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l-,,1, 0 rrcJl /ll rlvll zq"r:rall FqlJl / a'ah ;h"


Ilaitham Ali BadY
[Jniver sitYof Qadis siYa

Abstract method that can

Yield iine theory offers a simplified nonlinear analytical
capacity 9f 1T reinforced concrete plates
determine the ultimate ilexural -o-"r,i program
.In this study, a computer
surlecteato distributed , linear or:9nc-entratedloads
virtual work method is presented
basedon a numerical method which dependson the
moment capacitybasedot tl".. geometry
.The methodconsistsof computing the uitimate
of the assumedcollapse*""ttu"itl defined by means nodes , plane-sand lines ' One
difficult to evaluate
practical limitation of yield line theory is that it is computationally
-"oln*ollfy . This problem is aggravated
- by complex geometry and
some complex mechanisms is
reinforcing layouts found in practice , but. sittce the present method
plates complex shapes , assumed
numerical , it allows the yield lines analysisof
foi calculation of the work done by the external
mechanismsand toadings.elgorithms
by the yield line in. the assumed
loads on the plate andihe internat work dissipated
of reinforcedconcreteslab is given'
mechanismare describedand a numerical"*u*pi"t
allows the use to searchon the
Ttre computer piogru* developedin this paper that
moment capacityuling Rrgc.edure
mechanismsthat give it tign"rt ultimate flexural at each
" failure gecmetry of the slab
can change the mechanism-and the associated
lntroduction which is acceptedby
Yield line theory is a relatively simple analysis.method
the ultimate bending capacity of flat
American Concrete Institute (ACI) to calculate
by Johanson(4) and sincethat' it
reinforcedconcreteslabs .The'method was developed
and steetitabs' It is basedon the observed
hasbeenapplied ,,r"""rrruffy to both concrete into a discreteplastic
failure suggested ,i,ui utt ofifr" yielding in a slab can be lumped
as a seriesof rigid bodies which are
hingesor yield lines, Thus , a slab iJ idealized in
connecredtogetter ij-yi"iJ-ri*, .At the ultimate load , the total plastic strain energy
doneby the extemal loads to the displaeed
the yield lines is equatedto ihe externalwork
.Yield line theory is an upper bound energy
shapeof tt urr,r*'.J yi"rO tint mechanism
method, and the q*iiiy soiutiondependsgn tle assumedyield line rnechanism'
"i,tte line presentedin this paper 'The
A numericaf."ifi"O basedon ttre yietO
line methodin that it does not use a direct
method differs ao- tt conventionatyietd vector algebra
" p*Ulem b* ratherit usesanalytical geometr!'
"irft" oith" problem on handto arrive the solution.
and the specific g";;;;t
U* assumedto form any arbitrary yield line
to plates of arbitr-a*hup"- ithirtt. "u"
has the advantage of requiring no algebraic
mechanism .Furthermore, the method the
by complexity of the algebra'as in sometime
manipulationand ,it"t f, i, not limited
casewith the conventional yield line
yield line ,I"ory, the vinual work method
There are rwo solution pro"ed.rr"s ;;h.
, 0 :rcll /[ .linll /ardri^li p$l / .],ti a""h ;tl*

solutions.The virtual work methodis simpler in principle and it is used for the numerical
methodpresentedin this Paper.
Sincethe yield Line-mithod leadsto an upperbound solution, different mechanisms
as well as di#erent dimensionsfor each mechanismmust be tried in order to find the
lowestpredictedstrerrgthof the plate. In the conventionalmethods, the optimum solution
I of'simpie problerns
b" found directly by differentiation . For complex problemsa trial
and error iechnique is faster and usualiy satisfactory. For numerical method presented
l' herein, a simple searchingprocedureis usedto find the optimum solution'
Virtual work method
I -Internal Wor{<
The internal work dissipated by the yield lines during a small motion of the assumed
collapsemechanism is representedas the following equation
D=I Mp,*O,xL, . . .( 1 )

