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Sample from HRACTS website

Accessed: 21SEP2006




The responsibility to ensure safety and health of the employees is placed on those who create the
risk and those who work with the risk. It is thus important to the Company and the employees to
undertake the responsibilities in establishing a safe and healthy working condition at the place of

* The Company is concerned and committed to ensure safety & health of its employees

* The Management is committed to provide a safe and healthy working environment in the factory

* It is a common duty and responsibility of every employee of this Company to develop safe
working habits and attitude in compliance with safety rules and regulations as set forth by the

(MD Name)


SAFETY & HEALTH POLICY      Pages  1   



For the effective execution on Safety and Health, it is imperative that all managers should comply
with the following:

1. To be responsible for the compliance and enforcement of all Safety Rules and Regulations,
Safety measures, Safety Code of practice in relations to the Occupational Safety and Health Act,

2. To set up high safety standards to control human losses and injuries.

3. To take particulars and dedicated interest in the promotion of safety; actively participating and
giving full support to all safety programs.

4. To maintain a safe and healthy working environment with proper housekeeping. Corrective
action must be immediately taken to rectify all hazardous conditions and environment.

5. To assist on safety being planned into operations at all times and under any condition.

6. To provide adequate and appropriate protective and safety equipment to employees and
facilities for promotion of safety and health.

7. To take disciplinary actions against any individual or groups on infringement of Safety Rules
and Regulations.
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Accessed: 21SEP2006

8. To attend Safety Meeting when invited.

SAFETY & HEALTH POLICY      Pages  1   


1. To accept responsibility for the prevention of accident in his section and work area.

2. To enforce all general and safety rules and regulations and code of safe practices.

3. To report and investigate accidents and near misses and dangerous occurrences.

4. To inspect his working area, tools and equipment regularly and record any unsafe
conditions/practices and defects.

5. To ensure that all persons working under him are trained in safe and proper working

6. To take stop-work action against any person working dangerously.

7. To rectify hazards pointed out to him by Safety Officer, or any Safety and Health Committee
member or employees.

8. To ensure good housekeeping at his work area.

SAFETY & HEALTH POLICY      Pages  1   


Accident prevention is of vital concern to everyone in the Company. All employees are
responsible for exercising maximum care and good judgment in preventing accident. Employees
are required to comply with the safety regulations stipulated in the Occupation Safety & Health
Act, 1994 and the Company's Safety Rules and Regulations.

1. To obey and follow faithfully all Company's Safety Rules and Regulations so as to protect
himself and his colleagues from body injury.

2. To work safely and correctly and do not practice any unsafe acts.

3. To report all unsafe acts and conditions to his supervisor immediately.

4. To rectify any hazards or unsafe conditions found at his are of work if possible.

5. To use the personal protective equipment provided for.

6. To maintain good housekeeping in the work area.

7. To seek advice from his supervisor:

(a) When an unusual "Safety" situation developed which may appear wrong to him;

(b) When he does not know how to do a job;

Sample from HRACTS website
Accessed: 21SEP2006

(c) When he does not understand the instructions.

8. To report all accidents to his supervisor immediately.

9. To seek first aid for all injuries, however minor they may be.


     STRUCTURE OF ORGANIZATION (refer to Appendix 1)

3 Zones are identified as per Appendix 2a, 2b and 2c attached (to include your own layout on the
zones). The Zone Representatives shall represent each of these zones.

1. Office Zone (Shaded in yellow)

- Directorate, General Office, EDP1, ITS, Upper & Lower Lobby, Reception Area, Meeting
Rooms, Lounge, Theatrette, Server Room, toilets and staircase

2. Operation Zone (Shaded in pink)

- EDP2, EDP3, Offset, Pre-press, Engineering, Laboratory, Store, Warehouse, Production Office,
goods lift, toilets and loading bay.

3. Parameter/Storage Zone (Shaded in green)

- External area, Guard House, Pump House, HT Room, Main Switch Room, Air-cond. Room, Link
Store, vacant area, loading bay, workers toilets/locker room and court yard

Each zone covers the areas as stated above and the individual Area within the zone is further
represented by a Area Representative.



1. Assist in the development of Safety & Health rules and safe systems of works;

2. Review the effectiveness of safety & health programs;

3. To conduct investigation after any accident which has occurred at the work place and the
Chairman shall convene a meeting of the committee to discuss the report. Recommendations of
the measures to be taken to prevent the reoccurrence of such incident. A copy of the Report shall
be kept for a minimum period of 7 years.

