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Number 148 *** COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS *** Wednesday 27-05-2020
News reports received from readers and Internet News articles copied from various news sites.

The WASHINGTON EXPRESS outbound from Hamburg navigating the river Elbe
Photo : Jan Ove Mühlpforte ©

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Oud-schipper Jaap Pronk onverwachts overleden

Afgelopen vrijdagochtend is oud KNRM schipper

Jaap Pronk
geheel onverwachts en veel te jong overleden.
1954 2020
Jaap heeft ruim veertig jaar voor de KNRM gewerkt. Eerst als opstapper bij station Scheveningen en later zeer vele jaren
als ervaren beroepsschipper op verschillende reddingboten. In de periode dat Jaap actief is geweest voor station
Scheveningen nam hij deel aan 1896 reddingsacties, waarbij 2675 mensen werden gered en geholpen. Vele van deze
reddingacties waren niet zonder gevaar en vonden plaats onder zware en risicovolle omstandigheden. Jaap heeft het
belang van de mens in nood op zee altijd boven zijn eigen belang gesteld.

Als KNRM-vrijwilligers zijn we verslagen na het horen van dit bericht. Station Scheveningen en zijn vrijwilligers konden
altijd op Jaap bouwen. Vele vrijwilligers heeft hij de fijne kneepjes van het reddingwerk bijgebracht. Daar zijn we hem erg
dankbaar voor.

We wensen zijn vrouw, kinderen, kleinkinderen, andere familie, vrienden en kennissen enorm veel sterkte met dit grote

******JAAP, RUST ZACHT *******

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Boskalis' training tender SMIT DEE working with Royal Marines Offshore Raiding Craft in a blustery Plymouth Sound
May 22. Photo : Raymond Wergan (c)

Metro Manila may be placed under GCQ by June 1

By CNN Philippines Staff
Quarantine restrictions in Metro Manila due to COVID-19 will most likely be eased further by June 1,
Defense Secretary Delfin Lorenzana said on Saturday.
Quarantine restrictions in Metro Manila due to COVID-19 will most likely be eased further by June 1, Defense Secretary
Delfin Lorenzana said on Saturday."More likely mag-gi-GCQ na tayo by June 1," he told reporters at an event in Camp
Aguinaldo, Quezon City. Asked if Metro Manila is ready to shift to general community quarantine, Lorenzana said the
Inter-Agency Task Force for the Management of Emerging Infectious Diseases is already discussing it, adding that areas
with COVID-19 cases may remain under their control. "Ang pinag-uusapan naming sa IATF, e mag-GCQ pero 'yung mga
areas na meron pa ring... mga infection baka 'yun na lang ang ikontrol ng konti," he added. Currently under GCQ are
areas where COVID-19 infections are considered to be "low-risk", where residents below 21 years old, individuals 60 years

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old and above, pregnant women and people with health risks such as immunodeficiency conditions, are not allowed to
leave home, unless their circumstance requires them to head out to get essential goods and services. More industries are
also allowed to operate at greater capacity under GCQ. Metro Manila, along with Laguna, Bataan, Bulacan and other
provinces, are currently under modified enhanced community quarantine, where certain sectors such as construction and
food manufacturing are allowed to resume operations after two months of work stoppage. The defense chief said
although fewer cases were being reported daily, quarantine measures must remain to avoid a "second wave" of
infections."We would like to impress in our people 'yung self-discipline, para masanay sila na ito na 'yung new normal, na
social distancing, wearing of face mask, sanitation," Lorenzana said. Health officials earlier said the country is still on its
"first wave" of COVID-19 infections but maintained that the curve had "started to flatten" after fewer people have been
testing positive every day since the daily case tally peaked on March 31. Source : CNN Philippines

Amsol’s SA AMANDLA is en route to Cape Town after a mid-Atlantic voyage to connect to a disabled fishing vessel
requiring assistance; the tow connection being safely made in challenging weather conditions. We wish Captain Russel
Duse, Officers and Crew a smooth return voyage.

Opnieuw een cruiseschip naar Rotterdam voor

Door : Marco

The EMERALD PRINCESS departing from Sydney in November 2016

Photo : Piet Sinke (c)
CLICK at the photo & hyperlink in text to view and/or download the photo(s) !

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Rotterdam zal binnenkort opnieuw worden bezocht door een cruiseschip van de Holland America Group. De EMERALD
PRINCESS zal naar verwachting op maandag 1 juni 2020 aanmeren bij de Cruise Terminal Rotterdam aan de Holland
Amerikakade om voornamelijk niet-Europese bemanningsleden te repatriëren. Aan boord bevinden zich ongeveer 1.100
bemanningsleden. Het schip van Princess Cruises uit de Grand-klasse is afkomstig uit Barbados waar momenteel
meerdere cruiseschepen voor anker liggen. Oorspronkelijk zou het 290 meter lange en 36 meter brede schip naar
Kaapstad en later door naar Azië gaan, maar daar ging een streep doorheen na het openen van meer luchthavens en
bestemmingen. Waarschijnlijk zal de EMERALD PRINCESS 1 dag in Rotterdam blijven om daarna richting de
ankerplaats in Scheveningen te varen. Bron : Cruisereiziger

The CMA CGM MUSSET inbound for Antwerp Photo : Willem Kruit ©

River cruising: From corny to booming, but

under corona threat?
In a relatively short amount of time, the river cruise industry has become an important money maker for Europe. In his
latest opinion piece, SWZ|Maritime’s Editor-in-Chief Antoon Oosting draws a picture of this market segment and why
it is so important to save it from the corona crisis. It’s hard to imagine now, with all cruise ships, both ocean-going and
those that sail on Europe’s biggest rivers, laid up in ports, anchor zones and along quays inland. But after every major

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crisis, be it a war or a financial one, the tourism industry recovered stronger than ever before. And although the world will
never again be as before the corona crisis, our wanderlust will not die out that easy, as history has shown time and again.
And although owners and crews of the cruise industry will have a tough time, the industry was until recently very healthy
financially. Unlike in the sixties and seventies, when the ships in river cruising were mainly family owned, today it is the
playing field of internationally orientated, financially strong parties.
Last year, the turnover of travels by river cruise vessels in Germany alone amounted to € 653 million. The total amount of
passengers on all the European rivers combined grew to 1.79 million, according to InteressenGemeinschaft (IG)
RiverCruise, the Association of leading European River Cruise Companies.
According to its website, IG RiverCruise initially was a loosely organised community of shared interests founded in 2000
by three Swiss shipping companies. Aim was to represent the interests of river cruise shipping companies. Now, IG
RiverCruise has become a registered association with headquarters in Basle representing over 239 ships (seventy per cent
of the European market).

