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Actividad valorativa #2

Ingles II

NRC: 9078


Carlos Iván Giraldo

Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios

Administración de Empresas VI
Octubre 2019, Chinchiná


1. Comparative and superlative exercises 1._________________________3

2. Comparative and superlative exercises 2._________________________4

3. future progressive exercises.____________________________________5

Chooses the correct option___________________________________________5

4. My plans for twenty-five years.___________________________________8


1. Comparative and superlative exercises 1.

(bigger / smaller) / (stronger / weaker) / (taller / smaller) / (older / younger) /

(faster / slower) / (heavier / lighter).

Write the comparative form.

1. The ostrich isbigger than the rabbit. (Big).

2. The rabbit is smaller than the ostrich. (small).

3. The giraffe is taller than the cat. (tall).

4. The cat is smaller than the giraffe.(short)

5. The elephant is heavierthan the lizard. (heavy)

6. The lizard is lighter than the elephant. (ligth)

7. The rabbit is fasterthe turtle. (fast)

8. The turtle is slower than the rabbit.(slow)

9. The bear is Strongerthan the mouse. (strong)

10.The mouse is weaker than the bear. (weak)

11. The lion is tallerthan the snake. (tall)

12. The snake is smaller than the lion. (short)

13. The grandfather is olderthan the boy.(old)

14. The boy is younger than the boy. (young)


15. The man is strongerthan the boy. (strong)

16. The boy is weaker than the man. (weak)

2. Comparative and superlative exercises 2.

Complete the sentences. Use a comparative (-er or more…) or a superlative

(-est or most...).

1. We stayed at the cheaper hotel in the town. (cheap)

2. Out hotel was cheaper than all the others in the town. (cheap)

3. The United States of America is large but Canada is largest. (large)

4. What´slargest canal in the world? (long)

5. He looked a bit sad yesterday but he looks happer today. (happy)

6. It was a terrible journey. It was baddest journey of my life. (bad)

7. Ali, can you tell me what most popular sport in you country is? (popular)

8. Everest is highest mountain in the world. (high)

9. We had a great holiday. It was one.of enjoyed holidays we’ve ever had.


10. I prefer this bed to the other one. It’s comfortabler. (comfortable)

11. What’s quickerway of getting from here to the station? (quick)

12. Mr. And Mrs. Murphy have got four daughters oldest is 14.(old)

3. future progressive exercises.

Chooses the correct option

1. Tomorrow, I will be sitting in the same seat that I am sitting in now.

A.?will have sat

B. ?will be sitting

C. ?will sat

D. ?will sitting

2. Please don't call me after 11PM. I will be sleeping.

A. ?will have slept

B. ?will be sleeping

C. ?will sleeping

D. ?will sleeps

3. We will be writing essays all semester for English 2. It is going to be a lot

of work.

A. ?will be writing

B. ?will writing

C. ?will have written

D. ?will wrote

E. ?will be writing

4. When you come tonight, our group will be practicing for our class


A. ?will be practicing

B. ?will have practiced

C. ?will practicing

D. ?will practiced

5. I won't be studying this evening. Do you want to go out?

A. ?will not studying

B. ?won't be studying

C. ?will not be studying

D. ?will not studies

6. My brothers and I won't be camping this weekend. We will be too busy

studying for exams.

A. ?won't be camping

B. ?will not camped

C. ?will not camping

D. ?will not be camping

7. My friend will be studying for the TOEFL exam over her summer vacation.

A. ?will studying

B. ?will have studied

C. ?will studies

D. ?will be studying

8. What will you be doing this afternoon at 3PM?

A. ?will you doing

B. ?will you be doing

C. ?will you have done

D. ?will you done

9. I will be taking English 2 next semester.

A. ?will be taking

B. ?will taking

C. ?will took

D. ?will have taken


10. I won't be traveling with my brother through Europe because I don't have

enough money.

A. ?will not traveled

B. ?won't be traveling

C. ?will not be traveling

D. ?will not traveling

4. My plans for twenty-five years.

For my future, I want many things. I am currently studying business

administration,at 25 years old I want to be able to contribute a lot of knowledge and

be within a very competitive and efficient way, so developing my theoretical,

practical knowledge and the ability to deal with people, since knowing how to

socialize, will help me meet people and It will open doors for me in the future. In a

few years one of my goals is to study abroad (U.S.A.) English, one of my favorite

languages, this would help me to financially promote my city in other countries. I

also want to be able to do a master's degree that would not hurt me because it

would enrich and deepen my knowledge. In twenty-five years I will be an

administrator, and that is where I will begin to demonstrate my knowledge and start

up the projects I have in mind. The construction of a lodge is what I most eagerly

hope to obtain, manage it sustainably, create sources of work for other


professionals in the administrative field and above all provide people with a quality

and efficient service.

Before starting my project to build a lodge, I will work in institutions whether

public or private, to gain experience and learn from the people who work there, that

way I will not make so many mistakes and if I make them I will learn from them. I

will dedicate myself completely and exclusively to the administrative sector

because it is one of the economic sectors of the country that has the greatest

boom. In conclusion, the professional future that I hope may seem very ambitious

and will do everything possible to achieve it

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