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Topics in the Introduction of the Philosophy of the Human Person

1. Evolution of Philosophy
2. What is Philosophy?
3. Most notable ancient Greek Philosophers
4. Why is there a need to philosophize?
5. How do we characterize the study of philosophy?
6. Branches of Philosophy
7. What is the difference between holistic and partial thinking?
8. How does one engage in reflection?
9. What are the practical uses of philosophy in our lives?
10. Methods of philosophizing
11. What is truth and why is it important?
12. How do we know if something is true?
13. How can philosophy guide us in distinguishing truth from opinion?
14. What should we consider when looking at arguments or opinions?
15. How can an understanding of the difference between truth and opinion lead us to wisdom?
16. Read and evaluate the opinions regarding the Philippines wins arbitration case versus China over
South China Sea by Matikas Santos, July 12, 2016
17. The Human person as an embodied spirit
18. What is the human person?
19. What is in our nature that enables us to become persons?
20. How are the body and the spirit related?
21. How does my human nature enable me to explore my limits?
22. What is transcendence?
23. The human person in the environment
24. How does philosophy define the person’s relationship with the environment?
25. How can humanity address the damage inflicted on the environment?
26. The development of ethical views regarding the environment
27. What can I do to uphold environmentalism and care for nature?
28. What is freedom?
29. What is the essence of Freedom?
30. Kinds of Freedom
31. How is freedom an expression of our humanity?
32. How is freedom related to self-determination?
33. How can loss of freedom lead to dehumanization?
34. What makes us free?
35. How does freedom shape our experiences?
36. Explain the elements of freedom
37. How can I exercise my freedom in a responsible and beneficial manner?
38. Explain the article Final Note: The Given and the Chosen
39. What is Intersubjectivity?
40. How do we as human persons relate with others?
41. What characterizes a genuine human interaction?
42. How does intersubjectivity define our interactions with other persons?
43. How can philosophy help you evaluate your relationships with others?
44. The Human person in society
45. What is society?
46. What drives human beings to establish societies?
47. The social contract theory
48. What are the different forms of the society?
49. How does society influence our development as persons?
50. How does society enable me to become a better person?
51. Human persons as oriented towards their impending death
52. How does reality of death define our lives?
53. How should I live my life before it finally ends?
54. What makes you happy?
55. What do you think brings about real happiness?
56. Why do we suffer?
57. Do you believe that suffering is worthwhile? Why?
58. Does happiness gives meaning to your life? How?
59. Does suffering gives meaning to your life? How?
60. Does death gives meaning to your life? How?
61. What can you say about life in a new normal?
62. Importance of Bucket List

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