The 2012 built AROSA FLORA equipped with 89 outside cabins, 4 junior suites, and 2 balcony suites for max 186 pax
passing the Delta Hotel in Vlaardingen
Photo : Piet Sinke (c) CLICK at the photo to view and/or download the photo !
As well as representing the members’ common, fundamental interests and concerns relevant for river cruises towards
third parties, the organisation also sees itself as a contact and representative of the European river cruise sector.
The early Rhine cruises
Other tasks include the promotion and development of the image of the river cruise sector taking into special account the
topics of training, safety and environmental protection and keeping in contact with organisations, institutions, and
(umbrella) associations closely related to the sector. Sounds serious for a kind of tourism that has only quite recently seen
a strong growth.
It began in the sixties when mostly the pre or early pensioners of the Netherlands and Germany enjoyed their first foreign
holiday in the form of a voyage on the river Rhine and Moselle. Yet, soon tourism with cheap charter flights to the
Mediterranean developed. The younger generations of the seventies and eighties considered “Een reisje langs de Rijn” (a
trip along the Rhine), a song by Louis and Rika Davids from 1906, as a somewhat corny kind of tourism.
For quite long, it remained a kind of tourism specially focused on the elderly in which youngsters had no interest. And yet
this kind of slow tourism would experience an enormous breakthrough from the late nineties and especially the last two
Truly internationalised
In a position paper on the situation of the Western European river cruise world, IG RiverCruise wrote that from the
opening of the Main-Danube-canal in 1992, river cruise tourism in Europe experienced a real boom. From then, the
biggest ships with a length of up to 135 metres could sail from Amsterdam/Rotterdam to the Black Sea. In 1995, just 50
ships were in operation, compared to 300 today!
Ships sail from Amsterdam through the Netherlands, Germany, Austria, Slovakia and Hungary to Budapest. With 36.7 per
cent, the Americans and Canadians are by far the biggest group of passengers, followed by the Germans (28.3 per cent),
guests from the UK and Ireland (11.8 per cent) and those from Australia and New Zealand (7.5 per cent). The Dutch and
Belgians probably still cannot rid themselves of the melody of “Een reisje langs de Rijn” and lag behind with just 1.1 per
With the opening of the Main-Danube-canal, former Warsaw-pact countries such as Slovakia, Hungary, Romania and
Bulgaria or former Yugoslav-republic Serbia and further on the ports and seaside resorts on the Black Sea can now be
reached by river cruises. River cruises are also not restricted to just the Rhine and Danube anymore. Recent years also
saw a strong development of river cruises on the main French rivers such as the Seine, Rhône, Saône, Garonne and Loire.

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Operators of river cruises even have their ships transported to the bigger rivers in Portugal or Italy on the Po and towards
Venice. And not to forget Russia, which also has a reputable form of river cruise industry.
The most popular
This interest in making trips on the other rivers besides the Rhine, is also shown in IG RiverCruise’s market research.
Looking at the Germans with a share of 37.1 per cent in 2019, the Rhine and its tributaries like the Main, Neckar and
Mosel are still the most popular area. With 34.5 per cent, the Danube is the second most popular river, but the French
rivers are gaining popularity with a share of 13.1 per cent.
Other European river zones (East and South Europe) attracted 6.9 per cent of the guests last year, a growth from 5.1 per
cent in 2018, and a doubling over past few years. Rivers on other continents, for example in North and South America
and Asia (especially China), attracted 6.1 per cent of German river cruise passengers.
The development of river cruising seems to follow cruising at sea where after developing the home markets, the
Caribbean and Alaska for the Americans and Mediterranean and North Sea/Baltic for the Europeans, tourists now look to
South America, the Middle East and Asia/Australia and Antarctica. And just like for ocean cruising, the most important
barrier for its development is the lack of infrastructure in ports and suppliers, which of course is developing faster in Asia
than in Africa.
Price is not a limiting factor anymore. With an average cost of € 1200 per person per trip, river cruising seems to be
within reach of a big part of the consumers from Europe, North America, Asia and Australia.
More tourists need more ships

aft part of river cruiser hull build by Den Breejen Shipyard in Hardinxveld loaded onboard the van der wees Pontoon
And although the Dutch tourist market might not be all that interested in taking a river cruise, building the ships required
has peaked interest. Several Dutch shipyards, Den Breejen Shipyard in Hardinxveld-Giessendam, De Hoop Lobith, TeamCo
Shipyard in Heusden en Vahali Shipyards in Gendt in particular, are strongly involved in building such ships. Most
important competitor for the Dutch yards is the Neptun Werft in Warnemünde.
Especially at the beginning of the last decade, a lot of newbuilds entered the market: 16 in 2012; 22 in 2013, 31 in 2014,
27 in 2015, 22 in 2016, 18 in 2017, 10 in 2018; 18 in 2019 and another 19 are expected to be delivered in this year,
according to data from IG RiverCruise.
The image of a dynamic, flourishing industry over the last decade in particular is also supported by data from the Central
Commission for the Navigation of the Rhine (CCNR) in its 2019 European Inland Navigation Market Observation report.
This report is the result of a successful and steadily improved collaboration with the European Commission.

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The 2019 report contains the 2018 data, with the 2019 data expected during the second quarter of this year, so too late
for the April edition of SWZ|Maritime. Still, those 2018 data give a good impression of the industry. The most important
conclusions are:The fleet of river cruise vessels in Europe in 2018 amounted to 359 active vessels, including 10 new and 3
modernised vessels that were introduced into the market in 2018. For 2019, 20 new vessels were expected to join the
fleet.Over the last twelve years, the river cruise fleets in smaller river cruise regions not connected to the Rhine or the
Danube, such as the Rhône-Saône, Seine and Douro, have expanded and sometimes more than doubled.
River cruises have been experiencing a boom since 2013, mainly due to the large number of American tourists booking
river cruise holidays. In 2018, there was an increase of 14.6 per cent, compared to 2017, reaching a total of 1.64 million
river cruise passengers.
For the first time, the annual report also contains information on the fleet of small river cruise vessels (with 10 to 39
beds) navigating Europe. This fleet is composed of 67 vessels, the majority of which are more than fifty years old. Main
regions of operation are the Netherlands and France.
Growing and spreading
As can be expected, the fleet for river cruises in the EU region is mainly concentrated on central European waterways of
Rhine/Main/Danube/Elbe/Oder. In 2018, the number of active river cruise vessels in this area represented close to 75 per
cent of the total river cruise fleet in the EU.The greatest concentration can be observed on the Rhine/Main/Main- Danube
Canal/Danube area, with 253 vessels, including 35 on the Netherlands-Rhine axis. Despite the fact that all other European
rivers not connected to the Rhine or the Danube are smaller cruising regions, their fleet has been expanding in the last
decade, as follows:
Rhône-Saône: 22 vessels in 2018 compared to 10 in 2006;
Seine: 20 vessels in 2018 compared to 5 in 2006; and
Douro: 20 vessels in 2018 compared to 6 in 2006.
With the total of 359 ships that where active in 2018, the river cruise industry reached a capacity of 52,078
beds. So to not let this dynamic industry languish, it is extremely important to overcome the current corona

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The ELSE MARIE THERESA moored in Vlaardingen Wilhelmina haven

Photo : Kees-Jaap Budding SCHOO & CO. Consulting Engineers & Marine Surveyors Rotterdam ©

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Massive Fire on San Francisco’s Pier 45, Firefighters

Save WWII Ship SS Jeremiah O’Brien
A four-alarm fire damaged a warehouse at San Francisco’s Pier 45 on Saturday (May 23) morning.

The thick, black smoke due to the raging fire could be seen from
miles. Firefighters responded at 4:20 a.m. and quickly went into an
offensive fight by going inside the warehouse. Portions of the
warehouse roof collapsed. The warehouse was immediately
evacuated. A fireboat was also called to respond to the blaze The
warehouse destroyed by the blaze is next to the dock for the SS
JEREMIAH O’BRIEN, a historic ship used during World War II. As
per officials, the ship was saved. The SS JEREMIAH O’BRIEN is one
of only two remaining Liberty ships, among 2,710 that were built and launched during the Second World War, and it’s the
only one that remains historically accurate.

