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. H i s t o ry L e s s o n .

Reinforced Concrete Rises:

The Ingalls Building

n its mid-19th-century heyday, Cin-
cinnati was the sixth-largest city in America,
a hub of the nation’s canal traffic and home
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to one of the country’s densest city districts.

While the Civil War and the transition from
canals to railroads cost the city its prominence,
Cincinnati was—and still is—home to an ar-
ray of significant architecture that belies its size.
Among these structures, few have proved more
important than the Ingalls Building, the world’s
first reinforced-concrete high-rise.
According to John Clubbe’s book Cincin-
nati Observed: Architecture and History (Colum-
bus: Ohio State University Press, 1992), rail-
road tycoon Melville Ezra Ingalls planned a
16-story office tower in downtown Cincinnati
for the headquarters of the Cleveland, Cincin-
nati, Chicago and St. Louis Railway Co., bet-
ter known as “the Big Four,” of which he was
the president. He intended the building, which
would begin construction in 1902, as “an ever-
lasting monument to Cincinnati; her progress
and enterprise.”
To achieve his vision, Ingalls hired Alfred
Elz­ner, one of the more progressive architects in
the city. Elzner trained in art and engineering in
Cincinnati and later studied architecture at the
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).
According to Architecture in Cincinnati: An Illus-
trated History of Designing and Building an Ameri-
can City by Sue Ann Painter, Beth Sullebarg-
er, and Jayne Merkel (Athens: Ohio University
Press, 2006), Elzner had supervised construction
of the city’s chamber of commerce building, de-

signed by perhaps the top architect in America

at the time, Boston-based H.H. Richardson.
Elz­ner was later joined by George Anderson, the
first Cincinnati native to earn a diploma from the
École des Beaux-Arts in Paris. Henry N. Hoop-
er, of the Ferro-Concrete Construction Co., of
Cincinnati, would serve as the Ingalls Building’s
structural engineer.
Though the efforts of Elzner, Anderson, and
Hooper were cutting edge in 1902, the roots

Completed in 1903 and standing 210 ft above

grade, the Ingalls Building, in Cincinnati, was
the world’s first reinforced-concrete high-rise.

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of reinforced-concrete construction
date as far back as the 17th century, Ransome’s ideas, was followed by a variety of other rein-
forced-concrete structures around the
when iron tie rods and armatures were
used to strengthen masonry, accord- says Tilman, were country.
In 1884 Ransome patented twisting
ing to historian Carl W. Condit, in his
journal article “The First Reinforced- better “because rebar and described it thusly:
“My invention consists in a means
Concrete Skyscraper: The Ingalls Build-
ing in Cincinnati and Its Place in Struc- the rebar is for strengthening the structure by
the use of rods or strips of iron, steel,

twisted. Twisted
tural History” (Technology and Culture, or other suitable metal, which extend
Vol. 9, No. 1, January 1968, pp. 1–33). through the material and are twisted,

rebar adhered to
But the contemporary use of rein- so that they are fixed within the mate-
forced concrete only accelerated in the rial at every point from end to end, and
middle of the 19th century, as engi- a rigid bond is thus formed throughout
the concrete and
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neers, builders, and inventors sought the entire length, the tendency of the
a way to reinforce concrete with met- iron to stretch or draw being resisted at
al to, Condit wrote, “secure a property
thought to be lacking in the material
made a better bond every point in its length.”
While Ransome was the lead-
By the 1870s, many builders were
between concrete ing American builder of reinforced-
concrete structures at the turn of the
exploring the use of reinforced concrete.
William E. Ward built a home in New
and steel.” century, others offered alternative tech-
niques, wrote Condit. “Around 1893
York state near the Connecticut bor- William Orr, the superintendent of
der that “proved to be the first com- mills of the New Jersey Wire Cloth
plete work of reinforced-concrete con- Company, a subsidiary of the John A.
struction,” Condit wrote. Ward himself Roebling’s Sons Corporation, invented
explained that the impetus of the idea a system of floor construction in which
struck him in 1867, when he noticed the familiar arches springing between
“the difficulties of some laborers on a the floor beams were made of concrete
quay trying to remove cement from reinforced with woven wire netting
their tools. The adhesion of the cement strengthened by being tightly bound
to the iron was so firm that the cleavage to parallel iron rods.” Orr’s method,
generally appeared in the cement rather which came to be known as the Roe-
than between the cement and the iron.” bling system of reinforcing, could sup-
While conducting experiments port loads of up to 1,200 lb/sq ft.
early in the home’s construction, Other innovations were occurring
Ward discovered that “the utility of in Europe around the same time.
both iron and béton [concrete] could In France, Alphonse de Man pio-
be greatly increased for building pur- neered a “composite construction of
poses through a properly adjusted steel columns and beams and concrete
combination of their special physical floor slabs reinforced with twisted steel
properties.” strap.” A gardener, Josef Monier, was
There were other innovations along granted a patent for reinforcing “con-
the way, Condit wrote. American in- crete columns and girders with a grid
ventor Thaddeus Hyatt studied the of iron rods.” German builder, G.A.
behavior of reinforced concrete in 1877 Ernest Ransome patented twisting Wayss, later bought Monier’s patents,
and concluded that “the coefficients of rebar in 1884 and became the lead- and, Condit wrote, “began experiments
thermal expansion of iron and concrete ing builder of reinforced-concrete to determine the capacity and behavior of

