community. You would not want to miss them!

Synchronous vs. Asynchronous (Live class vs. Independent work)

The most important part of this semester will be PARTICIPATION and COMMUNICATION. If you are struggling
and/or having trouble submitting an assignment, you need to reach out and ask for help. If you want/need help, sign up for

Tutoring Information:
By appointment only. Use this link to request tutoring.

CTLS Class Website

Link to Student Portal >>

Use our class website on CTLS and the class blog to stay up-to-date on your schedule and assignments, find resources, print
out additional copies of handouts, and obtain make-up work.

Social Emotional Health

In this new and potentially difficult time, make sure you are taking care of your mental health, too! Follow this link for Cobb
County’s Virtual Calming Center for strategies and tips to practice self-care.

Make-up Work and Reassessment Policy

When absent (excused), it is the student’s responsibility to obtain the assignments from the teacher’s website and arrange
time for make-ups. If a student is absent, check the website for class information and downloadable handouts. The student
has the equivalent of the number of days absent to obtain and submit work to the teachers. Previously assigned work is due
on the day you return to school. If an assignment was given before the student was absent, he/she does not get additional days
to complete the assignment if he/she was absent during the time allotted to complete it. All work must be turned in during the
grading period in which it is due. All absences must be excused before late work will be graded and posted in Synergy.

If you receive a grade lower than 80% on a summative assignment, you can reassess AFTER completing two tutoring
sessions and submitting the required edits/reassessment. You can receive up to an 80% on the assignment after reassessment.

Note: The content of this syllabus is subject to change in accordance with the needs of the class and/or instructor.
Ms. Kilgore & Ms. Shires English Department
CLASS SYLLABUS South Cobb High School
Late Work
Turn in work on time! This must be completed within the grading period in which the work was assigned and during the
grading period in which it is due. Any issues with technology that prevent work being turned in on time must be
communicated to your teacher before the assignment is due.

Plagiarism and Cheating (Turn It In):

Cheating and/or plagiarism are not tolerated and are treated additionally with a discipline referral and failure of the
assignment. Please carefully review the attached policy and review the following information carefully. You will sign that
you have read and understand its meaning. Please ASK the teacher for guidance at any time (before turning in an
assignment). WHEN IN DOUBT, CITE!

We will be using Turn It In this semester which is a system that checks your work for plagiarism. Instructions on creating a
Turn It In account will be communicated by the teacher.

All assignments, including vocabulary, unless specifically noted differently in writing, are INDIVIDUAL assignments, where
any collaboration with peers will be considered cheating. Those who provide the work as well as those who copy the work
are considered to be cheating. Plagiarism is the act of using another person’s ideas and expressions in your writing without
acknowledging the source. Repeating another’s words, phrases or sentences without quotation marks and proper citation
(even for ONE sentence) is plagiarism. Consequences for plagiarism include receiving an F (0 points) on the assignment and
a disciplinary referral to the administrators for disciplinary action. According to the Cobb County Code of Student Conduct,
plagiarism includes, but is not limited to, tests, quizzes, reports, homework, term paper and thesis writing.

A Special Note to Parents

I look forward to working with you. Please know that I will do all I can to make this year at South Cobb High School positive
and productive for your teenager. Feel free to text or email any time with any questions or concerns you may have. Text or
email to set up a phone call. Please allow up to 48 hours (two days) for a response, though I will do my best to always
respond as quickly as possible. It will take teamwork to ensure your child’s success, and I hope this information helps. Thank
you for your time and your interest in your child’s education.

Please click the link below to complete syllabus check and provide contact information.

Note: The content of this syllabus is subject to change in accordance with the needs of the class and/or instructor.

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