Negative Emotions in Skin Disorders: A Systematic Review

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Negative Emotions in Skin

Disorders: A Systematic Review
Emociones negativas en enfermedades de la piel: una revisión
Carmela Mento1 , Amelia Rizzo2? , Maria Rosaria Anna
Muscatello2 , Rocco Antonio Zoccali2 , Antonio Bruno2
Department of Cognitive Sciences, Psychological, Educational and Cultural Studies,
University of Messina, Italy.
Vol 13, N◦ 1 2
Department of Biomedical and Dental Sciences and Morphofunctional Imaging, University of Messina, Italy.
ISSN 2011-2084
E-ISSN 2011-7922

The main purpose of this study is to describe how negative emotions were
investigated in the sphere of dermatological diseases, in order (1) to summarize
literature trends about skin disorders and emotions, (2) to highlight any
imbalances between the most studied and neglected emotions, (3) and to
offer directions for future research. A computerized literature search provided
41 relevant and potentially eligible studies. Results showed that the study of
emotions in skin disease is limited to Sadness/depression and Fear/anxiety.
The emotions of Anger and Disgust have been poorly explored in empirical
studies, despite they could be theoretically considered a vulnerability factor for
OPEN ACCESS the development of skin disorders and the dermatological extreme consequences,
as negative emotionality toward self and the pathological skin condition. The
Editor: Jorge Mauricio Cuartas Arias, bibliometric qualitative analysis with VOSViewer software revealed that the
Universidad de San Buenaventura, majority of the studies have been focused on the relationships between vitiligo
Medellín, Colombia
and Sadness/depression, dermatitis and Fear/anxiety, psoriasis, and Anger,
suggesting the need of future research exploring Disgust and, in general, a wider
Manuscript received: 30–04–2019
Revised:15–08–2019 emotional spectrum.
Accepted:23–09–2019 Resumen.
El objetivo principal de este estudio fue describir cómo se han investigado las
? Corresponding author: emociones negativas en el ámbito de las enfermedades dermatológicas, con
Amelia Rizzo el fin de (1) resumir las tendencias de la literatura sobre las enfermedades de
la piel y las emociones, (2) para resaltar las diferencias entre las emociones
más estudiados y las más descuidadas y (3) ofrecer direcciones para futuras
Copyright: ©2020. International Journal of
Psychological Research provides open access to investigaciones. Una búsqueda bibliográfica computarizada proporcionó 41
all its contents under the terms of the license estudios relevantes y potencialmente elegibles. Los resultados mostraron
creative commons Attribution-NonCommercial- que el estudio de las emociones en la enfermedad de la piel se limita a
NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-
ND 4.0) Tristeza/depresión y Miedo/ansiedad. Las emociones de la ira y el asco han sido
poco exploradas en estudios empíricos, a pesar de que teóricamente podrían
Declaration of data availability: All rele- considerarse un factor de vulnerabilidad para el desarrollo de enfermedades de
vant data are within the article, as well as the la piel y las consecuencias dermatológicas extremas, como la emocionalidad
information support files. negativa hacia uno mismo y la condición patológica de la piel. El análisis
cualitativo bibliométrico con el software VOSViewer reveló que la mayoría de los
Conflict of interests: The authors have de- estudios se han centrado en las relaciones entre vitiligo y Tristeza/depresión,
clared that there is no conflict of interest.
dermatitis y Miedo/ansiedad, psoriasis e Ira, lo que sugiere la necesidad de
futuras investigaciones que exploren asco y, en general, un espectro emocional
más amplio.

negative emotions, skin disorders, depression, anxiety, anger, disgust.
Palabras Clave.
emociones negativas, enfermedades de la piel, depresión, ansiedad, ira, asco.

int.j.psychol.res | doi:10.21500/20112084.4078 71
Negative Emotions in Skin Disorders