Where Mpi is the piastic moment capacity resistanceper unit length

Q is the rottrtion of each yield line .
Li is the length of eachyield line.
n" is the number of yield line in the assumedmechanism'
Consider , s 3 simple example , an orthotropic rectangular slab with fixed supports
subjectecito a uniformly disributed load (w) over the areaof the plate and assumed
numbered from
form a y;eld line mechanisnrsho'*tr in Figure( 1) .The yield lines are
(1) to tl).Witfr ends numbered from 1 to 5 , the flat slab segments , or planes , are
plane which is
numberedfrom 1 to 5 including the plane representedthe fixed support
numbered (l) .A right trand iectangular coordinates system is set with the
tJre lower left corner with the z-axis pointing upward, the
locatr:d arbitrary , sa:yat
(x,y) coordinatesof each node are then determined

-T o
II tr o

I Y 7 A Lines

o Fixed

A Fixed
t'z t]
flF\f==** i Fixed


(a) Flate
- (1) .Fixed edges rectangular slab with uniformly distributed load
(b) glodel of numerical analYsis
f'".'l' 0 ra'll /ll =l+ajllar"r:rajl (N /.19 a'"b alv

ylelq line making an angle (a ) with

The bending resistanceper unit length, Mpi of a
line is sagging :-
-*;, *u,*, iian,irthotropic plate ,(Figure2j if the yield
= Mpxcosza+l/rPYsin't a "'(2)
and.if the yield line is hogging
a+ tw{Y"n'o
ii, = tuIp'""ort "' (3)
,rhere the fuaction of a are found &om
!-r 112 l- r-. - 12
ly'-Y'll-,r*, o=lEz-:zt|
cosra=f .' t+l
L J ' - L L J
y direction, respectively, and
Mpx and Mpy are th.esagging resistance in ttre x and
x and y coordinatesof the
Mp'* .andMp'yare the hogging resistance.xr, yt are the
In skew concrete slabs the ,"inftor..*"nt may be placed-parallel t9 th: edges ofl the
in the x
slab, and hence til;"* tr not orthotropic. iet thi reinforcement be plac'ed
an angle B with the x axis
direction and in the (S) direition, includ.rng at
is sagging
(0 < P < 180) .The bending resisl:ance,Mpi, of a yieid line
Mpi = Mpxcasza+ MPYcos'(P'-a)
and if the yield l.lrreis hogglng}
- . . .( 6 )
Mp, = Mp'xcosz a + MP'Y xos' 1P a'1
where the functions of (a ) are l'ourrd fr*m :-
r t 1-i2
c o s t d= l V z . h l '
if (yz-yrXxz-xr)
- t,)l'
1, ^ - = lcos
l * - ' ' F(Y, -.Yr) , sin/tt, . . .(8)
cos'(B a)
if (yz-yrXxz-xr)S 0
- -tl,)l'
1. ^
- t)
| c o s B ( ; r '----:-
--- ...(e)
cos'1P-a)=i--- t
L t
trnd hogging resistance in the x and s
ldpx, Mp'x , MP:; and *Ip'sare the saggrng
direction, respec,tivelY.



. a

orthotropic plate, (b) In skew

Figur.'g (2) Yiekt line at generali angle (a) Irr
concrete slatr
t..l , 0 lcjl /ll -b^ll z;!r,n:ajl &l t J,j+;""t+ alt"

Before calculating the rotation of the yield line, planes must be defined, as
follows, conesponding to the rigid plate segmentsof the assumedmechanism.For the
plate shown in Figure 1 , plane 2 is defined by nodes 1,2 and3 , plane 3 is defined the
nodes 1,3 and 4,et.Given three points po(xoryopo),pr(xrrvrrzl), and pz{xzryz*z), the
algebraicequation of the plane through thesepoints is :-
Ax+$yafz+D=0 ...(10)
A: (yr-yo)(22-zs)-(zrzo\(Vz-Vo) . . .( 11 )
B= (21-zo)(xz-xo)-(xr-x")(zz-A) ...(12)
C=(x1-xo)(yz-yo)-$r-yJ (xz-xJ ...(13)
D=-(Ax+By+CZ) ...(14)
In order to define a plane, the tlree point's po,pr and p2 must not to be collinear. lhis
can be checked by comparing the slopes of a line from po to p1 and a line from p1 to
p2 .For simplicity , the slopes in the x, y plane (yz-yll(xz-x1) are compared .If the
slopes are unequal the three points are not collinear and can be used to calculate the
algebraicequation of the plane.
Once the equation of a planes has been determined,it can be possible to calculate the
deflection of some nodes, which otherwise would have to be calculated by hand using
the following equation :-
z--(Ax"+By"+D)/C ...(15)
The rotation of each yield line is given by the angle 0 betweenthe two planes
intersectingat that yield line (seeFigure3 ).Giventwo planes(m) and ( n) with the
following algebraicequations.

