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(AR 732) Mediterranean Cities: History, Spirit and Contemporary Architecture

Urban Squares Planning

Mansheya Square


Arab Academy for Science, Technology and Maritime Transport

College of Engineering and Technology
Department of Architectural Engineering and Environmental Design

INTRODUCTION desert waste for lack of population’.2 The Renaissance

theorists followed and expanded such statements found
One of the most important elements of city design is the
square or plaza. It is possibly the most important Way of in Vitruvius. For example, Alberti tells us that ‘. . . there
designing a good setting for public and commercial ought to be several squares laid out in different parts of
buildings in cities. This has led some writers to equate the city, some for the exposing of merchandises to sale
architectural grouping of buildings with, and identical in time of peace; and others for the exercises proper for
to, plaza design.1 youth; and others for laying up stores in time of war, .He
A square or plaza is both an area framed by buildings goes on further to detail the various types of market
and an area designed to exhibit its buildings to the square and associates these with zones in the city: ‘The
greatest advantage. Great civic compositions such as St
squares must be so many different markets, one for gold
Mark’s Square, Venice, St Peter’s Square, Rome, and the and silver, another for herbs, another for cattle, another
group of squares in Bath by John Wood and his son are for wood and so on; each whereof ought to have its
unique in the relationship between space, the particular different markets,
surrounding buildings and the dome of the sky; they `
demand an emotional and cerebral response and, as One for gold and silver, another for herbs, another for
such, compare with any other art form. There are two cattle, another for wood and so on; each whereof ought
main methods of categorizing squares – by function and to have its particular place in the city, and its distinct
by form. There are numerous examples of recent plaza ornaments.’4 Sitte takes up this point in a number of
design where one or other of these two equally places in his treatise ‘. . . that in the Middle Ages and the
important criteria of excellence has been neglected. The
different markets, one for gold and silver, another for
empty Windswept place surrounded by under-utilized
herbs, another for cattle, another for wood and so on;
buildings is all too common in the modern city, while its
each whereof ought to have its particular` place in the
opposite or counterpart, the busy traffic island or
faceless car park around which are scattered collections city, and its distinct ornaments.’4 Sitte takes up this
of non-related buildings, is also endemic in the urban point in a number of places in his treatise ‘. . . that in the
Middle Ages and the Renaissance there still existed a vi-
Activity in a square is important for its vitality and, tal and functional Use of the town square for community
therefore, also for its visual attraction. Vitruvius when life and also, of the city. Nevertheless, even in countries
writing about the design of the forum said it 'should be like Britain the square and the street still have an
proportionate to the number of inhabitants, so that it important Function in the context of urban design. The
may not be too small a space to be useful, nor look like a types of space needed in a city are: the Setting for a
civic building; the principal meeting Places; places for
(AR 732) Mediterranean Cities: History, Spirit and Contemporary Architecture

