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From my point of view This is a very controversial topic and depends on the ethics
and values that each person has, However, I agree that at times it is inevitable, for
instance in a particular situation or a context sometimes for different reasons
provides a space to a lie. It is important to mention that, people tend to tell, on
average, ten lies a day starting with the typical "good" answer, when asked how
they are. Below I mention my opinion on the few occasions when a lie is
acceptable or when in most cases it is unacceptable.
It is considered polite When someone unknown or not so close to you asks how
you are and you should respond that you are doing well, but if it is a family
member or a friend, you should answer honestly because they care about you
and maybe they can help you with any problem that you have, remember that
sometimes we incessantly drown in our problems. You must be selective and
think before telling a lie and think about the purpose that it has, sometimes you
can tell a small lie to protect a person or to give a surprise but if not, think very
carefully about the consequences that lying can provide you and all the damage
you can cause by lying.
In conclusion, avoid telling the greatest number of lies to not hurt the people
whom you love, and the lies are generally one snowball, meaning that they can
grow one after the other is one lie after another and so the snowball grows until
you can no longer hide them it and it will be too late.

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