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Religion is another important determinant of culture, especially in countries where a single

religion is dominant.

We define religion as the systems of shared beliefs and rituals that are concerned with the realm
of the sacred.

Religions with the greatest following today are Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, and Buddhism.

You might also include Confucianism with these.

While not strictly a religion, Confucianism influences behavior and shapes culture in many parts
of Asia.

Closely related to religion are ethical systems, or sets of moral principles or values that guide
and shape behavior.

So, you might think of Christian ethics or Islamic ethics.

Why is it important for companies to understand the different religions?

An individual’s religion helps shape his attitude toward work and entrepreneurship.


About 20 percent of the world’s population is Christian.

It’s the world’s largest religion.

Most followers live in Europe, the Americas, or other countries settled by the Europeans.

Christians are divided into Roman Catholics, those who belong to the Orthodox church, and
You may have heard of the famous German sociologist Max Weber who made the connection
between Protestant ethics and capitalism in 1904.

Weber believed that the Protestant ethics of hard work and value creation were instrumental to
the development of capitalism.


With its 1 billion followers, Islam is the second largest religion in the world.

Its adherents are called Muslims, and are found in more than 35 countries, particularly in the
Middle East.

Islam is an all-embracing way of life—prayers take place 5 times a day, women dress in a certain
manner, and pork and alcohol are forbidden.

The attacks on the World Trade Center have increased public knowledge of Islamic

Many people believe that Islamic fundamentalists are violent terrorists.

However, Islam teaches peace, justice, and tolerance.

The violence that we often associate with Islamic fundamentalism actually involves only a small
minority of all fundamentalists.

Most Muslims live peacefully, and are deeply committed to their religious beliefs and principles.
Many have turned to symbols to signify their commitment to their faith.

So, for example, you see women covered head to toe in public.

How does Islam affect business?

The Koran, which is the sacred book for Islam like the Bible is for Christianity, supports free
enterprises and legitimate profits, and the right to protect private property, but advocates using
profits in a righteous socially- beneficial manner.
So, for example, paying or receiving interest is not allowed.

You can learn more about how Islam and capitalism co-exist in the Country Focus on Turkey in
your text.

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