Classroom Vocabulary For Spanish Speakers REVISED (Aug.3.2018)

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Classroom Vocabulary for Spanish Speakers

Read each sentence. Which option can’t be used to fill in the gap?

1. “I was sick yesterday, so I couldn’t __________ class, but I asked a friend of mine about the homework.”

a) go to b) assist c) attend d) come to

2. “Although I’d love to go to the concert, I have to prepare for an English __________.”

a) quiz b) test c) partial d) exam

3. “She didn’t study much and never did her homework, so I’m not surprised her __________ on the exam was 2.4.”

a) note b) score c) grade d) mark

4. “He is a very good student. He __________ in class, and he has a good relationship with his professors.”

a) is focused b) pays attention c) is concentrated d) participates

5. “I have to __________ my homework before class, but it shouldn’t take too much time.”

a) finish b) do c) submit d) make

6. “Most of the students in the course __________ the midterm exam. It wasn’t very difficult.”

a) passed b) aced c) won d) completed

7. “It’s their second time taking this course. They __________ it last semester.”

a) flunked b) lost c) took d) failed

8. “Sorry to bother you, but can I __________ a pen? I forgot mine.”

a) lend b) use c) borrow d) have

9. “She’s going to __________ tomorrow’s class because she’s flying to a conference in Lima.”

a) miss b) skip c) reschedule d) fault

10. “In first semester, I studied engineering, but I didn’t like it very much, so I changed my __________ to biology.”

a) major b) career c) program d) area of study

Which words or phrases were new for you? Which words or phrases have you been using incorrectly? Write some short
notes below to help you remember whatever it is that you need to remember.

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