Plane m (end view) Planen (endview)

Yield line (endview)

Figure (3).Rotationbetweenthe rigid plate segments;(a) Planeview; (b) Section

Plane m: A.x*Bmy+Cmz*D=0 '
Planen : Aox*Bn5r*Cnz*D=$ ... (16)
The angle I between these planes is equal to the acute angle between their normal
vectors n- and nn and is given by'
(B^C -C .B )' +(C^A, -A ^C n)' + (A^8, - B ^An)'
= "
In^'n^l lA,nAo+B^Bn+c,c,l
f,.l : 0 )rcll /ll Jpn ,ra*,rlail pN / J/; d'"t+ ab"

\Where,sir.rcewe considervirtual displacement,the angle can be consideredsmall.

Such smail angles are obtained by assumingsmall deflections of the yield line
mechanisrn.For exaurple, choosinga ma:rimumvalue of 1/106 of the plate width ,
say , for the z coordinate of the nodes in the displacedplate leads to satisfactory
resuitswith lesserrors.
From the numericaldescriptionof a yield line mechanism, it is possibleto determine
the bendingsign of the yield lines,i.e. whetherthey are saggingor hogging.Givena
yield line with end nodes I and 2 , boundedby planes(m) and (n) , and using the
conventionthat plane m is on the left hand side of the yield line for an observer
standingat node I and looking at node2 , thena point H with coofdinates[x1+(y2-
yr), yr+(xr-x2)lis alwayson the right -hand sideof the yield line (seeFigurea ) .The
differencesbetweenthe z coordinateof point H on plane n and the corresponding
coordinateusingthe equationof planem indicateswhetherthe yield line is saggingor
hogging.WhenZar-Zs^>0 , the yield line is sagging.When Ztto-ZH*r<0, the yield
iine is hogging.


Figure (4) .Bending sigr (sagging or hogging ) of yietd line (a) Plane view
(b)Section A-A

The length of each yield line is given by the distance between its end nodes
andis equalto
pr(xr,Yr,zr)and p2(x2,y2,22),
-rr)t +(yr-yr)t ..(18)

Where the z coordinates,being very small, are not included,

The plastic moment , the rotation and the length of each yield line having been found
usirig eqns (5,17) , the product of these values is then summed for all yield lines .The
sum, f,rz d.,isequal to the total energy, D, dissipatedby the yield line.
Il-External work
The external work of loads moving the displacedshapeof the yield line mechanismis
discussed in this section. The external work is the sum of work due to concentrated,
line and uniformly distributed loads and is representedin the following equation

Zi'^p, d, tr\'here:- Pi is the loadsacingon the slab ...(1e)

d is the deflectionoccurreddueto the appliedload
Theprocedureusedto calculatethe externalwork for eachloadingcaseis asfollows:-
l-..1, 0 r\.[ /il :ly.ll zii.',r:mJlpgki z JJ-l;i*l+ alro

1- Concentrated (Point) Load :-

Point load can be defined by a magnitudePpr, a point (node) where the load acts is
with coordinatesx and y andthe planeon which it is acting .Thedeflectionof the load
is the zpl coordinate of the point where the load is acts .If the z coordinateis not
specifiedat the load point, it canbe calculatedfrory Eqn. ( 15 ) .Thework doneby the
i ;
point load(Err-yiscalculatedas:-
Epr=P4.zrr ... (20)
2- Line Load :-
A uniform or linearly varying line load can be defined by two end nodes with
coordinatesx1,[ and x2,]2 r€specively, the magnitudeof the line load at eachend is
pl' a P1;2and the plane on which the line load is applied is shown on figure( 5 )
.Giventhis data,the work doneby the line load (Er-r-)is calculatedasfollows:-

