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March 25, 2020

FROM: Sr. Ma. Luisa M. Nemis, SMdC
TO: Ms. Christina A. Navarro
RE: Contract with MDA

Dear Ms. Navarro:

This is to remind you that your contract to Mater Dei Academy ends on the 31st of March 2020.
We wish to thank you for the service you have rendered to the institution for the past two consecutive
years. However, upon evaluation of your teaching performance and professional conduct, it was
unanimously decided by the committee NOT to renew your contract with MDA for the next school
year, 2020-2021.

Having passed the teachers’ board examination and valuable experiences with Mater Dei
Academy, we are certain that you can find better place/s where you can maximize your many potentials.
In view thereof, we are requesting you to submit the documents indicated below to your immediate
department head, Ms. Fely E. Atienza. Your salary and other remuneration (monetization of unused sick
leave, 13th month pay) pertinent to your service will only be released upon completion and submission
of the documents required.
a. Grading Sheets: Soft copy and hard copy of the students’
First Quarter-Fourth Quarter Grades (leave blank unsettled accounts for 4th Q.)
b. SF Forms
c. Soft and hard copy of learning plans/modules
d. Remote control, borrowed books, teachers’ manual, anecdotal record
e. Pageant tickets and list of unpaid students, talent search record of fees
f. Hard copies of quizzes & exams with answer key

I am so sorry that we could not discuss this matter in person because of our current social
situation. However, as things normalize, feel free to see us at our most convenient time. For the
meantime, kindly prepare the documents to complete your clearance.

Sincerely yours,

School Directress

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