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Name:………………………………………… Form: 4…………..

Instruction:This question paper consists of 50 objective questions.Answer all questions on

the OMR paper provided.
1. Which of the following is the most Satu pendekatan yang sistematik untuk
accurate definition for the term hypothesis mencari jawapan kepada satu masalah atau pun
penjelasan untuk satu fenomena
Antara berikut yang manakah definisi yang
paling tepat bagi istilah hipotesis? C. The correct attitude to have in conducting
an experiments
A Hypothesis is the interpretation of the data
collected during an investigation. Sikap yang betul semasa menjalankan kajian

Hipotesis adalah pentafsiran data yang di D. The process of making a hypothesis

pungut semasa sesuatu kajian
Proses membuat satu hipotesis
B Hypothesis is a statement about an
investigation whose truth has been 3 .In an experiment to determine the effect of
proved. temperature on the solubility of sugar in
water, the variable that must be kept constant
Hipotesis adalah kenyataan mengenai satu is
kajian yang mana kebenarannya telah di
buktikan Dalam satu eksperimen untuk menentukan kesan
suhu keatas keterlarutan gula dalam air,pemboleh
C Hypothesis is the result of an ubah yang dimalarkan ialah
A. The air pressure
Hipotesis adalah keputusan sesuatu kajian
Tekanan udara
D Hypothesis is a statement about the
relationship between the variable that is B. The volume of the water
manipulated and the variable that
Isipadu air

Hipotesis adalah kenyataan mengenai C. The humidity of the air

hubungan antara pemboleh ubah yang
Kelembapan udara
dimanipulasi dan pemboleh ubah yang
bergerak balas
D.The temperature of the water
2. What is scientific investigation?
Suhu air
Apakah kajian saintifik?
4. Which of the following steps is not carried
A. A method used only by scientist out during an investigation?

Manakah antara langkah berikut tidak dijalankan

Satu kaedah yang di gunakan oleh saintis
semasa suatu kajian?

A. Making a hypothesis C Recording data

B. A systematic approach to find the answer
B. Analysing data D. Making
to a problem or the explanation for a
phenomenon measurements
5. Which of the following variables need to be
observed or measured when carrying out an

Pemboleh ubah yang manakah perlu diperhatikan I. The cranial nerves III. The spinal nerve
atau diukur semasa menjalankan suatu
eksperimen? II. The spinal cord
A. Constant variable A I and II only C II and III only
Pemboleh ubah dimalarkan B I and III only D I, II and III
B. responding variable. 9.The following diagram show a nerve cell.
Pemboleh ubah bergerakbalas

C. Manipulated variable

Pemboleh ubah di manipulasi

D. Independent variable

Pemboleh ubah tak bersandar

What type of a nerve cell is this?
6. Which of the following state the importance
A. A receptor C. A relay neurone
of the scientific investigation method?

Manakah yang berikut menyatakan kepentingan B. A motor neurone D. A sensory

kaedah kajian saintifik neurone

I .It trains us to think critically and creatively. 10.Neurone Y transmits impulses from
receptor to the central nervous systems.
Ia melatih kita untuk berfikir secara kritis dan
kreatif Neuron Y menghantar impuls dari reseptor
kepada sistem saraf pusat
II.It trains us to be observant and analytical.
Neurone Y is
Ia melatih kita menjadi teliti dan analitik
A. a receptor C a relay neurone
III.It trains us to do things systematically
B. a motor neurone D a sensory
Ia melatih kita melakukan sesuatu secara neurone
11.Which of the following shows the path of an
A I and II only C II and III only impulse during a reflex action?

B..I and III only D I , II ,III Yang manakah antara berikut menunjukkan
laluan impuls semasa tindakan refleks?
7.Which of the following systems control and
regulate body coordination? A. Receptor spinal cord effector

Manakah antara sistem-sistem beriku yang B. Effector spinal cord receptor

mengawal dan menyelenggara koordinasi badan?
C. Receptor brain effector
I. The endocrine system III. The
nervous system D. Effector brain receptor

Sistem endokrin Sistem


II. The excretory system

Sistem perkumuhan

A I and II only C II and III only

12.The following diagram show the human
B I and III only D I ,II and III brain.

8.The peripheral nervous systems consist of

Perpeluhan Bersenam

15.The following diagram show some

endocrine glands in the human body.