great ceremonial occasions; spaces for entertainment to achieve meaning in connection with this, a rapport
around buildings such as theatres, Cinemas, restaurants between square and surrounding public buildings. . . In
and cafes; spaces for shopping, Shopping street, arcades short, we miss activity exactly where in Antiquity it was
and markets; spaces around which offices are grouped; most animated, that is, around the great public buildings.
spaces of a semi-public Nature around which residential
accommodation is Arranged; and, finally, the spaces A word of warning is necessary at this point. There is
associated with urban traffic junctions. some danger in attempting to transfer design concepts
Some spaces will take on heightened meaning as the which may be effective at one particular time, or at one
centers or portals for places, while others may serve a place or in one culture to a quite different setting. The
number of overlapping functions. Exhortations for the great wealth of wonderful squares in Italy may be
isolation, separation and expression of individual explained in part by a combination of climatic
functions associated with the Philosophy of the Modern conditions conducive to outdoor living and the
Movement, in architecture and city planning. has indeed temperamental attitudes characteristic of Italian culture.
proved to be a great disservice to the art of city building. These conditions and the outgoing nature of the
The products of such thinking, the massive office Mediterranean peoples led to a public life which in turn
complex or the equally extensive shopping precinct gave form to street and square. The evening parades in
dying when its sole activity ceases, sterilize large areas cities like Florence, together with the many other
of the city making them ‘no-go’ areas in the evening. outdoor community activities, demand the concentration
of design effort in the development of the public
The most successful city squares, though they may have
domain. In more northern climes such as our own in
a dominant function for which each is known and by
Britain the covered street, the arcade, the covered
which they may be classified, are often those that sustain
atrium, provided it is in community ownership, and, of
activity through the diversity of uses in the surrounding
course, the public house are important in the life design
buildings. The single most important function of an
process and also a willingness to manipulate urban form
element in the city is the symbolic meaning attached to
to achieve meaning. The concept of the centre is
probably the single.
All great civic art is in tune with the profound depths of
our emotions. The great plaza, like the great building, is And the ‘good breast’ which nurtures and restores then
linked with the world of fantasy, the context of feeling. all artistic creation is a re-creation of the once-cherished
There is in all-aesthetic experience, a deep core of whole. The artist’s role, and in this the urban designer is
valuation, which owes little to critical judgment. This
no exception, is the rebuilding of the once-ruined object,
primitive's reaction to the world around, including the
or the 'advancement from childish resentment and loss,
built environment,
to mature acceptance of a world where giving and
taking, receiving and losing, good and evil, comingle
Is intimately and irrevocably connected to the ways in
which we perceive the human body. This is the basic irredeemably’.7 Acceptance of this principle means the
building block of urban design. As Scruton points out, it recognition of symbolism as central to the design
is to Melanie Klein’s theory of ‘the good and bad breast’ process and also a willingness to manipulate urban form
to achieve meaning in connection with this, a rapport
that the designer must turn for a greater understanding of
between square and surrounding public buildings. . . In
aesthetic appreciation.6 If, As Klein postulates, human
short, we miss activity exactly where in Antiquity it was
reactions can be analyzed in terms of infantile views of
most animated, that is, around the great public
the breast, towards the ‘bad breast’ which removes and
A word of warning is necessary at this point. There is
some danger in attempting to transfer design concepts
And the ‘good breast’ which nurtures and restores then which may be effective at one particular time, or at one
all artistic creation is a re-creation of the once-cherished place or in one culture to a quite different setting. The
whole. The artist’s role, and in this the urban designer is great wealth of wonderful squares in Italy may be
explained in part by a combination of climatic
no exception, is the rebuilding of the once-ruined object,
conditions conducive to outdoor living and the
or the 'advancement from childish resentment and loss,
temperamental attitudes characteristic of Italian culture.
to mature acceptance of a world where giving and
These conditions and the outgoing nature of the
taking, receiving and losing, good and evil, comingle
Mediterranean peoples led to a public life which in turn
irredeemably’.7 Acceptance of this principle means the gave form to street and square. The evening parades in
recognition of symbolism as central to the design cities like Florence, together with the many other
process and also a willingness to manipulate urban form outdoor community activities, demand the concentration
(AR 732) Mediterranean Cities: History, Spirit and Contemporary Architecture

of design effort in the development of the public tells us that any man’s personal world has its centre.’10
domain. In more northern climes such as our own in
within these extremes of world and home centers is a
Britain the covered street, the arcade, the covered
continuum or hierarchy of overlapping centres serving
atrium, provided it is in community ownership, and, of
different communities or groups. It is the design,
course, the public.
physical definition or reinforcement of these centres
which is at the core of the disciplines of architecture,
urban design and planning.