Port of Long Beach box volume off 17.3pc to 519,730

TEU in April
THE Port of Long Beach container volume fell 17.3 per cent year on year to 519,730 TEU in April due to the continuing
impact from the COVID-19 pandemic. While manufacturing in China is rebounding from the pandemic, US demand
remains below normal due to the ongoing crisis and it expected 16 sailings would be blanked between April 1 and June
30. Imports dropped 20.2 per cent to 235,540 TEU as consumer demand was down during stay-at-home mandates,
according to the port, which said exports declined 17.2 per cent to 102,502 TEU and were hampered by a shift of carrier
services. The port moved 2,202,650 TEU during the first four months of 2020, down 9.5 per cent from the same period in

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2019. The port had only one cancelled sailing in April. However, the San Pedro Bay port complex - the ports of Long
Beach and Los Angeles - is expected to have 48 cancelled voyages between April 1 and June 30. Sixteen of those calls
were scheduled for the Port of Long Beach. The two ports reported 10 blanked sailings during the same period in 2019.
The San Pedro Bay ports had 61 cancelled sailings during the first quarter, nearly double the 31 in the same period in
2019. Empties decreased 12.2 per cent year on year in April to 163,688 TEU. Empties were down 21 per cent in
March."We look forward to a recovery stage and rebounding cargo shipments as the nation contemplates relaxing shelter-
in-place orders, people return to work and consumer demand rises. But not in the short term," said Port of Long Beach
executive director Mario Cordero. Source: schednet

The SVITZER BARKA operating in the port of Sohar (Oman) Photo 24/7 Port of Sohar pilot Rik van Marle ©

Singapore to allow crew changes where seafarer

contracts have expired
By : Marcus Hand
In a move forward in getting crew changes happening again Singapore has broadened “special circumstances” to include
the end of the seafarer’s contract and is exploring options with the industry and unions including specially chartered
flights In a Port Marine Circular dated 22 May the Maritime & Port Authority of Singapore (MPA) detailed enhancements to
measures previously announced to allow crew changes in “special circumstances”.“MPA has since worked closely with the
Singapore Shipping Association (SSA), Singapore Maritime Officers’ Union (SMOU), Singapore Organisation for Seamen
(SOS) and the industry as well as other government agencies to enhance the existing procedures,” the circular said.

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Some of the cruise liners currently at anchor in Manila Bay while in the background clouds are forming over Mount
Mariveles on the Bataan Peninsula. Photo: A.Nonymous
Crew changes will now be allowed where the seafarer’s contract has expired, the crew leaving the vessel does not affect
safe man levels, change of crew due to the sale or purchase of ship, and personnel who are not part of the ship’s crew
such as superintendents and service engineers.For sign-off the crew must not have gone ashore in the last 14 days, have
a fit-to-travel certificate from a Singapore doctor, proof of expiry of contract, or documentation proving sale of the vessel.
For sign-on 14 days quarantine is required, a negative PCR COVID-19 test, and certified fit-to-travel. In addition the crew
must must be transferred directly between the ship and point of arrival/departure in Singapore.The change in
regulations by one of the world’s largest ports represents a major move forward in restarting structured crew changes for
150,000 seafarers whose contracts have expired but are unable to leave their vessels due to COVID-19 travel and border
restrictions. However logistical issues such as air travel to and from Singapore remain. “MPA is also exploring other
initiatives relating to crew change, with SSA, SMOU, SOS, industry and government agencies. These include
development of a guidebook on crew change procedures in Singapore and the chartering of dedicated flights for crew
change.” Source : Seatrade Maritime News

Loading equipment for Pickeril-A decommissioning project for Perenco.

Inside the SuperStar Gemini cruise ship for foreign

workers who've ,recovered from COVID-19
By : Gaya Chandramohan
SINGAPORE: It is a cruise to nowhere with a difference. Luxury cruise liner SUPERSTAR GEMINI has been repurposed
to house hundreds of migrant workers who have recovered from COVID-19.

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Docked at the Marina Bay Cruise Centre (MBCC), the cruise ship welcomed its first batch of guests on Apr 29. Currently,
1,500 migrant workers are on board the ship. On the opposite side of the cruise centre, a second cruise ship, the
SUPERSTAR AQUARIUS , is also berthed with another 1,500 workers on board.
Both cruise ships were given the green light by the authorities last month to serve as alternative accommodation for
migrant workers in bid to limit COVID-19 transmission within foreign worker dormitories. The number of COVID-19 cases
among migrant workers living in dormitories has surged in recent weeks, and now make up about 90 per cent of
Singapore's 31,068 cases. Among the workers being housed on the SUPERSTAR GEMINI is 42-year-old Indian national
Rajagopal Sathiyavasan, who tested positive for the coronavirus in March after complaining of pain in his throat.

The SUPERSTAR GEMINI inbound for Singapore

Photo : Piet Sinke (c) CLICK at the photo to view and/or download the photo !
After a five-day stay at Tan Tock Seng hospital, the safety supervisor who works in plumbing and sanitation was moved to
Bright Vision Hospital and later a hotel before being sent to live on board the cruise ship.
Rajagopal had watched as three other roommates in his dormitory contracted COVID-19 before he fell ill himself. For the
father of a girl and boy aged 7 and 3, it was a terrifying experience. “I was very scared because I didn’t know what the
coronavirus could do. I couldn’t understand what was going on,” he said. “I didn’t inform my family during that period
because I didn’t want to worry them.”Two months on, Rajagopal is glad to have recovered and counts himself “lucky” to
be able to experience staying in a ship like this. The Chennai native who has worked in Singapore for the past eight years
said that he has spent his 10 days on board the ship mostly video calling his family. “In the morning, I exercise and do
yoga in my room, then I watch movies and programmes on my phone or the television,” he added. Organisers say the
cruise ships were chosen as their infrastructur allows fresh air to be filtered and supplied to the cabins and other common
areas, ensuring minimal recirculation of air within the vessel.They also have readily available rooms and en-suite toilets to
minimise person-to-person contact. The recovered migrant workers come from various community care facilities and
community recovery facilities, and are only allowed to embark the ship when they are assessed to be well and no longer
infectious. When workers first arrive at the MBCC, they are subject to a medical screening in batches of 10. If they are
found to still be in recovery, they are immediately sent back to the facilities they had come from.
Those who are not feeling well are sent to the sick bay or isolation area where a doctor will tend to them. Next, they go
through a security screening in batches of 10 as well Before they board the cruise ship, workers are seated at a briefing
area that is sanitised five times a day. Here, they are briefed about the rules, meal times, recreational facilities, as well as
the dos and don’ts on board the cruise. An introduction video explaining how to use certain features in their cabins is also
played for the workers.On board the ship, safe-distancing protocol, where people have to stand 1 metre apart and
infection control measures such as the wearing of protective face masks, are strictly enforced. Other measures taken
include staircases being sectioned to allow only one way of movement and the frequent cleaning and sanitisation of
commonly touched surfaces.A maximum of two workers are allocated to cabins that are about 14.7 sq m to 20 sq m in
size.As workers are mostly confined to their rooms throughout the day, a mix of Tamil and English channels are available
on their in-room televisions.
Laundry services and housekeeping services are also provided daily. During these periods, workers are allowed staggered
recreational time outside of their rooms. While they are not allowed to walk around the ship, there are designated areas
where they can sit and enjoy the ocean breeze for about 45 minutes. Migrant workers are also been provided with Wi-Fi
access and given SIM cards to help maintain social interaction.
A few decks above, a spacious restaurant has been converted into a cafeteria for the workers. A choice of Indian,
vegetarian, and oriental bento boxes are available. During these meal times, workers have to sit with others who are