1 3
v o

Figure (5) Line load ;(a) Top view ;(b) Front view

The length of the line load is

- . , , (, 2 1 )
t= x,)t +(y, - yr)'
"l$r- of tbeline loadis ..
P11= (Pr,r,t+?Lu)12 ..,(22)
The location of the resultant is at (xr,y") where
X .' :- X t l"-v,
x - = x ,* 'c , lr= lt *T'' ...(23)
2Pu'* lu'' ...(24)
Where - = *7
" 3(Po, + P,,r)
The deflectionat the point throughwhich the resultantload actsis

211=-(Ax.tByc+D/C ...(2s)

WhereA, B; C and D are the coefEcientsof the algebraicequationof the planeon

whichthe load is acting
Finally, the work doneby the line load Ell is


' ,
l"l : 0 ncll /[ Jyi lal,,niol 4L] t Jtl at"l+ ab"

F4L: Pur. zu
3- Uniforrrly distributed Load (UDL)
A unifounly distributed load can be defined by the N vertices, with
of the areacoveredby the
(xr,yr), (x2,i2),...,(xn,Yn), UqL , the magnitudeof the UDL
it applied.Given tlresedata'the work doneby the load
, pu', , andthe pd;;;;hi;h
is calcrilatedasfollows:-
to that by
The valuesand location of the resultantare calculatedin a mannersimilar
'The unit
whic.h the area of a traverse is calculated in surveying (see Figure 6 )
resultantload is :-

Figure (6); Uniformly Distributed Load

(v'-!'k^ * t'H,
*'/, *0r- /rY{r*.il.+...+ "' (27)

/ - v
* -
*,Y\t,.'%*...*(*' x"Nv'*
7ir':G,':ix, "X.t -:jt*)
centriodof the areacovefedby the UDL ' i'e' at
The location of the ,r*lt"rrt is at the
(xr,y.) where

I;r ,r"=--Al
*"=-A_ Lyp

;;; =qr{ft, . n+]*

+,,)i b#[(",
* +
",I o#]
+ +L'P[o,+xl.qg]
t-..1: 0 rrcjl /tt -,'ll"llzar,,.niallrgHl z .!L ;i*l+ al+o


z vd= +v,y
.b++.j.qd[0,. .!Td]
(t -'
"r ... (30)
* ..*'i] )i'
r ...
3 l
The dellection;ir the iesultant is:-

V.ye1=-(Ax.+Byc+D)rC ...(31)

Whare Ao B, C and D are the coefficient of the algebraic equation of the plane on
whicir the load is acting
Final.lytht::work done by the UDL Expl is
Egpl=Pup1"zup1 .., (32)
The work done by the va.rioursloading caseshaving been found using eqns (20) - (32),
the values are then sunrmed fol all the loads; .This sum IfA is equal to the work
doneby the loads (E).
Finally, the mornent capacifrrof the slab is found by dividing E by the sum of(Al ) for
all yield liues .

