Assessment and Control of The Impact of Facts Devices On Power System Performance

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IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, Vol. 11, No.

4, November 1996 1931

F.D. Galiana (Fellow), K.Almeida, M. Toussaint, J. Griffin, D. Atanackovic, B.T. Ooi (Senior Member), D.T. McGillis
Department of Electrical Engineering
McGill University
Montreal, Quebec, Canada

ABSTRACT: The concept of security regions is used to systematicallyand This paper proposes to systematically evaluate the impact of FACTS
objectively compare the impact of various FACTS devices on the behaviour on the steady-state behaviour of power systems through the concept
of power systems. Scalar measures of the steady-state performance of a power of generalized security regions and through scalar measures of these
system with FACTS devices are used to quantify this impact. Such measures regions obtained from optimal power flow simulations. Furthermore,
are obtained by solving an optimal power flow within the constraintsof the
security region. The concept of the ideal FACTS device is introduced as a the concept of an ideal FACTS is introduced as a theoretical "upper
means to establish a theoretical upper bound on the performance of any bound" on the capabilities of arbitrary non-ideal FACTS devices.
realizable FACTS. Such a device is tested and compared against non-ideal Such a device is the most general FACTS possible, that is, one which
FACTS including the variable series reactance and the variable phaseshifter. can control both its real and reactive input and output powers. Based
Simulations on the IEEE 118 and 30 bus networks illustrate the above on the above concepts, several FACTS devices are compared against
concepts. the ideal device. Two measures of performance are used for
KEYWORDS: FACTS, steady-state,assessment and control of performance, assessment and comparison: (a) the maximum system load subject to
ideal FACTS, variable series reactance, variable phaseshifter. operational constraints and (b) the incremental network losses.
Comparisons are made among: (i) the original network, N, (ii) N plus
extra transmission lines, (iii) N plus variable series-reactance, (iv) N
plus variable phase-shifters, (v) N plus ideal FACTS and some of its
FACTS technology is being promoted as a means to extend the equivalent realizations. These tests are performed on the IEEE 118
capacity of existing power transmission networks to their limits and 30 bus networks.
without the necessity of adding new transmission lines. This capability
is interesting to the power industry as it is becoming increasingly 2. GENERAL PERFORMANCE OF POWER SYSTEMS
diflicult to add new transmission lines due to environmental and right-
of-wayrestrictions[1,21. Other potential advantages of FACTS lie in 2.1 Security Regions
their ability to improve damping and to control the flow of power Power networks are modelled in steady-state by the load flow
through selected corridors in a network. equations and by a set of functional inequality constraints imposed by
FACTS essentially introduce new degrees of freedom into the operational limits. If the vector x represents all decision variables in
operation of power systems. This extra flexibility permits the a power network including its loads, generations, voltages, line flows
independent adjustment of certain system variables (such as power and controllable FACTS parameters, then the combination of load
flows) which are normally not controllable. FACTS devices can be flow equations and inequalities can be denoted by,
differentiated by their controllable parameters and by the manner in
which they are realized electronically. Thus, devices exist which can
control line series or shunt reactance [3], phase-shifting transformer The securily region associated with such a power network is denoted
angle [4] or combinations of these [5]. Other devices inject by S where,
controllable voltages in series or in parallel with the line being
compensated [6,71. Notwithstanding the type of FACTS , their
ultimate goal is to provide greater controllability over power flows that is, the set of all decision variables or operational states in the
and voltage magnitudes. However, in order for FACTS to be accepted power network which satisfy all equalities and inequalities. Note that,
by the power industry, it is clear that this extra flexibility must also in its most general form, S also includes the loads as variables. This
lead to a net increase in economicbenefits compared to the alternative then permits one to define performance measures of a network which
of transmission or generation expansion. include maximizing the load.
General security regions are powerful concepts as they represent all
96 WM 256-8 PWRS A paper recommended and approved by the IEEE
feasible operating points of a power network and therefore contain all
Power System Engineering Committee of the IEEE Power Engineering the information necessary to evaluate a given system. A simple
Society for presentation at the 1996 IEEWPES Winter Meeting, January 21- example of these ideas is the security region of the 3-bus network
25, 1996, Baltimore, MD. Manuscript submitted July 27, 1995; made shown in Figure 1. This network is assumed to be governed by the DC
available for printing j m ~ 10,q 1996. load flow so that there is a linear behaviour among powers and phase
angles. Generators 1 and 2 as well as lines 12 and 23 are subject to
limits as shown below. It is assumed that all line reactances are 1 pu.