1. Introduction was the discovery of a subpopulation of about 23% of

dermatology patients with psychosomatic disorders.
From the physiological point of view, the skin is an organ
Fritzsche et al. (2001), using the ICD-10 criteria
strictly linked to emotional activities: redness, pallor,
for the assessment of mental disorders, found mental,
sweating, itching can be consequences of somatic activa-
emotional, and behavioral disorders –of which the most
tion, expressing a range of affective feeling-states. The
frequent were mood and anxiety disorders– in 46% of
relationship between psychological distress and skin al-
86 dermatological patients. Depression and anxiety, in
terations has always been a topic of great interest for
fact, are mostly risk factors for several skin diseases, as
researchers and clinicians. Unlike many other organs in
can be seen in empirical studies on psoriasis vulgaris
the body, the human epidermis has an immediate reac-
(Devrimci-Ozguven, Kundakci, Kumbasar, & Boyvat,
tion to mental stress, so that several authors aimed to
demonstrate the so-called “brain-skin connection” (Paus,
Theoharides, & Arck, 2006; Arck et al., 2010). It was Furthermore, there are some review studies that
found that mental, physical, and emotional stress defi- have sought to establish relationships between psychi-
nitely affects the skin and this may depend on several atric disorders and skin disorders. Buljan, Buljan, and
reasons. In stressful conditions, in fact, hormones relapse Situm (2005), arguing that the treatment of psycho-
encourages inflammation and the decreasing blood flow dermatologic disorders is almost impossible without a
to the skin (Dhabhar, 2000), irritating the skin nerves holistic team approach involving psychiatrist, dermatol-
and increasing inflammation or allergic reactions, with ogist and psychologist, proposed a review about psycho-
systemic alterations of neuroendocrine and immunolog- dermatologic disorders, the psychosomatic disorders, pri-
ical parameters (Pavlovic et al., 2008). Furthermore, mary psychiatric disorders, and secondary psychiatric
skin recruits the immune system to fight, dysregulating disorders. The review conclusion is that psychophar-
the innate immune response and causing inflammations macologic treatment with anxiolytics, antidepressants,
such as Rosacea, Acne, and Psoriasis (Yamasaki & Gallo, antipsychotics, and mood stabilizers can be prescribed
2009). As a consequence, triggering a vicious circle, by the dermatologist after consulting the psychiatrist.
natural moisturizing factors, and plumping lipids pro- Even Yadav, Narang, and Kumaran (2013) presented
duction decline and skin healing, repair, and restoration a comprehensive review of salient features and treat-
processes are delayed (Eming, Krieg, & Davidson, 2007). ment updates in primary psychiatric dermatoses and
The connection between skin and mind has deep also discussed the secondary psychiatric morbidity. The
roots and is the object of a specific clinic and research authors’ aim was to allow the dermatologist to be able to
field called Psychodermatology. Research hypothesis initiate basic pharmacotherapy, to know about various
has arisen spontaneously on the basis of careful obser- non-pharmacological treatments, such as psychotherapy,
vation of clinical data in medical settings and active and the right time to refer the patient to the psychiatrist.
collaboration between dermatologists, psychiatrists and Again, Tareen and Tareen (2015) described how ma-
psychologists. In the last twenty years, a number of der- jor affective disorders (such as major depression and
matological studies have shown that people affected by a bipolar disorders), anxiety spectrum disorders (such as
skin disorder often have a related psychological problem. social phobia and obsessive-compulsive disorder), and
For example, Gupta and Gupta (2001) have observed some commonly encountered personality disorders are
that patients with dermatological diseases show high frequently encountered in patients with skin conditions,
rates of comorbid Major Depressive Disorder (MDD), often complicating the treatment plan and creating a
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD), Body Dysmor- viscous cycle where both disease processes keep perpetua-
phic Disorder, Social Phobia, and Post-Traumatic Stress ting each other.
Disorder (PTSD), which required prescriptions for anxi- More recently, Krooks, Weatherall, and Holland (2017)
olytic and antidepressant medications. Picardi, Abeni, discussed the etiology, epidemiology, clinical presentation,
Melchi, Puddu, and Pasquini (2000) showed that the diagnosis, and first-line treatment of specific primary
prevalence of emotional disorders was even 25.2% in psychiatric causes of dermatologic conditions, writing a
about 2500 outpatients of a dermatological clinic. More review, useful as a guide for dermatologists to use while
specifically, a prevalence of more than 30% was found in prescribing atypical antipsychotics, selective serotonin
patients with acne, pruritus, urticaria and alopecia. reuptake inhibitors, and tricyclic antidepressants and/or
In the study carried on by Gieler, Niemeier, Kupfer, cognitive behavioral therapy.
Brosig, and Schill (2001), a survey was sent to 69 der- However, this literature review highlights some criti-
matology hospitals. In nearly all dermatoses, with the cal points. First of all, the common denominator is that
exception of hyperhidrosis and seborrheic eczema, the these studies are psychiatric/medical guidelines, focused
authors found that the extent of emotional influences on the dermatological clinical practice and management,
was increased, compared to a similar study performed and not on psychological features or to the comprehen-
ten years before. However, the most interesting result sion of such mechanisms. As stated by Marshall, Taylor,

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Negative Emotions in Skin Disorders