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bunking in the same zone.In an effort to keep the environment shared by 1,500 people as safe as possible, occupants are
subject to daily temperature checks and will have their cabins cleaned and sanitised daily.
Migrant workers who are unwell have to disembark from the ship immediately for medical attention at the dedicated
medical facility at the MBCC.The end-goal is to house workers till the situation in the dormitories stabilises. About 200
foreign workers have disembarked from the cruise since the middle of May.
Mr Lionel Wong, CEO of SATS-Creuers Cruise Services and Mr Michael Goh, president of Dream Cruises, and head of
International Sales for Genting Cruise Lines said they only had a matter of days to set everything in motion, once they
received the go-ahead from the Government. This included “learning to understand the full role of medical dormitory
management” to ironing out the kinks related to coordinating the logistics and welfare for the workers.
“There was a lot of preparation done for this. It was not just a case whereby someone said 'Let’s bring in a ship because
we want to convert it into a dorm.' In the first place, none of us … have ever run a dorm before," said Mr Wong. "None of
us have ever provided the sort of attention and care to these workers like we are doing now. There has been a great
learning curve for everybody."
The learning curve included the setting up of a medical centre at MBCC. “We had three days to set up a medical centre. It
was quite a feat for all of us,” he said. “The teams have been working tirelessly throughout the whole period. I know for a
fact that both ships’ Genting hotel managers sleep with the ear-piece and walkie-talkie next to their pillows every night.
This is the kind of dedication you have from people on this project.”
For Mr Goh, the training process proved to be “really very complex”, because ultimately, they want the crew on board the
ship as well as the migrant workers to be well-looked-after. “(Elsewhere) in the world, there is no such arrangement to
use a ship for recovered COVID-19 patients – this is a first. The process – whether land logistics, coordination, ship
captain, hotel manager and the crew – there was a lot of training provided by the Ministry of Health to educate and teach
our crew how to look after themselves and look after the migrant workers on board the ship,” he said.
Rajagopal’s experience could be testament to what organisers had worked hard for. He said he was “very happy” to be on
the ship, much like how he had felt when he found out that he tested negative for COVID-19 in April. “I fought the
COVID-19 – I won already,” he said smiling behind his mask. “I have no worries for now because everything is being
taken care of for us. The food is also very nice,” said the safety supervisor who had worked at the Project Glory
construction site. “But I’m excited to go back to work because I need to earn money. It’s very boring in the room, I want
to see my friends and relatives. I want to go outside and feel free.” Source: CNA/gc

Spliethoff’s ELANDSGRACHT outbound from Amsterdam assisted by the Port Towage Amsterdam operated tug
LYNX Photo : Machiel Kraaij ©

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Amasus ROTRA VENTE was converted into a vessel specialised in the transport of wind turbine components by Holland
Shipyards a few years ago Flying Focus Aerial Photography © spotted her last weekend
passing Texel.


Nationaal Baggermuseum in Sliedrecht is vanaf woensdag 3 juni 2020 weer open.
Maximaal mogen dertig personen toegelaten worden in Nederlandse musea. Er zijn maatregelen getroffen zoals
looprichtingen en de onderlinge afstand.
De BaggerPraktijkTuin is vanaf 6 juni elke zaterdagmiddag open van 13:00 tot 16:00.
De tuin is grondig schoongemaakt en alle baggeropstellingen zijn in bedrijf. Het manoeuvreren met de PushyCats in het
schone waterbassin is mogelijk.In het Koetshuis heeft het schaalmodel van de snijkopzuiger 'Mark 2' een opknapbeurt
ondergaan. De Sliedrechtse onderneming Van Vliet heeft als sponsor schoon rivierzand aangevoerd. Baggerdemonstraties
kunnen weer uitgevoerd worden. De Jong Pijpleidingen Sliedrecht, sponsor van het Baggermuseum, heeft materialen
geleverd om voldoende afstand te kunnen houden tussen de bezoekers en balie voor informatie en kaartverkoop.
Conform de voorschriften van de overheid dienen bezoekers vooraf een toegangskaart te bestellen. Dat kan heel
eenvoudig door te bellen naar 0184 414166, woensdag tot en met zaterdag tussen 13:30 en 17:00 uur, gelijk aan de
openingstijden van het Baggermuseum.Dezelfde regeling is van toepassing voor de BaggerPraktijkTuin. Reserveren per e-
mail kan ook: Het Baggermuseum is ook digitaal te bezoeken: en ontdek een aantal korte filmpjes met verhalen van baggeraars.

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Dutch Tender Service to the rescue

Sima Charters & Dutch Tender Service

Burgemeester de Jonghkade 19A,
3143 CB Maassluis,
The Netherlands

+31 10 434 6387

Multiple vessels available
Call us for the possibilities!

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Major step forward in North Sea Port nautical


On 6 May 2020, the Joint Nautical Authority (made up of Rijkswaterstaat and the Flemish Agency for maritime and coastal
services - Coastal Division), North Sea Port and local nautical service providers expanded and intensified their existing
work agreements in the interest of greater shipping efficiency and a more reliable planning for the total nautical chain and
the ports.
This also included an expansion of the current management area: in addition to the Ghent-Terneuzen Canal, this area
now also includes the Sloe Area and Braakmanhaven as well as local anchorages. The number of parties to the work
agreements has also been expanded to include, more specifically, the boatmen.
Focus on the vessel
Activities along the fairway and in the port area of North Sea Port occasionally create peaks in shipping traffic, which in
turn may lead to inefficiencies.The safe, streamlined and timely settlement of shipping traffic calls for optimised
collaboration between all parties involved. The primary focus in this process will be on the vessel. It is up to the client to
indicate the ship’s intended arrival and departure times for its port destination. And it is up to the port, the responsible
authorities and the nautical service providers to accommodate these interests.
Port planning plays a key role in the planning of shipping traffic. Over the course of different phases, information can be
expected to become increasingly relevant and plannings increasingly reliable. Whether or not a planning is realistic and
accurate is determined by the data provided by the different clients. The partners’ shared level of ambition has been
bolstered by the introduction of the strategic planning phase, in which the chain partners will also be able to coordinate
their long-term capacityplanning and respond more effectively to expected peak situations, poor weather conditions and
congestion and delays.
Transparent and reliable
The port and chain planning will be drawn up on the basis of a realistic scenario that takes due account of all known and
relevant factors such as vessel characteristics, restrictions in terms of infrastructure, nautical preconditions, the traffic
situation and weather conditions.
Deviations from the definite chain planning during its implementation are not allowed to cause delays for other vessels.
Each party involved will be provided with the necessary information via a joint platform as well as its own systems.
Joint Nautical Authority (GNA)
In response to significant developments within the management area – when Nieuwe Sluis Terneuzen is taken into
operation, for example, or the evolution of shipping traffic – the GNA may choose to adapt and optimise the work
agreements in consultation with the partners.
Next step

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The next step involves the translation of the work agreements into concrete guidelines in the procedural manual, to
create clarity for the different workforces and to serve as input during the required system adaptations. The final
objectives continue to be a transparent planning and optimised shipping. The work agreements are possible in part thanks
to the support of Boluda Towage Europe, DABLoodswezen, De Eendracht, the Joint Nautical Authority, Montis
Mooring, Multraship Towage & Salvage, North Sea Port, Regionale Loodsencorporatie Scheldemonden,
Verenigde Bootlieden Terneuzen and Vlissingse Bootliedenwacht.
Boluda Towage Europe
Boluda Towage Europe provides tailored towage services to clients in major ports in Belgium, Germany, the Netherlands
and the United Kingdom. The company is part of Boluda Towage Group, a family business that has established itself as
one of the leading providers of maritime services worldwide. The group can be found in 90 ports across the globe,
operating a fleet of over 300 tugboats in 15 countries in Europe, the west coast of Africa, America and the Indian Ocean.
For further information, visit or

Alphatron Marine levert compleet navigatie- en

communicatiepakket voor de boomkorkotter van
Rederij Long Ships
Alphatron Marine Zuid kan met
trots melden dat zij de opdracht
heeft ontvangen voor het leveren
van een compleet navigatie- en
communicatiepakket voor het schip
Z91 FRANSON een boomkorkotter
van Rederij Long Ships. Het
Belgische familie visserij bedrijf laat
bij Damen Maaskant Shipyards
Stellendam een nieuwe 38 meter
lange boomkorkotter bouwen. Het
bijzondere aan dit project is dat het
schip, type BT3808, een nieuw
ontwerp krijgt dat wordt ontwikkeld
door de werf om 12% meer
trekkracht te realiseren tijdens het
vissen. Het nieuwe schip gaat de
huidige boomkorkotter, de Z90
FRANCINE, vervangen.“We zijn
erg blij met de opdracht van
Maaskant shipyards en we zien
daarom ook uit naar een fijne
samenwerking. Het is bijna 20 jaar
geleden dat er een dergelijk
visserijschip is gebouwd onder de

