Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran (RPP)

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Satuan Pendidikan : SMA

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas, Semester : XI (Sebelas), 1 (Satu)
Materi : The expression of asking and giving opinion.
Alokasi Waktu : 1 x 20 Menit

1. Tujuan Pembelajaran
 Students are able to identify the social function and language feature of asking
and giving opinion
 Students are able to create and present a conversation orally by using the
expression of asking and giving opinion in English as well as the respondents.

2. Langkah-langkah Pembelajaran
2.1 Alat/Bahan
Spidol, papan tulis, laptop dan LCD
2.2 Media
 Pictures

 Video

2.3 Sumber Belajar
2.4 Kegiatan Pembelajaran

Kegiatan Pendahuluan (4 menit)

The teacher starts the learning process by greets students using “Good Afternoon
The teacher leads to pray and check students’ attendance.
Teacher asks the students condition by saying “how are you today?”
Teacher built students’ curiosity by telling a case that related to the material (Asking and
Giving Opinion)
Kegiatan Inti (12 menit)
Observing - Students are observed the the video that explain about
asking and giving opinion
- Students are observed the expression of asking and giving
opinion through the video
Questioning Students are asked by the teacher about the differences between
various expression of asking and giving opinion
Exploring Students find out the teacher question about the differences
between various expression of asking and giving opinion in
many source
Associating - Students are asked to work in pair
- Teacher gives pictures about asking and giving opinion
- Students are asked to recite and create a conversation
based on the picture about Asking and Giving Opinion
Communicating - Teacher invites some students to perform their
conversation orally in front of the class
- Teacher gives feedback and suggestion to the students’
Kegiatan Penutup (4 menit)
Teacher gives a chance to the students to raise a question about the material
Teacher and students together conclude and summarize the material in brief.
Teacher closes the class.

3. Penilaian
1. Penilaian Pengetahuan
Penilaian pengetahuan berupa tes tertulis pilihan ganda & tertulis uraian, tes
lisan/observasi terhadap diskusi tanya jawab dan percakapan serta penugasan
2. Penilaian Keterampilan
Penilaian keterampilan berupa penilaian unjuk kerja, penilaian proyek, penilaian
produk, dan penilaian rubric.

Mengetahui ......, ........................ 20 .....

Kepala Sekolah, Guru Mata Pelajaran

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