and Bewley (2016) “patients who present to a psycho-

dermatology clinic usually believe they have a primary
Acne Anxiety OR Fear
skin problem (though this is not always the case)” (p.
31). Hence, there is the need of a study taking into ac- Rosacea
count not only the nosographic aspects, or specific skin Vitiligio Depression OR Sadness
disorders, but also the different types of skin disorders Psoriasis
and affective components, by including the entire range AND Anger OR Aggression
of negative emotions, that is, sadness, fear, anger, and
Urticaria Disgust
In the comprehension of patient suffering it should
be considered the link between skin, skin pathologies, Alopecia
emotions, emotion expression, and emotion pathology.
Among skin disorders there is a psychosomatic quote.
Figure 1. Literature search terms.
Several psychodynamics theories suggest that the af-
fected skin represents the expression of a negative emo-
tion that is difficult for the individual to differentiate Studies on caregivers of skin disordered patients (315);
and describe. However, the role played by emotions is c) Studies on children or adolescents (287); d) Dermato-
still unclear. It has not been yet established if negative logical review studies, book chapters, dissertation, and
emotions can be considered a reaction to the pathologi- thesis (92). Following this second stage in the screen-
cal condition or if, as stable response patterns, they can ing process, 41 studies provided relevant and potentially
increase the vulnerability for the development of skin eligible information for coding. According to the rec-
diseases. To reach this purpose a literature review is ommendation of Moher and the Prisma Group (2009),
necessary, in order to understand how negative emotions Figure 2 shows the detailed flow chart with all research
have been studied hereinbefore, and to plan future studies steps and selection criteria.
answering to this issue and helping clinicians to identify For each publication, data regarding authors name,
the most effective treatments, both dermatological and year of publication, country of the study (population,
psychological, for these patients. instruments language), the skin disorders observed, the
From these premises, the main aim of this study is psychological instruments used, and the main results,
to describe how negative emotions were investigated in were entered in a spreadsheet (MS Excel 5.0) to allow the
the sphere of dermatological diseases, in order (1) to construction of synthetic tables. To understand the rela-
summarize literature trends about skin disorders and tionship between skin and emotions we have divided the
emotions, (2) to highlight any imbalances between the studies on the basis of the primary emotions considered:
most studied and the most neglected emotions, (3) and 1) sadness; 2) fear; 3) anger; 4) disgust. However, despite
to offer directions for future research. anxiety and depression are separate syndromes, they of-
ten co-occur. Hence, data of the studies that considered
both the diseases have been grouped, to avoid duplicate,
2. Methods resulting in two tables. Finally, the qualitative data
A computerized literature searches of each item con- analysis was conducted using VOSviewer 1.6.1, a soft-
tained in the ICD-10 classification for skin diseases –from ware tool for constructing and visualizing bibliometric
code L00 to L99– has been conducted on three scien- networks based on data downloaded from bibliographic
tific article databases: Psyc-INFO, Web of Science, and databases (Van Eck & Waltman, 2014). It produces a
PubMed; moreover, in order to obtain even the most ob- bubble map through the analyses of words reported in
scure information, an electronic search on Google Scholar publications’ titles and abstracts. Each bubble repre-
has been carried on. For many skin disorders, the search sents a keyword or a phrase. The bubble size and color,
did not produce any relevant results to the field of emo- and inter-Buble distance indicate keyword’s frequency,
tions. Figure 1 shows some of the terms inserted on citation per publication (CPP) count, and frequency of
the literature search, representing the most popular re- co-occurrence or corresponding terms in publications,
sults. Anyway, at the beginning of the research, each respectively (Van Eck & Waltman, 2014).
skin disorder has been associated with each emotion.
Search limits restricted the results to: 1) research 3. Results
articles published in English between 2000 and 2017 and
identified as empirical, epidemiological or longitudinal 3.1 Skin disorders, Sadness/Depression and Fear/
studies; 2) researches conducted in a clinical sample; 3) Anxiety
measuring negative emotions such as sadness, disgust, From a clinical point of view, sadness is the typical emo-
anger and fear. As regards exclusion criteria, the search tion of loss, disappointment, separation, mourning. The
did not include: a) Studies on Quality of Life (681); b) intensity of sadness depends on the value that the indi-

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Negative Emotions in Skin Disorders

Figure 2. Systematic Review Flow Chart.

vidual attributes to the loss, and the purposes which the relative of anxiety. Both are the response to a “threat”.
loss incurred compromise. The more it is considered in- However, even though anxiety and fear are similar in their
dispensable, irreplaceable and irretrievable what it lacks, physiological manifestation (through physical symptoms
the more intense and prolonged will be the emotional such as rapid heartbeat, difficulty in breathing, sweat-
response of sadness (Lewis, Haviland-Jones, & Barrett, ing, tightness, etc.), they differ substantially: fear is an
2010). It is necessary to distinguish depression by “mo- emotional reaction to a real danger, while anxiety is an
ments of sadness”, which may be present in the life of emotional reaction to a perceived danger (Perusini &
every individual and usually have fairly obvious causes Fanselow, 2015). The studies analyzed refer to the latter
and are characterized by a limited duration. Instead, category, that is, to the pathological fear activation (anx-
depression and the states of melancholy mood usually iety). Up to date, we can only hypothesize that anxiety
are long lasting and accompanied by: a) low self-esteem; may worsen the course of dermatological pathology or
b) loss of interest and/or pleasure in activities that are may negatively influence the outcome and management
normally pleasurable for the subject (anhedonia); c) lack of the disease, which is often chronic. Moreover, is not
of motivation. In fact, depression is contemplated in the established if the anxiety trait can predispose to the de-
international classifications of mood disorders (Wakefield velopment of dermatological pathologies, although many
& Demazeux, 2016). Conceptually, it is impossible to of them have been found in correlation.
study the emotion of sadness as a primary emotion, as Table 1 represents the characteristics of the studies
the existing literature was mainly interested and focused that explored Sadness/Depression and Fear/Anxiety in
on the pathological expression of sadness, i.e., depres- Skin Disorders. As stated, depression and anxiety often
sion. Moreover, in the case of dermatological disorders co-occur. We found 29 studies (only 8 measuring exclu-
there may be a moment of physiological sadness linked sively depression), which explored depression and anxiety
to the diagnosis, but the more interesting object is the in skin disordered patients. Studies increased in the last
pathological, prolonged, and pervasive sadness, because years, but are homogeneous in different continents such
of the increased level of subjective suffering and psy- as Europe, Asia, and America, showing how the inci-
chological pain. To date, too little is known about the dence of depression and anxiety are similar in different
role played by this emotion. It is consolidated that the cultural and ethnic groups and also in the comparison
two conditions co-occur, but it is not clear whether the between different skin disorders. However, it can be ob-
depression is the result of the failure to accept the diag- served that the majority of the studies were focused on
nosis (i.e., a secondary disease) or if the depression, as vitiligo and psoriasis (65.5%), and often the two groups
pre-existing condition, could increase the vulnerability are compared, with almost all studies reporting higher
to the development of the somatic disorder. levels of depression and anxiety in favor of the psoriatic
A similar discussion regards the emotion of fear, an patients.
immediate response to danger and undoubtedly a close

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Negative Emotions in Skin Disorders

Table 1

Characteristics of the researches studying Sadness/Depression and Fear/Anxiety in Skin Disorders