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Belgische vlag en om na zo’n lange tijd mee te werken aan deze nieuwe kotter is dan ook heel bijzonder. Tijdens een
aantal fijne gesprekken met eigenaar Eddie Cattoor en schoonzoon Chris Cocquytbleek er een goede klik te zijn
tussen beide bedrijven en is er een mooi pakket samengesteld voor de nieuw te bouwen kotter. Alphatron Marine Zuid
richt zich als vanouds op de visserij en heeft met deze opdracht in totaal 4 nieuwbouw kotters in opdracht gekregen, iets
om trots op te zijn!”aldus Ben Schot, Sales Manager van Alphatron Marine Zuid.
Alphatron Marine Zuid levert een compleet navigatie- en communicatie pakket die grotendeels bestaat uit producten
van onze ProLine. ProLine is een totaalpakket met professionele apparatuur die van toepassing is voor IMO- en niet-IMO
intercoastal, werkschepen, sleepboten en vissersboten van <500GT tot 10.000GT.Het schip wordt voorzien van de ProLine
JRC JMA-5322Mk2 radar. Deze krachtige 25 kW radar integreert de nieuwste technologieën met een reeks geavanceerde
functies waarmee radarbeelden sneller en efficiënter kunnen worden getoond. Daarnaast wordt onder meer onze Dual
AlphaSeaPilot MFC, Dual JRC JLR-21 GPS Compas, JRC JFC-7050 Fishfinder, Multibeam Sonar, AlphaCam CCTV systeemen
een complete VSAT/TVRO oplossing geïnstalleerd op de FRANSON

The FWN MOMENTUM (ex Momentum Scan) entering the port of Rotterdam spotted navigating the Nieuwe Maas off
Pernis Photo : Jan Scheurwater ©

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Van Oord’s AEOLUS departing from Vlissingen heading for the Borsele OFW as seen from the BRAVENES
Photo : Corné van der Spek Chief Officer / SDPO Bravenes ©

Maersk Vessel Illegally Boarded At Banana

Anchorage Congo

The MAERSK REGENSBURG Photo : Francis Ferro ©

As per reports coming in from highly reliable sources, it is evident that the Hong Kong flagged container ship MAERSK
REGENSBURG was illegally boarded by one individual, on Monday (May 25). The vessel was at Banana Anchorage, 3 NM
away from the shore, in position: 06′ 00″S / 012′ 20″E. The duty crew spotted the intruder on board, removing the
lashing from a container on deck. The alarm was raised, and the crew immediately mustered. The intruder fled the vessel
in small speedboat. A thorough search of the vessel was conducted by the ship’s crew, no stowaway or other
abnormalities were found. Only one container’s lashing bar was removed by the intruder Vessel tried to contact the
Pilot/shore on VHF Ch-16, no response obtained from the shore. All crews are reported to be safe. As per Dryad Global, a
maritime security firm, this is the second such incident in this location within the last 12 months. Source : The

Sluisdeur Pierre Vandammesluis losgekoppeld

en naar achterhaven gebracht voor renovatie
Door : Frank Neyts / foto’s : Dirk Neyts ©
In de haven van Zeebrugge werd maandag 25 mei, voor de tweede keer een sluisdeur van de Pierre Vandammesluis
losgekoppeld, uit het water getild en via een drijvende bok overgebracht naar de achterhaven voor renovatie. Een
spectaculaire operatie, want zo een deur weegt ruim 2100 ton en heeft de oppervlakte van een kwart voetbalveld (60 m x
10 m x 24 m). Vlaams minister van Mobiliteit en Openbare Werken Lydia Peeters woonde dit gebeuren in de haven van

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Zeebrugge bij. “Het is fantastisch dat deze werken ondanks corona geen vertraging hebben opgelopen en dat de operatie
maandag kan plaatsvinden,” aldus haar commentaar.

Operatie van 19 uur

De werken aan de sluisdeur maken deel uit van de grootscheepse renovatie van de Pierre Vandammesluis, de cruciale
toegang tot de achterhaven van Zeebrugge. De Pierre Vandammesluis dateert uit 1984 en bestaat uit 2 sluishoofden met
elk 2 roldeuren en 2 beweegbare bruggen. De meest zeewaartse sluisdeur werd in 2018 uit de deurkamers getild en in
2019 teruggeplaatst na renovatie in de achterhaven. Nu zal hetzelfde gebeuren met de meest landwaartse deur. Na een
zestal weken voorbereidingen om de sluisdeur ‘hijsklaar’ te maken, heeft het kraanschip GULLIVER’ (Scaldis Salvage and
Marine Engineering) de deur uit haar positie gehesen. De ‘Gulliver’ is een drijvende bok die een gewicht van meer dan
3.300 ton kan tillen. De hele operatie omvatte verschillende deelactiviteiten en werd minutieus gepland en voorbereid.
Deze werken startten om 3 uur ’s nachts en namen zo’n 19 uur in beslag.
Strikte veiligheidsmaatregelen
De werken gebeurden onder strikte veiligheidsmaatregelen, met specifieke aandacht voor de regels rond social distancing.
Het scheepvaartverkeer door de sluis was op 25 mei gestremd zijn van 3.30 tot 15.30 uur. Er was tijdens de operatie
geen wegverkeer mogelijk over bruggen 1 en 2 van het bovenhoofd (kant achterhaven). Alle doorgaand verkeer ging via
de zeewaartse bruggen. Om veiligheidsredenen waren er geen toeschouwers toegelaten op het sluisplateau en de
bruggen. De werfzone aan beide zijden van de landwaartse bruggen werden afgesloten met herashekkens om kijklustigen
op veilige afstand te houden.
Grondige renovatie in de achterhaven
De sluisdeur werd aan de ICO-terminal Kaai 521)in de achterhaven aan land gezet en met modulaire trailers (SPMT) naar
de werklocatie getransporteerd voor een grondige renovatie. Er wordt een stelling rond de deur geplaatst om oesters en
slib te verwijderen. De aannemer zal meerdere mechanische onderdelen vervangen en nieuwe technieken installeren
zoals een compressor en agitatieschroeven. Daarnaast zullen er meerdere aanpassingen aan de staalstructuur gebeuren
zoals de plaatsing van 4 extra vlinderkleppen. De deur wordt daarna opnieuw geschilderd om ze te beschermen tegen
corrosie. Na de renovatiewerken wordt de sluisdeur in 2021 opnieuw teruggevaren en in de deurkamer geplaatst. Tijdens
de renovatie van deze sluisdeur kan de Vandammesluis perfect blijven functioneren met de 3 andere sluisdeuren.
Renovatie van 120 miljoen euro
Vlaams minister van Mobiliteit en Openbare Werken, Lydia Peeters, is tevreden dat de werken aan de Vandammesluis in
volle coronacrisis zijn blijven doorlopen, met respect voor de momenteel zeer strikte veiligheids- en hygiënemaatregelen.
“Ik ben de aannemer en alle betrokken partners daarvoor zeer dankbaar. Zeebrugge is een belangrijk maritieme kruispunt
én een motor van de Vlaamse economie. Jaarlijks verwelkomt Zeebrugge ongeveer 8.000 schepen. De haven is goed voor
zo’n 10.000 jobs. De Pierre Vandammesluis is vandaag de enige toegang tot de Zeebrugse achterhaven. Om de
toegankelijkheid van de Zeebrugse haven te garanderen, investeren we vanuit Vlaanderen in totaal 120 miljoen euro voor
deze renovatie!”