Most important idea with which the urban designer

In considering the centre two architectural theorists are
works. Without an understanding of its importance to
particularly important; Lynch and Alexander. In his
man’s perception of the environment only damage can study of the perception of urban structure, The Image of
be inflicted upon the city. Le Corbusier in his book The the City, Lynch found the node to be one of the elements
Radiant City was advocating the opposite proposition: by which a city is recognized and understood. In short,
‘Demolition of the centre. That is what we have been the node is an important element which gives the city
insisting upon for years. ‘image ability’ or a strong image.11 As he says: ‘Nodes
are points, the strategic spots in a city into which an
And now you are actually doing it! You are actually observer can enter, and which are the intensive foci to
doing it! Because it is inevitable.’8 The unholy alliance and from which he is travelling.’12 Or in other words
of architect, planner and road engineer together with the nodes are ‘. . . the conceptual anchor points in our
blind market forces have, in many instances, sapped the
vitality of existing centers in the process of cities’.13 Alexander makes much the same point: ‘Every
decentralization and suburbanization of city life. In the whole must be a “centre” in itself, and must also produce
words of the poet Yeats: ‘Things fall apart; the centre
a system of centres around it.’14 He considers that the
cannot hold; Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world.' If
centre tends towards a symmetrical arrangement,
civilization is defined as the culture of living in cities
‘.especially bilateral symmetry, similar to that which the
then Corbusier’s prophesy could well be self-fulfilling
human body has . . .’.15 In this process of centre
and so strike the death knell of Europe’s proud legacy of
formation each new centre endeavours towards
great city building and, with it, the passing of our
symmetry but never quite achieves it. This struggle
distinctive culture, to be replaced by the ‘linear Coca- towards a relationship of the centre to the complexities
cola belt’ stretching from Liverpool to the Ruhr with of the surrounding urban field is an effort to unite it or
make it whole.
individuals isolated in Frank Lloyd Wright’s bland sea
This tendency towards ‘unity’, or the ‘making of wholes’,
of super suburbia, Broadacre City. an’s perception of
Alexander sees as the inevitable outcome of an ‘effort to
space is centered upon himself. The development of
schemata for the general organization of space based be true’. In Alexander, centre formation takes on an
upon this subjective idea of centre is extended into the almost natural, self-determining goal. If this view holds
notion of externalized centre as a point of reference in then the urban designer is simply working with the grain
the environment. This idea of centre is applied to the of natural forces. Following Lynch’s theories leads also
‘known’ and friendly’ world, as opposed to the to a similar position, though he does not stress the
undifferentiated outside and often hostile world. Each inevitability only the desirability of the process. Nor
group has its own centre; the centre of the Muslim world does he stress the symmetrical tendency of centers but
is Mecca; that of the Catholic world is the Vatican in he advocates the achievement of identity for the node by
Rome; while the world of Judaism is centred in the Portal.
Jerusalem. At the opposite pole to the concept of public
‘World Centre’. A place has a dual function. It becomes a centre because
it is a goal, a place of pilgrimage, or more mundanely,
somewhere to get the weekly shopping. Just as
Personal family centre or, in the words of Norberg-
significant is that function of a place as a point of
Schulz: ‘If the centre of the world thus designates an departure; the home is left daily for work while, at the
ideal, public goal, or “lost paradise”, the word "home” grand scale, Mecca, when a pilgrimage is complete, is
left behind for home and the daily routine of life. This
also has a closer and more concrete meaning. It simply
tension between centripetal and centrifugal forces is
(AR 732) Mediterranean Cities: History, Spirit and Contemporary Architecture

most pronounced in the portal, a point made clear by unlimited.35 For Sitte, enclosure was taken as the
Alberti: ‘Now if there is another part of the city that falls prerequisite of the square and he concluded that there
were only two types of square in formal terms, the
in properly with the subject of this book, it is certainly
character of either being determined by the nature of the
the haven, which may be defined as a goal or proper
dominant building. The two categories of square
place from. Where you may begin a voyage, or where
having performed it you may put an end to the fatigue of distinguished by Sitte were, ‘the deep type and the wide
It, and take repose.’23 the door has been one of the most type.
important elements in architectural design since
antiquity. We can speak of a door as ‘inviting’ or Development of squares in Istanbul
‘gaping’. The entrance of the Palazetto Zuccari in Rome
Taksim Square:-
is actually formed as ‘the gaping jaws of a giant’.24 the
transition from one domain to another is also a critical
In the period when Lütfü Kırdar was the mayor, the
design problem in structuring the city: ‘. . . we must not most significant transformation planned by Henri Prost,
forget the gateway and the importance of marking in for Taksim Square, was the demolition of Taksim
some way the entrances of our towns, our suburbs, our
Artillery Barracks to build the İnönü Esplanade. The es-
districts. . . For example, some little forecourt of green
surrounded by buildings and led up to by an avenue of planade was defined as Boulogne Woods of Istanbul.
trees would strike at once the necessary note . . .’25 Now called Gezi Park, İnönü Esplanade was designed as
Alexander, in his search for design patterns, also found a starting spot of the second park, which was thought to
the gateway to be of great importance, making it one of be the lungs4 of the planned residential area. In this
his design principles: 'Mark every boundary in the city respect the demolition of the barracks was one of the e
sential decisions for the master plan of Istanbul.
which has important human meaning – the boundary of
a building luster, a neighborhood, a precinct – by great The orient list facade of Taksim Artillery Barracks
gateways where the major entering paths cross the facing the square (Gülersoy, 1986), (right) from air a
boundary.’26 His prescriptions include the need to mark view of Taksim Artillery Barracks before the demolition
the transition along all paths which penetrate the (Özler, 2007:106)
boundary of any distinctive place or quarter in much the
same way as Alberti many centuries before: ‘The The firs location proposed for the idea of creating a city
principal head and boundary of all highways, whether square for the Republic Day Celebrations was not
within or without the city, unless I am mistaken, is the Taksim but Sultana met. Prost planned to transform the
hippodrome at Sultanahmet into a republican square
gate for those by land, and the haven for those by sea.’27
similar to Moscow’s Red Square.5 Although this idea
The function of the city portal may now indeed be quite
different from the ancient gateway, the prime purpose of was included in the master plan of Istanbul, there were
which was exclusion. The entrance to the housing two high-school buildings in the area that cannot be
cluster may however be designed to deter those who removed in the short run - a problem that stopped the
may disturb the privacy of the residents. The project going ahead in this location (Bilsel, 2010a).
organization of the traditional Islamic city into clearly
defined. Prost’s designs for the new republican square in Taksim
included a spectators’ terrace to comm. date large
crowds. He did not propose any changes to the
There have been a number of attempts to classify the Independence Monument and the circular city square
form that squares may take. Two of the most influential around the monument. Prost showed sensitive and
theories were outlined by Paul Zucker and Sitte. From preservative attitude to Monument of independence,
his work on squares Zucker was able to distinguish five however he disregarded the hi toric Taksim Artillery
archetypal forms: the closed square where the space is Barracks. In his words he d scribed the area as follows;
self-contained; the dominated square where the space is “The area included the old remains of an old cem tery,
directed towards the main building; the nuclear square several jerry-built garage buildings, a barracks in ruins,
where space is formed around a centre; grouped squares and a number of shops and cafes around the square
where spatial units are combined to form larger
where the monument was located.” (Bi sel, 2010a).
compositions; and the amorphous square where space is
(AR 732) Mediterranean Cities: History, Spirit and Contemporary Architecture