0885-8950/96/$05.00 0 1996 IEEE


Then, the relation g(x)>Ois defined by,

Pgl=261 -62 Pg2=262-61 P g 3 = P d - P g l -Pg2
P12 = 61 - 62 P23 = 62 -0.4 <P23< 0.4 (3)
0 <Pgl< 0.5 0 ~ P g 2 50.5 -0.1 5 P 1 2 ~0.1


Figure 2: Security region of 3-bus example with no FACTS

x’ = [61 , 6 2 , P g l , Pg2, Pg3, P 1 2 , P 2 3 , Pd] The validity of the above can be demonstrated by the fact that any
secure operating point achievable with the FACTS having fewer
Figure 1: Illustrative three-bus network. degrees of freedomwill also be secure with the more general FACTS
apparatus. The inverse is however not necessarily true.

The resulting security region as defined by equation ( 2 ) can be To illustratethis notion, if one adds both a variable phase-shifter and
projected onto the Pgl - Pg2 plane and is shown in Figure 2 for the a variable series-capacitor to line 12 of the example, Figure 4 shows
case without FACTS. It can be seen that the limits on lines 12 and 23 that the new security region has increased and now encloses both the
restrict the possible set of operating points from a maximum possible original region shown in Figure 2 as well as the region of Figure 3.
rectangle to the smaller enclosed shaded area.
2 3 Objective Measures of Performance
2.2 Security Regions with FACTS The statement that the security region of a system encloses that of
If we denote S(F) as the security region with a FACTS device, F, in another is very powerful since it implies that, in a broad sense, the
a given line, then it follows that, system with the larger region peforms “better”than the one with the

S(F) 1 s (4)
that is, the security region with F includes all the feasible operating Variable Phase-Shifter in Line 12
points without such a device. This is evident by the following
argument: Any vector x belonging to the original region S must also
-0.1 2 4 2 0.1
belong to S(F) since it should be possible to adjust the variable
parameters of any FACTS device so as to simulate the original system
without FACTS (e.g. setting the phase shift in a phase-shifting
transformer to zero). Conversely, for most FACTS devices, one can
find at least one operating point, x, which belongs to S(F) but not to
S. In other words, the set of feasible operating points with F typically
contains, not only all the operating points in S but many more. The
question though is how much “larger“ is the security region with a
FACTS device than without? This will be addressed in this paper.
Taking the simple example of Figure I again, the concept behind
relation (4) can be illustrated if a variable phase-shifter is added to
line 12 leading to the wider security region shown in Figure 3.
Similarly, consider two FACTS devices: F, and F, where the former
has more degrees of freedom than F, which is a special case of F,. If
Figure 3: Security region of 3-bus example with variable phase-
these devices are placed in the same location of a power system, one
at a time, then the corresponding security regions must satisfy, shifter.

