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REPORT No. 1505





Brisbane Quarterly Report BN07Q2 Page 2


Airservices Australia has established a Noise and Flight Path Monitoring System (NFPMS) at
Australia's major airports. Operated from a single control centre, the system monitors aircraft
operations and their environmental effects at airports across the Australian continent.

This report provides a brief description of the system and the data it collects and processes. It
also contains a summary of data collected in Brisbane over the quarter April to June 2007 by the


This report contains a summary of data collected over the specified period and is intended to convey the best
information available from the NFPMS at the time. The system databases are to some extent dependent upon
external sources and errors may occur. All care is taken in preparation of the report but its complete accuracy
can not be guaranteed. Airservices Australia does not accept any legal liability for any losses arising from
reliance upon data in this report which may be found to be inaccurate.

Brisbane Quarterly Report BN07Q2 Page 3



Figures and Tables 5

Glossary of terms 6

1. Introduction 8

2. NMT locations and noise data summaries 9

3. Quarterly track data 10

3.1. Quarterly track density plots 10

3.2. Jet track plots 13

3.3. Non-jet and helicopter track plots 13

4. Aircraft movement and aircraft noise data 13

4.1. Movement statistics 13

4.2. Night movement statistics 18

4.3. Daily runway usage per calendar month for arrivals and departures
during the quarter 18

4.4. Hourly movements per calendar month for arrivals and departures
during the quarter 18

4.5. Quarterly aircraft average noise levels 18

4.6. Data included in Appendix E 19

Appendix A: An overview of the Noise and Flight Path Monitoring System 23

A. System overview 24

A.1. System configuration and features 24

A.2. System applications 25

Appendix B: Daily N70 value and distribution of N70 for each NMT

Brisbane Quarterly Report BN07Q2 Page 4

during the period April to June 2007 26

Appendix C: Daily runway usage per calendar month for arrivals and departures
during the period April to June 2007 32

Appendix D: Hourly movements per calendar month for arrivals and departures
during the period April to June 2007 42

Appendix E: Quarterly aircraft average noise levels,

April to June 2007 46

Brisbane Quarterly Report BN07Q2 Page 5



Figure 1: Noise and flight path monitoring locations in Australia 8

Figure 2: Locations of NMTs around Brisbane Airport 9

Figure 3: Track density plot for all aircraft operations

during the second quarter 2007 11

Figure 4: Track density plot for jet operations only

during the second quarter 2007 12

Figure 5: Track plot coloured by height for jet arrivals

during the period 2/6/07 to 8/6/07 14

Figure 6: Track plot coloured by height for jet departures

during the period 2/6/07 to 8/6/07 15

Figure 7: Track plot coloured by height for non-jet and helicopter arrivals
during the period 2/6/07 to 8/6/07 16

Figure 8: Track plot coloured by height for non-jet and helicopter departures
during the period 2/6/07 to 8/6/07 17

Table 1: Location and noise parameters for each permanent

NMT about Brisbane Airport for the second quarter of 2007 10

Table 2: Monthly movement statistics for the second quarter of 2007

and the previous quarter 20

Table 3: Monthly movement statistics for the fourth quarter of 2006

and first quarter of 2007 21

Table 4: Night movement statistics for the second quarter of 2007 22


Brisbane Quarterly Report BN07Q2 Page 6


A: Arrivals

AA: Airservices Australia

CNE: Correlated noise events - noise events which are correlated

with aircraft movements

CNEall: All correlated noise events

CNE70: Only correlated noise events equal to or above 70 dB(A)

D: Departures

H: Helicopters

I: Indeterminate

JET: Jet aircraft

LAeq: Time average A-weighted sound pressure level

Movement: An aircraft operation, such as a take-off or landing

N70: Average daily number of correlated noise events equal to or greater

than 70 dB(A)

N80: Average daily number of correlated noise events equal to or greater

than 80 dB(A)

N90: Average daily number of correlated noise events equal to or greater


Brisbane Quarterly Report BN07Q2 Page 7

than 90 dB(A)

NFPMS: Noise and Flight Path Monitoring System

NMT: Noise Monitoring Terminal

Noise Event: A noise exceeding the threshold sound pressure level for longer
than the threshold duration

NON-JET: Non-jet aircraft


Runway on which the

aircraft operates.

The runways at Brisbane

Airport are numbered
01/19 (the main runway)
and 14/32 (the cross-

T: Total

TAAATS: The Australian Advanced Air Traffic System

TYPE: Aircraft type


Brisbane Quarterly Report BN07Q2 Page 8


Under its environmental responsibilities, Airservices Australia (AA) has established a Noise and
Flight Path Monitoring System (NFPMS) at Australia's major airports. An overview of the
NFPMS is shown in Appendix A. A map displaying all noise and flight path monitoring
locations in Australia is shown in Figure 1.

This report is a summary of data collected by the Brisbane segment of the system over the
second quarter (April to June) 2007.

Figure 1: Noise and flight path monitoring locations in Australia


Brisbane Quarterly Report BN07Q2 Page 9


The Brisbane component of the NFPMS has five permanently installed Noise Monitoring
Terminals (NMTs) which are strategically located around Brisbane Airport as shown in Figure 2
and listed in Table 1. In addition to the permanent NMTs, there are portable NMTs which may
be connected to the system for measuring aircraft noise data at temporary locations, if requested
by the Airport Consultative Committee.





Figure 2: Locations of NMTs around Brisbane Airport.

The A-weighted average noise exposure levels (LAeq) for the entire quarter and for the night
period (23:00 to 6:00 each day) at each NMT are contained in Table 1; the night values are in
brackets. These noise levels encompass the whole environment (including aircraft) as measured

Brisbane Quarterly Report BN07Q2 Page 10

at each NMT. Also included in Table 1 are the number of correlated noise events (CNE), and the
N70, N80 and N90 values for each NMT during the quarter. N70 is calculated by dividing the
total number of CNE equal to or greater than 70 dB(A) detected during the quarter by the
number of days in the quarter that the NMT is in operation (Op Days). For N80 and N90 the
CNE noise thresholds are 80 dB(A) and 90 dBA respectively.

Appendix B includes graphs showing the daily value of N70 at each NMT throughout the
quarter, and the distribution of N70 values. Negative N70 daily value indicates that the N70
value for that day is unavailable due to data incompleteness.

Table 1: Location and noise parameters for each permanent

NMT about Brisbane Airport for the second quarter of 2007.

NMT Location LAeq Op CNEall CNE70 N70 N80 N90

No. (night) Days (night)
1 Cannon Hill Kindergarten 56.3 91.0 5,226 3,968 43.6 2.0 0.0
Princess St Cannon Hill (51.3) (96)
2 Tingalpa State School 65.6 86.9 1,753 1,551 17.9 3.2 0.1
Tingalpa (62.0) (3)
3 Field Study Centre 51.0 91.0 367 83 0.9 0.0 0.0
Chasely St Nudgee Beach (48.1) (10)
4 Padua College 54.8 91.0 869 364 4.0 0.0 0.0
Broughton Rd Kedron (48.4) (8)
5 Bulimba Army Barracks 52.0 91.0 1,199 835 9.2 0.1 0.0
Bulimba (46.8) (10)


3.1. Quarterly track density plots.

The quarterly track density plot is a map which displays the pattern of aircraft flight tracks
passing over the region around the airport during the quarter. The system analyses the number of
flights passing over each grid element of an array defined by the user. Grid elements of 200m x
200m have been adopted as a standard. The track density plot takes into account all aircraft and
provides a useful indication of the general patterns of the flight operations.

Figure 3 shows the quarterly track density plot for all aircraft operations for the second quarter
of 2007. The colour coding from green to red represents the range 182 to 1820 flight tracks (ie. 2
flights per day to 20 or more per day) over a grid element. If any grid element is not colour-
coded, the number of aircraft flight tracks passing over that element during the quarter was less
than 182, ie. less than 2 flights per day on average. The concentration near the top of the plot
reflects the operations of aircraft using Redcliffe Aerodrome and that at the bottom of the plot
includes aircraft using Archerfield Airport.

Brisbane Quarterly Report BN07Q2 Page 11

Figure 3: Track density plot for all aircraft operations during the second quarter 2007.

Brisbane Quarterly Report BN07Q2 Page 12

Figure 4: Track density plot for jet operations only during the second quarter 2007.

