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5250 Respiratory Gas Monitor

REF: 6051-0000-125 and 6051-0000-126

Service Manual

S 5250 RGM

10:15 Tue 01-Sep-98

40 CO2 RR O2 SpO2
mmHg PR
P aw
1 /39 48/4 4 99 %
I/Et mmHg I/E %

0 670 ml
Paw TV
SpO2 MV 8.0
S 18/ -1
G N 2O O2 CKT.

I 90 N
cm 51% 48%
O L (6) H2O


6050 0005 264

Printed in USA
5250 Respiratory Gas Monitor
REF: 6051-0000-125 and 6051-0000-126

Service Manual
This manual is subject to periodic review, update, and revision. Customers are
cautioned to verify that the information in this manual applies to the software and
hardware present in the equipment.

Attention! Consult the accompanying instructions before using this


This device performs as described in this manual, and in accompanying labels

and/or inserts, when assembled, operated, maintained, and repaired in
accordance with the instructions provided.

This product must be cleaned and checked periodically. Do not use a defective
product. Parts that are broken, missing, plainly worn, distorted, or contaminated
should be replaced immediately. If repair or replacement becomes necessary,
request service advice from Datex-Ohmeda (information is listed on the back
cover). Do not repair this product or any of its parts other than in accordance with
written instructions provided by Datex-Ohmeda.

The user of this device shall have the sole responsibility for any malfunction that
results from improper use, faulty maintenance, improper repair, unauthorized
service, damage, or alteration by anyone other than Datex-Ohmeda.

The safety, reliability, and performance of this device can be assured only under
the following conditions:

• If the device has been used according to the accompanying operating

• If fittings, extensions, readjustments, changes, or repairs have been carried out
by Datex-Ohmeda’s authorized agents.
• If it is used in buildings having ground equalization wiring that complies with
relevant local standards and regulations.

Datex® and Ohmeda® are the property of Instrumentarium Corp. or its subsidiaries.
Nafion is a registered trademark of E.I. DuPont deNemours and Co., Inc.
Tygon is a registered trademark of Norton Peformance Plastics
All other product and company names are the property of their respective owners.

Text revised: March 2000

© 1998, 1999, 2000 Datex-Ohmeda, Inc. All rights reserved.

Table of Contents
1.1 Introduction............................................................................................................................................ 1-1
Related information...............................................................................................................1-1
Technical competence.........................................................................................................1-1
1.2 Features..................................................................................................................................................... 1-2
1.2.1 Display panel.............................................................................................................................1-2
1.2.2 Gas sample measurement..................................................................................................1-2
1.2.3 Internal O2 measurement..................................................................................................1-2
1.2.4 Airway pressure measurement.......................................................................................1-2
1.2.5 SpO2 measurement...............................................................................................................1-3
1.2.6 Circuit O2 measurement....................................................................................................1-3
1.2.7 Flow volume measurement ..............................................................................................1-3
1.2.8 Alarm features ..........................................................................................................................1-3
1.2.9 Ventilator interface................................................................................................................1-3
1.3 Major components .............................................................................................................................. 1-4
1.3.1 Chassis assembly.....................................................................................................................1-4
1.3.2 Display panel assembly....................................................................................................... 1-4
1.3.3 Front panel assembly...........................................................................................................1-4
1.3.4 Rear panel assembly.............................................................................................................1-4
Line voltage selection ...........................................................................................................1-5
1.4 Specifications........................................................................................................................................ 1-5
Electromagnetic effects........................................................................................................1-5
EMC performance ..................................................................................................................1-5
Compliance with standards..............................................................................................1-6
General safety requirements ............................................................................................1-6
1.4.1 Basic monitor.............................................................................................................................1-6
Physical characteristics ....................................................................................................... 1-6
Compensation ...........................................................................................................................1-7
Sample flow rate .....................................................................................................................1-7
Environmental characteristics.........................................................................................1-7
Range and accuracy..............................................................................................................1-7
1.4.2 SpO2 option ...............................................................................................................................1-8
Sensor emitter wavelength ranges................................................................................1-8
Displays......................................................................................................................................... 1-8
1.4.3 Gas accuracy..............................................................................................................................1-8
1.4.4 Analog outputs..........................................................................................................................1-9
Connector pinouts ..................................................................................................................1-9
Channel assignments............................................................................................................1-9
Strip chart calibration........................................................................................................1-10
1.4.5 RS-232 communications....................................................................................................1-10
Connector pinout, type DB-9...........................................................................................1-11
1.5 Precautions........................................................................................................................................... 1-11
1.5.1 Warnings....................................................................................................................................1-11
1.5.2 Cautions......................................................................................................................................1-13
1.6 Safety guidlines................................................................................................................................. 1-15
1.7 Cleaning the monitor ..................................................................................................................... 1-16

Table of Contents
2/Theory of Operations
2.1 Power input assembly ...................................................................................................................... 2-1
2.1.1 Connectors ..................................................................................................................................2-1
2.1.2 Toroid.............................................................................................................................................2-2
2.1.3 Fuses...............................................................................................................................................2-2
2.2 Power supply board........................................................................................................................... 2-2
2.2.1 General..........................................................................................................................................2-2
2.2.2 Main regulators ........................................................................................................................2-2
Major components for each channel...........................................................................2-2
2.2.3 Power monitor..........................................................................................................................2-3
2.2.4 Display preregulators............................................................................................................2-3
2.2.5 Frequency monitor................................................................................................................2-3
2.2.6 Infrared photometer source switch..............................................................................2-3
2.3 Motherboard........................................................................................................................................... 2-4
2.3.1 General description...............................................................................................................2-4
2.3.2 Rear panel connectors.........................................................................................................2-4
Isolated RS-232..........................................................................................................................2-4
2.3.3 Display serial driver..............................................................................................................2-5
2.3.4 Configuration jumper SW1...............................................................................................2-5
2.4 Pneumatics description ................................................................................................................... 2-5
2.4.1 Routing the gas sample....................................................................................................... 2-5
2.4.2 Conditioning the gas .............................................................................................................2-5
2.4.3 Normal flow with O2............................................................................................................2-6
2.4.4 Normal flow without O2.....................................................................................................2-7
When the RGM is sampling inhaled gas ..................................................................2-7
When the RGM is sampling exhaled gas..................................................................2-7
2.4.5 Purge flow ...................................................................................................................................2-8
2.4.6 Manual/auto zero flow.........................................................................................................2-9
2.4.7 Analyzing the dry gas.........................................................................................................2-10
2.4.8 Exhausting the gas................................................................................................................2-10
2.5 Pneumatics interface board....................................................................................................... 2-11
2.5.1 General........................................................................................................................................2-11
2.5.2 Pressure and flow .................................................................................................................2-11
2.5.3 Water trap full sensor.........................................................................................................2-11
2.5.4 O2 amplifiers...........................................................................................................................2-12
2.5.5 Temperature ............................................................................................................................2-12
2.5.6 Solenoid drivers.....................................................................................................................2-12
2.5.7 Test points .................................................................................................................................2-12
2.5.8 Pump driver.............................................................................................................................2-13
2.6 IR gas analyzer.................................................................................................................................. 2-13
2.6.1 IR photometer (ACX-200)..................................................................................................2-13
ACX-200 measurement board........................................................................................2-13
IR photometer .........................................................................................................................2-14
Internal and external bus.................................................................................................2-16
Reference voltages................................................................................................................2-16
Measuring electronics for CO2, N2O, and AA......................................................2-16
A/D conversion.......................................................................................................................2-17
D/A conversion.......................................................................................................................2-17

Table of Contents
Timing of CO2, N2O, and AA signals .......................................................................2-17
Motor speed control.............................................................................................................2-17
Pressure measurement......................................................................................................2-17
Temperature measurement ............................................................................................2-17
2.7 Signal processor board.................................................................................................................. 2-19
2.7.1 General description.............................................................................................................2-19
2.7.2 Microprocessor .......................................................................................................................2-19
2.7.3 Memory.......................................................................................................................................2-19
2.7.4 Decoding ....................................................................................................................................2-19
2.7.5 Watchdog...................................................................................................................................2-19
2.7.6 Configuration input switches.........................................................................................2-20
2.7.7 Analog acquisition................................................................................................................2-20
RGM analog input assignments....................................................................................2-20
2.7.8 Analog output..........................................................................................................................2-21
2.7.9 TVX interface ..........................................................................................................................2-21
2.7.10 SpO2 oximeter (MINX) interface.................................................................................2-21
2.7.11 Status LEDs...............................................................................................................................2-21
2.7.12 Serial I/O...................................................................................................................................2-22
2.7.13 Other inputs.............................................................................................................................2-22
2.7.14 Test points.................................................................................................................................2-22
2.8 SpO2 oximeter (MINX) board.................................................................................................. 2-23
2.8.1 Description................................................................................................................................2-23
2.8.2 Power supply...........................................................................................................................2-23
2.8.3 Control inputs.........................................................................................................................2-23
2.9 Display controller board............................................................................................................... 2-24
2.9.1 General description.............................................................................................................2-24
2.9.2 Processor and interfacing.................................................................................................2-24
2.9.3 System memory .....................................................................................................................2-24
2.9.4 Communicating to the signal processor..................................................................2-24
2.9.5 Watchdog circuit...................................................................................................................2-24
2.9.6 Programmable logic............................................................................................................2-25
2.9.7 Power regulation...................................................................................................................2-25
2.9.8 Audio............................................................................................................................................2-25
2.9.9 Touch screen interface......................................................................................................2-25
2.9.10 Video ............................................................................................................................................2-26
Graphic CPU...........................................................................................................................2-26
Video memory and video output circuits...............................................................2-26
2.9.11 Test points.................................................................................................................................2-26
2.10 Display matrix assembly .............................................................................................................. 2-27
2.10.1 Input signal descriptions..................................................................................................2-27
2.10.2 Input connector configuration (J1) ..............................................................................2-28
2.10.3 Optical characteristics .......................................................................................................2-28

3/Checkout and Calibration

3.0 General...................................................................................................................................................... 3-1
3.0.1 Special tools required for checkout and calibration procedures...............3-1
3.1 Functional checkout.......................................................................................................................... 3-2

Table of Contents
3.2 Dip switch and jumper positions............................................................................................... 3-3
3.2.1 On the signal processor board ........................................................................................3-3
3.2.2 SW1 on the motherboard...................................................................................................3-4
3.3 Power-up self-test................................................................................................................................. 3-4
3.3.1 Power-up functions................................................................................................................3-5
3.4 Power supply checks ........................................................................................................................ 3-5
3.5 Pneumatic system checks .............................................................................................................. 3-6
3.5.1 Sample flow ...............................................................................................................................3-6
3.5.2 Pump leakage............................................................................................................................3-8
3.5.3 System leakage .........................................................................................................................3-8
3.5.4 Pump vacuum ..........................................................................................................................3-8
3.5.5 Zero valve test...........................................................................................................................3-8
3.5.6 Purge valve test ........................................................................................................................3-9
3.5.7 O2 valve test...............................................................................................................................3-9
3.5.8 Water trap sensor test...........................................................................................................3-9
3.5.9 Purge and sample line blocked test...........................................................................3-10
3.6 Calibration checks........................................................................................................................... 3-10
3.6.1 Barometric pressure check..............................................................................................3-10
3.6.2 Barometric pressure calibration...................................................................................3-11
Pressure calibration.............................................................................................................3-11
3.6.3 PAW check.................................................................................................................................3-13
3.6.4 Airway pressure calibration...........................................................................................3-14
3.6.5 Gas analyzer check—zero and span calibration..................................................3-15
Zero and span calibration...............................................................................................3-15
3.6.6 Circuit O2 check ...................................................................................................................3-16
3.7 SpO2 module checks (if installed)........................................................................................ 3-17
3.8 Patient flow sensor check (if installed)............................................................................... 3-18
3.8.1 Flow threshold test...............................................................................................................3-18
3.8.2 Reverse flow detection simulation..............................................................................3-20
3.9 Sample flow calibration............................................................................................................... 3-20
3.10 Internal temperature calibration............................................................................................ 3-21
3.11 Analog output check ...................................................................................................................... 3-22
Channel assignments..........................................................................................................3-23
3.12 RS-232 loop back hardware check....................................................................................... 3-24
3.13 Leakage current and ground resistance checks ............................................................ 3-24

4/Messages and Troubleshooting

4.1 Messages ................................................................................................................................................... 4-1
4.2 Troubleshooting information........................................................................................................ 4-4
4.2.1 Power-up self-test.....................................................................................................................4-5
System error messages.........................................................................................................4-5
4.2.2 Using service screens...........................................................................................................4-6
Service screen...........................................................................................................................4-6
4.2.3 Enter Calibration Constants screen..............................................................................4-9
Procedure to recall barometer factory calibration constants ........................4-9
Pneumatics Service Screen............................................................................................4-10

Table of Contents
4.3 Troubleshooting tables.................................................................................................................. 4-11
4.3.1 Nonfunctioning monitor or power supply.............................................................4-11
4.3.2 TVX/patient flow sensor problems.............................................................................4-11
4.3.3 Communication fail or signal processor failure..................................................4-12
4.3.4 O2 sensors/O2 calibration problems.........................................................................4-13
4.3.5 Pneumatics problems.........................................................................................................4-14
4.3.6 Gas analyzer/calibration problems............................................................................4-15
4.3.7 Display assembly problems............................................................................................4-16
4.3.8 SpO2 oximeter board problems...................................................................................4-16
4.3.9 Intermittent problems or unusual behavior..........................................................4-17

5/Repair Procedures
5.1 Maintenance schedule..................................................................................................................... 5-1
5.2 Service policy........................................................................................................................................ 5-2
5.2.1 Obtaining service......................................................................................................................5-2
5.3 Cover removal and replacement................................................................................................ 5-3
5.4 Front panel.............................................................................................................................................. 5-4
5.4.1 SpO2 connector replacement..........................................................................................5-4
5.4.2 Power switch replacement................................................................................................5-5
5.4.3 Display panel removal and replacement..................................................................5-5
5.4.4 Display cable replacement................................................................................................5-5
5.4.5 Display panel disassembly ................................................................................................5-6
5.4.6 Display controller board replacement........................................................................5-7
5.4.7 Display matrix panel replacement ...............................................................................5-7
5.4.8 Display touch panel assembly replacement ...........................................................5-7
5.4.9 Display panel reassembly ..................................................................................................5-8
5.5 Rear panel............................................................................................................................................... 5-8
5.5.1 Fan replacement .....................................................................................................................5-8
5.5.2 Rear panel I/O board replacement..............................................................................5-9
5.6 Photometer replacement................................................................................................................. 5-9
5.7 Toroid with power input module........................................................................................... 5-10
5.7.1 Toroid assembly replacement .......................................................................................5-10
5.7.2 Secondary fuse replacement..........................................................................................5-12
5.8 Circuit board removal and replacement............................................................................ 5-13
5.8.1 Power supply board assembly......................................................................................5-13
5.8.2 Signal processor board ......................................................................................................5-14
Battery replacement ............................................................................................................5-15
5.8.3 SpO2 oximeter board .........................................................................................................5-16
5.8.4 Measurement board ............................................................................................................5-17
5.8.5 Motherboard ............................................................................................................................5-17
5.9 Pneumatics system ............................................................................................................................. 5-18
5.9.1 Pneumatics tubing assembly removal and replacement..............................5-18
5.9.2 Zero solenoid valve replacement ................................................................................5-20
5.9.3 Purge solenoid valve replacement..............................................................................5-20
5.9.4 Flow restrictor replacement ...........................................................................................5-20
5.9.5 O2 solenoid valve replacement....................................................................................5-21
5.9.6 Zero inlet kit replacement...............................................................................................5-21
5.9.7 Pump replacement ..............................................................................................................5-21
5.9.8 Scrubber replacement.......................................................................................................5-22

Table of Contents
6/Illustrated Parts List
6.1 5250 main unit assembly .............................................................................................................. 6-2
6.1.1 Parts list ........................................................................................................................................ 6-2
6.1.2 Illustration ...................................................................................................................................6-3
6.2 Access panel assembly..................................................................................................................... 6-4
6.2.1 Parts list ........................................................................................................................................ 6-4
6.2.2 Illustrations, front and back......................................................................................6-5, 6-6
6.3 Display filter PCA ............................................................................................................................... 6-7
6.3.1 Parts list ........................................................................................................................................ 6-7
6.3.2 lllustration...................................................................................................................................6-7
6.4 Display assembly ................................................................................................................................. 6-8
6.4.1 Parts list ........................................................................................................................................ 6-8
6.4.2 Illustration ...................................................................................................................................6-8
6.5 Rear panel assembly ......................................................................................................................... 6-9
6.5.1 Parts list ........................................................................................................................................ 6-9
6.5.2 Illustration ...................................................................................................................................6-9
6.6 Signal processor board.................................................................................................................. 6-10
6.6.1 Parts list ......................................................................................................................................6-10
6.6.2 Illustration .................................................................................................................................6-10
6.7 Pneumatics assembly..................................................................................................................... 6-11
6.7.1 Parts list ......................................................................................................................................6-11
6.7.2 Illustration .................................................................................................................................6-12
6.7.3 Pneumatics interface board parts list .......................................................................6-12
6.7.4 Pneumatics routing..............................................................................................................6-13
6.8 Photometer and O2 sensor assembly.................................................................................... 6-14
6.8.1 Parts list ......................................................................................................................................6-14
6.8.2 ACX 200 illustration ............................................................................................................6-14
6.9 Motherboard........................................................................................................................................ 6-15
6.9.1 Parts list ......................................................................................................................................6-15
6.9.2 Illustration .................................................................................................................................6-15
6.10 Toroid assembly ................................................................................................................................ 6-16
6.10.1 Parts list ......................................................................................................................................6-16
6.10.2 Illustration .................................................................................................................................6-16
6.11 Water trap sensor assembly ....................................................................................................... 6-17
6.11.1 Parts list ......................................................................................................................................6-17
6.11.2 Illustation...................................................................................................................................6-17
6.12 SpO2 (MINX) oximetry assembly .......................................................................................... 6-18
6.12.1 Parts lists....................................................................................................................................6-18
6.12.2 Illustration .................................................................................................................................6-18
6.13 Upgrade kits ........................................................................................................................................ 6-18
6.14 Special service tools........................................................................................................................6-18
6.15 Optional service parts.................................................................................................................... 6-19
6.16 Additional parts................................................................................................................................. 6-19

A/Material Safety Data Sheets

List of Figures
Figure Description Page

2-1 SW1 motherboard.....................................................................................................................2-5

2-2 Normal flow with O2...............................................................................................................2-6
2-3 Normal flow without O2........................................................................................................2-7
2-4 Purge flow to clear blocked line.......................................................................................2-8
2-5 Manual/auto zero flow ...........................................................................................................2-9
2-6 ACX-200 measuring board block diagram...............................................................2-14
2-7 ACX-200 measuring board timing diagram ............................................................ 2-18
2-8 SW1 signal processor configuration switch............................................................ 2-20

3-1 SW1 signal processor configuration switch...............................................................3-3

3-2 SW1 motherboard.....................................................................................................................3-4
3-3 Select Service mode ................................................................................................................3-6
3-4 Service screen .............................................................................................................................3-7
3-5 Pneumatics Service Screen.................................................................................................3-7
3-6 Calibration setup....................................................................................................................3-11
3-7 Calibration screen..................................................................................................................3-11
3-8 Barometric Pressure Calibration screen ...................................................................3-12
3-9 Airway pressure test setup................................................................................................3-13
3-10 Airway Pressure Calibration screen............................................................................3-14
3-11 Cal gas connection.................................................................................................................3-15
3-12 Flow threshold test setup...................................................................................................3-18
3-13 Select adult patient type from Setup Screen.........................................................3-19
3-14 Activate reverse flow alarm on Setup Screen .......................................................3-20
3-15 Sample Flow Calibration screen................................................................................... 3-20
3-16 Flowmeter and flow restrictor connections............................................................ 3-21
3-17 Analog output diagnostic screen ................................................................................... 3-22
3-18 Analog output connector....................................................................................................3-23

4-1 Service screen .............................................................................................................................4-6

4-2 Enter Calibration Constants screen ................................................................................4-9
4-3 Pneumatics Service Screen..............................................................................................4-10
4-4 Communications, signal processor, or power supply
fail and LED status.................................................................................................................4-12

5-1 Cover removal and replacement......................................................................................5-3

5-2 SpO2 connector replacement.............................................................................................5-4
5-3 Display panel disassembly...................................................................................................5-6
5-4 Photometer replacement.......................................................................................................5-9
5-5 Toroid assembly removal...................................................................................................5-10
5-6 Ground wire connection ....................................................................................................5-11
5-7 Power supply fuse replacement ....................................................................................5-12
5-8 Power supply assembly removal/replacement.....................................................5-13
5-9 Signal processor, SpO2, and measurement circuit board removal...........5-16
5-10 Pneumatics assembly replacement .............................................................................5-18

This chapter contains:
• An overview of the features and major components of the 5250 Respiratory
Gas Monitor (RGM).
• Complete specifications for the monitor’s components.
• A list of the precautions you must follow when using or servicing this monitor.
• Safety guidelines to follow when servicing this monitor.
• Instructions for cleaning the monitor and its components.

1.1 Introduction
This service manual describes the following 5250 RGM models:
RGM with agent (REF: 6051-0000-126)
RGM with agent and SpO2 (REF: 6051-0000-125)

Related information
The information and instructions in this manual assume you are familiar with the
operation of the 5250 RGM. Refer to the 5250 RGM Operation and Maintenance
Manual for details regarding the features, functions, and use of the monitor.

For information on oximeter sensor application and cleaning (reusable sensors

only), see the instructions for the sensor.

Replacement parts whose part numbers are listed in this manual can be ordered
from Datex-Ohmeda. If you need to reference printed circuit board schematics
and components, purchase and refer to the information contained in the 5250
RGM PCA Drawing Service Kit. See chapter 6 for part numbers.

Technical competence
CAUTION: Only qualified service personnel should perform the procedures described in this manual.

Only Datex-Ohmeda service personnel or competent individuals who are

experienced with servicing medical devices of this nature should perform the
procedures described in this manual.

5250 RGM Service Manual

1.2 Features
1.2.1 Display panel
The 5250 RGM uses a 4 x 8-in. amber electroluminescent flat display panel. The
panel has infrared (IR) touch controls for using the RGM’s software operations and
is removable for easy access and viewing.

The RGM software program includes several service screens to aid in


1.2.2 Gas sample measurement

The RGM uses the principle of IR absorption to measure the amount of CO2, N2O,
and anesthetic agent present in a gas sample. A small gas sample is continuously
drawn into the pneumatic system through the sample inlet, and then routed
through various components for conditioning (water separator, filters), analysis
(photometer), flow control (pump, valve), and finally exhausted through a fitting
(sample exhaust) on the back panel of the RGM.

The signal processor board monitors the flow within the pneumatic system
(differential pressure sensor on the pneumatics interface board). A sudden drop in
the flow or barometric pressure, indicating a blocked line or condensate in the
sample line, causes the microprocessor to switch pneumatic valves, thereby
shifting the sample flow through the water purge path of the pneumatics line to
clear the condensate from the sample line.

The IR analyzer (photometer and measurement board) determines the content of

CO2, and N2O, and agent in the gas sample and sends the waveform information
to the signal processor as a digital serial stream.

The stored values are continuously updated and displayed by the software
program as numeric values, continuous waveforms, trend data, and respiratory
rate data. The RGM determines a breath rate from the CO2 activity.

1.2.3 Internal O 2 measurement

An internal O2 sensor measures the O2 concentration of the sample gas. The
response time of the sensor cartridge is very slow, so the signal processor triggers
the solenoid sample valve alternately to sample inspired and expired gases. The
presence of CO2 in the sample triggers the collection of exhaled O2
concentrations; while the absence of CO2 triggers the collection of inhaled O2. For
safety reasons, the solenoid is normally open to the O2 sensor when it is not
energized. This allows the RGM to continuously measure and display the average
O2 concentrations.

1.2.4 Airway pressure measurement

The pressure transducer on the pneumatics interface board measures the airway
pressure (PAW) when the patient circuit is connected to the PAW inlet.


1.2.5 SpO2 measurement

The SpO2 sensor provides continuous, real time SpO2, and pulse rate readings.
Trend information is available on the display.

The RGM determines the patient's arterial oxygen saturation (SpO2) and pulse
rate by measuring the absorption of selected wavelengths of light. The light
generated in the sensor passes through the tissue and is converted to an electronic
signal by the photodetector. (Some light is absorbed by the tissue.) The electronic
signal passes to the oximeter and is amplified. The oximeter's circuitry processes
the signal, converting the light intensity information into SpO2 and pulse rate
values. The patient data then appear.

1.2.6 Circuit O 2 measurement

The circuit O2 sensor monitors the O2 concentration at an external sensor
cartridge. The O2 sensing cartridge produces a voltage that is proportional to the
O2 concentration (partial pressure) at its detecting surface. The signal processor
board converts the sensor signal into a corresponding percent O2. The O2 values
then appear.

1.2.7 Flow volume measurement

The RGM uses a turbine vane transducer cartridge and a sensor clip, placed in
the patient breathing circuit, to convert gas flow into electrical pulses. A clip-on
optical coupler sensor fastens to the transducer cartridge and connects to the RGM
with a flexible, extendible, coiled cord. The signal processor analyzes the signals
from the transducer to determine tidal and minute volumes, whose values appear
on the screen.

1.2.8 Alarm features

The RGM generates various alarms and messages to indicate conditions of the gas
sample, SpO2 sensor, O2 sensor, flow sensor, and of the RGM itself.

The RGM evaluates each condition, compares it to an operator-selected limit or to

a system default value and generates audible alarms, visual alarm indicators, and
alphanumeric messages indicating the cause of the alarm, which may be patient
(gas sample) or RGM related.

1.2.9 Ventilator interface

The RGM can be used with Datex-Ohmeda 7800, 7810 (referred to as 78xx in the
following chapters), and 7900 ventilators. An RS-232 cable connects the ventilator
to the RGM and transmits values (TV, MV, PAW [min, max, inspiratory pause], and
circuit O2) calculated by the ventilator to the RGM, which displays the values
received from the ventilator.

5250 RGM Service Manual

1.3 Major components

The RGM is made up of four major assemblies: the chassis, the display panel, the
front panel, and the rear panel.

1.3.1 Chassis assembly

• Toroid assembly
• Power supply assembly
• Motherboard
• Pneumatics assembly
• Pneumatics interface board
• ACX photometer
• ACX measurement board
• Signal processor board
• SpO2 oximeter (MINX) board
• Signal processor software module

1.3.2 Display panel assembly

• The display panel and extension cord
• Display processor board
• Display matrix assembly
• Touch panel
• Display processor software module

1.3.3 Front panel assembly

• Gas sample inlet
• PAW inlet
• SpO2 connector
• Power switch
• Display release
• Water separator assembly

1.3.4 Rear panel assembly

• Cooling fan
• Gas sample exhaust
• Software module access cover
• Equipotential ground connector
• Power input receptacle (line filter, fuses, voltage selector)
• I/O panel PCA


Line voltage selection

The 5250 RGM covers four (100, 120, 220, 230-240) line voltage applications.
• As received in the USA, the RGM is set up to operate from a 120 V AC power
source (50/60 Hz). If the RGM is ordered with the correct country option, the
line voltage and fuses will be set appropriately for the destination country.
Note: If the local line voltage in your location is 230 V, always use the 240 V
setting on the voltage drum that is in the power module.
• To use the RGM from an alternate power source, change the fuses, the voltage
selector switch (drum), and the power cord to match the application. Refer to
the 5250 RGM Operation and Maintenance Manual.

CAUTION: Make sure the selected monitor voltage agrees with the local voltage available.

1.4 Specifications
All specifications are based at sea level and subject to change without notice.

Electromagnetic effects
Indications that the 5250 is experiencing electromagnetic interference include the

• Variations in the waveform display.

• Sudden increases or decreases in the waveform height that do not correlate to
the physiological condition of the patient.
• Messages that cannot be resolved by the instructions found in this Operator’s
• The display of dashes on numeric LEDs when a valid physiological signal is

This interference may be intermittent. Careful correlation between the effect and
its possible source is important. The 5250 will not display any of these indications
if it is used within its intended electromagnetic environment as described in
IEC/EN 60601-1-2 (1993).