4. Carry out studies on the trends of accident, near-miss accident, dangerous occurrence,
occupational poisoning or occupational disease at place of work.

5. Review the safety and health policies at the place of work and make recommendations to the
Management for any revision of such policies.


1. Assist in the development of Safety & Health rules and safe systems of works;

2. Review the effectiveness of safety & health programs;

Sample from HRACTS website
Accessed: 21SEP2006

3. To conduct investigation after any accident which has occurred at the work place and the
Chairman shall convene a meeting of the committee to discuss the report. Recommendations of
the measures to be taken to prevent the reoccurrence of such incident. A copy of the Report shall
be kept for a minimum period of 7 years.

4. Carry out studies on the trends of accident, near-miss accident, dangerous occurrence,
occupational poisoning or occupational disease at place of work.

5. Review the safety and health policies at the place of work and make recommendations to the
Management for any revision of such policies.



1. To monitor the working practice of employee at work and provide suggestions to improve the
working procedure or condition base on safety concern.

2. To make systematic plant inspection at regular interval and report to the Committee if unsafe
condition or practice being observed.

3. To report and investigate accident occurred within the area and zone

4. To evaluate suggestion from employee within individual area/zone on issue related to safety
and health and submit proposal to the Committee.

5. To recommend corrective action for cases related to accident and to ensure enforcement of
safety rules and regulation among employees.

6. To coordinate and oversee the safety program and training of employees within the respective

7. To check on the effectiveness of the measures taken.



1. Meeting to be held as frequent as possible, or at least once in every 3 months.

2. A meeting shall be called immediately in the event of an accident which results in loss of life or
serious bodily injury to any employee, a near-miss accident or a dangerous occurrence at the
place of work.

3. At every meeting of a safety and health committee, the Chairman, the Secretary and the not
less than half of the remaining members present shall constitute a quorum.

4. Non-committee member who is involved in or has knowledge of any accident which has
occurred at the work place may be invited to the meeting for discussion of such incident.

5. Non-committee member may be invited to any of Committee Meeting to discuss any matter
pertaining to occupational safety and health.

6. Only matters relating to safety and health at the place of work shall be discussed at the

7. Copy of the minutes of the Committee Meeting should be kept for a period of 7 years for
purpose of inspection by an Occupational Safety & Health Officer.
Sample from HRACTS website
Accessed: 21SEP2006



1. Meeting to be held as frequent as possible, or at least once in every 3 months.

2. A meeting shall be called immediately in the event of an accident which results in loss of life or
serious bodily injury to any employee, a near-miss accident or a dangerous occurrence at the
place of work.

3. At every meeting of a safety and health committee, the Chairman, the Secretary and the not
less than half of the remaining members present shall constitute a quorum.

4. Non-committee member who is involved in or has knowledge of any accident which has
occurred at the work place may be invited to the meeting for discussion of such incident.

5. Non-committee member may be invited to any of Committee Meeting to discuss any matter
pertaining to occupational safety and health.

6. Only matters relating to safety and health at the place of work shall be discussed at the

7. Copy of the minutes of the Committee Meeting should be kept for a period of 7 years for
purpose of inspection by an Occupational Safety & Health Officer.


     PART 1
In the situation where it is deemed as Emergency, with or without the advise of Safety & Health
Committee, the Incident Command Team will take over the control of the situation.

The Emergency Response Plan is designed to provide orderly management and response to
situation such as fire, explosion and spillage.


The following definitions of an emergency are provided as guidelines to assist in determining the
appropriate response:


Any incident, potential or actual, that will not seriously affect the overall functional capacity of the

Report immediately to:

(1) Security Guard at Extension XXX

(2) Area Representative of Safety & Health Committee (Refer to Appendix 1)


Any incident, potential or actual, that will affect the entire building and will disrupt the overall
operations of the factory. External emergency service will probably be required.

Report immediately to:

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Accessed: 21SEP2006

(1) Area Representative of Safety & Health Committee (Refer to Appendix 1)

(2) Zone Representative of Safety & Health Committee (Refer to Appendix 1)


Any event that has taken place and has seriously impaired or halted the operations of the factory.
In some cases, mass personnel casualties and severe property damage may be sustained.
External emergency service will be essential but may not be able to response up to 3 hours. An
Emergency Operation Center (EOC) will be activated and Incident Command Team will be
mobilized in which appropriate support and operational plans will be executed.