reign of Selim III (Atabeyoğlu, 1995). Serving as a

Prost completed his plan for Taksim Square in 1939. In
military practicing ground, the building was standing on
his drawings, for the space that emerged after Taksim
the vast open area of Talimhane Ground. With the
Barracks were demo ished, he proposed a terrace
opening up to Taksim Square and an esplanade in its expansion of the city, Beyoğlu Disitrict become an
continuation. At the north end of the esplanade a “Grand attraction point for the city and inside and around the
barracks, Taksim Square hosted diverse social activities.
Theater was situated, designed by the French architect
By the begining of 19th century with its new function as
Aguste Perret. The location for the proposed theatre was
a football stadium, the Taksim Barracks became the
occupied by the official residence of the governor of the
major field where league matches were played
electricity distribution Inc. (Çelikgülersoy, 1986). Also
(Atabeyoğlu, 1995). During the stadium years, other
in the plan there are two rows of buil ings along north-
sports, such as athletics, boxing and wrestling were also
south direction. The symmetrical buildings designed for
performed and the building prepared the ground for the
the axial geometrical plan of the Inonu Esplanade were,
on the north wing, the Party Head Quarters and on the flux of crowds (Atabeyoğlu, 1995).
south wing.
After the demolison of Taksim Artillery Barracks, Prost
plan was not implemented entirely. Buildings on both
For Kızılay (the Red Crescent), including a concert and
sides were removed to obtain a large park area and
conference hall (Prost,1997b). With its design, the promenade terraces. The North of the esplanade ended
drawings of Prost for Inonu Esplanade, reminds Pala is with Taksim Garden and it was connected to Park No.2
Royal complex in Paris (Bilsel, 2010a). In Cumhuriyet with a pedestrian bridge. Also a Municipal designed by
newspaper, on 14th of January 1940, it was written that
Prost divided the land in 4 parcels where large scaled, Rüknettin Günay, was built on the north eastern corner
private and public buildings were going to be built. of Taksim Garden (Istanbul Municipality, 1957).