EMC performance
The 5250 complies with the requirements of IEC/EN 60601-1-2 (1993):
Electromagnetic compatibility - Requirements and test. The following EMC
standards were applied to verify conformance:

Immunity: IEC/EN 61000-4-2 (1995), 8 kV air, 3 kV contact

IEC/EN 61000-4-3 (1995), 3 V/m
IEC/EN 61000-4-4 (1995), 1 kV power, 500 V I/0
IEC/EN 61000-4-5 (1995), 2 kV line to earth, 1 kV line to line

Emissions: IEC/EN 55011 Group 1, Class B (1997)

The 5250 was tested with an RS-232 cable attached (no printer or CPU) when
operating on AC power.

5250 RGM Service Manual

Compliance with standards

The presence on the monitor of any symbol described below indicates compliance
with the standard represented by that symbol.

Medical Device Directive 93/42/EEC of the European Union for a

class I (with a measuring function), IIa, IIb, or III device.

Medical Device Directive 93/42/EEC of the European Union for a

class I device.

Medical electrical equipment classified with respect to electric

shock, fire, and mechanical hazards only, in accordance with the
Canadian Standards Association CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 125 (1984).

Medical electrical equipment classified in the US and Canada

with respect to electric shock, fire, and mechanical hazards only,
in accordance with the Canadian Standards Association CAN/CSA
C22.2 No. 601.1 (1990) and Underwriters Laboratories Inc.
UL 2601-1 (1997).

General safety requirements

The 5250 complies with the requirements of IEC/EN 60601-1 (1988) Part 1:
General requirements for safety of medical electrical equipment, including
Amendment 1 (1991) and Amendment 2 (1995).

Type B applied part.

Type BF applied part.

Protected against vertically falling water drops.

Type of protection against electric shock: Class I
Mode of operation: Continuous

1.4.1 Basic monitor

Physical characteristics
Main chassis
Size: 12.4 in. W x 7.5 in. H x 16 in. L
Weight: Less than 25 lbs.

Power-fuse rating
100 Vac 50/60 Hz 1.0A T1.5A/250 V
120 Vac 50/60 Hz 1.0A T1.5A/250 V
220-230/240 Vac 50/60 Hz 0.5A T1.25A/250 V

Voltage tolerance
+10 to -15 percent


CO2, N2O, and O2 for barometric pressure.
CO2 for O2, and N2O

Sample flow rate

Sample flow rate = 190 ±40 mL/min

Environmental characteristics
Temperature 15º to 40 °C
Humidity 0 to 95% RH, noncondensing
Pressure 500 to 800 torr

Storage and transportation

Temperature -5º to +50 °C
Humidity 0 to 95% RH, noncondensing
Pressure 5 to 20 psia

Range and accuracy

Measured Displayed
parameter parameter Range Accuracy *Response time Resolution
O2 FiO2 0 to 100% ±3.0% O2 (<60%) 20-60 sec. 1%
±5.0% O2 (≥60%)
O2 Circuit Ckt O2 0 to 59% ±3.0% O2 20 sec. 1%
60 to 100%* ±5.0% O2
Flow Tidal volume Pediatric: May take up to
Minimum flow of 5 1 minute to
LPM in breath adjust to new
50 to 200 mL ±40mL patient, then 5mL
Adult: every breath
Minimum flow of 8
LPM in breath
80 to 200mL ±40mL 5mL
200 to 800mL ±10% or 40mL 10mL
800 to 2500 ±10% 50mL
Minute 0 to 50.0 L Sum of tidal volumes 5 sec. or end of 0.1 L
volume for last minute breath
Waveform 5 to 100 LPM ±10% Sampling time 0.4 LPM on
bar graph 10 milliseconds analog
settling time 1 output
Pressure Waveform -20 to 120 cm H2O ±5 cm H2O 500 msec 1 cm H2O
Mean 0 to 99 cm H2O

5250 RGM Service Manual

1.4.2 SpO2 option

SpO2 pleth waveform: Has no units
SpO2 accuracy (within 1 standard deviation):
80 to 100% ± 2%
60 to 79% ± 3%
Below 60% unspecified
Pulse rate range: 40 to 235 bpm
Pulse rate accuracy: ±1.7% of reading

Sensor emitter wavelength ranges

Red LED peak wavelength range: 650 to 665 nm
Infrared (IR) LED peak wavelength range: 930 to 950 nm
Average power: ≤ 1 mW

The displayed SpO2 and pulse rate values are updated every 2 seconds. The
plethysmographic waveform sweep is updated every 6 seconds (fast rate—
12.5 mm/sec.) or 12 seconds (slow rate—6.5 mm/sec.).

1.4.3 Gas accuracy

Internal pressure range: 450 to 850 mmHg
Operating temperature range: 15 to 40 °C

Measuring range: 0 to 8% 8.1 to 15%
Zero drift: ±0.2% CO2 /24 hr unspecified
Gain drift: ±0.2% CO2 /24 hr unspecified
Temperature zero drift: ±0.2% CO2 /10 °C unspecified
Temperature gain drift: ±0.2% CO2 /10 °C unspecified
Response time: ≤400 ms @ 200 mL/min unspecified
Linearity: ±0.3% CO2 unspecified

N 2O :
Measuring range: 0 to 100%
Zero drift: ±2% N2O/24 hr
Temperature zero drift: ±2% /10 °C
Temperature gain drift: ±3% /10 °C
Response time: ≤400 ms @ 200 mL/min


Measuring range: 0.0 to 5% halothane, enflurane, isoflurane
Gain stability: ±0.4% halothane/24 hr
Zero drift: ±0.6% halothane/24 hr
Linearity: ±0.2% halothane
Temperature zero drift: ±0.6% halothane/10 °C
Temperature gain drift: ±0.4% halothane/10 °C
Response time: ≤500 ms @ 200 ml/min

Measuring range 0.0 to 5% desflurane 5.1 to 18.0% 18.1 to 30.0%
Temperature gain drift: ±0.4% desflurane/10 °C ± 0.1% unspecified
Response time: ≤500 ms

Measuring range 0.0 to 8% sevoflurane 8.1 to 15.0%
Temperature gain drift: ±0.4% sevoflurane/10 °C unspecified
Response time: ≤500 ms

1.4.4 Analog outputs

Connector pinouts
CAUTION: Maximum voltage. No more than 5 V should appear on any pin of the analog output

Channel assignments
Channel Scale
1 CO2 waveform 66.6 mV/%
2 N2O waveform 10 mV/%
3 PAW waveform (V x 140)-20 = cm H2O
4 Flow waveform 10 mV = 1 L/min
5 Agent waveform 66.6 mV/% (Desflurane: 33.3 mV/%)
6 O2 inspired/expired 10 mV/%
7 Plethysmograph 0 to 0.5 V with 16.1 mV resolution

5250 RGM Service Manual

The analog output accuracy is ±3.5 percent (absolute), linearity ±0.5 percent, with
an update rate of 10 mS and a resolution of 3.9 mV.

Note: Output source impedance 100 Ω.

Strip chart calibration

2. Connect the Strip Chart recorder to the analog output connector. Pinout of the
connector is shown in this section.
3. Select ZERO. All channels will be set to zero volts. Adjust the strip chart
4. Select ONE. All channels will be set to 1 volt (full scale). Adjust the strip chart
5. Press EXIT three times to return to the display screen.

1.4.5 RS-232 communications

The following data will be output to the RS-232 port at the configured time interval. At
the top of each page the following title will be output with 58 lines of data formatted
under each column. Data communication is at 1200 baud, odd parity, 7 bits per
character, 1 stop bit or 9600 baud, no parity, 1 stop bit, depending on setup configured.

* :RG I E RR I E I E M TV MV N2 O O 2 Pres SpO2 PR I E <cr>
:RG xx.x xx.x xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxxx xx.x xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xx.x xx.x <cr>
Value indexes:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

* These channel labels are printed at the top of each page or when new agent is

1. CO2 inspired in %
2. CO2 expired in %
3. CO2 respiratory rate in breaths per minute
4. O2 inspired in %
5. O2 expired in %
6. PAW inspired in cm H2O
7. PAW expired in cm H2O
8. PAW mean in cm H2O
9. Tidal volume in milliliters
10. Minute volume in liters
11. Nitrous N2O in %
12. Patient circuit O2 in %
13. Barometric pressure in torr in sample chamber. Can be used to convert %
CO2 to mmHg if desired. CO2 mmHg = CO2% x Barometric pressure /100.
CO2 kPa = CO2 mmHg /7.5


14. SpO2 %. Only output if option installed.

15. SpO2 pulse rate in beats per minute from SpO2 board. Only output if option
is installed.
16. Agent inspired in % (maximum 15%). Title line will change to indicate type of
agent configured. “H” indicates halothane, “I” indicates isoflurane, “E” indicates
enflurane, “D” indicates desflurane, “S” indicates sevoflurane, and “N” indicates
no agent.
17. Agent expired in % (maximum 15%).

Connector pinout, type DB-9

Pin Function
2 Transmitted data from monitor
3 Received data into monitor
7 Ground
9 External alarm silence

1.5 Precautions
Two types of precautionary notes are used in this manual:
• Warnings indicate a potentially harmful situation that may cause injury to the
patient or operator.
• Cautions indicate a condition that may lead to equipment damage or

1.5.1 Warnings
When handling materials that may have come into contact with patient exhalant
or fluids, follow approved procedures for contamination control.

Dispose of filter cartridges, water bottle contents, and sample lines in a receptacle
designated for patient waste.

Electrical shock hazard

Before cleaning or repairing the monitor, power it off and disconnect it from AC
mains power.

Measure the leakage current whenever an external device is connected and at the
completion of repair procedures. Leakage current must not exceed 100

Do not touch any exposed wiring or conductive surfaces while the cover is
removed. The voltages present when electrical power is connected to the RGM
can cause serious injury or death. Never wear a grounding wrist strap when
working on an energized monitor.

The display generates potentially dangerous voltages (high voltage pulses up to

225 V ac). Do not touch the driver-controller circuit board during operation.

5250 RGM Service Manual

Flammability and electrical shock hazard

For continued protection against fire hazard and electric shock, replace fuses only
with fuses of the same type and rating shown on the rear panel of the 5250 RGM.

Patient safety
Never test or perform maintenance on the monitor while it is being used to
monitor a patient.

The correct use of the oximetry function of this monitor is to measure only arterial
oxygen saturation (SpO2) and pulse rate.
• A pulse oximeter does not measure respiration and should never be used as a
substitute for an apnea monitor or as the primary monitor for infants being
monitored for apnea.
• A pulse oximeter may be used during sleep studies with adults only to gather
information regarding SpO2 and pulse rate.

Patient safety (sensors)

To prevent patient injury or equipment damage, use only Datex-Ohmeda sensors
identifed for use with this monitor. For complete information about the safe and
appropriate use of a sensor, consult the instructions for the sensor.

Prolonged monitoring or patient condition may require you to periodically change

the sensor site. If there is evidence of blistering, skin erosion, or ischemic skin
necrosis (such as skin discoloration or reddening), change the site immediately.
Otherwise, change the site as specified in the instructions for the sensor.

Orient the flow sensor in the breathing circuit as indicated by the markings on the
sensor clip. The arrows must point in the direction of the flow in the breathing
circuit. If the clip is not mounted correctly, the 5250 RGM will not operate properly.

After completing simulation testing, be sure to return the sensor to its correct
orientation in the breathing circuit. The arrows should point away from the patient.

Data validity
Use only Datex-Ohmeda calibration gas of 1.75% halocarbon-23 (CHF3)/freon or
equivalent 6% CO2, 40% N2O, 50% O2 and 2.25% argon. Use of the wrong
calibration gas kit will result in improper calibration and the RGM will display
incorrect gas concentrations.

In the presence of alcohols, ketones, or other organic hydrocarbon vapors—in the

sample line or patient circuit, and ethyl alcohol in the patient’s bloodstream—the
5250 RGM may not indicate accurate readings of anesthetic agent.

The oxygen monitoring portion of the 5250 RGM monitor should be calibrated at
the same temperature at which it will be used to monitor oxygen delivery in the
patient circuit. Operation at temperatures other than those present during
calibration may result in readings outside of the stated accuracy for the monitor.
When the ambient temperature changes, we recommend recalibrating the monitor
for maximum accuracy. Refer to the O2 sensor information sheet for more details.

Keep the circuit O2 sensor attached to the monitor to assure accurate O2 readings.
If detached, the sensor must be reattached and stabilized for up to 1 hour before


Failure of operation
Perform the checkout procedures before using the monitor with a patient. If the
monitor fails any test, it must be removed from use until it has been repaired and
checked for correct operation.

System interconnection
Accessory equipment connected to the RS-232 serial connector must be certified
according to the current version of the respective IEC/EN standards (e.g., IEC
60950 for data processing equipment and IEC/EN 60601-1 for medical equipment).
All configurations shall also comply with IEC/EN 60601-1-1. Anyone who connects
additional equipment to the RS-232 port connector configures a medical system,
and is therefore responsible that the system complies with the requirements of
IEC/EN 60601-1-1. If in doubt, call your local authorized service office, as listed on
the back cover of this manual. The 5250 RGM is referred to as an IEC 60601/B
device in the summary of situations table contained in IEC/EN 60601-1-1.

A damaged membrane separator may result in a contaminated agent photometer.
Once contaminated the agent photometer assembly cannot be serviced and must
be replaced.

1.5.2 Cautions
Static sensitivity
Internal electronic components are susceptible to damage by electrostatic
discharge. To avoid damage when disassembling the monitor, observe the
standard precautions and procedures for handling static-sensitive components.

When cleaning the exterior of the RGM, follow these precautions:
• Do not autoclave, pressure sterilize, or gas sterilize the 5250 RGM.
• Use cleaning solution sparingly. Do not immerse the monitor in liquid.
Excessive solution may flow into the monitor and damage internal components.
• Do not touch or rub the display area with abrasive cleaning compounds or
any material that could damage the surface.
• Do not use organic-, petroleum-,or acetone-based solutions, or other harsh
solvents to clean the display area or the unit. These substances attack the
device’s materials and device failure may result.

To prevent permanent damage to the internal sensor and voiding its warranty, do
not clean the sample chamber of an RGM with agent.

Service and repair

Only qualified service personnel should perform the procedures described in this

Servicing this product in accordance with the service manual should be

undertaken only by qualified service personnel having the proper knowledge,
tools, and test equipment.

5250 RGM Service Manual

Dispose of this medical device and its packing materials in accordance with local
procedures and regulations.

Destroy malfunctioning flow cartridges to prevent their inadvertent use.

The 5250 RGM software consists of two cartridges that must be replaced in sets to
ensure software compatibility. The replacement procedures are located in the
5250 RGM Operation and Maintenance Manual.

Pneumatic system
To prevent damage to the 5250 pneumatic system, use only ventilators and
anesthetic equipment that limit the pressure at the patient connection port to 12.5
kPa (125 cm H2O) in compliance with IEC/EN 60601-2-13 (1997). Follow the
normal ventilator power-off sequence before you power off the 5250.

U.S. Federal law and Canadian laws restrict this device to sale by or upon the
order of a licensed medical practitioner.

After replacing the internal O2 sensor, perform the calibration procedure in

section 3.6.6 to verify the RGM is working properly. Allow up to 1 hour to stabilize
the sensor.

Avoid storing O2 sensors outside the temperature range of -5 °C to 50 °C

(+23 °F to 122 °F). O2 sensors must have shorting clips or be connected to the
RGM when in storage or not in use.

Make sure the selected monitor voltage agrees with the local voltage available.

Never tamper with the set screws in the flow cartridge. Such action will render
the cartridge unusable.

Pressure in excess of 10 psi above atmospheric pressure could damage the PAW
transducer or sample system barometric pressure transducer in the RGM.

System calibrations may be erased if power is applied while the signal processor
software module is not in place.

When replacing either the microprocessor or the EPROM on the SpO2 oximeter
(MINX) board, be sure to use a chip extractor to avoid damaging the components.

Maximum voltage. No more than 5 volts should appear on any pin of the analog
output connector.

Do not attempt to repair or replace the photometer pressure transducer (B1). Each
pressure transducer is specifically calibrated with selected resistors for use on a
given board.


1.6 Safety guidelines

Before you start any procedure that involves disassembly of the monitor, review
these guidelines to ensure the proper and safe completion of the procedure.

• Patient safety. Never test or perform maintenance on the monitor while it is being used to
monitor a patient.
• Electrical shock hazard. Before cleaning or repairing the monitor, turn it off and
disconnect it from AC mains power.
• Biohazard. When handling materials that may have come into contact with patient
exhalant or fluids, follow approved procedures for contamination control.

1. Power off and disconnect the unit from AC mains power.

2. Disconnect any pulse oximeter sensor from the monitor.
3. Disconnect the patient sample line and scavenger line from the monitor,
empty the water bottle, and clean the monitor—see section 1.7.
4. Read and follow each step of the procedure. Give special attention to all
warnings and cautions.

While working on the monitor, wear safety eyeglasses and gloves when handling
any component that may have come in contact with the patient’s exhalant gas or
fluids. A mask and gown are also recommended.

Important: After repairs are complete, test the monitor as directed in each
procedure to verify that is is functioning properly.

If the cover is removed for any test or repair procedure, always perform the
Functional checkout (section 3.1) and Leakage current and ground resistance
checks (section 3.13) before returning the unit for patient monitoring.

Note: We recommend that the 5250 RGM Operation and Maintenance Manual be
available for your reference.

5250 RGM Service Manual

1.7 Cleaning the monitor

You must clean the monitor,
• Before you start any test or repair procedure that involves disassembly of the
• Before you send it to Datex-Ohmeda for repair.

• Safety eyeglasses or face guard and waterproof gloves (gown and mask are also
• Paper towels or soft cloth; cotton swab
• Mild soap and water solution or cool, liquid cleaning solution, such as 70%
isopropyl alcohol, or equivalent

WARNINGS: Biohazard
• Dispose of filter cartridges, water bottle contents, and sample lines in a receptacle
designated for patient waste.
• When handling materials that may have come in contact with patient exhalant or fluids,
follow approved procedures for contamination control.

WARNING: Electrical shock hazard. Before cleaning or repairing the monitor, turn it off and
disconnect it from AC mains power.

CAUTIONS: Cleaning.
• Do not autoclave, pressure sterilize, or gas sterilize the 5250 RGM.
• Use cleaning solution sparingly. Do not immerse the monitor in liquid. Excessive solution may
flow into the monitor and damage internal components.
• Do not touch or rub the display area with abrasive cleaning compounds or any material that
could damage the surface.
• Do not use organic-, petroleum-, or acetone-based solutions, or other harsh solvents, to clean
the display area or the unit. These substances attack the device's materials and device failure
may result.
• To prevent permanent damage to the internal sensor and void its warranty, do not clean the
sample chamber.

1. Turn off the monitor and disconnect the power cord from AC mains power.
2. Dispose of the sampling tube assemblies and/or PAW Tygon® tubing.
3. Remove the water trap bottle and filter cartridge, and dispose of any contents
in a receptacle designated for patient waste.
4. Using a fine mist, spray the external surface of the RGM and the internal and
external surfaces of the water bottle. Do not spray directly into the speaker or
ventilation holes.
5. After 5 minutes, wipe the exterior surface of the monitor with a damp paper
towel or soft cloth. Saturate a cotton swab with 70 % isopropyl alcohol and
gently wipe the display area. Rinse the bottle with water.

The monitor should be completely dry before use.

2/Theory of Operation
Important: All references in the following descriptions are found in the 5250
Service Kit, PCA Drawings, part number 6050-0005-384.

2.1 Power input assembly

The power input assembly consists of:
• Power input module
• Power switch
• Toroid
• Secondary fuses

The power switch (SW1) on the front panel of the RGM connects the power input
module to the toroid (T1) through connectors J2 and P1.

2.1.1 Connectors
Connectors TB and FB connect the secondary windings of the toroid to the power
supply board. The table below lists the corresponding connectors between the
input assembly and the power supply.

Input assembly Power supply V ac Wire color

TB5 E1 0 (GND) Brn
TB4 E2 0 (GND) Brn
FB5 E5 22.0 Red
FB4 E6 22.0 Orn
TB3 E7 0 (GND) Blk
TB2 E8 0 (GND) Blk
FB3 E9 9.5 Grn
FB2 E10 9.5 Blu
TB1 E11 (RS-232) Vio
FB1 E12
(RS-232) ]* Vio

* These float with respect to system GND and can be measured only as a differential

5250 RGM Service Manual

2.1.2 Toroid
The toroid is a power-efficient step-down transformer, used in this unit for space
and size considerations.

2.1.3 Fuses
The primary fuses are located in the power input module. To replace the primary
fuses, refer to the 5250 RGM Operation and Maintenance Manual. The secondary
fuses are 5 x 20-mm fast blow types. A fuse connects to each secondary winding of
the toroid. To replace the secondary fuses, refer to 5/Repair Procedures.

2.2 Power supply board

2.2.1 General
The power supply board provides outputs of +5 V dc, -5 V dc, +15 V dc, and
-15 V dc for all the boards in the RGM. In addition, it supplies +5V_ISO for
the RS-232 connection. It also supplies +6.6 V dc and +15 V dc to the display.

The power supply has a circuit that monitors the incoming power for an adequate
voltage level for proper operation, and it employs conventional linear regulation to
provide power free of switching transients.

The inputs to the power supply are fused on a terminal strip connector. Another
circuit passes a line frequency logic signal to the signal processor, which is used to
synchronize the SpO2 (MINX) oximeter

2.2.2 Main regulators

The regulators VR1, VR3, VR4, and VR5 are for main system operation while the
VR6 is an isolated regulator for external serial communications..

Major components for each channel

Channel Filter Regulator SCR LED
+5 C13 VR4 CR13 CR18
-5 C16 VR5 CR22 CR19
+15 C18 VR3 CR2 CR16
-15 C15 VR1 CR3 CR17
V_ISO C20 VR6 CR27 CR14

Each regulator has an over-voltage protection circuit consisting of a zener diode

and resistor to set a threshold and an SCR, which will short out the regulator if the
threshold is exceeded.

The main regulators have indicator LEDs that indicate the supply is on. Use a
voltmeter to verify the supply is within specification.

A decoupled +5-V output is provided (by L1 and C11) for the analog power for the
SpO2 oximeter (MINX) board

2/Theory of Operations

The +5-V regulator (VR4, an LT1084) is a low-overhead voltage part, with the
transformer winding chosen for minimum overhead at line voltage of 103 V ac.
Since the -5-V regulator is powered from of the same winding, a greater ratio of
capacitance (C16) to current reduces ripple, and therefore provides the extra
overhead for the standard regulator.

2.2.3 Power monitor

The power monitor circuit has two functions. One is to monitor the main +5-V dc
regulator's unregulated input to tell the signal processor when power has been
shut off, giving it enough time to shut down in an orderly way. The circuit's output
is routed to the watchdog chip, U18, on the signal processor board, which
compares this to a 1.3-V internal reference. The watchdog chip will trip when the
+5 V unregulated drops below a threshold, which varies from 6.9 to 8.4 V
depending on revision levels and signal processor boards. This allows at least
12 mS of continuing operation before the regulator drops out.

The other function of the circuit is to ensure that the voltage being monitored will
not exceed the +5.5 V dc maximum input voltage to the watchdog chip.

2.2.4 Display preregulators

Because the display operates at the end of a long cord, preregulation on the power
supply minimizes the voltage drop for the final regulators in the display.

The preregulator consists of a PNP pass transistor (Q1) controlled by an NPN

transistor (Q4) collector driving the base of the PNP. A REF01 (U1) provides a
10-V reference to the circuit. Feedback is returned to the emitter of the NPN
transistor, with diode (CR4) for temperature compensation.

2.2.5 Frequency monitor

One of the transformer windings, E6, used for the 15-V outputs runs to a simple
one-transistor amplifier to produce a square wave that tracks the polarity of the
input sine wave. This is routed to the signal processor board, which measures the
cycle time, and the signal processor board then informs the SpO2 oximeter
(MINX) board of the current line frequency.

2.2.6 Infrared photometer source switch

Q8 switching ON provides a current path to ground. This turns on the infrared
(IR) source bench lamp in the photometer in response to the LAMP CTL signal
from the photometer measurement board. Q7 and the surrounding resistor
network provide a 0 or 15 V input to Q8 in response to a LAMP CTL +4 to +15 V
ON command or 0 to -15 V OFF command. This range is necessary to
accommodate the ACX analyzer’s CMOS logic output levels.

5250 RGM Service Manual

2.3 Motherboard
2.3.1 General description
The motherboard interconnects the signal processor, the SpO2 oximeter (MINX)
board, the IR photometer analyzer boards, the display, and the rear panel
connectors. The system power enters the motherboard at J10 and is distributed to
the boards and display. Serial drivers to the display and to the RS-232 port are also
located on the motherboard.

This board is not bussed, so each daughter board has a specific socket:
J7 Signal processor board
J8 SpO2 oximeter (MINX) board
J9 Measurement board

2.3.2 Rear panel connectors

The rear panel flow sensor connector is compatible only with the new TVX cable,
which provides cable shielding.

The RS-232 channel operates through a 9-pin DB-type connector J2, which is wired
as follows:
2 Transmit
3 Receive
5, 7 Common
9 Alarm silence, transition high to low.

The analog output (J5) is wired with channels 1through 7 on consecutive pins
running clockwise from the gap at the top of the connector and from the common
on the center pin. (See section 1.4.4, Analog outputs.)

With the exception of the isolated RS-232 port, all of the rear panel connectors are
protected against electrostatic discharge by 5-V transorbs (CR1-CR13). The TVX
inputs have 4.7KΩ in series (R6, R9), while the analog outputs have 100Ω in series
with each output and with the common (analog ground).

The TVX interface also includes a multi-hole ferrite block (L1) in series with each
lead to limit electromagnetic emissions.

Isolated RS-232
The serial communications path is optically isolated by U3 for transmission and
by U2 for reception. This allows the device attached to the RS-232 port to operate
from a different ground reference.

U1, operating from an isolated 5-V output of the power supply, converts between 5-
V logic levels and RS-232 levels. This IC uses capacitors C1 and C4-C6 to raise the
5 V to ±10 V.

An isolated channel also provides the alarm silence function.

2/Theory of Operations

2.3.3 Display serial driver

A driver (U4) converts the TTL/CMOS level serial string from the signal processor
board into differential RS-422/485 levels for communications with the display
through J11.

2.3.4 Configuration jumper SW1

A jumper pad (SW1) provides sense inputs for configuration information to the
signal processor.



ACX 200

Figure 2-1. SW1 motherboard

2.4 Pneumatics description

The pneumatics system has four basic functions:

• Drawing a gas sample from the patient breathing circuit via a gas sample
• Conditioning the gas by removing any water or other liquids as well as
particulate matter.
• Routing the clean, dry gas through the appropriate sensors for analysis.
• Exhausting the gas to a scavenger system or back into the breathing circuit .

2.4.1 Routing the gas sample

The RGM routes the sample gas through the pneumatics system four ways:

• Normal flow with O2 cell sampling.

• Normal flow with O2 cell bypassed.
• Purge flow.
• Manual/auto zero flow.

2.4.2 Conditioning the gas

Before being analyzed, the gas sample is conditioned by the water separator. The
membrane water separator extracts water and any other fluids from the gas

If the water trap bottle is full, a sensor in the water trap shuts down the pump,
and the RGM displays the WATER TRAP FULL message. The RGM resumes
normal operation after the water trap bottle is emptied.

5250 RGM Service Manual

2.4.3 Normal flow with O 2


CO2 Zero
Gas Analyzer O2
Scrubber Valve
Patient NO
90% COM
Sample Flow COM
NO Nafion
0.04 in.ID NC
4 in. (CO2) or
20 in. (Agent) O2 Valve

Tubing Coil Hydrophobic
(for flow Filters (2)
10% Flow NC measurement)

Hydrophilic Green Aqua

Filter 0.005 0.007


Flow Sensors

Figure 2-2. Normal flow with O2

The O2 solenoid is de-energized (normally open position). The sample gas flows
through the O2 sensor. The O2 sensor is used to sense both inhaled and exhaled
gas. The flow rate is measured before the gas is exhausted through the pump and
out of the machine.