Author Country Skin disorder Sample Measure Results
113 patients Positive cases of depressive episode
Handa, ICD-10 psychiatric
with vitiligo were 22% vs 29% in vitiligo and
Kaur, diagnoses and
Vitiligo and (30.11 ± 12.49) psoriasis, respectively. Depression,
Gupta, India General Health
Psoriasis and 103 with anxiety, and total psychopathology
and Questionnaire
psoriasis levels were similar in the two GHQ
Malhotra (GHQ)
(40.91 ± 14.26) positive subgroups

30 untreated
Sharma, The prevalences of depression were
psoriasis and General Health
Koranne, Vitiligo and 23.3% and 10% in psoriasis and
India vitiligo Questionnaire
and Singh Psoriasis vitiligo respectively and anxiety
patients aged (GHQ-H)
(2001) was observed in 3.3% of each group.
18–60 yrs

Center for
Esposito, Epidemiological
Saraceno, Studies-Depression
Giunta, Scale (CES-D)
Mac- questionnaire
Italy Psoriasis 2.391 patients
carone, Depressive
and symptomatology was
Chimenti observed in
(2006) 1.482/2.391 patients
(62% overall)

73 patients
with CIU, and Beck Depression When compared with healthy
Yilmaz, Chronic
34 healthy Inventory (BDI), the controls, patients with CIU had
Özdemir, Turkey idiopathic
subjects Beck Anxiety significantly higher BDI and BAI
and Mevli- urticaria (CIU)
matched for Inventory (BAI) scores
age and sex

Major depressive illness (15), was

Ahmed, 100 patients
the most frequent psychiatric illness
Ahmed, 15-60 years Psychiatric
followed by generalized anxiety
and Pakistan Vitiligo with a mean Assessment Schedule
(10), mixed anxiety and depression,
Nasreen age of 24.6 (PAS)
social phobia, agarophobia and
(2007) years
sexual dysfunction.

36-item short form

Pemphigus 58 patients of health survey
Patients with higher depression and
Tabolli et vulgaris and whom 47% < (SF-36); ASQ anxiety
Italy anxiety had a more severe degree of
al. (2008) pemphigus 50 years 53% scale questionnaire;
mucocutaneous involvement
foliaceus >50 years Clinical Depression

Toosi, Neurotic
178 patients
Shahsha- excoriation ,
with psycho- Mood and anxiety disorders were
hani, trichotillomania,
cutaneous DSM-IV diagnostic common in patients with dermatitis
Arbabi, Iran delusion of
disorder criteria artefacta, as patients with neurotic
and Noor- parasitosis and
(40.5 ± excoriation
moham- dermatitis
15.6 years)
madpour artefacta

int.j.psychol.res | doi: 10.21500/20112084.4078 75

Negative Emotions in Skin Disorders

Dieris- 62 adult
Hirche, atopic A significantly higher level of
Gieler, dermatitis suicidal ideation, anxiety and
Germany Dermatitis HADS-D
Kupfer, patients and depression was shown among
and Milch 62 healthy patients with atopic dermatitis
(2009) controls

70 consecutive
Abram, Higher mean VAS scores were not
(seekers) and Mood Scale
Silm, related to severity of rosacea, but
56 subjects questionnaire and
Maaroos, Estonia Rosacea were associated with the presence
with rosacea visual analogue scale
and Oona of depressive symptoms among
from (VAS)
(2009) seekers.

The prevalence rate of clinical

depression was found to be 47.4%
in patients with acne; 69.4% in
Arshadi, 300 patients
those with psoriasis; 70.1% in those
Shahriari, Psoriasis, acne, with a mean
Beck depression suffering from vitiligo; 50% in
Pezeshkpour, Iran alopecia and age of
questionnaire diffuse alopecia areata; 60% in
and vitiligo 26.55 ± 10.81
universalis alopecia areata; 100% in
Nahidi years.
ophiasis alopecia areata and 68.3%
in patients with localized alopecia

Uhlenhake, Depression was two to three times

Yentzer, Acne patients Total Resource more prevalent in acne patients
and Acne aged 18 and Utilization than in the general population,
Feldman over Benchmarks0TM with a reported 8.8% of acne
(2010) patients having clinical depression.

300 patients
Beck Depression Significant correlation was found
Ghajarzadeh, (100 with
Inventory (BDI), between DLQI and BDI in all
Ghiasi, psoriasis, alopecia
SF-36 and disease groups (r = 0.44, P < 0.001).
and Iran vitiligo, and areata, 100
Dermatology Life BDI scores were the highest in
Kheirkhah alopecia areata with psoriasis
Quality Index psoriasis group but this difference
(2012) and 100 with
(DLQI) was not significant (P = 0.2).

50 patients
with psoriasis The proportion of major depressive
35.32 ± 10.05 disorders (MDD) was higher among
Diagnostic and
years and psoriasis patients 15(30.0%)
Statistical Manual
same number compared to vitiligo patients
Rashid et Vitiligo and for Mental and
Bangladesh of patients 04(8.0%). However, no statistical
al. (2011) Psoriasis Behavioural
with vitiligo difference was found between two
33.50 ± 9.99 groups of patients in terms of
years and anxiety disorders (8% in psoriasis
were and 12% in vitiligo patients).

145 vitiligo
Chan et al. Strucured Among the patients, 17.2% (n = 25)
Singapore Vitiligo patients aged
(2012) questionnaire had been identified as depressed.