Brisbane Quarterly Report BN07Q2 Page 13

For comparison purposes, the quarterly track density plot for jet operations only for the quarter is
shown in Figure 4.

3.2. Jet track plots.

Plots of actual tracks for arrivals and departures of individual aircraft or particular types of
aircraft can also be obtained from the system. Figures 5 and 6 show the track plots for jet arrivals
and departures over the one-week period 2 to 8 June 2007. These tracks have been coloured
according to the aircraft altitude (ie. height above the mean sea level):

• Red when less than 1000ft

• Orange between 1000ft and 3000ft
• Yellow between 3000ft and 5000ft
• Green above 5000ft.

These altitudes have been chosen in accordance with the criteria in the document
“Environmental Principles and Procedures for Minimising the Impact of Aircraft Noise”
produced by Environment Services Branch, Airservices Australia.

3.3. Non-jet and helicopter track plots.

Non-jet operations are principally the operations of propeller and turbo-prop aircraft. The track
plots for the period 2 to 8 June 2007 for arriving and departing non-jet aircraft and helicopters
are shown in Figures 7 and 8 respectively. The same colour coding used for jet track plots is
used in these figures. For both arrivals and departures by non-jets, the tracks disperse from the
runway centrelines closer to the airport, to allow a clear path for jets, which are significantly

The red tracks along the river and over the sea (from the airport to distant islands) are due
mainly to light aircraft and helicopter operations, on defined “transit lanes” which are below
1000 ft for the majority of their flight.


4.1. Movement statistics.

Movement statistics for Brisbane Airport expressed in monthly figures are shown in Table 2.
Explanations of the terms shown in Table 2 can be found in the Glossary section on Pages 6 and
7. The figures are based on TAAATS data.

Note that a training operation involving multiple circuits is counted by the system as a single
movement, which may be arrival or departure. This is the reason that numbers of arrivals may
differ from the corresponding numbers of departures. It is also the reason that movement
numbers obtained from TAAATS data may differ from other ATC-sourced data.

Brisbane Quarterly Report BN07Q2 Page 14

Figure 5: Track plots coloured by height for jet arrivals

during the period 2/6/2007 to 8/6/2007.

Brisbane Quarterly Report BN07Q2 Page 15

Figure 6: Track plots coloured by height for jet departures

during the period 2/6/2007 to 8/6/2007.

Brisbane Quarterly Report BN07Q2 Page 16

Figure 7: Track plots coloured by height for non-jet and helicopter

arrivals during the period 2/6/2007 to 8/6/2007.

Brisbane Quarterly Report BN07Q2 Page 17

Figure 8: Track plots coloured by height for non-jet and helicopter

departures during the period 2/6/2007 to 8/6/2007.

Brisbane Quarterly Report BN07Q2 Page 18

Table 2 also covers the runway usage for arrivals and departures individually and as a total for
each runway. Although their flight tracks may be available on NFPMS, TAAATS does not
always provide operational details for movements by helicopters and light propeller-driven
aircraft. This is the main reason that the Table includes figures for operations by miscellaneous
General Aviation aircraft, or aircraft with indeterminate runway (I).

The total number of monthly arrival and departure movements of all types (jets, non-jets and
helicopters) at Brisbane Airport for April was 13806, for May was 13999 and for June was
14067. The total number of movements for all aircraft types during the quarter was 41872.
Monthly and quarterly arrival and departure movement figures for the previous quarter are also
included in the table.

Table 3 shows the quarterly and monthly arrival and departure movement figures for the fourth
quarter of 2006 and first quarter of 2007.

4.2. Night movement statistics.

Movement statistics for aircraft operating during the night hours (23:00 to 6:00) for Brisbane
Airport are shown in Table 3. The total number of arrival and departure movements during night
in the second quarter of 2007 was 2816.

4.3. Daily runway usage per calendar month for arrivals and departures during the

The daily runway usage per calendar month for arrivals and departures of all aircraft types
including jets, non-jets, helicopters and emergency aircraft during the quarter is shown in
Appendix C in which the movement figures of aircraft arrivals and departures are counted
separately and wholly per runway for each day of the calendar month for the quarter.

4.4. Hourly movements per calendar month for arrivals and departures during the

The hourly movements per calendar month of the quarter for all aircraft movements operating in
and out of the airport including helicopters and emergency aircraft are shown in Appendix D.
The data in Appendix D are calculated for whole clock hours within the day.

4.5. Quarterly aircraft average noise levels.

Appendix E presents a summary of movement numbers and noise levels recorded over the
quarter for jet and non-jet aircraft types. It shows the actual movements and the correlated noise
events of aircraft types operating on specific runways together with the average maximum sound
pressure levels and standard deviations of the maxima for overflights by each type at each NMT.

Brisbane Quarterly Report BN07Q2 Page 19

The terms used in the data output are explained in the Glossary. The data is sorted in order of
descending maximum sound pressure levels for the 25 noisiest types/operations at each NMT (in
some cases, there were less than 25 types causing correlated noise events at the NMT).

4.6. Data included in Appendix E.

It may be noted in Appendix E that in some cases there is a difference between the reported
number of aircraft movements and the number of correlated noise events.

A noise event occurs when a noise being measured at an NMT stays above a preset level for a
preset time duration. When that condition occurs, the NFPMS looks at the radar input to see
whether there is an aircraft track within a preset radius around the NMT location. If there is, the
noise event is correlated with that aircraft track and registered as a correlated noise event.

Differences between the number of aircraft movements and the number of correlated noise
events may be due to the following:

(i) For aircraft operations which are not relatively close to the NMT location, the noise levels
received from the aircraft may be below the event threshold level. This results in less
correlated noise events than actual aircraft movements.

(ii) Noise events may not be correlated with aircraft tracks due to radar system downtime or
transponders on the aircraft being turned off. This also results in less correlated noise
events than actual aircraft movements.

(iii) In some cases, extraneous noise events caused by sources other than aircraft occur
concurrently with an aircraft operation, and are coincidentally correlated with an aircraft
track in the vicinity of the NMT. This may result in more correlated noise events than
actual aircraft movements.

For larger data samples, the absence or mistaken identity of some noise events will have minimal
effect on the mean data presented in the report. Data for small sample sizes may however not be
truly representative. Noting that aircraft noise certification procedures specify a minimum of six
overflights (under closely controlled conditions) to establish a mean noise level, the figure of six
has been adopted in this analysis as the minimum number of arrival or departure operations of
any one aircraft type for the data to be considered meaningful.

Brisbane Quarterly Report BN07Q2 Page 20

Table 2: Monthly movement statistics for the second quarter of 2007 and the previous quarter

APR 07 MAY 07 JUN 07 2nd Quarter 2007 JAN 07 FEB 07 MAR 07 1st Quarter 2007
Movements Movements Movements Movements Percents
A 5070 4993 5410 15473 5150 4673 5232 15055
Jets D 5075 4992 5116 15183 5142 4682 5215 15039
T 10145 9985 10256 30386 10292 9355 10447 30094
A 1737 1850 1822 5409 1634 1683 1881 5198
Non-Jets D 1717 1818 1754 5289 1605 1641 1821 5067
T 3454 3668 3576 10698 3239 3324 3702 10265
A 80 101 95 276 50 102 89 241
Helicopter D 82 104 91 277 48 104 78 230
T 162 205 186 553 98 206 167 471
Miscellaneous A 32 109 27 168 27 44 31 102
General Aviation D 11 23 20 54 18 7 23 48
Aircraft T 43 132 47 222 45 51 54 150
All A 6921 7062 7086 21069 100.0% 6861 6502 7235 20598 100.0%
Types D 6885 6937 6981 20803 100.0% 6813 6434 7137 20384 100.0%
T 13806 13999 14067 41872 13674 12936 14372 40982
01 2251 2396 1035 5682 27.0% 4736 2608 2919 10263 49.8%
Runway 14 1075 1051 803 2929 13.9% 712 1030 1129 2871 13.9%
Usage 19 3409 3349 5080 11838 56.2% 1180 2729 3011 6920 33.6%
Arrivals 32 95 149 62 306 1.5% 176 31 84 291 1.4%
H 80 102 95 277 1.3% 50 102 89 241 1.2%
I 11 15 11 37 0.2% 7 2 3 12 0.1%
01 2935 2996 1419 7350 35.3% 5330 3342 3666 12338 60.5%
Runway 14 33 61 26 120 0.6% 30 72 97 199 1.0%
Usage 19 3580 3400 5084 12064 58.0% 1010 2775 3046 6831 33.5%
Departures 32 251 370 354 975 4.7% 388 141 241 770 3.8%
H 82 104 91 277 1.3% 48 104 78 230 1.1%
I 4 6 7 17 0.1% 7 0 9 16 0.1%
01 5186 5392 2454 13032 31.1% 10066 5950 6585 22601 55.2%
Runway 14 1108 1112 829 3049 7.3% 742 1102 1226 3070 7.5%
Usage 19 6989 6749 10164 23902 57.1% 2190 5504 6057 13751 33.6%
All 32 346 519 416 1281 3.1% 564 172 325 1061 2.6%
Movements H 162 206 186 554 1.3% 98 206 167 471 1.2%
I 15 21 18 54 0.1% 14 2 12 28 0.1%