The sample flow rate ranges from 150 to 230 ml/min. The system is designed so
that, during normal operation, 90 percent of the gas sample passes through the gas
analyzer and O2 sensor while 10 percent flows through the water separator bottle
and then through the purge branch of the pneumatics.

2/Theory of Operations

2.4.4 Normal flow without O 2


CO2 Zero
Gas Analyzer O2
Scrubber Valve
Patient COM NO
Sample 90% COM
Inlet Flow
NO Nafion
0.04 in.ID NC
4 in. (CO2) or
20 in. (Agent) O2 Valve

Tubing Coil Hydrophobic
(for flow Filters (2)
10% Flow NC

Hydrophilic Green Aqua

Filter 0.005 0.007


Flow Sensors
Figure 2-3. Normal flow without O2

The level of CO2 in the sample gas triggers the operation of the O2 valve.

When the RGM is sampling inhaled gas

The signal processor energizes the O2 valve to bypass the O2 sensor when the gas
analyzer detects CO2 in the system. The presence of CO2 identifies exhaled gas.
The previously inhaled sample gas is then trapped in the O2 detector while the
detector slowly responds to the trapped sample. The valve returns to normal flow
when the analyzer detects the lack of CO2 in the system once again.

When the RGM is sampling exhaled gas

The previous process is reversed. The O2 sensor is bypassed when the lack of CO2
is detected, trapping the exhaled gas in the O2 sensor.

This process allows the comparatively slow O2 sensor to alternately sample

inhaled sample gas for several breaths then exhaled sample gas for several

5250 RGM Service Manual

2.4.5 Purge flow


CO2 Zero
Gas Analyzer O2
Scrubber Valve
Patient COM NO
Sample COM
NO Nafion
0.04 in.ID NC
4 in. (CO2) or
20 in. (Agent) O2 Valve

Tubing Coil Hydrophobic
(for flow Filters (2)
100% Flow NC

Hydrophilic Green Aqua

Filter 0.005 0.007


Flow Sensors

Figure 2-4. Purge flow to clear blocked line

If the flow sensor detects a drop of 40 ml/min from the baseline flow or more than
90 torr below atmospheric pressure, the RGM enters a purge-flow mode. The zero
valve and purge valve will energize (NC position). This opens up the gas analyzer
to the atmosphere and directs 100 percent of the sample gas through the water

The system tests the flow rate every 5 seconds. If the flow rate doesn’t return to
normal within 25 seconds, the SAMPLE LINE/FILTER BLOCKED or NO FLOW
message appears. No flow is defined as less than 120 mL/min in the manual/auto
zero state.

2/Theory of Operations

If the system bounces back and forth between purge flow and normal, the
SAMPLE FILTER BLOCKED message appears. This means the membrane filter
cartridge in the water separator is probably the cause of the line blockage and
should be replaced.

WARNING: Service. A damaged membrane separator may result in a contaminated agent

photometer. Once contaminated, the agent photometer assembly cannot be serviced and must
be replaced.

2.4.6 Manual/auto zero flow


CO2 Zero
Gas Analyzer O2
Scrubber Valve
Patient NO
90% COM
Sample Flow COM
NO Nafion
0.04 in.ID NC
4 in. (CO2) or
20 in. (Agent) O2 Valve

Tubing Coil Hydrophobic
(for flow Filters (2)
10% Flow NC measurement)

Hydrophilic Green Aqua

Filter 0.005 0.007


Flow Sensors

Figure 2-5. Manual/auto zero flow

The manual/auto zero flow mode is used to zero calibrate the gas analyzer. You
can enter this mode manually through the service screens. The system
automatically enters this mode periodically to compensate for the inherent drift of
the analyzer. In this mode the zero valve is energized, and purge and O2 valves
are de-energized.

5250 RGM Service Manual

2.4.7 Analyzing the dry gas

The dry gas passes through the zero solenoid valve to a series of filters, valves, and

IR analyzer Measures the percentage of N2O, CO2 and agent in the

gas sample. An IR photometer and measurement board
measure the amount of energy absorbed by the sample
gas. The result is transmitted to the signal processor
board and then to the display.
O2 sensor Measures the percentage of O2 in the gas sample. This
sensor is measured by the pneumatics interface board.
Tubing coil A length of coiled tubing. Flow is determined by the flow
sensor, which measures the gas pressure drop across the
Flow sensor Measures the flow rate. Located on the pneumatics
interface board.
Barometer Measures the barometric pressure in the sample system.
The pressure transducer is located on the measurement
CO2 scrubber Removes CO2 from atmosphere before zero calibration of
the analyzer.
Nafion® tubing Evaporates condensed moisture and humidity of sample
Zero filter Removes unwanted particles from the zero gas sample.
Zero valve Normally open (not energized) to direct sample gas to the
analyzer. When energized, the valve switches position to
allow atmospheric gas to enter the pneumatic system.
O2 valve Normally open (not energized). Bypasses the internal O2
sensor when energized.
Purge valve Normally open. Energizes during purge flow.
Yellow restrictor Simulates the resistance of the patient tubing for the zero
Green restrictor Produces the 90% and 10% gas flow proportioning at
normal gas flow.
Aqua restrictor Sets the overall flow rate for the system.
Hydrophilic filter Removes particulate matter, but allows water to pass.
Hydrophobic filter Protects the pump. Allows no water to pass.
Pump Creates suction for the pneumatics system.
Bacterial filter Filters exhaust gas.

2.4.8 Exhausting the gas

After passing through the pump, the gas exhausts through the bacterial filter to the
sample exhaust outlet on the rear panel of the RGM.

2/Theory of Operations

2.5 Pneumatics interface board

2.5.1 General
This board conditions signals for the O2, pressure and flow sensors, plus the
temperature and water-trap-full sensors. It also contains the drivers for the
pneumatic valves and the sample pump.

2.5.2 Pressure and flow

The board has two differential pressure transducers (XD1 and XD2) with two op-
amp differential amplifiers (U6A and U6D; U6B and U6C). One transducer has a
port removed, yielding a gauge transducer system, which is used for monitoring
PAW. The other is used differentially, to monitor pressure drop across a flow
restrictor to allow the system to read sample flow.

Both transducers are nominally rated for 1 psi, and have a nominal transfer ratio
of 15 mV/PSI with a reference of 10 V from the signal processor. The amplifiers
have a gain of 333, yielding a final transfer ratio of 5 V/psi.

The Service screen indicates the voltages and values measured by these sensors.

CAUTION: Pressure in excess of 10 psi above atmospheric could damage the PAW transducer or
sample system barometric pressure transducer in the RGM.

2.5.3 Water trap full sensor

The water level is sensed by a plastic rod with a conical end that reflects a light
beam if the cone is in air. A narrow beam IR LED and phototransistor are PC-
board mounted in the separator block above the rod, along with the pull-up
resistor for the phototransistor.

The sensing circuitry consists of:

• An adjustable, 10-kHz square-wave oscillator (U4A, R9, R19, and C9). R19 is
adjusted to give maximum AC voltage output at U1B with no fluid in the
• An LED driver (via U4B-E and R8) that provides sufficient current for the IR
• A unity gain buffer (U1A) to keep the phototransistor from being loaded down.
• An inductor (L1) that prevents DC offset changes due to changes in ambient
• A 10-kHz band-pass filter (U1B, C1, C2, R1, and R2).
• A charge-pump type detector (C5, CR1, CR2, C10, and R10).
• A Schmitt trigger (U4F) to insure a valid logic level output (trap full) when the
fluid collection bottle is full. A logic high corresponds to WATER TRAP FULL
status. The Service screen indicates the status of the sensor.

5250 RGM Service Manual

2.5.4 O2 amplifiers
The amplifier (U3A) for the circuit O2 sensor has a load resistor of 681 Ω and a
noninverting gain of 122. One side of the thermistor in the cell holder is connected
to the cell anode, which is the ground of the amplifier circuit. The other side of
the thermistor connects to the 49.9 Ω resistor R14. This applies a temperature
variable load to the cell in parallel with the 681 Ω fixed load (R15). The 10 V offset,
applied through R34, shifts the signal to the full -10 V to +10 V range of the A to D
converter. Thus, 10-V output is 0 percent O2, also defined as no cell installed.

Note: The internal O2 sensor amplifier has a similar configuration, using U3B.

The voltages and values measured on the internal and circuit O2 sensors are
identified in the Service screen.

2.5.5 Temperature
U2 is a temperature-controlled current source, with a transfer function of 1 uA/K.
The current from the 10-V reference through R6 offsets for room temperature
(about 300 K), and amplifier U5B yields a voltage output of 200 mV/degree,
centered around approximately 28 °C.

The 10-V reference of the temperature sensor comes from the ADC of the signal
processor board.

The voltages and values measured by the temperature sensor are indicated in the
Service screen. This circuit is used to generate the DEVICE OVERHEATED alarm
if the internal temperature of the RGM exceeds 50 °C.

2.5.6 Solenoid drivers

FETs Q2-Q5 switch the solenoid valves in response to logic level signals from the
signal processor board. Zener diodes CR5, 7, 9, and 11 provide voltage drop from
the 15 V supply, to the 12-V solenoids. Diodes CR4, 6, 8, and 10 absorb any back
EMF when the transistor is turned off.

Note: This board includes one spare solenoid valve driver.

2.5.7 Test points

The pneumatics interface board contains seven test points:

Test point Nominal conditions Other conditions

TP1 PAW 0 +0.1 @ 0 cm H20 6.5 +1 @ 100 cm H20
TP2 Analog ground Ground
TP3 Flow 3.5 +0.2 @ 230 mL/min ≈ 0 @ 0 mL/min
TP4 Trap full 0 (empty) ≈ 5 full
TP5 Temperature 0 +1 @ 28 °C
TP6 Circuit O2 -7.0 to -8.5 @ 21% O2 -2 to +8 @ 100% O2
TP7 Internal O2 -7.0 to -8.5 @ 21% O2 -2 to +8 @ 100% O2

2/Theory of Operations

2.5.8 Pump driver

The gas sampling pump is operated by a variable voltage controlled by the signal
processor. Transistor Q1 acts as a current buffer for unity gain amplifier U5A,
which tracks the input control voltage. The transistor in the feedback loop of the
op-amp eliminates the junction drop at the output. Diode CR3 insures a feedback
path should the op-amp receive a negative input.

2.6 IR gas analyzer

The IR gas analyzer consists of the IR photometer and the measurement board:

IR photometer In the photometer, a beam of IR energy passes through

the gas sample. An IR detector measures the amount of
energy absorbed.
Measurement board Signal processing electronics demodulate the detector's
output to acquire a DC signal, which corresponds to the
content of each gas in the sample. Gas concentrations
and barometric pressure values are passed as serial,
digital data to the signal processor.

The measurement board plugs into the motherboard; and the photometer mounts
to the chassis behind the front access cover.

2.6.1 IR photometer (ACX-200)

The ACX-200 photometer with five-agent capability measures: sevoflurane,
desflurane, enflurane, halothane, isoflurane; CO2, and N2O.

ACX-200 measurement board

The measuring electronics can be divided into a few functional blocks, which are
described as follows (see Figure 2-6).

The ACX measurement board controls gas measurements. It converts the

photometer signal to digital data, calculates results, and transmits it to the main
CPU board. The board contains, in addition to the 80C51FA processor, EPROM,
RAM, and EEPROM, several analog and digital I/O functions. It passes these
values as serial data to the signal processor board.

5250 RGM Service Manual


Figure 2-6. ACX-200 measuring board block diagram

IR photometer
The IR photometer is a dual-path type. The photometer detects IR light absorption
through two separate cells in the measuring chamber: a reference cell and a
sample cell. The sample gas is measured by determining the ratio between the
intensity of IR light that is transmitted through the reference cell and through the
sample cell.

The two cells are located next to each other. The sample cell is in series with the
gas sample system; the reference cell is open only to the inside of the photometer.
The photometer contains a gas absorber that ensures that the reference cell is
essentially free of CO2, N2O, and the agent.

A revolving disc, or wheel, located between the measuring chamber and the
detector, controls the light passing through the photometer. Five optical filters are
located around the outer edge of the wheel. They are spaced 72 degrees apart and
are in line with the sample and reference cells. Each filter passes a specific
wavelength of IR light that is associated with each gas to be measured (CO2, N2O,
and agent).

2/Theory of Operations

IR light first passes at the CO2 absorption wavelength through the reference cell,
then through the sample cell, and is then blocked completely. This sequence is
repeated for IR light at the N2O absorption wavelength and then the agent
absorption wavelength.

After passing through the filters, the IR light is focused by a mirror (part of the
detector assembly) onto an IR detector. The detector measures the light levels for
each gas. For each revolution of the wheel, this process produces 10 light levels
specific to the gas content (two for each gas) and a baseline reference signal (one
for each gas) when the IR light is completely blocked off (Dark).

Gas Light level

Reference (Ref. CO2)
Sample (Meas. CO2)
Dark (Dark)
Reference (Ref. N2O)
Sample (Meas. N2O)
Dark (Dark)
Reference (Ref. Agent)
Sample (Meas. Agent)
Dark (Dark)

The reference and sample cells are located next to one another so that the leading
edge of the filters passes over the reference cell first, and the trailing edge of the
filters passes over the sample cell last. The leading portion of the resulting
waveform is associated with the reference cell; the trailing portion is associated
with the sample cell.

An optical sensor in the photometer detects light from a reflective surface on the
wheel once every revolution. The pulses from this sensor synchronize the
electronics on the measurement board to the signal from the IR detector.

A thermistor measures the temperature within the photometer to compensate for

thermal effects.

The IR detector, optical sensor, and stabilizing diode are mounted on a

preamplifier board, which is an integral component of the photometer. This board
amplifies the signals from the detector, the sensor, and the thermistor, and
converts them to a low-impedance level before routing them to the measurement
board for further processing.

An EEPROM in the photometer is programmed with parameters specific to that

photometer. The measurement board uses these parameters to adjust its circuits
for that specific photometer.

5250 RGM Service Manual

Under normal operation, the measurement board supplies a signal (lamp) to the
motherboard, which controls power to the IR source. If the measurement board
fails to receive the expected signals from the photometer, it assumes that a
photometer failure may have caused the wheel to stop spinning. It removes the
lamp signal to avoid overheating and damage to the wheel.

Internal and external bus

The processor D1 has access to the measurement board peripherals (memory, A/D
converter, D/A converters, etc.) via an internal bus. For communication between
the CPU board and the measurement board, there is an external bus in connector
X1. The external bus is driven by D21 (data lines), D3 (address lines) and D18
(read and write lines).

Memory components include 64K x 8K-bit program memory EPROM (D4),
32K x 8K-bit low current CMOS RAM (D22) powered by a RAM Upgrade Kit or a
jumper on the motherboard, and EEPROM (D2) for permanent calibration values
and setup memory.

Reference voltages
Reference voltages are established by the A/D converter (D14) reference voltage
output (REFOUT, pin 8). This +10 V voltage is buffered by A2D. -10 V reference
voltage is obtained by inverting and buffering +10 V with amplifier A2C.

Measuring electronics for CO2, N2O, and AA

CO2, N2O, and anesthetic agent measurement is accomplished by measuring each
of these gases from the reference and measuring chambers of the ACX-200
photometer. The gas signals are transmitted from the ACX-200 photometer
assembly through connector X2 pin 2 of the ACX measuring board and applied to
the reference input of a D/A converter (D8). D8 is controlled by the microprocessor
and is used for automatic gain control. The output current from D8 is proportional
to the incoming signal and the gain is established for each gas (CO2 reference and
measuring, N2O reference and measuring, and AA reference and measuring) by

The signals are converted to a voltage by A24D and amplified by A24A, then
applied to capacitor C30, which removes the DC offset. The dark level is
established on C30 when the synchronous switch A28A is closed.

Each signal is sampled by the peak detection circuit, consisting of A24C, V26,
A28B, R97, R201, and C15. When the peak voltage of a signal is sampled, the
switch A28B is open, sending the signal through V26, which acts like a diode. The
peak signal is then applied to the capacitor C15. C15 is brought down to ground
potential between signal peaks when A28B is closed and the dark signal is
transmitted to it.

The voltage peak of each gas (both measure and reference) is applied to an
instrumentation amplifier (A24B) then to the input of a multiplexer (D23). D23
separates the signal to each of its components (CO2 reference and measuring, N2O
reference and measuring, and AA reference and measuring). For CO2, the offset
voltage is subtracted from the reference signal at A13B.

2/Theory of Operations

Each gas signal, the temperature compensation signal, and the pressure signal are
transmitted to D13, which serves as a demultiplexer whose output is applied to an
A/D converter (D14) through an instrumentation amplifier.

A/D conversion
A/D conversion is made with a 12-bit A/D converter (D14). Input signal is
multiplexed with D10 and D13. After conversion is completed, signal ADCRDY
rises to +5 V.

D/A conversion
D/A conversion is made with a 12-bit D/A converter (D11). D12 multiplexes the
analog output to 8 sample and hold circuits. Two of these are used to drive offset
voltages for N2O and CO2 measurement. The others are used for external analog
outputs (CO2,OUT, N2OOUT, VOLC, O2OUT, etc.).

Timing of CO 2, N2O, and AA signals

A timing pulse is produced when light is reflected to a phototransistor from a
reflectorized surface on the filter wheel. The pulse produced is shaped by A28 on
the preamplifier board and transmitted to port 3 of the microprocessor on the
ACX measuring board.

The processor produces the necessary address information to cause the PAL (D15)
to produce the control pulses for the synchronous switches A28A and A28B (dark
and clear).

Motor speed control

The speed of the stepper motor in the ACX-200 photometer is controlled with
MOTOR-signal from the processor. This signal is buffered by D6.

Pressure measurement
CAUTION: Do not attempt to repair or replace the photometer pressure transducer (B1). Each
pressure transducer is specifically calibrated with selected resistors for use on a given board.

The pressure transducer (B1) measures the sampling system pressure after the
photometer. Voltage reference V1, resistors R17, R108, R89, and amplifier A31C
supply the pressure measurement bridge with 4 mA current. The pressure signal
is amplified with A31A and A31B. The output of A31A corresponds to pressures
400 to 900 mmHg and is within -9.5 V and +9.5 V range.

Temperature measurement
Temperature measurement exitation voltage for the photometer stabilizing diode
is fed from +10 V through resistor R104. The stabilizing diode voltage is
proportional to photometer temperature. This voltage is amplified with A31D.

5250 RGM Service Manual

Figure 2-7. ACX-200 measuring board timing diagram

2/Theory of Operations

2.7 Signal processor board

2.7.1 General description
The signal processor board is a general purpose computer for analog acquisition,
signal processing, and communications. It features a 16-channel analog
multiplexer feeding a 12-bit analog-to-digital converter (ADC), and 8 (digital-to-
analog converters (DACs) with 8-bit resolution. The board includes four channels
of serial I/O.

2.7.2 Microprocessor
The microprocessor (U13) is a NEC V25+ integrated processor with parallel I/O (32
lines, shared with other functions), two serial I/O ports with independent baud
rate generators, two timers, and an interrupt controller. The crystal frequency is
14.3181 MHz, which gives a 5-MHz system clock on CKOUT, P0 bit 7.

The parallel port pins are used for system configuration, oximeter (MINX)
interfacing, TVX clip interfacing, and analog input multiplexer control.

2.7.3 Memory
Memory consists of static RAM package location (U8) and a ROM card (U6). U8 is
connected to a lithium battery for non-volatile RAM.

The ROM card is replaceable without removing the board from the RGM.

Note: Never power up the unit with the ROM card removed.

2.7.4 Decoding
Two programmable logic chips (PALs U14 and U16) perform the external I/O
decoding, using simple combinatorial logic upon address and processor control
lines to enable the I/O functions. Another PAL (U24) performs the same functions
for memory accesses.

2.7.5 Watchdog
The watchdog chip U18 requires pulses every 50 mS on its watchdog input (WDI)
to inhibit an auto-reset function. These pulses are output on P2 bit 7 of the V25
CPU. A watchdog fail reset may be seen when bit #8 is lit (see Section 2.7.11,
Status LEDs).

This chip also has a power-fail comparator and reference, which monitors PWR MON
on its PFI pin. This comparator outputs a signal to the CPU nonmaskable interrupt
(P1 bit 0) if the voltage falls below 1.3 V. The monitored signal from the power supply
will allow operation for at least 12 mS after this threshold has been passed.

This circuit also contains a lithium battery (B1), which supplies power to the Vout
pin if Vcc falls below the battery voltage. This powers the time of day clock (U23)
and the nonvolatile memory (U8). When Vcc falls below 4.65 V (±0.1 V), two other
signals, PDCTL and LO_V, disable U8 and U23 respectively. Two additional
control lines, RESET and ~RESET, are used for U8 and U23.

5250 RGM Service Manual

2.7.6 Configuration input switches

The V25 port labeled PT on the schematic is for input only and features an
adjustable threshold. It is used to identify the system configuration with four
switches for option status (refer to 3/Checkout and Calibration for more detail).

Dip switch Position Indication

1 Closed/right (ON) SpO2 board not installed.
Open/left (OFF) SpO2 board installed.
2 Closed/right (ON) Normal position (Not used).
Open/left (OFF)
3 Closed/right (ON) Calibration constants are locked.
Open/left (OFF) Calibration constants are unlocked.
4 Closed/right (ON) Normal position (this switch is not used).

Not used

Calibration constants

Not used

SpO2 board

Off On
Figure 2-8. SW1 signal processor configuration switch

2.7.7 Analog acquisition

Fifteen external signals plus internal test signal (ATEST) are multiplexed by IC
U20. The enable signal (MXEN) outputs the signal, selected by MX0-3, which is
then stored by capacitor (C49) while the voltage level is converted by the ADC
AD674 (U19). This capacitor is buffered by a fast, low-bias current op amp (U22) to
prevent loading by U19.

The ADC converts the voltage and sends the data to the processor as two bytes.
The input range is ±10 V, for a scale factor of 4.88 mV/bit. The converter reference
is buffered by op-amp U21 and output to the pneumatics interface board.

The multiplexer channel is controlled by the V25 P0 bits 0 to 3, and enabled by P0

bit 4. The conversion starts by executing an I/O write to 1CH. Conversion
complete is tested on P1 bit 7 where a 1 indicates conversion is in process. Data is
then read at two successive addresses in I/O memory.

RGM analog input assignments

Test point Code Function Test point Code Function
TP1 5 PAW U20, pin 11 8 DAC loop back
TP3 4 Flow 7 Ext. O2
TP4 6 Int. O2 10 Temperature
TP16 1 MINX pleth

2/Theory of Operations

2.7.8 Analog output

The board has two 8-bit DACs U10 and U15. Each DAC has four voltage outputs.
The DACs share a 10-V reference: IC U9.

Of the 8 voltage outputs, 7 are divided by 10, R9-R15 and R2-R8, providing the
general purpose analog outputs with a 0-to-1 voltage range.

Channel 6 is also routed to the analog input multiplexer U20 as a test signal

Channel 7 is buffered by a unigain op amp and routed to the pneumatics

interface board as a variable pump drive signal (PUMPB). Each output is unity
buffered by op amps U4 and U5. Capacitors C3, 10, 12, 5, 6, 13, and 15 prevent
DAC glitches from appearing at the outputs.

2.7.9 TVX interface

The TVX connects to the microprocessor through Schmitt buffers U12A (TVXA)
and U12B (TVXB).

TVXB goes to interrupt line (INT1), where it can either directly interrupt the
processor or generate a macro service call to store the time of the event in a buffer.
The other bit for direction sensing may be read at P1 bit 5. The interrupt bit may
be read at P1 bit 2.

2.7.10 SpO2 oximeter (MINX) interface

The decode PAL U16 decodes an address and the read/not write (R/~W) signals
from the processor, and generates the enable signal (MINX), which with R/~W
control bidirectional buffer U17. It also generates ~STB (for data OUT to the
oximeter) and ~ACK (for data IN from the oximeter), which coordinate the transfer
of data.

The processor reads ready status (IBF and ~OBF) at P1 bits 6 and 1 respectively.
~OBF may also generate and interrupt (INT0) to insure timely reception of data
from the oximeter. Saturation data and the oximeter status/control information
occur through the parallel interface provided by the bus transceiver U17.

A patient pulse signal from the oximeter is received at P2 bit 4 as a short (about 16
mS) logic pulse, which software must sample regularly to sense. This signal
triggers the pulse beep.

The ADC reads the patient plethysmograph, which is then sent to the display.

2.7.11 Status LEDs

A 10-LED bar chip (U1) indicates the software and system status. Also see Figure 4-
4 for LED bar status during powerup.

Bit # 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

5250 RGM Service Manual

Bits Status
0-4 General software status
Bits 0-3 are CO2 breath phase bar graph.
Bit 4 is PAW breath phase.
5 O2 solenoid
6 Purge solenoid
7 Zero solenoid
8 Watchdog failure
9 Spare solenoid valve

2.7.12 Serial I/O

In addition to the serial ports on the microprocessor, a dual-channel multimode IC
(U11) provides independent baud rate generators, and operates in asynchronous
or synchronous modes. This device drives the external RS-232 port. It is addressed
in I/O space. The timing signal (CKOUT) for U11 comes from the V25 clock out
labeled P0 bit 7.

2.7.13 Other inputs

The following additional inputs are provided on port P2:

~ALM_SI bit 5 Alarm silence

WTRFL bit 3 Indicates that the reservoir on the water
separator is full.
FREQ_MN bit 2 A square-wave signal that tracks the
polarity of the AC power line into the RGM
and measures the line frequency.

2.7.14 Test points

The table below lists the signal processor’s test points and functions:

TP1 PAW TP11 TVX pulse (buffered)

TP2 A/D ref out TP12 Digital ground
TP3 Flow TP13 Reset capacitor
TP4 Internal O2 TP14 Sample/hold (S/H) out
TP5 Pump voltage TP15 Analog ground
TP6 5 MHz TP16 MINX plethysmograph
TP10 +5V TP20 Buffered reset

2/Theory of Operations

2.8 SpO 2 oximeter (MINX) board

2.8.1 Description
The Datex-Ohmeda SpO2 (MINX module) oximeter is a single surface-mounted
circuit board that provides a method of monitoring noninvasive pulse oximetry. As
used in the 5250 RGM, the oximeter board is programmed to use parallel
command strings. Data can be output in serial, parallel, or analog formats. Status
messages are provided in serial, parallel, or logic-level formats. Logic-level control
inputs configure the board in stand-alone systems.

The oximeter board uses the Intel 80C196KA 16-bit microprocessor. This
microprocessor has a high level of integration and an internal 10-bit ADC. The
microprocessor and EPROM are socketed for easy replacement and code
enhancement. These components are the only user-serviceable parts.

CAUTION: When replacing either the microprocessor or the EPROM on the SpO2 oximeter (MINX)
board, be sure to use a chip extractor to avoid damaging the components.

2.8.2 Power supply

The oximeter board receives three separate voltage supplies:

Name Use Voltage Current Ripple Pin

+5 Logic +5V ±5% 30 mA Type 36 mA Max 100 mV 31A,C
+V Analog +5V 53 mA Type 64 mA Max 20 mV 29C
-V Analog -5V 115 mA Type 138 mA Max 50 mV 30C

The +V and -V analog supplies share a common return path called AGND. The
logic return is called DGND. AGND and DGND are tied together at the
microprocessor on the module.

Note: The logic supply must be within ± 5 percent of +5 V. The + analog must be
within + 100 mV of the +5 logic supply. The absolute magnitude of the -V supply
must be within ± 5 percent of +V.

2.8.3 Control inputs

The oximeter board has 14 control input lines that connect to the 82C55A I/O port
lines (configured by software as inputs). If all control inputs are selected low
(worst case), an additional 6.5 mA current is required from the +5V power supply.

The oximeter board communicates through both the serial and parallel ports.
Commands may be sent to configure performance parameters, override defaults,
and initiate diagnostic or calibration routines.

5250 RGM Service Manual

2.9 Display controller board

2.9.1 General description
The display controller board is a microprocessor-based interface for controlling the
electroluminescent (EL) display output, the audible output, and the operator input
from the IR touch frame.