73 patients
and 73
Minnesota Some scales (i.e. Depression,
Alfani et Multiphasic Anxiety, Family relationships) were
Italy Alopecia Areata 35.2 ± 9.2 and
al. (2012) Personality Inventory higher for patients with alopecia
35.1 ± 9.1
(MMPI-2) areata than for controls.
int.j.psychol.res | doi: 10.21500/20112084.4078 76
Negative Emotions in Skin Disorders

According to the Beck Depression

Al-Harbi Saudi 308 vitiligo Beck Depression Scale, 54.5% were found to be
(2013) Arabia patients Inventory Scale depressed, most with mild

Settineri, Respectively:
Guarneri, 33 with SD Profile of Mood
Two different depressive profiles
Saitta, Seborrheic (39.85 ± 15.45) States (POMS) and
emerged: psoriatic showed
Mento, Italy dermatitis and and 36 the Toronto
symptoms of major depression, SD
and Psoriasis psorisatic Alexithymia Scale
patients to minor depression.
Cannavò (41.11 ± 13.72) TAS-20
(2013) years

Hospital Anxiety and

50 Depression scale
Depression and anxiety were
Sellami et Alopecia areata patients-mean questionnaire,
Tunisia detected respectively in 38% and
al. (2014) (AA) age 32.92 Toronto Alexithymia
62% of patients.
years scale 20, andSeverity
of Alopecia Tool.

205 patients:
107 operated
with primary
Duman, closure
Beck Depression Mean Beck Depression Inventory
Ozdemir, (26.4 ±
Inventory; Beck (19 ± 6.13 vs. 16 ± 4.90 p < 0.001)
Yucel, and Turkey Pilonidal sinus 4.5 years) and
Anxiety Inventory; and Beck Anxiety Inventory
Akin 98 Limberg
Short Form 36 (19 ± 6.27 vs. 16 ± 4.90 p < 0.001)
(2014) flap recon-
(28.3 ±
4.8 years)

Infections of the 3635 patients

13 Clinical depression =10.1%
Dalgard et skin and aged Hospital Anxiety and
coun- Clinical Anxiety = 17.2%
al. (2015) subcoutaneaous 47.2 ± 17.9 Depression Scale
tries Suicidal Ideation = 12.7%
tissue years

40 patients
with psoriasis,
40 with Emotional State
eczema, 40 Questionnaire
Depression was similar in all
Pärna, with acne, 15 (EST-Q);
dermatological groups. Anxiety was
Aluoja, Dermatitis and with Dermatology Life
Estonia significantly higher in
and Kingo Eczema seborrhoeic Quality Index
dermatological patients, compared
(2015) dermatitis (DLQI);
to healthy controls (p = .005).
and 40 RAND-36-item
healthy HRQoL survey
controls (M=
38.9 ± 14.5 )

The adjusted odds ratios for

Korean Military
Atopic depression, anxiety, and
Kim et al. 1517 (19.8 ± Multiphasic
Korea Dermatitis somatization were significantly
(2015) 1.0 years) Personality Inventory
(AD) greater for individuals with AD
compared with those without AD.

int.j.psychol.res | doi: 10.21500/20112084.4078 77

Negative Emotions in Skin Disorders

Higher incidence of depressive

disorder With
Cheng et 8208 (32.60 ± AD=273(4.32)Without
Taiwan Dermatitis ICD-9 Diagnosis
al. (2015) 16.06years) AD=48(0.74) <0.001 and Anxiety
disorders With AD=180(2.83)
Without AD=45(0.70) <0.001.

39 patients
with PN Pruritus Grading
(27.87 ± 17.6) Scale; Pittsburgh
Severity of depressive symptoms
Konda et Prurigo and 39 age Sleep Quality Index;
India was significantly higher in PN
al. (2015) Nodularis (PN) and gender Hamilton rating scale
patients (U = 350.5; p = 0.01).
matched for depression
healthy (HDRS)

Disorders (SCID-I),
50 patients In comparison to healthy controls,
Hospital Anxiety
with vitiligo the rate of depression and anxiety
Khattri, Depression Scale
and 50 was found to be higher and mean
Bist, (HADS), Rosenberg
healthy self-esteem score was found to be
Arun, and India Vitiligo Self-Esteem Scale
controls,aged lower in the vitiligo group. There
Mehta (RSES), Liebowitz
between 20 was no significant difference
(2015) Social Anxiety Scale
and 70 years between groups in terms of social
(LSAS) and Sheehan
old anxiety.
Disability Scale

30.725 and Mild and moderate- to-severe

24.712 rosacea increased the risk of both
patients with depression [IRR 1.89 (95% CI
Gislason, Data on 4.632.341
Denmark Rosacea mild and 1.82–1.96) and IRR 2.04 (95% CI
and Danish citizens
moderate-to- 1.96–2.12)] and anxiety disorders
severe rosacea [IRR 1.80 (95% CI 1.75–1.86) and
> 18 years IRR 1.98 (95% CI 1.91–2.05)].

Halioua, Those with FS were more likely to
Cribier, Online survey of the avoid social situations (54.2% vs.
Ger- 807 (31.3 ±
Frey, and Rosacea general population 2.0%, p < 1.00E − 10) and had a
many 14.5 years)
Tan over 18 years of age higher rate of depression (36.7% vs.
(2017) 21.1%, p < 1.00E − 10).