Optimality procedure:-
frnd the optimurn solutic;nfor a yield line mechanism, a series of patterns can
be de{ineci and a ;;reld load cri.lculatedfor each pattern .The pattem that gives the
maximum ultimat* flexural rrrornent capacity is retained as the solution. Series of
patterns can be ploduced by specifying, for one or more nodes, initial and final
positions in tlle x, y plane" and the number of steps between these positions. These
values can hc used by arr iteration procedures which create the family of patterns
.\llhen a.yield line mechanism involves severalparameters, a conesponding number
of iteratians procedures can be used to generate all the families of patterns. The
iteration procedures should pret'erably be nested ,so that all possible patterns are
created in the same solution .Recursive procetlures can be used advantageouslyfor
this puryrose.
When gerreraiing a series of yield line p;rtterns,it is often possible to relate the
location of some of the moving nodesto the iocation of other nodes. This reducesthe
amount ct data i:equired frrr the optimizatinn, and also it conveniently restricts the
movemints of the nodes within the limit of validity for the mechanism. One,way for
estabrlisl,ingthe relatiotship is by locating a node at the intersection of t"vo lines
defined b'y two pairs of nodes .The node at the intersection is called a slave node,
nhile the other four nodes g;riding the sLavenode are cailed master nodes. An
exainple to explain tbls technique will be presentedin this paper.
Compu.ter Prograrm.
A r:omputer (ULTYL) wasdevelopedin this paperto evaluatethe
ultimafg bendingrtrrflrent capacityof a concreteslab with specifieddimensionsand
loadingconditions.Ihe programwasv.rittenusingquick basiclanguage(version4.5)
on a PC computer .The flow chari of this program is shown in Figure (7) .This
progrilmenable the ti.ser to find the rnaximum bendingmomentcapacityof a slab
witir irn arbitrary shapesand with a various loading conditions(concentrated,
t J+ a'"t+ al*
f..l r 0 =:.Jlzttrl+"ll za+".iall pgLJJ

unifonnl;r distribxed )loads and supporting cases b.v 3nalvzing all -the
mechanismpatterns that can be doni on the slab and then finding the maximum
flexural morn*:ntoccurred(or. minirzrum loadthat causesthese pattems) '
Application ExamPles
of the
Ttree examplesate iresented in this paper to demonstratethe capability
ter:hniqueand the progfam de'relopedin ttris study used to evaluate the
rnomentcapacityof u *rr"r"te slabssubjectedto a variousloadingconditions
wgre f^o11d between
line andunifonniy distribute;d) loads,foi eachcase relationships
the ultimate rnoment and the parametefsthat relating the failure pattern
uto* ihe effect of Ut. mechanismpatternon.the-total load
(arechanisr,putt.*lio "op*ity
crrpacityoi tire slab , a conclusionswas drawn basedon these relationships
.*'ptuinth. behaviorof the slabs under differentloadingconditions.
Eiampl.e (1 ):-Rer*angular slab with simpty supportededges
This sirnpleexample-is ole of the examplesused in text books dealing
"o*tnln achieved
with rireyiel,r hae lh"*,-;t *u it is c:mpafe the results
of yield line
r:singogr pr*gram wlth ihe resultsobtainedfrom the classicalmethod
( a1A,the load was
rinalysis.Th* dimensionseifthe slabis shownclearlyin figure ! )
and its value was
assun:,ed to be a *niformly distributed over the area of the slab
reportedin this
iissurnedto be one unit , ihe analysisof this slabusing the method
capacity which shows
study gavc.: .ruiu"-or' 1 or a maximum moment
,"*onubl*, agreesient wittr tle rialueof (7'08) givenin Ref'(2)
::'jl z|| =lrdl ra;r.i^tl fgul z ,.J/+a..l+ dv

NP:- Numberof planes

InputgeorirctricaldataNP,NYL, NN
LoaddataPL, LL, UDL NYL:- Numberof yield
Mat€rial propertiesdata Mpx,Mpy
Searchingdala(moving nodesMN,
NN:- Numberof nodes
MN:- Number of moving nodes
SN:- Number of slave nodes

Calculatethe tennsof Equation( I )

for eachyield line Usingeqns( 2) to (17)
dependingon the caseofeach slab (sagging,
0, L, Mp hogging orthotropic,isotropic


the terms of Equation ( 19 )

using eqns(2O) to (32)for eachplane dependingon
the caseof th€ extorenalload ( PL, LL, UDL, )

" Ayor,,,

the moving nodesreacbedto

Find theMaximumvalueof the

flexural momentcapacityof the

Updatethe g€omerry- of the slab

andyield liness accordingto the
movementof tttemoving nodes
included in searchdata

Figure (7) Flow chart of the computerProgram ( ULTYL)