S(Fi) 2 WJ (5)
smaller region for any quantitative measure of performance evaluated In terms of the concept of security regions described in the previous
with respect to S. An objective measure of performance is one that section, this definition implies that the security region of a network
provides a scalar quantitative evaluation of the entire set S and not with an ideal FACTS, S(F,,), must also contain the security region
just of one operating point or sub-set of operating points as is the case of the system with any other type of FACTS, S(F), when both devices
when comparing systems on the basis of case studies. An infinite are at the same network location, that is,
number of objective measures are possible but they all must quantify
the "size"of the securityregion. Some practical objective measures of S(Fl,d 2 S(F) (8)
performance over S are: Maximum load that can be supplied and the The question of physical realizability of the ideal FACTS is not
minimum operational costs or losses for specified load levels. considered here, only its definition and its impact on the steady-state
Denoting byM (x) an arbitrary measure of performance as a function system behaviour.
of x , then the corresponding objective measure is M ( X* ) c!
where X* is the solution of the optimal power flow problem [8, 111,
Minimize M ( x ) Vi Vf Vk

X € S

Clearly if,
s, 1 s,
p{ Lineik Ik

1 -
(6) I_

then for any measure M ( x ), Bud Busk'

M,s M, (7) I N-bus Power Network I

It is also important to assess a FACTS device not only through the

above objective performance measures but also by the incremental Figure 5: Power network with FACTS in line ik.
system transmission losses created by the presence of the FACTS.
Transmission losses are estimatedtoday to cost as much as $4000/kW In order to define an ideal FACTS, consider a general N-bus network
and must be factored into the overall cost of the FACTS control. In with an arbitrary FACTS device in line ik as shown in Figure 5. The
addition, the FACTS device itself has a cost closely related to its FACTS device can be replaced without altering the state of the
voltage and power ratings. network by any of the following equivalents:
(a) Replace the FACTS by two independent complex current sources

shown in Figure 6.

Vi Vf Vk

Series-C and Phase-shifterin line 12

' xi If
Line i


nu. i
@ Bus k

N-bus Power Network

Figure 6: Ideal FACTS with independent current sources.

0.5 Pi2
(b) Replace the FACTS device by two independent complex voltage
Figure 4: Security region of a 3-bus example with both variable sources as shown in Figure 7. A realization of this device could be
series-C and phase-shifter. ' achieved with the Unified Power Flow Controller [71 (UPFC).
(c) Replace the FACTS device by two independent complex power
sourm as shown in Figure 8. A realization of this could be achieved
3. THE IDEAL FACTS with the general Inter-Phase Power Controller [51 (IPC).
In this section, the concept of an ideal FACTS is introduced. Such a
Any of the above three equivalents where the corresponding sources
device can be conceptualized as one whose controllable parameters
are arbitrary and independent satisfy the condition for an ideal
can be adjusted so that the behaviour of the network with an ideal
FACTS will exactly reproduce the behaviour of the network with any FACTS, that is, for any operating point the sources can be adjusted to
reproduce the same network conditions as that of any other FACTS
other FACTS.

device. (b) N + Line: The original network plus additional lines.

(c) N + 9: The original network plus a variable phase-shifting
Vi Vf Vk (d) N + X The original network plus a variable series reactance.
L (e) N + Ideal: The original network plus the ideal FACTS. Note that
the maximum system load achieved with the Ideal FACTS is the same
as that obtained with either the general IPC [5 ] or the general UPFC
[ 71, two possible realizations of an Ideal FACTS.
1 1 - I 1
N-bus Power N e t w o r k 4.2 Description of Networks Used in the Studies
The two standard 30-bus and 118-bus IEEE networks [9,10] were
used in these studies. The 30-bus network has 6 generators and 20
Figure 7: Ideal FACTS with independent voltage sources. pure load buses. The generators and loads of the 30-bus network tend
to be concentrated in two separate parts of the network. In contrast,
It is also possible to define an ideal FACTS with combinations of the 118-bus system has its generation and load buses much more
different types of elements, such as a complex power source at the uniformly distributed. Both networks were slightly modified for this
input and a complex voltage source at the output. Still other study by tightening their transmission capacity thereby revealing
combinations of devices are possible to define an ideal FACTS more clearly the impact of FACTS controllers. The modifications
provided that they have at least three independently adjustable implemented were:
parameters. Normally, FACTS devices obey the condition that the ( N l ) Standard IEEE 30-bus network (i) Increase the limits on the
input real power is equal to the output real power except for internal five reactive power sources by 20 times so as to ensure that the
losses. network loadability limit was due to transmission limits only and not
The study of the impact of an ideal FACTS on a power network is to generation constraints; (ii) Set the line flow limits at all lines
important since it defines the limits of what is achievable. In essence, (except line 3) to 0.7Aine reactance. The limit on line 3, which is one
this ideal result is a benchmark against which one can compare the of the most critical lines, was set to 0.43 pu. Both of these changes
performanceof all other non-ideal FACTS devices. Furthermore, if a created a power flow bottleneck restricting the system loadability.
given performance measure of the ideal device is not satisfactory, no (N2) Standard 118-bus IEEE network: (i) Remove line 86, (ii) Set
other real device will yield superior results. In the next section, the line flow limits on lines 81 and 107 to 0.7 pu. These changes
simulations results are presented which examine and compare the ensured that the network loadability was limited by these critical
behaviour of the ideal and other FACTS devices. transmission flow limits.

