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I Society of petroleum Engineers I

SPE 50576

History Matching of Laboratory Coreflooding Experiments

A. E. Fincham, Elf Exploration UK plc., and B. Ferreol, Elf Exploration Production.

Copyright 1998, Society of Petroleum Engineers Inc. but these flow rates will be many times greater than those
This paper was prepared for presentation at the 1998 SPE European Petroleum Conference occurring in the reservoir and may not give representative
held in The Hague, The Netherlands, 2c-22 October 1998.
Ttis paper was selected for presentation by an SPE Program Committee following review of If the coreflood experiment is run at low flow rates that
information conteined in an abstract submitted by the author(s). Contents of the paper, as
presented, have not been reviewed by the Society of Petroleum Engineers and are subject to are representative of the flow rates found in the reservoir and
correction by the author(s). The material, as presented, does not necessarily reflect any
poaitian of the Society of Petroleum Engineers, its officers, or members. Papers presented at
if capillwy pressure effects are important, it is necessary to use
SPE meetings are subject to publication review by Editorial Committees of the Society of a computer simulation model to solve the non-linear ptitial
Petroleum Engineers. Electronic reproduction, distribution, or storage of any part of thie paper
for commercial purposes without the written consent of the Society of Petroleum Engineers is differential equations that describe the flow behaviour. Such a
prohibited. Permission to reproduce in print is restricted to an abstract of not more than 300 simulator can predict the results of an experiment when the
words illustrations may not be copied. The abstract must contain conspicuous
acknowledgment of where and by whom the paper was presented. Write Librarian, SPE, P.O. relative permeability and capillary pressure curves are given as
Box 833836, Richardson, TX 75083-3836, U. S.A., fax 01-972-952-9435.
input data. We require to solve the inverse problem of finding
the relative permeability curves that correspond to the
Abstract experimental results. In theory repeated simulations using trial
This paper describes a new program (Caropt) which analyses and error methods to find the relative permeability and
data from dynamic core flooding experiments and capillary pressure curves could solve the inverse problem, but
simultaneously estimates relative permeabilities and capillary in practice this is very time consuming and it is difficult to
pressures. Relative permeability curves are parameterised achieve a good match. An alternative approach is to formulate
using a new modified form of standard spline interpolation the problem as an optimisation problem with an objective
that allows more flexibility in their functional form. Caropt function that is the weighted sum of squares of the differences
has proven to be both robust and efficient in practice. between the measured and simulated data values. The
Examples are given of the application of Caropt to two resulting nonlinear optimisation problem can be solved using a
laboratory coreflooding experiments. The results produced standard numerical optimisation algorithm. The solution gives
with Caropt show that capillary pressure has a significant the parameters that define the relative permeability and
effect on the predicted relative permeability curves. capillary pressure curves. This method is similar to the
automatic history matching methods that are used in matching
Introduction reservoir production data with reservoir simulation.
Relative permeabilities are empirical factors that are used to Several authors4-7 have described automatic methods for
correct the single phase Darcy’s law for application to solving the inverse problem and there are a few commercially
multiphase flow. The relative permeability of any phase is an available computer programs. We found that the existing
increasing function of the phase saturation. Relative programs did not meet our requirements. The main limitations
permeabilities are important input data for reservoir simulation were a lack of robustness and the restrictions on the functional
studies and have a strong influence on reservoir behaviour. form of the relative permeability curves. We decided to
Laboratory coreflooding experiments are used to find the develop an in-house program that would specifically address
relative permeability of reservoir rock. Steady-state these perceived weaknesses.
experiments can be used but these are difficult and expensive In this paper we describe the techniques used in this
to perform. Dynamic coreflooding experiments are a more program (called Caropt). Caropt links together two well-
cost-effective way to measure the relative permeability curves established programs: an Elf in-house simulator called Z2C
and are in widespread use throughout the industry. When and a commercial optimisation package developed at Stanford
capillary pressure effect are negligible the JBN1 method can be University called Npsol. The robustness of Caropt relies on the
used for these calculations. If capillary pressure effects are robustness of these two programs. To increase the flexibility
significant then the calculations are considerably more of functional forms for the relative permeability curves we
complex. A possible solution is to use flow rates that are have introduced a modification to the standard spline
sufficiently high to make capillary pressure effects negligible,