, 0 :Jl /il rb6l /a+x-ri6.llpN / Jfua*'t+al+"
Srt'fSt',a,rJ l



of the slab and the location of

The relationship between the maximum moment capacity -
stau 1x distance in figure 8 ) is shown
the intersection of the yield lines from corners of the
that when the (X) diverge away from the
in figure ( 9 ).From this retation one can observe
to preventthe failure to occur until
edge ofthe slab , a gt";t".capacity oftfre slab is required this point
the relition is conflicted and
reach to a specified location iX=O,S -m) over which on the slab
the disftibution of the live load
dependson the relative dimensionsiof the slab and
(liry uniformly distributed) on the
. By this relationship one can re distribute the live loads. 3r
of the structufe'
slafi in a manner that gives a largest load carrying capacrty

the slab '
f"'l , 0 rrcll /ll ''lr"ll fa,sr:iall p#i Z Ji; ut alio

Example (2 ):-Square Concrete Slab with Fixed and free Supporting Edges .
The objective of this example is to demonstratethe efficiency of searching technique
used in this paper to trace the ultimate moment capacity of the slab by using the optimality
procedure developed in this study and to show the capability of the program used in
simulating the line load case . the slab dimensions and supporting case and loading conditions
are shown in Figure (10) in this example there is one moving node (7) and two slave nodes
(4,6) .The coordinates (ay) for each slave node rvas updated by four master nodes (3,72,5)
and (7,9,8,5) for nodes 4 and 6 respectively .After the analysis the maximum moment
capacity of the slab was found to be ( 4800 ) k},l.m at (x:10 m) and the curves showing the
relationships between the ultimate load capacity an the distances(x ) and (y) of the moving
node (7) in figure (10) are shown figures (l l) and (12 ).


,p_X___-J a I0 -r e
Figure(10): Exampre
-#rtffi;:H*ll".tt"o withFixedandfree

R sroo
g 5600 €
.9 ,,,,
g I

t ,500
. E
S ,ro

! seoo F
Fig.(ll) sooo
5.5 6-0 6.5 7.O 7.5 8.0 !.5 9.0 9'5
x(n) Y (il)
Figures (11and i/;: netaUonships befween the ultimate moment capacity of the
slab with the distances (x) and(y) in figure (10 )
l - . . l, 0 r r c j /lt tb"ll /ri-r.ririrr'.llp#]l / & a."L+ dlo

Example (3 ):-Concrete Slab with different supporting cases

In this example, atl the casesof supporting edges and loading conditions af,e
enclosed.Thisexample is taken from Ref.( 5 ) which deals with the problem by the
ordinary technique of yield line method .The dimensions and loading conditions and
supporting casesare shown clearly in figure ( 13 ).This example was analyzed using
the developed program. Two moving nodes (4 &9) were considered in searching
process.No slaving nodes were needed in this case .The analysis has shown that the
uitimate moment capacity of this slab was (3415lb.ft )at the positions of the moving
node (x1:9.0 ft ,51lft ,x2:18.5 ft ).This indicates good agreementwith the ( 3500
Ib.ft)of Ref.(S).'fhe relationships between the ultimate capacity of the slab with the
distances( xi,xz,y) of the moving nodes (4&9) in figure ( 13 ) are shown in figures



Figure (l3):Example (3) Concrete Slab with different supporting cases

l-'.1: 0 rtrJ nl -lr"ll lii*,r:iajl r+lJl / a'alr all^

e,o $,o 11,o ,2.0


t,'o 16'0 17'o 2o'a 21.0 22'

;:--frfi '
Figures (14 , 15 and 16): Relationships between the ultimate moment eapacity of
the slab with the distances (x1) ' (y)and(x2) in figure (13 )

From figure (i4) shown above, one can note that when the distance Xt exceeds
line load location (x-10 ft )the extemal work done become large suddenly provided
that the ultimate moment capacity was become larger too by this conclusion one can
practically supposethe weaker point in the slab in order to distribute the live load (
iin" or uniform ) in such way that minimize the total external work .Figure(l7) shows
the relationships between the ultimate moment capacity of the slab with the distances
(y) of the moving node (9 ) in a different locations of distance(X1) one may conclude
tjrat increasingthe dimension (Xl) leads to increasethe total load carrying capacity of
the slab when (X1) exceeds(l I ft) an inversion in the behavior is noticed
f,,'l , 0 nJ /ll rlvJl uiis'riall PN / J'/

