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11i Oracle HRMS Implement

Human Resources
Volume 1.0 - Instructor Guide

Edition 2.0
May 2002
Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

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Alison Crabbe, John Cafolla and Juliette Flemming.

Technical Contributors and Reviewers

Mark Rowe, Louise Raffo, Margaret Wong and Ratna Kuplish.

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Table of Contents

Work Structures ..............................................................................................................................................1-1

Work Structures.............................................................................................................................................1-2
Objectives ......................................................................................................................................................1-3
Modules .........................................................................................................................................................1-4
Overview of Enterprise Work Structures......................................................................................................2-1
Overview of Enterprise Work Structures.......................................................................................................2-2
Topics ............................................................................................................................................................2-3
Module Overview ..........................................................................................................................................2-4
Overview of Enterprise Work Structures.......................................................................................................2-5
Oracle HRMS An Information Model ...........................................................................................................2-6
Oracle HRMS Information Model .................................................................................................................2-7
Typical Types of Enterprise...........................................................................................................................2-8
Project Based Enterprise Characteristics .......................................................................................................2-9
Project Based Enterprise System Needs ........................................................................................................2-10
Project Based Enterprise Oracle Solution......................................................................................................2-11
Rule Based Enterprise Characteristics ...........................................................................................................2-12
Rule Based Enterprise System Needs ............................................................................................................2-13
Rule Based Enterprise Oracle Solution.........................................................................................................2-14
Hybrid Enterprise Characteristics ..................................................................................................................2-15
Hybrid Enterprise Oracle Solution................................................................................................................2-16
Understanding Work Structure Components 1 ............................................................................................3-1
Understanding Work Structure Components 1 ..............................................................................................3-2
Work Structures Overview ............................................................................................................................3-3
Work Structures Representing the Employer.................................................................................................3-4
Business Groups in Oracle HRMS ................................................................................................................3-5
The Startup Business Group ..........................................................................................................................3-6
Business Groups ............................................................................................................................................3-7
One or Many Business Groups Reasons ........................................................................................................3-9
One or Many Business Groups Oracle HRMS ..............................................................................................3-10
One or Many Business Groups Options.........................................................................................................3-12
Understanding Work Structure Components 2 ............................................................................................4-1
Understanding Work Structure Components 2 ..............................................................................................4-2
Locations .......................................................................................................................................................4-3
Organization Hierarchies ...............................................................................................................................4-5
Jobs and Positions..........................................................................................................................................4-7
Using Jobs or Positions..................................................................................................................................4-8
Additional Information for Jobs and Positions ..............................................................................................4-10
Job Key Flexfield...........................................................................................................................................4-12
Positions ........................................................................................................................................................4-13
Positions and Organizations...........................................................................................................................4-14
Position Hierarchies.......................................................................................................................................4-15
Position Key Flexfield ...................................................................................................................................4-16
Security Based on Work Structures ...............................................................................................................4-17
Understanding Work Structure Components 3 ............................................................................................5-1
Understanding Work Structure Components 3 ..............................................................................................5-2
Grade Key Flexfield ......................................................................................................................................5-4
Work Structures Grades and Pay ...................................................................................................................5-5

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11i Oracle HRMS Implement Human Resources Table of Contents

Work Structures Grade Rates .......................................................................................................................5-6
Grade Steps and Progression Points ..............................................................................................................5-7
Pay Scales ......................................................................................................................................................5-8
Payroll Groups for HR Users.........................................................................................................................5-9
People Groups ...............................................................................................................................................5-10
People Group Key Flexfield ..........................................................................................................................5-11
Defining Common Data...................................................................................................................................6-1
Defining Common Data .................................................................................................................................6-2
Topics ............................................................................................................................................................6-3
Module Overview ..........................................................................................................................................6-4
Defining Common Data .................................................................................................................................6-5
Flexfields Overview.......................................................................................................................................6-6
Key Flexfields in Oracle HRMS Special Considerations .............................................................................6-7
Standard Features ..........................................................................................................................................6-8
A Key Flexfield .............................................................................................................................................6-9
Cost Allocation and Flexfield Qualifiers Special Considerations .................................................................6-10
Soft-Coded Legislation Key Flexfield Special Considerations.....................................................................6-11
Bank Details Key Flexfield Special Considerations ......................................................................................6-12
Steps for Defining a Key Flexfield Special Considerations...........................................................................6-14
Practice: Configure the People Group Key Flexfield....................................................................................6-15
Practice: Configure the Personal Analysis Flexfield.....................................................................................6-16
Defining Descriptive Flexfields .......................................................................................................................7-1
Defining Descriptive Flexfields .....................................................................................................................7-2
Descriptive Flexfields in Oracle HRMS Special Considerations..................................................................7-3
Standard Features ..........................................................................................................................................7-4
A Descriptive Flexfield..................................................................................................................................7-5
Descriptive Flexfields in Several Windows Special Considerations.............................................................7-7
Descriptive Flexfields and Business Groups..................................................................................................7-8
Descriptive Flexfields With Predefined Data ................................................................................................7-9
Protected Descriptive Flexfields....................................................................................................................7-10
Context Sensitive Descriptive Flexfields .......................................................................................................7-11
Steps for Defining a Descriptive Flexfield Special Considerations ..............................................................7-13
Practice: Key and Descriptive Flexfields Overview .....................................................................................7-14
Extra Information Types in Oracle HRMS...................................................................................................8-1
Extra Information Types in Oracle HRMS ....................................................................................................8-2
Overview .......................................................................................................................................................8-3
Standard Features ..........................................................................................................................................8-6
Extra Information Type Descriptive Flexfields .............................................................................................8-7
Using Extra Information or Special Information for People.........................................................................8-9
Steps for Registering Extra Information Types..............................................................................................8-11
Practice: Extra Information Types .................................................................................................................8-12
Defining Lookups and Values .........................................................................................................................9-1
Defining Lookups and Values........................................................................................................................9-2
Overview .......................................................................................................................................................9-3
User Access Levels........................................................................................................................................9-4
Practice: Define Lookup Types and Values...................................................................................................9-5
Managing Currencies and Exchange Rates....................................................................................................9-6
Overview .......................................................................................................................................................9-7
Typical Requirements ....................................................................................................................................9-8
Enabling Currencies in Oracle HRMS...........................................................................................................9-9
Exchange Rates in Oracle HRMS..................................................................................................................9-11
Exchange Rate Variations..............................................................................................................................9-12
Steps to Enable Currencies ............................................................................................................................9-13
Currency Precision.........................................................................................................................................9-14

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11i Oracle HRMS Implement Human Resources Table of Contents

Exchange Rates..............................................................................................................................................9-15
Practice: Define an Exchange Rate................................................................................................................9-16
Work Structures - Case Study........................................................................................................................9-17
Setting up Business Groups, Locations, and Organizations.........................................................................10-1
Setting Up Business Groups, Locations, and Organizations..........................................................................10-2
Topics ............................................................................................................................................................10-3
Module Overview ..........................................................................................................................................10-4
Creating a Business Group ............................................................................................................................10-5
Representing Your Enterprise........................................................................................................................10-6
The Business Group.......................................................................................................................................10-7
Sharing Information.......................................................................................................................................10-8
HR:Cross Business Group .............................................................................................................................10-9
Initial Tasks ...................................................................................................................................................10-10
Information Associated with a Business Group .............................................................................................10-12
Standard Information .....................................................................................................................................10-13
Standard Information (U.S. only) ..................................................................................................................10-14
Employee and Applicant Numbers ................................................................................................................10-15
Practice: Create a Business Group.................................................................................................................10-17
Practice: Grant User Access to a New Business Group .................................................................................10-18
Creating Locations ..........................................................................................................................................11-1
Creating Locations.........................................................................................................................................11-2
Overview .......................................................................................................................................................11-3
Address Validation for US and Canada .........................................................................................................11-4
Closing Down a Location ..............................................................................................................................11-5
Practice: Create a Location............................................................................................................................11-6
Creating Organizations ..................................................................................................................................11-7
Overview .......................................................................................................................................................11-8
Organization Overview..................................................................................................................................11-9
Organization Classifications Special Considerations....................................................................................11-10
Additional Organization Information.............................................................................................................11-11
Practice: Create an Organization ...................................................................................................................11-12
End Dates on Organizations ..........................................................................................................................11-13
Deleting Organizations ..................................................................................................................................11-14
Creating Organization Hierarchies.................................................................................................................11-15
Practice: Create an Organization Hierarchy...................................................................................................11-16
Practice: Assign an Employee to an Organization .........................................................................................11-17
Application Data Exchange ............................................................................................................................12-1
Application Data Exchange ...........................................................................................................................12-2
Application Data Exchange (ADE)................................................................................................................12-3
Three Modes of Working with ADE..............................................................................................................12-4
ADE in Applications Mode ...........................................................................................................................12-7
Using ADE ....................................................................................................................................................12-10
ADE Security.................................................................................................................................................12-11
ADE Styles and Views...................................................................................................................................12-12
Practice: Using ADE......................................................................................................................................12-14
Representing Financial Reporting Structures...............................................................................................13-1
Representing Financial Reporting Structures.................................................................................................13-2
Module Overview ..........................................................................................................................................13-3
Parallel Reporting Structures HR and GL......................................................................................................13-4
Parallel Reporting Structures Similar but Not the Same................................................................................13-6
Integration It's Okay to Be Different! ............................................................................................................13-7
Integration Understanding the Other Side......................................................................................................13-8
Cost Allocation Key Flexfield .......................................................................................................................13-9
Multi-Orgs and Business Groups Similar but Not the Same.........................................................................13-10
Multi-Orgs and Business Groups Similar but Not the Same..........................................................................13-11

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11i Oracle HRMS Implement Human Resources Table of Contents

Multi-Company and Multi-National Mapping Options .................................................................................13-12
Mapping Options ...........................................................................................................................................13-13
Costing Considerations ..................................................................................................................................13-14
Practice: Entering Cost Information ..............................................................................................................13-15
Representing Legal and Government Reporting Structures (U.S.).............................................................14-1
Representing Legal and Government Reporting Structures (U.S.) ................................................................14-2
Topics ............................................................................................................................................................14-3
Module Overview ..........................................................................................................................................14-4
Representing Legal and Government Reporting Structures (U.S.) ................................................................14-6
Identifying GRE's ..........................................................................................................................................14-7
One Company - One Employer - One GRE ...................................................................................................14-8
Many Employers - Many GREs.....................................................................................................................14-9
Multi-Establishment Hierarchies ...................................................................................................................14-10
Headquarters Hierarchy for Multi-Establishment Companies .......................................................................14-12
Headquarters for Multi-Establishment Companies .......................................................................................14-14
Defining Organization Information for Government Mandated Reporting ..............................................15-1
Defining Organization Information for Government Mandated Reporting....................................................15-2
Mandated Government Reports .....................................................................................................................15-3
Reporting Categories and Statuses.................................................................................................................15-4
Classifying Organizations as GREs ...............................................................................................................15-5
Classifying Organizations as Reporting Establishments ................................................................................15-6
Overriding Establishment Hierarchies ...........................................................................................................15-7
Classifying an Organization as the Corporate Headquarters..........................................................................15-8
Setting Up Non-AAP Establishment Hierarchies ..........................................................................................15-9
AAP Reporting ..............................................................................................................................................15-10
AAP Establishment Hierarchies.....................................................................................................................15-11
EEO-1 Reporting Checklist ...........................................................................................................................15-12
AAP Reporting Checklist ..............................................................................................................................15-13
VETS-100 Reporting Checklist .....................................................................................................................15-14
ADA Reporting..............................................................................................................................................15-15
ADA Requests for Accommodation .............................................................................................................15-16
OSHA Recording Information .......................................................................................................................15-17
Practice Classifying HR Organizations..........................................................................................................15-18
Representing Grades and their Relationship to Pay.....................................................................................16-1
Representing Grades and their Relationship to Pay .......................................................................................16-2
Topics ............................................................................................................................................................16-3
Module Overview ..........................................................................................................................................16-4
Grade Key Flexfield ......................................................................................................................................16-6
Grade Key Flexfield Structure Simple or Complex .......................................................................................16-7
Grade Key Flexfield Checklist.......................................................................................................................16-8
Practice: Define a Grade Structure ................................................................................................................16-9
Practice: Define Grades .................................................................................................................................16-10
Defining Grade Rates and Pay Scales............................................................................................................16-11
Grades and Pay Direct or Indirect..................................................................................................................16-12
Grade Rates ...................................................................................................................................................16-13
Practice: Define a Grade Rate Table..............................................................................................................16-14
Pay Scales ......................................................................................................................................................16-15
Pay Scale Characteristics ...............................................................................................................................16-16
Pay Scales ......................................................................................................................................................16-17
Pay Scale Checklist........................................................................................................................................16-18
Practice: Define a Pay Scale ..........................................................................................................................16-19
Representing Jobs and Positions ....................................................................................................................17-1
Representing Jobs and Positions....................................................................................................................17-2
Topics ............................................................................................................................................................17-3