Wojtyna, Beck Depression

Łakuta, Inventory, the The main contributors to
Marcinkiewicz, 219 patients Appearance Schemas depression were: female gender,
Bergler- with psoriasis, Inventory-Revised, beliefs about appearance and its
Poland Psoriasis
Czop, and aged 18–70 the Berlin Social salience to one’s self-worth, greater
Brzezińska- years Support Scales, and psychological distress, and lower
Wcisło the Distress levels of emotional social support.
(2017) Thermometer

In comparison to healthy controls,

the psychiatric morbidity was
found to be significantly higher in
100 vitiligo the vitiligo group (62% v/s 25%).
Vernwal Hospital Anxiety and
India Vitiligo patients and 37%, 18%, and 7% vitiligo patients
(2017) Depression Scale
100 controls suffered from Mixed anxiety and
depressive disorder, Depressive
disorder and Generalized anxiety
disorder respectively.

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Negative Emotions in Skin Disorders

3.2 Skin disorders and Anger/Aggression abhorrent and dirty, including values, thoughts, people,
For most of the theories, anger is the typical reaction and, in some cases, even the self (Yoder, Widen, &
to both physical and psychological frustration and con- Russell, 2016). Although it can be assumed that disgust
striction. The causal relationship between frustration plays a key role in the perception of body image and
and anger is quite complex. Other factors seem in fact dermatological disease, the studies on this topic are quite
to be involved in the origins of anger emotion as, for low.
example, the responsibility and the awareness attributed Unfortunately, only one study addressed the emotion
to the person or the situation that causes frustration or of disgust in patients with psoriasis. Lahousen et al.
constriction (Averill, 2012). The emotion of anger can be (2016), in fact, investigated the differences psoriasis pa-
defined as the reaction that follows a precise sequence of tients and skin-healthy controls concerning appraisal of
events: a) a state of need; b) an object (living or nonliv- touching, shame and disgust in one hundred and seventy-
ing) that is opposed to the realization of the need; c) the one patients with psoriasis and 171 skin healthy controls
attribution of intentionality to such object of opposing; d) who completed the Touch-Shame-Disgust-Questionnaire
a lack of fear toward the frustrating object; e) the strong (TSD-Q), obtaining that skin-related disgust and shame
intention to remove and attack the frustrating object; were significantly higher in psoriasis patients. The study
f) an act of aggression implemented through the attack of disgust is one of the most neglected, not only in the
(Boswell, 2016). Therefore, there are different kinds field of psychology and psychiatry, but also in its ap-
of anger and specifically three: anger directed toward plications in the dermatological context, presenting a
others, self-directed or denied (Livingstone, Shepherd, significantly low incidence even in the field of psycho-
Spears, & Manstead, 2016). dermatology.
Table 2 shows the studies related to Anger/Aggression
in Skin Disorders. The studies that have found the emo- 4. Qualitative Analysis
tion of anger, in association with skin diseases, is quite
low. Only 11 out of 41 studies (29%) addressed this Thanks to VOSviewer has been possible to analyze
emotion, finding that this is one of the emotions mostly a text that contained the main information of a paper
experienced by people with psoriasis and atopic dermati- i.e. the disease and the associated primary emotion
tis, followed by urticaria and erythema, chronic idiopatic studied. On the basis of data collected in the review of
urticaria, acne and vitiligo. the forty-one studies, a list has been formed. Figure 3
In particular, Conrad et al. (2008) measured alex- shows the bibliographic landscapes of the studies about
ithymia (TAS-20), emotional distress (SCL-90-R). and skin disorders and emotions. The more the colors are
anger (STAXI) in skin-disordered patients, founding close to red, the higher their occurrence and the closer
that that chronic idiopathic urticaria (CIU) and pso- the words, the higher the co-occurrence.
riasis are associated with personality-based difficulties The qualitative analysis provides visual information
in emotional regulation, particularly with regard to the on: 1) the proximity of vitiligo and sadness/depression;
feeling of anger. However, it remains unclear if anger is 2) the proximity of fear/anxiety and atopic dermatitis;
directed toward others, self-directed or denied. The high 3) the proximity of psoriasis and anger; 4) the apparent
prevalence of alexithymia seems connected with difficul- independence of disgust.
ties in communicating anger and in both skin disorders, This visual analysis remarks on the findings discussed:
the relationship between pruritus as a major symptom literature on emotions and skin diseases has been focused
of negative affectivity could explain anger towards self on specific emotions, neglecting others. In particular,
and others. the map highlights the imbalance between studies that
addressed depression and anxiety and studies that con-
3.3 Skin Disorders and Disgust sidered anger and/or disgust. In fact, still little is known
Disgust is an emotion characterized by a feeling of nausea, about the involvement of anger and its role as a predis-
revulsion, especially in respect of odors and flavors, and, posing factor and also as a secondary problem towards
figuratively speaking, moral repulsion, intolerance, hate the dermatological pathology. Furthermore, the emotion
with a strong psychological value. It is manifested by a of disgust is under-represented: in comparison to other
behavior tending to remove something or someone, and emotions, disgust is the most neglected, despite it is
from a physiological reaction, such as nausea and vom- undoubtedly involved. The individual can feel disgust
iting in response to dirt and contamination sensations against his/her body (self-disgust) or can believe that
(Lateiner & Spatharas, 2016). the other perceives him/her as disgusting.
Over the years, not many authors have given their
contribution to the empirical study of the emotion of
disgust, but several studies show that disgust has the
5. Discussion
function to keep us away from situations or substances The present review study was aimed to describe in what
which could be dangerous, or from anything that is way negative emotions were investigated in the sphere

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Table 2

Characteristics of the researches studying Anger/Aggression in Skin Disorders

Author Country Skin disorder Sample Measure Results
Beck Depression
31 acne State-Trait Anxiety No significant difference was
vulgaris Inventory, Rosenberg detected on anger-related subscales
Sayar, Turkey Acne
patients and Self-Esteem Scale, between the acne and control
25 controls and Spielberger groups.
State-Trait Anger
and Acar
Expression Inventory.

