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Actividad 1

1. She got up at 7 O'clock.

2. She had a big breakfast.
3. She didn’t have a little breakfast. ‘I walk to work’ is
what Laura said. How would you change it to the
past tense?
4. She did walk to get to work. Smart, but incorrect :D
‘It takes me half an hour (to get to work)’ How would
you change it to the 3rd person and past tense?
5. She started work at 8:45.
6. She never had lunch. She didn’t have lunch.
7. She finished work at 5 o’clock.
8. She always tired when I got home. She _____ tired
when she got home.
9. She cooked a meal yesterday at evening. -> in the
evening (if you want to use ‘yesterday’ it should be
“yesterday evening”)
10. She didn’t go out yesterday at evening. It’s not
really necessary as we know that it’s about
yesterday. But if you use it anyway, it should be
‘yesterday evening’.
11. She went to bed about 11 o’clock.
12. She slept well last night.

Very good!

Actividad 2
My name is Luis, I’m from Colombia. I live in Acacias-
Meta and I study in Cofrem. I’m in seventh grade. When
I was 7 years old I started studying English at the
Unillanos University at Villavicencio. I have studied for 4
years. I study on Saturdays from 7 to 11 in the morning.
I would like to travel to Europe to know and put into
practice everything I have learned :)

My name is Luis, I’m from Colombia. I live in Acacias-

Meta and I study in Cofrem. I’m in seventh grade. When
I was 7 years old I started studying English at the
Unillanos University in Villavicencio. I have studied for 4
years. I study on Saturdays from 7 to 11 in the morning.
I would like to travel to Europe to know and put into
practice everything I have learned :)

Very nice!!

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