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11i Oracle HRMS Implement Human Resources Table of Contents

Module Overview ..........................................................................................................................................17-4
Representing Jobs and Positions....................................................................................................................17-5
Jobs and Positions..........................................................................................................................................17-6
Using Jobs or Positions..................................................................................................................................17-7
Additional Information for Jobs and Positions ..............................................................................................17-8
Job Groups.....................................................................................................................................................17-10
Job Groups and Supplementary Roles ...........................................................................................................17-11
Job Key Flexfield...........................................................................................................................................17-12
Job Key Flexfield Checklist...........................................................................................................................17-13
Job Key Flexfield Structure Simple or Complex ...........................................................................................17-14
Practice: Define Job Structure and Jobs .......................................................................................................17-15
Practice: Create a Job Group .........................................................................................................................17-16
Representing Positions ....................................................................................................................................18-1
Representing Positions...................................................................................................................................18-2
Positions ........................................................................................................................................................18-3
Position Key Flexfield ...................................................................................................................................18-5
Key Flexfield Structure..................................................................................................................................18-7
Practice: Define Position Structure and Positions.........................................................................................18-9
Position Hiring Status Special Considerations...............................................................................................18-10
Position Hierarchies ........................................................................................................................................19-1
Position Hierarchies.......................................................................................................................................19-2
Position Hierarchy - Example........................................................................................................................19-4
Defining and Changing Position Hierarchies.................................................................................................19-5
Hierarchy Diagrammers.................................................................................................................................19-6
Practice: Using the Graphical Diagrammers..................................................................................................19-7
Additional Information for Jobs and Positions ..............................................................................................19-8
Work Choices ................................................................................................................................................19-9
Practice: Entering Work Choice Information ................................................................................................19-10
Changing Job and Position Definitions..........................................................................................................19-11
Changing Definitions .....................................................................................................................................19-12
Changing Details............................................................................................................................................19-13
Practice: Job and Position Windows Demo ...................................................................................................19-14
Mass Move Updates.........................................................................................................................................20-1
Mass Move Updates ......................................................................................................................................20-2
Overview .......................................................................................................................................................20-3
Moving Assignments .....................................................................................................................................20-5
Considerations Before a Mass Move .............................................................................................................20-6
Practice: Mass Moves ....................................................................................................................................20-8
Setting Up Workers Compensation (U.S.) .....................................................................................................21-1
Setting Up Workers Compensation (U.S.).....................................................................................................21-2
Module Overview ..........................................................................................................................................21-3
WC Insurers...................................................................................................................................................21-4
WC Codes and Rates .....................................................................................................................................21-5
Workers' Compensation Liability ..................................................................................................................21-6
Additional Elements/ Modifications Required...............................................................................................21-7
Practice: Workers Compensation Codes and Rates ......................................................................................21-8
Work Structures ..............................................................................................................................................22-1
Work Structures.............................................................................................................................................22-2
Modules .........................................................................................................................................................22-3
Defining Common Data - Instructor Demonstrations and Practice Solutions ...........................................23-1
Instructor Demonstration ...............................................................................................................................23-2

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11i Oracle HRMS Implement Human Resources Table of Contents

Instructor Demonstration and Practice Solution ............................................................................................23-4
Instructor Demonstration ...............................................................................................................................23-8
Instructor Demonstration and Practice Solution ............................................................................................23-9
Practice ..........................................................................................................................................................23-13
Practice Solution............................................................................................................................................23-14
Practice Questions .........................................................................................................................................23-15
Practice Solutions ..........................................................................................................................................23-16
Instructor Demonstration ...............................................................................................................................23-17
Instructor Demonstration and Practice Solution ............................................................................................23-18
Instructor Demonstration ...............................................................................................................................23-20
Instructor Demonstration and Practice Solution ............................................................................................23-21
Work Structures Case Study ..........................................................................................................................23-22
Business Scenario Questions (US).................................................................................................................23-26
Business Scenario (US) Solution ...................................................................................................................23-27
Business Scenario Questions (UK) ................................................................................................................23-28
Business Scenario (UK) Solution ..................................................................................................................23-29
Setting up Business Groups, Locations, and Organizations - Instructor Demonstrations and Practice
Solutions ...........................................................................................................................................................24-1
Instructor Demonstration (US) ......................................................................................................................24-2
Instructor Demonstration and Practice Solution ............................................................................................24-3
Instructor Demonstration ...............................................................................................................................24-5
Instructor Demonstration and Practice Solution ............................................................................................24-6
Instructor Demonstration ...............................................................................................................................24-9
Instructor Demonstration and Practice Solution ............................................................................................24-10
Instructor Demonstration ...............................................................................................................................24-11
Instructor Demonstration and Practice Solution ............................................................................................24-12
Instructor Demonstration ...............................................................................................................................24-14
Instructor Demonstration and Practice Solution ............................................................................................24-15
Instructor Demonstration ...............................................................................................................................24-17
Instructor Demonstration and Practice Solution ............................................................................................24-18
Instructor Demonstration (UK)......................................................................................................................24-19
Instructor Demonstration and Practice Solution ............................................................................................24-20
Instructor Demonstration ...............................................................................................................................24-22
Instructor Demonstration and Practice Solution ............................................................................................24-23
Instructor Demonstration ...............................................................................................................................24-26
Instructor Demonstration and Practice Solution ............................................................................................24-27
Instructor Demonstration ...............................................................................................................................24-28
Instructor Demonstration and Practice Solution ............................................................................................24-29
Instructor Demonstration ...............................................................................................................................24-30
Instructor Demonstration and Practice Solution ............................................................................................24-31
Instructor Demonstration ...............................................................................................................................24-32
Instructor Demonstration and Practice Solution ............................................................................................24-33
Instructor Demonstration ...............................................................................................................................24-34
Representing Financial Reporting Structures - Instructor Demonstration and Practice Solutions.........25-1
Instructor Demonstration ...............................................................................................................................25-2
Representing Legal and Government Reporting Structures - Instructor Demonstrations and Practice
Solutions ...........................................................................................................................................................26-1
Instructor Demonstration ...............................................................................................................................26-2
Instructor Demonstration and Practice Solution ............................................................................................26-3
Representing Grades and their Relationship to Pay - Instructor Demonstrations and Practice Solutions
Instructor Demonstration ...............................................................................................................................27-2
Instructor Demonstration and Practice Solution ............................................................................................27-4
Instructor Demonstration ...............................................................................................................................27-8
Instructor Demonstration and Practice Solution ............................................................................................27-9

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11i Oracle HRMS Implement Human Resources Table of Contents

Instructor Demonstration ...............................................................................................................................27-10
Instructor Demonstration and Practice Solution ............................................................................................27-11
Instructor Demonstration ...............................................................................................................................27-13
Representing Jobs and Positions - Instructor Demonstrations and Practice Solutions.............................28-1
Instructor Demonstration ...............................................................................................................................28-2
Instructor Demonstration and Practice Solution ............................................................................................28-3
Instructor Demonstration ...............................................................................................................................28-6
Instructor Demonstration and Practice Solution ............................................................................................28-7
Instructor Demonstration ...............................................................................................................................28-8
Instructor Demonstration and Practice Solution ............................................................................................28-9
Instructor Demonstration ...............................................................................................................................28-10
Instructor Demonstration and Practice Solution ............................................................................................28-11
Instructor Demonstration ...............................................................................................................................28-14
Instructor Demonstration and Practice Solution ............................................................................................28-15
Instructor Demonstration ...............................................................................................................................28-16
Instructor Demonstration and Practice Solution ............................................................................................28-18
Instructor Demonstration ...............................................................................................................................28-19
Setting up Workers' Compensation - Instructor Demonstration and Practice Solutions .........................29-1
Instructor Demonstration ...............................................................................................................................29-2
Instructor Demonstration and Practice Solution ............................................................................................29-3
Modeling the Employment Relationship........................................................................................................30-1
Modeling the Employment Relationship........................................................................................................30-2
Objectives ......................................................................................................................................................30-3
Modules .........................................................................................................................................................30-4
Introducing Employment Relationships ........................................................................................................31-1
Introducing Employment Relationships.........................................................................................................31-2
Topics ............................................................................................................................................................31-3
Introducing Employment Relationships.........................................................................................................31-4
Overview .......................................................................................................................................................31-5
Integrated Business Processes for HR Management......................................................................................31-6
Hiring and Deploying People ........................................................................................................................31-7
Entering and Changing Personal Information ................................................................................................31-8
Identifying Employees ...................................................................................................................................31-10
Person Types .................................................................................................................................................31-11
Addresses for Employees...............................................................................................................................31-12
Personal Development and Deployment Options ..........................................................................................31-13
Displaying Personal Information ...................................................................................................................31-15
Modeling the Employment Relationship........................................................................................................32-1
Modeling the Employment Relationship........................................................................................................32-2
Employment Relationship and Work Related Information ...........................................................................32-4
Employment Relationships and Assignments ...............................................................................................32-5
Assignments in Oracle HRMS .......................................................................................................................32-6
Employees and Assignments..........................................................................................................................32-7
Single Assignments in Oracle HRMS............................................................................................................32-8
Employees and Assignments..........................................................................................................................32-9
Periods of Service and Multiple Assignments ...............................................................................................32-10
Assignment Statuses ......................................................................................................................................32-13
Tracking Changes to an Assignment..............................................................................................................32-14
Ending Assignments ......................................................................................................................................32-15
Terminating Employees .................................................................................................................................32-16
Employees and Assignments..........................................................................................................................32-17
Representing the Workforce...........................................................................................................................33-1
Representing the Workforce ..........................................................................................................................33-2
Topics ............................................................................................................................................................33-3

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11i Oracle HRMS Implement Human Resources Table of Contents