interpolation that preserves the monotonicity of the

interpolated function at points where there is high order The summation is over all the times at which
curvature. This modified spline enables a greater range of measurements are taken. Typically there will be between 20
functional forms to be considered without generating and 40 times at which the oil production is measured
unrealistic interpolated values that can lead to a calculation throughout the experiment.
failure in the simulator. The performance of Caropt is There is a similar term JP that arises from the pressure drop
illustrated by two examples that are based on real measurements in a waterflood. In a gasflood there is a term J~
experimental data. that arises from the measurement of gas production flow.
The contribution from saturation profile measurements is a
The Coreflood Problem little more complicated because the water or gas saturation at a
number of positions along the core is measured. Typically
The experiment. In a dynamic coreflood experiment a core between 10 and 20 saturation values may be measured. The
of reservoir rock is saturated with oiI at residual water calculated results from the simulator are at discrete points
saturation and then water or gas is injected until no more oil is along the core, which in general do not coincide with the
produced from the core. This can take more than two weeks. points at which saturation is measured. It is necessary to
In a waterflood experiment the water is injected at a steady interpolate calculated values to produce values at the
flow rate and in a gasflood experiment the injection pressure is measurement points. In Caropt we use linear interpolation.
controlled to give a fixed pressure drop across the core. In the The contribution to the objective function is of the form:
waterflood experiment the measured data consists of the oil
production and the pressure drop across the core. In the N

gasflood experiment the measured data consists of the oil ‘S ‘~3f(s~(xj)– Ssi”
~ (Xj))’
production and the gas flow at the outlet. In some experiments i=l Nx j=,

the saturation profile along the core is also measured. This is

usually done at times when the flow has stabilised and the The overall objective function is the sum of the
saturation profile is steady because the time taken to measure contributions from each measured variable:
the complete profile can be significant and inaccuracies will
result when the profile is changing. It is possible to measure for a wateflood
J= JO+ JP+J$
saturation profiles under dynamic conditions but the apparatus
to do this is more expensive, J= JO+ J~+J~ for a gas$ood
A more complex form of this basic experiment is performed in
Elf when capillary pressure effects need to be taken into
J is a function of the parameters that define the relative
account. A series of step changes called ‘bumps’ are made in
permeability and capillary pressure curves. The method used
the injection rate (for waterfIoods) or pressure drop across the
to parameterise these curves is very important. The form of
core (for gasfloods). A bump is made after the flow has
parameterisation will determine the range of functional forms
stabilised at the previous level and there may be up to four
for the curves and the number of parameters required will
bumps during the experiment. The initial flow rate
determine the time required to solve the optimisation problem.
corresponds to expected reservoir flow rates and the bumps
Ideally we would like a parameterisation that combined
may increase the flow rate substantially – the maximum factor
economy in numbers of parameters with flexibility in the
between final and initial flow rate is generally less than 10.
range of functional forms.
The aim is to have a flow rate high enough to eliminate
“Parameterisation. In the simulation program Z2C, which
capillary pressure effects by the end of the experiment if
forms the basis of the simulation model in Caropt, the input
possible. This form of experiment helps to decouple the effects
for relative permeability and capillary pressure curves are
of capillary pressure from the relative permeability in the
tabulated values and any value on a curve is calculated by
calculations. An example of the measured data from a
interpolation from the tabulated values. It is natural to use
waterflood experiment is shown in Fig. 1. This experiment
these tabulated values as the parametric description of the
lasts for 17 days and has two bumps in the water injection rate.
The large changes that can occur following a bump makes the curve. The original version of Z2C used linear interpolation but
matching problem more difficult than an experiment that uses this has a disadvantage that a large number of parameters are
a single rate. required to accurately represent a relative permeability curve.
An alternative that has been put forward by other authors5’cis
Mathematical formulation. The objective function used for to use spline interpolation which can represent curves
matching the measured data has a contribution from each of accurately with many fewer parameters. We found, however,
that when we used standard splines to interpolate tabulated
the measured variables. The oil production term is of the form:
data from relative permeability curves, there could be
problems in regions where the curves have a high order
curvature - an example is shown in Flg 2. The spline can not
interpolate the tabulated data without a significant overshoot


