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Reading Workshop 10

Name: Francy Viviana Tiradi Tirado Group: Intersemestral Julio Level 6 Date: 17/07/2020

Before reading

Match the following words with their definitions. Write the letters next to each word.

shunning E a) Cover with a large amount of water

grappling D b) Putting the most important things first
Flood (v) A c) Having the ability to understand without any
proof or evidence
prioritizing B d) struggling; fighting
Intuitive C e) Avoiding

While reading

Complete the text with the words from the box

executive tried growing using hates problems

Thierry Betton hates e-mail. The French tech boss hasn’t used it since taking the helm at Europe’s largest
IT firm, ATOS, three years ago. And he’s instructed his 75,000 employees to follow suit. He announced a
“zero-email” policy last February that favor services more like Facebook and Twitter instead.

Breton isn’t the only tried shunning e-mail. As company e-mail volume explodes, more businesses are
grappling with the data surge. Corporate e-mail storage is growing 20% to 25% a year thanks in part to
heavier file sharing. The data dump sucks $997 billion in productivity out of US workers annually: an
estimated 30% of e-mail is “occupational spam” caused by overuse of cc, bcc and Reply All.

David Sacks wants to turn those problems into profits with Yammer, a social-networking start-up for the
office. Unlike e-mail, which allows anyone to flood your inbox, social media tools hand the reins to the
recipient, allowing filtering and prioritizing.

Bu does Yammer add to data fatigue? Some 20% of companies have executive social networking, but
most don’t use it well. “Often the services get thrown up across a company without any real strategy”,
says Charlene Li of Altimeter group, a social media consultancy. “People stop using them if they feel
overloaded.” Research has found that high-tech workplace communications strip-away trust-building
cues like eye contact and tone of voice.
Reading Workshop 10
Sacks thinks otherwise. Yammer is free for individual workers. Companies are charged for going-all in,
making the service “more intuitive and responsive.” Being web-based is also more efficient and cost
effective than relying on company servers as its competitors do.
Taken from: Berlitz English 6

After reading

Write True or False next to each statement.

1. Thierry Breton’s company has a “zero-email policy.” TRUE

2. Corporate e-mail storage is growing 30%-40% per year. FALSE

3. Yammer is a social networking site that helps recipients filter unnecessary e-mail. FALSE

4. Yammer isn’t free for individuals. FALSE

5. Some experts thinks it’s more difficult to build up trust if companies rely on high-tech workplace
communication. TRUE

6. Since Yammer is web-based, it’s more cost-effective than relying on company servers. TRUE

7. Yammer is free for companies. FALSE

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