Gambarajah berikut menunjukkan beberapa

What is the name of the part labeled as X? kelenjar endokrin dalam tubuh manusia

A. Cerebrum C. Spinal cord

B. Cerebellum D. Medulla oblongata

13.Proprioceptors are receptors found in

Proprioseptor adalah reseptor yang terdapat


I. muscles III. ligaments

otot ligamen

II. tendon
Which of the glands,A,B,C or D, secretes the
tendon hormones that control the blood glucose level?
Kelenjar yang manakah merembeskan hormon
A. I and II only C. II and III only yang mengawal paras glukos dalam darah?

B. I and III only D. I,II and III 16.Which of the following endocrine glands
secretes hormones when one is frightened?
13.The surface of the cerebrum is highly
folded. This characteristic Kelenjar endokrin yang manakah merembeskan
hormonnya semasa seseorang berasa takut?
Permukaan serebrum terdapat banyak
lipatan.Ciri ini A. The pancreas C. The adrenal
A provides a large area for the housing of the
neurone B. The thyroid gland D. The pituitary
Menyediakan ruang yang luas untuk
menempatkan neuron

B increases blood flow to the brain

Menambahkan pengaliran darah ke otak

C. protects the brain from injuries.

Melindungi otak dari kecederaan

17.The undersecretion of thyroxine will cause
D. reduces the size of the brain.
Kekurangan rembesan tiroksina menyebabkan
Mengurangkan saiz otak
A. dwarfism. C. simple goiter
14.Which of the following is controlled by the
Kekerdilan goiter ringan
B. miscarriage D. diabetes mellitus
Manakah antara berikut dikawal oleh
Keguguran bayi kencing manis
A. Body balance C Growing badan

Keseimbangan Tumbesaran
18.Which of the following are the effects of
B. Sweating D.Doing exercises drug abuse on body coordination

Manakah yang berkut adalah kesan C Meiosis halves the number of
penyalahgunaan dadah keatas koordinasi badan? chromosomes
I. Hallucinations Meiosis menjadikan bilangan kromosom
D Meiosis involves two divisions
II. Distorted perception
Meiosis melibatkan dua pembahagian
Persepsi tidak betul
22.The following diagram shows a process
III. Impaired muscular coordination called crossing-over
Koordinasi otot tidak seimbang Gambar rajah berikut menunjukkan proses
pindah silang
A. I and II only C. II and III only

B. I and III only D. I,II and III

19. Excessive consumption of alcohol can


Pengambilan alkohol yang berlebihan boleh

Crossing – over causes
I. loss of muscular coordination
Pindah silang menyebabkan
Kehilangan koordinasi otot
A Mutation C. Reproduction
II. quick response to stimulus
mutasi pembiakan
Gerakbalas yang cepat terhadap rangsangan
B Growth D Variation
III. cirrhosis of the liver
tumbesaran variasi
Sirosis hati
23.The recessive gene is responsible for one’s
A I and II only C II and III only ability to roll the tongue.Which of the following
is the
B I and III only D I ,II and III
genotype of someone who can roll the
20.The genetic material in the nucleus of a cell
is known as
Gene resesif adalah yang bertanggungjawab
Bahan genetik dalam nukleus sesuatu sel dipanggil bagi keupayaan seseorang menggulung
lidah.Manakah yang berikut adalah genotip bagi
A cytoplasm C myelin sheath seorang yang boleh menggulung lidah?

B chromosomes D dendrites A RR C rR
21.Which of the following is not true about B Rr D rr

Yang manakah dari berikut tidak benar

mengenai meiosis?

A Meiosis occurs only in reproductive cells.

Meiosis hanya berlaku di dalam sel pembiakan

B Meiosis divides a cell into four identical

24. Black hair is a trait controlled by a
Meiosis membahagi satu sel kepada empat sel
yang serupa dominant gene ,B, while brown hair is
controlled by a recessive gene ,b.Which of the

following will produce a first generation F1 with A 1 C ½
all having black hair?
B ¼ D ¾
Rambut hitam ada satu tret yang dikawal oleh
gene dominan ,B,manakala rambut perang dikawal 28.Identical twins are formed when
oleh satu gene resesif b.Manakah antara berikut
akan menghasilkan generasi pertama F1 dengan Kembar seiras terbentuk apabila
kesemuanya berambut hitam?
A an ovum is fertilized by a sperm to produce
A BB x bb C bb x bb a zygote which then splits into two embryos.
B Bb x Bb D Bb x bb Satu ovum disenyawakan oleh satu sperma
untuk menghasilkan satu zigot yang kemudian
Questions 25 and 26 refer to the following membelah kepada dua embrio
B an ovum is fertilized by a sperms.
The diagram shows the mechanisms of sex
determination . Satu ovum disenyawakan oleh satu sperma

Gambar rajah menunjukkan mekanisme penentuan C two ova are fertilized by a sperm.
Dua ovum disenyakan oleh satu sperma

D two ova are fertilized by two sperms

Dua ovum disenyawakan oleh dua sperma.