.it 3300
!- nsr,
= J?ol
5 315

fi'a 11'0 1r'5

8.a 8.5 s.a e'5 ::;:,
Y (ft)
itvof thesrab
Fi (1fl : Rerationships ;;ff
::i,'*:-:|ff :* f :f,#the distancex1
iiri;; I u, differentvaluesof
Conclusions ^r :-
in +L:o nr'recan cconcludethat the suggested
64npr on:
this paper
From the exanrplespresented :an
a'alysis ald the ;;hi;g technique adopted to create different
numerical method of of these
e pioeram d!'rlloptd on the bases
yield line mechanism, urri *,.r, tt "o*i.,Ii*, capacity of the con*ete
methor, were very ;ii.;;l;- in tracing the uttimate moment
cases and with complex
conditiori-urd ,,rpporting
slabs rvith different loading can be consideredas
method anclcomputerpfog{am
geometry shapes.i"lr, ".*"rtcal the maxlmum
civil engineers to tru"ing the behavior and estimate
a good tool for the
iffi]t1o this momentsufficiently'
momentcapacrtyof tt * .ta6, ana trren "utty
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New York (1980)
f.'l , 0 u.jl /ll 'tlt"I ud,!,nidil pgUl t .!L , dLa

lrr I#Jir 9l=iicL 4*#t1f -e#-'ll rS"it rla.i$l rjr :t+.*$ &.*r :nph


i!."". A+rt Yield Line Theory g-a;rJ| !i fuJlr i.E"3

f-=, .i.ili qFJ.$J +lJll
.F-r. rJ^- _rio.:.r ji 3j_r,J^- qrli LsJJl 1*Jsj-#JI ,-i-.iJ C.'!l eti=jYl fj :l+*l t€it*lJJ
i*lJ$l ora c+
Jt"n*l-+J g*--alf L . L,rI.:J
frre Ljif:"s."'te
-r["3eY! dJ-L e'b-l :ls'J f
eu=i)l pis 9L*r ai.4i.Jtll o:a rl-lS! . Virtual Work *;l-,r:lYl dJ'!'ll 4ii-ll
J -!r'r;l
,Ja-i,Jc 4!r,3 f+ g-Jl3 Collapse Mechanism Li-*Jl deil $*i!Si^ ;lo :Lco)!
L r i-,r!, -tJLiJ Planes €id33* 3 Nodes
d#jn i +ra: djtiA :+::. Yield lines 13*:i
a3^i"ll 3lrLll cJ-l u;:S3: sla;l iir,,.- ;P lLo i'rrll:rt1 ej'-bill
,5+j--iJl _l ,-Jil.Jt dii^Ll} "ts"b
a.J:iL J+e !iJ6*Jl rJtS-i t*3 o:s .,lll c.YLx
li;tll lslJ +'3r. ;,;a ,--rL!l r# gJ*,1 Gj-r. -i
r-t-)sil i;rL^ll
Numerical frr-c J,-+1"5,rJs b.ruol ,:.:...'iel].i3 +r.:!1 l:A cr33\5 "rA #
LJ=rJ. kir""r L. i-lJ.Jl A-c- g*5. alJl irsritsa'J ldealization
dils--*l gJl: Jt--ii!l crL-$;l$.
.i* 6,1-ill 6j-it LF-i,$ 'i."=l cdfl LL{ rl':c) pi ' A$A* di'si &yt{J iJjiJl
dihsl ' ti"'tl lr:' al"l*ll 4++-lHl
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Ajiljl , tll*i O- Siill d+"-ill -l cjS.i,lli iil3s- crYL ,rle LLr Jl hA J#l"i lJ e+P ijill
.&-ll e.UJCl J LrLll
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r s:rt t'*r. r Lrt N'.iil 'c'#- g.rlS;l 2Li
dF+ q-'-J -' .:l-ael iL*l-.:rl €lli3 di*ll {rlc lI*
LiJ*rl J J*Fn Jr v=
45rril$. 'tr'€
.alL ds ; ' u"'ll ,-lrtiiall

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