43 Optimal power flow results

vi Vf Vk
The maximum load was determined for the above two networks
under the various cases defined in section 4.1 by applying a
parametric optimal power flow (OPF) [8] subject to the specified
transmission network limits. Note, however, that any other OPF
package [ l 11 could be used for this purpose by either explicitly
maximizing the load or by maximizing any objective function for a
I' N-bus Power Network 1 given load which is then progressively increased until its maximum
feasible level. The results are summarized in Tables 1 and 2 .
The second column of Table 1 shows the maximum system load of the
30-bus network for the various cases considered. The third column
Figure 8: Ideal FACTS with independent power. sources.
inacates the aahonal system load that can be supplied by modfying
the original network, N, as indicated in column one. Finally, column
4. SIMULATION RESULTS four presents the incremental transmission losses due to the network
4.1 Cases Studied
In all cases, one must also examme the incremental losses created by
The impact of FACTS on power networks was assessed by calculating
the exka loading and increasedpower flows. As seen in Table 1, these
the maximum system load that a network can supply subject to its
losses tend to nse with the extra loading, thereby reducing the net
operational constraints(securityregion). These simulations were done
loadability gams.
on the IEEE 30 and 118 bus networks. The following cases were
compared: In this example, the maximum load of the original network, N, was
found to be 303 MW. This limit was imposed by line 3 reaching its
(a) N: The original network.
upper bound of 43 Mw. Various FACTS devices were then placed in
line 3, one at a time,and the corresponding new maximum loads were Table 2 summarizes the corresponding set of results for the 118 IEEE
computed by running an OPF. In these optimal power flows, the network. As before, the system load of the original network, N, is
controllableFACTS parameters (e.g. X, in the case of variable series maximized subject to all the operational constraints yielding 4543
reactance) were also optimized within their permissible limits. Mw. This results in two lines (81 and 107) operating at their limits.
FACTS devices are then placed in each of these lines and the system
The limits on the controllable parameters of the various FACTS
load is maximized over all variables, including the controllable
devices tested were defined as follows: (i) The variable series-
parameters of the FACTS elements.
reactance was permitted to vary by 250% of the line reactance; (ii)
The variablephaseshifter angle was allowed to vary by 2 0.5 radians. In the case N+X, the optimization forces the variable series-
reactances to their maximum reactive limits so as to force power away
The ideal FACTS is, in essence, modelled here through its
from the saturated lines. This case increases the maximum load by
independent parameters, P, ,the sending real power, Q , the sending
266 MW relative to the original network.
reactivepower, and Q, ,the receiving reactive power. As discussed
in the previous section, these ideal FACTS parameters have several Whereas the net increase in load in the case N+Lines is 685 MW

Table 1. Maximum network loading with various FACTS Table 2. Maximum network loading with various FACTS devices
devices in the 30-bus network. in the 118-bus network.