28.Which of the following comparisons

between identical twins and non-identical twins
is not true?

Identical twins Non-identical twins

25.Which of the following is true about the sex A Have one placenta Have two placenta
B Have one umbilical cord Have two umbilical cords
of the offspring ,N and S? C Of same gender Of same or different
Manakah dari berikut adalah benar mengenai D Have same genetic Have different genetic
jantina anak, N dan S? material materials

A Female Female
B Male Male
C Male Female
D Female Male

29. An ovum of a female contains

26.Which of the following is true about
Process P and the number of chromosomes in A 44 + XX chromosomes.
Ovum Q?
B 44 + X chromosomes
Number of Process P
chromosomes C 22 + XX chromosomes
in Ovum Q
A 22+X Meiosis D 22 + X chromosomes
B 22+XX Meiosis
C 44+X Meiosis
D 46+XX Mitosis

27.What is the probability for a mother to

deliver a baby girl?

Apakah kebarangkalian seorang ibu melahirkan

anak perempuan?
30. Chromosome mutation occurs when

Mutasi kromosom berlaku apabila

I. there is a change in the structure of the


Ada perubahan di dalam struktur kromosom

II. there is a change in number of

chromosome. perubaha n pad

Ada a bilangan kromosom Which of the following could be the trait

labeled in the diagram?
III. there is a change in the chemical structure
of a gene. Manakah antara berikut mungkin tret yang di
labelkan dalam gambarajah?
Ada perubahan dalam struktur kimia satu gen
A eye colour C height
A I and II only C II and III only
Warna mata tinggi
B I and III only D I,II and III
B blood group D type of
31. Which of the following are the advantages thumbprint
of mutation?
Kumpulan darah jenis cap jari
Manakah dari berikut adalah kebaikan mutasi?
34. Which of the following is not a factor that
I. it gives rise to variation. III. It can cause variation?
causes deformities
Manakah antara berikut bukan faktor yang
Ia menyebabkan variasi ia menyebabkan variasi?
mengubah bentuk
A genetic modification
II. it creates new species.
Modifikasi genetik
Ia menghasilkan sepesis baru
B type of food and nutrients
A I and II only C II and III only
Jenis makanan dan nutrisi
B I and III only D I,II and III
C light intensity
32. Genetic modification in plants improves
Kecerahan cahaya
I. the quality of crops
D use of modern equipment
Kualiti tanaman
Penggunaan perkakas moden
II. the production yield of crops

Hasil tanaman

III. the ability of crops to fight against all


Keupayaan tanaman melawan penyakit

A I and II only C II and III only

B I and III only D I,II and III

33 The diagram shows a type of variation.

Gambarajah menunjukkan sejenis variasi

35. A person has an extra chromosome in her

chromosome number 21.She is suffering from

Seorang wanita mempunyai lebih satu B 22 autosomes and one Y chromosomes
kromosom di dalam kromosom nombor 21nya.Dia
mengidap C 24 autosomes and one pair of XX
A haemophilia C Klinefelter’s
sindrom D 44 autosomes and a pair of XY
Haemofilia sindrom Klinefelter
39.Which of the following can be categorized
B Down’s syndrome D Turner’s syndrom as a type of variation similar to height?
Sindrom Down sindrom Turner
Manakah antara berikut boleh dikategorikan
sebagai variasi yang sama dengan ketinggian?

