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If we only listen to a story about a person or a country, we run the risk of misinterpretation,
of criticizing for criticism, of judging without understanding. We will fall into a well of
ignorance. Our lives, our cultures, are assembled like a house of cards of overlapping,
interrelated stories. One, it creates stereotypes, and the problem with stereotypes is not that
they are false, it is that they are incomplete. They make a simple story become the only story.

If you talk or know about a single part of the story, your knowledge of it is limited and gaps
are created in the thoughts of the people involved, implying that there is a certain degree of
ignorance or limitations when expressing opinions that have to do with some topic.
With this video we can realize how most of us err when seeing the stories from a single point
of view, since when we listen to stories about a country, community, town or person, we only
stay there and create an image or idea. of that, and we become a stereotype of the people of a
community as such because we let ourselves be guided by a single point of reference that we
sometimes hear or read.
We are people who live in a world where the diversity of cultures is enormous and the
manipulation and information received by books and the media is much greater, it is up to us
to take everything as we receive it or inquire before creating an image about something from
from a single point of view or from a single story, as this is a very common mistake that we
all make on a daily basis not only when talking about a country or community with the
simple fact that sometimes we judge a person only for an act or comment about this, from
that single point we already determine who or what that person is; This is what happens to us
when we talk about communities, and it is really necessary to look at the stories from the
different aspects that surround it that it is not enough with a single story to create a stereotype
about what the members of a certain social group are like.

It is necessary to know very well what you are talking about to tell it, when you speak
without knowing what it really is, a wrong image is created and the true story is lost. In our
daily lives, many times we err by believing in something with the naked eye and that is where
it is worth highlighting how important it is for everyone to know the true history of things in
order to be able to speak properly and not let those important stories in our world get lost. .

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