Brisbane Quarterly Report BN07Q2 Page 21

Table 3: Monthly movement statistics for the third and fourth quarter of 2006

OCT 06 NOV 06 DEC 06 4th Quarter 2006 JUL 06 AUG 06 SEP 06 3rd Quarter 2006
Movements Movements Movements Movements Movements Movements Movements Movements Movements Percents
A 5311 5126 5195 15632 5198 5175 5068 15441
Jets D 5312 5110 5191 15613 5192 5164 5064 15420
T 10623 10236 10386 31245 10390 10339 10132 30861
A 1882 1855 1619 5356 1919 2041 1927 5887
Non-Jets D 1835 1841 1584 5260 1887 1996 1909 5792
T 3717 3696 3203 10616 3806 4037 3836 11679
A 121 94 59 274 77 70 94 241
Helicopter D 115 93 55 263 63 58 87 208
T 236 187 114 537 140 128 181 449
Miscellaneous A 25 32 20 77 51 49 42 142
General Aviation D 16 15 13 44 21 28 10 59
Aircraft T 41 47 33 121 72 77 52 201
All A 7339 7107 6893 21339 100.0% 7245 7335 7131 21711 100.0%
Types D 7278 7059 6843 21180 100.0% 7163 7246 7070 21479 100.0%
T 14617 14166 13736 42519 14408 14581 14201 43190
01 3784 4376 3118 11278 52.9% 1521 2441 2592 6554 30.2%
Runway 14 898 679 839 2416 11.3% 993 1176 872 3041 14.0%
Usage 19 2245 1713 2722 6680 31.3% 4613 3581 3401 11595 53.4%
Arrivals 32 283 242 149 674 3.2% 33 57 165 255 1.2%
H 121 94 59 274 1.3% 77 70 94 241 1.1%
I 8 3 6 17 0.1% 8 10 7 25 0.1%
01 4449 4839 3722 13010 61.4% 2124 3211 3205 8540 39.8%
Runway 14 46 37 71 154 0.7% 42 33 36 111 0.5%
Usage 19 2277 1616 2717 6610 31.2% 4638 3613 3411 11662 54.3%
Departures 32 385 469 272 1126 5.3% 287 311 325 923 4.3%
H 115 93 55 263 1.2% 63 58 87 208 1.0%
I 6 5 6 17 0.1% 9 20 6 35 0.2%
01 8233 9215 6840 24288 57.1% 3645 5652 5797 15094 34.9%
Runway 14 944 716 910 2570 6.0% 1035 1209 908 3152 7.3%
Usage 19 4522 3329 5439 13290 31.3% 9251 7194 6812 23257 53.8%
All 32 668 711 421 1800 4.2% 320 368 490 1178 2.7%
Movements H 236 187 114 537 1.3% 140 128 181 449 1.0%
I 14 8 12 34 0.1% 17 30 13 60 0.1%

Brisbane Quarterly Report BN07Q2 Page 22

Table 4
Night movement statistics for each month of the second quarter of 2007.

APR 07 MAY 07 JUN 07 2nd Quarter 2007

Movements Movements Movements Movements Percents
A 240 288 324 852
Jets D 161 167 187 515
T 401 455 511 1367
A 157 199 216 572
Non-Jets D 245 306 296 847
T 402 505 512 1419
A 0 0 1 1
Helicopter D 2 1 1 4
T 0 1 2 3
Miscellaneous A 7 10 4 21
General Aviation D 2 2 0 4
Aircraft T 9 12 4 25
All A 404 497 545 1446 100.0%
Types D 410 476 484 1370 100.0%
T 814 973 1029 2816
01 11 26 29 66 4.6%
Runway 14 24 26 12 62 4.3%
Usage 19 357 418 472 1247 86.2%
Arrivals * 32 12 27 30 69 4.8%
H 0 0 1 1 0.1%
I 0 0 1 1 0.1%
01 334 330 300 964 70.4%
Runway 14 30 57 21 108 7.9%
Usage 19 27 47 91 165 12.0%
Departures * 32 17 41 71 129 9.4%
H 2 1 1 4 0.3%
I 0 0 0 0 0.0%
01 345 356 324 1025 36.4%
Runway 14 54 83 33 170 6.0%
Usage 19 384 465 563 1412 50.1%
All 32 29 68 101 198 7.0%
Movements H 2 1 2 5 0.2%
I 0 0 1 1 0.0%

* Take-offs during night period preferentially use runway 01 and landings use runway 19.

Brisbane Quarterly Report BN07Q2 Page 23


An overview of the Noise and Flight Path Monitoring System


Brisbane Quarterly Report BN07Q2 Page 24


A.1. System configuration and features.

The NFPMS is the world's largest, most geographically-spread system of its type. The complete
system is operated and controlled from AA Head Office in Canberra.

Around each of the airports are a number of noise monitoring terminals (NMTs). The NMT
basically consists of a microphone, atop a mast of 6m height, and an electronics box. The noise
level to which the microphone is exposed over the range 30 to 140 dB(A) is continuously
measured and then transmitted, via a data line, to the NFPMS central computer where it is
processed and stored for later analysis. Apart from measuring the aircraft noise, the NMT also
continuously monitors the background noise levels.

Through the TAAATS system, the NFPMS acquires flight track and operational information on
aircraft operating in and out of the airport.

On a map display for each airport, the system displays the noise levels being measured by each
of the NMTs and the flight tracks of the aircraft in the vicinity of the airport.

When the level and duration of noise from any noise source in the vicinity of an NMT exceed the
threshold level and duration which have been set for the NMT, a "noise event" is recorded. The
time at which the noise event is recorded at the NMT location is then checked against movement
times and radar tracks of aircraft operating in the vicinity. If the time and NMT location of the
noise event match the movement time and radar track of an aircraft, the noise event is attributed
to that aircraft, i.e it becomes a “correlated noise event”. Otherwise, it is regarded as part of the
background noise.

The incoming data is stored in the central computer and can be recalled to display the tracks
flown by any user selection of aircraft operations, together with the noise levels which those
operations produced at the NMTs. The track information includes aircraft identity, altitude and

The system includes statistical and acoustical software to undertake analyses of noise or flight
track information as required by the user.

Automatically and regularly, the NFPMS produces reports that contain tabular and graphical
summaries of noise and aircraft movement data for each airport over selected time periods.

The system includes the capability to analyse aircraft tracks, by selecting and listing the tracks
which have passed through defined windows and corridors. The analysis can be selective, e.g. on
specification of aircraft type or the route being flown.

Brisbane Quarterly Report BN07Q2 Page 25

A.2. System applications.

The NFPMS collects noise and flight path data 24 hours a day, seven days per week. It also
accumulates flight plan and weather data.

The information collected is used by AA to:

. determine the contribution of aircraft to overall noise exposure;

. detect occurrences of excessive noise levels from aircraft operations;

. assess the effects of operational and administrative procedures for noise control and
compliance with these procedures;

. assist in planning of airspace usage;

. validate noise forecasts and forecasting techniques;

. assist relevant authorities in land-use planning for developments on areas in the

vicinity of an airport;

. provide reports to, and responses to questions from, Government and other Members
of Parliament, industry organisations, airport owners, community groups and
individuals; and

. assist in answering noise complaints about aircraft operations from the general public.