Module Overview ..........................................................................................................................................33-4
Representing the Workforce ..........................................................................................................................33-5
Person Types Overview.................................................................................................................................33-6
System and User Person Types......................................................................................................................33-7
Predefined System and User Person Types....................................................................................................33-10
Person Types for Benefits..............................................................................................................................33-11
Benefits User Person Types...........................................................................................................................33-12
Practice: Define Person Types.......................................................................................................................33-13
Defining Collective Agreements, Bargaining Units and Contracts .............................................................34-1
Defining Collective Agreements, Bargaining Units and Contracts................................................................34-2
Overview .......................................................................................................................................................34-3
Bargaining Units............................................................................................................................................34-4
Bargaining unit ..............................................................................................................................................34-5
Practice: Defining Bargaining Units ..............................................................................................................34-6
Collective Agreements...................................................................................................................................34-7
Defining Collective Agreements....................................................................................................................34-9
Collective Agreement Grades ........................................................................................................................34-10
Practice: Define Bargaining Unit and Employer............................................................................................34-11
Practice: Define Collective Agreements ........................................................................................................34-12
Contract Statuses ...........................................................................................................................................34-15
Generating and Printing Contracts.................................................................................................................34-16
Practice: Enter Contract Details.....................................................................................................................34-17
Defining Employee Assignment Statuses .......................................................................................................35-1
Defining Employee Assignment Statuses ......................................................................................................35-2
Overview .......................................................................................................................................................35-3
Assignment Statuses ......................................................................................................................................35-5
Primary Assignment Statuses.........................................................................................................................35-7
Secondary Assignment Statuses.....................................................................................................................35-10
Practice: Define Assignment Statuses............................................................................................................35-12
Defining the People Group Key Flexfield ......................................................................................................36-1
Defining the People Group Key Flexfield .....................................................................................................36-2
Employment Groups ......................................................................................................................................36-3
People Group Key Flexfield ..........................................................................................................................36-5
System Definitions.........................................................................................................................................36-6
Making People Group Segments Required ....................................................................................................36-9
Practice: People Group Key Flexfield ...........................................................................................................36-11
Managing Employee Information ..................................................................................................................37-1
Managing Employment Information ..............................................................................................................37-2
Topics ............................................................................................................................................................37-3
Overview .......................................................................................................................................................37-4
Managing Employee Information ..................................................................................................................37-5
Entering Personal Information for a New Person ..........................................................................................37-6
Practice: Hire a New Employee.....................................................................................................................37-10
Supplementary Roles .....................................................................................................................................37-11
People Management Templates .....................................................................................................................37-12
Headcount Report Set ....................................................................................................................................37-14
Managing the Employee Assignment .............................................................................................................38-1
Managing the Employee Assignment.............................................................................................................38-2
Changing Assignment Information ................................................................................................................38-3
Practice: Promote an Employee .....................................................................................................................38-5
Multiple Assignments for an Employee.........................................................................................................38-6
Practice: Enter a Second Assignment ............................................................................................................38-7
Changing a Secondary Assignment into the Primary Assignment .................................................................38-8

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11i Oracle HRMS Implement Human Resources Table of Contents

Practice: Changing the Primary Assignment..................................................................................................38-10
Mass Update of Assignments.........................................................................................................................38-11
Demo: Mass Assignment Update...................................................................................................................38-12
Occupational Health........................................................................................................................................39-1
Occupational Health ......................................................................................................................................39-2
Medical Assessments, Disabilities and Work Incidents.................................................................................39-3
Medical Assessments .....................................................................................................................................39-4
Work Incidents ..............................................................................................................................................39-5
Disabilities .....................................................................................................................................................39-6
Practice: Enter Disability Information ...........................................................................................................39-7
Terminating and Re-hiring an Employee ......................................................................................................40-1
Terminating and Rehiring an Employee ........................................................................................................40-2
Topics ............................................................................................................................................................40-3
Terminating and Rehiring an Employee ........................................................................................................40-4
Terminating Employment ..............................................................................................................................40-5
Overview .......................................................................................................................................................40-7
Termination Dates .........................................................................................................................................40-8
Practice: Terminating Employment ...............................................................................................................40-9
Terminating a Single Assignment ..................................................................................................................40-10
Practice: Terminating One Assignment .........................................................................................................40-11
Cancel Termination Or Rehire.......................................................................................................................40-12
Cancel Termination .......................................................................................................................................40-13
Rehire ............................................................................................................................................................40-14
Practice: Cancelling a Termination................................................................................................................40-15
Practice: Rehire an Employee........................................................................................................................40-16
Modeling the Employment Relationship........................................................................................................41-1
Modeling the Employment Relationship........................................................................................................41-2
Representing the Workforce - Instructor Demonstrations and Practice Solutions ...................................42-1
Instructor Demonstration ...............................................................................................................................42-2
Instructor Demonstration and Practice Solution ............................................................................................42-3
Instructor Demonstration ...............................................................................................................................42-4
Instructor Demonstration and Practice Solution ............................................................................................42-5
Instructor Demonstration ...............................................................................................................................42-6
Instructor Demonstration and Practice Solution ............................................................................................42-7
Instructor Demonstration ...............................................................................................................................42-8
Instructor Demonstration and Practice Solution ............................................................................................42-9
Instructor Demonstration ...............................................................................................................................42-10
Instructor Demonstration and Practice Solution ............................................................................................42-12
Instructor Demonstration ...............................................................................................................................42-13
Instructor Demonstration and Practice Solution ............................................................................................42-14
Managing Employment Information - Instructor Demonstrations and Practice Solutions ......................43-1
Instructor Demonstration ...............................................................................................................................43-2
Instructor Demonstration and Practice Solution ............................................................................................43-3
Terminating and Rehiring an Employee - Instructor Demonstrations and Practice Solutions ................44-1
Instructor Demonstration ...............................................................................................................................44-2
Instructor Demonstration and Practice Solution ............................................................................................44-3
Instructor Demonstration ...............................................................................................................................44-4
Introduction to Compensation and Benefits..................................................................................................45-1
Introduction to Compensation and Benefits...................................................................................................45-2
Objectives ......................................................................................................................................................45-3
Total Compensation Framework....................................................................................................................45-4
Oracle HRMS The Basic Information Model ................................................................................................45-5

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

11i Oracle HRMS Implement Human Resources Table of Contents

Total Compensation.......................................................................................................................................45-6
Total Compensation Framework Attract - Retain - Motivate.........................................................................45-7
Total Compensation Framework in Oracle HRMS........................................................................................45-8
Total Compensation Framework....................................................................................................................45-9
Specific Business Functions Not Just the Framework ...................................................................................45-11
Basic, Standard, or Advanced Benefits 3 Levels of Functionality.................................................................45-12
Administer, Calculate, Pay Payroll Processing.............................................................................................45-13
Oracle Payroll Process Overview ..................................................................................................................45-14
Payroll Gross to Net ......................................................................................................................................45-15
Oracle Payroll Process Overview ..................................................................................................................45-16
Oracle Payroll Prepayments and Payments....................................................................................................45-17
Oracle Payroll What About Adjustments?.....................................................................................................45-18
Oracle Payroll Process Overview ..................................................................................................................45-19
Time Management .........................................................................................................................................45-20
Overview of Benefits Management ................................................................................................................46-1
Overview of Benefits Management................................................................................................................46-2
Benefits Management Overview....................................................................................................................46-3
Plan Design....................................................................................................................................................46-4
Plan Types Supported ....................................................................................................................................46-5
Participation Management .............................................................................................................................46-6
Enrollment Management................................................................................................................................46-7
Contribution Management .............................................................................................................................46-8
Distribution Management ..............................................................................................................................46-9
Eligibility Profiles Reusable Definitions .......................................................................................................46-10
Life Event Management Advanced Benefits.................................................................................................46-11
Standard Processes in Oracle HR ..................................................................................................................46-12
Standard Processes in Oracle HR (US)..........................................................................................................46-13
Advanced Benefits Processes ........................................................................................................................46-14
Life Event Management.................................................................................................................................46-15
Life Event Management Processes ................................................................................................................46-16
Eligibility Management Processes .................................................................................................................46-17
Enrollment Cycle Automation Processes.......................................................................................................46-18
Elements in Oracle HRMS..............................................................................................................................47-1
Elements in Oracle HRMS.............................................................................................................................47-2
Earnings, Deductions and Benefits ................................................................................................................47-3
Elements in Oracle HRMS The Building Blocks...........................................................................................47-4
How it works - 1 Define Elements .................................................................................................................47-6
Defining Elements Key Attributes .................................................................................................................47-7
Recurring and Nonrecurring Types of Element .............................................................................................47-8
How it works - 2 Define Links.......................................................................................................................47-9
Element Links ................................................................................................................................................47-10
Element Links Basic Eligibility Rules For Elements .....................................................................................47-11
How it works - 3 Enter Values.......................................................................................................................47-12
How it works - 4 Benefits Administration .....................................................................................................47-13
Element Entries and Processing.....................................................................................................................47-14
How it works - 5 Payroll Processing..............................................................................................................47-15
Predefined Elements ......................................................................................................................................47-17
Total Compensation Elements Setup for HR ................................................................................................48-1
Total Compensation Elements Setup for HR ................................................................................................48-2
Topics ............................................................................................................................................................48-3
Objectives ......................................................................................................................................................48-4
Total Compensation Elements Setup for HR ................................................................................................49-1
Total Compensation Elements Setup for HR ................................................................................................49-2
Objectives ......................................................................................................................................................49-3
Designing Elements .......................................................................................................................................49-4

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

11i Oracle HRMS Implement Human Resources Table of Contents

Earnings, Deductions, and Benefits ...............................................................................................................49-5
Element Setup................................................................................................................................................49-6
Designing Elements .......................................................................................................................................49-7
Understanding Element Classifications .........................................................................................................50-1
Understanding Element Classifications .........................................................................................................50-2
Element Classifications Overview .................................................................................................................50-3
Primary Classifications ..................................................................................................................................50-4
Primary Classifications and Costing Options.................................................................................................50-6
Secondary Classifications ..............................................................................................................................50-7
Predefined Secondary Classifications............................................................................................................50-8
Balance Feeds and Element Classifications ...................................................................................................50-9
Defining Elements ............................................................................................................................................51-1
Defining Elements .........................................................................................................................................51-2
Elements in Oracle HRMS Common Building Blocks .................................................................................51-3
Defining Elements .........................................................................................................................................51-4
Three Steps to Set Up an Element .................................................................................................................51-5
Element Definitions .......................................................................................................................................51-6
Recurring and Nonrecurring Element Types .................................................................................................51-7
Comparing Recurring and Nonrecurring Types.............................................................................................51-8
Other Processing Options ..............................................................................................................................51-9
Termination Processing Rules .......................................................................................................................51-11
Input Currencies.............................................................................................................................................51-12
Elements and Input Values ............................................................................................................................51-13
Input Value Example .....................................................................................................................................51-14
Pay Value.......................................................................................................................................................51-15
Practice: Defining Elements ..........................................................................................................................51-16
Controlling Eligibility and Costing for Elements..........................................................................................52-1
Controlling Eligibility and Costing for Elements...........................................................................................52-2
Element Links ................................................................................................................................................52-3
Element Links Basic Eligibility Rules For Elements .....................................................................................52-4
Multiple Eligibility Rules ..............................................................................................................................52-5
Changes to Assignment Impact on Entries.....................................................................................................52-6
Element Links and Costing Rules ..................................................................................................................52-7
Eligibility Profiles in Standard and Advanced Benefits.................................................................................52-8
Benefit Element Links ...................................................................................................................................52-9
Practice: Creating an Element Link ...............................................................................................................52-10
Planning Methods of Entry.............................................................................................................................53-1
Planning Methods of Entry ............................................................................................................................53-2
Element Entry Method Types ........................................................................................................................53-3
Automatic Entry of Elements.........................................................................................................................53-4
Batch Element Entry BEE ............................................................................................................................53-5
BEE Examples...............................................................................................................................................53-7
Manual Entry of Elements .............................................................................................................................53-8
Salary Administration Window......................................................................................................................53-9
Absence Detail Window ................................................................................................................................53-10
Practice: Making an Element Entry ...............................................................................................................53-11
Security in Element Entries Windows ...........................................................................................................53-12
Controlling Entry Values ................................................................................................................................54-1
Controlling Entry Values ...............................................................................................................................54-2
Overview .......................................................................................................................................................54-3
Default Entries on Links ................................................................................................................................54-5
Hot Default ....................................................................................................................................................54-6
Practice: Defining Limits on Entry Values ....................................................................................................54-7

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11i Oracle HRMS Implement Human Resources Table of Contents

Formula Validation........................................................................................................................................54-8
Example Validation Formula.........................................................................................................................54-9
Formula Validation........................................................................................................................................54-10
Practice: Defining Formula Rules on Entry Values .......................................................................................54-11
Module Summary ..........................................................................................................................................54-12
Total Compensation Elements Setup for Human Resources - Instructor Demonstration and Practice
Solutions ...........................................................................................................................................................55-1
Practice: Defining Elements ..........................................................................................................................55-2
Solution: Defining Elements..........................................................................................................................55-3
Practice: Creating an Element Link ...............................................................................................................55-4
Solution: Creating an Element Link...............................................................................................................55-5
Practice: Making an Element Entry ...............................................................................................................55-6
Solution: Making an Element Entry...............................................................................................................55-7
Practice: Defining Limits on Entry Values ....................................................................................................55-9
Solution: Defining Limits on Entry Values....................................................................................................55-10
Practice: Defining Formula Rules on Entry Values .......................................................................................55-12
Solution: Defining Formula Rules on Entry Values.......................................................................................55-13

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

11i Oracle HRMS Implement Human Resources Table of Contents

Before You Begin This Course

Before you begin this course, you should have the following qualifications:

• Thorough knowledge of HRMS Business requirements at your organization and

navigating within Oracle Applications.