There are two audio alarm signal sources, one programmable device for all
normal system output (patient warnings and alarms) and a second for total system

2.9.2 Processor and interfacing

The processor used in the display controller is the V25 (U21), which is the same as
the processor used in the signal processor board. This IC has several built-in
functions that minimize the amount of support circuitry needed for the system.

2.9.3 System memory

The system RAM (U22) used is a CMOS 32 k static part. The ROM is on a plug-in
ROM card (J5). A 10-MHz oscillator (Y2) provides the timebase for all the V25

2.9.4 Communicating to the signal processor

For communicating to the signal processor board, the controller uses an RS-422
serial channel. U18 translates between the V25 TTL serial string and the
differential RS-422 signals. R48-50 bias and terminate the incoming signal.

2.9.5 Watchdog circuit

A ADM 8699 chip (U17) provides the supervisory functions such as reset and
watchdog timer. R24 and R40 allow overriding the watchdog function by
permitting U17 pin 11 to be tied to 1.8 V, while insuring that pin 11 does not float.
The processor must change the state of pin 11 at least every 50 mS to prevent the
watchdog from being triggered.

If the watchdog is triggered, it will:

• Attempt to restart the processor by pulsing its reset pin.
• Enable a system fail audio alarm (generated by U14).
• Operate the yellow alarm LED in the touch frame via Q2.
• Shut down the display matrix.

2/Theory of Operations

2.9.6 Programmable logic

A key part of the circuit is the programmable logic device, U33, which carries out
three major functions:
• Performs all the memory decoding for mapping the V25 memory
• Generates all the timing and control signals for the video RAM
• Generates various clock frequencies used in the video control circuitry and for
the alarm sound IC

U33 has its own 16-MHz oscillator, U1, which provides the clock for the output
frequencies and for the state machine, which does the video timing functions.

2.9.7 Power regulation

Power is brought onto the board loosely regulated to 6.5 V and 15 V, to allow
minimum heat generation. The 6.5 is regulated to 5 V for the logic circuits, and the
15 V operates the display and the audio power amplifier.

Two low dropout regulators provide the +5-V supply with minimum power
dissipation. One regulator supplies the sound IC to isolate it from the digital noise
of the rest of the system; the other supplies the rest of the circuits.

2.9.8 Audio
A single-chip sound synthesizing IC (U2) generates complex audio alarm tones
and has software-controllable volume levels. For the system-failure alarm, an
additional audio tone circuit operates independently of the V25.

A 4-MHz clock from U33 provides the time base for the internal operations of
sound synthesis. A two-stage RC low-pass filter smooths the switching transients
from the synthesizer and mixes the two outputs (one for musical sounds and one
for percussion sounds) with the system fail-sound generator, U14.

U16 and its related resistors and capacitors drive the speaker that is mounted on
the display case.

2.9.9 Touch screen interface

For the user interface, the controller board contains a circuit that interprets the
inputs from the IR touch frame built into the bezel around the EL display. This
circuit uses a 80C32 microprocessor (U3) and associated components to drive
LEDs along the bottom and right edge of the touch frame, read analog values from
the phototransistors along the top and left edge of the frame, and sense if and
where a light beam is broken. The V25 communicates to the 80C32 via TTL level
serial interface.

The red and yellow alarm LEDs are also mounted on the touch frame, but are
controlled by the V25.

5250 RGM Service Manual

2.9.10 Video
Graphic CPU
The 72123 advanced graphic display controller (AGC II), U30, controls the display
memory, and generates display synchronizing signals. It also provides high-speed
drawing operations for the host CPU (V25) such as line, rectangle, and circle
drawing, painting, copying, and rotating.

The V25 accesses the AGDC by two separate chip selects:

• CSIR for accessing the internal registers
• CSDM for accessing the display memory

The V25 can affect the display memory contents in three ways:
• By directly addressing the display memory just as it does RAM or ROM.
In this case, the AGDC acts as an interface between the 8-bit V25 bus and the
16-bit video memory bus. The hardware interface employs chip-select signal
CSDM and the handshake signal READY. The AGDC then uses V25 address
line A0 to generate either its lower byte enable output (DLBE) or its upper
byte enable output (DUBE), depending on whether the address is odd or even.
• Indirectly by using the AGDC to perform high-level functions.
A feature of these functions is that the parameters given to the AGC II can be
specified as either actual display memory addresses, or more conveniently, as
X,Y coordinates relative to a previously set up 0,0 or origin point that is
defined as an address and particular bit.
• By using the V25s DMA mode in conjunction with the AGDCs DMA port (one
of the internal registers).
Data can be transferred in either direction between system memory and the
display memory using handshaking lines DMARQ from the V25, and DMAAK
from the AGDC.

Video memory and video output circuits

The video memory is made up of devices U23-U24.

The AGDC a uses programmable logic chip (U33) to control the RAMs and the
output shifting through two types of display memory cycles:
• Read cycles: normally used for manipulating memory data.
• Write cycles: normally used for manipulating memory data.

2.9.11 Test points

The following are the display processor test points:
• TP1 Ground
• TP2 Logic level scope-sync for touch panel scan

2/Theory of Operations

2.10 Display matrix assembly

The EL matrix displays high resolution graphics and text in a self-contained
enclosure. The display consists of the following:

EL panel A thin-film display mounted with an elastic spacer to an electro-

nic board containing the high voltage circuits required to drive the
EL panel. The EL panel has 512 transparent column electro-des
crossing 256 row electrodes in an X-Y fashion. Light is emitted
when AC voltage is applied at a row-column intersection.
Driver Flexible conductors connect the EL panel to the driver board. A
board 20-lead cable connects the driver board to a controller board
attached to the frame. The controller consists of timing logic, drive
voltage waveform generators, and a voltage converter. The voltage
converter converts input DC voltages required for the matrix
display. The input signal and input power connection for the
matrix display are made through a 16-pin flat cable connector on
the controller.
Controller Drive logic signals are processed and drive voltage pulses are
generated and controlled on the controller board. The power
supply input voltages are +5 V and +15 V dc.

WARNING: Electrical shock hazard. The display generates potentially dangerous voltages
(high voltage pulses up to 225 V AC). Do not touch the driver-controller circuit board during

2.10.1 Input signal descriptions

The four input signals required for the display are at 5V TTL logic levels.

Signal Symbol Description

Video data VID Signal that supplies the pixel information
to the system. A logic 1 at the VID input
corresponds to a lit pixel on the display.
Video clock VCLK The VCLK signal shifts data present on
the VID line into the display system.
VCLK is active on the rising edge.
Horizontal sync HS The horizontal sync signal HS selects the
512 bits of data from the VID lines.
Vertical sync VS Data of the first 256 lines after VS rising
edge will be shown on the display.
Logic supply voltage Vcc1 Supply voltage for interface logic.
Display supply voltage Vcc2 Supply voltage converted to required
internal supply voltages.

VID data loaded during the last 512 VCLK pulses preceding the falling edge of the
HS signal are displayed on the selected line. The lines to be displayed are selected
sequentially by the first 256 HS pulses following the rising edge on the VS pulse.

5250 RGM Service Manual

2.10.2 Input connector configuration (J1)

Pin Signal Pin Signal
1 Vcc2 9 VS
2 Vcc2 10 GND
3 Vcc1 11 HS
4 Vcc1 12 GND
6 GND 14 GND
7 GND 15 VID
8 GND 16 GND

2.10.3 Optical characteristics

Display area (H x W) 97.7 x 195.2 mm (3.85 x 7.69 in.)
Matrix configuration 512 x 256 pixels
Pixel pitch 0.38 mm (15 mil)
Pixel size 0.28 mm (11 mil) square
Pixel luminance 125 cd/m2 (37 fL) typical 80 cd/m2 (23 fL) min
Luminance variation <35%
(within the display)
Color broadband yellow, peak at 580 nm
Viewing angle >140 deg

3/Checkout and Calibration
3.0 General
This chapter provides
• Checkout procedures to determine whether the RGM is functioning properly.
• Calibration procedures.

WARNING: Failure of operation. Perform the checkout procedures before using the monitor
with a patient. If the monitor fails any test, it must be removed from use until it has been
repaired and checked for correct operation.

Before returning the RGM to clinical use, perform the leakage current and ground
resistance checks (see section 3.13). If the RGM fails to meet any of the checks,
refer to 4/Messages and Troubleshooting.

Note: Some checkout procedures require you to partially disassemble the

machine. Refer to 5/Repair Procedures for disassembly instructions.

3.0.1 Special tools required for checkout and calibration procedures

WARNING: Data validity. Use only Datex-Ohmeda calibration gas of 1.75% Halocarbon-23
(CHF3)/freon or equivalent, 6% CO2, 40% N2O, 50% O2 and 2.25% argon. Use of the wrong
calibration gas kit will result in improper calibration and the RGM will display incorrect gas

The following tools are needed to perform checkout procedures:

• Calibration gas kit.
• Calibrated air flowmeter with restrictor, 0 to 600 cc/min (6024-0000-006)
Accuracy is ±2.0% of the reading or ±division, whichever is greater.
• Pressure gauge 0 to 150 cm H2O (0-100 mmHg) (0380-1500-112).
• DB9 male connector (pins 2 and 3 shorted) (6050-0001-709).
• Needle-nose pliers or hemostats.
• Source of dry clinical oxygen at 100% concentration.
• DIN Connector, 8-pin (6006-0000-184).
• Oscilloscope or chart recorder (optional).
• Calibration bag only (6050-0000-226).
• Flow restrictor only (6027-0000-126).

5250 RGM Service Manual

• Digital multimeter with a minimum of 3 digits, 0.1% DC accuracy.

• Absolute barometric pressure meter 600 to 800 mmHg ±0.25 mmHg, or gauge
pressure meter 0 to 100 mmHg range.
• Leakage current tester.
• Extender board 96-pin DIN (32 x 3) Eurocard connector (0237-2135-300).

3.1 Functional checkout

Follow this procedure before using a new monitor, or one that has been returned
from repair or service, for patient monitoring.

WARNING: Failure of operation. Perform the checkout procedures before using the monitor
with a patient. If the monitor fails any test, it must be removed from use until it has been
repaired and checked for correct operation.

This procedure provides an initial checkout procedure for monitors after they are
unpacked and before first use.

1. Inspect all of the accessories of the RGM for damage. Replace any broken or
damaged accessories. Datex-Ohmeda recommends that only genuine
replacement parts manufactured or sold by Datex-Ohmeda be used for all
2. Inspect the exterior of the RGM for damage. Check all the connectors and
controls and replace any broken or damaged parts.
3. Press the Display Release latch to slide the display panel to the right. Empty
and replace the water trap bottle before proceeding with the checkout
4. Turn on the RGM and allow it to warm up for 5 minutes.
5. Verify that the fan turns freely and blows air out the rear of the unit when
power is turned on.
6. During poweron the RGM performs several internal checks. The alarm tone
should sound and the red and yellow LEDs should flash. If a problem exists,
an alarm message appears. Refer to 4/Messages and Troubleshooting for a
description of the alarm messages.
7. Check the leakage current and ground resistance (see section 3.13).
8. Block sample input and verify that purge occurs. If not, see section 3.5.3.
9. Check the barometric pressure (see section 3.6.1).
10. Zero and span calibrate the monitor, (see section 3.6.5).
11. Check the patient circuit O2 sensor (see section 3.6.6).
12. If installed, check the SpO2 module (see section 3.7).
13. When the airway pressure line is connected to the PAW inlet and the
ventilator is on, pinch the airway pressure line to block the flow of air. Verify
that the PAW reading remains stable for 5 seconds.

3/Checkout and Calibration

3.2 Dip switch and jumper positions

3.2.1 On the signal processor board
WARNING: Electrical shock hazard. Before cleaning or repairing the monitor, power it off and
disconnect it from AC mains power.

See section 5.3 for cover disassembly instructions. Remove the top cover of the
RGM. Facing the front of the RGM, find the signal processor board on the far left

A DIP switch (SW1), which is accessible from the top of the board, identifies the
optional boards installed in the RGM. The switches are numbered: 1 is the closest
to the front of the monitor; 4 is closest to the rear panel. Check that the switches
are positioned as required for the features present on the RGM.

DIP switch Position Indication

1 Closed/right (ON) Oximeter board not installed.
Open/left (OFF) Oximeter board installed.
2 Closed/right (ON) Normal position.
3 Open/left (OFF) Calibration constants are locked. (Normal
Closed /right (ON) Calibration constants are unlocked.
4 Closed/right (ON) Normal position (this switch is not used).

Not used

Calibration constants

Not used

SpO2 board

Off On
Figure 3-1. SW1 signal processor configuration switch

Note: Except in the case of locking calibration constants, DIP switches and
jumpers are read only during poweron. Recycle the power after changing a switch

5250 RGM Service Manual

3.2.2 SW1 on the motherboard

Jumper Position Indication
1 On the right. ACX-200 IR analyzer installed.
2 Unused install jumper on
left or open.
3 Unused install jumper on
left or open.

Note: Except in the case of locking calibration constants, DIP switches and
jumpers are read only during poweron. Recycle the power after changing a switch

A jumper pad (SW1) provides sense inputs for configuration information to the
signal processor. Location of the jumper depends on whether the RGM is an agent
or non-agent monitor, and may need to be set after replacing the motherboard.



ACX 200

Figure 3-2. SW1 motherboard

3.3 Power-up self-test

WARNING: Electrical shock hazard. Do not touch any exposed wiring or conductive surfaces
while the cover is removed. The voltages present when electrical power is connected to the
RGM can cause serious injury or death. Never wear a grounding wrist strap when working on an
energized monitor.

During poweron, the RGM performs several internal checks. The alarm tone
sounds and the red and yellow LEDs on the front panel flash. If a problem exists,
an alarm message appears. Refer to 4/Messages and Troubleshooting for a
description of the alarm messages.

Turn on the RGM and observe the functions as outlined in the following table. The
times listed are approximations. Warmup could take up to 3 minutes.

3/Checkout and Calibration

3.3.1 Power-up functions

Time Display processor function Signal processor function
At 0 to 1 Turn on red and yellow Turn on LEDs 0 and 7. Start RAM test.
second LEDs. Start RAM test.
At 1 to 2 Turn off LED 0. Run initial sequence.
seconds Delay 1.8 seconds. A 6- to 10-second delay
occurs to wait for barometric pressure data
from photometer.
At 3 seconds Read local barometric pressure. Turn on
pump. Wait 3 seconds.
At 4 seconds Turn off red and yellow LEDs.
Run initial sequence.
At 5 seconds Display all pixels on screen.
At 6 seconds Display power-up self test. Test analog system, vacuum, and sample
Request configuration from the flow rate. Start 3-second purge.
signal processor.
At 9 seconds Complete initialization.
At 12 seconds Display monitor main screen. Send configuration to display processor.
At 18 seconds Start auto zero of internal O2 cell: 22
At 50 to 180 Photometer data available.
At 300 seconds Start auto zero of photometer, (2 to 9
seconds). Repeats as necessary.

3.4 Power supply checks

WARNING: Electrical shock hazard. Do not touch any exposed wiring or conductive surfaces
while the cover is removed. The voltages present when electrical power is connected to the
RGM can cause serious injury or death. Never wear a grounding wrist strap when working on an
energized monitor.

1. Turn off the power and disconnect the power cord; see section 5.3 for cover
disassembly instructions.
2. Remove the cover; see section 5.3.
3. Reconnect the power cord and turn on the monitor.
4. Verify that the LEDs on the power supply board are lit.
Channel LED Filter Regulator SCR
+5 CR18 C13 VR4 CR13
-5 CR19 C16 VR5 CR22
+15 CR16 C18 VR3 CR2
-15 CR17 C15 VR1 CR3

5250 RGM Service Manual

5. Using a DVM, with fine point test leads, check for the following voltages from
the power supply board with reference ground J1 pin 4.
Connector Voltage Description
J1 Pin 8 +5 ±0.25 V DC Digital supply
J1 Pin 9 +15 ±0.75 V DC Positive analog supply
J1 Pin 10 -15 ±0.75 V DC Negative analog supply
J1 Pin 12 -5 ±0.25 V DC Analog (MINX) supply
J1 Pin 13 +6.6 ±0.4 V DC Prereg display digital, loaded
J1 Pin 17 +15 V DC ± 0.75 Prereg display matrix, loaded
J2 Pin 2 +12 ±0.75 V DC Fan supply

6. Check for the following voltage from the power supply with reference ground
J1 pin 2.
Connector Voltage Description
J1 Pin 1 +5 ±0.25 V DC RS-232 isolated

3.5 Pneumatic system checks

3.5.1 Sample flow
1. Select MENU from the display screen.
2. Select SETUP from the menu.
3. Select Service mode from the Setup Screen and select “on.” The Service
screen appears.
Note: Monitors with SpO2 have a two-page Setup screen. The Service mode
option is on page 2.

NEXT PAGE Setup Screen

Circuit O2 Rev. flow det
Default Display RS-232 device
Display labels Service mode
Language Trend Clear
N2O display Wave Type
Patient type

Figure 3-3. Select Service mode

3/Checkout and Calibration

Agent ACX-200 Version 1.20 0402 ACX status hex
Display Version 6.00 0000 ACX error status hex
SpO2 Version S
Signal Processor Version 8.007 CPU type V25+
Agent 0.00 (%) 0.00
Barometric Pressure 627.5 (torr) 627.5
Breath volume flow --- (ml/breath) 0.0 (liters/minute)
Breath volume data 0 Uncorrected 0 (min 25.6us cnts/flip)
Cal constants 0 1=locked 92 Run Time Hours
CO2 Carbon Dioxide 0.10 (%) 0.10
Internal Temperature 24.5 (degrees C) 0.28 (volts)
SpO2 Pleth --- 0.45 (volts)
SpO2 Pulse Rate --- (Beats/min)
Saturation O2 --- (%)
N2O Nitrous Oxide 0.0 (%) -0.8
O2 Circuit Oxygen 0.0 (%) -10.00 (volts)
O2 Internal Oxygen 20.6 (%) -8.00 (volts)
PAW Pressure Airway 0.1 (cmH2O 0.01 (volts)
Pump Voltage 6.00 (volts) 153 (dac counts)
Sample flow rate 201 (ml/min) 3.15 (volts)
Oxygen valve status 0 0=oxygen cell active
Purge valve status 0 1=in purge state
Water trap full status 0 1=full
Zero valve status 0 1=in zero state


Figure 3-4. Service screen

4. Select PNEUMA from the Service screen. The Pneumatics Service Screen

Pneumatics Service Screen

Barometric Pressure 597.3 (torr) 597.3
CO2 Carbon Dioxide 0.00 (%) 0.00
Last zero error none 0 Converse value
O2 Internal Oxygen 20.6 (%) -8.02 (volts)
Oxygen valve status 0 0=oxygen cell active
Pump Voltage 6.00 (volts) 153 (dac counts)
Purge valve status 0 1=in purge state
Sample flow rate 201 (ml/min) 3.13 (volts)
Sample pump status 1 0=off
Water trap full status 0 1=full
Zero valve status 0 1=in zero state

N2O O2 Purge
Agent O2 Sample
Sample Zero Sample
Inlet Exhaust
Valve Sensors Valve Sensor Valve Pump


Figure 3-5. Pneumatics Service Screen

5. Read sample flow rate on the screen.

6. Connect the 96-in. (243.84-cm) patient sample tube to the sample inlet.
7. Connect a calibrated flowmeter to the sample exhaust.
8. Measure the flow at the sample exhaust for 30 seconds. The flow must be
greater than 150 ml/min and less than 230 ml/min.
9. Check that the flow on the calibrated flowmeter matches the flow recorded on
the Pneumatics Service Screen ±20 ml/min. If the flows do not match, see
section 3.9 for sample flow calibration.

5250 RGM Service Manual

3.5.2 Pump leakage

1. Connect a 0–600 cc/min flowmeter to the sample exhaust.
2. While in the Pneumatics Service Screen, pinch the inlet tubing to the pump
(tube closest to pneumatics board) with an electrically insulated blunt-nose
pliers or tube-clamping device.
3. Measure the sample flow rate on the flowmeter.
4. Greater than 10 ml/min flow on the flowmeter indicates an excessive pump
leak. Replace the pump.
5. Remove any tubing clamps and flowmeter previously installed.

3.5.3 System leakage

1. Block the sample inlet on the front of the RGM.
2. Measure the sample flow rate on the flowmeter.
3. RGMs with greater than 10 ml/min flow over the pump leakage recorded
above have excessive leakage in the pneumatic circuit and must be repaired.
Refer to Figure 4-4, Pnematics Service Screen.

3.5.4 Pump vacuum

1. While on the Pneumatics Service Screen, switch off the pump and record the
barometric pressure.
2. Switch on the pump.
3. Block the sample inlet. Wait 30 seconds and record the barometric pressure.
4. The change must be at least 180 Torr. The pressure should not fluctuate by
more than 15 Torr.

3.5.5 Zero valve test

1. Use the sample flow rate on the Pneumatics Service Screen.
2. Open the zero valve to zero input position.
3. Record the sample flow rate.
4. Block the sample inlet and verify that the sample flow does not change by
more than 20 ml/min. If this test fails, refer to 4/Messages and Troubleshooting
for bad zero valve, or resistive scrubber.
Note: If you have just replaced the scrubber cartridge, be sure to remove the
plug in the top of the scrubber cartridge (inserted for shipping purposes only)
otherwise, it will obstruct flow through the auto zero path.
5. Block the sample inlet and pinch the line between the auto zero filter and
zero valve. RGMs with greater than 10 ml/min flow over the pump leakage
recorded in the previous pump leakage section have excessive leakage and
must be repaired. Refer to section 4.3.4, Pneumatics problems, to determine
the source of the leak.
6. Remove any tubing clamps previously installed.

3/Checkout and Calibration

3.5.6 Purge valve test

1. Use the sample flow rate on the Pneumatics Service Screen.
2. Set the purge valve to the purge position and the zero valve to the zero input
3. Block the sample inlet. RGMs with flows greater than 10 ml/min over pump
leakage recorded in the previous pump leakage section must be repaired.
Refer to section 4.3.4, Pneumatics problems, to determine the source of the

3.5.7 O2 valve test

1. Use the sample flow rate on the Pneumatics Service Screen.
2. Set the zero valve to the zero input position, the purge valve to the purge
position, and the O2 valve to the sensor-active position (status=0).
3. Pinch the purge line, which is the bottom-most line (silicone tubing) out of the
back of the water separator. At the same time, pinch the single line from the
O2 valve to the O2 sensor housing. RGMs with flows greater than 10 ml/min
over pump leakage mentioned earlier in this section must be repaired. Refer
to section 4.3.4, Pneumatics problems, to determine the source of the leak.
4. Bypass the O2 sensor by placing the O2 valve in the open (status=1) position.
5. Pinch the purge line, as before, and at the same time pinch the line between
the O2 valve and the plastic tee. RGMs with flows greater than 10 ml/min over
pump leakage recorded in step 2 above must be repaired. Refer to section
4.3.4, Pneumatics problems, to determine the source of the leak.

3.5.8 Water trap sensor test

Note: The pump must be off during the water trap sensor test.

WARNING: Biohazard. When handling materials that may have come into contact with patient
exhalant or fluids, follow approved procedures for contamination control.

1. While on the Pneumatics Service Screen, turn off the pump by selecting OFF.
2. To access the water trap bottle, press the Display Release and slide the display
panel to the right.
3. Carefully remove the water trap bottle. Carefully dispose of any contents in a
receptacle designated for patient waste.
4. Fill the trap bottle with water and submerge the tip (“V” portion) of the trap-
full plastic rod. Be careful not to let the water touch the tubing next to the
sensor rod.
5. Verify that the water trap sensor displays a Water trap full status of “1.”
6. Remove, empty, and replace the water trap bottle and verify that the sensor
displays a water trap full status of “0.”

5250 RGM Service Manual

3.5.9 Purge and sample line blocked test

WARNING: Biohazard. When handling materials that may have come into contact with patient
exhalant or fluids, follow approved procedures for contamination control.

1. Press EXIT twice to select the display screen.

2. Connect the standard 96-in. (243.84-cm) patient sample tube to the sample
3. Briefly block the flow into the RGM at the end of the sample tubing until the
PURGING message appears on the screen.
• a. A purge must occur within 2 seconds, and the RGM must not display
the message SAMPLE LINE BLOCKED. A purge can be detected by an
audible click in the purge valve.
• b. An advisory two-tone alarm sounds at this time.
4. Block the flow into the RGM at the end of the sample tubing. Within about 25
seconds the RGM must display the message SAMPLE LINE/FILTER
BLOCKED. A warning alarm sounds. Unblock the line and the alarm
condition should clear.
5. While wearing waterproof gloves, remove the filter cartridge and block the
top, center “silver” port of the membrane separator assembly. Within 25
seconds the RGM must display the message SAMPLE LINE/FILTER
BLOCKED, and the advisory alarm sounds.
6. Unblock the line and the alarm condition should clear.

Note: Purging is disabled in certain service screens to allow for testing and

3.6 Calibration checks

3.6.1 Barometric pressure check
1. Obtain and record local barometric pressure (not corrected to sea level).
Note: Be sure that the true local barometric pressure used for comparison is
not corrected to sea level. Absolute barometric pressure is strongly affected by
altitude. A typical absolute barometric pressure at sea level is 760 mmHg, but
at 5,000 ft (1,600 m) a typical absolute barometric pressure is 615 mmHg.
2. Select MENU from the Display Screen
3. Select SETUP from the menu.
4. Select Next Page.
5. Select Service mode from the Setup Screen.
6. Select PNEUMA from the Service screen. The Pneumatics Service Screen
7. Select OFF from the Pneumatics Screen. This will turn off the vacuum pump.
8. If the displayed barometric pressure is more than 5 mmHg from the true local
barometric pressure, perform the next procedure, Barometric pressure

3/Checkout and Calibration

3.6.2 Barometric pressure calibration

• Be sure that the true local barometric pressure used for comparison is not
corrected to sea level. Absolute barometric pressure is strongly affected by
altitude. A typical absolute barometric pressure at sea level is 760 mmHg, but
at 5,000 ft (1,600 m) a typical absolute barometric pressure is 639 mmHg.
• To convert inches of Hg to mmHg, use this formula: Inches Hg x 25.4 = mmHg

Sample Inlet Sample Exhaust


60 cc or larger
Pressure Gauge

Figure 3-6. Calibration setup

Pressure calibration
Note: Calibration constants must be unlocked (set signal processor's dip switch 3,
to On or closed position) before barometric calibration. Relock calibration
constants at the end of this procedure.

1. Select MENU from the main screen.

2. Select SETUP from the menu screen.
3. Select Next Page.
4. Select Service mode and touch to display the Service screen.
5. Select CAL to display the Calibration screen.


For each type of calibration, follow

the directions on the menu screen.


Figure 3-7. Calibration screen

5250 RGM Service Manual

6. Select BARO CAL from the Calibration screen. The Barometric Pressure
Calibration screen is then displayed.

Barometric Pressure Calibration

Barometric Pressure 624.7 (torr) 624.7
Sample pump status 0 0=off
Measurement range -93.3 To 2924.7 (torr)
Current set barometric pressure 650.0 (torr)

Using the CLEAR and number icons, enter the

uncorrected to sea level barometric pressure.
Then press the LOW icon.

Apply 100 torr above ambient pressure and press

the HIGH icon.

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9


Figure 3-8. Barometric Pressure Calibration screen

Note: Units of torr and mmHg for most practical purposes are identical.
7. Leave the inlet/exhaust ports open to ambient pressure.
8. Using the CLEAR and number icons, enter the local barometric pressure (not
corrected to sea level) in mmHg. Store this value by touching the LOW key.
Note: If the message INVALID LOW appears, go back to step 6.
9. Connect the sample exhaust to the sample inlet. Refer to Figure 3-6.
10. Connect a tee to the loop.
11. Connect a pressure gauge and open syringe to the tee.
12. Apply pressure via the syringe until the gauge stabilizes at 100 mmHg.
Note:: If the pneumatics system is not tight enough to hold a stable pressure
with a syringe, remove the RGM cover (see section 5.3, Cover removal and
replacement) and connect the pressure gauge and syringe directly to the
silicone tube that leads to the barometric pressure transducer (barometer) on
the gas analyzer measurement board.
A second option if the pneumatics system is not tight enough to hold a stable
pressure is to use 100 mmHg vacuum for set LOW and ambient pressure to
set HIGH. If this option is used, substitute the following steps 7, 8, and 12 for
those in the procedure:
7. Apply 100 mmHg of vacuum.
8. Enter 100 mmHg less than ambient pressure.
12. Open the sample exhaust and inlet ports to ambient pressure.
13. Holding this pressure to within +1 mmHg, press the HIGH key. Pressing either
LOW or HIGH automatically resets the calibration values unless you get an
error message.