Brisbane Quarterly Report BN07Q2 Page 26


Daily N70 value and N70 distribution for each NMT

during the period April to June 2007


Brisbane Quarterly Report BN07Q2 Page 27

N70 Values for NMT 1 in Cannon Hill




N70 Value






1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30


Distribution of N70 for NMT 1 in Cannon Hill



No of Days



0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 210 220 230 240 250 260 270 280 290 300 310 320 330 340

N70 Value (grouped in steps of 10)*

* Except for N70 value of 0, which shows number of days with zero exceedances of N70 dB(A).
All other values are in steps of 10 (eg. days with N70 of 1 to 10, 11 to 20, 21 to 30 etc).

Brisbane Quarterly Report BN07Q2 Page 28

N70 Values for NMT 2 in Tingalpa





N70 Value





1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30


Distribution of N70 for NMT 2 in Tingalpa



No of Days



0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 210 220 230 240 250 260 270 280 290 300 310 320 330 340

N70 Value (grouped in steps of 10)*

* Except for N70 value of 0, which shows number of days with zero exceedances of N70 dB(A).
All other values are in steps of 10 (eg. days with N70 of 1 to 10, 11 to 20, 21 to 30 etc).

Brisbane Quarterly Report BN07Q2 Page 29

N70 Values for NMT 3 at Nudgee Beach





N70 Value





1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30


Distribution of N70 for NMT 3 at Nudgee Beach



No of Days




0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 210 220 230 240 250 260 270 280 290 300 310 320 330 340

N70 Value (grouped in steps of 10)*

* Except for N70 value of 0, which shows number of days with zero exceedances of N70 dB(A).
All other values are in steps of 10 (eg. days with N70 of 1 to 10, 11 to 20, 21 to 30 etc).

Brisbane Quarterly Report BN07Q2 Page 30

N70 Values for NMT 4 in Kedron





N70 Value





1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30


Distribution of N70 for NMT 4 in Kedron




No of Days






0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 210 220 230 240 250 260 270 280 290 300 310 320 330 340

N70 Value (grouped in steps of 10)*

* Except for N70 value of 0, which shows number of days with zero exceedances of N70 dB(A).
All other values are in steps of 10 (eg. days with N70 of 1 to 10, 11 to 20, 21 to 30 etc).

Brisbane Quarterly Report BN07Q2 Page 31

N70 Values for NMT 5 in Bulimba





N70 Value





1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30


Distribution of N70 for NMT 5 in Bulimba




No of Days





0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 210 220 230 240 250 260 270 280 290 300 310 320 330 340

N70 Value (grouped in steps of 10)*

* Except for N70 value of 0, which shows number of days with zero exceedances of N70 dB(A).
All other values are in steps of 10 (eg. days with N70 of 1 to 10, 11 to 20, 21 to 30 etc).

Brisbane Quarterly Report BN07Q2 Page 32


Daily runway usage per calendar month for arrivals and departures

during the period April to June 2007


Brisbane Quarterly Report BN07Q2 Page 33

Brisbane Airport
Daily Runway Usage (Arrivals for All Aircraft Types)

days Totals 01 14 19 32 H I
01-Apr-07 205 0 27 178 0 0 0
02-Apr-07 237 0 43 193 0 1 0
03-Apr-07 246 101 50 92 0 3 0
04-Apr-07 265 0 59 199 0 7 0
05-Apr-07 266 107 63 89 3 4 0
06-Apr-07 221 0 33 182 2 0 4
07-Apr-07 179 0 21 157 0 1 0
08-Apr-07 177 0 12 163 0 2 0
09-Apr-07 218 0 39 177 0 2 0
10-Apr-07 238 0 43 193 0 2 0
11-Apr-07 248 33 49 163 1 2 0
12-Apr-07 267 0 55 206 0 6 0
13-Apr-07 259 0 51 202 1 5 0
14-Apr-07 189 65 27 95 0 2 0
15-Apr-07 210 114 27 68 0 1 0
16-Apr-07 238 120 53 60 1 3 1
17-Apr-07 253 153 18 57 20 5 0
18-Apr-07 241 163 27 30 15 5 1
19-Apr-07 269 188 38 20 17 6 0
20-Apr-07 260 190 42 15 9 3 1
21-Apr-07 196 96 27 68 3 0 2
22-Apr-07 200 122 25 50 2 1 0
23-Apr-07 241 124 53 62 1 1 0
24-Apr-07 248 125 48 67 1 7 0
25-Apr-07 219 119 34 65 0 1 0
26-Apr-07 250 130 49 64 1 4 2
27-Apr-07 250 126 39 83 1 1 0
28-Apr-07 196 85 8 93 10 0 0
29-Apr-07 198 90 13 89 5 1 0
30-Apr-07 237 0 2 229 2 4 0
total 6921 2251 1075 3409 95 80 11
percentage 100.0% 32.5% 15.5% 49.3% 1.4% 1.2% 0.2%

Brisbane Quarterly Report BN07Q2 Page 34

Brisbane Airport
Daily Runway Usage (Departures for All Aircraft Types)

days Totals 01 14 19 32 H I
01-Apr-07 208 0 3 205 0 0 0
02-Apr-07 239 11 1 226 1 0 0
03-Apr-07 246 142 0 99 3 2 0
04-Apr-07 265 25 0 231 2 6 1
05-Apr-07 260 137 12 97 9 5 0
06-Apr-07 216 9 0 204 3 0 0
07-Apr-07 170 2 1 166 0 1 0
08-Apr-07 181 2 0 177 0 2 0
09-Apr-07 219 2 0 215 0 2 0
10-Apr-07 233 13 3 215 0 2 0
11-Apr-07 252 55 0 191 4 2 0
12-Apr-07 264 19 1 235 1 6 2
13-Apr-07 258 15 5 223 7 8 0
14-Apr-07 187 81 1 99 3 3 0
15-Apr-07 212 138 1 70 2 1 0
16-Apr-07 241 168 0 61 10 2 0
17-Apr-07 248 192 0 35 16 4 1
18-Apr-07 240 204 1 15 14 6 0
19-Apr-07 268 221 0 17 26 4 0
20-Apr-07 251 236 0 0 15 0 0
21-Apr-07 193 103 1 77 9 3 0
22-Apr-07 206 161 0 28 16 1 0
23-Apr-07 240 164 0 56 19 1 0
24-Apr-07 238 174 0 48 8 8 0
25-Apr-07 215 134 0 72 9 0 0
26-Apr-07 249 169 1 69 4 6 0
27-Apr-07 255 161 2 75 14 3 0
28-Apr-07 187 92 0 77 18 0 0
29-Apr-07 207 92 0 94 20 1 0
30-Apr-07 237 13 0 203 18 3 0
total 6885 2935 33 3580 251 82 4
percentage 100.0% 42.6% 0.5% 52.0% 3.6% 1.2% 0.1%

Brisbane Quarterly Report BN07Q2 Page 35

Brisbane Airport
Daily Runway Usage (Arrivals and Departures for All Aircraft Types)

days Totals 01 14 19 32 H I
01-Apr-07 413 0 30 383 0 0 0
02-Apr-07 476 11 44 419 1 1 0
03-Apr-07 492 243 50 191 3 5 0
04-Apr-07 530 25 59 430 2 13 1
05-Apr-07 526 244 75 186 12 9 0
06-Apr-07 437 9 33 386 5 0 4
07-Apr-07 349 2 22 323 0 2 0
08-Apr-07 358 2 12 340 0 4 0
09-Apr-07 437 2 39 392 0 4 0
10-Apr-07 471 13 46 408 0 4 0
11-Apr-07 500 88 49 354 5 4 0
12-Apr-07 531 19 56 441 1 12 2
13-Apr-07 517 15 56 425 8 13 0
14-Apr-07 376 146 28 194 3 5 0
15-Apr-07 422 252 28 138 2 2 0
16-Apr-07 479 288 53 121 11 5 1
17-Apr-07 501 345 18 92 36 9 1
18-Apr-07 481 367 28 45 29 11 1
19-Apr-07 537 409 38 37 43 10 0
20-Apr-07 511 426 42 15 24 3 1
21-Apr-07 389 199 28 145 12 3 2
22-Apr-07 406 283 25 78 18 2 0
23-Apr-07 481 288 53 118 20 2 0
24-Apr-07 486 299 48 115 9 15 0
25-Apr-07 434 253 34 137 9 1 0
26-Apr-07 499 299 50 133 5 10 2
27-Apr-07 505 287 41 158 15 4 0
28-Apr-07 383 177 8 170 28 0 0
29-Apr-07 405 182 13 183 25 2 0
30-Apr-07 474 13 2 432 20 7 0
total 13806 5186 1108 6989 346 162 15
percentage 100.0% 37.6% 8.0% 50.6% 2.5% 1.2% 0.1%