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Samenwerking tussen overheid en privé

Sinds 2010 gebeuren in opdracht van het Departement Mobiliteit en Openbare Werken continu structurele
renovatiewerken aan de Pierre Vandammesluis. Het gaat hier om grootscheepse en zeer complexe operaties, die alleen
mogelijk zijn dankzij de goede samenwerking tussen verschillende partners. Het Departement Mobiliteit en Openbare
werken is bouwheer. Binnen de Tijdelijke Maatschap Jan De Nul - Soetaert - Almex - Demako heeft Jan De Nul Group de
leiding in de renovatiewerken van deze sluisdeur. In dit project zijn verder ook meerdere afdelingen van het Departement
Mobiliteit en Openbare Werken en diverse externe partijen betrokken, zoals het studiebureau SBE, SECO, het havenbedrijf
Zeebrugge (MBZ) en De Vlaamse Waterweg.

DG Shipping India Announces $2636 Compensation if

Any Seafarer Dies from COVID19
DG Shipping Seafarers welfare scheme
A welfare scheme has been announced by the Seafarers Welfare Fund Society, for Indian seafarers and their families if
they get infected by the deadly CoronaVirus.
Seafarers Welfare Fund Society (SWFS), an autonomous organisation set up by the Indian Government, has set aside Rs
12 crores for the said scheme.In case of hospitalisation of a seafarer or his/her family member, a financial assistance
maximum up to Rs 1 Lac (100K) will be provided to the seafarer whereas in case of death of a seafarer due to
coronavirus, a financial assistance amounting to Rs 2 lac (200K) will be paid to the next of kin of the seafarer.

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Some Key Points from the Circular Released By SWFS are as follows:
-The scheme will be effective from Feb 1, 2020 till Dec 31, 2020.
-This scheme will cover all seafarers in possession of Indian CDC and their families and the spouse of deceased seafarers.
-The spouse of the deceased seafarer will be eligible for the scheme provided she/he is not re-married.
-The scheme will only be applicable if the seafarer or his/her family member have been admitted to and taken a
treatment at a notified COVID hospital in India only.
-To initiate a claim, if a seafarer is below 60 years of age, s/he will be required to submit the self attested copy of the
latest CDC to confirm the last sea-service period through the RPSL/Indian company.
-The seafarers above 60 years of age will be required to submit the self attested copy of the latest CDC for verification.
-The retired seafarers, below 60 years of age will be required to submit the self attested copy of the latest CDC for
-The spouse of a deceased seafarer is required to submit a self attested copy of the CDC of her/his deceased seafarer and
a declaration that she/he has not re-married.
-The scheme will not apply to any seafarer who is at legal liability of employer/RPSL company during the employment and
in treatment during sign on / sign off.
-The application format to apply for a claim under this scheme is given in the circular, which can be downloaded from
The claim applications has to be sent to the emails dedicated for this scheme-
or source : The Maritimepost

The ALP WINGER inbond for Rotterdam Waalven navigating het Scheur passing Maassluis / Rozenburg
Photo : Arie van Oudheusden ©

The 2nd Worlwide Tug & OSV News is issued.

When Lekko International ceased to exist in 2019, you were no longer kept informed through the News from Everywhere
(Tug World) of new construction, renaming and demolition of tugs and offshore supply ships. The 2nd newsletter now is
issued. Do you want to kept direct informed? Sign up for a free digital copy of the new Worldwide Tug & OSV News at
emailaddress and receive the latest news every 2 months in your mailbox.

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OOS International’s newbuild SSCV awaits sea trials

by : Nermina Kulovic

Dutch offshore accommodation provider OOS International has informed that its newbuild semi-submersible heavy lift
crane accommodation vessel (SSCV) OOS SEROOSKERKE has been completed and is awaiting sea trials.
In a social media update on Friday, OOS said that the OOS Serooskerke vessel has been completed and currently sits
along the quayside, preparing for sea trials and deployment. On the other hand, both offshore mast cranes were installed
on the OOS WALCHEREN vessel.
Both vessels are being built at the China Merchants Heavy Industries (Jiangsu) Shipyard.
OOS noted that the entire duration from lifting the offshore mast cranes off the barge and onto the OOS WALCHEREN
took about 6 to 8 hours to complete, followed by stringent dimension control, surface preparation, welding and weld
testing, which were completed in less than a week.The company also added that the offshore mast cranes are currently
being reeved up and the hydraulics system is being pressured up and tested before starting on the crane load test, which
is expected to start in mid-June.

The 2012 built, 131,358 dwt, Singapore flagged APL SOUTHAMPTON passed Hansville (USA) on her way to Vancouver
(Can) to exchange more boxes to sail finallyto Qingdao (China). Photo: Aart van Essen ©

Commission publishes first annual EU report on

CO2 emissions from maritime transport
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The European Commission has published the first annual report on CO2 emissions from maritime transport. The report
analyses the CO2 emissions and energy efficiency information of all the ships over 5,000 gross tonnage, which performed
maritime transport activities related to the European Economic Area (EEA) in 2018. Emissions reported by 11,600 ships
have added up to over 138 million tonnes of CO2 emissions in that year, representing 3.7% of total EU CO2 emissions
according to the European Environment Agency’s greenhouse gas emissions data.
This annual report is based on data from emissions in 2018, reported by companies until September 2019 under the EU
Regulation on monitoring, reporting and verification (MRV) of CO2 emissions from maritime transport. The data and
report will be published each year, to allow a better understanding of the characteristics, CO2 emissions and energy
efficiency of the monitored fleet.
The report shows that around two-thirds of the reported CO2 emissions are related to voyages to or from a port outside
the EEA. Voyages inside the EEA represented only 32% of total CO2 emissions, and emissions from ships in EEA ports
stood for 6% of total emissions. When comparing CO2 emissions across different ship types, container ships represented
the largest share of total emissions, with over 30%.
The technical energy efficiency of the monitored fleet is generally comparable to that of the world fleet (except for small-
size container ships). Most of the monitored fleet already meets the global energy efficiency standards applicable over the
period 2020-2025. In terms of operational energy efficiency, the vast majority of ships have reduced their speed
compared to 2008 (by -15 to -20%). Cruising at lower speeds saves energy and fuel, and can significantly reduce CO2
Since 2018, the EU Regulation on monitoring, reporting and verification of CO2 emissions from maritime transport
(Regulation (EU) 2015/757) requires shipping companies to monitor their CO2 emissions, fuel consumption and other
relevant information during navigation to or from ports in the EEA, when they transport cargo or passengers for
commercial reasons.
The 11,600 ships monitored under the EU legislation represent 38% of the world merchant fleet (above 5,000 gross
tonnage) and cover a large variety of ships from roll-on/roll-off passenger ships to bulk carriers, tankers and container
ships. They are relatively young (11 years old on average), but there are large age disparities between ship types.