that produces a non-physical curve, and in particular there is a version of Z2C using modified spline interpolation has been
region where the spline becomes negative. We found a developed for this purpose. The gradients are calculated by
solution to this problem through modifying the standard spline finite difference and each parameter requires a separate Z2C
fit to prevent overshoot. simulation. Almost all the time required to perform an
The standard spline fitting aIgorithm (see for example optimisation is spent performing the Z2C simulations.
Numerical Recipess) that fits a curve y(x) to tabulated values To improve the performance of the optimisation we have
(Xi,yi), calculates values for the second derivative y at the used both transformation and scaling. The variables xi in the
points xi. It can be shown that it optimisation that correspond to the relative permeability
parameters are transformed from kr,i to (l/kr,i ) and the
(Yi+l- Yi)l variables corresponding to both the relative permeabilities and
y,” , y,+,” S2.0. I .-——.
(Xi+l-Xiy the capillary pressures are scaled using the starting values xo,i:
Xj’= X,/Xo,i
Effective scaling requires a starting guess that is a good
then the sign of the derivative of the spline y’ does not change
approximation. This can be achieved by an approximate fit
in the interval (X,X+l). By changing the values of M to satisfy using a simple functional form for the relative permeability
this inequality we can ensure that there will be no overshoot. curves – an exponential form for example. We have other
We have found that in practice we can relax the condition so programs that can be used to do this with sufficient accuracy.
that we use the value 6.0 for the coefficient rather than 2.0.
This value has been found to give satisfactory results for all Parameter estimation errors. When an optimum
the relative permeability curves that we have investigated and solution has been found it is possible to calculate confidence
the relaxed condition gives smoother curves than the strict intervals for the optimum parameters. The uncertainty in the
condition. The effect of the modification is that the curve no actual value of the parameters is partly due to the experimental
longer satisfies the spline condition of continuity of the first errors and partly due to the error arising from the
derivative at the nodes where the modification is applied. For approximations made in simulation model. We can estimate
smooth relative permeability curves that can be fitted the combined effect of these errors from the accuracy of the fit
adequately by standard splines, the modification condition is
that has been achieved. Using a linear approximation we can
usually satisfied and no change is necessary, so the modified
then calculate the covariance matrix C for the parameters. The
spline is identical to the standard spline. The modified spline confidence interval for a parameter q can then be calculated
tit to the relative permeability data is compared with the
from the formula:
standard spline in Fig. 2.
Capillary pressure curves are generated using linear
interpolation. The form of these curves is not so well suited to
spline interpolation and the accuracy of representation is not
such an important issue as for relative permeability curves.
To ensure monotonicity of the relative permeability and Details of the derivation of this formula can be found in
capillary pressure curves we must impose constraints on the Numerical Recipesg. Kerig and Watson10 describe the
parameters that define the curves. For the oil relative application of error estimation to relative permeability
permeability curve these constraints are of the form : calculations.

Experiences with Caropt

‘ro,i < ‘ro,i+l for ‘w,i 2 ‘w,i+l Caropt has been in regular use for more than 6 months at our
coreflood laboratories. The conclusions that have been made
There are similar constraints on the parameters defining based on this experience areas follows:
the water/gas relative permeability curves and the capillary (i) Caropt is able to calculate relative permeabilities
pressure curve. from the results of complex coreflood experiments
with bumps. These calculations were previously too
Solution by optimisation difficult to achieve by trial and error methods.
The best match to the data is found by minimizing the (ii) There is an improvement in the quality of the results
objective function J with respect to the parameters defining the produced because many different hypotheses can be
relative permeability and capillary pressure curves. The tested when matching the experimental resuits.
optimisation is constrained by the linear constraints on the (iii) The quantification of errors by Caropt identifies the
parameters. In Caropt the constrained optimisation is saturation band where the resolution of the reIative
performed by an optimisation package Npsol that was permeability curves is weak. This can highlight
developed at Stanford University. The objective function and where further data may be useful in improving the
the gradients of the objective function with respect to the results.
parameters are calculated by Z2C simulations. A special


