Random Story

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Random. short. stories.

This is a story built from a random put together to create

a story. I will give someone £500 if they find all the random words used in the
stories. E.g., The hippo lived on the moon. The random words in this are in yellow.

The Dragon Family and other random stories by Kaiya Wells Copyright (c) 2014 by
Kaiya Wells, all rights reserved Digital ISBN: 9781312755338 1st Edition Stories
and pictures by Kaiya Wells Merry Christmas! Table of Contents The Dragon ...

Space Gods Trilogy Diez Historias Aleatorias y Muy Cortas Ten Random and Very
Short Stories Dieci Storie Casualie Molto Brevi Dix Histoires Aléatoires et Très
Courtes Zehn Zufällige und Sehr Kurze Geschichten Five Random and Very.

Sarah J Wilkinson. Tases of Random Odes & Stories Sarah J Wiskinson Ode to Diamond
Head Two young lads called Brian and. Front Cover.

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