Brisbane Quarterly Report BN07Q2 Page 36

Brisbane Airport
Daily Runway Usage (Arrivals for All Aircraft Types)

days Totals 01 14 19 32 H I
01-May-07 258 93 48 109 0 8 0
02-May-07 251 125 52 66 4 4 0
03-May-07 272 200 10 17 40 5 0
04-May-07 254 187 10 18 37 1 1
05-May-07 190 152 14 14 8 0 2
06-May-07 193 159 19 12 1 2 0
07-May-07 225 1 29 192 0 2 1
08-May-07 259 80 47 122 1 8 1
09-May-07 251 86 53 109 0 3 0
10-May-07 260 0 47 208 1 4 0
11-May-07 250 0 37 203 4 6 0
12-May-07 192 1 24 165 0 2 0
13-May-07 203 0 18 183 0 2 0
14-May-07 246 0 46 192 1 7 0
15-May-07 251 59 48 139 2 3 0
16-May-07 263 111 64 80 4 1 3
17-May-07 267 150 43 71 1 2 0
18-May-07 257 204 0 13 34 6 0
19-May-07 199 79 31 87 0 2 0
20-May-07 206 91 30 82 0 3 0
21-May-07 243 5 38 194 1 5 0
22-May-07 246 0 43 196 3 4 0
23-May-07 258 101 52 98 5 2 0
24-May-07 153 24 26 97 0 4 2
25-May-07 265 115 47 99 1 3 0
26-May-07 206 62 22 120 0 1 1
27-May-07 217 9 22 180 0 4 2
28-May-07 64 0 8 54 0 2 0
29-May-07 155 109 32 10 0 2 2
30-May-07 255 99 42 112 0 2 0
31-May-07 253 94 49 107 1 2 0
total 7062 2396 1051 3349 149 102 15
percentage 100.0% 33.9% 14.9% 47.4% 2.1% 1.4% 0.2%

Brisbane Quarterly Report BN07Q2 Page 37

Brisbane Airport
Daily Runway Usage (Departures for All Aircraft Types)

days Totals 01 14 19 32 H I
01-May-07 253 119 0 106 20 7 1
02-May-07 248 170 0 63 12 3 0
03-May-07 267 219 0 1 40 7 0
04-May-07 253 209 0 1 41 1 1
05-May-07 180 167 0 0 12 1 0
06-May-07 198 184 0 0 12 2 0
07-May-07 223 6 0 215 1 1 0
08-May-07 257 110 4 128 6 9 0
09-May-07 254 111 0 118 21 4 0
10-May-07 255 23 0 225 4 3 0
11-May-07 253 4 13 227 4 5 0
12-May-07 182 5 5 170 0 2 0
13-May-07 203 2 1 197 1 2 0
14-May-07 248 14 0 221 5 8 0
15-May-07 245 64 13 158 6 4 0
16-May-07 263 145 11 90 16 1 0
17-May-07 262 207 0 43 10 2 0
18-May-07 260 220 0 0 36 4 0
19-May-07 187 97 0 80 8 2 0
20-May-07 210 110 2 85 12 1 0
21-May-07 249 17 0 220 5 7 0
22-May-07 245 11 0 217 12 4 1
23-May-07 244 118 2 101 21 2 0
24-May-07 156 54 0 91 6 5 0
25-May-07 243 132 1 94 13 3 0
26-May-07 182 66 3 106 4 2 1
27-May-07 204 9 0 188 1 5 1
28-May-07 77 3 3 65 3 3 0
29-May-07 132 125 2 0 4 1 0
30-May-07 252 136 1 89 25 0 1
31-May-07 252 139 0 101 9 3 0
total 6937 2996 61 3400 370 104 6
percentage 100.0% 43.2% 0.9% 49.0% 5.3% 1.5% 0.1%

Brisbane Quarterly Report BN07Q2 Page 38

Brisbane Airport
Daily Runway Usage (Arrivals and Departures for All Aircraft Types)

days Totals 01 14 19 32 H I
01-May-07 511 212 48 215 20 15 1
02-May-07 499 295 52 129 16 7 0
03-May-07 539 419 10 18 80 12 0
04-May-07 507 396 10 19 78 2 2
05-May-07 370 319 14 14 20 1 2
06-May-07 391 343 19 12 13 4 0
07-May-07 448 7 29 407 1 3 1
08-May-07 516 190 51 250 7 17 1
09-May-07 505 197 53 227 21 7 0
10-May-07 515 23 47 433 5 7 0
11-May-07 503 4 50 430 8 11 0
12-May-07 374 6 29 335 0 4 0
13-May-07 406 2 19 380 1 4 0
14-May-07 494 14 46 413 6 15 0
15-May-07 496 123 61 297 8 7 0
16-May-07 526 256 75 170 20 2 3
17-May-07 529 357 43 114 11 4 0
18-May-07 517 424 0 13 70 10 0
19-May-07 386 176 31 167 8 4 0
20-May-07 416 201 32 167 12 4 0
21-May-07 492 22 38 414 6 12 0
22-May-07 491 11 43 413 15 8 1
23-May-07 502 219 54 199 26 4 0
24-May-07 309 78 26 188 6 9 2
25-May-07 508 247 48 193 14 6 0
26-May-07 388 128 25 226 4 3 2
27-May-07 421 18 22 368 1 9 3
28-May-07 141 3 11 119 3 5 0
29-May-07 287 234 34 10 4 3 2
30-May-07 507 235 43 201 25 2 1
31-May-07 505 233 49 208 10 5 0
total 13999 5392 1112 6749 519 206 21
percentage 100.0% 38.5% 7.9% 48.2% 3.7% 1.5% 0.2%

Brisbane Quarterly Report BN07Q2 Page 39

Brisbane Airport
Daily Runway Usage (Arrivals for All Aircraft Types)

days Totals 01 14 19 32 H I
01-Jun-07 255 94 48 101 5 7 0
02-Jun-07 187 0 27 159 0 1 0
03-Jun-07 193 0 16 176 0 1 0
04-Jun-07 248 96 47 98 2 3 2
05-Jun-07 246 99 31 111 0 5 0
06-Jun-07 254 228 8 13 0 4 1
07-Jun-07 260 21 27 201 7 4 0
08-Jun-07 253 0 19 226 4 4 0
09-Jun-07 199 43 9 140 4 3 0
10-Jun-07 194 78 22 93 0 1 0
11-Jun-07 223 96 36 89 1 1 0
12-Jun-07 247 1 44 192 1 9 0
13-Jun-07 255 0 49 200 1 5 0
14-Jun-07 257 0 47 203 2 5 0
15-Jun-07 266 82 55 127 0 2 0
16-Jun-07 191 0 22 168 1 0 0
17-Jun-07 207 54 28 125 0 0 0
18-Jun-07 241 75 48 112 2 2 2
19-Jun-07 257 12 12 227 2 3 1
20-Jun-07 257 0 28 224 0 5 0
21-Jun-07 275 0 33 233 1 8 0
22-Jun-07 267 1 49 205 9 3 0
23-Jun-07 195 0 19 174 0 2 0
24-Jun-07 203 0 22 178 0 3 0
25-Jun-07 235 0 11 223 1 0 0
26-Jun-07 244 0 5 237 0 0 2
27-Jun-07 254 1 25 221 1 4 2
28-Jun-07 259 54 7 185 10 3 0
29-Jun-07 261 0 6 241 8 5 1
30-Jun-07 203 0 3 198 0 2 0
total 7086 1035 803 5080 62 95 11
percentage 100.0% 14.6% 11.3% 71.7% 0.9% 1.3% 0.2%