I 4543

I 0
N+Line 5228 685 30 I

4 76

equivalent representations including the UPFC consisting of two (15%), one can do even better by adding variable phase-shifters
independent voltage sources , or the IPC consisting of two instead . This alternative yields an incremental load of 1010 MW
independent current sources. Thus, the system loadability limits (22%) relative to the base case. Finally, the ideal FACTS and its IPC
achieved by the ideal FACTS as shown in Tables 1 and 2 are the same and UPFC realizations, which represent the best one can do with any
as those found with the general UPFC or IPC. FACTS device, produces a maximum load of 5558 M W , only
marginally more than the case N+4. Once again, the incremental
The highest network load of 488 MW is achieved, as predicted, by the
losses indicated must be accountedfor when evaluating the overall net
ideal FACTS and its realizations. The maximum load with the
gain in load supply capability.
variable series reactance device is 60 M W (or 20%) more than the
original network can supply. In this case, the optimum value of X The higher relative effectivenessof FACTS devices on the loadability
goes to its limit of 50% of the value of the line reactance, in essence of the 30-bus system compared to the 118-bus system can be partially
increasing the overall line reactance by 50%. The effect of this attributed to the fact that the 30-bus system has its load and generation
increase in the reactance of line 3 is to force power to flow through essentially grouped in two separate portions of the network connected
alternative paths which do not saturate as rapidly. by a relatively dense mesh. On the other hand, the 118-bus network
has its generation and loads more evenly distributed with most loads
In the case N+Line, an identical line is added in parallel with line 3.
being close to generation buses. Thus, in the 30-bus network,
Normally, this a much more expensive solution than adding a FACTS.
bottlenecks can be more effectively avoided by FACTS devices
The results of Table 1 show that one gets an increase of 101 MW or
which exploit alternativepaths in the denser mesh. Similarly, since the
about 33%more load compared to the original network, however, this
118-bus network contains more generating units [8] which provide
gain is less than that obtained with the option N+$ which yields an
relatively more Var support than the 30-bus system, the effectiveness
incremental load of 168 MW or N+Ideal with a AP, of 185 MW.
of an ideal FACTS is not that much better than a variable phase-
Note that there is no contradiction between the N+X option which shifter.
increases the line reactance and the N+Line option which decreases
the line reactance. In both cases loadability is increased with respect 5. CONCLUSIONS
to case N. In the first case, this occurs by increasing the line reactance
which forces power to follow other paths, while in the second case, The impact on power networks of arbitrary FACTS devices can be
more load can be supplied by increasing the transmssion capacity of systematically assessed through the concept of steady-state security
the same corridor by the addition of a second parallel line. regions. Such regions are defined by all the operational equality and
inequality constraints that the system variables must satisfy. The

security region of a network with a FACTS controller, S(F), always Applications Conference, May 1993, pp. 66-73.
encloses the region without FACTS, S, that is, there exist more
[91 F. Wu, W. Hsiung, E. Liu, "Detection of topology errors by state
operational states with FACTS than without.
estimation", IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, Vol. 4, No. 1,
Objective quantitative measures of performance of a network can be February 1989, pp.176-183.
obtained by finding the optimum of quantities such as the system load
[IO] A. illonticelli, M.V. F. Pereira, S. Granville, "security-
over the security region. The evaluation and comparison of this
constrained optimal power flow with post-contingency corrective
performance must look not just at the gain in loadability but at the
rescheduling", IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, Vol. 2, No. 1,
rating of the devices added and the associated incremental losses. An
economic evaluation of the impact of FACTS could be based on an February 1987, pp.175-182.
estimated rate of 2 to 4 thousand $ per additional kW of extra load [I I] 0.Alsac, J. Bright, M. Prais, B. Stott, "Further developments in
compared to 100 to 200 $ per kVA in the cost of a FACTS device. LP-based optimal power flow", IEEE Transactions on Power
The concept of an ideal FACTS is introduced as a device that can Systems, Vol. 5, No. 3, August 1990, pp.697-711.
conbrol both its input and output complex powers. The ideal FACTS
imposes a theoretical upper bound on the performance of any other ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: We are grateful for the support of the
realizable FACTS. This theoretical upper bound can be reached by Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council, Ottawa, the
some existing devices. Fonds pour la Formation de Chercheurs et dAide 5 la Recherche,
Qu6bec and CNPq, Brazil. We also acknowledge some fruitful
These ideas are used to evaluate and compare the loadability discussions with the engineering staff from CITEQ.
performance of two test networks modified by a number of
alternatives, including the addition of lines and of various types of