3/Checkout and Calibration

• If the INVALID HIGH CALIBRATION message appears, check that the
connections match Figure 3-6 and go back to step 8.
• If the MUST DO LOW FIRST message is displayed, repeat this procedure
starting at step 6.
• If repeated attempts to calibrate barometric pressure are ineffective, set M
to 26000 and B to 0 using the Enter Calibration Constants screen and try
calibration again. See section 4.2.3, Enter Calibration Constants screen.
14. Press EXIT to return to the previous screen.

The values in the following table are to be used only as a point of reference. Use
them to check the uncorrected atmospheric pressure reading received from a
local source (airport, etc.) to verify that it is truly an uncorrected (to sea level)
value. The numbers used in this table should never be used to calibrate a unit.

Altitude Estimated uncorrected barometric

(elevation above sea level in feet) pressure reading at 25 °C
0 760
500 747
1000 734
1500 722
2000 709
3000 685
4000 662
5000 639
6000 617
7000 596
8000 576

3.6.3 PAW check

1. While viewing the Service screen, connect a squeeze bulb or syringe in
parallel with a 0 to 150 cm H2O (0 to 100 mmHg) pressure gauge to the PAW
inlet of the RGM. (A bulb is shown for the procedure in Figure 3-9.)

Figure 3-9. Airway pressure test setup

5250 RGM Service Manual

2. Apply 0, 50, and 100 cm H2O (0, 36.8, and 73.6 mmHg) ±1 mmHg to the
pressure inlet. The PAW display and pressure gauge reading should be within
± 5 cm H2O (+4 mmHg) of the gauge accuracy. If not, perform the next
procedure, airway pressure calibration.
3. Exit to the display screen.

3.6.4 Airway pressure calibration

1. Go to the Service Screen and select CAL.
2. From the Calibration screen, select PAW CAL. The Airway Pressure Calibration
screen appears.

Airway Pressure Calibration

PAW Pressure Air Way -1.2 (cmH2O) -0.08 (volts)

Measurement Range -131.6 to 171.5 (cmH2O)

Apply 0 cmH2O to the pressure inlet and touch

the SET ZERO icon.

Apply 60 cmH2O to the pressure inlet and touch

the SET SPAN icon.


Figure 3-10. Airway Pressure Calibration screen

3. Expose the PAW inlet to ambient atmospheric pressure and touch the SET
ZERO key. The new value is displayed on the screen.
4. Connect a squeeze bulb or syringe and a pressure gauge in parallel with the
PAW inlet. Refer to Figure 3-9 in section 3.6.3, PAW check.
5. Apply 60 cm H2O (44.1 mmHg) above ambient atmospheric pressure to the
pressure inlet and touch the SET SPAN key. The new value is displayed on
the screen.
6. Expose the PAW inlet to ambient atmospheric pressure. The PAW display
should read 0 ±5 cm H2O (+4 mmHg).
7. Apply -10, 50, and 100 cm H2O (-7.4, 36.8, 73.6 mmHg) below/above ambient
atmospheric pressure to the pressure inlet. The PAW display should read
within ± 5 cm H2O (±4 mmHg).
8. Press EXIT to return to the previous screen.

3/Checkout and Calibration

3.6.5 Gas analyzer check—zero and span calibration

Zero and span calibration
WARNINGS: Data validity. Use only Datex-Ohmeda calibration gas of 1.75% Halocarbon-23
(CHF3)/freon or equivalent, 6% CO2, 40% N2O, 50% O2, and 2.25% argon. Use of the wrong
calibration gas kit will result in improper calibration and the RGM will display incorrect gas

1. From the display screen select MENU and then select CALIBRATE
Touch the ZERO icon on the Calibration Internal Sensors screen. After about
30 seconds, the ZERO COMPLETE message is displayed After 15 seconds, the
values shown are:
Freon – 0.0%, ±0.1%
CO2 – 0.1%, ±0.1%
N2O – 0.0%, ±1%
O2 – 21.0%, ±1%
Refer to 4/Messages and Troubleshooting.
2. Use the proper Datex-Ohmeda calibration gas (as indicated on the screen).
Connect the sample tube from the sample inlet to the female luer connector of
the calibration bag as shown in Figure 3-11. Connect the other end of the
calibration bag to the can of calibration gas.
1 2 3 4

Figure 3-11. Cal gas connection

1 Calibration gas
2 Brass restrictor
3 Calibration bag
4 Sample line
5 Sample inlet

3. Once the pumping action of the RGM has evacuated the calibration bag, the
RGM automatically generates an alarm tone, and the message BEGIN SPAN

5250 RGM Service Manual

4. Press down on the valve stem of the gas canister until the calibration bag fills
but is not pressurized; then touch the SPAN key on the Calibrate Internal
Sensors screen.
• Allow the RGM to draw gas from the bag, but do not let the RGM totally
evacuate the bag before span calibration is completed. Feed small
amounts of gas into the bag to prevent the bag from being emptied.
Continue this until the span calibration is complete.
• If the calibration bag does not fill up, either the canister is low, the flow
restrictor is blocked, or the bag has a leak in it.
5. After about 25 seconds, the message SPAN COMPLETE appears. Verify that
the values shown are the same as those on the calibration gas canister, with
the following tolerances:
Halocarbon 23 (CHF3)/Freon ± 0.1%
CO2 ± 0 .1%
N2O ± 1%
O2 ± 1%
If the Span calibration is unsuccessful, the INVALID SPAN message appears
on the screen, and you should repeat the span calibration. If necessary, refer to
section 4.3.5, Gas analyzer/calibration problems.
6. Disconnect the calibration gas from the sample inlet.
7. Select EXIT from the Calibrate Screen to return to the display screen.
8. Store the calibration bag in a location where it will be safe from puncture.

3.6.6 Circuit O 2 check

WARNINGS: Data validity.
• The oxygen monitoring portion of the 5250 RGM monitor should be calibrated at the same
temperature at which it will be used to monitor oxygen delivery in the patient circuit.
Operation at temperatures other than those present during calibration may result in
readings outside of the stated accuracy for the monitor. When the ambient temperature
changes, we recommend recalibrating the monitor for maximum accuracy. Refer to the O 2
sensor information sheet for more details.
• Keep the circuit O2 sensor attached to the unit to assure accurate O2 readings. If
detached, the sensor must be reattached and stabilized for up to 1 hour before

CAUTION: Avoid storing O2 sensors outside the temperature range of -5 ºC to 50 ºC

(+23 ºF to 122 ºF). O2 sensors must have shorting clips or be connected to the RGM when in
storage or not in use.

Note: Before checking the patient circuit O2 sensor, turn the RGM on and allow
the O2 sensor output to stabilize for at least 10 minutes. The 10-minute
stabilization assumes that the cartridge was removed from its sealed protective
packaging just before calibration, or that the sensor had been connected to the
RGM without interruption.

3/Checkout and Calibration

1. Connect the patient O2 sensor to the rear panel O2 connector.

2. Switch the RGM on and allow it to warm up for 10 minutes.
3. Select MENU from the display screen.
4. Select CALIBRATE CKT O2. The Calibrate Circuit O2 Sensor screen appears.
5. Expose the sensor to room air for a minimum of 2 minutes.
6. Check for 21% O2 ±3%.
Note: The value may be blanked on the display screen if the circuit oxygen
has not been enabled through the Setup Screen.
7. If the sensor is not within calibration, refer to the patient circuit O2 sensor
calibration procedure in the 5250 RGM Operation and Maintenance Manual.
8. Apply approximately 5 l/min of 100% O2 to the circuit O2 sensor for 2 minutes
to flush the room air from the sensor housing.
9. The CKT O2 display should read 100% O2 within ± 3%. If the sensor is not
within calibration, refer to the patient circuit O2 sensor calibration procedure
in the 5250 RGM Operation and Maintenance Manual.
10. After exposing the sensor to room air once again, the sensor should return to
21% ±3% within 2 minutes.

3.7 SpO 2 module checks (if installed)

WARNING: To prevent patient injury or equipment damage, use only Datex-Ohmeda sensors
identified for use with this monitor. For complete information about the safe and appropriate
use of a sensor, consult the instructions for the sensor.

1. Check the sensor for foreign materials such as tape or cotton. Remove any
substances that may interfere with the transmission of light between the
emitter and detector.
2. Verify that a durable sensor opens and closes smoothly.
3. Check that the sensor is the correct model (see the user instructions for the
sensor) before connecting it to the RGM.
4. Connect a sensor to the SpO2 sensor connector. Check that the connection is
5. Turn on the RGM. Check that the sensor’s red emitter LED is on.
6. Attach the sensor to either a finger or an ear. Check that the sensor cable is
not twisted. Verify the following:
• A saturation value (SpO2) of greater than 90 percent is displayed.
• A clean plethysmographic waveform depicting a pulse is displayed.
• A digital pulse rate (PR) is displayed.
• A beep occurs with every pulse. The tone frequency depends on the
saturation value. High frequencies indicate high saturation values.
Note: This beep tone can be disabled from the Setup Screen.

5250 RGM Service Manual

7. Verify that the high and low alarm limits for SpO2 and the pulse rate work (if
enabled) by setting the high and low alarm limits beyond the indicated
readings. Ensure that:
• The alarm tone sounds.
• The alarm light flashes.
8. Remove the sensor from the finger or the ear and verify that:
• The alarm message PROBE OFF PATIENT is displayed and the waveform
and digital values are not displayed.
• Three high alarm tones occur when the sensor is removed. Pressing alarm
silence stops the audio.
9. Unplug the sensor from the RGM and verify that the alarm message NO SPO2
PROBE appears on the screen.
10. Reconnect the sensor to the RGM and verify that the PROBE OFF PATIENT
alarm message is present.

• The alarm volume level is selected through the Setup Screen and remains as
set until changed by the operator.
• The high/low alarm limits are defaulted at power on and remain so until
changed by the operator.

3.8 Patient flow sensor check (if installed)

3.8.1 Flow threshold test
Use this check when you suspect a malfunction in either the flow transducer
(TVX) or clip due to inconsistent or low readings for tidal volume.

1. Connect the TVX flow sensor from the back panel of the RGM to the common
gas outlet of an anesthesia system or to a calibrated flow source known to be
functioning properly.
Note: Use 4 to 8 ft of tubing between the source and sensor to stabilize flow.

4 to 8 feet
of tubing

System or


Flow Source

Figure 3-12. Flow threshold test setup

3/Checkout and Calibration

2. On the RGM display screen, select MENU, then

• Select SETUP.
• Select Patient type from the Setup Screen.
• Select adult.

NEXT PAGE Setup Screen

Circuit O2 Rev. flow det
Default Display RS-232 device
Display labels Service mode

Language Trend Clear

N2O display Wave Type
Patient type

Figure 3-13. Select adult patient type from Setup Screen

3. Set the gas flow from the flow source at 6.0 L/min.
4. Select Service mode and press “on.” Read the number for L/min in the right-
hand column.
If the RGM does not agree with the calibrated air source to within ±2 L/min,
replace the cartridge and repeat this test.

• Destroy malfunctioning flow cartridges to prevent their inadvertent use.
• Never tamper with the set screws in the flow cartridge. Such action will render the
cartridge unusable.

5. If the RGM still does not agree with the calibrated air source, try replacing the
sensor clip, then repeat the test.

If the unit still fails the test, there is a leak in the test circuit or there is a
malfunction in the RGM and repairs are required (see 4/Messages and

5250 RGM Service Manual

3.8.2 Reverse flow detection simulation

1. Remove the flow sensor cartridge from the breathing circuit.
2. To activate the reverse flow alarm on the RGM Setup Screen,
• Press Rev. flow det.
• Press “on.”

NEXT PAGE Setup Screen

Circuit O2 Rev. flow det
Default Display RS-232 device
Display labels Service mode

Language Trend Clear

N2O display Wave Type
Patient type

Figure 3-14. Activate reverse flow alarm on Setup Screen

3. Flow gas through the sensor cartridge in the reverse direction. An intermittent
low tone sounds, the yellow LED flashes and the REVERSE FLOW message
appears and indicates a reverse flow alarm condition.
Note: In this case the reverse flow is simulated for testing purposes only.

WARNING: Patient safety. After completing simulation testing, be sure to return the sensor to
its correct orientation in the breathing circuit. The arrows should point away from the patient.

3.9 Sample flow calibration

1. Select CAL from the Service screen to display the Calibration screen.
2. Select SAM FLOW to display the Sample Flow Calibration screen.
Sample Flow Calibrat ion
Sample flow rate 192 (ml/min) 2.89 (volts )
Sample pump status 1 0=off
Measurement range -649 To 646 (m l/ min)

Press th e SET ZERO icon.

A dd a flow restr ict or t o sample inlet and a f low

mete r to sample exhaust. Af t er adjustin g restr icto r
unti l f low met er reads 1 50 ml ± 15 ml, press SET SPAN.


Figure 3-15. Sample Flow Calibration screen

3/Checkout and Calibration

3. Connect a calibrated air flowmeter, p/n 6024-0000-006, (0-600 mL/min) to the

sample exhaust outlet on the back of the RGM or to the sample inlet. Accuracy
is ±2.0 percent of the reading or ±division, whichever is greater.


150 mL/min.

flow To Sample Exhaust

Figure 3-16. Flowmeter and flow restrictor connections

4. Press the SET ZERO key.

5. Note that the sample pump switches off for this procedure. Wait for the ZERO
CALIBRATION COMPLETE message to flash and the sample pump status to
display 1 (ON).
6. Measure the flow at the sample outlet. Adjust the flowmeter flow restrictor
until the flow is 150 mL/min ±15 mL/min. Then press the SET SPAN key. See
Figure 3-15.
Note: A flow restrictor can be placed either on the sample inlet or exhaust
and achieve the same effect.
7. After SPAN calibration, the flow reading on the calibration screen should be
the same as the external calibrated air flowmeter within ±30 mL/min.
8. Press EXIT to return to the previous screen.

3.10 Internal temperature calibration

Internal temperature calibration affects only whether the DEVICE OVERHEATED
message appears. If you are getting a false positive DEVICE OVERHEATED
message, perform this procedure.

1. Remove the top cover from the RGM. (See section 5.3.)
2. Allow RGM to stabilize to ambient temperature for 20 to 30 minutes.
3. Unlock cal constants using DIP switch #3 on the signal processor.
4. Go to the Enter Calibration Constants screen (see Figure 4-1).
5. If the internal temperature displayed in °C is not accurate ±5 °C, subtract the
reading on the screen from the current room temperature. Multiply this by ten
and add it to the present temp B calibration constant.
6. Enter the resultant B as the new B and verify that the temperature shown is
accurate ±5 °C.
For example, if the ambient temperature is 25.2 and the monitor shows 35.1,
(25.2 - 35.1) x 10 = -99. Add -99 to the present B value for internal temperature.
7. Lock Cal constants using DIP switch #3.

5250 RGM Service Manual

3.11 Analog output check

Run the analog output check when you suspect a problem with the analog output
subsystem or when calibrating a strip chart recorder.

1. Select MENU from the display screen.

2. Select SETUP from the menu.
3. Select Service Mode from the Setup Screen and press “on.” The Service
screen appears.
4. Select TESTS to view the Diagnostic Selection screen, where you have the
following choices:
• Clear run time hours
• Analog output
• RS232
5. Attach an 8-pin DIN connector to the analog output jack.
7. To run the DAC test, select ADDRESS.

Chart Recorder Calibration/Analog Diagnostic

ADDRESS – Outputs .1 V on dac channel 1, .2 V on

dac channel 2, etc.

RAMP – Generates 0-1 Volt ramp on all channels

ZERO – outputs 0 V to all channels

ONE – outputs 1 V to all channels


Figure 3-17. Analog output diagnostic screen

8. Use a DVM to measure the output voltage of each pin (with respect to
common) of the analog output connector as indicated in the following table.

3/Checkout and Calibration

Pin Voltage in ADDRESS test

1 0.1 V DC ±25 mV GND
2 0.2 V DC ±25 mV
3 0.3 V DC ±25 mV 7 1
4 0.4 V DC ±25 mV
5 0.5 V DC ±25 mV
6 0.6 V DC ±25 mV 2
7 0.7 V DC ±25 mV
8 Common
5 3

Figure 3-18. Analog output connector

9. Connect an oscilloscope or chart recorder to measure the output from each
10. Use the ZERO key to adjust the chart recorder to 0 V.
11. Use the ONE key to adjust the chart recorder to 1 V, full scale.
12. Select RAMP. During the ramp test, all seven pins should have a saw tooth
wave range 0 to 1 V. One ramp takes approximately 3 seconds. The ramp
should appear smooth with 1 jump from 1 to 0 V.

CAUTION: Maximum voltage. No more than 5 volts should appear on any pin of the analog
output connector.

Channel assignments
Channel Scale
1 CO2 waveform 66.6 mV/%
2 N2O waveform 10 mV/%
3 PAW waveform (V x 140)-20 = cm H2O
4 Flow waveform 10 mV –1 L/min
5 Agent waveform 66.6 mV/% (Desflurane: 33.3 mV/%)
6 O2 inspired/expired 10 mV/%
7 Plethysmograph 0-0.5 V with 16.1 mV resolution

The analog output accuracy is ±3.5 percent (absolute), linearity ±0.5 percent, with
an update rate of 10 mS and a resolution of 3.9 mV.

Note: Output source impedance is 100 ohms.

5250 RGM Service Manual

3.12 RS-232 loop back hardware check

Run this check if you have trouble communicating with either the 78xx ventilator
or a printer attached to the RS-232 port.

1. From the RGM Setup Screen, select Service mode and touch “on.”
2. Select TESTS from the Service Screen to display the Diagnostic Selection
3. Connect a loop back jumper (DB9 connector with pins 2 to 3 shorted) to the
RS-232 port on the rear of the machine.
Note: The connector must be installed before selecting the test.
4. Select RS232 from the Diagnostic Selection screen.
5. Run at least ten passes of the diagnostic.
Note: The Diagnostic Pass Count numbers may not be consecutive due to the
speed of the test (for example, 3, 6, 7, 9, 10, . . ., etc.)
6. Press EXIT to complete the test.
7. Remove the loop back jumper.

3.13 Leakage current and ground resistance checks

1. With the power cord connected only to the RGM, measure the resistance
through the power cord ground prong to all exposed metal on the chassis. The
measured resistance must not exceed 0.15 Ω.
2. Measure the enclosure leakage current of the RGM following the instruction
supplied with your leakage current tester. The leakage current must not
exceed 50 µA for 120 V units or 100 µA for 240 V units.
3. Record the results for reference in future resistance/leakage tests. A significant
change may indicate an impending failure.

4/Messages and Troubleshooting
This chapter contains
• A list of messages you may receive on the screen.
• Troubleshooting information.
• Specific troubleshooting procedures.

4.1 Messages
Message Category Range Default
ACX DECODE TASK FAIL System failure alarm na na
ACX XMIT TASK FAIL System failure alarm na na
AGENT DETECTED Single-tone emergency na >0.8% halothane
ANALOG FAIL System failure alarm na na
AUTO ZERO IN PROGRESS Silent advisory na na
CALIBRATE TASK FAIL System failure alarm na na
COMMUNICATIONS FAIL System failure alarm na na
CO2 APNEA Quiet emergency** 20 to 30 30 seconds
DISPLAY CPU FAIL System failure alarm na na
DISPLAY DECODE TASK FAIL System failure alarm na na
DISPLAY DIAG TASK FAIL System failure alarm na na
DISPLAY RAM FAIL System failure alarm na na
DISPLAY ROM CHECKSUM FAIL System failure alarm na na
DISPLAY TASK FAIL System failure alarm na na
DISPLAY TOUCH PANEL FAIL System failure alarm na na
DISPLAY TREND TASK FAIL System failure alarm na na
DISPLAY VIDEO RAM FAIL System failure alarm na na
DISPLAY XMIT TASK FAIL System failure alarm na na
EVENT TASK FAIL System failure alarm na na

** Three advisory tones (one high tone and one low tone) followed by an emergency tone (three high tones).

5250 RGM Service Manual

Message Category Range Default

GAS ANALYZER WARM-UP Silent advisory na na
HIGH CIRCUIT O2 Warning 18 to 100% OFF
HIGH Et CO2 Emergency 0 to 15% OFF
HIGH EXPIRED AGENT Emergency 0 to 15% *
HIGH FiCO2 Emergency 0 to 15% OFF
HIGH INSPIRED AGENT Emergency 0 to 15% *
HIGH INSPIRED O2 Emergency 18 to 100% OFF
HIGH N2O Emergency 0 to 100% 80%
HIGH SUSTAINED PAW Emergency 10 to 30 cm H2O 30 cm H2O
HIGH MINUTE VOLUME Warning 0.2 to 50.0 L OFF
HIGH PAW Warning 0 to 120 cm H2O 80 cm H2O
HIGH PULSE RATE Warning 80 to 250 bpm OFF
HIGH SpO2 Warning 70 to 99% OFF
HIGH TIDAL VOLUME Warning 50 to 2500 mL OFF
INTERFERENCE ON SpO2 Silent advisory na na
LOW CIRCUIT O2 Emergency 18 to 100% 18%
LOW Et CO2 Emergency 0 to 15% OFF
LOW Expired AGENT Emergency 0 to 10% *
LOW Inspired AGENT Emergency 0 to 10% *
LOW INSPIRED O2 Emergency 18 to 100% 18%
LOW MINUTE VOLUME Warning 0.2 to 50.0 L OFF
LOW PULSE RATE Warning 40 to 150 bpm OFF
LOW QUALITY SpO2 SIGNAL Emergency na na
LOW SpO2 Emergency 50 to 100% 90%
LOW Sustained PAW Warning -20 to 20 cm H2O OFF
LOW TIDAL VOLUME Emergency 50 to 2500 mL OFF
NO BREATH DATA System failure alarm na na
NO FLOW Advisory na <100 mL flow
NO SpO2 PROBE Silent advisory na na
NO VACUUM Advisory na na
PNEUMATIC TASK FAIL System failure alarm na na
PURGING Advisory na na

* Default depends on agent selected. Refer to Anesthetic Agent display in 5250 RGM Operation and
Maintenance Manua l.

4/Messages and Troubleshooting

Message Category Range Default

RECALIBRATE PAW Advisory na na
REVERSE FLOW Warning fixed OFF
SAMPLE LINE/FILTER BLOCK Advisory na <100 mL flow
SERIAL TASK FAIL System failure alarm na na
SERVICE TASK FAIL System failure alarm na na
SET NEW AGENT LIMITS Silent advisory na na
SIGNAL CPU FAIL System failure alarm na na
SIGNAL DECODE TASK FAIL System failure alarm na na
SIGNAL DIAG TASK FAIL System failure alarm na na
SIGNAL RAM FAIL System failure alarm na na
SIGNAL ROM CHECKSUM FAIL System failure alarm na na
SIGNAL TREND TASK FAIL System failure alarm na na
SpO2 INOPERATIVE Advisory na na
SpO2: INSUF LIGHT DETECTED Silent advisory na na
SpO2 PROBE FAILURE Advisory na na
SpO2 PROBE ID ERROR Advisory na na
SpO2 PROBE OFF PATIENT Emergency*** na na
SUB ATMOSPHERIC PAW Emergency fixed -15 cm H2O
TARGET CHECK TASK FAIL System failure alarm na na
VENTILATOR COMM FAIL Silent advisory na na
VENT–CHECK O2 PROBE Advisory na na
VENT–HIGH CIRCUIT O2 Warning Set on 78xx na
VENT–HIGH PAW Emergency Set on 78xx na
VENT–HIGH SUSTAINED PAW Emergency fixed na
VENT–LOW CIRCUIT O2 Emergency Set on 78xx na
VENT–LOW MINUTE VOLUME Warning Set on 78xx na
VENT–LOW PAW Emergency Set on 78xx na
VENT–REVERSE FLOW Warning fixed na

*** This alarm is acknowledgeable by pressing alarm silence.

5250 RGM Service Manual

Message Category Range Default

VENT–TIDAL VOLUME APNEA Quiet emergency** na na

** Three advisory tones (one high tone and one low tone) followed by an emergency tone (three high

4.2 Troubleshooting information

Refer to the 5250 RGM Operation and Maintenance Manual and the previous
chapters of this manual to learn how a properly operating RGM functions and to
determine what the RGM is not doing correctly.

Refer to this chapter and the following chapters in this manual to help locate and
correct a malfunction.

If you are not familiar with the information in these troubleshooting sections,
refer to 2/Theory of Operation to better understand the RGM functions and refer
to 5/Repair Procedures for the proper disassembly of the RGM components.

CAUTION: Static sensitivity. This 5250 RGM’s electronic components that are susceptible to
damage by electrostatic discharge. When disassembling the RGM,
• Work at a static-control workstation and wear a static-control wrist strap to discharge
accumulated static charges.
• Use static-safe tools (tools with conductive or dissipative handles). Observe the safety
precautions associated with using conductive tools in a high-voltage environment.
• Handle the circuit boards (replacement and defective) by their nonconductive edges. Use anti-
static containers for transport.

Let the symptoms and the test results be your guide.

• If only a single function is not working, concentrate on the circuit that controls
that function.
• If several symptoms are present, locate a circuit that is common to all the
affected functions.
• If the solution to the problem is not obvious, check the power supply circuits
first––observe the LEDs on the power supply board.
• Perform a visual inspection of the RGM.
• Verify that all controls are set properly.
• Look for any obvious conditions that may be the cause of the malfunction:
loose connections, broken or burnt (discolored) components.
• Verify that all circuit boards are properly seated in the motherboard.

4/Messages and Troubleshooting

4.2.1 Power-up self-test

When the RGM is first turned on, it tests several major functional areas of its
internal circuitry. As each test passes, it performs the next test in line until an
error is detected and displayed, or until all tests pass and the message POWER UP

If a test fails, a corresponding error message (indicating which test has failed)
appears in the upper-right corner of the display as follows:

System error messages

Error messages (alphabetically) Repair action
Analog fail Replace the signal processor board.
COMMUNICATIONS FAIL See comm fail troubleshooting.
DISPLAY CPU FAIL Replace the display controller board.
DISPLAY RAM FAIL Replace the display controller board.
Display ROM checksum fail Replace the display software cartridge.
DISPLAY . . . TASK FAIL Replace the display software cartridge, or
replace the display controller board.
DISPLAY TOUCH PANEL FAIL Ensure that the unit was not powered on
while touching the screen or with any object
blocking the touch panel.
Replace the touch frame,
Replace the display controller board.
DISPLAY Video RAM Fail Replace the display controller board.
INVALID . . . ZERO or span See gas analyzer troubleshooting.
INVALID O2 ZERO or span See O2 sensor troubleshooting.
NO BREATH DATA See communications troubleshooting.
No flow See pneumatics troubleshooting.
No Vacuum See pneumatics troubleshooting.
Signal CPU fail Replace the signal processor board.
Signal RAM fail Replace the signal processor board.
Signal ROM checksum fail Replace the signal processor software
SIGNAL . . . TASK FAIL Replace the signal processor software
Replace the signal processor board.

5250 RGM Service Manual

4.2.2 Using service screens

Service screen
Access the Service screen by the following touch sequence:
(Additional information about RGM configuration is found on the VIEW ALL
screens under SETUP. In particular, the status of the configuration jumpers
and switches is shown there.)
3. NEXT PAGE (if multipage setup screen)
5. ON

The main service screen provides a summary of the overall state of the machine.
This screen shows the various software versions (SpO2 version appears only if the
function is present) and the readings from all of the sensors. Readings here, and
on the Enter Calibration Constants screen are formatted in both units (i.e., %CO2)
and volts.

The “Breath volume data” indicates uncorrected tidal volume of last breath. This
number will only update after “breath” start and end have been detected.

The SpO2 data is the same as that on the normal monitoring screen, except the
pleth data is a periodic snapshot of the voltage from the oximeter board.

