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2 How much does a curve curve?

2.1 Curvature

1. Write down the definition of CURVATURE for unit-speed

2. Write down the definition of CURVATURE for any regular
curve. Give a proof.

1.2 Arc-length
1. Write down the definition of ARC LENGTH.
2. Write down the definition of SPEED at some point and UNIT-
3. Write down the Proposition 1.2.4 and give a proof.
2.2 Plane curves

1. What is the signed unit normal?

2. Give an expression for the derivative of t point in terms of the
signed unit normal and signed curvature.
3. Deduce why the expression below. On what depends on?
4. Give an expression for the relation between the curvature and
signed curvature.
5. Sketch some diagrams to show the tangent vector, the signed
normal unit and the sign of the signed curvature.
6. What does it happens if the curve is regular but not
necessarily unit-speed?
7. Give the expression for the latter case.
2.3 Space curves

8. Mayor interest of these book?

9. A plane curve is essentially determined by: ?
10. What the fuck with a circle and a spiral? What do they
have in common?
11. What cannot be done between these two curves?
12. Then, what do we need? What is the name of this new
kind of curvature?
13. Enunciate the proposition 1.2.4
14. Draw a figure including t, n and b.
15. What is the name of b?
16. Give the mathematical definition of torsion.
17. Deduce the mathematical expression.
18. Write down the expression of the principal normal of
gamma at the point gamma (s).

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