41 CIU
Chronic patients 44 Alexithymia
Anger was the only significant
idiopathic psoriasis (TAS-20), emotional
Conrad et Germany predictor of pruritus severity in
urticaria (CIU) patients and distress (SCL-90-R)
al. (2008) CIU.
and psoriasis 49 healthy and anger (STAXI).

323 patients Interview and a

Psoriasis elicited anger, annoyance
(aged 18–85 questionnaire
at the inconvenience of the disease,
Linder et Italy Psoriasis years; mean developed by
and irritation in approximately
al. (2009) –SD age 51.2 – clinicians and
50% of the patients
28.7 years) researchers

60 patients
with psoriasis
(n = 30) and Watson and Greer’s Psoriasis patients control negative
vitiligo Courtauld Emotional emotions more intensively than
Vitiligo and (n = 30) as Control Scale and healthy people. Vitiligo patients do
Kossakowska, Poland
Psoriasis well as Kossakowska’s not differ in the control of negative
healthy Chronic Patients emotions compared with healthy
persons Questionnaire. subjects.
(n = 60)
and Placek

The emotions most frequently

Sampogna, Italy Psoriasias 936 patients experienced were: shame, anger,
Tabolli, Worry.
and Abeni

43 adult
patients with
AD, 32 adults
Atopic Results indicated a significant
with remission Anger expression
Takaki Japan Dermatitis impact of anger suppression on
from AD, and trait scale (AX)
and Ishii (AD) depression, in patients with AD.
63 adults
without AD
20–47 years

int.j.psychol.res | doi: 10.21500/20112084.4078 80

Negative Emotions in Skin Disorders

More of the CSU patients were

Hospital Anxiety and observed to respond with excessive
spontaneous 30 CSU 30
Depression Scale and anger to most situations, to have
Altınöz, Turkey urticaria (CSU) AA 30
Multi-Dimensional high levels of anxiety anger and
Taşkın- and alopecia controls
Anger Inventory passive aggressive interpersonal
tuna, areata (AA)
and Ceran

patients of
questionnaire-24 the most common psychiatric
psoriasis and
Sarkar, India Psoriasis (SRQ-24) and morbidity in psoriasis patients was
equal number
Sarkar, skindex (A 61-item anger (58.3%)
of healthy
Saha, and survey questionnaire)

State-Trait Anger
40 patients
Expression Index
with a mean Pruritus duration was correlated
and the Mini
Altunay Turkey Pruritus age with anger trait and anger-in
and 46.55 ± 13.20 subscale scores in all patients.
Demirci years
Interview (M.I.N.I)

Expression Inventory
patients with Reduced self-esteem and increased
for Anger (STAXI)
Aydin et Turkey Psoriasis psoriasis and anger levels are remarkable in
and Roserberg
al. (2017) 86 healthy psoriasis patients.
Self-esteem Scale

Optimism (LOT-R),
perceptions of social
support (SFSSQ)
social acceptance,
fear of negative
Evaluation (FNE),
appearance concern Anxiety was also found to have a
Dermathology ninety-one (CAR- significant positive relationship
(Coneo, England
patients participant VAL/CARSAL), with aggression
appearance (β = 0.356, t = 2.564, p = 0.01).
son, &
discrepancy PADQ),
social comparison
(INCOMM) and
wellbeing (HADS) on
aggression levels

int.j.psychol.res | doi: 10.21500/20112084.4078 81

Negative Emotions in Skin Disorders

Figure 3. Bibliometric landscape of primary emotions and skin diseases.

of dermatological diseases, in order to highlight any pos- between dermatologists, psychiatrists, and psychologists,
sible imbalances between the most studied and the most and the vision of the disorder in the psyche-soma unit
neglected emotions, to identify a possible association (Muscatello, Bruno, Scimeca, Pandolfo, & Zoccali, 2014;
model between the type of dermatological condition and Rizzo et al., 2018). However, the interest on negative
the emotion studied, and to offer cues for future research. emotions in skin disorders reveals some contradiction
Clinical observation suggested that dermatological and imbalance. For example, we observed that the explo-
patients live an intense emotional activation. From the ration of the emotional aspects has been more successful
moment of the received diagnosis they have to face psy- for some diseases such as psoriasis, dermatitis and vi-
chological difficulties and have to manage disease accep- tiligo. This may depend on the epidemiology of the
tance and therapy management. This can raise different disease and thus on the rarity or representativeness of
reactions in the individual: from depression for the loss the observations, or from a possible greater interest for
of health, to anxiety for symptoms worsening, to anger the diseases in which the psychological implications are
(why me?), until disgust towards pustule, desquamation, more observable. For example, the incidence of psori-
rash, in other terms, against his/her own skin and body. asis in adults varies from 78.9/100,000 person-years in
The loss of a healthy and attractive image can severely the United States to 230/100,000 person-years in Italy.
impair the relationships with the body image and with The occurrence of psoriasis varies also according to age
others. Studies on quality of life, despite interesting and and geographic region, being more frequent in countries
useful, do not cover or explain the aspects more related more distant from the equator and in the adult age
to the inner emotional experience. To reach this purpose, range (Parisi, Symmons, Griffiths, & Ashcroft, 2013)
i.e., to understand how negative emotions are declined while the worldwide incidence of pemphigus is 0.75-5
among skin disordered patients, a review was necessary cases/1,000,000 per year. Most cases of PV in North
as a first step in the comprehension of the psychological America, Europe and Asia are sporadic, with a higher
functioning. incidence among Ashkenazi Jews, with an estimate of 1.6
The present review suggests –despite taking into ac- per 100,000 populations per year in Jerusalem (Femiano,
count that studies are published from one to two years 2007).
after their actual implementation– an increasing interest, The imbalance of the epidemiology of skin diseases
over the last five years, by authors who explored the fails to explain the imbalance in the study of primary
role of emotions in skin diseases, or more likely their emotions, which was found rather inhomogeneous.
emotional consequences. It is increasingly evident the Most of the studies have shown consistent results.
impact of the psychosomatic medicine, the collaboration For example, we have found that: a) sadness was studied