Agent ACX-200 Version 1.20 0402 ACX status hex
Display Version 6.00 0000 ACX error status hex
SpO2 Version S
Signal Processor Version 8.007 CPU type V25+
Agent 0.00 (%) 0.00
Barometric Pressure 627.5 (torr) 627.5
Breath volume flow --- (ml/breath) 0.0 (liters/minute)
Breath volume data 0 Uncorrected 0 (min 25.6us cnts/flip)
Cal constants 0 1=locked 92 Run Time Hours
CO2 Carbon Dioxide 0.10 (%) 0.10
Internal Temperature 24.5 (degrees C) 0.28 (volts)
SpO2 Pleth --- 0.45 (volts)
SpO2 Pulse Rate --- (Beats/min)
Saturation O2 --- (%)
N2O Nitrous Oxide 0.0 (%) -0.8
O2 Circuit Oxygen 0.0 (%) -10.00 (volts)
O2 Internal Oxygen 20.6 (%) -8.00 (volts)
PAW Pressure Airway 0.1 (cmH2O 0.01 (volts)
Pump Voltage 6.00 (volts) 153 (dac counts)
Sample flow rate 201 (ml/min) 3.15 (volts)
Oxygen valve status 0 0=oxygen cell active
Purge valve status 0 1=in purge state
Water trap full status 0 1=full
Zero valve status 0 1=in zero state


Figure 4-1. Service screen

4/Messages and Troubleshooting

From this screen the following additional screens can be accessed:

Screen Function
ENTER CAL Allows operator to view and alter the calibration constants
PNEUM Allows direct control over the pump and solenoids to aid in
diagnosing problems with the pneumatics system.
TESTS Accesses tests of the analog output and the RS-232 port.
CAL Allows calibration of the barometer, PAW, and sample flow,
which are less frequently required.

“ACX Status” is the hex or decimal representation of binary data indicating status
bit condition of the gas analyzer. The number is the sum of the following powers
of 2 with the indicated meanings.

ACX status
Hex Decimal Description
8000 32768 Gas measuring disabled
(motor or lamp off)
4000 16384 Motor not running
(out of sync, or accelerating)
2000 8192 EEPROM writing not complete
1000 4096 Initial AGC control
800 2048 Gas sampling disabled
400 1024 Open gas circuit
200 512 Occlusion
100 256 Averaging on
80 128 00= halothane, 10=isoflurane,
40 64 01=enflurane
20 32 Temperature sample frozen
10 16 Pressure sample frozen
8 8 Agent sample frozen
4 4 N2O sample frozen
2 2 O2 sample frozen
1 1 CO2 sample frozen

Some of these values (such as occlusion and open gas circuit) are not relevant in
the RGM, because it has its own pneumatics sensing and control. For example, a
normal ACX status would be 1090 (44216 ), which means open gas circuit, oxygen
sample frozen, and enflurane selected (1024 + 64 + 2).

5250 RGM Service Manual

ACX error status

Hex Description Recommended action
0001 RAM test fail Fatal malfunction, requires service
0002 EPROM checksum Fatal malfunction, requires service
0004 external RAM test fail Fatal malfunction, requires service.
Check for +5 V on the measurement
board RAM, D22, pin 28.
0008 EEPROM measurement Fatal malfunction, requires service
board error
0010 EEPROM sensor board error Host device tried to write to sensor
EEPROM, requires service.
0020 Automatic gain control error Fatal malfunction, requires service
0040 Analog digital converter error One or more gases out of gain,
Signal Amplitude error. Cycle
power; if bit still set, requires
0080 Digital to analog converter One or more gases out of gain.
error Measurement reference Shape
error. Cycle power, if bit still set,
requires service.
0100 ACX-200 internal auto zero in Internal adjustment of reference
progress voltage. No action required unless
this bit stays on.
0200 Sync pulse from motor none
0400 Motor none
0800 Pressure out of range Pressure out of range, if everything
else O.K., requires service.
1000 Open gas circuit none
(Note: This is normal for
2000 Zero valve open none
4000 Software none
8000 Watchdog none

The gas analyzer is considered to have failed if any of the bits in the mask 08FF
are set in the ACX error status.

4/Messages and Troubleshooting

4.2.3 Enter Calibration Constants screen

The ENTER CAL page provides a summary of most signal inputs and all system
calibration factors. The value column shows the input value in units with software
limits imposed; for example, CO2 value is shown as a percent. The volts column is
the raw input signal voltage; except that CO2, N2O, agent, and barometric
pressure are raw digital values from the ACX-200 measure-ment board. System
calibration factors slope (m) and intercept (b) are displayed in the last two

Procedure to recall barometer factory calibration constants

The procedure to recall factory calibration should be used only as a temporary
measure if you do not have proper equipment for calibration. It is absolutely
necessary that the monitor be properly calibrated as soon as possible to ensure
that the unit meets specifications.

1. Unlock the calibration constants by setting DIP switch #3 on the signal

processor board; see section 3.2, Dip switch and jumper positions.
2. Set the cursor to the line you wish to default (either m or b), then press
3. Lock the calibration constants using DIP switch #3.
4. Cycle power to the RGM and verify that no error message other than
Note: For internal temperature and sample flow, no RECALIBRATE message
5. Go to the Enter Calibration Constants screen. Highlight the line that was
defaulted, either m or b, and press Enter. This will turn off the RECALIBRATE
Note: The screens below contain default calibration constant values. Default
values for agent, barometric pressure, CO2, and N2O are different for every
gas analyzer.

DEFAULT LINE Enter Calibration Constants

value volts zero m b
Agent 0.00 -0.12 0 33982 26220
Barometric Pressure 617.6 617.6 0 31800 63850
CO2 Carbon Dioxide 0.14 0.14 63446 10269 33623
Internal Temperature 23.3 0.04 0 2000 65267
N2O Nitrous Oxide 0.1 0.1 0 4602 42880
18.6 -8.27 345 3492 0
O2 Internal Oxygen
0.1 -10.00 0 6080 0
PAW Pressure Airway -1.8 -0.12 0 6064 64220
Sample flow rate 300 6.27 0 2592 64885
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
U s e up /do wn a rro ws to s e lec t m or b. U s e CLEA R and n umb er s t o en te r
v a lue . Pr e s s EN T ER to s et high ligh te d m a nd b. P re s s D EF AUL T LI NE t o
r e que s t de fa ult v al ues fo r h igh ligh ted m an d b to be l oad ed on t he ne x t po wer
u p. Af te r D EF AUL T LI NE or DEF AU LT AL L c y c le pow er .


Figure 4-2. Enter Calibration Constants screen

5250 RGM Service Manual

Pneumatics Service Screen

The Pneumatics Service Screen provides an overview of the status of the
pneumatic system and allows manual control of the valves and the pump. The
barometric pressure, sample flow rate, valve status, and water trap full status are
displayed. Purging is suppressed while in this screen. Valves and pump are
restored to normal operation when exiting this screen.

Pneumatics Service Screen

Barometric Pressure 597.3 (torr) 597.3
CO2 Carbon Dioxide 0.00 (%) 0.00
Last zero error none 0 Converse value
O2 Internal Oxygen 20.6 (%) -8.02 (volts)
Oxygen valve status 0 0=oxygen cell active
Pump Voltage 6.00 (volts) 153 (dac counts)
Purge valve status 0 1=in purge state
Sample flow rate 201 (ml/min) 3.13 (volts)
Sample pump status 1 0=off
Water trap full status 0 1=full
Zero valve status 0 1=in zero state

N2O O2 Purge
Agent O2 Sample
Sample Zero Sample
Inlet Exhaust
Valve Sensors Valve Sensor Valve Pump


Figure 4-3. Pneumatics Service Screen

Option Function Option Function

On Turns on pump Zero Toggles zero valve
Off Turns off pump Purge Toggle purge valve
Up Raises pump voltage O2 Toggles O2 valve
Down Lowers pump voltage Exit Returns to main service screen

Zero error codes

No flow Insufficient flow for zero
Vacuum high Too much vacuum for zero
Noise high Patient waveform seen during zero
Zero inlet Barometric pressure did not return to ambient
N2O error N2O zero error
CO2 error CO2 zero error
Agt/ O2 error O2 zero error
Agt error Agent zero error

On this screen, the pump can be toggled ON and OFF. Also, all valves (zero,
purge, and O2) can be individually controlled. The best method for leak testing is
to set the purge valve on, pump on, zero valve off, and to block the sample inlet.
Then to localize a leak, use hemostats or needle-nose pliers to pinch the tubing
from the pump, to the purge valve, then to the line, then to the water separator,
then to the zero valve, then to the gas analyzer, then to the O2 sensor. When the
flowmeter drops to zero there isn't a leak. When the flowmeter doesn't go to zero,
you've located the leak.

4/Messages and Troubleshooting

4.3 Troubleshooting tables

4.3.1 Nonfunctioning monitor or power supply
Condition Cause(s) Recommended action(s)
Totally dead; no fan, Blown primary fuses on rear Replace fuses with correct type and
display, or sounds. panel power input module. rating.
Improper line voltage Correct voltage input setting on rear
setting. panel power input module
All power supply board Bad front panel power Unplug monitor from AC power and
LEDs are dark. switch. check power switch continuity.
Blown thermal fuse in Unplug monitor from AC power and
transformer. check continuity of yellow wires on
transformer. If open circuit, replace
toroid assembly.
Some power supply board Blown secondary fuses. Replace secondary fuses with correct
LEDs are dark. Note: Fuses for +5 and +15 V type and rating.
tend to blow as pairs. Could also be caused by a short.
Some power supply board Bad power supply board. With power off, unplug all cables into
LEDs are dim. power supply board. If LEDs are still
dim with no load, replace the power
supply board.
Bad system board loading With power off, unplug all DC cables
down supply. into power supply board (and display
cable into motherboard). Turn on power
adding one cable connection at a time
to isolate which board overloads the
supply. Replace the bad board.
All power supply board Bad DC power cables from Check connections and cable continuity
LEDs are lit. the power supply board.

4.3.2 TVX/patient flow sensor problems

Condition Cause(s) Recommended action(s)
Reads too low Bad TVX flow sensor. Replace TVX flow sensor cartridge.
Numerous REVERSE Leaking exhalation check valve Replace exhalation check valve.
flow alarms in anesthesia circuit.
Using pediatric mode on adult Go to SETUP menu and select adult
patient. patient type.
No numbers appear on Bad TVX flow sensor clip Check connection of sensor clip cable to
main screen connection. rear panel.
Failed signal processor board. Replace signal processor board.
Incorrect TVX flow sensor clip. Order and install new clip.

5250 RGM Service Manual

4.3.3 Communication fail or signal processor failure

If the COMMUNICATIONS FAIL message appears, remove the top shroud and
look at the LED bar on the signal processor board:

Bits Status
0-3 CO2 breath bar graph
4 PAW breath indicator
Bit # 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 5 O2 solenoid
6 Purge solenoid
7 Zero solenoid
8 Watchdog failure
9 Spare solenoid valve

RAM test Watchdog fail

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Any State Flashing

If poweron halts with the LED bar's lights 1 If, during poweron, the LED bar's light 8
and 8 set, the RAM test has failed and the flashes slowly and repeatedly, a
signal processor board should be replaced. watchdog failure has occurred and the
signal processor board, signal processor
ROM cartridge, or power supply should
be replaced.

Figure 4-4. Communications, signal processor, or power supply fail and LED status

Condition Cause(s) Recommended action(s)

COMMUNICATION Signal software module or Replace the signal software module or
FAIL message and the signal processor board is bad. the signal processor board.
system halts at RAM
test, or the watchdog +15 V is out of specifications. Check the +15 V supply or replace the
continually flashes. Power supply failure. power supply.

AC line voltage is too high or Check if the message disappears when

low. the line voltage is at the nominal value.
Replace the toroid.
RECALIBRATE Lithium coin battery may be Check the battery voltage, measure top
BAROMETER, bad. of battery (under tape) compared to
RECALIBRATE GAS ground (TP12). If voltage is less than 3.0
ANALYZER, V, replace lithium coin battery.
CIRCUIT O2, or Hardware problem on reset Replace signal processor board.
RECALIBRATE PAW line of 72001, on signal
processor board.

4/Messages and Troubleshooting

Condition Cause(s) Recommended action(s)

NO BREATH DATA, Signal software module or the Replace the signal software module or
SIGNAL CPU FAIL, signal processor board is bad. the signal processor board.
ANALOG FAIL Analog power supply may be If analog +15 V power supplies are not
bad. within +0.75 V, replace power supply

Signal processor board ADC or Replace signal processor board.

DAC has failed.
SERIAL DEVICE The unit is unable to Check the RS-232 connections (check for
ERROR communicate with the device bent pins, too).
connected to the RS-232 port. Check RS-232 device screen for proper
device selection. Check RS-232 power.
See section 3.4.
Perform RS-232 loop back test. If test
fails, replace signal processor board, rear
panel filter board or motherboard.

4.3.4 O2 sensors/O2 calibration problems

Condition Cause(s) Recommended action(s)
Sudden erratic changes Possible bubbles in O2 sensor Replace the O2 sensor.
in reading, (especially or sensor is bad.
when changing sensor
orient-ation), or
repeated difficulty
INVALID O2 ZERO Bad cable or connection to O2 If ENTER CAL screen shows about -10
sensor. V, check cable continuity and pins on
O2 sensor housing.
INVALID O2 SPAN O2 zero calibration is invalid or First do zero calibration.
has not been done.

Bad O2 sensor. Replace O2 sensor.

No circuit O2 readings SETUP selection not entered for Go to SETUP screen and select circuit
appear on main screen circuit O2. O2.
O2 readings near zero Bad cable or connection to O2 If ENTER CAL screen shows about -10
sensor. V, then check cable continuity and pins
on O2 sensor housing. Clean contacts on
O2 sensor housing.
Continual downward Newly installed O2 sensor has Leave O2 sensor installed for an hour,
drift of O2 values not stabilized. then recalibrate.
during operation.

5250 RGM Service Manual

4.3.5 Pneumatics problems

Condition Cause(s) Recommended action(s)
INVALID ZERO or Pneumatic error. See zero error codes in Section 4.2.3.
Auto zero valve, purge valve, or Unit requires service. Note: An
scrubber failure. occasional (less than twice a day) N2O,
CO2, or agent error is normal.
LAST ZERO ERROR Indicates failure in the Retest for zero calibration.
previous invalid zero.
NO VACUUM Severe internal pneumatic leak. Isolate and repair leak.
Bad internal barometric Check barometric pressure calibration.
pressure calibration. Recalibrate barometric pressure if neces-
sary. If recalibration is unsuccessful,
replace gas analyzer/measurement board
Pump drive circuit. Reseat measurement board.
NO FLOW Bad pump. Replace vacuum pump.
Bad internal flow sensor Check sample exhaust flow with
calibration. flowmeter. Recalibrate flow sensor if
necessary. If recalibration is unsuccessful,
replace pneumatics board.
Inadequate sample flow Locate source of restriction. Replace
because of blocked filter or filters and restrictors until adequate flow
restrictor. returns. Inspect inlet luer and tubing to
membrane separator.
NO VACUUM and NO Severe internal leak between Isolate and repair leak.
FLOW messages the pump and flow sensor.
Bad pump. Replace vacuum pump.
WATER TRAP FULL Water trap bottle full of water, Empty bottle and clean plastic rod tip
or sensor tip dirty. with soap and water.
Misalignment or failure of trap Disassemble membrane separator
full sensor emitter or detector. assembly and replace trap full sensor
SAMPLE FILTER Clogged sample filter cart-ridge Replace sample filter and check tubing
BLOCKED or blocked/ kinked tube in gas through gas analyzer and O2 sensor.
analyzer tubing.
PURGING with every Kink or blockage in tubing to Replace tubing around O2 sensor.
inspiration O2 sensor.
SAMPLE LINE Blocked patient sample tube, Replace sample tube and filter cartridge.
BLOCKED clogged sample filter cartridge, Examine membrane separator assembly
or blocked line on membrane for blockages.
separator assembly.

4/Messages and Troubleshooting

4.3.6 Gas analyzer/calibration problems

Condition Cause(s) Recommended action(s)
INVALID CO2 ZERO, Possibly invalid zero. Retest zero calibration.
INVALID N2O ZERO No filament voltage to Check the m and b values.
INVALID AGT ZERO, photometer.
GAS ANALYZER No power to the measurement See no filament voltage condition below.

Open filament on photometer. Check for 5.0 V, +0.5 V on pin 28 of RAM,


Zero valve failure. Disconnect photometer cable (J4) from

power supply. If filament resistance is not
4.0 Ω, +2.0 Ω, replace gas analyzer
Use valve checkout procedure (in
3/Checkout and Calibration) to test valve
function. Replace valve if failed.
INVALID CO2 SPAN, Possibly invalid zero. Retest zero calibration.
or Incorrect or bad gas mixture. Check the m and b values.
Sample line blocked. Check gas concentration against values
listed on CALIBRATE screen.
Unblock or replace the sample line.
Unable to select agent SW-1 on motherboard set Set switch to match photometer type.
Unable to select Failed measurement board or Replace measurement board or replace
desflurane, sevoflurane photometer. photomoter.
CO2 reads correctly in Barometric pressure reading Check barometric pressure calibration.
percent, but low in low. Recalibrate if necessary. If unable to
mmHg or kPa recalibrate, replace gas analyzer assembly
No filament voltage (5.0 Bad lamp control circuit on If lamp control input (J1-20) of power
V, +0.5 V) across screw power supply board. supply is 5.0 V, +0.5 V and no filament
terminals of voltage appears, replace the power supply
photometer board.
Bad motherboard to power If no lamp control voltage appears (J1-20)
supply cable. of power supply, check DC power cable
Heater wires Check heater wires.
Bad measurement board. Using extender card, measure lamp
control voltage (pin 13B) of measurement
board. If value is not 5.0 V, +0.5 V, replace
gas analyzer assembly.
Bad photometer. Replace photometer.

5250 RGM Service Manual

4.3.7 Display assembly problems

Condition Cause(s) Recommended action(s)
Display is blank and constant The display watchdog Replace the display software
high alarm tone is heard. circuit is active. module or the display processor
Display is blank and normal Display matrix power Unplug main DC power cable from
power up tones are heard. supply is bad. power supply. If power supply J1-17
is not 15 +1 V (unloaded) then
replace power supply board.
Display cable or display Check cable continuity and
matrix ribbon cable is bad. replace defective cable(s).
Display matrix panel is bad. Replace display matrix panel.
During the first 2 minutes of Normal powerup test of No action required.
poweron, fine horizontal lines video RAM.
appear through the display.
DISPLAY TOUCH PANEL FAIL Monitor powered on with Switch off the power and switch it
obstructed display screen. back on.
Display controller board has Replace the display controller
failed. board.
Display touch panel frame Replace the touch panel frame.
has failed.
DISPLAY CPU FAIL, Display software module or Replace the display software
DISPLAY RAM FAIL, the display controller board module or the display controller

4.3.8 SpO2 oximeter board problems

Condition Cause(s) Recommended action(s)
Board is present but no SpO2 Configuration dip switch on Set correct dip switch setting
field appears on main screen signal processor board not (switch 1 OFF) and cycle power.
set or inactive.
SPO2 INOPERATIVE Oximeter board is bad. Replace oximeter board.
Signal processor board is Replace signal processor board.
SpO2 pulse beep does not sound Bad pulse port bit Replace oximeter board or signal
and heart icon does not flash connection from MINX to processor board or motherboard.
signal processor.
SpO2 pulse beep does not sound SETUP selection for SpO2 Go to SETUP screen and select
and heart icon does flash pulse beep volume set to off. SpO2 pulse beep volume.
No plethysmographic waveform Bad analog connection from Replace oximeter board or signal
oximeter board to signal processor board or motherboard.

4/Messages and Troubleshooting

4.3.9 Intermittent problems or unusual behavior

Condition Cause(s) Recommended action(s)
Sudden switch to NO AGENT or Signal processor board Replace signal processor board.
to GAS ANALYZER WARMUP watchdog reset.
Intermittent NO FLOW and NO Slow starting pump. Replace pump.
VACUUM on powerup
Intermittent subatmospheric Bad ribbon cable from Replace ribbon cable.
PAW signal processor to
pneumatics board.
DEVICE OVERHEATED Vent holes blocked. Remove top cover and inspect fan
and lint buildup in chassis and in
display assembly. Vacuum clean.

Fan failure. Check fan voltage (12 V) on power

supply board connector J2.
Replace fan if voltage is good.
Check for obstructions that may
prevent operation. Remove any
Display blanking on warm Display software module or Replace display software module
running unit display controller board or display controller board.
High agent readings or AGENT Traces of isopropyl alcohol, Flush all traces of alcohol from
DETECTED message at start of if used to clean breathing breathing circuit before using on a
case circuits. patient.
1% to 2% N20 reading appears An interaction between the No action required.
when no N20 is present anesthetic agent and N20
absorbtion wavelengths in
the gas analyzer may
infrequently produce this
phenomenom; it is most
likely to be seen with
isoflurane as the agent and
is clinically insignificant.

5250 RGM Service Manual


5/Repair Procedures
This chapter contains:
• Maintenance schedule.
• Datex-Ohmeda service policy.
• Procedures for removing and replacing parts.

Important: If the cover is removed for any test or repair procedure, always
perform the Functional checkout (section 3.1) and Leakage current and ground
resistance checks (section 3.13) before returning the unit for patient monitoring.

5.1 Maintenance schedule

Interval Function
As needed Replace or clean airway adapter and sample tubing.
Replace membrane filter cartridge.
Replace flow transducer (TVX) cartridge.
Daily or trap full Clean and disinfect water trap bottle and optical sensor
message cone.
Every 30 days Perform 02 sensor linearity check (see 5250 RGM
Operation and Maintenance Manual).
Daily to monthly Check zero and span calibration (see 3/Checkout and
Quarterly to yearly Vacuum clean the inside of RGM and display
Yearly Perform service checkout procedure.
Replace internal filters and tubing assembly (see section
5.9.1, Pneumatics tubing assembly removal and
Replace auto zero scrubber (see section 5.9.8, Scrubber
Two years Replace O-ring seals on water trap bottle.
Replace O-ring seals on membrane separator assembly.
Four years Replace signal processor board battery.

5250 RGM Service Manual

Note: Refer to the 5250 RGM Operation and Maintenance Manual for the following:
• Software replacement
• Signal processor software replacement
• Display panel software module replacement
• Sample filter cartridge replacement
• Internal O2 sensor replacement
• Circuit O2 sensor assembly and cartridge replacement
• Flow transducer cartridge replacement
• Flow sensor clip replacement
• Line fuse replacement

5.2 Service policy

Warranty repair and service must be performed by Datex-Ohmeda. When the
warranty is not applicable, repairs are made by Datex-Ohmeda at the current list
price for replacement parts plus a reasonable labor charge.

Do not use malfunctioning equipment. Make all necessary repairs or have the
equipment repaired by a Datex-Ohmeda service representative. For all repairs, use
only genuine replacement parts and service kits sold by Datex-Ohmeda.

Parts listed in this manual may be repaired or replaced by a competent, trained

person who has experience in repairing devices of this nature.

5.2.1 Obtaining service

To order parts or obtain assistance, contact Datex-Ohmeda or your authorized
service office (see the back cover of this manual).

Packaging and return procedure

If you are instructed to ship the monitor to Datex-Ohmeda or to an authorized
service office for repair, follow these steps:

1. Clean the equipment as described in section 1.7 of this manual. The unit
must be thoroughly dry before you pack it for shipment.
2. Package the monitor carefully for shipment (in the original shipping container,
if possible).
3. When you call for assistance, verify the shipping requirements. You may be
required to include the following items:
• A letter describing the problem in detail.
• Person to contact for questions about necessary repairs (name, telephone
or fax number, and country).
• Ship to and Bill to information.
• Warranty information (a copy of the invoice or other applicable
• Purchase order number for tracking purposes or to cover repairs (if out of
4. Ship the monitor as directed by your service office.

5/Repair Procedures

5.3 Cover removal and replacement

Refer to section 6.1.2 for the 5250 Main unit assembly illustration.

WARNING: Electrical shock hazard. Before cleaning or repairing the monitor, power it off and
disconnect it from AC mains power.

WARNING Biohazard. When handling materials that may have come into contact with patient
exhalant or fluids, follow approved procedures for contamination control.

CAUTION: Static sensitivity. Internal electronic components are susceptible to damage by

electrostatic discharge. To avoid damage when disassembling the RGM, observe the standard
precautions and procedures for handling static-sensitive components.

Figure 5-1. Cover removal and replacement

1. Turn off the power and disconnect the power cord.

2. Set up the static-control workstation and use it whenever the top cover is
removed from the RGM.
3. Press the Display Release latch and slide the display panel to the right. Empty
the fluid bottle on the membrane water separator into a receptacle designated
for patient waste, replace the bottle, and latch the Display Release.
4. Remove the two side mounting screws and washers for the cover.
Note: Save all hardware for reuse.
5. Remove the two rear mounting screws and lock washers for the cover.
6. Slide the cover toward the back of the RGM. Remove the cover.
7. Remove the three top-plate mounting screws and remove the plate.
8. To replace the cover, reverse the order of steps 3 through 7 above.
9. Removal of the cover requires an electrical safety inspection be performed
prior to using the unit, see Section 3.13.

5250 RGM Service Manual

5.4 Front panel

Refer to the illustrations in section 6.2.2, Access panel assembly.

5.4.1 SpO2 connector replacement

Mounting screw

Figure 5-2. SpO2 connector replacement

1. Remove the RGM cover assembly. See section 5.3.

2. Remove the three screws from the access panel.
3. Remove the three mounting screws for the front panel from the left and two
from the front right side access bezel.
4. Remove the SpO2 cable connector from the oximeter board.
5. Remove the three mounting screws, two from the SpO2 bracket assembly and
one from the interface board (PCA, SpO2 with cable).
6. Remove the toroid ring with the board and cable connected.
7. Remove the old SpO2 connector from the front panel by removing the
8. Place the new connector in position and mount it with the locknut; finger
tighten only.
9. Reinstall the SpO2 interface board and toroid.
10. Reinstall the SpO2 bracket assembly.
11. Reconnect the cable to the oximeter board.
12. Reinstall the front panel and top cover.

5/Repair Procedures

5.4.2 Power switch replacement

1. Remove the RGM cover assembly. See section 5.3.
2. Remove the three screws from the access panel.
3. Remove the three mounting screws for the front panel from the left and two
from the front right side access bezel.
4. Remove the two mounting screws for the left bracket assembly.
5. The new power switch comes with a harness. Disconnect connector (P1) on
the power cord between the power switch and the input power module.
Replace the power switch/connector assembly only.
6. The switch is press fit to the front panel. To remove the switch, use a wide-
blade screwdriver to push each side of the protruded switch assembly out of
the front panel.
7. Reconnect connector P1.
8. Reinstall the left bracket, front panel, access panel, and top cover assemblies.

5.4.3 Display panel removal and replacement

Refer to the illustration in section 6.4.2.

1. If access to the display cable assembly is required, remove the RGM cover
assembly. See section 5.3.
2. Remove the display panel from the RGM.
• Press the Display Release push button.
• Slide the display panel to the right until the alignment marks in the trap
area and on the upper right side of the display line up.
3. Gently lift the display straight up and pull the bottom away from the chassis.
4. Reattach the display panel to the RGM.
• Coil the cord in the cord storage box.
• Insert the top of the display, positioning the alignment marks at the top.
• Gently push the bottom towards the chassis.
5. Slide the display to the left until the latch clicks.

5.4.4 Display cable replacement

Refer to the illustration in section 6.4.2.

WARNING: Electrical shock hazard. Before cleaning or repairing the monitor, power it off and
disconnect it from AC mains power.

1. Remove the display panel as described in section 5.4.3.

2. Remove the toroid enclosure on the left of the cord storage box (will pry off
with a small screwdriver).
3. Press the connector latch release and remove the connector.
4. Remove the four mounting screws from the display panel.