By the end of the year 1940, it was reported in The Inonu Esplanade prepared for 30August Victory
newspapers that for the demolition of Taksim Barracks, Day, 30 Augustus, 1942, Son Posta Newspaper
which had been used as Taksim Stadium from 1921, an
inspection plan was going on and the demolition was After the demolition of the barracks and the construction
planned to be done at four divided sectors of the of Prost plan for Taksim Square, the new square
barracks. Barracks was to be demolished in 4 stages received positive reviews however the project also
both to provide time for dwellers and also for the provoked negative reactions from several newspapers
football games. The demolition was planned to be about its location which is in the heart of the new
started at the northern wing facing Taksim Garden, quarters rather than in Old Istanbul. His project was also
followed by the eastern wing facing Mete Street and criticized because it coincided with the II World War.
western flank facing Cumhuriy astly On 5 March 1940, Cumhuriyet Newspaper published an
article titled “The matter: What we need is a zoning plan
Lastly operation was planned to end with the demolition
of the southern flank looking at the Taksim Square or a defense plan?” Looking back to that time from
(Üzümkesici, 2011). With the termination of the football today, it is also very interesting that there were no
reactions for the demolition of Taksim Artillery
matches at Taksim Stadium on 25th of March 1940 the Barracks regarding it is historic monumental structure.
demolitions started. However the demolition of the As it is today, in 1940s, critical discussions for the
planning of Istanbul were disregarded and many historic
Barracks in course of II World War was criticized, since monuments carrying the public memory have been
the building would have been used for refugees demolished and critical approaches have remained in the
(Üzümkesici, 2011). Disregarding the criticisms, Lütfi background.
Kırdar had started the demolitions at the rear facade of
the building. When the proposal was submitted the The Inonu Esplanade in 1940s and 1980s (Gülersoy,
National Assembly in order to stop the demolition, three 1986:54,55)
wings of the historic Taksim Artillery Barrack had Nowadays new projects for the reconstruction of the old
Taksim Artillery Barracks are being discussed. Intel-
already been demolished in accordance with Kırdar’s
lectuals are discussing the project proposing
orders (Üzümkesici, 2011). The barrack, was built in underground highways to Taksim Square creating a
1806 as a part of Ottoman military reforms under the huge inhumane square. The project also includes the
reconstruction of Taksim Artillery Barracks by
(AR 732) Mediterranean Cities: History, Spirit and Contemporary Architecture

demolishing Inonu Esplanade, now called Gezi Park. The first construction in the region was the “Maksem”
The attempt to demolish Gezi Park is a repetition of the
which was the reservoir for storing and distributing the
past. Just in one century the public memory of the land
will be lost again. It is hoped that the discussions and city’s water, supplied from the northern forests. In fact,
demonstrations by opposers will not remain in the the name of the square,”Taksim”, meaning “to divide”,
background and will lead to questioning before
was derived from this portioning of water for distribu-
implementing grand projects and demolitions.
tion. Built by decree of Sultan Mahmut I, in 1732-33,
this building can stil be seen at the junction of “İstiklal
caddesi” and the “Taksim Square”. Maksem was the
Taksim Square is indeed the heart of present day’s most prominent building in the region until the middle
Istanbul, as the main centre of all activities and of the of the 19th century, when the Ottoman government
city’s transportation system. With the monument of ordered removal of the Catholic and Protestant graves in
the Grand Cemetery and commanded construction of
Atatürk as the symbol of the modern Turkish Republic,
“Taksim Topçu Kışlası” (Taksim Artillery Barracks) ,
Taksim Square is hosting meetings, celebrations,
concerts, attracting a considerable section of Istanbul's “Taşkışla” (Stone Barracks) and the Military Hospital on
population. One of the city’s main avenues- to-day’s the area (Laqueur, 1993).

“İstiklal caddesi” (avenue of Independence), the former The Surp Hagop Armenian cemetery is represented with
“Grand Rue de Péra” or Cadde-i Kebir” along which its original boundaries in the 1922 city plan , while the
Muslim graveyard was reduced to two bands alongside
residences of the elite Levantines of the Ottoman era
were concentrated- joins the Square at one end.The aim the İnönü caddesi (Laqueur, 1993) . Graves in the
of this study is to summarize the transformation of the Ayaspaşa Moslem cemetery were completely removed
Taksim Square, today’s center of Istanbul and to point
in 1925. In the beginning of 1938, the İstanbul
out the breaking points in that change, thus opening a
municipality first evacuated the Surp Hagop cemetery
discussion about the causal factors per era. Within this
and the area was later allocated to apartment houses and
context, the subject is being treated under two headings,
parks (Miroğlu, 2009). The demolition of the graveyard
namely “the era of graveyards” an “the era of the square”
was completed in 1939 and the unpossesed remnants of
tombstones were used in the steps of the park and in the
Taksim Square, with a panorama including the Üsküdar
restoration of the E inönü square (Miroğlu,2009).
landscape on the Asian shore, the Leander’s Tower and
the entrance to the Bosporus. Graveyards in the East, Were completely evacuated and the courtyard was
unlike the Western tradition, are integral parts of daily transformed into the first urban stadium of Istanbul,
lives. This peculiar approach, coupled with the arborous hosting football matches. During the same epoch, the
green graveyards’ beautiful view and their proximity to plain of Talimhane was divided into parcels with grid
plans overwhich apartment buildings started to rise.
the narrow streets of Peru, facilitated the area’s
transformation into a public strolling place. Baron de Taksim attained its city square status upon the erection
Bussiére, secretary to the French ambassador of the of the Taksim monument which became the symbol of a
new era , of the young Republic. During the Ottoman
period, depicts this setting as an area where even the
period, there existed no monuments in the present day's
highest trees cannot obscure the view of the Bosphorus
sense of the word except for some civil edifices of
on the left and the Princes’ Islands and the Topkapı religious, administrative or social functions.
Palace on the right, presenting a beautiful expanse of Ceremonies taking place around a monument were
scenery (Gülersoy,1986). In the 18th century, signs of peculiar to western societies.
There was no such Ottoman tradition (Gülersoy, 1986).
change in the area’s function started to appear with the
This need arose around the first half of the 19th century,
noticeable example of a coffee-house serving the
with the advent of the Ottoman westernization
strollers (Gülersoy,1986). Thus, the passive green land movement that started with the declaration of Tanzimat
started to transform into an active green area. in 1839, and culture importation from the west. During
this period, the Ottoman government attempted to create
the image of a “westernized city” by planning great
(AR 732) Mediterranean Cities: History, Spirit and Contemporary Architecture