CO2 emissions data and energy efficiency information of all individual ships are publicly available on THETIS-MRV, the
web-based database developed by the Commission and the European Maritime Safety Agency (EMSA). The transparency
of the system and the granularity of the reported data is key to addressing market barriers and stimulating the uptake of
energy-efficient behaviours and technologies.
Fleet ownership distribution
More than half of the monitored fleet (in terms of gross tonnage) is owned by entities based in the EU. These owners are
not necessarily the MRV companies or the ones operating the ships. Greek companies own the largest share of the
monitored fleet in terms of gross tonnage (20%), followed by companies from Japan (9%), Germany (8%) and Singapore
(7%). Owners from Norway, Denmark and China each represent 5% of all monitored ships. Looking at the two largest EU
owners, Greek companies predominantly own bulk carriers (more than 50%) and oil tankers (around 25%). In contrast,
German companies mostly own container ships and general cargo ships. For comparison, EU companies own a significant
smaller share of the world fleet with 39% of the total gross tonnage, while owners from countries such as China,
Singapore or Japan have significant shares. However, EU companies still own the largest single share of the world fleet.
Greek owners represent 16% of the world fleet, meaning that a significant share of their ships is not included in the
monitored fleet. Source: European Commission

Carriers opt for Cape route as cheaper oil and

recession bites
CARRIERS are re-discovering the old Cape of Good Hope route in an age of low oil prices and increasingly costly Suez
Canal fees, says Lars Jensen, CEO, of Copenhagen-based SeaIntelligence Consulting, reports American Journal of
As a result of lower fuel costs, some carriers sailing between Asia and Northern Europe are sailing around the Southern
coast of Africa to avoid paying US$500,000 to $750,000 in fees to transit the Suez Canal.
"In an echo of 2016, we are seeing the impact of lower oil prices and one of the impacts had been on some carriers going
between Asia and Northern Europe bypassing the Suez Canal." The passage around Africa is cheaper with the lower fuel
costs to sail to Northern Europe from Asia even though the distance is greater and the fuel consumption is higher. The
lower oil prices now make this voyage more economical. "Because of the recession, importers can afford an additional
week in sailing time because the demand is not high enough to pay for faster deliveries." The Suez Canal authority has
offered a five per cent discount on ships transiting between Asia and northern Europe, he says but that may not be

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enough: "as we see more carriers are opting to take the African route." Said Mr Jensen: "The Suez Canal Authorities now
trying to strike back against the competition from low oil prices. "In a circular issued earlier they are increasing their
discount scheme clearly aimed at trying to prevent more container vessels from taking the long route around Africa."For
North Europe to Asia they now offer a rebate of 17 per cent compared to the normal tolls, though not for certain
surcharges. This is an increase from the previously offered discount of six per cent instituted from April 1.
For East Coast North America to Asia, the rebates have been increased to the range of 60-75 per cent depending on the
specific origin and destination. This is an increase from the rebate already in place, which was in the range of 45-65 per
cent. The new discounts are in effect from May 1 to June 30. Presently at least eight vessels operated by the Ocean
Alliance and the 2M Alliance either have, or are scheduled to, bypass the Suez Canal and take advantage of the low oil
prices versus the canal tolls. Source : Schednet


Serco's SD FAITHFUL acting as duty tug May 25 to QUEEN ELIZABETH when the carrier arrived at Plymouth for sea
training. Photo : Raymond Wergan, NewtonFerrers. ©

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De Haas Shipyard in Maassluis presents the new Interceptor DHM1050 - triple OXE200 diesel!
Ready for demonstrations and testing. For rent or for sale.

Shipyard Working on Vessel Projects

Mykolaiv based Ukrainian agricultural company specializing in production and export of grains wheat, barley and corn with
its own fleet and shipyard Nibulon is currently working on four different projects, namely T410 and B1500 ones. The first
T410 project harbor pusher tug. Having launched the vessel, the shipbuilders installed main engines and rudder
propellers; they performed outfitting works. The vessel is being prepared for sea trials. It will be then delivered to
NIBULON’s shipping company.
The second T410 project harbor pusher tug. The shipbuilders have mounted a wheelhouse where electrical fitters are
currently connecting control panels, installing sensors to lift the wheelhouse, as well as other equipment. The specialists
finish producing a metal tent cover for the main engines. They have finished insulation and plating of the tug’s spaces,
and the crew’s cabin was equipped with all necessary furniture and equipment. The shipbuilders installed a lifeboat. The
workers from the painting and insulation area finish painting the freeboard and fore supports for pushing operations.
The third order is for non-self-propelled B1500 project open type vessel. The shipbuilders have already formed the hull
structure. They have performed water tightness test. The workers are currently painting two buoyancy compartments.

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The vessel is equipped with cargo platform coamings and fenders. The shipbuilders have mounted pipes for the
firefighting and drainage systems as well as the electric and fitter items. They will soon start to mount a cable network.
The fourth order is for non-self-propelled B1500 project open type vessel. The specialists have installed the first six
sections for the future vessel on the building berth. The specialists continue forming the hull structure. When the third
non-self-propelled open type vessel is launched, the order 10038 will be moved to its place for further construction
source : Steelguru


The Parlevliet en van der Plas trawler ANNELIES ILENA is now sailing the Polish flag as GDY-151. Flying Focus Aerial
Photography © photographed her in IJmuiden harbour last weekend.

Virgin Confirms Non-COVID Crewmember

Fatality Aboard Scarlet Lady
Virgin Voyages has confirmed a death aboard its first cruise ship, the Scarlet Lady.
The deceased, a 32-year-old Philippine national, died Friday from causes not related to COVID-19, according to the U.S.
Coast Guard. Officials classified the cause of death as "apparent self harm." The individual was not awaiting repatriation,
Virgin Voyages told the Miami Herald. “We are working with the appropriate authorities to learn more and are respecting

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the privacy of those impacted," Virgin Voyages said in a statement. "We extend our heartfelt, deepest sympathies to the
family and loved ones of our crew member.” The SCARLET LADY is a newly built, 2,800-passenger cruise ship designed
and constructed for adults-only voyages. Due to the COVID-19 shutdown she has not yet conducted a commercial sailing,
and her operator does not expect to launch operations until October 16. Fincantieri delivered the vessel on February 14,
and she completed previews in England before the COVID-19 pandemic accelerated globally. Additional previews were
scheduled for New York in March, and she was due to begin operation in April. However, her American debut was
canceled and she rerouted directly to Miami. Since then she has been in lay-up, shifting between PortMiami and an
anchorage in the Bahamas.
The fatality aboard SCARLET LADY is the latest in a string of non-COVID deaths aboard laid-up cruise ships. Other
recent fatal incidents include man-overboard events on REGAL PRINCESS and JEWEL OF THE SEAS , a death from
natural causes aboard MARINER OF THE SEAS, and fatalities of an undisclosed nature aboard CARNIVAL BREEZE
and AIDABLU. An additional man-overboard incident involving the cruise ship VASCO DA GAMA occurred last week at
the Port of Tilbury; the victim landed on a shipping container and sustained injuries requiring hospitalization. Source :