Brisbane Quarterly Report BN07Q2 Page 40

Brisbane Airport
Daily Runway Usage (Departures for All Aircraft Types)

days Totals 01 14 19 32 H I
01-Jun-07 248 118 3 109 11 7 0
02-Jun-07 178 9 1 165 2 1 0
03-Jun-07 201 4 0 192 4 1 0
04-Jun-07 242 131 1 97 11 2 0
05-Jun-07 243 111 0 118 8 5 1
06-Jun-07 245 204 1 11 26 3 0
07-Jun-07 259 42 0 190 23 4 0
08-Jun-07 249 11 2 195 37 4 0
09-Jun-07 193 55 0 126 9 3 0
10-Jun-07 196 83 0 102 10 0 1
11-Jun-07 225 126 0 87 11 1 0
12-Jun-07 242 11 0 215 9 7 0
13-Jun-07 253 21 0 219 7 6 0
14-Jun-07 258 22 1 227 3 5 0
15-Jun-07 255 114 3 125 10 3 0
16-Jun-07 188 12 0 165 11 0 0
17-Jun-07 203 62 0 131 10 0 0
18-Jun-07 244 102 0 128 11 3 0
19-Jun-07 249 32 0 202 11 4 0
20-Jun-07 253 1 2 236 12 2 0
21-Jun-07 275 14 6 235 12 8 0
22-Jun-07 252 19 0 220 11 2 0
23-Jun-07 187 5 0 176 4 2 0
24-Jun-07 207 2 0 200 3 2 0
25-Jun-07 239 2 5 227 4 1 0
26-Jun-07 240 3 0 224 10 0 3
27-Jun-07 256 9 1 217 21 7 1
28-Jun-07 252 78 0 154 18 2 0
29-Jun-07 254 13 0 214 22 4 1
30-Jun-07 195 3 0 177 13 2 0
total 6981 1419 26 5084 354 91 7
percentage 100.0% 20.3% 0.4% 72.8% 5.1% 1.3% 0.1%

Brisbane Quarterly Report BN07Q2 Page 41

Brisbane Airport
Daily Runway Usage (Arrivals and Departures for All Aircraft Types)

days Totals 01 14 19 32 H I
01-Jun-07 503 212 51 210 16 14 0
02-Jun-07 365 9 28 324 2 2 0
03-Jun-07 394 4 16 368 4 2 0
04-Jun-07 490 227 48 195 13 5 2
05-Jun-07 489 210 31 229 8 10 1
06-Jun-07 499 432 9 24 26 7 1
07-Jun-07 519 63 27 391 30 8 0
08-Jun-07 502 11 21 421 41 8 0
09-Jun-07 392 98 9 266 13 6 0
10-Jun-07 390 161 22 195 10 1 1
11-Jun-07 448 222 36 176 12 2 0
12-Jun-07 489 12 44 407 10 16 0
13-Jun-07 508 21 49 419 8 11 0
14-Jun-07 515 22 48 430 5 10 0
15-Jun-07 521 196 58 252 10 5 0
16-Jun-07 379 12 22 333 12 0 0
17-Jun-07 410 116 28 256 10 0 0
18-Jun-07 485 177 48 240 13 5 2
19-Jun-07 506 44 12 429 13 7 1
20-Jun-07 510 1 30 460 12 7 0
21-Jun-07 550 14 39 468 13 16 0
22-Jun-07 519 20 49 425 20 5 0
23-Jun-07 382 5 19 350 4 4 0
24-Jun-07 410 2 22 378 3 5 0
25-Jun-07 474 2 16 450 5 1 0
26-Jun-07 484 3 5 461 10 0 5
27-Jun-07 510 10 26 438 22 11 3
28-Jun-07 511 132 7 339 28 5 0
29-Jun-07 515 13 6 455 30 9 2
30-Jun-07 398 3 3 375 13 4 0
total 14067 2454 829 10164 416 186 18
percentage 100.0% 17.4% 5.9% 72.3% 3.0% 1.3% 0.1%

Brisbane Quarterly Report BN07Q2 Page 42


Hourly movements per calendar month for arrivals and departures

during the period April to June 2007


Brisbane Quarterly Report BN07Q2 Page 43

Brisbane Airport
Hourly Movements (Arrivals and Departures for All Aircraft Types)

days total 00:00 01:00 02:00 03:00 04:00 05:00 06:00 07:00 08:00 09:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00
01-Apr-07 413 2 2 1 2 0 2 12 22 35 27 26 25 20 24 24 30 27 30 33 29 21 11 4 4
02-Apr-07 476 1 2 3 1 1 8 22 28 34 35 34 18 24 23 25 26 29 35 39 31 22 14 12 9
03-Apr-07 492 4 6 6 5 1 9 19 36 39 32 32 19 20 23 28 21 28 38 40 30 21 18 10 7
04-Apr-07 530 8 10 5 3 3 8 25 35 42 30 33 26 25 31 32 30 26 34 30 34 26 18 11 5
05-Apr-07 526 10 8 10 4 2 7 18 37 39 31 39 27 27 26 32 28 29 35 42 27 22 14 9 3
06-Apr-07 437 3 2 0 0 0 3 21 33 36 32 30 24 29 19 25 28 23 26 31 26 17 10 9 10
07-Apr-07 349 3 0 2 1 0 3 12 23 38 27 25 17 20 17 27 22 18 23 25 18 14 5 5 4
08-Apr-07 358 1 0 0 0 0 2 12 18 33 25 25 21 17 23 21 27 18 27 30 23 15 9 7 4
09-Apr-07 437 1 0 2 1 1 2 23 24 34 23 31 20 27 19 26 29 26 33 42 29 19 10 10 5
10-Apr-07 471 4 3 4 0 1 8 25 34 38 30 27 23 24 20 25 29 21 35 34 30 19 18 14 5
11-Apr-07 500 5 8 4 4 2 7 25 30 39 39 28 23 25 24 28 30 26 33 34 35 24 15 10 2
12-Apr-07 531 10 10 5 4 5 5 25 40 35 31 27 25 28 22 33 28 30 35 43 29 27 18 10 6
13-Apr-07 517 7 7 3 6 4 7 24 34 37 33 34 18 24 24 30 27 31 39 36 33 25 14 11 9
14-Apr-07 376 2 3 2 0 1 2 15 28 34 32 22 17 23 17 23 24 21 26 27 21 15 7 9 5
15-Apr-07 422 1 0 1 1 0 2 15 20 33 28 28 24 28 26 29 31 22 29 33 23 21 14 9 4
16-Apr-07 479 2 1 3 2 2 6 22 27 35 28 33 24 26 23 32 29 25 37 34 35 20 16 13 4
17-Apr-07 501 10 6 4 7 3 7 21 34 36 31 29 24 24 24 24 26 23 41 36 35 25 16 9 6
18-Apr-07 481 5 6 4 4 2 6 23 38 36 26 22 21 26 24 31 28 23 38 34 29 23 18 9 5
19-Apr-07 537 6 6 5 6 2 7 23 38 37 35 31 28 29 28 33 23 28 38 36 37 25 18 12 6
20-Apr-07 511 7 8 2 5 1 8 23 34 38 27 31 19 30 23 26 34 37 38 31 38 20 14 9 8
21-Apr-07 389 6 2 2 0 0 4 13 27 36 35 24 20 27 21 25 27 24 22 26 20 11 6 5 6
22-Apr-07 406 3 2 0 0 1 2 15 25 29 29 25 20 23 21 24 25 25 29 36 24 19 12 10 7
23-Apr-07 481 1 2 6 1 2 7 24 26 37 27 33 21 28 24 28 26 22 37 40 27 22 17 12 11
24-Apr-07 486 6 6 6 5 3 8 20 34 35 31 30 25 20 29 27 26 27 38 35 30 17 16 8 4
25-Apr-07 434 2 0 3 1 1 4 21 32 38 26 23 23 28 27 31 25 21 30 28 26 18 10 10 6
26-Apr-07 499 4 0 4 3 3 8 22 30 39 36 29 22 25 22 35 25 30 41 30 34 24 15 9 9
27-Apr-07 505 8 7 10 5 3 6 21 28 42 29 29 27 24 22 32 28 29 33 35 33 21 13 12 8
28-Apr-07 383 9 5 3 0 2 4 15 29 32 28 21 22 22 17 25 21 23 21 28 24 16 6 5 5
29-Apr-07 405 2 1 0 0 0 2 14 22 34 25 26 26 23 22 27 31 18 26 38 28 15 13 7 5
30-Apr-07 474 2 2 3 1 2 8 22 32 31 32 31 24 22 24 27 26 25 35 39 37 22 14 8 5
Total 13806 135 115 103 72 48 162 592 898 1081 900 858 673 738 689 835 810 755 982 1025 875 606 399 278 177
Percentage 100.0 1.0 0.8 0.7 0.5 0.3 1.2 4.3 6.5 7.8 6.5 6.2 4.9 5.3 5.0 6.0 5.9 5.5 7.1 7.4 6.3 4.4 2.9 2.0 1.3