avenues, boulevards and squares, reorganizing the urban fire of 1970 and re-opened as “Atatürk Cultural Centre”
texture according to the rules of geometry (Bilsel, 2007).
in 1972.
This trend gained momentum during the first years of
the modern Republic and found a visual expression in
Taksim is within the district of Pera which once was a
the setting of the monument, when Taksim plain, near
rich, colorful place with western tastes. The greater part
the newly developing western Pera was chosen instead
of the former center of Istanbul on the historical of the city’s Greek minority lived there. However, the
peninsula. The governors of the young Turkish Republic September 6-7 events of 1955 and the strained Turkish-
aimed to create a new Istanbul that turned away from the Greek relations over the Cyprus dispute in the 1960s
neglected, partially demolished Ottoman capital, worn drove many of the Greeks to leave Istanbul. Some of the
out by the first World War, foreign occupation, frequent residents of the region had also to leave for economical
fires and economic problems which had become difficulties hindering the upkeep of their houses. The
apparent at the turn of the 20th century. In place of the rich shops, restaurants, cafes, theatres closed upand the
old city center symbolizing the Ottoman identity, a splendour was no more. Then, a new group of people
Square and a monument representing the Republic were started to inhabit these partly abandoned houses. These
planned at Taksim, neighboring Pera that hosted the were the “new citizens” the job-seeking rural people who
“western” population of Istanbul, closely resembling had moved to Istanbul. The decrepit, abandoned houses
contemporary European cities, with its architecture and provided cheap housing. These “new citizens” brought
everyday life. Designed by the Italian sculptor Canonica
with them their ways of living, their habits, their
the monument was inaugurated on August 8, 1928 with
memories all of which amalgamated with the remnant
urban manners to result in a new sub-culture. A
reflection of this cultural diffusion was in the streets of
At the time of İsmet İnönü, the second president of the
Beyoğlu (the former Pera) where alcohol, drugs and
Republic, in 1940, the mayor of Istanbul, Dr. Lütfi
prostitution endured the area “insecure and dangerous”
Kırdar, with advisory help from the famous urban especially after sunset.
planner, Henri Proust, started developmental activities
of wide scope. Within this context, the Taksim Square There was a new development in the 1980s. These
was re-organized with a modern style. “Topçu Kışlası” emigrated families living in Beyoğlu, feeling more like
was demolished and the area of 26,000 square meters settled “citizens” and having acquired means to provide
thus obtained was transformed into to-day’s Taksim better living conditions for themselves, started to favour
Park, otherwise known as “İnönü Promenade” The the recently expanding common housing projects and
move to the new apartment blocks, gradually
mayor,in those days, asserted to have been under the
Abandoning the historical Pera. In 1990s, the social
impression of the Parisian parks, “Jardin des Tuileries”
transformations together with İstanbul’s becoming the
and “Jardin du Luxembourg” and that “İnönü centre of the service sector and nostalgia for the old
Promenade” was indeed a public strolling place Beyoğlu, started to appeal to artists,
(Gülersoy, 1986) . students and many old natives of the city. İstiklal cad-
desi and its surroundings were being re-discovered and
Taksim Square, with its expanding borders, became the new restaurants,cafes, cinema houses appeared. Gradu-
venue for social events, protesting crowds and ally, the district has been transformed primarily into an
demonstrations as well as for official ceremonies and area for tourists. İstiklal cad desi which is the main axis,
Parades. Two blatant examples are the Wagons-Lits
became exclusively pedestrian, contributing to the area's
event of 1933 and the May 1 tragedy of 1977.The fast
becoming the centre of attraction of the city. Taksim-
rising buildings around the Square and its focal function
Square is situated at one end of this axis and is one of
of connecting the old and the new settlements of the city
the main focal points in the European side of Istanbul.
together with the construction of the opera building,
contributed to the place’s new character of a cultural
Taksim Square Design Project
centre. The opera building’s construction took a long
time: The works started in 1946 and completed in 1969. Taksim Square in the entire arrangement will be less
The building had to undergo serious reparation after the traffic and no cars pass through the square.
(AR 732) Mediterranean Cities: History, Spirit and Contemporary Architecture