• Working experience with Oracle HRMS Applications R11i, Compensation and Benefits.


• R11i, Oracle HRMS: Total View in Oracle HRMS (14552GC10), Introduction to

Compensation and Benefits (D13913GC10) and Modelling the Employment
Relationship (D13557).

How This Course Is Organized

11i Oracle HRMS Implement Human Resources is an instructor-led course featuring lecture and
hands-on exercises. Online demonstrations and written practice sessions reinforce the concepts
and skills introduced.

Related Publications
Oracle Publications

Implementing Oracle HRMS R11i A73313-02 (UK)

A75314-02 (US)
A95904-01 (CA)

Using Oracle HRMS – The Fundamentals R11i A73289-02 (UK)

A73315-02 (US)
A77147-01 (CA)

Managing Your Workforce Using Oracle HRMS A73290-02 (UK)

A73315-02 (US)
A73321-01 (CA)

Running Your Payroll Using Oracle HRMS A73291-02 (UK)

A77084-02 (US)
A95908-01 (CA)

Managing Total Compensation Using Oracle HRMS A73293-02 (UK)

A77144-01 (US)
A73322-01 (CA)
A95254-0 (Asia Pacific)

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

11i Oracle HRMS Implement Human Resources Table of Contents

Configuring, Reporting and System Administration in Oracle HRMS A95418-01 (Global)

Additional Publications

• System release bulletins

• Installation and user’s guides

• files

• Oracle Magazine

• Oracle HRMS Online Help

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

11i Oracle HRMS Implement Human Resources Table of Contents

Typographic Conventions
Typographic Conventions in Text
Convention Element Example
Bold italic Glossary term (if The algorithm inserts the new key.
there is a glossary)

Caps and Buttons, Click the Executable button.

lowercase check boxes, Select the Can’t Delete Card check box.
triggers, Assign a When-Validate-Item trigger to the ORD block.
windows Open the Master Schedule window.

Courier new, Code output, Code output: debug.set (‘I”, 300);

case sensitive directory names, Directory: bin (DOS), $FMHOME (UNIX)
(default is filenames, Filename: Locate the init.ora file.
lowercase) passwords, Password: User tiger as your password.
pathnames, Pathname: Open c:\my_docs\projects
URLs, URL: Go to
user input,
User input: Enter 300
Username: Log on as scott

Initial cap Graphics labels Customer address (but Oracle Payables)

(unless the term is a
proper noun)

Italic Emphasized words Do not save changes to the database.

and phrases, For further information, see Oracle7 Server SQL Language
titles of books and Reference Manual.
courses, Enter, where user_id is the
variables name of the user.
Quotation Interface elements Select “Include a reusable module component” and click Finish.
marks with long names
that have only This subject is covered in Unit II, Lesson 3, “Working with
initial caps; Objects.”
lesson and chapter
titles in cross-
Uppercase SQL column Use the SELECT command to view information stored in the
names, commands, LAST_NAME
functions, schemas, column of the EMP table.
table names
Arrow Menu paths Select File > Save.
Brackets Key names Press [Enter].
Commas Key sequences Press and release keys one at a time:
[Alternate], [F], [D]
Plus signs Key combinations Press and hold these keys simultaneously: [Ctrl]+[Alt]+[Del]

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

11i Oracle HRMS Implement Human Resources Table of Contents

Typographic Conventions in Code
Convention Element Example
Caps and Oracle Forms When-Validate-Item
lowercase triggers
Lowercase Column names, SELECT last_name
table names FROM s_emp;

Passwords DROP USER scott

(OG_GET_LAYER (‘prod_pie_layer’))

Lowercase Syntax variables CREATE ROLE role

Uppercase SQL commands and SELECT userid
functions FROM emp;

Typographic Conventions in Navigation Paths

This course uses simplified navigation paths, such as the following example, to direct you
through Oracle Applications. Example:

Assignment Window

(N) People > Enter and Maintain > (M) Query-Find > (B) Assignment

This simplified path translates to the following:

1. (N) From the Navigator window, select People then Enter and Maintain.

2. (M) From the menu, select Query then Find “your employee”.

3. (B) Click the Assignment button.


(N) = Navigator

(M) = Menu

(T) = Tab

(B) = Button

(I) = Icon

(H) = Hyperlink

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

11i Oracle HRMS Implement Human Resources Table of Contents

Typographical Conventions in Help System Paths
This course uses a “navigation path” convention to represent actions you perform to find
pertinent information in the Oracle Applications Help System.

The following help navigation path, for example—

Oracle HRMS Global > Compensation and Benefits Setup > How To > Define Elements >
Define an Element

— represents the following sequence of actions:

1. In the navigation frame of the help system window, expand the Oracle HRMS Global entry.

2. Under the Oracle HRMS Global entry, expand Compensation and Benefits Setup.

3. Under Compensation and Benefits Setup, select How To.

4. Under How To, select Define Elements

5. Under Define Elements, select Define an Element

This will display step-by-step instructions on how to complete the Element window.

To display help for a current window:

1. Choose Window Help from the Help menu, click the Help button on the toolbar, or hold
down the Control key and type 'h'.

A web browser window appears, containing search and navigation frames on the left, and a
frame that displays help documents on the right.

The document frame provides information on the window containing the cursor. The
navigation frame displays the top-level topics for your responsibility, arranged in a tree

2. If the document frame contains a list of topics associated with the window, click on a topic
of interest to display more detailed information.

3. You can navigate to other topics of interest in the help system, or choose Close from your
web browser's File menu to close help.

Getting Help
Oracle Applications provides you with a complete online help facility.

Whenever you need assistance, simply choose an item from the Help menu to pinpoint the type
of information you want.

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

11i Oracle HRMS Implement Human Resources Table of Contents

Searching for Help

You can perform a search to find the Oracle Applications help information you want. Simply
enter your query in the text field located in the top-left frame of the browser window when
viewing help, then click the adjacent Find button.

A list of titles, ranked by relevance and linked to the documents in question, is returned from
your search in the right-hand document frame. Click on whichever title seems to best answer
your needs to display the complete document in this frame. If the document doesn't fully answer
your questions, use your browser's Back button to return to the list of titles and try another.

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

11i Oracle HRMS Implement Human Resources Table of Contents

Work Structures
Chapter 1

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

Work Structures
Chapter 1 - Page 1
Work Structures

Work Structures

HRMS Release 11i

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

Work Structures
Chapter 1 - Page 2


After completing this eClass you should be able to do

the following:
• Recognise different types of enterprise business
models and explain how to represent these in
Oracle HRMS
• Describe the work structure components and
understand their use in Oracle HRMS

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

Work Structures
Chapter 1 - Page 3


Work Structures contains the following modules:

• Module 1 - Overview of Enterprise Work Structures
• Module 2 - Defining Common Data
• Module 3 - Setting up Business Groups, Locations
and Organizations
• Module 4 - Representing Financial Report
• Module 5 - Representing Legal & Government
Reporting Structures (US)
• Module 6 - Representing Grades and their
Relationship to Pay
• Module 7 - Representing Jobs and Positions
• Module 8 - Setting up Workers’ Compensation (US)

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

Work Structures
Chapter 1 - Page 4
Overview of Enterprise Work
Chapter 2

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

Overview of Enterprise Work Structures

Chapter 2 - Page 1
Overview of Enterprise Work Structures

Overview of Enterprise Work Structures

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

Overview of Enterprise Work Structures

Chapter 2 - Page 2


In this module the following topics will be covered:

• Overview of Enterprise Work Structures
• Understanding Work Structure Components 1
• Understanding Work Structure Components 2
• Understanding Work Structure Components 3

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

Overview of Enterprise Work Structures

Chapter 2 - Page 3
Module Overview

Module Overview

• Every enterprise has its own individual ‘culture’,

which is reflected in the organization of work and the
management of people within the enterprise.
• Culture is also reflected in the reward systems, the
business processes and the control systems that
operate within the enterprise.

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

Overview of Enterprise Work Structures

Chapter 2 - Page 4
Overview of Enterprise Work Structures

Overview of Enterprise Work Structures

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

Overview of Enterprise Work Structures

Chapter 2 - Page 5
Oracle HRMS An Information Model

Oracle HRMS
An Information Model

• With Oracle HRMS you create an information model

to represent your own enterprise
– Work
– Pay
– People
• People are deployed and compensated using the
model you setup

Instructor Note
Emphasize the fact that Oracle lets you configure the same HR system to represent many
different types of enterprise, for example, Commercial, Public Sector, Healthcare, Telecom,
Configuration means that one system, Oracle HR, can support the data and processes from
many different types of enterprise. The implementation process is the process that takes the
specific business needs of an enterprise and maps them to Oracle HRMS to determine what
data and processes need to be configured.
Emphasize simplicity in the data model. Although it can be extended, there are still only 3
major areas of activity in HRMS - People, Work, and Pay. This should help students as they
work their way through the different parts of the system.

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

Overview of Enterprise Work Structures

Chapter 2 - Page 6
Oracle HRMS Information Model

Oracle HRMS Information Model

Employee and People Employee Pay
Applicant and
Assignment Benefit History
Details Entries


Work Pay
Links Compensation,
Entitlements, Rules, and

Instructor Note
Emphasize the fact that Oracle lets you configure the same HR system to represent many
different types of enterprise, for example, Commercial, Public Sector, Healthcare, Telecom,
Configuration means that one system, Oracle HR, can support the data and processes from
many different types of enterprise. The implementation process is the process that takes the
specific business needs of an enterprise and maps them to Oracle HRMS to determine what
data and processes need to be configured.
Emphasize simplicity in the data model. Although it can be extended there are still only 3
major areas of activity in HRMS - People, Work, and Pay. This should help students as they
work their way through the different parts of the system.

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

Overview of Enterprise Work Structures

Chapter 2 - Page 7
Typical Types of Enterprise

Typical Types of Enterprise

To simplify this section we are going to consider three

typical types of enterprise and their characteristics
1. Project Based
2. Rule Based
3. Hybrid

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

Overview of Enterprise Work Structures

Chapter 2 - Page 8
Project Based Enterprise Characteristics

Project Based Enterprise


• Typical in consulting, construction, small

manufacturing or software companies
– Loosely structured operating groups
– Rapidly changing structures in response to
changing business opportunities
– People are hired and deployed for their skills
– Reward systems are usually personal
– Individuals are usually more important than

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

Overview of Enterprise Work Structures

Chapter 2 - Page 9
Project Based Enterprise System Needs

Project Based Enterprise

System Needs

• Flexibility to represent and change organizational

structures and work groups
• Flexibility in defining and assigning roles to people
• Ability to show multiple activities
• Ability to define and manage competence-centric
business processes
• Flexibility in the compensation management
framework to handle individual compensation

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

Overview of Enterprise Work Structures

Chapter 2 - Page 10
Project Based Enterprise Oracle Solution

Project Based Enterprise

Oracle Solution

Consider using a combination of Organizations and

Jobs for the flexibility you need.
• Use Organizations for detailed reporting groups
• Use Jobs to define roles independent of any specific
organization. Person changes organization but keeps
the same job.
• Use Elements to record time spent on specific



Instructor Note
Given these needs, you would probably use organizations and jobs to show how people are
assigned and managed.
Employee can be assigned and reassigned to these organizations on short notice while retaining
their basic role or job.
Typically, you would not define Positions to show this type of working. Positions require
additional definition and maintenance, and do not reflect the sort of flexible working
environment found in this type of enterprise.