These results support the proposal that FACTS can increase system Francisco D. Galiana is a professor in the Department of Electrical
lbadability significantly by alleviating feasibility bottlenecks due to Engineering at McGill University. His research interests are in the
line flow limits. They also suggest that certain FACTS devices can application of analytical and computational methods to power system
result in higher loading levels than those achieved by the addition of planning and operation.
transmission lines. Katia Campos de Almeida received her Ph.D. in electrical engineering
It is also possible to optimize the location and number of FACTS from McGill University in 1995. She is presently at the Federal
devices added to a network so as to further increase the maximum University of Santa Catarina, Florianopolis, Brazil. Her research
load, however this is an open subject which needs further research. interests are in optimization and applications to power system
6. REFERENCES Margaret Toussaint received her B.Sc in electrical and computer
engineeringkom the University of the West Indies and the M.Eng. in
[ 11 N.G. Hingorani, "Flexible AC Transmission", ZEEE Spectrum,
electrical engineering from McGiI1 University where she is currently
V01.30, No.4, April 1993, pp.40-45.
a research assistant working on FACTS.
[2] A. Le Du, "Pour un rkseau klectrique plus performant: le projet Julie Griffin is a graduate student in electrical engineering at McGill
FACTS", Revue Gknerale de l'Electricit6, No.6/92, June 1992, University. Her thesis research is the study of FACTS and their
pp.105-121. impact on power system security and economics.
[3] R.M. Maliszewski,BM. Pasternak, H.N. Scherer, M. Chamia, H. Djordje R. Atanackovic obtained his B.Eng (1987) and M.Sc.A.
Frank, L. Paulsson, "Power Flow Control in Highly Interconnected (1991) at theuniversity of Belgrade, Yugoslavia. He is presently a
Transmission Network', Report 37-303, CIGRE, 1990.
Ph.D. student at McGill University. His present interests include the
[4] B.T. 001,S.Z. Dai, F.D. Galiana, "A Solid-state PWM Phase- application of analytical and computational methods to power
Shifter", ZEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, Vol. 8, No.2, April system planning as well as the application of expert systems in
1993, pp.573-579. planning and design.
[5] F. Beauregard, J. Brochu, G. Morin, P. Pelletier, "Inter-phase Boon-Teck Ooi is a professor of electrical engineering at McGill
Power Controller with Voltage Injection", ZEEE PES Winter Power University. One of his fields of interest and research is the study of
Meeting, February 1994, New York. forced-commutated power electronicdevices to test and construct new
FACTS controllers.
[6] B.T. Ooi, S-Z. Dai, X. Wang, "Solid-state Series Capacitive
Reactance Compensators", IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, Donald T. McGillis is an adjunct professor and consultant in the
Vo1.7,No.2, April 1992, pp.914-919. Department of Electrical Engineenng at McGill University. He has
extensive experience in the design of power networks.
[7] L. Gyugyi, "Unified Power-Flow Control Concept for Flexible AC
Transmission Systems", ZEE Proceedings-C, Vol. 139, No.4, July
1992, pp.323-331.
[8] K. Almeida, F.D. Galiana, "A General Parametric Optimal Power
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