Report to:

(1) Security Guard at Extension XXX

(2) Zone Representative of Safety & Health Committee (Refer to Appendix 1)

(3) Chairman of Safety & Health Committee (Refer to Appendix 1)


     PART 2

The key personnel identified under the Incident Command Team Structure are authorized to act.
Those unauthorized personnel will have to remain in designated areas (evacuation sites) under
the supervision and direction of Area/Zone Representative of Safety & Health Committee.


Records of all actions taken and persons involved with the emergency must be properly kept.
Such record will be submitted to the Documentation Officer and shall include the following:

(1) Location, time and persons involved.

(2) Roll Call information:

     (a) who is and who is not present at the roll call
     (b) casualties report
     (c) who has been released to whom

(3) Search and rescue information

     (a) Casualties located by Search and Rescue team
     (b) medical treatment site
     (c) casualties unable to be reached and requiring external assistance

(4) Medical treatment information

(5) Record of property damages

(6) Regulations, procedures and measures authorized by Incident Command Chief



Sample from HRACTS website
Accessed: 21SEP2006

All flammable and hazardous material shall be maintained in strict adherence to safety guidelines.
All personnel aware of any crisis incident shall respond by ensuring safety of self and others,
followed by reporting the incident immediately. Only trained personnel are to handle the crisis


Response to Spill Incident as follows:

1. Vacate the affected area at once - notify persons at work in the area to vacate. If required, seal
off the area to prevent further contamination of other area until the arrival of Safety & Health

2. Notify Security Guard at Extension XXX, advising them of the nature of the problem and the
exact location.

3. The person who reports shall remain in the vicinity (at safe distance of at least 50 feet radius)
and give detail description to the Safety & Health personnel. If first aid is required, Safety &
Health personnel should provide the treatment at once.

4. Do not return to the affected area until it has been cleared and cleaned up by the trained



1. Inform all personnel within their respective zone of emergency conditions and initiate
emergency procedures as outlined in this document.

2. Evaluate the impact the emergency has on their activity and take appropriate action. This may
include ceasing operation and initiating building evacuation.


1. Inform the personnel at respective area of emergency and initiate emergency procedures as
outlined in this document.

2. Report all safety hazards to Physical Damage Officer of the Incident Command Team.

3. Ensure all personnel follow building evacuation guideline during emergency, and report to the
designated evacuation site shown in Appendix 3 (to create own appendix).


1. It is the responsibility of the Incident Command Chief to enforce state of emergency and to
initiate communication with the Operation Chief of Incident Command Team.

2. The Operation Chief will contact other key personnel whether they are at work or at home at
the time of major emergency occurs. The key personnel will then in turn responsible for notifying
all emergency personnel who report to them under Incident Command Structure as outlined in
Appendix 4 (to create own appendix).
Sample from HRACTS website
Accessed: 21SEP2006



1. ERT is a group of trained personnel who will coordinate with the Incident Command Team in
the event of major disaster (Refer to Appendix 5).

2. It is the responsibility of the Safety & Health Committee to ensure the selection of ERT and to
maintain at least 8 persons at any time. All ERT members must be properly trained and equipped
per OSHA (Occupational Safety & Health Act) standards on emergency response and emergency
fire protection.

3. Responsibilities:

Priority 1 : Responding to emergency situation

Priority 2 : Determine the incident impact on the surrounding equipment, environment and
property, and to set strategy to stabilize situation and minimize impact

Priority 3 : Conservation and protection of property and equipment



When an emergency occurs or in imminent, it shall be the responsibility of the Operation Chief to
arrange for the establishment of Emergency Operation Center. The Incident Command Officer
will direct the Operation Chief or the Logistic Officer to determine an appropriate location for
EOC. The EOC is to be staffed by ERT personnel at all times until emergency situation ends.



Building evacuation plan must be posted and maintained throughout the factory. It must have
clear indication to show the relative position of employees and the evacuation exit.

The evacuation plan must also indicate the assembly site for different section to facilitate effective
roll call.


1. The Chairman of Safety & health Committee will be responsible for seeing that roll call reports
are generated.

2. After roll call has been taken at the evacuation site, and if the building are deemed unsafe to
occupy, the general population is to be transferred to the Mass Care Site, unless with the
authorization from the Managing Director or Executive Director, the population will be released to
return home.

3. Documentation Officer shall record all these events.


After taking roll call at evacuation site, it is the responsibility of the Emergency Support Officer to
begin moving the non-injured population to the Mass Care Site and keep the general population
away from affected building.
Sample from HRACTS website
Accessed: 21SEP2006




1. Volatile flammable liquids of which its vapor may travel considerable distance to a source of

2. Fire impingement on solvent containing equipment can result in explosive decomposition.

3. Combustion products are irritating and considered hazardous.


- CO2;
- Water Spray
- Dry Chemical


- stay upwind
- avoid physical contact
- wear respiratory protection and appropriate protective clothing

If there is potential for container rupture or heat impingement causing explosive decomposition,
consider evacuating for a radius of 50m. Due to the fact of fire impingement on container or
equipment containing solvent causing explosion, the responder should consider extinguishing the
fire first.