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

Overview of Enterprise Work Structures

Chapter 2 - Page 11
Rule Based Enterprise Characteristics

Rule Based Enterprise

• Typical in Government agencies, Education, Health
Care, Public Sector, and non-profit agencies
– Highly structured operating groups
– Posts exist independently of people
– Positions are controlled, with detailed approvals
for budgeting and reporting
– Employees hired and assigned to specific
– Rewards usually associated with the position
– Roles usually more important than individuals

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

Overview of Enterprise Work Structures

Chapter 2 - Page 12
Rule Based Enterprise System Needs

Rule Based Enterprise

System Needs

• Ability to define and control positions independently

of people
• Ability to manage some information about positions
across organizations
• Ability to assign multiple people to one position or
one person to many positions

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

Overview of Enterprise Work Structures

Chapter 2 - Page 13
Rule Based Enterprise Oracle Solution

Rule Based Enterprise

Oracle Solution

Consider using Positions to represent the detailed work

structures you need
• Positions enable more detailed management
information and reporting than jobs alone
• Use Orgs to show departmental level information
• Use Jobs to represent common types shared across
all organizations

Assignment Position


Instructor Note
Given these needs, you would probably use position, organizations and jobs to show how
people are assigned and managed. Rationale: positions can hold additional information.
To manage fixed establishments of posts that exist independently of the employee assignment,
it is best to use positions.

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

Overview of Enterprise Work Structures

Chapter 2 - Page 14
Hybrid Enterprise Characteristics

Hybrid Enterprise

• Typical in large manufacturing, or larger

commercial enterprises
• Share characteristics of both project and rule
based types of enterprise models
– Typically management and administrative roles
are fixed
– Other roles managed more flexibly

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

Overview of Enterprise Work Structures

Chapter 2 - Page 15
Hybrid Enterprise Oracle Solution

Hybrid Enterprise
Oracle Solution

• Positions for managers • Jobs for other employees

Org Job Org Job
Production Director .1 Production UnionA.Engineer.1

Production Director

Assignment Assignment

Person Person

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

Overview of Enterprise Work Structures

Chapter 2 - Page 16
Understanding Work
Structure Components 1
Chapter 3

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

Understanding Work Structure Components 1

Chapter 3 - Page 1
Understanding Work Structure Components 1

Understanding Work Structure

Components 1

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

Understanding Work Structure Components 1

Chapter 3 - Page 2
Work Structures Overview

Work Structures

• Work Structures provide the framework in which

you place people
• They include:
– Enterprise and employer structures such as business
groups, organizations and legal entities
– Work roles for employees such as Jobs and Positions
– Grade structures with related pay rates
– Payroll Groups with processing calendars
– User defined groups such as unions or pension

Instructor Note
The first part of the information model is the definition of Work Structures in HRMS. These
let you define a model of your own enterprise.

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

Understanding Work Structure Components 1

Chapter 3 - Page 3
Work Structures Representing the Employer

Work Structures
Representing the Employer

Oracle HRMS lets you model:

• A single company with all of its
offices in one country
• An international company with
offices overseas but with a single
reporting structure
• A multi-national company with
subsidiary companies, each with
its own reporting and
management structures

Instructor Note
This slide tells students that they can represent local and global work structures. No solutions
here. This lesson will provide the information on how to configure each component.
The detailed discussion of how to put everything together for each of these will form part of
the case-study. (Not yet available.) Requires more opportunity to discuss the different options
of single or multiple business groups, with locations and organizations and shared information.

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

Understanding Work Structure Components 1

Chapter 3 - Page 4
Business Groups in Oracle HRMS

Business Groups in Oracle HRMS

• A Business Group defines a

complete set of HR data for
operations and processing
• Linked with one legislative
processing area for HR, payroll,
and benefits regulations
• May correspond to a single
company, or in large enterprises,
to a holding company or

Instructor Note
The next set of slides repeats information from the Introduction module.

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

Understanding Work Structure Components 1

Chapter 3 - Page 5
The Startup Business Group

The Startup Business Group

• Oracle HRMS comes with one predefined Business

– This is for users of Oracle Applications who do not
intend to use HR
• You should setup a new Business Group with your
own choice of default information

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

Understanding Work Structure Components 1

Chapter 3 - Page 6
Business Groups

Business Groups

• By default, all employees receive an assignment to

the business group you choose when you sign-on
• When you enter assignment details to internal
organizations such as divisions or departments,
you replace the default assignment

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

Understanding Work Structure Components 1

Chapter 3 - Page 7
Business Groups

Business Groups

• By default, all employees receive an assignment to

the business group you choose when you sign-on
• When you enter assignment details to internal
organizations such as divisions or departments,
you replace the default assignment

The employee continues to exist within the

business group

Personal, work and pay details are

regulated by the legislation of the
business group

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

Understanding Work Structure Components 1

Chapter 3 - Page 8
One or Many Business Groups Reasons

One or Many Business Groups


• You want a copy of your live system with example

records for training or testing purposes
• You are a holding company with a number of
subsidiary companies
– Each subsidiary has its own structures, employees,
and compensation and benefit policies
• You acquire or merge with another company
– You want to manage separate structures and
processes during a transition phase

Instructor Note
This slide considers the reasons why you might want to keep sets of data separated.

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

Understanding Work Structure Components 1

Chapter 3 - Page 9
One or Many Business Groups Oracle HRMS

One or Many Business Groups

Oracle HRMS

• Oracle HRMS provides legislative support for HR

and payroll associated with a business group
• If you operate in many countries you might want to
define a different business group for each country
– Different job and grade definitions
– Different compensation policies
– Different languages for all information

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

Understanding Work Structure Components 1

Chapter 3 - Page 10
One or Many Business Groups Oracle HRMS

One or Many Business Groups

Oracle HRMS

• Oracle HRMS provides legislative support for HR

and payroll associated with a business group
• If you operate in many countries you might want to
define a different business group for each country
– Different job and grade definitions
– Different compensation policies
– Different languages for all information

Set up one or many business groups

according to the operating needs of
your own enterprise

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Understanding Work Structure Components 1

Chapter 3 - Page 11
One or Many Business Groups Options

One or Many Business Groups


• If you operate in many countries but have only a

small number of employees in each country
– Include all employees in one business group
– Use flexfields to capture additional local data
– Process local payrolls through third-party systems

US Business Group
Legislative Data Business Data

Legislative Rules Business Rules

Instructor Note
This slide tells students about the option of using a single business group to store records for
people from many countries. In this model you would not use the delivered features of Oracle
HRMS for any other country – where you have only a few employees to manage.

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

Understanding Work Structure Components 1

Chapter 3 - Page 12
One or Many Business Groups Options

One or Many Business Groups

• Operations in countries with large numbers of employees
• Setup a business group for each major operating country
• Setup an ‘other’ group for all other employees
• Process some payrolls with Oracle and others through
third-party systems
US Business Group UK Business Group Business

Instructor Note
This slide tells students about the option of using a business group for each country of
operation. Use local data and supported legislative functions to manage records for each
country. In this model you would use the delivered features of Oracle HRMS for each major
country – and use the ‘other’ option where you have only a few employees to manage.
Alternatively merge them with one of the major countries.
Emphasize the flexibility of the implementation options to meet the needs of different types of

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Understanding Work Structure Components 1

Chapter 3 - Page 13
Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

Understanding Work Structure Components 1

Chapter 3 - Page 14
Understanding Work
Structure Components 2
Chapter 4

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

Understanding Work Structure Components 2

Chapter 4 - Page 1
Understanding Work Structure Components 2

Understanding Work Structure

Components 2

Instructor Note
This segment provides an overview of the different work structure components of HRMS to
help you understand their use so that you can make decisions about how to use them in

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

Understanding Work Structure Components 2

Chapter 4 - Page 2

33 Eastcheap
• Define locations for each United
1400 First Street Kingdom
physical site where your
New York
employees work USA
– Local or international
– Specific to one business
group or shared across all
• In some legislations work
locations determine
taxability rules
• Define locations for 150 Victoria
external organizations Street
– Tax authorities, insurance
and benefits carriers

Instructor Note
This slide compares the use of Locations for single and multiple business groups. You choose
whether locations are global to all business groups or specific to one.
Controlled by setting a User Profile Option - HR:Cross Business Group

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

Understanding Work Structure Components 2

Chapter 4 - Page 3


• An organization is any work group smaller than a

business group
– Companies
– Departments or Divisions
– Operating Units
• Define as many separate organizations as you need
within each Business Group
• Organizations can be internal or external
– Example: Recruiting agencies and insurance carriers

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

Understanding Work Structure Components 2

Chapter 4 - Page 4
Organization Hierarchies

Organization Hierarchies

• Use hierarchies to group organizations and to show

management reporting lines
– In a hierarchy each organization has one parent
– Unlimited number of hierarchies
• Use hierarchies when running reports to include a
group of organizations
• Use hierarchies to define security
• Use the Organization Hierarchy window to enable
position control
• Use hierarchies to set position control

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

Understanding Work Structure Components 2

Chapter 4 - Page 5
Organization Hierarchies

Organization Hierarchies

Global Industries Corporation

Global Executive Board

CEO: Barry Fino

Global Corp Europe Global Corp LA

MD: President:
Andrea Chenier Global Corp Luisa Gonzales
Mike Tenko

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

Understanding Work Structure Components 2

Chapter 4 - Page 6
Jobs and Positions

Jobs and Positions

Payroll Manager
• Use Jobs or Positions to
represent the different
roles that a person can
perform in your
• Oracle HRMS provides Payroll Clerk
two options to suit the
needs of different Consultant

Senior Engineer

Instructor Note
This slide introduces and summarizes the ideas of Job and Positions as two distinct ways of
representing the work roles that employees perform within an enterprise.
A simple distinction is to get people to think about whether the emphasis within their own
enterprise is to manage people or posts.
A simple question to help the decision making process is to ask what happens when an
employee is terminated.

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

Understanding Work Structure Components 2

Chapter 4 - Page 7
Using Jobs or Positions

Using Jobs or Positions

Payroll Manager
Do you manage People or
• Fixed or Flexible Roles
• May be more than one
employee in the same
role Payroll Clerk


Senior Engineer

Instructor Note
This slide introduces and summarizes the ideas of Job and Positions as two distinct ways of
representing the work roles that employees perform within an enterprise.
A simple distinction is to get people to think about whether the emphasis within their own
enterprise is to manage people or posts.
A simple question to help the decision making process is to ask what happens when an
employee is terminated.

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

Understanding Work Structure Components 2

Chapter 4 - Page 8
Using Jobs or Positions

Using Jobs or Positions

• Do you manage People Payroll Manager

or Positions?
– Fixed or Flexible Roles
– May be more than one
employee in the same
• If role continues to exist Payroll Clerk
after the employee leaves
then think about
• If role ceases or is re-
evaluated when the Senior Engineer
employee leaves then
think about Jobs

Instructor Note
This slide introduces and summarizes the ideas of Job and Positions as two distinct ways of
representing the work roles that employees perform within an enterprise.
A simple distinction is to get people to think about whether the emphasis within their own
enterprise is to manage people or posts.
A simple question to help the decision making process is to ask what happens when an
employee is terminated.

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

Understanding Work Structure Components 2

Chapter 4 - Page 9
Additional Information for Jobs and Positions

Additional Information for Jobs

and Positions

• Predefined types of information include:

– Valid grades
– Job Evaluation details
– Work Choices
– Competence or Skill Requirements
• An unlimited number of user-defined types
– Extra Information Types

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Understanding Work Structure Components 2

Chapter 4 - Page 10


• Jobs are generic roles within a Business Group

• They are independent of any single organization
– Exist for all organizations
– For example. The jobs Manager and Consultant could
occur in many organizations
• Oracle HRMS lets you define your own job structure
and then enter details for each job in your

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

Understanding Work Structure Components 2

Chapter 4 - Page 11
Job Key Flexfield

Job Key Flexfield

• Define your own job Job Key Flexfield

structure as a key
flexfield Title Manager
• Up to 30 segments
Level 1
– Validation on each
• Define individual jobs
as a combination of
segment values Job Manager.1
• You decide if each
segment is required or

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

Understanding Work Structure Components 2

Chapter 4 - Page 12


• Position is a specific role, or function, that exists in

one, and only one, organization
• Positions show more management reporting detail
than organizations alone
• Position definition includes Job and Organization
– Use job to show common job types and information
across organizations
– Use fewer organizations to show groups of positions
and employees. Example: Department level.