During the studies, the direction of traffic Tarlabaşı-War paving, although the actual track is some 2 m (6.6 ft)
below the present surface. The surviving monuments of
over Taksim Square, Mete Street and Soldier Center
the Spina (the middle barrier of the racecourse), the two
Street and Avenue of the Republic (Divan Hotel in
obelisks and the Serpentine Column, now sit in holes in
front), in the direction of War-Tarlabaşı Cumhuriyet a landscaped garden.
Caddesi (Divan Hotel in front), Abdulhakhamit Street
and was Tarlabaşı. The German Fountain ("The Kaiser Wilhelm Fountain"),
an octagonal domed fountain in neo-Byzantine style,
Some citizens were walking on roads closed to vehicular
which was constructed by the German government in
1900 to mark the German Emperor Wilhelm II's visit to
Square pedestrianization project Tarlabaşı Boulevard Istanbul in 1898, is located at the northern entrance to
along the Avenue of the Republic of vehicle traffic will the Hippodrome area, right in front of the Blue
be underground. Mosque.
Tarlabaşı the tools, seamless War, Taskisla, go from
Dolmabahçe. Gümüşsuyu, Sıraselviler access Mete The Hippodrome was excavated by the Director of the
Street-The Marmara Hotel in front of the surface to be Istanbul Archeological Museums, archeologist Rüstem
provided in front of AKM out. 400 meters on the street
Duyuran in 1950 and 1951. A portion of the
in the direction of the Republican Tarlabaşı-War, War- substructures of the Sphendone (the curved end) became
Tarlabaşı length of 320 meters in the direction of a more visible in the 1980s with the clearing of houses in
the area. In 1993 an area in front of the nearby
single tunnel to be done. Monument around the vehicle
Sultanahmet Mosque (the Blue Mosque) was bulldozed
traffic, buses and bus shelters to be removed from the
in order to install a public building, uncovering several
square. Travel Park, SS front, Talimhane and reach
rows of seats and some columns from the Hippodrome.
Istiklal Street pedestrian traffic without interruption. Car
Investigation did not continue further, but the seats and
underpass, Tarlabaşı Boulevard in the direction of the columns were removed and can now be seen in
car parking presently, the Court will continue until the Istanbul's museums. It is possible that much more of the
front of the hotel. Thus, Taksim, about 100 thousand Hippodrome's remains still lie beneath the parkland of
square meters, will have a square. Sultanahmet.


Originated this region of space is specified in 1838, and

was known as Palace D Armies and was probably used
for special military, and there was in the middle of this
field, which Francesco designed (Aqranzescu
Mancinameslh small fountain in a limb and buildings
were located on this field is characterized by motifs
European and wasa housing for consuls and wealthy
merchants and money men (1), and agencies were the
facilities commonly used in this field for a large or field
consuls as Grand Palace called Villa after. this has
Alexandria Municipal create gardens new French that
linked the field and turned his name to Muhammad
the interface of water for the city through 1920, has been
increased - from 1900. attention field and especially
after a project to improve the scope of the city of
Alexandria in 1921, which was implemented during the
period from 1924-1927 AD and which was created
Memorial Khedive Ismail in 1927 (Memorialthe
unknown soldier now) and after the 1958 revolution
Sultanahmet Meydani Square Design Project stove was the linking field - July 1952 was developed
comprehensive planning for the city (1956 turned his
The area is officially called Sultan Ahmet Square. It is name into the field of hero Ahmed Orabi station marine
maintained by the Turkish federal government. The passenger newly created during that period by a road
course of the old racetrack has been indicated with
(AR 732) Mediterranean Cities: History, Spirit and Contemporary Architecture

