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The Harry Potter Quiz

1- Do the quiz, correct and count your points.

a) Who is Harry Potter? f) Who is the headmaster/director of the school?

 He is a wizard.  It’s Dumbledore.
 He is a witch.  It’s McGonagall.
 He is a magician.  It’s Hagrid.

b) How old is Harry Potter in the 1st book/film? g) Name two of Harry’s friends:
 He is 8 years old.  _____________________________
 He is 11 years old.  _____________________________
 He is 13 years old.
h) Why is Harry Potter famous (=célèbre)?
c) What nationality is Harry Potter?  He is “the boy who lived”.
 He is English.  He is Voldemort’s son.
 He is American.  He is a good dancer.
 He is Australian.
i) Who is Harry Potter’s enemy?
d) Who does Harry live with?  It’s Darth Vader.
 He lives with his parents.  It’s Voldemort.
 He lives alone.  It’s Sauron.
 He lives with his aunt and uncle.
k) How many Harry Potter books are there?
e) Name the school of Harry Potter:  There are 3 books.
 in French : ___________________  There are 7 books.
 in English : ___________________  There are 8 books.

0-4 points = Too bad, you’ll learn a lot during the chapter!
5-8 points = Good! Well-done!
9-10 points = Wow! Amazing. You are a real expert!

2- Complete the text with the information from the quiz.

In the 1st book/film, Harry Potter is a __________ year-old boy who

lives with his ________ and _________ . He learns that he is a
_____________ and goes to _____________ , the school of witchcraft
and wizardry directed by __________________ . Harry Potter is
famous because he is “____________________________” : he
survived an attack of his enemy, a powerful wizard named
_______________ and “killed him”. In school, he learns ___________
and with his friends __________________ and
_____________________, he goes on great adventures!

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