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

Understanding Work Structure Components 2

Chapter 4 - Page 13
Positions and Organizations

Positions and Organizations

• Use Positions to show Org : HR Department

specific posts within an
Organization Post
• Typical in Public Sector,
Government, Education and
• Typical in large enterprises to
show management positions
• Use Position Control
functionality to manage

Instructor Note
Follow on from the last point on the previous slide about larger orgs if you use positions you
can compare the use of positions and organizations to define the level of structural reporting
detail that you can manage.
In theory you could define an org to the same level as the position – or you could define no
orgs. Somewhere between the two is where most Rule and Hybrid type companies find

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

Understanding Work Structure Components 2

Chapter 4 - Page 14
Position Hierarchies

Position Hierarchies

• Use Hierarchies to show management reporting

lines between positions
– More detail than Organization Hierarchies
– In a hierarchy each position has one parent
• Unlimited number of hierarchies
– Dates and versions
– Copy and manage multiple versions
• Use hierarchies to control user access to records
– Security Profiles
– Reports

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

Understanding Work Structure Components 2

Chapter 4 - Page 15
Position Key Flexfield

Position Key Flexfield

Position Key Flexfield

• Define your own position
structure using a key Title HR Director
• Up to 30 segments
• Validation on each segment
• Define each position as a Position HR Director
combination of segment
Org HR Department
• Simplest option is one
segment with no validation
Job Manager.3
for ‘Title’

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

Understanding Work Structure Components 2

Chapter 4 - Page 16
Security Based on Work Structures

Security Based on Work Structures

• With Oracle HRMS you define the rules for who has
access to personal information through a Security
• You define security profiles based on organization
and/or position hierarchies
– You can also use payroll group in the definition
• The combination of Security Profile and
Responsibility control the records that an
application user can see
– Organizations, Positions and People

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Understanding Work Structure Components 2

Chapter 4 - Page 17
Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

Understanding Work Structure Components 2

Chapter 4 - Page 18
Understanding Work
Structure Components 3
Chapter 5

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Understanding Work Structure Components 3

Chapter 5 - Page 1
Understanding Work Structure Components 3

Understanding Work Structure

Components 3

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

Understanding Work Structure Components 3

Chapter 5 - Page 2


• Grades show relative

levels of management or Director
seniority in an enterprise
• May be grouped as:
– Management,
Technical, etc. Engineer.Snr

• Often related to levels of Clerk.Jnr

• Often related to Job
or Position
• Often related to Assembler.1
Union Group

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

Understanding Work Structure Components 3

Chapter 5 - Page 3
Grade Key Flexfield

Grade Key Flexfield

• Define your own grade

Grade Key Flexfield
structure using a key
Union TG
• Up to 30 segments
– Validation on each Job Group Engineer
Level 3
– Required or Optional
• Define each grade as a
combination of segment
values Grade TGWU.Engineer.3

Instructor Note
A simple grade might be Level, more complex would be Job and Level, more complex still
would be Union and Job and Level.
From experience you should not have less than 5 segments – if more then check what
information you are storing in the segments and ask if it is additional information about the
grade rather than something that uniquely identifies the grade. Also, check if the values are
likely to change regularly. E.g. Are you including min or max values that change every year.
Not a good thing to do as this is not info that uniquely identifies the grade and will cause
problems for maintenance.

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

Understanding Work Structure Components 3

Chapter 5 - Page 4
Work Structures Grades and Pay

Work Structures
Grades and Pay

Oracle HRMS supports direct and indirect

relationships between grades and pay
• Direct
– Use Grade Rates
– Maximum, Minimum, and Mid-point values
• Indirect
– Use Pay Scales
– Progression Points and Values
– Grade Steps and increments

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Understanding Work Structure Components 3

Chapter 5 - Page 5
Work Structures Grade Rates

Work Structures
Grade Rates

• Each Grade has a value or a range of values

Grade Value Minimum Midpoint Maximum

A.1 25000 20000 30000 40000
A.2 27000 23000 33000 43000

• Often used in performance related pay processes

– Salary Administration
– Units may be money, hours, numbers
– Comparative calculations

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Understanding Work Structure Components 3

Chapter 5 - Page 6
Grade Steps and Progression Points

Grade Steps and Progression Points

Pay Scale
Grade A - Steps 1,2,3
Points Pay
Grade B - Steps 1,2,3,4
1 1 10000
Grade C - Steps 1,2 1 A 2 2 10550
2 3 3 10975
B 4 11450
3 5 11700
1 4 6 12250
C 7 12655
2 8 13000
9 13400

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Understanding Work Structure Components 3

Chapter 5 - Page 7
Pay Scales

Pay Scales

• Define Pay Scales to show indirect relationships

between grades and pay
– Unlimited number of scales
– Unlimited number of points and values
– Sequence for progression
• Define a value for every point
– Money, Hours, Number
• Define Grade Steps in sequence
– Select a point for each step
– Define a ‘ceiling’ point to stop automatic increments

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Understanding Work Structure Components 3

Chapter 5 - Page 8
Payroll Groups for HR Users

Payroll Groups for HR Users

• HR only users can define payroll groups:

– For compensation eligibility rules
– For interfacing to third-party payrolls
– For security
• Payrolls define the frequency of payment for groups
of employees
– Define a payroll calendar within the tax year provided
by legislation
– Use pay period options provided by legislation

Instructor Note
Some students will be interested in HR-only, some will also be interested in Oracle Payroll.
This slide deals with the use of Payroll by non Oracle Payroll customers. Details on the setup
of payrolls for processing using Oracle Payroll are covered in the appropriate module.
Every HR customer will set up payrolls for information and to assist in building interfaces to
third-party payrolls. So, HR users only need the basic information of calendars and pay
However, if you are building an interface to a payroll system you should try to match the
calendar and pay periods in Oracle HR to the payroll system so that any data extract for
processing is taken from the correct period.
Remember that the start and end dates of nonrecurring elements are inherited from the start and
end dates of the pay period. And, Oracle HR with DateTrack also allows retrospective and
future dated changes.

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

Understanding Work Structure Components 3

Chapter 5 - Page 9
People Groups

People Groups

• Locations, Organizations, Jobs, Positions, Grades

and Payrolls are predefined structures for grouping
• Need flexibility to define other types of group in
Oracle HRMS
– For reporting and analysis
– To define eligibility for compensation
– To extend key assignment details
• Typical examples include Union, Pension, Bonus
Eligibility, Car Eligibility, etc.

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

Understanding Work Structure Components 3

Chapter 5 - Page 10
People Group Key Flexfield

People Group Key Flexfield

• Define your own segments People Group Key Flexfield

using a key flexfield
Union None
• Up to 30 segments
– Validation on each segment Pension Yes
– Required or Optional Car User Essential
• Enter values for each
Comp Group Sales
segment on the
Assignment window
– You don’t define a key
Group None.Yes.Essential.Sales

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Understanding Work Structure Components 3

Chapter 5 - Page 11
Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

Understanding Work Structure Components 3

Chapter 5 - Page 12
Defining Common Data
Chapter 6

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Defining Common Data

Chapter 6 - Page 1
Defining Common Data

Defining Common Data

Instructor Note
This segment starts the implementation cycle. Students should have the workbook, the User
Guide and the Implementation Guide.

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Defining Common Data

Chapter 6 - Page 2


In this module, the following topics will be covered:

• Defining Common Data
• Defining Descriptive Flexfields
• Extra Information Types in Oracle HRMS
• Defining Lookups and Values
• Managing Currencies and Exchange Rates

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

Defining Common Data

Chapter 6 - Page 3
Module Overview

Module Overview

• This module concentrates on the common types of

data that exists in the Oracle HRMS products and
how to set them up
– Key and Descriptive Flexfields
– Extra Information Types
– Lookups and Values
– Currencies and Exchange Rates
• These are not associated with a specific functional

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Defining Common Data

Chapter 6 - Page 4
Defining Common Data

Defining Common Data

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Defining Common Data

Chapter 6 - Page 5
Flexfields Overview

Flexfields Overview

• Key and Descriptive Flexfields are common to

Oracle Applications
• Let you define the structure of unique identifiers for
your own key information
• Let you extend the types of information you can
hold in HRMS without changing code
– Available as soon as you make the definitions
– Automatically upgraded

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

Defining Common Data

Chapter 6 - Page 6
Key Flexfields in Oracle HRMS Special Considerations

Key Flexfields in Oracle HRMS

Special Considerations

• HRMS uses key flexfield structures to let you

configure your own unique names for work
structures and competencies:
– Job, Position,Grade and Competency
• HRMS also uses key flexfield structures to let you
capture additional information:
– People Group, Cost Allocation and Competencies
– Personal Analysis, (Special Information Types)

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

Defining Common Data

Chapter 6 - Page 7
Standard Features

Standard Features

• One key structure for each Grade Key Flexfield

Business Group
– Unlimited structures for Union TGWU
Personal Analysis
Job Group Engineer
• Up to 30 segments in each
structure Level 3
– Validation on each segment
using a Value Set
• The combination of segment
values creates a unique key Grade TGWU.Engineer.3

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

Defining Common Data

Chapter 6 - Page 8
A Key Flexfield

A Key Flexfield

Flexfield Name Grade Key Flexfield

Union TG Transport and General

Job Group Engineer Engineer

Prompt Level 3

Grade TGWU.Engineer.3

Key Flexfield

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

Defining Common Data

Chapter 6 - Page 9
Cost Allocation and Flexfield Qualifiers Special Considerations

Cost Allocation and Flexfield Qualifiers

Special Considerations

• Cost Allocation uses flexfield qualifiers to control

the level at which users can enter values for each
– Payroll, Link, Organization, Assignment, Entry and
• Combinations are created even when
the segments are not displayed
– Combination Rules are not used
• Each segment must have
at least one qualifier
• Each qualifier must have
at least one segment

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

Defining Common Data

Chapter 6 - Page 10
Soft-Coded Legislation Key Flexfield Special Considerations

Soft-Coded Legislation Key Flexfield

Special Considerations

• Legislation-specific information for HRMS

– Predefined by HRMS product development
– Flexfield structure linked to the legislation of your
business group
• Uses qualifiers to control entry of values
– Business Group: Organization window
– Payroll: Payroll window
– Employee Assignment: Assignment window

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

Defining Common Data

Chapter 6 - Page 11
Bank Details Key Flexfield Special Considerations

Bank Details Key Flexfield

Special Considerations

• Legislation specific structures for local bank

account information
– Predefined by HRMS product development
– Flexfield structure linked to the legislation of your
business group
– Appears in Organizational Payment Method and
Personal Payment Method windows

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Defining Common Data

Chapter 6 - Page 12
Bank Details Key Flexfield Special Considerations

Bank Details Key Flexfield

Special Considerations

• Legislation specific structures for local bank

account information
– Predefined by HRMS product development
– Flexfield structure linked to the legislation of your
business group
– Appears in Organizational Payment Method and
Personal Payment Method windows

Do not modify the definitions of predefined flexfields.
Changes may invalidate your support agreement
with Oracle and make it difficult to upgrade your system.