A Blood group
36.The sex of a baby is determined by
Kumpulan darah
Jantina seorang bayi ditentukan oleh
B Weight
A the number of chromosomes in the sperm
Bilangan kromosom di dalam sperm
C Ability to roll tongue
B the type of sex chromosomes carried by the
ovum Kebolehan menggulung lidah
Jenis kromosom seks yang dibawa oleh ovum D Type of thumb print
C the type of sex chromosomes carried by the Jenis cap jari
40 What is genetic engineering?
Jenis kromosom seks yang dibawa oleh sperma
Apakah kejuruteraan genetic?
D the amount of chromosomes in an ovum
and a sperms A A technique which manipulates the genes
or chromosomes in living things
Jumlah kromosom di dalam satu ovum dan
sperma Satu teknik yang memanipulasikan gen atau
kromosom dalam benda hidup
37.Mitosis results in
B A technique in which animals or plants with
Mitosis menghasilkan favourable traits are chosen and bred
A one daughter cell Satu teknik di mana haiwan atau tumbuhan yang
mempunyai tret yang lebih baik dipilih dan
Satu sel anak dibiakkan
B two identical daughter cells C A technique of producing offspring
asexually from a single parent
Dua sel anak yang serupa
Satu teknik menghasilkan anak secara aseks
C three identical daughter cells dari satu induk
Tiga sel anak yang serupa
D A technique where sperm is collected and
D four identical daughter cells inserted into the uterus of an appropriate
Empat sel anak yang serupa
Satu teknik di mana sperma diambil dan
38.In the female reproductive system,the dimasukkan ke dalam uterus betina yang tertentu
ovary produces gametes that contains
41. Mutations are beneficial to living
Di dalam system pembiakan betina,ovari organisms because
menghasilkan gamet yang mengandungi
Mutasi adalah berfaedah kepada organism
A 22 autosomes and one X chromosome hidup kerana

I. they increase their chances of survival in a 44. The graph below shows the relationship
changing environment between change of temperature and state of
Mereka meningkatkan peluang hidup di dalam
persekitaran yang berubah-ubah Graf berikut menunjukkan hubungan antara
perubahan suhu dan keadaan jirim
II. they increase their resistance to infection
Temperature( oC)
Mereka meningkatkan kekebalan kepada
jangkitan penyakit D

III. they give rise to variations

Mereka menghasilkan variasi 100 B C

A I and II only C II and III only A

B II and III only D I , II , III

42. Discontinuos variation is caused by
At which point A , B, C or D does the water
Variasi tak selanjar disebabkan oleh
exist in liquid state only?
A temperature
Pada titik manakah A,B,C atau D air wujud dalam
keadaan cecair sahaja?

B type of food consumed 45. Which of the following does not change
when there is a change in the state of matter?
Jenis makanan yang diambil
Yang manakah antara berikut tidak berubah apabila
C amount of nutrients available ada perubahan dalam keadaan jirim?

Jumlah nutrient yang ada A The arrangement of particles

D crossing over of chromatids Susunan zarah-zarah

Pindah silang pada kromatid B The movement of particles

43.Which of the following statement is not true Pergerakan zarah-zarah

about matter?
C The size of particles
Manakah pernyataan berikut tidak benar
Saiz zarah-zarah
mengenai jirim?

A matter has mass and occupies space D. The kinetic energy of particles

Tenaga kinetic zarah-zarah

Jirim mempunyai jisim dan memenuhi ruang

B All living things and non living things in the 46.The following diagram shows the structure
world are matter of an atom P.

Gambar rajah berikut menunjukkan struktur

Semua benda hidup dan bukan hidup di dunia
satu atom P.
adalah jirim

C Matter is made up of tiny particles

Jirim terdiri daripada zarah-zarah yang seni

D Matter can only exist in one state at a time

Jirim hanya boleh wujud dalam satu keadaan

pada satu masa
Based on the diagram we can deduce that

Berdasarkan gambar rajah kita boleh simpulkan A I and II only C II and III only
B I and III only D I,II and III
A atom P has 4 electrons
48.The proton number of aluminium is 13.Its
B atom P is electrically neutral nucleon number is 27.An aluminium atom
C the proton number of atom P is 7
A 13 neutrons C 14 neutrons
D the nucleon number of atom P is 3
B 27 neutrons D 14 protons

49. Chlorine is in Group 17 of the Periodic

47. The diagram below shows the Table,its chemical properties will be similar to
interconversions between the three states of that of
Klorin adalah dalam Kumpulan 17 dalam jadual
Gambarajah di bawah menunjukkan saling kalaan unsur,sifat-sifat kimianya adalah sama
perubahan antara tiga keadaan jirim dengan

A nitrogen C bromine
B oxygen D neon

Liquid 50. Which of the following metals is the most

reactive with water?

Manakah antara logam berikut paling reaktif
dengan air?

Which conversions involve the absorption of A. Magnesium C..Aluminium

B..Sodium D..Zinc
Pertukaran yang manakah melibatkan penyerapan


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