Brisbane Quarterly Report BN07Q2 Page 44

Brisbane Airport
Hourly Movements (Arrivals and Departures for All Aircraft Types)

days total 00:00 01:00 02:00 03:00 04:00 05:00 06:00 07:00 08:00 09:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00
01-May-07 511 4 5 5 5 2 8 25 31 41 32 28 20 28 29 33 25 27 39 31 31 27 15 12 8
02-May-07 499 6 7 6 9 3 6 25 31 38 29 31 31 25 26 28 24 23 34 33 30 23 14 12 5
03-May-07 539 9 7 4 6 2 9 20 43 37 35 29 29 25 29 30 29 25 37 40 34 27 15 11 7
04-May-07 507 8 7 4 7 3 8 21 31 41 33 28 22 24 26 32 31 23 30 34 36 21 17 11 9
05-May-07 370 3 4 2 1 1 3 16 29 37 30 21 17 23 19 24 23 19 22 24 20 9 7 8 8
06-May-07 391 1 1 1 1 0 2 12 26 33 27 23 23 20 28 22 26 19 30 34 25 17 8 8 4
07-May-07 448 1 1 2 1 1 4 21 28 34 25 32 19 27 24 27 24 29 33 38 31 18 15 8 5
08-May-07 516 6 8 5 7 4 8 26 33 36 40 34 22 22 24 33 24 24 38 38 32 20 17 12 3
09-May-07 505 6 6 4 7 3 6 22 34 47 31 29 22 25 23 28 30 28 40 34 30 23 17 8 2
10-May-07 515 8 4 10 5 4 8 24 32 34 34 28 30 26 23 31 26 23 36 36 30 26 16 16 5
11-May-07 503 5 7 4 5 3 10 19 36 32 34 27 24 24 25 26 26 26 34 40 32 27 16 12 9
12-May-07 374 7 4 1 2 2 1 17 27 33 29 26 19 25 17 24 18 19 22 28 19 13 9 7 5
13-May-07 406 1 0 0 1 0 2 14 19 35 27 27 21 20 25 24 28 20 26 41 29 23 9 9 5
14-May-07 494 3 0 4 0 1 10 19 38 34 28 39 28 25 24 27 31 26 29 44 28 22 16 12 6
15-May-07 496 6 7 6 10 4 8 22 30 37 32 29 22 18 22 23 28 28 41 33 32 21 22 10 5
16-May-07 526 5 6 6 8 2 8 29 35 42 32 28 23 28 29 30 24 26 36 40 31 21 16 12 9
17-May-07 529 11 6 10 5 5 8 22 36 39 38 36 25 22 23 29 28 27 32 33 37 25 15 10 7
18-May-07 517 7 8 3 5 5 7 23 25 44 28 33 27 28 25 25 33 32 32 33 30 31 14 11 8
19-May-07 386 9 0 5 2 1 2 17 26 37 29 30 21 25 19 26 19 20 20 27 18 12 8 5 8
20-May-07 416 3 2 0 1 0 2 13 23 34 26 28 24 22 25 26 29 23 28 35 28 18 14 8 4
21-May-07 492 2 1 2 1 2 9 20 31 36 24 39 28 21 27 28 26 32 35 40 28 26 17 13 4
22-May-07 491 7 5 9 3 3 7 18 32 37 34 30 25 24 27 31 25 27 31 36 29 23 15 7 6
23-May-07 502 7 7 3 5 3 5 25 32 38 32 32 25 27 29 27 26 26 31 31 34 24 16 13 4
24-May-07 309 7 6 5 6 2 7 26 36 46 31 31 34 30 25 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 8
25-May-07 508 4 8 5 7 2 7 29 31 43 30 33 24 23 24 31 29 23 32 39 31 26 13 7 7
26-May-07 388 6 5 2 1 0 4 16 28 40 28 26 24 24 15 22 27 24 18 26 25 12 5 6 4
27-May-07 421 2 0 0 0 1 2 14 20 34 25 32 27 22 22 31 26 28 29 34 30 24 9 4 5
28-May-07 141 2 0 3 2 1 8 18 32 35 32 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
29-May-07 287 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 18 24 25 28 25 21 33 31 32 21 15 7 7
30-May-07 507 10 6 8 5 2 4 24 27 39 31 27 22 25 25 28 32 29 33 39 35 22 15 12 7
31-May-07 505 10 7 6 6 4 5 25 38 35 29 30 22 23 25 27 27 28 35 37 32 26 16 9 3
Total 13999 166 135 125 124 66 178 622 920 1128 915 874 718 725 729 807 769 725 916 1009 859 628 401 283 177
Percentage 100.0 1.2 1.0 0.9 0.9 0.5 1.3 4.4 6.6 8.1 6.5 6.2 5.1 5.2 5.2 5.8 5.5 5.2 6.5 7.2 6.1 4.5 2.9 2.0 1.3

Brisbane Quarterly Report BN07Q2 Page 45

Brisbane Airport
Hourly Movements (Arrivals and Departures for All Aircraft Types)

days total 00:00 01:00 02:00 03:00 04:00 05:00 06:00 07:00 08:00 09:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00
01-Jun-07 503 9 6 5 7 2 5 22 36 38 26 35 23 24 27 28 35 26 30 30 32 27 11 11 8
02-Jun-07 365 9 3 2 1 0 3 14 28 37 27 25 21 24 12 24 20 18 20 27 19 11 9 7 4
03-Jun-07 394 3 0 0 0 0 2 12 21 34 22 26 22 17 25 25 31 20 29 32 25 24 12 9 3
04-Jun-07 490 5 3 4 0 1 10 21 29 38 27 31 20 29 28 30 24 30 29 42 33 25 15 11 5
05-Jun-07 489 7 7 9 5 5 7 24 28 42 34 27 23 22 21 26 26 18 35 34 31 24 16 12 6
06-Jun-07 499 8 7 7 6 3 9 23 32 33 31 30 25 24 24 30 28 22 31 31 36 25 16 13 5
07-Jun-07 519 10 8 6 9 2 6 22 29 35 27 30 27 26 24 33 23 27 30 38 33 34 18 9 13
08-Jun-07 502 8 6 4 7 4 5 24 34 33 33 28 28 22 22 27 29 29 26 32 33 26 18 10 14
09-Jun-07 392 7 4 2 1 0 2 18 23 30 32 27 23 26 18 20 27 19 19 33 23 15 9 8 6
10-Jun-07 390 5 1 2 0 0 2 15 21 31 27 28 25 19 20 21 28 19 26 31 33 14 11 8 3
11-Jun-07 448 4 2 1 3 2 4 16 26 33 27 31 21 26 26 26 23 27 36 42 22 22 12 10 6
12-Jun-07 489 3 2 5 1 1 8 24 26 38 35 28 25 25 25 30 27 23 37 38 32 23 15 9 9
13-Jun-07 508 7 9 4 6 1 9 24 35 35 36 25 23 26 25 30 25 25 35 38 34 23 15 14 4
14-Jun-07 515 10 6 5 5 3 8 21 30 38 31 28 27 27 26 30 23 29 27 39 34 34 16 9 9
15-Jun-07 521 7 8 9 6 3 8 24 29 36 30 28 25 25 28 31 29 29 33 37 36 25 14 15 6
16-Jun-07 379 7 4 2 1 2 4 12 28 34 35 20 20 24 14 25 28 19 20 25 24 10 8 8 5
17-Jun-07 410 3 1 1 2 0 4 10 24 32 27 28 28 25 21 19 25 22 30 32 26 20 12 12 6
18-Jun-07 485 5 2 6 1 1 7 22 36 33 35 31 24 26 21 24 25 28 32 37 34 22 17 8 8
19-Jun-07 506 8 7 5 8 2 8 23 27 40 35 27 27 21 24 30 21 27 33 40 31 20 21 14 7
20-Jun-07 510 4 9 7 4 4 6 27 32 39 32 24 21 30 27 24 28 28 36 35 35 24 15 14 5
21-Jun-07 550 6 10 9 7 3 7 21 33 38 34 41 29 28 25 30 28 33 34 35 34 24 24 13 4
22-Jun-07 519 5 9 7 4 4 6 22 28 36 30 32 25 24 28 26 31 30 34 37 31 26 19 12 13
23-Jun-07 382 6 1 3 2 0 4 12 24 30 34 29 24 25 17 23 24 16 19 28 25 15 9 5 7
24-Jun-07 410 1 1 0 1 0 2 12 22 34 31 29 17 25 19 25 29 22 28 37 29 20 13 8 5
25-Jun-07 474 1 1 3 2 2 7 23 30 38 27 33 27 27 24 25 23 28 32 31 25 32 15 10 8
26-Jun-07 484 10 4 6 8 7 5 24 20 29 38 28 24 20 22 21 24 24 30 36 35 30 18 12 9
27-Jun-07 510 6 9 8 5 3 4 24 27 35 35 29 24 25 25 29 30 30 34 32 29 24 21 12 10
28-Jun-07 511 10 7 4 8 4 4 21 28 39 33 32 22 26 27 31 26 22 32 37 33 28 18 8 11
29-Jun-07 515 8 11 4 6 1 7 17 31 38 36 32 20 26 25 33 28 29 27 34 32 24 19 13 14
30-Jun-07 398 7 1 3 1 1 1 18 25 38 33 25 24 25 24 24 19 23 23 28 23 12 8 6 6
Total 14067 189 149 133 117 61 164 592 842 1064 940 867 714 739 694 800 787 742 887 1028 902 683 444 310 219
Percentage 100.0 1.3 1.1 0.9 0.8 0.4 1.2 4.2 6.0 7.6 6.7 6.2 5.1 5.3 4.9 5.7 5.6 5.3 6.3 7.3 6.4 4.9 3.2 2.2 1.6