Caropt has been used on a variety of water flood and gasflood Conclusions
experiments and has proven to be very robust and efficient in 1. Caropt has proven to be a robust and efficient computer
solving all these problems. program for the analysis of the results from dynamic
coreflooding experiments.
Example problems 2. A modification to the standard cubic spline interpolation
We discuss here the solutions made with Caropt for two real has extended the range of functional forms for relative
experiments a gasflood and a water flood. In both these permeability curves that can be considered.
experiments capillary pressure effects proved to be important 3. The application of Caropt to actual experimental data has
and Caropt was successful in resolving these effects in the shown that predicted relative permeability curves are
simultaneous calculation of the relative permeabilities and changed significantly when capillary pressure effects are
capillary pressures. Independent measurements of capillary accounted for in the calculation.
pressure were made to substantiate the solutions found by —
Example 1 -gasflood. The basic data for this experiment is Core properties
shown in table 1. The experiment lasted for 17 days and there L. (rnd) 4680
was a bump at 170 hours. A previous experiment on this core 4 0.2
L (cm) 11.3
had given results that were not consistent with other results 19.48
using less permeable samples from the same facies. It was Sm 0.166
suspected that this was due to capillary pressure effects. This Operating conditions
new experiment was performed with the same initial pressure .0178


drop as before but now with the addition of a bump. The data VO(CP) 12
dp initiaI (kpa) 5
from this new experiment were analysed with Caropt and the dp final (kpa) 15 -.. —
results are shown in Figs. 3-5. A first set of optimum relative
permeabilities found with Caropt was smoothed manually and
reoptimised with the relative permeability parameters fixed for
water saturations below 0.6. This gives a slightly worse fit
than the first optimum but with smoother curves, which are TABLE 2 - CORE PROPERTIES AND
generally preferred. Caropt predicts larger relative OPERATING CONDITIONS FOR
permeabilities than a standard JBN analysis at water EXAMPLE 2
saturations greater than 0.6 and also a smaller value for SO~ Core properties
hti (red) 656
(Fig. 3). The overall effect is to increase the value of k,~at So, 0.1802
by a factor of about three. These differences can be attributed L (cm) 19.26
to tie neglect of capillary pressure in the JBN analysis. The A(cm2) 19.53
capillary pressure curve calculated by Caropt compares well Sti 0.17
Operating conditions
with the capillary pressure measured by mercury injection on a 1.0428
nearby plug (Fig. 4), and the Caropt results are in agreement PO(CP) 2.05
with the trend defined by the experiments on other samples Q“j initial (cc/see) 0.1667
from the same facies. Qinjtinal(cc/see) 0.8333

Example2 -waterflood. The data for this experiment is

shown in table 2. The waterflood was done with synthetic oil
after nettability restoration. The experiment lasted for 17 days
and there were two bumps - the first at 250 hours and the
second at 267 hours. The imbibition capillary pressure was
measured by centrifuge on a nearby plug. The results from
Caropt are shown in Figs. 6-8. Caropt relative permeabilities
are generally greater than the relative permeabilities calculated
by the JBN method and also the Caropt SO,is smaller (Fig. 6);
again this can be attributed to capillary pressure effects. No
smoothing of the Caropt relative permeabilities was done in
this example. The shapes of the capillary pressure curves from
Caropt and centrifuge measurements compare well (Fig. 7),
but the plateau is different.


Nomenclature 24870 presented at the 1992 Annuat Technical Conference and

optimum parameter estimate
a = Exhibition, Washington,DC, Oct. 4-7
& = estimation error for a 5. Ucan,S., Civan,F., and Evans,R.D.: “Uniqueness and
Simultaneous Predictability of Relative Permeability and
C = covariance matrix in parameter estimation
Capillary Pressure by Discrete and Continuous Means,” JCPT,
dp = pressure drop across core (kPa) Apr. 1997,36,52
J = overall objective function 6. Kerig,P.D., and Watson, A.T.: “A New Algorithm for Estimating
Jg = contribution to J from gas flow terms Relative Perrneabilities from Displacement Experiments,”
Jo= contribution to J horn oil production terms SPERE, Feb. 1987,103
Jp = contribution to J from pressure drop terms 7. Bourbiaux,B., Chardaire,C., Chavent,G., Jaffie,J., and LIu,J.:
Js = contribution to J from saturation profile terms “Simultaneous Estimation of Relative Permeabilities and
kO~Wi= reference absolute permeability – measured with oil Capillary Pressure,” SPE paper 19680 presented at the 1989
Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, San Antonio, Oct.
at initial water saturation
k;= relative permeability 8. Press,W.H. et al: Numerical Recipes in C, Cambridge University
L = length of core (cm) Press, Cambridge (1992), 113
NOb,= number of observations of produced oil 9. Press,W.H. et ak Numerical Recipes in C, Cambridge University
NP= number of observations of saturation profiles Press, Cambridge (1992), 695
N. = number of measurement points on a saturation 10.Kerig,P.D., and Watson, A.T.: “Relative-PerrneabiIity Estimation
profile from Displacement Experiments: An Error Analysis,” SPERE,
Qi.j = water injection rate (cclsec) Mar. 1986, 175
S = saturation
SO,= residual oil saturaton
S~i = initial water saturation S1Metric Conversion Factors
V.= volume of produced oil (cc) Cpxl.o E-03 = Pas
w = weighting factor in optimisation in x 2.54 E+OO= cm
~ = viscosity (cp) md x 9.869233 E-04 = pmz
~z = porosity cu in. x 1.638706 E+O1 = cc
XI = Chi square statistic for 1 degree of freedom psi x 6.894757 E+OO= kPa

