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Compulsory education is education which children are required by law to receive and governments

are required to provide.   The compulsion is an aspect of public education.   In some places home
schooling may be a legal alternative to attending school. (Compulsory Education, 2009)  
Plato’s Republic popularized the notion of compulsory education in the Western acedemic
deliberation. The Aztec’s had one of the first compulsory education systems.   They believed all male
children should be required to attend school until they were 16 years of age.   Most countries now
have compulsory education through out primary and often extending into secondary education.  
Modern compulsory attendance laws were first enacted in Massachusetts in 1853 follwed by New
York in 1854.   By 1918, all states had compulsory attendance laws.   (Encyclopedia of Everyday Law)  
Compulsory education at the primary level was affirmed as a human right in the1948 Universal
Decleration of Human Rights. (Compulsory Education, 2009) Every state requires children to be
enrolled in school by a certain age.   More than half of the states require that students be enrolled
by the age of six, the rest require enrollment between the ages five to eight.   Most states require
children to stay in school until they are sixteen years of age, other states seventeen to eighteen
years of age.   These age requirements are very controversial.   Many early childhood experts argue
that if policy makers establish early cut off dates for kindergarten, they should also establish
aggressive school readiness programs to ensure students’ success. Others argue that because there
has been an increased emphasis on early childhood development and school rediness, we should
continue to challenge at a younger age. (Education Program, 2009)
Today there are penalties for non-compliance with these requirements. Truency is now a
misdemeanor in...

Compulsory Education
Since the dawn of time, man has held a greater capacity to learn than any other creature on earth.  
It is man’s superior intellect which enabled him to evolve and conquer beasts 10 times larger than
himself.   Without his superior aptitude and adaptability disasters that have driven other species into
extinction are merely footnotes in the history of mankind. This lesson is not lost on society as it
advances into boundless horizons.   Education of man has become paramount and serves as an
institution no less significant than family, church, and state; thus, prompting many to collectively
seek various methods of formal education.
One such method is compulsory education, the corner stone of the public education system in the
United States of America.   More than 150 years have passed since Horace Mann helped
Massachusetts establish a statewide system of education that eventually led to the requirement that
all children attend public school.  In 1852, Massachusetts became the first state to pass compulsory
school attendance laws, and by 1918, all states required children to receive an education.   Over half
of the states, 32 now require children to attend public, private or home schools at various ages
ranging from 5 to 18 years of age. (NSCL, pars. 1-2) Education is a necessity for the survival of
mankind.   Society is made whole due in large part to the education of its citizens; therefore, it is in
the best interest of the state to provide the best available free education. defines compulsory laws as “Compulsory attendance laws are statutes put in force by
state governments that require parents to have their children go to a public or state accredited
private or parochial school for a designated period." (Par. 1) These laws are punishable by fines,
criminal charges such as misdemeanors, and/or jail time. Each state has its own mandated
compulsory laws.  
Moreover, with each state law is a specified age as to which children are to...

Rights To Education
Rights to Edcuation The importance of learning is to enable the individual to put his potentials to
optimal use. Education makes man a right thinker and a correct decision-maker. It achieves this by
bringing him knowledge from the external world, teaching him to reason and acquainting him with
past history, so that he can be a better judge of the present. With education, he finds himself in a
room with all its windows open to the outside world. A well educated man is a more dependable
worker, a better citizen, a centre of wholesome influence, pride to his community and honour to his
country. A nation is great only in proportion of its advancement in education.
Over the years, the demand for children’s education has grown by leaps and bounds.Everybody from
the poorest of the poor to the well off, acknowledges the value of education in the overall
development of children. Basically, the object of education is threefold i.e. physical, mental and
spiritual. A perfect system of education must do full justice to all those three above.
If we take a look at the Education Structure existing in India, we would find that, it is divided broadly
in five stages: Pre-primary, Primary, Upper Primary, Secondary and Higher Secondary. Schooling in
India follows the “10+2 pattern”.
Moreover, if we take into consideration the Indian Education Scenario, we would find that, in the
post-independence period, the pace of educational development has been unprecedented by any
standards. The Govt. was committed to ensuring universal elementary education (primary and upper
primary) education for all children aged 6-14 years of age through its flagship programme, Sarva
Shiksha Abhikyan (SSA). It is assumed that, the chief aim of such an education must have been just to
fit one to earn a living. It is called “Bread and Butter” system of education, as well. With the above
situation and concept in mind, on April 1, 2010, India has reached a historic milestone in country’s..

. Nowadays, everyone knows how important education is. The obvious evidence is the
decreasing rate of illiteracy, almost people are able to read and write clearly. Education can
decide the future of any country in the world. So, governments throughout the world should
make education compulsory for all children between the ages of 5 and 15 for some reasons.
First of all, it is the development of the children between 5 and 15 years old. According to
researchers, a child at these ages develops the most strongly. His brain haven't formed any
"trails of thinking" yet; thus, he can acquire new things very fast. We can verify it through a
simple experiment. We only need to give a 6 year-old child and a 40 year-old adult some
random numbers, then they have to read again without seeing . What's about the reason? The
child do this work much better in most of times of repeating.
Or, if a person learn foreign language when he was little, it will take less time for him to use
that language proficiently.
Secondly, as we know, children who are educated carefully may devote more to both their
countries and the world. When they finish secondary school ( at 15 years old ), they have
systems of fundamental knowledge about science, society,...which is necessary for anyone.
With that base, children can continue studying at universities or take part in short courses of
any jobs. In fact, it is not a small amount of children choosing the second way. They will be
some of manpower source in their countries. For children who continue learning, they have
more choices to contribute to the development by being businessmans, scientists,
engineers,.... In contrast, the children aren't educated, they can't do anything!
Finally, education affects strongly to every country. A country can't certainly exist long
without intellectuals. Besides the weakness in internal force, it is not attractive foreigners to
come and invest. In addition, education helps to prevent social evils which are more
dangerous than invaders, such as : HIV/AIDS, gambling,...From 5 to 15 years old, children
often imitate adults. As the information we read on newspaper today, it is not difficult to find
that addicts are mainly children and minors. So, education children is very important because
it repels bad things, conduces building healthy way of living.
In generally, education is vital to any societies in today's world. There must have reasonable
campaigns for education, especially for children between the ages of 5 and 15 – future of
each country!

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