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EE 204

Lecture 26
The Complex Power & the Power Triangle

The Complex Power:

The complex power S can be defined using the following relation:

S = P + jQ [VA]


P = 0.5 IV cos θ (the average power) & Q = 0.5IV sin θ (the reactive power)

The average power P equals the real part of the complex power S :

P = Re( S )

The reactive power Q equals the imaginary part of the complex power S :

Q = Im( S )

Therefore: We know S ⇔ We know both P & Q

The Complex Power in Terms of the Voltage and Current Phasors:

The complex power expression:

S = P + jQ = 0.5 IV cos θ + j 0.5IV sin θ [rectangular form of S ]

S = 0.5IVe jθ = 0.5 IV θ [exponential form of S ]

The above equation can be rewritten as:

S = 0.5 IV θ = 0.5 IV θ v − θi = 0.5 × ( I −θi ) × (V θ v ) = 0.5 I ∗V

Where I ∗ is the complex conjugate of I [since I = I θi ⇒ I ∗ = I −θi ]

The relation:

S = 0.5 I ∗V
can be used to calculate the complex power from the current and voltage phasors.

V = V θv
I = I θi

Figure 1

The Relationship between the Complex and the Apparent Powers:

The magnitude of the complex power S = 0.5 I ∗V = 0.5 IV θ is given by:

S = S = 0.5IV

S (the magnitude of the complex power) = the apparent power ( 0.5IV )

As a summary, the complex power S and its magnitude S can be expressed as:

S = P + jQ = 0.5 I ∗V = 0.5 IV θ = S θ

S = 0.5 IV = apparent power

Example 1:

The load impedance Z L = 12 30o Ω shown is connected in parallel with the voltage
source Vs = 200 −45o V . For this load, calculate:

a) the complex power.

b) the average.

c) the reactive power.

d) the apparent power.

VS = Z L = 12 30o Ω
200 −45o

Figure 2


Vs 200 −45o
a) I = = = 16.667 −75o A
ZL 12 30o

I +

VS = Z L = 12 30o Ω V s
200 −45o

Figure 3

S = 0.5 I ∗V = 0.5 × (16.667 −75o )∗ × (200 −45o ) = 0.5 × (16.667 75o ) × (200 −45o )

∴ S = 1666.7 30o VA (complex power.)

b) P = Re( S ) = Re(1666.7 30o ) = Re(1443.4 + j833.35)

∴ P = 1443.4 W (average power)

c) Q = Im( S ) = Im(1666.7 30o ) = Im(1443.4 + j833.35)

∴ Q = 833.35 VAR (reactive power)

d) S = S = 1666.7 30o = 1666.7 VA (apparent power)

The Power Triangle:

Let us represent the complex power S = S θ = P + jQ in the complex plane.

The quantities P & Q & S form the sides of a right triangle.

This is called the power triangle.

The angles of the power triangle are θ & 90o & (90o − θ )

Im er
pa r en
= Ap
P = Average Power Re

Figure 4

The power triangle is a very useful concept. It can be used to relate the different
powers easily.

The following relations can be directly obtained from the power triangle.

P = S cos θ = S 2 − Q 2

Q = S sin θ = S 2 − P 2

S = P2 + Q2

θ = tan −1 ( ) = sin −1 ( ) = cos −1 ( )

This means if we know any two of the four quantities:

P & Q & S & θ

Then using the power triangle, we can find the other two quantities

Figure 5
The Impedance Triangle:

The impedance Z = R + jX = Z θ can also be represented by a triangle.

The quantities R & X & Z form the sides of a right triangle.

This is called the impedance triangle.

The angles of the impedance triangle are θ & 90o & (90o − θ )

Z = R + jX
Figure 6

Relationship between the Impedance Triangle and the Power Triangle:

The impedance and power triangles of an impedance have the identical angles:

θ & 90o & (90o − θ )

Therefore the two triangles are similar.

We can thus conclude that:

= =

The sign of angle θ must be accounted for, for instance if:

1) θ > 0 ⇒ Q > 0 & X > 0 (inductive impedance)

2) θ < 0 ⇒ Q < 0 & X < 0 (capacitive impedance)
θ θ
Power Impedance
Triangle Triangle
Figure 7

The Several Names of the Angle θ :

The angle θ has several names, each name reflect the role of θ .

The possible names and their origin are listed below:

1) θ = the phase difference between V & I (because θ = θ v − θi )

2) θ = the impedance angle (because Z = Z θ )

3) θ = the power factor angle (because p.f. = cos θ )

4) θ = the complex power angle (because S = S θ )

For a given load all the above four angles are the same. For instance if:

the angle of the impedance is θ = −30o ⇔ the complex power angle is θ = −30o

Example 2:

The load impedance Z = 100 −40o Ω absorbs 5 KW of average power when

connected to the sinusoidal voltage source Vs = Vs 10o V . For this load find:

a) the angle of the complex power

b) the apparent power

c) the reactive power

d) the complex power

e) Vs
Vs = Vs 10o Z = 100 −40o Ω

Figure 8


a) since Z = 100 −40o Ω ⇒ angle of the complex power is θ = −40o

b) From the power triangle ⇒ P = S cos θ ⇒ 5000 = S cos(−40o )

5000 5000
S= = = 6527.04 VA (apparent power)
cos(−40 ) 0.766

c) tan(θ ) = ⇒ tan(−40o ) = ⇒ Q = 5000 × tan(−40o )
P 5000

Q = 5000 × (−0.839) = −4195.50 VAR (reactive power)

d) S = P + jQ ⇒ S = 5000 − j 4195.50 VA (complex power)

Alternatively S = S θ ⇒ S = 6527.04 −40o VA (complex power)

[note that (5000 − j 4195.50) = 6527.04 −40o which verifies the above results]

Vs ∗ V ×V ∗ V2
e) S = 0.5Vs I s∗ = 0.5Vs ( ) = 0.5 s ∗ s = 0.5 s∗

Vs = 2 SZ ∗ = 2 SZ (why?)

Vs = 2 × 6527.04 ×100 = 130541 = 1142.54 V

∴Vs = 1142.54 10o V

Vs = Vs 10o Z = 100 −40o Ω

θ = −40o

Figure 9

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