The following precaution steps to be observed:

1. Proceed with caution

2. Restrict access to spill area
3. Keep unprotected personnel upwind of spill
4. Avoid contact with spill product
5. Eliminate ignition source
6. Notify proper authority as specified in this document
7. Be cognizant of the extreme volatile and flammable nature of most solvent while planning for


In considering the use of water in emergency response, the user should be aware of the

1. Water can be useful for cooling equipment subject to fire impingement.

2. Solvent (Alcohol base) and water are completely soluble in each other, and water spray can be
useful in knocking down the vapor. However, water spray directed on a pool of liquid solvent will
increase its evolution of vapor until significant mixing and dilution of the liquid solvent have

3. Water/solvent mixture of less than 22:1 ratio can support combustion in open area. In closed
system, ratio up to 100:1 is required to eliminate combustion potential.
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Accessed: 21SEP2006




1. Volatile flammable liquids of which its vapor may travel considerable distance to a source of

2. Fire impingement on solvent containing equipment can result in explosive decomposition.

3. Combustion products are irritating and considered hazardous.


- CO2;
- Water Spray
- Dry Chemical


- stay upwind
- avoid physical contact
- wear respiratory protection and appropriate protective clothing

If there is potential for container rupture or heat impingement causing explosive decomposition,
consider evacuating for a radius of 50m. Due to the fact of fire impingement on container or
equipment containing solvent causing explosion, the responder should consider extinguishing the
fire first.


The following precaution steps to be observed:

1. Proceed with caution

2. Restrict access to spill area
3. Keep unprotected personnel upwind of spill
4. Avoid contact with spill product
5. Eliminate ignition source
6. Notify proper authority as specified in this document
7. Be cognizant of the extreme volatile and flammable nature of most solvent while planning for


In considering the use of water in emergency response, the user should be aware of the

1. Water can be useful for cooling equipment subject to fire impingement.

2. Solvent (Alcohol base) and water are completely soluble in each other, and water spray can be
useful in knocking down the vapor. However, water spray directed on a pool of liquid solvent will
increase its evolution of vapor until significant mixing and dilution of the liquid solvent have

3. Water/solvent mixture of less than 22:1 ratio can support combustion in open area. In closed
system, ratio up to 100:1 is required to eliminate combustion potential.
Sample from HRACTS website
Accessed: 21SEP2006


The following apply to all employees:

1. Obey all safety rules and regulations - they are for your protection.

2. Follow adopted work procedures and instructions from Supervisors. When in doubt, do not
hesitate to ASK!

3. Keep your mind on the job - day dreaming is prohibited.

4. Avoid horseplay and practical jokes - such activities often lead to accidents.

5. Avoid running on the factory premises.

6. Recognize, avoid and report any potential hazard to your Supervisor.

7. Obey and comply with warning signs on display.

8. Maintaining a clean work area is your responsibility.

9. Do not attempt to lift heavy loads, get help.

10. If you have to smoke, do it at authorized areas and NOT at your work area.

11. Keep aisles, passageways and stairways free from litter and obstruction.

12. All injuries must be treated. Your supervisor should be informed of all injuries sustained while
at work.


You will work better and enjoy life more if you take good care of your health.

- Eat the right kind of food and have enough sleep. Lack of sleep and proper food can cause
fatigue and cut down your efficiency, sometimes enough to cause an accident.

- If you fall sick at work, do not try to stay on the job. Inform your Supervisor of your illness.

- Wash your hands whenever you finish a job, especially before eating or after you have been
using chemicals.

- Obey "No Eating/Drinking" signs. Never eat or drink or store food or beverages in toilet rooms,
or in any area exposed to toxic materials.

- Do your part to keep washrooms, toilets and locker rooms neat and sanitary.


The Company provides the necessary protective equipment to its employees to protect them
against injuries and ill health.
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Accessed: 21SEP2006

The type available varies, ensure that the correct type is worn.

For your:


- Use safety glasses, full face shields or goggles against flying objects, duties and chemical


- Use earplugs or earmuffs to protect your hearing against loud noises.


- The most precious tools - PROTECT them. Wear gloves when handling materials.


