FTC0314 Information Technology

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Course Name Information Technology

2. Course Code FTC0314
3. Mr Kamaruzaman Maskat
Associate Professor Dr Mohd Afizi Mohd Shukran
Names of Academic Staff
Dr Mohammad Adib Khairuddin

4. Rationale of The Course In The Program:

This subject is part of the requirement to fulfil programme learning outcomes and enhances knowledge to be applied in
the related fields.
5. Semester Offered Semester 1
6. Total Student Learning Time (hours)
L= lecture, T=tutorial, B=lab, P=practical, O=others
Guided Learning Independent Learning Total Guided & Independent
L T B O SCL Preparation Assessment Learning
26 0 26 30 70 11 4 167
10. Credit Value 4
11. Pre-requisite (if any) Nil
12. Course Objectives:
The aim of this course is to:
1. provide students an effective foundation on a wide variety of basic ICT components.
2. provide students the experience in applying ICT applications and hardware.
3. strengthen the theoretical knowledge of ICT tools in applications within industries.

13. Learning Outcomes:

At the end of the course, the student should be able to:

Bloom’s Taxonomy
Learning Outcome PEO
1. Describe the computer components. 2,5,6 3,4 2 1,2
2. Explain the internet and World Wide Web. 3 5 1,2
3. Discuss the different types of software. 3 1 1,2
4 Utilise Microsoft Office applications for real world problem
1,2 4 1 1,2

14. Soft Skills

1. Describe the computer components. X
2. Explain the internet and World Wide Web. X X X X
3. Discuss the different types of software. X X X
4. Utilise Microsoft Office applications for real
world problem solving.

CS - communication skill; CTPS –critical thinking & problem solving TS - team skill; LL - life-long learning; ENT -
entrepreneurship; EM - ethics and morale; LS -leadership skill

15. Teaching-learning and assessment strategy:

Teaching & Learning Methods Assessment

Quizzes, test, assignment, lab report and final
Lectures, group discussion, assignment, practical
16. Synopsis

This course will provide students with a necessary knowledge and good understanding on information technology
concepts, components of computers hardware, system and application software, Internet and networks. It will also teach
students the basic application software skills such as word processing, spreadsheet, presentation software and
database software.

17. Mode of delivery:

Lectures, group discussion, assignment, practical.

18. Assessment Method and Types

Assessments %
Assignment 30
Test 20
Final Examination 50
Total 100

* Passing marks is 40%

Rules and Regulations: Refer to Peraturan Akademik UPNM

19. Programme Education Objectives (PEO)


Information Technology  
22. Mapping of the course to the Programme Learning Outcomes

Course Learning Outcome Delivery

PLO Assessment KPI
(CLOs) Methods
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Describe the computer
1. components. 

Explain the internet and

- Students are
2. World Wide Web.  - Lecture
able to apply
- Group - Quizzes
and describe
Discuss the different types of discussion - Assignment
the given
software.  - Assignme - Test
3. topics
nt - Final exam
- 80%
- Laborator - Lab report
Utilise Microsoft Office y
passed grade
applications for real world

4. problem solving.

1. Knowledge 2. Practical Skill 3. Problem Solving and Scientific Skill 4. Communication, Leadership and Team Skill
5.Social Skill and Responsibilities 6. Values, Attitudes and Professionalism 7. Information Managements and Lifelong
Learning Skills 8. Managerial and Entrepreneurial Skills.

23. Content outline of the course and the SLT per topic:

Week Learning
TOPIC (S) LO Lecture pendent
1 WK 1 - Introduction Today’s Technologies 1, 4 4 7 11
2 WK 2 - Computing Components 1 4 7 11
3 WK 3 - Input and Output 1, 4 4 7 11
4 WK 4 - Storage 2 4 7 11
5 WK 5 - Application Software 2 4 7 11
6 WK 6 - System Software 2, 4 4 7 11
7 WK 7 - Database 2 4 7 11
8 WK 8 - Communication and Networks 3, 4 4 7 11
9 WK 9 - The Internet and World Wide Web 3 4 7 11
10 WK 10 - Digital Security, Ethics and Privacy 3, 4 4 7 11
11 WK 11 - Microsoft Word 3 4 7 11
12 WK 12- Microsoft POWERPOINT 3, 4 4 7 11
13 WK 13 - Microsoft EXCEL/ ACCESS 3 4 7 11
14 WK 14 – REVISION AND EXAM 3 4 7 11
Total of Student Learning Time (SLT) 56 98 154
24. Main reference:
1. Vermaat, Sebok, Freund, Campbell and Frydenberg (2018). Discovering Computers 2018: Digital Technology,
Data and Devices USA. Cengage Learning.

25. Other additional information:

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