are nearly identical and that the elonga- structures in the United States reinforced concrete under load, the resis-
tion of the two under load is virtually the at the turn of the last century. tance of concrete to fire, and the corrosion
same for the two materials.” resistance of the iron reinforcing.”
But the key figure in the United States was Ernest Ran- French builder François Hennebique was also develop-
some, who came to America from England in the 1870s to ing reinforced concrete, in parallel with Ransome. Among
represent his father’s cast stone manufacturing business. Over other contributions, Hennebique, wrote Condit, “first in-
the years he began to experiment with iron reinforcing to im- troduced small vertical plates and later U-shaped stirrups
prove the company’s products; he also started studying rein- set at intervals along the length of the beam to bind the re-
forced concrete. His innovations led to the first reinforced- inforcing in the lower or tension zone to the upper or com-
concrete bridge in the United States, the Alvord Lake Bridge pression zone of the beam.” Hennebique was granted his
at Golden Gate Park in San Francisco, built in 1889. This first patents in 1892 for a system that featured tension bars

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and stirrups, as well as “the bending it would have better resistance
up of the ends of tension bars to re- to fire and would be cheaper to
sist diagonal shear at the ends of the build than steel, according to the
beams. Before the close of the century, website,
several French engineers were propos- which is operated by the 72-year-
ing alternatives, chief among them old Arlington, Texas, contracting
Armand Considère, who was the lead- firm Bob Moore Construction to
ing exponent of helical reinforcing for document the history of concrete
the compression members of building construction. Still, it took Elzner
frames and bridge trusses.” two years of battle with the city’s
Hennebique generally gets more building department to convince
credit than Ransome, says Jeff Til- it the building would stand.
man, an associate professor of archi- “It is said that the day the build-
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tecture and the associate director of ing was to be completed and they
the School of Architecture and Inte- were going to pull the scaffolding
rior Design at the University of Cin- down off the building, a reporter
cinnati. That, Tilman says, is because for one of the local papers decid-
the Frenchman taught architect Au- ed that the building was certainly
guste Perret, who later taught Charles- going to topple,” says Tilman. “So
Édouard Jeanneret, a Swiss-French ar- he stationed a photographer and
chitect also known as Le Corbusier, himself across the street and stayed
thus establishing a clear lineage up all night waiting for the
of the use of reinforced concrete During its construction, above, the Ingalls Building building to collapse. When
in modern architecture. Ran- accounted for about one-half of one percent of all the it didn’t, he was greatly
some’s work tended to be used cement used in the United States in 1902 to 1903. Despite disappointed.”
in buildings with more classical local fears that the building would topple, the building The Ingalls Building’s
facades. proved the viability of reinforced concrete in tall structures. overall dimensions in plan
Nevertheless, Ransome’s are about 50 by 100 ft; the
ideas, says Tilman, were better “be- 16 stories above the basement rise
cause the rebar is twisted. Twisted re- 210 ft above grade, or 235 ft above
bar adhered to the concrete and made the undersurface of the founda-
a better bond between concrete and tions, according to Condit.
steel. Ransome came up with that According to a 1904 article
innovation.” in Architectural Record magazine
Ultimately, the Ingalls Building (“The First Concrete Skyscraper,”
reflected innovations from multiple Vol. XV, No. 6), the building con-