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in terms of depression and, therefore, in its pathologi- are not applicable to this research. Hence, a problem
cal manifestation and not physiological; b) most of the emerges with respect to the comparison of results. This
studies addressed the fear in terms of anxiety, or a reac- study has not mitigated the effects of measuring negative
tion to a perceived danger; c) many of the studies that emotions through different tools, which span from struc-
have studied depression have found an association with tured interview to self-report scales or questionnaires
anxiety, as already consolidated in the literature. vs. DSM-IV or ICD-10 diagnostic criteria. This makes
While other studies raise some controversial issues. the discussion a narrative reflection of a qualitative na-
Results show that the emotion of disgust is considered ture, supported by the visual analysis, as a bibliographic
involved in dermatological disorders by different authors, landscape.
but is not sufficiently represented on the side of em- Finally, the failure to consult of search engines (e.g.,
pirical exploration. In other words, the authors argue Scopus) most appropriate for this kind of study, may
that disgust is undoubtedly associated with, for example, result in the exclusion of manuscripts useful for the
papulosquamous or bullous diseases as a theoretical as- development of the revision theme.
sumption, but empirical studies on clinical samples and
plausibly appropriate tools for measuring the emotion of 7. Conclusion
disgust are almost completely unavailable (Settineri &
Mento, 2014). We believe the most innovative points are two. The first
The study of the emotion of anger, on the other hand, is that, to our knowledge, the present review considers
resulted very limited. It becomes difficult to determine the whole negative emotional spectrum, i.e., not only
whether or not this emotion is involved in skin diseases, depression and anxiety, which are the most studied, but
as it would suggest the clinical observation. The collected also anger and disgust. The second point is the appli-
data must take into account a possible bias: when the cation of an innovative method of bibliographic data
emotion of anger appears in the studies cited, could be analysis software (VOS), resulting in a graphical repre-
the result of variability due to chance (e.g., an upstream sentation of the studies on the topic. This method allows
selection of the variable in the research design, a lack of to create a sort of map, a landscape that immediately
publication of studies that disconfirm the involvement suggests to the reader the “state of art”, arising new
of anger in skin diseases, etc.). For these reasons, future issues and future research cues.
studies on the role of anger and disgust in dermatological Dermatology is an interesting research field, a pref-
diseases would be advantageous. erential point of observation to understand the soma-
tization mechanisms and the mind-body relationship.
The link between emotional reactions and skin responses
6. Limitations is the background of the success of techniques such as
Of course, this review has also several limitations. Having biofeedback, which allows visualizing the skin reactions
included some reviews, it is possible that the number to a series of stimuli (Shenefelt, 2010). Since the emo-
of studies dealing with depression and anxiety has been tional reaction steps away from the skin (Damasio, 2003),
underestimated. However, this could slightly modify the visualization of one’s emotional reactions can help the
results, since depression and anxiety resulted as the most individual to recognize the importance of these reactions
studied among skin problems. and to manage them more effectively.
On the contrary, some of the studies cited also an- In conclusion, as well as in many other fields of
alyzed the relationship between skin disorders and the medicine, in which emotions intervene (Settineri, Rizzo,
feelings of shame or guilt. These emotions have been Liotta, & Mento, 2017; Mento, Le Donne, Crisafulli,
excluded because should need specific space of discussion Rizzo, & Settineri, 2017; Mento et al., 2015), the deep-
and scientific deepening. In clinical practice, we observe ening of the neglected aspects can foster a better un-
that the patient is immersed in a mix of different emo- derstanding of the skin disorder and can be the basis of
tions with regard to the dermatological problem, because therapeutic interventions increasingly targeted, such as
it has an impact on the self-image and the social and biofeedback technique and psychotherapy based on emo-
relational sphere. Every dermatological disease has its tion regulation and mindfulness based stress reduction.
particular features, some of them affect exposed body
areas, such as face or neck, and can generate intense 8. Contributors
negative emotions not only towards self, but also against
other leading to avoidance of exposure, fear of judgement, R.A. and B.A. conducted literature searches, analysis
fear of intimacy, etc. and wrote the manuscript.
Besides, due to the disparity between the studies, but Z.RA. and M.MRA. contributed to and have approved
also to the heterogeneity of the dermatological disorders the final manuscript.
treated, it was not possible to conduct a meta-analysis. M.C. conceived the study and wrote the hypothesis.
Unfortunately, statistical conclusions and comparisons

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