Notes For Economics Subject

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Assigning a higher weight to income gains by lower income individuals than to gains by higher income

individuals is an example of – 
- Di ko alam sagot dito haha

Based on the graphical model of the big push, the steeper the modern-sector production technique means that the
modern sector is ___
- more efficient than the traditional sector

The opposite of a complementarity; an action taken by one agent that decreases the incentives for other agents to
take similar actions.
- Congestion

The Gini Coefficient is calculated by finding which of the following?

- The area between a Lorenz curve and the line of absolute equality

Which line on the Lorenz curve represents a country with the highest level of inequality? 
- Line A

A condition in which an economy begins development to reach middle-income status but is chronically unable to
progress to high-income status.
- Middle- income trap

Agglomeration effects associated with the general growth of a concentrated geographic region.
- Urbanization economies

It is expected that when total urban labor pool decrease, agricultural income would ___ 
- Pati dito haha

What is the name of the line indicated in the Lorenz curve model? 
- Line of absolute equality

The kind of equilibrium that could happen when private rational decisions take the lead.
- Multiple Equilibrium

Which of the following factors tend not to lead to a decrease in population growth? 
- When men are more educated than women

Whenever rural population growth exceeds urban population growth. 

- Urbanization rates would decrease

A situation in which one or more persons may be made better off without making anyone worse off.
- Pareto improvement

All but one, are an economic agents.

- none of the above

It refers to the profitability of an investment where both costs and benefits are accounted for from the perspective
of the society as a whole. 
- Social returns

It is used as a measure of the degree of inequality between high and low income groups in the country.
- Kuznet’s Ratio
Malthus's theory was that population 
- increased geometrically, outstripping food supply, which grew arithmetically

It uses household and consumer behavior of economics and optimization to explain family size decisions.  
- Micro-economic household theory

The yearly number of children born alive per 1,000 women of childbearing age between the ages of 15 and 49
- Fertility Rate

The phasing-out process of population growth rates from a virtually stagnant growth stage characterized by high
birth rates and death rates, through a rapid-growth stage with high birth rates and low death rates, to a stable, low-
growth stage in which both birth and death rates are low. 
- Demographic Transition

Labor demand is greater labor supply in most countries.

- True

For any two countries, the one with the bigger per capita GDP will have a more equitable distribution of income.  
- True

The multidimensional poverty index gives equal weight to all eight indicators. 

- False

Generally, there is an inverse relationship between the per capita income and the share of population living in
rural areas. 

- False

Development is both hard and possible to achieve. 

- True

One of the objectives of World Bank is to create a development policy that would be applicable to all developing

- True

When analyzing Lorenz Curves of several countries. The one nearest the 45-degree line indicates the country with
greatest income inequality. 

- False

When the government provides the public more access to free education, free hospitalization and when there are
more public infrastructures built like bridges, highways and farm-to-market roads, these are ways that the
government may be bridging the gap between the rich and the poor. 

- True
In the process of development an economy can achieve unstable and stable equilibrium points at the same time.  

- False
The Malthusian Population Trap Suggests that the population will be forced to live at the subsistence level of
income as population growth outstrips growth in the supply of food.

- True
Population growth is higher in high income countries rather than in low income countries.  

- False

The Big Push theory states that injections of small quantities of investments will merely lead to a waste of

- True
The modern production function is more labor intensive. 

- False

Progressive taxation is a system of taxation where those who earns more are relatively taxed less.  

- False
There can be a big push from technology when wage is higher than the value of output. 

- False

Children in LDCs can be thought of as investment goods. 

- True
O- Ring Model posits that there are no small tasks in the development process of nations. 

- False

Transfer payments is one way to redistribute income equitably. These may be through Conditional Cash Transfers
(CCTs) or Elderly Pensions. 

- True
Individuals and nations alike can get caught in poverty trap. 

- True
The income at the absolute poverty line is considered and is compared to the individual income of poor people in
order to derive the Total Poverty Gap. 

- True

A theory to explain how poverty and high population growth become reinforcing.
- Population Poverty Cycle

The concept that those who are born into poverty will bear children in poverty who in turn will also have children
born into poverty.
- Poverty Cycle

A government financial incentive to private employers to hire more workers, as through tax deductions for new job
- Wage Subsidy
The gains for high-skilled people may be relatively higher (and adjustment costs, or unemployment lower) so
proportionally more of them may migrate.
- Brain Drain

This theory states that migrants calculate (present value of) urban expected income (or its equivalent) and move if
this exceeds average rural income
- Todaro Migration Model

A situation where one or more persons may be made better off without making anyone worse off.
- Pareto Improvement

He proposed a thought experiment to clarify that extreme inequality is viewed as unfair.

- John Rawls

The notion that most governments in developing countries favor the urban sector in their developing, policies,
thereby creating a widening gap between the urban and rural economies.
- Urban Bias

Agglomeration effects captured by particular sectors of the economy, such as finance or autos, as they grow within
an area
- Localization Economies

A Nobel prize winner whose work has often been used as a measure of degree of inequality between high and low
income groups in a country.
- Simon Kuznet

"Resources increase at an arithmetic rate, would be insufficient to support human population, which increases at
geometric rate" is a statement that made _____ known.
- Thomas Malthus

He was able to developed a graphical representation depicting the variance of size distribution of income and perfect
- Max Lorenz

They proposed that cut off levels within each dimensions of the poverty line to solve the gap between income and
- Sabina Alkire Abd James Foster

The concept that women should be able to determine on an equal status with their husbands and for themselves how
many children they want and what methods to use to achieve their desired family size.
- Reproductive Choice

According to this economist, the modern production requires that many activities be done well together in order for
any of them to amount to a high value.
- Michael Kremer

According to him, Lorenz curves may be used to analyze the different cases of dualistic development.
- Gary Fields

A situation where parties would gain most by cheating as long as the other party sticks to the cooperative agreement.
- Prisoner’s Dilemma
An Italian statistician who developed a statistical measure in 1912 involving income distribution thru which he
stated that that higher the value of the concentration ratio, the higher the income inequality and vice versa.
- Corrado Gini
Another Nobel prize winner recognized for his famous "marriage market" model.
They developed a decision tree framework for identifying a country's most binding constraints on economic growth.
- Gary Brecker

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