width of 30 m called penguin victory for the linking - Restrictions on the location and movement
field downtown. characteristics and scale and landscape that resulted in
And also voids the region and its harmonic relationship
El-Manshia square considered of the oldest fields in with the surrounding buildings.
Alexandria as explained in advance and is currently - Waterfront Square, overlooking the Mediterranean Sea
considered the main city center and its importance stems through the Eastern Harbour, where they form in the end
from being a vital and important part of the movement Same hub visually important as they give depth to the
in the city center and connects the east of the city and field and here air currents play an important role in
the west. It also represents a commercial and Reducing noise and affect the organic link to the region.
administrative heart of the city center area. Th e field is (The relationship between the axes of movement and by
divided into two parts, one which Tahrir Square is Corniche).
bounded on the south Tawfiq Street and extending it - Land use in the region, which is dominated by
until the field to Victory Road and north Sharif Street commercial and administrative capacity and also
and its extension to the field and beyond France Street. interferes with residential
The vertical part upon a field of Orabi He enjoys Uses some crafts and government buildings of glenoid
northern facade freely open to the eastern harbor and (the civil court building)
there is the monument of the Unknown Soldier, one of And the real estate and the surrounding area of the gold
the signs of the historic city of Alexandria. market and Rue sixes and salary market and streets.

The current status of the field and its Placing the first rank of commercial services to the
problems: population.
- Movement, roads and fields of Corniche Road and
- That overlapping movement mechanism and the most Avenue Mohamed Karim Sharif Street
important humanitarian effects due: Tawfiq and field-related Ahmed Orabi Street Triomphe
- The movement of guided tram others and Ptqatr and Avenue France the most important ways related
irregular and non-urban. public
- The movement of undecided (infantry) is an Field and is ranked second street perpendicular to the
organization or directed. field of Eastern and Western trends
- Lack of parking sites commensurate with the need of And South America.
the field, important buildings and vital. - The urban framework and planning decisions and
- Infringement of buildings and landscaping ads and urban design.
tram and bus stations. Which already clear spatial profile of the field and the
- Distortion facades of buildings overlooking the field of historical dimension and changes occurred Mguethma
shop owners and different professions. Avqdtha
- Optical distortion resulting from ads and banners and Those personal and showed fragmentation and overlap,
electricity wires in and around the field. which hit pollutants sensory and visual and auditory and
- Poor sidewalks, Bardorat and railing. other
- Urban manifestations others. Hence the urban
Hence the interest in the study and re-development of framework should be divided into two groups of
this vital artery to return to the old image Beraatha and decisions.
beauty, as well as access to the efficiency of labor and
functional, economic and cultural toward benefit the
development of the basis for the development of.

New proposal

To develop the concept of the urban environment of the

field and how to deal with its problems develop a
general scenario for the development plan:

Depends primarily on several analytical points due

- Historical environment of the field and the extent of
the nobility of this historic site and extends across
several eras passed on
(AR 732) Mediterranean Cities: History, Spirit and Contemporary Architecture

Master plan

(AR 732) Mediterranean Cities: History, Spirit and Contemporary Architecture

9. Development Type – Urban Squares

10. Project for Public Spaces, 2009, Great Civic Spaces. Essay
The public square is probably still the most important available on line at
element in city design; it is the chief method by which a www.pps.org. New York.
town or city is both decorated and given distinction. It is
the natural setting for the most important civic and
religious buildings, a place for fine sculpture, fountains 11. Gehl, J. 1987, Life between Buildings, Using Public
and lighting and, above all else, a place where people Space, VanNostrand Reinhold
meet and socialize. When such public places are Company, New York.
designed according to some fairly basic principles and
are imbued with a sense of place, they take on an added
symbolic meaning. The most important physical quality 12. U r b a n D e s i g n P r i n c i p l e s
of such spaces is enclosure. The methods of enclosure a n d D eve l o p m e n t G u i d e l i n e slacemaking sUrban
are many though the principles are few. Design Center of Northeast Ohio

13. Istanbul guideline






3. What is happening in Turkey? ,Taksim Transformation

Project and Its Unexpected Consequences ,Res.Asst.Duygu
Cihanger .Middle East Technical University



5. Complexity versus sustainability in urban space:

The case of Taksim Square, Istanbul ,Omar EREM, Elmira
GÜR ŞENER, Istanbul Technical University Faculty of
Architecture Istanbul TURKEY

6. Four Squares and Streets Investment Plan ,Part of the

Coalville’s Changing Programme

7. Sorlin, Francios, Europe, The Comprehensive Effort “ The

Conservation of Cities”, The UNESCO Press, 1975, Paris


Bahçeşehir University, Faculty of Architecture and
Design1,Bahçeşehir University, Faculty of
Architecture and Design

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