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

Defining Common Data

Chapter 6 - Page 13
Steps for Defining a Key Flexfield Special Considerations

Steps for Defining a Key Flexfield

Special Considerations

1. Register validation tables, (if required)

2. Define value sets with validation rules
3. Define flexfield structure and segments
– Associate value sets with segments
– Enable qualifiers for costing segments
4. Define values for any independent and dependent
value sets
5. Define aliases or cross validation rules
6. Generate database items for individual segments,
(if required in FastFormula or QuickPaint)

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

Defining Common Data

Chapter 6 - Page 14
Practice: Configure the People Group Key Flexfield

Practice: Configure the People

Group Key Flexfield

• Follow the demonstration, or use the notes

provided, to configure the People Group key
• Navigate to the Key Flexfield Segments window
using the System Administrator responsibility

(N) Application > Flexfield > Key > Segments

Online Help
For details on how to configure the people group key flexfield structure, please refer to the
online help path:
Oracle HRMS > Extend Oracle HRMS > Flexfields > User Definable Key Flexfields
For details on how to complete the Key Flexfield Segment Window please refer to the on line
Help path:
Applications Help Library > Applied Technology > Oracle Applications Flexfield > Key
Flexfields Segments Window > Defining Segments
Instructor Note
Inform the students that the first level in the Online Help path, which starts with Oracle
HRMS, should be substituted with their local Oracle HRMS menu tree path level.

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

Defining Common Data

Chapter 6 - Page 15
Practice: Configure the Personal Analysis Flexfield

Practice: Configure the Personal

Analysis Flexfield

• Follow the demonstration, or use the notes

provided, to configure the Personal Analysis key
• Navigate to the Key Flexfield Segments window
using the System Administrator responsibility

(N) Application > Flexfield > Key > Segments

Online Help
For details on how to configure the personal analysis flexfield structure, please refer to the
online help path:
Oracle HRMS > Extend Oracle HRMS > Flexfields > User Definable Key Flexfields
For details on how to complete the Key Flexfield Segment Window please refer to the on line
Help path:
Applications Help Library > Applied Technology > Oracle Applications Flexfield > Key
Flexfields Segments Window > Defining Segments
Instructor Note
Inform the students that the first level in the Online Help path, which starts with Oracle
HRMS, should be substituted with their local Oracle HRMS menu tree path level.

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

Defining Common Data

Chapter 6 - Page 16
Defining Descriptive
Chapter 7

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

Defining Descriptive Flexfields

Chapter 7 - Page 1
Defining Descriptive Flexfields

Defining Descriptive Flexfields

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

Defining Descriptive Flexfields

Chapter 7 - Page 2
Descriptive Flexfields in Oracle HRMS Special Considerations

Descriptive Flexfields in Oracle HRMS

Special Considerations

• Oracle HRMS provides predefined windows and

fields to collect data
• Use descriptive flexfields to define your own
additional information
• Up to 30 additional fields available in every window
– User Descriptive Flexfields
• Plus unlimited Extra Information Types for
– Locations, Jobs and Positions
– People and Assignments
– 30 segments for each Type you define

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

Defining Descriptive Flexfields

Chapter 7 - Page 3
Standard Features

Standard Features
Person Window

• One descriptive structure

for each record Closed
[ ]
• Unlimited Types for Extra
Information Open
• Up to 30 segments in each
structure Additional Person Details
– Validation on each
segment using a Value Set Car Driver Yes

Passport British

2nd Passport Irish

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

Defining Descriptive Flexfields

Chapter 7 - Page 4
A Descriptive Flexfield

A Descriptive Flexfield

Flexfield Name Additional Person Details

Car Driver Yes Valid License

Segments Passport British

Passport Irish
Prompt Combination

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

Defining Descriptive Flexfields

Chapter 7 - Page 5
A Descriptive Flexfield

A Descriptive Flexfield

Flexfield Name Additional Person Details

Car Driver Yes Valid License

Segments British

2nd Passport Irish

Person Table Attribute 1…30
Name Title Gender E No Structure

Predefined columns User defined columns

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

Defining Descriptive Flexfields

Chapter 7 - Page 6
Descriptive Flexfields in Several Windows Special

Descriptive Flexfields in Several Windows

Special Considerations

Some descriptive flexfields are available in more than

one window. For example:
• Additional Person Details
– Person and Applicant QuickEntry and Contact
• Additional Evaluation Details
– Evaluation window for Jobs and for Positions

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

Defining Descriptive Flexfields

Chapter 7 - Page 7
Descriptive Flexfields and Business Groups

Descriptive Flexfields and

Business Groups

Descriptive flexfield definitions apply to all business

groups in the same instance
• Use context sensitive segments if you want different
segments by Business Group
• Use Extra Information Types if you want different
sets of information by Business Group

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

Defining Descriptive Flexfields

Chapter 7 - Page 8
Descriptive Flexfields With Predefined Data

Descriptive Flexfields With

Predefined Data
Title Table Name Window Title

Personal Address Information PER_ADDRESSES Address

Location Address HR_LOCATIONS Location

Address Styles and some validation rules are

predefined for many countries.

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

Defining Descriptive Flexfields

Chapter 7 - Page 9
Protected Descriptive Flexfields

Protected Descriptive Flexfields

Protected Descriptive Flexfields are used by Product

Development to deliver standard functionality or data
for HRMS
• You cannot change these definitions

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

Defining Descriptive Flexfields

Chapter 7 - Page 10
Context Sensitive Descriptive Flexfields

Context Sensitive Descriptive Flexfields

Person Window

• Make segments Employee

sensitive to the value in
another field [ ]
• Use a predefined
Reference Field, or
prompt users to enter a Additional Person Details
– E.g. Passport details Car Driver Yes
for Employees only

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

Defining Descriptive Flexfields

Chapter 7 - Page 11
Context Sensitive Descriptive Flexfields

Context Sensitive Descriptive Flexfields

• Make segments sensitive Person Window

to the value in another Employee
• Use a predefined
Reference Field, or [ ]
prompt users to enter a
– E.g. Passport details for
Employees only Additional Person Details
• Define flexfield structures
for specific reference field Car Driver Yes
– Global and context Passport British
sensitive segments
– Maximum number of 2nd Passport Irish
segments is still 30

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

Defining Descriptive Flexfields

Chapter 7 - Page 12
Steps for Defining a Descriptive Flexfield Special Considerations

Steps for Defining a Descriptive Flexfield

Special Considerations

1. Register validation tables, (if required)

2. Define value sets with validation rules
3. Register reference fields, (if required)
4. Define flexfield structure/context and segments
– Associate value sets with segments
– Enable qualifiers for costing segments
5. Define values for any value sets
6. Generate database items for new fields, (if required
in FastFormula or QuickPaint)

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

Defining Descriptive Flexfields

Chapter 7 - Page 13
Practice: Key and Descriptive Flexfields Overview

Practice: Key and Descriptive

Flexfields Overview

• This practice reinforces your knowledge of flexfields

and their features
• Try to answer the questions in your workbook

1. What are the six key flexfields in Oracle HRMS and which one can have many
structures in one business group?
2. Which of the six key flexfields belong to the Payroll product?
3. How many segments can you define in the HRMS key flexfields?
4. Which user key flexfield uses qualifiers and what do the qualifiers do?
5. What is the difference between descriptive and key flexfields?
6. What system feature determines the validation of values in a segment?
7. What are the four types of predefined validation? What does each of them represent?
8. What are the additional features of key flexfields?
9. What is the purpose of cross-validation rules?
10. What is the purpose of shorthand aliases?
11. What is the purpose of flexfield value security?
12. What is the purpose of dynamic insertion?
Instructor Note

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Defining Descriptive Flexfields

Chapter 7 - Page 14
Solutions to the questions can be found in “Practice Key and Descriptive flexfield Overview
Solutions” section in the back of the book.

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Defining Descriptive Flexfields

Chapter 7 - Page 15
Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

Defining Descriptive Flexfields

Chapter 7 - Page 16
Extra Information Types in
Oracle HRMS
Chapter 8

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

Extra Information Types in Oracle HRMS

Chapter 8 - Page 1
Extra Information Types in Oracle HRMS

Extra Information Types in Oracle HRMS

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

Extra Information Types in Oracle HRMS

Chapter 8 - Page 2


• Extra Information Types are a feature of Oracle

HRMS that let you add new types of information not
just new fields
– Unlimited number of Types of information
– Up to 30 segments per type
– Implemented using descriptive flexfields so you can
add these without code changes

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

Extra Information Types in Oracle HRMS

Chapter 8 - Page 3


• Extra Information Types are a feature of Oracle

HRMS that let you add new types of information not
just new fields
– Unlimited number of Types of information
– Up to 30 segments per type
– Implemented using descriptive flexfields so you can
add these without code changes
• Similar to Special Information Types for Person
– Access window from a taskflow button
– More security features
– Available for other entities

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

Extra Information Types in Oracle HRMS

Chapter 8 - Page 4


• You can define Extra Information Types for the

following entities:
– Locations
– Organizations
– Jobs
– Positions
– People
– Assignments

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

Extra Information Types in Oracle HRMS

Chapter 8 - Page 5
Standard Features

Standard Features

• Unlimited Types for Button

Extra Information Extra
– One structure per type
Extra Person Information
• Up to 30 segments in
each structure [ ]
[ ]
– Validation on each [ ]
• Multiple entries for each Personal Documents
type of information
Type Driving License

Country UK

Expiry 03/06/01

Instructor Note
Note the Additional Info descriptive flex in the EIT window. If you define that EIT additional
info descriptive flex it will have the same segments for every type of extra information for the
specific entity. E.g. Person.

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

Extra Information Types in Oracle HRMS

Chapter 8 - Page 6
Extra Information Type Descriptive Flexfields

Extra Information Type

Descriptive Flexfields

Personal Documents
Information Type Name
Type Driving License Valid License
Segments Country UK United Kingdom

Expiry 03/06/01

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

Extra Information Types in Oracle HRMS

Chapter 8 - Page 7
Extra Information Type Descriptive Flexfields

Extra Information Type

Descriptive Flexfields Description

Personal Documents
Information Type Name

Type Driving License Valid License

Segments Country UK United Kingdom

Expiry 03/06/01

Person Extra Info Table Values

Information 1…30 Attribute 1…30

User defined Additional user defined

information columns columns

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

Extra Information Types in Oracle HRMS

Chapter 8 - Page 8
Using Extra Information or Special Information for People

Using Extra Information or

Special Information for People
Key Flexfield Combinations Descriptive Flexfield Values

Special Extra
Information Information

• From a user perspective, EITs for people are very

similar to SITs
– Both types use flexfields for additional information
– Is Key or Descriptive information better?

Instructor Note
Use this slide to introduce a discussion of the similarities and differences between EITs and
SITs. EITs are a more recent addition to HRMS and are used for more entities than SITs. It
made sense to add them to people when they were being developed.
Functionally there is very little difference to a user. The major difference between the two is a
technical consideration of the differences between a Key and a Descriptive flexfield. A key
will always check for the existence of a valid combination before deciding whether to insert a
new combination or link to an existing one.
This only becomes a concern as the number of combinations increases. E.G. In several larger
implementations the key combinations table may include several million rows. This will slow
down the commit time a user experiences every time they enter a new SIT record.
Also for data loading you may find that the unique combination checking has a serious impact
on high volume loads.

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

Extra Information Types in Oracle HRMS

Chapter 8 - Page 9

• Both types use additional windows to
display fields
– Multiple records of the same type
– Taskflowed windows
– CustomForm security lets you restrict types to display
• EITs also have security by Responsibility
– Control access to a set of EITs
– Copy definitions between responsibilities
– Simplifies administration of security

Instructor Note
You can restrict access to both information types as part of a specific user process in taskflow.
For example, in a “Transfer to the UK” process you might want to enter additional UK-specific
information. You could design your user process to include a “UK Info”window as part of the
taskflow process and restrict the window to display only UK information types.
You can also restrict access to EITs as part of a role-based security model. For example, you
might want to limit line manager access to a set of EITs that include job, person, and
assignment information types. You can do this more easily with EITs than with SITs because
you can restrict access to all EITs at the level of a responsibility, limiting the choices that are
presented to a user, based on their role.

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

Extra Information Types in Oracle HRMS

Chapter 8 - Page 10
Steps for Registering Extra Information Types

Steps for Registering Extra

Information Types

• Define the Extra Information Type

• Register each EIT
• Set up responsibility level security
• Define additional security, (if required)
– CustomForm restrictions
– New taskflow nodes
– Define/change taskflows

Instructor Note
You must use an SQL script to register each EIT that you define. Examples for each entity are
given in the technical essay in the implementation guide for HRMS.

