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Presented by NRA Member Jason Abston

 The 2nd Amendment

 Opinions of the founders
 Media Bias
 False
 Media omissions

 Reports on firearms and violence

 National Academy of Science Report
 Center for Disease Control Report
 Is it an individual right?
 A well regulated Militia,
being necessary to the
security of a free State, the
right of the people to keep
and bear Arms, shall not be
 "Arms in the hands of
citizens may be used at
individual discretion …"
-A defense of the Constitution of the US
 "Firearms stand next in
importance to the
Constitution itself. They are
the people's liberty teeth
(and) keystone... “ -Address
to 1st session of Congress

 "A free people ought to be

armed.“-Jan 14 1790, Boston
Independent Chronicle.
 "No free man shall ever be
debarred the use of arms.“
-T. Jefferson papers, 334, C.J.
Boyd, Ed. 1950.
 “[A] standing army can never
be formidable (threatening) to
the liberties of the people,
while there is a large body of
citizens, little if at all inferior to
them in the use of arms."
-Federalist Paper #29
 There are several ways the media expresses
bias against firearms.
 Publicizing false stories on firearms.
 Failure to report stories supporting firearm
 While reporting on the ongoing drug war in
Mexico, CBS, NBC, and ABC have all cited a
statistic that claims that 90% of the guns
being used in the violence are from the
United States.
 An ATF spokeswoman told
only 17 percent of guns found at Mexican
crime scenes have been traced to the U.S.
 On April 17th National Public Radio (NPR) also
debunked the 90% story.
 The media fails to inform their audience of
powerful arguments against gun control.
 A 1997 study published by the Department of
Justice stated that firearms were used to defend
from criminals about 3.1 million times in 1994.
Armed Self Defense Versus Armed
Murder Stories, January 1-August 1, 2007

Network Self-Defense Murder

ABC 1 178
NBC 1 228
CBS 0 244

-The Media Research Center

 National Academy of Science report
entitled Firearms and Violence
highlights issues that are avoided by
the media:
 Ineffectiveness of gun control
 The Center for Disease Control survey examined:
 Bans on firearms
 Restrictions on firearms

 Waiting periods

 Licensing

 “The Task Force found insufficient evidence to

determine the effectiveness of any of the
firearms laws or combinations of laws reviewed
on violent outcomes.”
 Activist Judges and proposed congressional
legislation is a threat to the 2nd Amendment
 5 to 4 vote at the Supreme Court
 HR 45:
 Federal licensingto own firearms
 Establish database of all firearms

 Hold owners criminally liable for stolen guns

 There are many steps Americans can take to
ensure their rights are not taken from them.
 Get involved in government by contacting your
 Support groups such as the NRA

 Voice your opinion

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