RELIABLE IMO 9762900 east bound from Gibraltar photo : Terry Jesty ©

Verschrikkelijke wanhoopsdaad van

cruisemedewerkster The Regal Princess'
Door : Jelle Gunneweg
De situatie aan boord van cruiseschepen begint steeds nijpender te worden voor bemanningsleden. Sommigen zitten al
maanden aan boord, zonder te weten wanneer ze naar huis kunnen. De uitzichtloze situatie leidt internationaal tot
spanningen, een hongerstaking en zelfs tot de dood van drie bemanningsleden, onder wie een vrouwelijk bemanningslid
onlangs in de Prinses Alexiahaven te Rotterdam. “Heel triest dat dit is gebeurd. De mensen zitten veel te lang aan boord”,
zegt dominee Dennis Woodward van The Mission to Seafarers.
Het incident in Rotterdam vond vorige week zondag plaats aan boord van The REGAL PRINCESS. Het schip had 940
bemanningsleden van de Holland Amerika Line aan boord, overwegend Serviërs, Oekraïners en veertien Nederlanders.
Cruisemaatschappij Princess Cruises – onderdeel van de Carnival Corporation – zou voor de repatriëring twee vliegtuigen
naar Oekraïne hebben geregeld, maar daarvan ging er één plotseling niet door.
De 39-jarige vrouw sprong van boord. Het lijkt erop dat ze tot die wanhoopsdaad kwam, nadat haar vlucht werd
gecanceld. Een anonieme bron vertelt aan Crew Center, een online platform voor crewleden op cruiseschepen, dat de
vrouw oorspronkelijk 8 mei zou terugvliegen en dat deze vlucht verzet was naar 12 mei. “Maar niemand wist honderd
procent zeker dat deze vlucht wel door zou gaan. Erg verdrietig dat dit nu gebeurd is”, zegt een van haar collega’s.
De zeehavenpolitie zou samen met een reddingsboot nog geprobeerd hebben de vrouw te redden. Maar toen ze haar uit
het water visten, bleek ze al overleden. De politie is een onderzoek gestart naar het incident en riep mensen in een tweet
op om informatie te delen. Het schip ligt nog steeds voor anker in de Prinses Alexiahaven.
Dominee Dennis Woodward hoopt een bezoek aan het schip te kunnen brengen, om de bemanning te ondersteunen
bij deze traumatische ervaring. "Verschrikkelijk om na misschien wel maanden aan boord te horen dat je eindelijk naar
huis mag, maar dat die hoop meteen weer teniet wordt geslagen. Dit is een drama voor haar familie, collega’s en
vrienden aan boord."
Afgesloten grenzen
Aan het begin van de coronacrisis zaten wereldwijd tienduizenden bemanningsleden vast aan boord van meer dan 120
cruiseschepen. De passagiers konden de schepen al eerder verlaten, maar de bemanning bleef achter, opgesloten in hun

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hut. Repatriëring is door afgesloten grenzen, weinig vliegverkeer en strenge corona-eisen in de havens, lastig uitvoerbaar.
Rotterdam werkte de afgelopen weken wel mee aan de repatriëring van zo’n 1750 cruisemedewerkers, door de haven
open te stellen voor cruiseschepen.
"Wat dat betreft lopen we hier in Nederland voorop en tonen we ons meest humanitaire gezicht”, zegt Mai Elmar,
directeur van Cruise Port Rotterdam. Ze geeft aan dat de cruisemaatschappijen er zelf ook alles aan doen om de
bemanning van boord te krijgen. Maar er klinken ook andere geluiden. Zo protesteerden onlangs nog honderden
bemanningsleden met borden aan boord van een schip in Miami.
Elmar: "Er is zeker geen sprake van onwil, want kosten noch moeite worden gespaard. Maar zolang havens de toegang
weigeren en de internationale grenzen gesloten blijven, houdt het op." Volgens de cruiseterminal-directeur komen
binnenkort nog meer repatriëringsschepen naar Rotterdam. Wanneer precies is nog onduidelijk.
Aan boord van de schepen is er volgens haar aandacht voor de mentale gezondheid van de bemanning. "Er zijn
sportprogramma’s, ze maken video’s en de bemanning slaapt in de passagierscabins met uitzicht en balkon."
Verdachte omstandigheden
Volgens het online platform Crew Center zouden sinds de Covid-19 uitbraak - naast het vrouwelijke slachtoffer in
Rotterdam - nog twee mannen onder verdachte omstandigheden zijn overleden aan boord van een gestrand cruiseschip.
Zo pleegde een Chinese assistent-ober aan boord van de MARINER OF THE SEAS in zijn hut zelfmoord. Het schip was
op weg van de Bahama’s naar Europa, waar de bemanning eindelijk van boord zou mogen. Ook op de Jewel of the Seas
sprong een Poolse ingenieur overboord. Dat gebeurde op 2 mei. Zijn lichaam is nooit meer gevonden.
Vijftien Roemeense bemanningsleden van de NAVIGATOR OF THE SEAS gingen zelfs in hongerstaking om van boord te
mogen. Volgens Royal Caribbean zouden ze met de staking gestopt zijn, toen de maatschappij een vlucht naar huis had
geregeld. Ook in het Duitse Cuxhaven moest de politie ingrijpen. Aan boord van cruiseschip MEIN SCHIFF 3, onderdeel
van TUI Cruises, waren bijna drieduizend bemanningsleden van verschillende schepen verzameld, in afwachting van hun
repatriëring naar huis. Nadat negen mensen positief testten op het nieuwe coronavirus, bleken ze als nog aan boord te
moeten blijven. En dat viel niet in goede aarde. Bron : Rijnmond
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India's ports are 'free warehousing' as imports

eat into export space
THE Container Shipping Lines Association of India (CSLA) says tens of thousands of uncleared import containers are
clogging supply chains amid India's coronavirus lockdown.CSLA executive director Sunil Vaswani said many shipping lines
had granted extra free time for container storage, despite most privately operated terminals not offering corresponding
respite on port ground rent.
"[It] has proved counter-productive, with most importers and consignees using the containers as free warehousing as the
factories are shut," said Mr Vaswani in a report by UK's The Loadstar. He said the resulting congestion was also
detrimental to the country's exports, as there is very little space left at ports, CFSs and inland container depots to handle
export volumes. Mr Vaswani said only 26,000 TEU has been cleared from container freight stations (CFSs) near Mumbai's
Jawaharlal Nehru port, leaving 100,000 TEU lying uncollected. "Similarly, about 50,000 TEU is lying uncleared at
Chennai," he was quoted as saying. "And other ports, like Hazira for instance, are completely congested and have been
forced to close their gates to imports and exports."
Carriers' equipment is also being blocked by the uncleared cargo, Mr Vaswani added, leaving few available boxes for
exports, which have shrunk by 90 per cent due to the factory closures and inland supply chain bottlenecks. "Lines
continue to service the trade, but the vessels essentially call just to discharge import loads and then sail out light, in view
of negligible export loads," he noted. As a result, he said, carriers' costs per unit were increasing, forcing them to blank
sailings and add to their financial losses. "Ships remain idle at a huge cost," said Mr Vaswani. "Active consideration
therefore needs to be given by the government and terminal operators towards the reduction in vessel-related costs by at
least 25 per cent immediately, to encourage lines to maintain service levels during the current critical period."The

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congestion has also prompted concerns by some freight forwarders that India's logistics sector will appear "unreliable"
during a time of crisis. Global Logistics Solutions India director Naveen Prakash said: "The fact remains there are not
many truck drivers and very stringent conditions on running factories, which is a great recipe for port congestion.
Source: Schednet

Qatar may boost LNG production beyond 126 mtpa

by Mirza Duran
Qatar’s plans to raise liquefied natural gas capacity to 126 million tonnes per year could even see an additional boost,
according to Qatar Petroleum’s chief executive Saad al-Kaabi.
State-owned QP is currently working on the first phase of the North Field expansion project to raise the country’s LNG
production capacity from 77 million to 110 million tonnes per year by 2025. The second phase of the project would add an
additional 16 million tonnes of capacity by 2027. “We are going full steam ahead with the North Field expansion projects”,
Saad al-Kaabi, who is also Qatar’s energy minister, said on Thursday during a webcast organised by the U.S-Qatar
Business Council. He said that the final onshore commercial bids for the expansion project will be received by September
and that contracts will be awarded by the end of the year.The world’s largest energy companies have been heavily
affected by the demand slump caused by the coronavirus pandemic forcing them to slash spending and output. QP will
not reduce its LNG exports due to the weaker demand but will slash spending, according to Kaabi. “In such a scenario of
forced production curtailment because of price, many other producers will be forced to shut down before Qatar due to
their high production cost, therefore there is absolutely no way that we would curtail production”, he said. Kaabi said that
QP will be reducing its capital and operating expenses by 30 percent in June. He said that being a “low-cost producer” will
help Qatar withstand lower gas prices, and that the state-owned company was not considering cutting production at the
time being. “In fact, we are going to expand and even produce more than the planned 126 million tons per annum if and
when that becomes possible”, Kaabi said.


The ENERGY EMPRESS inbound for Rotterdam Photo : Henk van der Heijden ©

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