5250 RGM Service Manual

5. Carefully separate the front and back portions of the display panel about an
inch. Note the ribbon cables connecting the two sections.
6. Fold open the two halves of the display so the short ribbon cable is not
7. Remove the screw connecting the cable shield wire to ground.
8. Remove the grommet for the display cable and remove the cable.
9. Replace with the new cable, making sure to replace the grommet and
connector J4.
10. Carefully reassemble the front and back portions of the display panel.
11. Replace the four mounting screws and hardware from the display panel.
12. Reinstall the toroid enclosure by snapping it into position.

5.4.5 Display panel disassembly

Refer to the illustration in section 6.4.2.

Revision level

Figure 5-3. Display panel disassembly

WARNING: Electrical shock hazard. Before cleaning or repairing the monitor, power it off and
disconnect it from AC mains power.

1. Turn off the power and disconnect the power cord.

2. Remove the display panel. (It is not necessary to disconnect the coil cord).
3. Remove the four mounting screws from the display panel.
4. Carefully separate the front and back portions of the display panel about an
inch. Note the ribbon cables connecting the two sections.
5. Fold open the two halves of the display so the short ribbon cable is not

5/Repair Procedures

6. Remove the speaker connector (J3) from the display processor board.
7. Carefully remove the ribbon cable connector (J3) from the display processor
board by grasping the connector and pulling away from the board.
8. Carefully remove the ribbon cable connector (J1) from the display processor
board by releasing the latch on the connector and pulling away from the
9. Carefully remove the ribbon cable connector (J2) from the display processor
board by releasing the latch on the connector and pulling away from the

5.4.6 Display controller board replacement

1. Disassemble the display panel as described in section 5.4.5.
2. Remove all connectors from the display processor board.
3. Remove the mounting screws for the circuit board.
4. Remount the circuit board with the mounting screws.
5. Reconnect all connectors to the display processor board.
6. Reassemble the display panel as described in section 5.4.9

5.4.7 Display matrix panel replacement

1. Disassemble the display panel as described in section 5.4.5.
2. Using a #1 Phillips screwdriver, remove the four 4-40 screws retaining the left-
and right-hand display brackets.
3. Remove the brackets and EL panel from the bezel.
4. Transfer the two mounting brackets to the new display matrix.
5. Replace the display matrix and mount it with the four bracket mounting
6. Carefully replace the ribbon cable from the display matrix boards to the
connector on the display processor board.
7. Reassemble the display panel as described in section 5.4.9

5.4.8 Display touch panel assembly replacement

Refer to Section 6-4.

1. Disassemble the display panel as described in section 5.4.5.

2. Remove the speaker and associated foam tape from with the bezel.
3. Using a #1 Phillips screwdriver, remove the four 4-40 screws retaining the left-
and right-hand display brackets.
4. Remove the brackets and EL panel from the bezel.
5. Remove the touch panel assembly from the front bezel.
6. Drop in the new touch panel replacement. Ensure that the two LEDs at the
bottom of the panel align with the two holes in the bottom of the bezel.

5250 RGM Service Manual

7. View the display from the front for alignment within the bezel. Confirm that
the short flex cable is oriented towards the top.
8. Reassemble the display brackets and screws.
9. Place the EL bracket (loose) assembly into the bezel and carefully tighten the
four 4-40 screws.
10. Check the touch panel alignment from the front side of the bezel.
11. Slide the speaker into position using the foam tape as a wedge between it and
the bracket.
12. Reassemble the display panel as described in the following section.

5.4.9 Display panel reassembly

1. Reconnect ribbon cable connector (J1) to the display processor board.
2. Reconnect ribbon cable connector (J2) to the display processor board. There
should be an audible click.
3. Reconnect ribbon cable connector (J6) to the display processor board. There
should be an audible click.
4. Reconnect the speaker connector (J3) to the display processor board.
5. Carefully reassemble the front and back portions of the display panel.
6. Replace the four mounting screws for the display panel.

5.5 Rear panel

Refer to the illustration in section 6.5.2.

5.5.1 Fan replacement

1. Remove the RGM cover assembly. See section 5.3.
2. Remove the two top-mounting and two bottom-mounting screws and lock
washers for the back panel and pull it away from the RGM slightly.
3. Disconnect the fan power connector.
4. Remove the two mounting nuts for the fan assembly.
5. Replace the fan assembly and mount it with the two mounting nuts.
6. Reconnect the fan power connector.
7. Place the back panel in position on the RGM and mount the top portion with
two mounting screws. Install the two bottom-mounting screws, and then install
the two bottom-mounting screws.
8. Replace the RGM cover assembly. See section 5.3.

5/Repair Procedures

5.5.2 Rear panel I/O board replacement

1. Remove the RGM cover assembly. See section 5.3.
2. Remove the two top-mounting and two bottom-mounting screws for the rear
panel and pull it away slightly from the RGM.
3. Disconnect the fan power connector.
4. Disconnect the rear panel I/O board ribbon cables from J1 and J2 on the
5. Remove the mounting screws and nuts, then remove the rear panel I/O board.
6. Replace and remount the I/O board.
7. Reconnect the rear panel I/O board ribbon cables to J1 and J2 on the
8. Reconnect the fan power connector.
9. Place the rear panel in position on the RGM and mount the top portion with
two mounting screws, and then install the two bottom-mounting screws.
10. Replace the RGM cover assembly, see section 5.3.

5.5 Photometer replacement

Refer to illustrations in sections 6.8.2 and 6.8.3.

Figure 5-4. Photometer replacement

1. To remove the RGM cover assembly, see section 5.3.

2. Remove the ribbon cable from the measurement board.
3. Remove the two red wires (connector J4) from the power supply board.
4. Remove the bracket screws retaining the photometer.
5. Remove the sample tubing from the photometer.
6. Install the new photometer onto the bracket.
7. Reinstall sample tubing to the sample chamber.

5250 RGM Service Manual

8. Reinstall the two red wires to the power supply board.

9. Install the ribbon cable into the measurement board.
10. Go to the Enter Calibration Constants screen of the service screens.
11. Use arrows to set the highlighted box to column “m” and the row to agent.
12. Unlock calibration constants (see section 3.2, Dip switch and jumper positions on
the signal processor board section) and press the DEFAULT LINE option twice.
13. Repeat steps 11 and 12 for barometric pressure, CO2, and N20.
14. Cycle power on and off. The message RECALIBRATE BAROMETER should
15. Return to the Enter Calibration Constants screen.
16. Set the highlighted box as before and press Enter.
17. Relock calibration constants and perform the calibration checks in section
3.6.2, Barometric pressure calibration, and 3.6.5, Gas analyzer check—zero and
span calibration.

5.7 Toroid with power input module

Refer to the illustration in section 6.10.2.

5.7.1 Toroid assembly replacement

Figure 5-5. Toroid assembly removal

5/Repair Procedures

Note: The toroid assembly includes the bracket, power input module, fuse block,
and terminal block (and cable to front panel switch), which are replaced at the
same time. Save all mounting hardware for installation of the new assembly.

1. Remove the RGM cover assembly. See section 5.3.

2. Remove the two top-mounting screws and two bottom-mounting screws from
the back panel and disconnect the fan power connector.
3. Disconnect J1 from the power supply board.
4. Disconnect J3 from the power supply board.
5. Disconnect J4 from the power supply board.
6. Remove the remaining terminal strip wire connections for the power supply
7. Remove the two bottom-mounting screws from the power supply assembly
8. Remove the two power supply board bracket screws from the right side of the
9. Lift up and remove the power supply board assembly.
10. Remove the three mounting nuts for the power input module toroid assembly
11. Remove the two mounting nuts from the power input module.
12. Disconnect the front panel connector cable to the power switch cable. Feed
the cable back through the unit.
13. Remove the ground wire connection from the module.

(Rear Panel)

(Power Module)


Figure 5-6. Ground wire connection

14. Remove the toroid assembly and power input module.

15. Install a new toroid assembly and power input module in the RGM.
16. Feed the cable to the power switches for the new assembly. Reconnect to the
front panel switch cable.
17. Install the new power module on the back panel with the two mounting nuts
and lock washers.

5250 RGM Service Manual

18. Connect the ground wire to the RGM chassis. See Figure 5-6.
19. Install the three mounting nuts securing the toroid bracket assembly to the
RGM base.
20. Replace the power supply board assembly making sure all connections to the
toroid terminal strip are correct. Reconnect J1, J3, J4, and the fan power
21. Reinstall the back panel and secure the two top screws and two bottom screws.
22. Reinstall the back panel and secure the two top screws and two bottom screws.
23. Check out the RGM as described in section 3.1, Functional checkout, before
returning to service.

5.7.2 Secondary fuse replacement

Figure 5-7. Power supply fuse replacement

1. Disconnect the power cord from the RGM.

2. Check the power supply fuses in the fuse block next to the power supply
circuit board.
3. Use a fuse puller to remove the old fuse.
4. Replace the fuse with the same type and rating.
Note: 5 x 20 mm metric fuses are used. See section 6.10.1.

5/Repair Procedures

5.8 Circuit board removal and replacement

5.8.1 Power supply board assembly
CAUTION: This circuit board is subject to damage by static electricity. Handle only at an approved
static-control workstation.

1. Remove the RGM cover assembly. See section 5.3.

2. Disconnect the fan power connector.
3. Disconnect J1 from the power supply board.
4. Disconnect J3 from the power supply board.
5. Disconnect J4 from the power supply board.
6. Remove the remaining terminal strip wire connections for the power supply
7. Remove the two power supply assembly bracket mounting screws from the
bottom of the RGM for the power supply assembly.
8. Remove the two power supply board screws from the right side of the chassis.
9. Lift up the power supply board assembly and remove.

Figure 5-8. Power supply assembly removal/replacement

10. When replacing the power supply board assembly, make sure all connections
to the terminal strip are correct.
11. Reconnect J1, J3, and J4.

5250 RGM Service Manual

5.8.2 Signal processor board

CAUTION: This circuit board subject to damage by static electricity. Handle only at approved
static-control workstation.

1. Enter the Service Mode screen and access the Enter Calibration Constants screen.
Note: It is desirable to move the calibration constants from the old to the new
board. This can only be done if the old board will communicate with the
display. So, if there is no COMMUNICATIONS FAIL message, access the Enter
Calibration Constants screen and write down the “m” and “b” columns for all
channels except internal temperature.
To reach the Enter Calibration Constants screen from the main screen, touch
MENU, then SETUP, then SERVICE MODE, then “on,” and finally ENTER CAL.
2. Record the values from the columns titled m and b for the following
m b
Agent ------------------------- -------------------------
Barometric pressure ------------------------- -------------------------
CO2 carbon dioxide ------------------------- -------------------------
N2O nitrous oxide ------------------------- -------------------------
Internal temperature ------------------------- -------------------------
O2 internal oxygen ------------------------- -------------------------
O2 circuit oxygen ------------------------- -------------------------
PAW pressure airway ------------------------- -------------------------
Sample flow rate ------------------------- -------------------------

3. Power off the RGM and disconnect the power cord.

4. Remove the signal processor board.
• Remove the RGM cover assembly. See Section 5.3.
• Viewed from the front, the signal processor board is located at the far left
side of the RGM.
• Remove the two top-mounting screws for the circuit board.
• Remove the ribbon cable from connector (J2) at the top of the circuit
board by carefully opening the latches.
• Carefully lift the signal processor board up and out of the RGM. Place the
board on a static-controlled surface or in an anti-static package.
5. Transfer software to the new processor board, or if required, install new
software onto the signal processor board.
Note: If installing new software on the signal processor board, also install new
software in the display module (see the 5250 RGM Operation and
Maintenance Manual).

5/Repair Procedures

6. Install the board into the RGM.

• Reconnect J2 and reinstall the two mounting screws and lock washers for
the board.
• When replacing the top plate, ensure that the measurement board and
SpO2 board align with the grooves in the hold-down block. Check that no
tubing or ribbon cables are pinched under the plate.
7. Poweron the RGM, proceed to the Setup Screen.
8. Unlock the calibration constants by setting DIP switch #3 closed. Verify that
the View All Set Up or main Service screen indicates calibration constants are
9. Proceed to the Enter Constants Calibration screen.
10. Use the up or down arrows to move the cursor and enter the calibration
values recorded from the old board (previous step 3). Enter new values for
each line by touching Clear, typing the numbers and touching Enter.
11. After all values are entered, relock calibration constants and perform
calibration checks in section 3.6.2, Barometric pressure calibration and section
3.6.5, Gas analyzer check—zero and span calibration.


FLOW, use the calibration procedures described in this manual.

After repairs are complete, perform the checkout procedure as specified in the
5250 RGM Operation and Maintenance Manual and retest the RGM leakage
current as described in section 3.13, Leakage current and ground resistance

Battery replacement
Use this procedure if all calibration constants, configurations/setup choices, and
time/date information are lost.

Note: If the battery clip is loose, calibration constants can be lost. Verify that the
clip tightly secures the battery.)

1. Disconnect all power to the RGM; then remove the signal processor board.
2. Connect a DVM between the terminal labeled B1 (+lead, which is located
beneath the gray adhesive battery cover) and TP12 (Grd).
3. The battery must measure at least 3.0 V. If it is below 3.0 V, replace the
battery, recalibrate the RGM, barometric pressure, PAW , flow, gases, and enter
the proper time and date information. To obtain a new battery, order part
number 6050-0001-459.
After replacing the battery and calibrating the respective parameters, power off
the RGM. Power on the RGM and verify that no RECALIBRATE messages appear.

5250 RGM Service Manual

Measurement Board

SpO2 Board

Signal Processor

Figure 5-9. Signal processor, SpO2, and measurement circuit board removal

5.8.3 SpO2 oximeter board

CAUTION: This circuit board subject to damage by static electricity. Handle only at approved
static-control workstation.

Refer to Figure 5-9 and to the illustration in section 6.12.2.

1. Remove the RGM cover assembly. See section 5.3.

2. For easier access to the SpO2 board, remove the ribbon cable connector from
the top of the signal processor circuit board by rotating the latches toward the
side of the RGM.
3. Disconnect the SpO2 harness connector (J2) from the circuit board.
4. Carefully lift the SpO2 board up and out of the RGM. Place the board on a
static-controlled surface or in an anti-static package.
5. Replace the SpO2 board.
6. Reconnect J2 for the SpO2 board
7. Reconnect J2 on the signal processor board.

5/Repair Procedures

5.8.4 Measurement board

Refer to Figure 5-9.

CAUTION: This circuit board is subject to damage by static electricity. Handle only at an approved
static-control workstation.

1. Remove the RGM cover assembly. See section 5.3.

2. For easier access to the measurement board, remove the ribbon cable
connector from the top of the signal processor board by rotating the latches
toward the side of the RGM.
3. Remove the ribbon cable connector from the top of the measurement board
by pushing the latches away from the connector.
4. Remove the plastic tubing from the pressure sensor on the measurement board.
5. Carefully lift the measurement board up and out of the RGM. Place the board
on a static-controlled surface or in an anti-static package.
6. Replace the measurement board.
7. Reconnect the cable connector (X1) for the measurement board.
8. Reconnect J2 on the signal processor board.
9. After repairs are complete, perform the checkout procedure as specified in the
5250 RGM Operation and Maintenance Manual.

5.8.5 Motherboard
Refer to Figure 5-9 and to the illustration in section 6.9.2.

CAUTION: This circuit board subject to damage by static electricity. Handle only at approved
static-control workstation.

1. Remove the RGM cover assembly. See Section 5.3.

2. Remove the two top-mounting and two bottom-mounting screws and lock
washers for the rear panel and pull it slightly away from the RGM.
3. Disconnect the connectors (J1, J2) attached to the rear panel I/O board.
4. Disconnect the fan power connector.
5. Swing the rear panel assembly toward the left side where the ground lug
connection is still intact.
6. Remove the signal processor board, SpO2 board, and the measurement board
as described in earlier procedures.
7. Disconnect J6, J10, and J11 from the motherboard.
8. Remove the nine mounting screws from the motherboard.
9. Carefully slide the motherboard out of the back of the RGM. Place the board
on a static-controlled surface or in an anti-static package.
10. Replace the motherboard using the mounting screws to mount the board.
11. Reconnect J6, J10, and J11.

5250 RGM Service Manual

12. Replace previously removed boards and reconnect all interconnections.

Note: Switch SW-1 should match that of the old board. See Figure 3-2 for the
proper switch position.
13. Reconnect the ribbon cables (J1, J2) from the rear panel I/O board.

5.9 Pneumatics system

5.9.1 Pneumatics tubing assembly removal and replacement
Note: To assist you in installing the replacement tubing, carefully note or mark the
tubing locations as you disconnect them, and mark each piece of removed tubing
on the pneumatic diagram.

Pneumatics Interface Board

Figure 5-10. Pneumatics assembly replacement

Refer to Figures 5-10 and the illustrations in section 6.7.

Removing the pneumatics assembly

1. Remove the RGM cover assembly. See section 5.3.
2. Remove the ribbon cable connector (J1) from the top of the pneumatics
interface board by rotating the latches upwards.
3. Disconnect the cable plugs at J2, J3, J4, J5, J6, and J7 from the circuit board.
4. Use a Phillips screwdriver to remove the two mounting screws from the
pneumatics assembly from the base of the RGM.

5/Repair Procedures

5. Disconnect the tubing at the sample exhaust barb.

6. Carefully lift and support the pneumatics assembly about 2 in. above the base.
7. Remove the tubing from the two ports of the flow sensor.
8. Remove the tubing from the port of the PAW sensor.
9. Disconnect the tubing from the photometer measurement board barometric
pressure transducer.
To remove the access panel, remove the attachment screws on each side.
10. One at a time, replace the five pieces of tubing on the access panel (sample
inlet, PAW, and three on the membrane separator) and discard the old tubing.
11. Disconnect and discard the tubing between the photometer and the auto zero
valve. Disconnect the tubing at the NC barb on the auto zero valve.
12. Disconnect and discard the tubing between the purge valve and the O2 sensor
13. Remove the pneumatics assembly from the unit.

Replacing the pneumatics assembly

1. Using a Phillips screwdriver, loosen the cable clamp used to capture the auto
zero valve.
2. Transfer the pneumatics interface board to the new bracket assembly. If not
included with this kit, mount the board with the five retaining screws.
3. Returning to the main unit, remove and discard the tubing between the
photometer and the O2 sensor housing.
4. Using the diagram provided with the pneumatics tubing kit, complete the
pneumatic connections within the unit with the replacement tubing provided.
• Replace the tubing from the scrubber inlet.
• Unfasten the hook and loop tape strap and remove the expired scrubber.
• Install the new scrubber cartridge by attaching the tubing and then
fastening it in place with hook and loop tape.
Note: Be sure to remove the cap or plug inserted in the top of the scrubber
cartridge (inserted for shipping purposes only); otherwise, flow through
the auto zero path will be obstructed.
5. When connecting the Nafion tubing between the photometer and the auto zero
valve, wind the Nafion around the photometer before connecting to the inlet.
6. Reconnect the tubing to the PAW pressure, barometric pressure, and sample
flow sensors if not previously installed.
7. Mount the assembly to the base of the RGM, taking special care not to crush or
pinch the sump line tubing beneath the bracket.
8. Reconnect the cable plug connections at J2, J3, J4, J5, J6, J7, and J1 to the
pneumatics board.
9. Ensure that no tubing protrudes into the vanes of the rear panel fan.
10. Perform the pneumatics system checkout. See section 3.5.
11. Replace the RGM cover assembly; see section 5.3.

5250 RGM Service Manual

5.9.2 Zero solenoid valve replacement

1. To remove the RGM cover assembly, see section 5.3.
2. Remove the three tubing connections for the air zero solenoid valve. See
Figure 6.7.4 for reconnections.
3. Loosen the mounting screw and cable clamp for the zero solenoid valve
enough to slide it forward.
4. Unplug J6 from the pneumatics board assembly.
5. Use a fine-blade screwdriver or other small tool to release pin latches from the
body. Remove the old solenoid valve pins.
6. Insert the new solenoid valve into pins 5 and 6 of the connector body (polarity
is not important)
7. Slide the new zero solenoid valve in the plastic bracket and tighten the
mounting screw.
8. Reconnect the three tubing connections for the zero solenoid valve.
9. Perform the zero valve test in section 3.5, Pneumatic system checks.

5.9.3 Purge solenoid valve replacement

1. To remove the RGM cover assembly, see section 5.3.
2. Remove the two mounting screws for the pneumatics interface board from the
bottom side of the RGM.
3. Carefully lift the pneumatics interface board up about 2 in. and rest it on the
metal frame supporting the fuse terminal strip.
4. Remove the three tubing connections for the purge solenoid valve.
5. Remove the two mounting screws for the purge solenoid valve.
6. Unplug J6 from the PCA.
7. Use a fine-blade screwdriver to release the pin latches from the body. Remove
the pins.
8. Install the new purge solenoid valve and mount it on the metal plate with the
two mounting screws.
9. Insert the pins from the new solenoid valve into the connector body plug J6
pins 3 and 4 (pin polarity is not important).
10. Install connector J6 to the pneumatics interface board.
11. Reconnect the three tubing connections for the purge solenoid valve.
12. Mount the pneumatics board assembly to the base of the RGM with the two
mounting screws.
13. Perform the purge valve test in section 3.5, Pneumatic system checks.

5.9.4 Flow restrictor replacement

1. To remove the RGM cover assembly, see section 5.3.
2. Note directional arrow on inline flow restrictor.
3. Disconnect tubing from both ends of flow restrictor
4. Install new restrictor with directional arrow oriented as noted in step one.

5/Repair Procedures

5.9.5 O2 solenoid valve replacement

1. To remove the RGM cover assembly, see section 5.3.
2. Note the three tubing connector positions and remove.
3. Use a Phillips screwdriver to remove the solenoid valve from the top of the O2
sensor housing.
4. Unplug the connector at J4 on the pneumatics interface board.
5. Use a fine-blade screwdriver to release the pin latches from the body. Remove
the pins.
6. Insert the pins from the new solenoid valve into the connector body and
install valve onto the O2 sensor housing.
7. Install connector pins 5 and 6 of J4 to the pneumatics interface board (pin
polarity is not important).
8. Perform the O2 valve test in section 3.5, Pneumatic system checks.

5.9.6 Zero inlet kit replacement

1. To remove the RGM cover assembly, see section 5.3.
2. Cut the tie wrap that holds the zero filter in place.
3. Remove the filter and tubing from the zero valve.
4. Reconnect the new tubing and filter to the zero valve.
5. Secure the filter with the tie wrap from the kit.

5.9.7 Pump replacement

1. To remove the RGM cover assembly, see section 5.3.
2. Disconnect connector J3 from the pneumatics interface board.
3. Remove the two screws in the bottom that hold the pneumatic assembly and
it will tilt back.
4. Remove the mounting screws for the pump cover.
5. Carefully remove the pump from the housing.
6. Note the tubing connections. Remove the 2 tubing connections from the
7. Reconnect the two tubing connections to the new pump. Make sure the outlet
connection on the pump is connected to the sample exhaust. The arrow points
away from the pump toward the outlet connection.
8. Install the new pump and reconnect connector J3 to the pneumatics assembly.
Note: Do not over tighten the screws—tighten only until the mounting foam (if
present) is compressed approximately 30 to 50 percent.
9. Perform the pneumatic leak, pump leak, pump vacuum, and sample flow tests
in section 3.5, Pneumatic system checks.
10. Replace the RGM cover assembly.

5250 RGM Service Manual

5.9.8 Scrubber replacement

1. Remove the tubing from the scrubber inlet.
2. Unfasten hook-and-loop tape strap and remove the expired scrubber.
3. Replace exhausted scrubber cartridge by attaching the tubing and then
fastening in place with hook-and-loop tape.
Note: Be sure to remove the cap or plug in the top of the scrubber cartridge
(inserted for shipping purposes only); otherwise, this will obstruct flow
through the auto zero path.
4. Perform the zero valve test in section 3.5, Pneumatic system checks.

6/Illustrated Parts List
Section Page
6.1 5250 main unit assembly...........................................................................................6-2
6.1.1 Parts list ..................................................................................................................6-2
6.1.2 Illustration .............................................................................................................6-3
6.2 Access panel assembly................................................................................................6-4
6.2.1 Parts list ..................................................................................................................6-4
6.2.2 Illustrations, front and back...............................................................6-5, 6-6
6.3 Display filter PCA...........................................................................................................6-7
6.3.1 Parts list ..................................................................................................................6-7
6.3.2 lllustration.............................................................................................................6-7
6.4 Display assembly............................................................................................................6-8
6.4.1 Parts list ..................................................................................................................6-8
6.4.2 Illustration .............................................................................................................6-8
6.5 Rear panel assembly ....................................................................................................6-9
6.5.1 Parts list ..................................................................................................................6-9
6.5.2 Illustration .............................................................................................................6-9
6.6 Signal processor board.............................................................................................6-10
6.6.1 Parts list ...............................................................................................................6-10
6.6.2 Illustration ..........................................................................................................6-10
6.7 Pneumatics assembly................................................................................................6-11
6.7.1 Parts list ...............................................................................................................6-11
6.7.2 Illustration ..........................................................................................................6-12
6.7.3 Pneumatics interface board parts list ................................................6-12
6.7.4 Pneumatics routing.......................................................................................6-13
6.8 Photometer and O2 sensor assembly...............................................................6-14
6.8.1 Parts list ...............................................................................................................6-14
6.8.2 ACX 200 illustration .....................................................................................6-14
6.9 Motherboard...................................................................................................................6-15
6.9.1 Parts list ...............................................................................................................6-15
6.9.2 Illustration ..........................................................................................................6-15
6.10 Toroid assembly ...........................................................................................................6-16
6.10.1 Parts list ...............................................................................................................6-16
6.10.2 Illustration ..........................................................................................................6-16
6.11 Water trap sensor assembly..................................................................................6-17
6.11.1 Parts list ...............................................................................................................6-17
6.11.2 Illustration ..........................................................................................................6-17
6.12 SpO2 (MINX) oximetry assembly ......................................................................6-18
6.12.1 Parts lists.............................................................................................................6-18
6.12.2 Illustration ..........................................................................................................6-18
6.13 Upgrade kits ...................................................................................................................6-18
6.14 Special service tools...................................................................................................6-18
6.15 Optional service parts and PCA Drawing Service Kit...........................6-19
6.16 Additional parts............................................................................................................6-19

5250 RGM Service Manual

6.1 5250 main unit assembly

6.1.1 Parts list
Item Part number
1 Screws for top plate assembly, 6-32 x 0.375 SEMS (3)
2 Cable assembly, power supply.......................................................6050-0001-111
3 Cable assembly, processor................................................................6050-0004-059
4 Cable assembly, pneumatic power..............................................6050-0001-112
5 Cable assembly, external O2............................................................ 6050-0004-060
6 Oximeter, PCA (MINX) .......................................................................0380-0800-075
7 Power supply assGembly...................................................................6050-0005-374
8 Signal processor board........................................................................6050-0001-439
9 Pneumatics interface board .............................................................6050-0001-442
10 Motherboard PCA ..................................................................................6050-0004-053
11 Photometer (ACX-200)..........................................................................6050-0002-639
12 Measurement board..............................................................................6050-0002-640
13 Toroid assembly, complete ...............................................................6050-0002-482
14 Top plate......................................................................................................6050-0001-078
N/S Shroud, top.................................................................................................6050-0005-381
N/S Support, foam...........................................................................................6050-0002-066
N/S Hardware kit, fasteners .......................................................................6050-0005-383
N/S Power cords:
Commonly Used In: Socket Type

Australia, China 6030-0000-001

Canada, Japan 0208-0943-300

Latin America, USA

Continental Europe 6030-0000-006

Italy 6030-0000-002

United Kingdom 6050-0002-259

6/Illustrated Parts List

6.1.2 5250 main unit assembly illustration

5 9 4

Barometric 2

1 3 PL


(beneath power
8 supply)