- Wear approved type of safety shoes when you are required to handle heavy objects.

Always wear clean clothing and never wear jewelleries e.g. rings, long necklaces and bracelets
when working with machines.

Do not smoke anywhere within the factory production area and all other "No Smoking" areas.

"NO SMOKING" signs are put up for a reason - to alert you to a fire hazard area.

- Keep all combustible wastes in closed containers and materials away from heat.

- Know the location of nearest Fire Extinguisher.

- Know where the Emergency Exits are.

- Be prepared for fire by knowing where and how to turn on a fire alarm.

- Prevent and maintain machines from overheating.

- Never overload electrical circuits.

- Report all fire hazards immediately.


Machines are often one of the leading causes of injuries. So until you have been trained and are
familiar with the machine. HANDS OFF!

- Do not operate any machine you have not been trained to handle.

- Always keep guards in place - DO NOT remove them. They are for your protection.

- Switch off machine before repairing or adjusting.

- Do not attempt to repair machine - leave repairs to the Professionals.

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Accessed: 21SEP2006

- Do not walk off and leave machine running or when not in use.

- Do not wear loose clothing, gloves or jewelleries while operating machine.

- Do not put your hands along the path of any moving parts.

- Keep your machines clean.



When performing any work that involves electricity, no matter what the voltage is, be sure to take
all safety precautions and follow procedures.

- Do not stand on wet surface when working with electrical equipment.

- Always checks portable electrical equipment and ensures that they are safe for use.

- Always uses proper electrical connections.

- Do not overload electrical circuit.

- Switch "OFF" electrical supply when not in use or before making any repair, adjustments and

- Never attempt to repair your electrical equipment. Get the Professionals.

- Do not enter areas or temper with equipment indicated by notices "DANGER HIGH VOLTAGE".


When working on any electrical appliances, ensure that all necessary precautions are complied

Chemicals are frequently used. Be sure you know how to handle them.

- Use chemicals only as instructed. Never mix chemicals.

- Wear personal protective equipment as required.

- Never let chemicals come into direct contact with your skin.

- Always store and transport chemicals in closed containers.

- Follow safety and other instructions on labels of chemicals.

- No chemical containers are to be taken away from the premises for personal use.

- Be careful when using cleaning solvents to avoid splashing them into your face or someone
Sample from HRACTS website
Accessed: 21SEP2006

- Wash your hands after handling chemicals.

- Chemicals should not be kept inside containers for food or drinking water.

- No chemicals should be left exposed at any time, they should be covered.

- No more than 2 bottles of chemical should be placed at the line. They should be kept at the
chemical store instead and drawn out as and when required or at the start of the shift.

- Used bottles or empty containers should be cleared away immediately so as not to create an
unsightly place.

- Chemical containers should not be left on the passageway, under the machine or on the floor.
They should have a designated area for prevention against fire hazards.

- Inflammable chemicals are to be kept inside metal cabinets with the containers labeled to
prevent misuse. Arrange the items in systematic orders.


You can make lifting and carrying an easy job. You also can get yourself seriously injured. It all
depends on how you do it.

- Do not lift a heavy load without getting help or using lifting equipment. Avoid lifting with your
back muscles. Use your stronger leg muscles and keep your back straight.

- Stack materials neatly and make sure they are stable.

- Never overload any type of equipment when transporting materials.

- Do not block your vision when carrying, watch where you are going.

- Before you handle anything, check for nails, splinters, rough strapping or other things that might
injure you.


Accidents/injuries do at times happen to personnel handling office work. It is necessary to be
careful as accidents can be caused by your furniture and fittings or even your stationeries.

- Doors open unexpectedly - BE CAUTIOUS.

- Do not create tripping hazards - keep desk drawers closed.

- Turn off and disconnect office machines before cleaning or adjusting.

- Never use chairs, boxes, furniture, etc. when you have to climb to reach heights. Always use a
ladder or "step stool".

- Swivel chairs will shift from under you without warning - sit squarely on chairs.

- Do not run up or down stairways or corridors.

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Accessed: 21SEP2006

- Watch where you are going while you are walking. Never become pre-occupied with mail or
other reading materials while walking.

- Load file cabinets in such a manner as to prevent them from being top-heavy. Never open more
than one drawer at a time.

- Keep sharp pointed objects protected while in desk drawers to prevent cuts and puncture


- First-aid boxes and fire extinguishers are to be placed at locations not obstructed by any

- Check the first aid box regularly. Replace shortage items or dispose those items that have

- First aid box compartments must be labeled and checklist should correspond to the items

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