Brisbane Quarterly Report BN07Q2 Page 46


Aircraft average noise levels

April to June 2007

Brisbane Quarterly Report BN07Q2 Page 47

Aircraft Average Noise Levels
April – June 2007
Location: Cannon Hill NMT 1
B721 Boeing 727-100 D 19 12 9 86.8 1.8
B743 Boeing 747-300 A 1 10 10 83.1 2.5
B743 Boeing 747-300 D 19 74 70 82.3 1.5
B744 Boeing 747-400 D 19 127 61 81.7 2.9
B744 Boeing 747-400 A 1 33 30 78.8 2.4
B732 Boeing 737-200 D 19 75 58 77.4 2.0
B703 Boeing 707-300 D 19 9 5 77.3 5.5
A333 Airbus A330-300 D 19 174 157 76.6 2.6
B773 Boeing 777-300 D 19 129 77 75.8 1.6
B773 Boeing 777-300 A 1 57 54 75.7 1.6
A332 Airbus A330-200 D 19 104 28 75.0 1.3
K35R Boeing Stratotanker D 19 31 26 75.0 1.9
B772 Boeing 777-200 A 1 76 72 74.8 1.1
B763 Boeing 767-300 A 1 406 281 74.7 1.7
A333 Airbus A330-300 A 1 42 25 74.6 1.8
A332 Airbus A330-200 A 1 19 15 74.1 2.6
B734 Boeing 737-400 A 1 629 284 73.4 2.3
B734 Boeing 737-400 D 19 1059 188 73.4 1.5
B772 Boeing 777-200 D 19 95 56 73.1 1.6
B732 Boeing 737-200 A 1 44 10 73.0 2.4
B733 Boeing 737-300 D 19 113 48 73.0 1.5
B733 Boeing 737-300 A 1 91 41 72.7 2.9
B763 Boeing 767-300 D 19 864 219 72.3 2.4
B738 Boeing 737-800 A 1 1929 719 72.0 2.1
B737 Boeing 737-700 A 1 720 328 71.6 1.9

Brisbane Quarterly Report BN07Q2 Page 48

Aircraft Average Noise Levels
April – June 2007
Location: Tingalpa NMT 2
B744 Boeing 747-400 D 19 127 23 82.2 2.3
B773 Boeing 777-300 D 19 129 22 81.2 2.6
A332 Airbus A330-200 D 19 104 27 81.1 1.1
B772 Boeing 777-200 D 19 95 8 80.5 2.5
B734 Boeing 737-400 D 19 1059 237 79.0 2.3
B763 Boeing 767-300 D 19 864 113 78.7 2.3
DH8C DHC Dash 8C D 19 573 9 77.9 3.0
B733 Boeing 737-300 D 19 113 7 77.8 2.0
B738 Boeing 737-800 D 19 3574 662 76.9 2.6
A320 Airbus A320 D 19 1384 161 76.5 2.9
SW4 Fairchild MerlinIV/C Metro23 D 19 317 28 76.2 3.4
B737 Boeing 737-700 D 19 1346 177 75.5 3.8
A320 Airbus A320 A 1 699 16 72.4 5.6
B738 Boeing 737-800 A 1 1929 53 72.0 5.7
B763 Boeing 767-300 A 1 406 12 72.0 5.7
B734 Boeing 737-400 A 1 629 22 71.6 4.2
B737 Boeing 737-700 A 1 720 18 69.8 4.3

Brisbane Quarterly Report BN07Q2 Page 49

Aircraft Average Noise Levels
April – June 2007
Location: Nudgee Beach NMT 3


DH8D DHC Dash 8D A 14 671 8 71.0 4.5
PA31 Piper Chieftan/Navajo A 14 121 8 70.2 3.5
C208 Cessna Caravan D 32 41 10 69.4 2.4
PA31 Piper Chieftan/Navajo D 32 85 26 69.0 2.6
C441 Cessna Conquest II D 32 28 7 68.7 1.9
C208 Cessna Caravan A 14 66 7 68.6 1.8
DH8C DHC Dash 8C A 14 536 9 68.0 2.6
PC12 Pilatus PC12 D 32 13 7 67.9 1.6
BE20 Beech 200&1300S D 32 276 99 67.7 1.8
DH8D DHC Dash 8D D 32 167 33 67.7 1.5
DH8C DHC Dash 8C D 32 104 13 67.3 1.2

Brisbane Quarterly Report BN07Q2 Page 50

Aircraft Average Noise Levels
April – June 2007
Location: Kedron NMT 4


B743 Boeing 747-300 D 19 74 25 74.4 2.3
A333 Airbus A330-300 A 1 42 15 72.8 2.7
B744 Boeing 747-400 D 19 127 13 71.7 1.7
B732 Boeing 737-200 D 19 75 7 71.0 1.2
B763 Boeing 767-300 A 1 406 19 70.2 2.6
A320 Airbus A320 A 1 699 172 69.7 1.8
B737 Boeing 737-700 A 1 720 95 69.5 2.6
B738 Boeing 737-800 A 1 1929 233 69.1 2.0
B73Y Boeing 737-300 Freighter A 1 30 13 68.8 1.2
B734 Boeing 737-400 A 1 629 87 68.6 1.7
PA31 Piper Chieftan/Navajo D 19 73 7 68.3 1.8
A333 Airbus A330-300 D 19 174 7 68.2 1.2
B738 Boeing 737-800 D 19 3574 6 68.2 3.0
DH8D DHC Dash 8D A 1 182 6 68.0 1.5

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Aircraft Average Noise Levels
April – June 2007
Location: Bulimba Army Base NMT 5


B763 Boeing 767-300 A 1 406 45 74.8 2.6
B732 Boeing 737-200 D 19 75 10 73.8 2.5
A333 Airbus A330-300 A 1 42 13 73.4 3.2
B734 Boeing 737-400 A 1 629 115 73.0 2.4
B743 Boeing 747-300 D 19 74 19 73.0 2.6
B73Y Boeing 737-300 Freighter A 1 30 19 72.0 2.2
B732 Boeing 737-200 A 1 44 7 71.6 1.8
B738 Boeing 737-800 A 1 1929 392 71.2 1.8
A320 Airbus A320 A 1 699 287 70.5 1.9
B737 Boeing 737-700 A 1 720 148 70.4 1.7
B744 Boeing 747-400 D 19 127 23 69.8 2.4
F100 Fokker 100 A 1 41 16 69.7 2.4

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