10 11

5250 RGM Service Manual

6.2 Access panel assembly

6.2.1 Parts list
Item Part number
1 Access panel, with door, switch, release button...................6050-0005-379
3 Left bracket kit .........................................................................................6050-0005-372
4 Assembly, water separator ................................................................6050-0004-458
5 Door, access ..............................................................................................6050-0005-382
6 Cable assembly, power switch ......................................................6050-0001-573
7 Screw, SST PPH 6-32 x 0.375
8 Screw, SST PPH 4-40 x 0.44
10 Screw, SST PPH 4-40 x 0.375
12 Lever, Display Release arm..............................................................6050-0000-873
13 Button, Display Release push ..........................................................6050-0000-872
14 Spring, compression (Display Release)......................................6029-0000-038
15 Membrane filter, 5 pack ....................................................................6050-0001-379
16 Screw STLZ, 4-20 x 0.25 plastite
17 Tube silicone 1/16 ID...........................................................................6026-0000-017
19 Tubing coex PVC/PE 0.043 ID.........................................................6026-0000-041
N/S Label, SpO2................................................................................................6050-0005-169
N/S Non SpO2....................................................................................................6050-0005-170
21 SpO2 filter PCA with cable ..............................................................6050-0005-376
22 SpO2 socket, white.................................................................................0380-0800-119
23 Luer, female with tubing pin ..........................................................6050-0001-597
24 Fitting, 1/8 barb to 1/8 barb.............................................................6050-0001-328

6/Illustrated Parts List

6.2.2 Access panel illustration, front






5250 RGM Service Manual

6.2.2 Access panel illustration, back

Sample inlet Sample inlet tube connected

at back of water separator.
See view A-A
PAW inlet
Three full turns
(four passes through
the center)

Item 17 (REF)
Item 31 (REF)
.25 ± .067 SpO2 cable assembly installed
.50 (REF)

Detail "D"
Scale: none VIEW B-B

Sample inlet tubing (installed)

SpO2 cable assembly (installed)


PAW inlet tubing (installed)
Water trap flow
cable assembly
Display release
arm (installed)
spring (installed)
Push button (installed)

6/Illustrated Parts List

6.3 Display filter PCA

6.3.1 Parts list
Item Part number
1 Display filter PCA................................................................................... 6050-0002-011
2 Screw SST PPH 4-40 x 0.375 SEMS

6.3.2 Display filter PCA illustration

5250 RGM Service Manual

6.4 Display assembly

6.4.1 Parts list
Item Part number
Display assembly, complete.............................................................6050-0005-371
1 Label, display release...........................................................................6050-0001-169
2 Touch screen panel w/o filter, w/o EPROM ..........................6050-0001-463
3 Display cord, coiled with connector............................................6030-0000-005
4 Strain relief, display cable ................................................................6032-0000-040
5 Cover, EPROM
6 Screw, 4-40 x 0.25 blk plastic (for EPROM cover)
7 Replacement bezel kit (with labels)............................................6050-0005-390
8 Display matrix, EL panel....................................................................6050-0004-065
9 Bracket, 2 used.........................................................................................6050-0005-295
10 Screw, 4-40 x 0.375 SEMS (4)
11 Display processor PCA ........................................................................6050-0005-375
12 Display rear cover kit with brackets (item 9)
and hardware (item 10) ......................................................................6050-0005-380
N/S Cable, display processor.....................................................................6050-0005-378
N/S Display filter with gasket....................................................................6050-0004-605
N/S Speaker assembly................................................................................... 6050-0005-377

6.4.2 Display assembly illustration


9 12

11 10


4 3

6/Illustrated Parts List

6.5 Rear panel assembly

6.5.1 Parts list
Item Part number
Rear panel assembly, complete .....................................................6050-0005-373
1 Fan assembly ............................................................................................6050-0001-093
2 PCA rear panel I/O ...............................................................................6050-0004-066
3 Cover, Rear panel EPROM 5250 w/ hardware kit ..............6050-0005-680
4 Fitting, barb-to-barb...............................................................................6050-0001-328
5 Conn potential equilization..............................................................6027-0000-018
6 Tape foam 1/4-in. thick
7 Nut SST #6-32
8 Nut M6 x 1 THRD nickel-plated
9 Washer SST INT-LCK
10 SCR SST PPH 4-40 x 0.375 SEM

6.5.2 Rear panel illustration

5250 RGM Service Manual

6.6 Signal processor board

6.6.1 Parts list
Item Part number
Signal processor board .....................................................................................6050-0001-439
Battery, 3 V, lithium coin ...............................................................................6050-0001-459

6.6.2 Signal processor board illustration

TP12 TP4

6050-0001-024 TP3 TP5





TP20 TP14

TP11 TP15


TP16 TP17
TP19 TP18

6/Illustrated Parts List

6.7 Pneumatics assembly

6.7.1 Parts list
Item Part number
Pneumatics assembly with PCA *................................................6050-0001-443
Pneumatics assembly without PCA *.........................................6050-0001-999
2 3-way auto zero valve assembly .....................................................6050-0002-435
3 3-way valve assembly
(for purge or O2 valves).......................................................................6050-0001-115
5 Connector plug, 8-position (valve connector) .........................6006-0000-133
15 Vacuum pump w/connector ..........................................................6050-0003-068
(see illustration in section 6.74)
16 Pump sound damping kit (w/tightening instructions.)
(includes damping foam base, and
pump foam base block)......................................................................6050-0003-531
19 Complete pneumatic tubing kit *.................................................6050-0001-664
(see illustration in section 6.74)
20 Filter, 5-micron (hydrophilic-purge line) ..................................6015-0000-013
21 Filter, 0.45-micron hydrophobic.....................................................6015-0000-059
(Available in pneumatic tubing kits above)
22 Filter, nebulizer.......................................................................................6015-0000-005
23 Restrictor, 0.007 in. (aqua) .................................................................6027-0000-079
24 Restrictor, 0.005 in. (lime green) ....................................................6027-0000-077
N/S Pneumatics interface board .............................................................6050-0001-442
N/S Auto zero pneumatic kit (tubing)
(includes all items connected to NC port of
auto zero valve in illustration in section 6.74).......................6050-0001-611

* The long Nafion tubing is not included in the tubing kits. It is not needed.

5250 RGM Service Manual

6.7.2 Pneumatics assembly illustration

6.7.3 Pneumatics interface board parts list

Item Part number
Pneumatics interface board complete.....................................................6050-0001-442

6/Illustrated Parts List

6.7.4 Pneumatics routing illustration

5250 RGM Service Manual

6.8 Photometer and O 2 sensor assembly

6.8.1 Parts list
Item Part number
1 Bench, ACX-200, (without measurement board)..................6050-0002-639
Board, ACX-200, measurement board.........................................6050-0002-640
2 Screw, M4 x 0.38 .....................................................................................6019-0000-102
3 Fastener strap for scrubbers
4 Connector, 6-position............................................................................6006-0000-142
5 3-way valve assembly (O2 valve)....................................................6050-0001-115
6 O2 sensor housing assembly ............................................................ 6050-0001-095
7 Cable assembly internal O2 module...........................................6050-0001-102
8 Photometer/O2 replacement tubing kit.....................................6050-0001-588
9 Photometer power cable assembly
10 Cap, sensor housing (See note below)........................................6050-0001-129
N/S O2 sensor cartridge................................................................................0237-2034-700
N/S O-ring, small, internal O2 housing................................................6016-0000-039
N/S O-ring, large, internal O2 housing.................................................6016-0000-042
N/S Scrubber assembly, auto zero.........................................................6050-0001-387

Note: The PC board in the old cap must be transferred to the new cap.

6.8.2 ACX-200 assembly illustration

1 4



6/Illustrated Parts List

6.9 Motherboard
6.9.1 Parts list
Item Part number
Motherboard PCA................................................................................................6050-0004-053

6.9.2 Motherboard illustration





J1 J2

CE, 5250

5250 RGM Service Manual

6.10 Toroid assembly

6.10.1 Parts list
Item Part number
Toroid assembly complete ................................................................6050-0002-482
2 Terminal block.........................................................................................6015-0000-015
3 Fuse block...................................................................................................6015-0000-016
4 Receptacle, power..................................................................................6021-0000-010
5 Fuse, 5 x 20 mm, 5 A, slow (for 15V +8 V)................................6012-0000-011
6 Fuse, 5 x 20 mm, 2.5 A, slow (for +15 V)....................................6012-0000-010
7 Fuse, 5 x 20 mm, 0.25 A, slow (for VISO)..................................6012-0000-008

Components for AC power input receptacle (not shown)

Fuse holder, 1c x c, 2 required ....................................................................0208-1034-300
Fuse holder, 5 x 20 mm, 2 required..........................................................0208-1036-300
Fuse 5 x 20 mm, 1.25 A, slow, 250 V (2 required)
(for 220/240 V AC use) ........................................................................6012-0000-051

6.10.2 Toroid assembly illustration

6/Illustrated Parts List

6.11 Water trap sensor assembly

6.11.1 Parts list
Item Part number
* Complete water trap sensor with membrane filter............6050-0001-322
N/S Label for separator.................................................................................6050-0001-872
1 O-ring for bottle (2 required) ...........................................................6016-0000-032
2 Fitting, 0.054 (1 pin in back plate) ................................................6050-0001-315
3 Fitting, 0.038 (2 pins in back plate) ..............................................6050-0001-316
4 Water separator body (membrane)..............................................6050-0002-028
5 O-ring for 0.054 and 0.038 fittings (6 required)......................6027-0000-090
6 Fluid bottle.................................................................................................6050-0000-847
7 Sensor assembly (for membrane separator) ...........................6050-0001-321
Cartridge filter (package of 5)..........................................................6050-0001-379
* Also order label for separator.

6.11.2 Water trap sensor assembly illustration

2 Places

Note: Tighten screws to 2 in-lbs. torque

5250 RGM Service Manual

6.12 SpO 2 (MINX) oximetry board

6.12.1 Parts list
Item Part number
SpO2 (MINX) oximetry board.......................................................................0380-0800-075
SpO2 software, U26.............................................................................................0380-0800-126

6.12.2 SpO2 (MINX) oximetry board illustration




6.13 Upgrade kits

SpO2 conversion kit: Used to add SpO2 monitoring capability to a 5250 RGM.

Upgrade kit Part number

SpO2 conversion kit............................................................................................6050-0001-220

6.14 Special service tools and PCA Drawing Service Kit

Item Part number
5250 RGM PCA Drawing Service Kit.......................................................6050-0005-384
Extender card (32 x 3) .......................................................................................0237-2135-300
Flowmeter with restrictor ...............................................................................6024-0000-006
Restrictor only........................................................................................................6027-0000-126
Analog output connector .................................................................................6006-0000-184
DB9 serial loopback tester...............................................................................6050-0001-709
Pressure manometer..........................................................................................0380-1500-112

6/Illustrated Parts List

6.15 Optional service parts

Item Part number
TVX clip assembly, 16 ft ..................................................................................6050-0002-206
RS-232 cable, 78xx/7900 interface ..............................................................6050-0001-629

6.16 Additional parts

Item Part number
Sample lines (package of 10).....................................................73318 or 6026-0000-009
Sample lines (package of 100) ................................................733188 or 6026-0000-037
ET tube adapter,
Straight-T metal ISO (one per package).........................................6050-0000-478
Straight-T (package of 100).....................................................................6027-0000-073
Elbow (package of 100) ............................................................................6027-0000-072
Critical care adapters
Package of 5....................................................................................................6027-0000-070
Package of 10 .................................................................................................6027-0000-059
Package of 100...............................................................................................6027-0000-071
Pediatric/neonatal adapters 3.0 mm (package of 10) ......................6027-0000-065
Replacement filters for critical care adapters (10-pack)................6027-0000-060
Pressure sensor line tee with 0.63 cm (0.125-in.) barbs .................6027-0000-005
Pressure-sensing tee adapter .........................................................................6050-0000-456
Tubing 0.63 cm (0.125-in.) ID x 244 cm (96 inches)..........................6026-0000-014
Scavenger adapter kit, 19-mm tee M/F with 0.63 cm (0.125-in.)
barb and 306 cm (120 in.), 0.63 cm (0.125-in.) ID tubing......0237-2124-870
Cartridge, Filter (package of 5).....................................................................6050-0001-379
Package of 25 .................................................................................................6050-0001-772
Package of 50 .................................................................................................6050-0001-669
Nasal cannula CO2 sampling line (package of 10)...........................6002-0000-046
Return adapter kit, sample exhaust to patient circuit tee,
22 mm M/F with 0.63 cm (0.125-in.) barb ....................................6050-0000-002
5250 RGM Service Manual (English)........................................................6050-0005-264
5250 RGM Operation and Maintenance Manual,
French ...............................................................................................................6050-0005-266
German .............................................................................................................6050-0005-268
Italian .................................................................................................................6050-0005-270
Spanish .............................................................................................................6050-0005-272

O2 measurement
Item Part number
Patient circuit O2 sensor kit (cartridge not included) ....................0237-2030-700
O2 in-airway tee adapter, 22 mm................................................................6050-0001-222
O2 tee adapter, 22 mm......................................................................................0212-0763-100
Dome adapter kit..................................................................................................0236-0035-800
O2 sensor cartridge .............................................................................................0237-2034-700

5250 RGM Service Manual

Pressure sampling
Item Part number
Pressure sensing installation kit for GMS absorber .........................0236-6152-870

Volume measurement
Item Part number
Flow transducer cartridge (package of 10)............................................0237-2228-870
Flow sensor clip assembly
244 cm (96 in.)...............................................................................................6050-0001-853
488 cm (192 in.) ............................................................................................6050-0002-206

Datex-Ohmeda calibration gases

Item Part number
Agent calibration gas canister with calibration bag........................6050-0005-392
Agent calibration gas canister:
6% CO2, 1.75% halocarbon-23 (CHF3), 50% O2,
40% N2O, 2.25% argon..............................................................................6016-0000-127
Agent calibration gas kits, bulk (6-pack) with bag ............................6050-0005-393
Calibration gas bag only ..................................................................................6050-0000-226

Misc., brackets, fuse kits, etc.

Item Part number
Display mounting bracket kit,
Dovetail style, for Modulus II® Plus, and Excel.........................6050-0001-450
Pole style, 3/4 in. to 1/8 in. diameter range..................................6050-0001-642
Fuse kit, 100/120 V and 220/240 V.............................................................6050-0001-059
Auto zero sample scrubber............................................................................6050-0001-387
Water trap bottle with/label..........................................................................6050-0000-847
Water trap O-rings...............................................................................................6016-0000-032
Cable, RS-232 interface, 2 m (6 ft) ..............................................................6050-0001-629
Connector, analog output ................................................................................6006-0000-184

Appendix A/Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS)
A. O 2 sensor (page 1 of 3)



Company's Street: WALTON RD
Company's City: PORTSMOUTH P061SZ
Company's Country: UK
Company's Emerg Ph #: 01-1705-325511
Company's Info Ph #: 01-1705-325511
Record No. For Safety Entry: 001
Tot Safety Entries This Stk#: 001
Status: SMJ
Date MSDS Prepared: 01JUL89
Safety Data Review Date: 07JUL95
MSDS Serial Number: BXYLV


Proprietary: NO
Ingredient Sequence Number: 01
NIOSH (RTECS) Number: AJ3325000
CAS Number: 127-08-2 & 7439-92-1



Boiling Point: 230F,110C
Vapor Pressure (MM Hg/70 F): N/A
Vapor Density (Air=1): N/A
Evaporation Rate And Ref: N/A
Solubility In Water: MISCIBLE

5250 RGM Service Manual

A. O2 sensor (page 2 of 3)


Flash Point: N/A

Lower Explosive Limit: N/A
Upper Explosive Limit: N/A
Unusual Fire And Expl Hazrds: NONE.


Stability: YES
Cond To Avoid (Stability): NONE.
Materials To Avoid: NONE KNOWN.
Hazardous Decomp Products: NONE KNOWN.
Hazardous Poly Occur: NO
Conditions To Avoid (Poly): NOT RELEVANT.



Route Of Entry - Inhalation: NO
Route Of Entry - Skin: NO
Route Of Entry - Ingestion: NO
Carcinogenicity - NTP: NO
Carcinogenicity - IARC: NO
Carcinogenicity - OSHA: NO
Explanation Carcinogenicity: NOT RELEVANT.
Signs/Symptoms Of Overexp: SEE HEALTH HAZARDS.
Med Cond Aggravated By Exp: NONE KNOWN.
(FP N).



Other Precautions: NONE.

A/Material Safety Data Sheets

A. O2 sensor (page 3 of 3)



Protective Gloves: IMPERVIOUS GLOVES (FP N).


Label Required: YES

Technical Review Date: 07JUL95
Label Date: 07JUL95
Label Status: G
Chronic Hazard: NO
Signal Word: NONE
Acute Health Hazard-None: X
Contact Hazard-None: X
Fire Hazard-None: X
Reactivity Hazard-None: X
Protect Eye: Y
Protect Skin: Y
Protect Respiratory: Y
Label Street: WALTON RD
Label Country: UK
Label Emergency Number: 01-1705-325511

The information set forth in this Material Safety Data Sheet is furnished free of charge for use by qualified employees of the user. All such
information is furnished for the independent investigation and verification thereof by the user. NO GUARANTEE OR WARRANTY (INCLUDING
liability for any damages (whether incidental, consequential, special or otherwise) whatsoever arising out of or in connection with the use of
such information or product, and all such use shall be at the user’s sole risk.

5250 RGM Service Manual

B. Agent cal gas (page 1 of 4)

(1.75% halocarbon 23/freon, 6% carbon dioxide, 50% oxygen, and 40% nitrous oxide, balance Argon)


Product name: 4% Halocarbon 23, 6% Carbon Dioxide, 50% Oxygen,

40% Nitrous Oxide
Supplier’s name: Scott Medical Products 4/3/91
Address: Route 611 North, Plumsteadville, PA 18949
Emergency phone no: Plant manager at (215) 766-8861
Chemical name and synonyms: Halocarbon 23/freon, Carbon Dioxide, Oxygen, Nitrous Oxide in
Chemical family: Gas mixture


Material Volume% CAS No. OSHA PEL ACGIH MAC Other STEL
Halocarbon 23 1.75 75-46-7 S/A S/A S/A S/A
Carbon Dioxide 6 124-38-9 5000 ppm 90/91 5000 5000 30000
Oxygen 50 7782-44-7 NE NE NE NE
Nitrous Oxide 40 10024-97-2 S/A S/A S/A S/A
Argon 2.25 7440-37-1 S/A S/A S/A S/A

S/A = Simple asphixiant

NE = None established


Appearance: Colorless
Odor: Slightly sweetish taste and odor.
Physical state: Gas
Vapor pressure: N/A
Vapor density (air = 1.0): 1.38
Boiling point (C): Gas
Solubility in water % by weight: 4.89 cm3/100 cm3
Appearance and odor: Colorless and odorless
Specific gravity (H2O=1): Gas
Evaporation rate: Gas


Flash point and method: Nonflammable LFL: N/A

Flammable limits: Nonflammable UFL: N/A
Extinguishing media: Use what is appropriate for surrounding fire.
Special fire fighting procedures: Wear self-contained breathing apparatus and full protective
clothing. Keep fire-exposed cylinders cool with water spray. If
possible, stop the product flow.
Unusual fire and explosion hazards: Cylinder rupture may occur under fire conditions. High
oxidizing atmosphere increases the likelihood of fires. Oxygen
vigorously supports combustion.

A/Material Safety Data Sheets

B. Agent cal gas (page 2 of 4)

(1.75% halocarbon 23/freon, 6% carbon dioxide, 50% oxygen, and 40% nitrous oxide, balance Argon)


Stability: Stable under normal storage conditions.

Incompatibility (conditions to avoid): Avoid storage in poorly ventilated areas, or near a heat source.
Avoid oils, greases, and flammable materials.
Materials to avoid: Reacts violently with phosphine, hydrazine, ethers, alcohol’s
hydrogen sulfide, and hydrocarbons. Carbon dioxide, being
weakly acidic, reacts with alkaline materials to form carbonates
and bicarbonates. Avoid contact with combustible materials or
reducing agents. Nitrous oxide above 565 ºC decomposes to
nitrogen and oxygen.
Hazardous decomposition: None.
Hazardous polymerization: Will not occur.


Emergency Overview
High pressure oxidizing gas
Vigorously accelerates combustion
Can increase respiration and heart rate.
Can cause anesthetic effects.

Routes of entry: Inhalation

Acute effects of overexposure: Exposure to carbon dioxide at 1-4% concentrations results in
increased respiratory volume. Concentrations greater than 4%
produce labored breathing and is dangerous for even a few
minutes. Extended exposure to oxygen at higher pressures may be
hazardous. A variety of central nervous system effects may result
from breathing oxygen greater than 2 atm. Inhalation of small
amounts may produce feelings of euphoria which may disguise
sleepiness or loss of coordination associated with lack of oxygen.
May cause anesthetic effects. Diminished mental alertness.
Chronic effects: None known.
Medical conditions aggravated
by overexposure: None known.
Other effects of overexposure: None
Carcinogencity (U.S. only): NTP - No
IARC monographs - No
OSHA regulated - No
Emergency and first aid procedures: Remove to fresh air. Give oxygen and/or support breathing as
required. Seek medical attention.
Eye contact: none
Skin contact: none
Note to physician: none

5250 RGM Service Manual

B. Agent cal gas (page 3 of 4)

(1.75% halocarbon 23/freon, 6% carbon dioxide, 50% oxygen, and 40% nitrous oxide, balance Argon)


Clean up procedures: Evacuate and ventilate area. Remove leaking cylinder to exhaust
hood or safe outdoor area. Shut off source if possible and
remove source of heat.
Specialized equipment: None.


Engineering controls: Provide adequate general and local exhaust ventilation to

maintain concentration below exposure limits.
Eye protection: Safety glasses.
Skin protection: None.
Respiratory protection: Self-contained breathing apparatus in case of emergency or non-
routine use.
Ventilation: Local exhaust recommended
Other protective equipment: Safety shoes when handling cylinders.


Precautions to be taken in handling: Secure cylinder when using to protect from falling. Use suitable
hand truck to move cylinders. No part of cylinder should be
exposed to temperatures above 52 ºC (125 ºF). Use only oxy-gen
cleaned equipment. Avoid oils and greases. Oxygen reacts
violently with hydrocarbons particularly at high pressure.
Precautions to be taken in storing: Store in well ventilated areas away from combustibles. Keep
valve protection cap on cylinders when not in use.


Lethal concentration: (LC50): None established. Lethal dose 50 (LD50): N/A

Teratogenicity: N/A Reproductive effects: N/A
Mutagenicity: N/A


No adverse ecological effects are expected.


Waste disposal method: Dispose of non-refillable cylinders in accordance with Federal,

state, and local regulations. Allow gas to vent slowly to atmo-
sphere in an unconfined area of exhaust hood. If cylinders are
the refillable type, return cylinders to supplier with any valve
outlet plugs or caps secured and valve protection caps in place.

A/Material Safety Data Sheets

B. Agent cal gas (page 4 of 4)

(1.75% halocarbon 23/freon, 6% carbon dioxide, 50% oxygen, and 40% nitrous oxide, balance Argon)


Concentration: 1.75 - 50%

DOT description (U.S. only): Proper shipping name: Compressed gas, oxidizing, N.O.S.
Hazard class: 2.2 (non-flammable gas)
Identification number: UN3156
Reportable quantities: none
Labeling: Non-flammable gas
ADR/RID (EU only): Class 2, 1 0
Special precautions: Cylinders should be transported in an upright position in
a well ventilated truck.


OSHA: Process Safety Management:

Materials are not listed in Appendix A of 29 CFR 1910.119
as highly hazardous chemicals.
TSCA: Materials are not listed in TSCA inventory.
SARA: Threshold planning quantity for this mixture is 10,000 lbs.
EU number: HN/A
Number in annex 1 of DIR 67/548: Mixture is not listed in annex 1.
EU classification: N/A
S: 9, 17A, 23


Other precautions: Protect containers from physical damage. Do not deface

cylinders or labels. Cylinders should be refilled by qualified
producers of compressed gas. Shipment of a compressed gas
cylinder which has not been filled by the owner or with his
written consent is a violation of federal law (49 CFR).

The information set forth in this Material Safety Data Sheet is furnished free of charge for use by qualified employees of the user. All such
information is furnished for the independent investigation and verification thereof by the user. NO GUARANTEE OR WARRANTY (INCLUDING
assumes no liability for any damages (whether incidental, consequential, special or otherwise) whatsoever arising out of or in connection
with the use of such information or product, and all such use shall be at the user’s sole risk.

5250 RGM Service Manual


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Fax 86 10 6526 0653 Youngdeungpo-Ku Datex-Ohmeda
Seoul, Korea France Middle East Operations
Datex-Ohmeda Pte. Ltd. Tel 82 2 786 7421 Datex-Ohmeda S. A. S PO Box 5527
Room 1708, Yunlong Mansion Fax 82 2 786 7420 Parc de Pissaloup, BP 10 Dubai, United Arab Emirates
No. 122 Luoguo Street 8 Avenue Jean d’Alembert Tel 97 14 822653
Chengdu 610017, PR China Malaysia F-78191 Trappes-Cedex, France Fax 97 14 822659
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Fax 86 28 676 2703 Level 2 Bangunan O’Connor Fax 33 1 30 68 60 01 North America
13 Jalan 223
Datex-Ohmeda Pte. Ltd. 46100 Petaling Jaya Datex-Ohmeda S. A. S Canada
Room 1602, GIE Tower Selangor, W. Malaysia 17 rue Jean-Elysée Dupuy Datex-Ohmeda (Canada) Inc.
403 Huan Shi Dong Road Tel 60 3 754 7872 F-69410 Champagne au 1093 Meyerside Drive, Unit 2
Guangzhou 510095, PR China Fax 60 3 757 6948 Mont d’Or, France Mississauga, Ontario
Tel 86 20 8732 2521 Tel 33 1 30 68 60 00 L5T 1J6 , Canada
Fax 86 20 8732 2518 Singapore Fax 33 4 78 43 26 58 Tel 1 800 268 1472
Datex-Ohmeda Pte. Ltd. Tel 1 905 565 8572
Datex-Ohmeda Pte. Ltd. Germany
152 Beach Road #12–05/07 Fax 1 905 565 8592
Room 2509, Lippo Plaza Datex-Ohmeda GmbH
Gateway East
No. 222 Huaihai Road (M) Auf der Hohe 49 United States
Singapore 189721
Shanghai 200021, PR China Gewerbehof 49
Tel 65 391 8618 Customer Service
Tel 86 21 5382 5657 D-47059 Duisburg, Germany
Fax 65 291 6618 Datex-Ohmeda, Inc.
Fax 86 21 5382 1619 Tel 49 2065 691 247 Ohmeda Drive
Datex-Ohmeda Pte. Ltd. Taiwan & Philippines Fax 49 2065 691 255 PO Box 7550
Room 809, Truroll Plaza Datex-Ohmeda Pte. Ltd.
Italy Madison WI 53707-7550, USA
Wusheng Road 2nd Floor, No. 85
Datex-Ohmeda S. p. A. Tel 1 800 345 2700
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Via Cassanese 100 Fax 1 608 221 4384
Tel 86 27 8571 2536 Taipei, Taiwan
Republic of China 20090 Segrate Technical Support
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Tel 886-2 2515 0457 Datex-Ohmeda, Inc.
India Fax 886-2 2501 9136 Tel 39 2 21693431 Three Highwood Drive
Datex-Ohmeda (India) Pvt. Ltd. Fax 39 2 26926226 Tewksbury MA 01876, USA
Block EP & GP, Sector V Thailand Tel 1 800 345 2755
Plot XI-16, Salt Lake City Datex-Ohmeda Pte. Ltd. Netherlands
12th Floor (Unit F) Datex-Ohmeda B. V. Equipment Service Center
Calcutta 700091, India Datex-Ohmeda, Inc.
Grand Amarin Tower Kantemarsweg 18
Tel 91 33 357 4002 1315 West Century Drive
1550 New Petchburi Road Post Box 22
Fax 91 33 357 4001 Louisville Co 80027-9560, USA
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Indonesia Bangkok 10320, Thailand Netherlands Tel 1 800 345 2755
Datex-Ohmeda Pte. Ltd. Tel 66 2 207 1012/13 Tel 31 33 253 5404 Sales and Service
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Jin. Jend Sudirman Kav. 45-46 Three Highwood Drive
Jakarta 12930, Indonesia
Datex-Ohmeda S. L. Tewksbury MA 01876, USA
Tel 62 21 575 0864 Tel 1 800 635-6099
C/Manuel Tovar 26
Fax 62 21 575 0865 Fax 1 978 640 0469
28034 Madrid, Spain
Tel 34 1 334 26 00
Fax 34 1 358 12 84
1/00 (388/F)

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