Subscripts and superscripts

g = gas
o = oiI
S = saturation
w = water
obs = measured value
sim = simulated value

The authors would like to thank Elf Exploration Production
and Elf Exploration UK for permission to present this paper.
We also thank G.Hamon and R.Bissell of Elf, CSTJF for
useful discussions during the development of Caropt.

1. Johnson,E.F., Bossler,D.P., and Naumann,V.O.:“Calculationof
Relative Permeabilityfrom DisplacementExperiments,”Trans.
AIME (1959) 216,370
2. Declaud,J.P., Guy,M., Iffly,R., and Labastie,A.: “Effect of Flow
Rate and Nettability on Water-Oil Relative Permeabilities and
Capill~ Pressure,” SPE Paper 9236 presented at the 1980
Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, Dallas, Sept. 21-
3. Brown,C.E., Gamble,I,J.A., and Heaviside,J.: “Relative
Permeability for Intermediate Nettability Reservoirs,” SPE
paper 16968 presented at the 1987 Annual Technical Conference
and Exhibition, Dallas, Sept. 27-30
4. Fasanino,G., Lee,R.L., and Ouenes,A.: “Simulated Annealing for
Interpreting Gas/Water Laboratory Corefloods,” SPE paper


’80, 1- 50
> 0.13-

k 0.07-
g 0.05-
~ 0.03-
K 0.01.

4“0’ 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8

Water saturation

Fig 1.- Experimental data measured in a waterflood experiment. Fig. 2- Comparison of the modified spline and standard spline
There are 25 pairs of measurements during the experiment. Flow fit to parameter values representing an oil relative permeability
bumbs occur at 15000 and 16000 reins after the start of the curve. The standard spline overshoots and becomes negative.
experiment. The modified spline decreases steadily with increasing water



.* 1.00E-02

~ 1.00E-05

1 .00E-06
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
1.00E-07 -~---- —z.---——-T------- =
o 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
,— .—-..-..
Gas saturation

L— —,

Fig. 3- Relative permeabilities calculated by Caropt ( solid line) Fig. 4 - Comparison of capillary pressures calculated by
compared to curves calculated using the JBN method (dotted Caropt with measurements using mercury injection and
line) for example 1 corrected for IFT

(a) oil production - cumulative (b) gas production

1 10 100 1000 10000100000 1 10 100 1000 i~ Im

time (reins) tim (m”ns)
—. ,.. .. . —..—.—.
l—s~mulated ■ Experimental ~ I—simulat~ = w~~
i. ..—.-. .—-— .-—

Fig. 5- Two graphs showing the final fit of the simulated oil and gas production data to the experimentally measured data.

l.ooEm -

1.00E-01 - -..

7.~E-02 -

1.WE-OS -


1.OEa - ,0
,‘ .- Water saturation
l.~E-00 i , .—
0 0.2 0.4 0,6 0.8 1 .. ——. —— —.—
Water Saturation

Fig. 6- Relative permeabilities calculated by Caropt ( solid Fig. 7- Comparison of capillary pressures calculated
line) compared to curves calculated using the JBN method by Caropt with measurements using centrifuge
(dotted line) for example 2 corrected for [FT.

(a) oil production - cumulative

60 j


1 100 IOQOO

Time (reins)
.._ Time(mine)

/— Simlated x Hperimnta~
—. —sirruldd X @mtd

Fig. 8- Two graphs showing the final fit of the simulated oil production and preaaure drop results to the experimentally
measured data.


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