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3 Global Properties of curves

3.1 Simple closed curves

1. Write down the definition of SIMPLE CLOSED CURVE.

2. Enunciate informally the so called Jordan Curve Theorem.
3. Mention the three properties of int (gamma) and ext (gamma).
4. Depict a positively oriented curve and a non-positively oriented
5. Enunciate the Hopf’s Umlaufsatz.

3.2 The isoperimetric inequality

1. Write down the expression for the area of a closed simple
2. Enunciate the Green’s Theorem.
3. Enunciate the proposition 3.2.1.
4. Enunciate the isoperimetric inequality as a theorem. Give a
5. Enunciate the Wirtinger inequality. Give a proof

3.3 The four vertices theorem

1. Tell informally the definition of convexity. Give an example of

non-convex and convex curve.
2. Write down the definition of VERTEX.
3. Enunciate the four vertex theorem. Give a proof.

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