sources, wrote Condit: “(1) Ransome’s sisted of “a concrete box of 8-inch
heavy monolithic beam-and-slab con- walls, with concrete floors and
struction with tension reinforcing; (2) roof, concrete beams, concrete col-
the two-way reinforcing systems of umns, concrete stairs; the whole
Monier and Wayss; (3) the bent bars entirely devoid of the usual I-
and stirrups of Hennebique; (4) the beams, Z-bars, angle irons, plates,
hoops and continuous helixes for com- rivets and bolts.”
pression members, the former origi- Vermont marble was used for
nally proposed by Hyatt and the latter the facade of the first three floors,
by Considère.” according to Clubbe, while the rest,
The first skyscrapers of the 1880s wrote Painter et al., was “wrapped
and 1890s had been built of steel in a conventional, Beaux-Arts Clas-
frames, Clubbe noted. And in 1902 sical, buff-brick exterior to make it
no one had built a structure out of con- stylistically more acceptable to the
crete that was more than half as tall public.”
as Ingalls’ was planned to rise. “Many Condit described the build-
persons thought that a tall building ing’s structural frame as a “virtual
poured into concrete molds, even re- monolith of solid columns, foot-
inforced with metal bars, must soon ings, foundation walls, girders,
topple of its own weight.” beams, floor and roof slabs, and
Elzner and Anderson chose re- spandrel panels, the last of which
inforced concrete in part because functioned as part of the load-

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bearing system above the lev- unloading, storing, and placing
el of the third floor. Monolith- the awkward lengths of column
ic action was secured as nearly girders.” Contractors, he added,
as possible by carefully bond- didn’t need to provide derricks
ing freshly poured concrete to or other heavy-duty hoisting
partly set concrete at the joints machinery, saving construction
left from successive daily op- costs and limiting construction
erations.” The framing mem- impacts on neighboring streets.
bers were reinforced with Ran- However, he wrote, “These sav-
some’s twisting steel bars, “so ings were (and continue to be)
located as to take all tensile and partly offset by the high labor
shearing stresses, thus allowing costs of constructing the wooden
the concrete to develop its full formwork necessary for the pour-
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compressive stress. In the case of ing of concrete frames and slabs.”

the columns, however, the com- When it opened, the Ingalls
pressive action of the concrete Building was the tallest build-
is supplemented by groups ing in Cincinnati. While the
of heavy round rods, four to a building was soon eclipsed in
column.” height, it has always remained
In all, the building took open. This summer the build-
eight months to build and ing was purchased by Char-
opened in 1903. According to lotte, North Carolina-based, the In- SREE Hotels, which plans to
galls Building accounted for renovate the building and con-
about one-half of one percent of vert it into a hotel.
all the cement used in the Unit- The Ingalls Building, Club-
ed States in 1902 to 1903. Til- be explained, “revolutionized
man notes that workers found the construction industry. In the
it difficult to produce all the late twentieth century at least
concrete needed for the Ingalls half the new high-rises built use
Building. There were no con- reinforced concrete.” Condit
crete mixers, so the work had put it this way in his 1968 arti-
to be done by hand. “They were cle: “All the techniques of con-
only able to place 100 cubic struction used in erecting the
yards a day, maybe a quarter of a Ingalls—building formwork,
story,” says Tilman. “The build- installing reinforcing bars, pour-
ing had to be built very slow- ing concrete, preparing concrete
ly; rebar for floor slabs and col- The landmark Ingalls Building still stands in Cincin- surfaces, and applying veneer
umns had to be wired in story nati and is presently being renovated into a hotel. materials—have remained stan-
by story.” dard since the Cincinnati project
The 1904 Architectural Record article noted that concrete was undertaken.” Other than “some increase in mechanization,”
being considered for projects in the era in which Ingalls was he added, little had changed.
built was made with “high-grade Portland cement, clean The building was approved as a national historic civil engi-
sand, containing, if possible, g rains of variable size, and neering landmark in ASCE’s Historic Civil Engineering Land-
crushed stone or gravel. In the superstructure, limestone mark Program (HCELP) in late 1973 and dedicated in 1974. It
should not be used, as it would too readily be injured in a fire. was listed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1975.
Such concrete should be dense, that is to say, the voids should (Ransome’s Alvord Lake Bridge is also a national landmark in
be well filled, and all thoroughly tamped.” Enough water was ASCE’s HCELP.)
needed, the article went on, to “make a soft concrete, so as to While the Ingalls Building might not
insure perfect contact with the steel bars; for concrete-steel, be the signature Cincinnati building in

it must be remembered, depends for its strength chiefly upon the eyes of locals, “It’s always been im-
the adhesion between the concrete and the steel.” portant to civil engineers,” says Tilman.
Beyond its structural properties, the use of reinforced con- “This building proved that almost any
crete also had implications for practical aspects of the construc- structure in any form could be built of re-
tion itself. According to Condit, the Ingalls Building revealed inforced concrete.” —T.R. W itcher
“one great advantage” of using concrete instead of steel: “the
absence of heavy structural steel members freed the site from T.R. Witcher is a contributing editor to
the traffic of large vehicles and from the associated problems of Witcher Civil Engineering.

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