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

Extra Information Types in Oracle HRMS

Chapter 8 - Page 11
Practice: Extra Information Types

Practice: Extra Information Types

• This practice reinforces your knowledge of Extra

Information Types (EIT’s ) and their features
• Try to answer the questions in your workbook

1. Explain what an Extra Information Type is?
2. Name the 6 important entities in HRMS that have EITs.
3. Give some examples of when you might consider using EITs?
4. What access restrictions can you impose on EITs?
5. EITs and Special Information Types both exist for extending personal information in
Oracle HRMS. What performance advantages do EITs have over Special Information
Instructor Note
Solutions to the questions can be found in “Practice Extra Information Types Solutions”
section in the back of the book.

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

Extra Information Types in Oracle HRMS

Chapter 8 - Page 12
Defining Lookups and Values
Chapter 9

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

Defining Lookups and Values

Chapter 9 - Page 1
Defining Lookups and Values

Defining Lookups and Values

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

Defining Lookups and Values

Chapter 9 - Page 2


• Lookups are common to all Oracle Applications

• Predefined list of values validation for specific
fields. Title, Nationality, etc.
– Add your own values to predefined lists
– Add your own lookups and values for fields that you

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

Defining Lookups and Values

Chapter 9 - Page 3
User Access Levels

User Access Levels

• All values in the list are predefined by Oracle
• Some predefined values are provided
• You can add values to the list
• Define new lookup types to validate fields you
define during the implementation process
– Flexfield segments
– Element Input Values

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

Defining Lookups and Values

Chapter 9 - Page 4
Practice: Define Lookup Types and Values

Practice: Define Lookup Types and Values

• Follow the demonstration, or use the notes

provided, to define the Lookup Types and Values
suggested in the notes
• Navigate to the Applications Utilities Lookup
window using your local Super HRMS Manager
(N) Other Definitions > Lookup Tables

Online Help
For details on how to define lookups and values , please refer to the online help path:
Oracle HRMS > Extend Oracle HRMS > Lookups > How To > Adding Lookup Types and
Instructor Note
Inform the students that the first level in the Online Help path, which starts with Oracle
HRMS, should be substituted with their local Oracle HRMS menu tree path level.

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

Defining Lookups and Values

Chapter 9 - Page 5
Managing Currencies and Exchange Rates

Managing Currencies and Exchange Rates

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

Defining Lookups and Values

Chapter 9 - Page 6


• For any international or global operation you need

the ability to enter compensation and other
monetary information in different currencies
• For payroll calculations and financial reporting you
need the ability to maintain exchange rates in a
consistent manner

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

Defining Lookups and Values

Chapter 9 - Page 7
Typical Requirements

Typical Requirements

• You have employees living in one country and

working temporarily in another
• You want to record specific earnings or deductions
in local currencies
• You also want to pay these employees a fixed
amount into a bank account in their home currency
and the remainder in a local currency
• You want to guarantee that all conversions to Euro-
currencies are correctly calculated

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

Defining Lookups and Values

Chapter 9 - Page 8
Enabling Currencies in Oracle HRMS

Enabling Currencies in Oracle HRMS

• All major currencies are predefined with Oracle

Applications (using ISO standard codes)
• Enable the base currency for each business group
– The currency for all payroll calculations
– Default for all money types of information

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

Defining Lookups and Values

Chapter 9 - Page 9
Enabling Currencies in Oracle HRMS

Enabling Currencies in Oracle HRMS

• All major currencies are predefined with Oracle

Applications (using ISO standard codes)
• Enable the base currency for each business group
– The currency for all payroll calculations
– Default for all money types of information
• Enable as many other currencies as you need
– Money values for compensation and benefits
– Non-legislative information balances in payroll
– Payment methods for employees

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

Defining Lookups and Values

Chapter 9 - Page 10
Exchange Rates in Oracle HRMS

Exchange Rates in Oracle HRMS

• Oracle HRMS uses exchange rate values stored in the

General Ledger Daily Rates tables
– Conversions in payroll calculations and payment
– Conversions in standard reports
• You select the exchange rates to use for payroll
• You select the exchange rate to use in reports

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

Defining Lookups and Values

Chapter 9 - Page 11
Exchange Rate Variations

Exchange Rate Variations

Choose if you want to use the same rates as GL or

define a special rate for payroll
• For example if you set values every day for GL
but want to set a value for payroll on a fixed
date once a month because of the frequency of
processing in a week or month

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

Defining Lookups and Values

Chapter 9 - Page 12
Steps to Enable Currencies

Steps to Enable Currencies

Use the System Administrator responsibility

(N) Application > Currency
1. To enable an ISO currency, Query the currency
2. Select the Enabled check box
3. Specify the period in which this currency can be
– If you do not enter a start date, this currency is
valid immediately, and if you do not enter an end
date, it is valid indefinitely
4. Save your work

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

Defining Lookups and Values

Chapter 9 - Page 13
Currency Precision

Currency Precision

• Precision is the number of digits to the right of the

decimal point
– Must be greater than or equal to zero
– Default is two
• This does not affect any calculations in Oracle
– FastFormula lets you choose the precision during
– If you return the result to a money type field then
precision of the output currency applies

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

Defining Lookups and Values

Chapter 9 - Page 14
Exchange Rates

Exchange Rates

• If you record or report in more than one currency

you will need to enter exchange rates
• Euro Currencies
– Set up exchange rates to the Euro
– Do not set up rates directly to any Euro currency

Fixed Rates

$ -

Variable Rate C ITL


Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

Defining Lookups and Values

Chapter 9 - Page 15
Practice: Define an Exchange Rate

Practice: Define an Exchange Rate

• Follow the demonstration, or use the notes

provided, to define an exchange rate between two
• Navigate to the GL Daily Rates window using your
local Super HRMS Manager responsibility

(N) Payroll > GL Daily Rates

Online Help
For details on how to define a grade flexfield structure, please refer to the online help path:
Oracle HRMS > Payroll Runs and Processes > The Payroll Run > How To > Define an
Exchange Rate
Instructor Note
Inform the students that the first level in the Online Help path, which starts with Oracle
HRMS, should be substituted with their local Oracle HRMS menu tree path level.

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

Defining Lookups and Values

Chapter 9 - Page 16
Work Structures - Case Study

Work Structures - Case Study

Review the business scenario in the Instructor

Demonstrations and Solutions section and answer the
questions that follow the scenario.

Instructor Note
Please direct the students to the Business Case Study at the back of the book after Instructor
Demonstration and Practice Defining an Exchange Rate Solution.
This section provides the students with the general business scenario for AB Shoes that lies
behind the demonstrations and labs for defining work structures. This information should help
the students to see the individual practices in the context of a complete business operation and
help them to understand how the practices were designed.
Students can work individually or within groups assigned by you, get the students to read the
scenario and determine the answers to the questions.
Following the completion of the answers engage in a class discussion to ensure that all aspects
of work structures are understood.

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

Defining Lookups and Values

Chapter 9 - Page 17
Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

Defining Lookups and Values

Chapter 9 - Page 18
Setting up Business Groups,
Locations, and Organizations
Chapter 10

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

Setting up Business Groups, Locations, and Organizations

Chapter 10 - Page 1
Setting Up Business Groups, Locations, and Organizations

Setting Up Business Groups, Locations,

and Organizations

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

Setting up Business Groups, Locations, and Organizations

Chapter 10 - Page 2


In this module the following topics will be covered:

• Creating a Business Group
• Creating Locations
• Creating an Organization
• Application Data Exchange

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

Setting up Business Groups, Locations, and Organizations

Chapter 10 - Page 3
Module Overview

Module Overview

This module concentrates on the practical steps and

the detailed information you need when setting up
Business Groups, Locations, and Organizations.

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

Setting up Business Groups, Locations, and Organizations

Chapter 10 - Page 4
Creating a Business Group

Creating a Business Group

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

Setting up Business Groups, Locations, and Organizations

Chapter 10 - Page 5
Representing Your Enterprise

Representing Your Enterprise

• Before you build your work structures you need to

consider how your enterprise is structured
• Do you need one or more business groups?
• Do all of your operating businesses share common
HR policies or data standards for:
– Recruitment
– Competencies
– Compensation
– Career management
– Succession planning

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

Setting up Business Groups, Locations, and Organizations

Chapter 10 - Page 6
The Business Group

The Business Group

The largest organizational unit you set up in Oracle

HRMS to represent your enterprise is the Business
• Holds all data and rules specific to the legislative
and cultural needs of one country
• Contains details of other work structures,
compensation plans and people, (- internal and
• Acts as the default organization for all new
employees and applicants

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

Setting up Business Groups, Locations, and Organizations

Chapter 10 - Page 7
Sharing Information

Sharing Information

Some information can be shared across business

groups or be defined in one at a time.
• Lookups and Locations
Business Lines Business
Group 1 Group n

Lookups Locations
Shared HR Information

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

Setting up Business Groups, Locations, and Organizations

Chapter 10 - Page 8
HR:Cross Business Group

HR:Cross Business Group

HR:Cross Business Group user profile option to enable sharing

• Set up hierarchies between organizations in

different business groups
– Show reporting lines across geographical
• Enter relationships between people across Business
– Supervisors
– Recruiters
– Event Participants
– Contacts and Dependents

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

Setting up Business Groups, Locations, and Organizations

Chapter 10 - Page 9
Initial Tasks

Initial Tasks

• When you sign on to Oracle HR and choose a

responsibility you automatically choose the
business group associated with that responsibility
• Predefined responsibilities are associated with the
predefined ‘Setup’ business group when you install
the products
– Use this when you first sign on

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

Setting up Business Groups, Locations, and Organizations

Chapter 10 - Page 10
Initial Tasks

Initial Tasks

• When you sign on to Oracle HR and choose a

responsibility you automatically choose the
business group associated with that responsibility
• Predefined responsibilities are associated with the
predefined ‘Setup’ business group when you install
the products
– Use this when you first sign on
– Create a new business group
• Change profiles for the default responsibilities to
give access to the new business group
• Then do all other setup

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

Setting up Business Groups, Locations, and Organizations

Chapter 10 - Page 11
Information Associated with a Business Group

Information Associated with a

Business Group
Key Flexfield Business Group

Details Entries


Legislation Work Pay


Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

Setting up Business Groups, Locations, and Organizations

Chapter 10 - Page 12
Standard Information

Standard Information

• When you create a business group you enter certain

types of information that are used as defaults for
other things within the business group
• For example
– Currency
– Budget values for non-monetary measures (e.g.,
headcount, FTEs)
– Standard Work Hours and Frequency

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

Setting up Business Groups, Locations, and Organizations

Chapter 10 - Page 13
Standard Information (U.S. only)

Standard Information (U.S. only)

• For HR reporting of VETS-100 and ADA, the U.S.

version of Oracle HR has two additional types of
– Reporting Categories
Enter Full-Time, Part-Time, Non-Temporary
categories to be included in government
– Reporting Statuses
Enter assignment statuses to be included in
reports. E.g. Active or Paid Leave.

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

Setting up Business Groups, Locations, and Organizations

Chapter 10 - Page 14
Employee and Applicant Numbers

Employee and Applicant Numbers

Choose from:
• Automatic
– Number generated in sequence by the system
• Manual Entry
– User enters any alphanumeric combination
• National Identifier
– Copy from the national identifier field

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Setting up Business Groups, Locations, and Organizations

Chapter 10 - Page 15
Employee and Applicant Numbers

Employee and Applicant Numbers

Choose from:
• Automatic
– Number generated in sequence by the system
• Manual Entry
– User enters any alphanumeric combination
• National Identifier
– Copy from the national identifier field

You can change from automatic to manual, but not

from manual to automatic.
You cannot use a national identifier for applicants.

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

Setting up Business Groups, Locations, and Organizations

Chapter 10 - Page 16
Practice: Create a Business Group

Practice: Create a Business Group

• Follow the demonstration, or use the notes

provided, to create a new Business Group
• Navigate to the Organization window using your
local Super HRMS Manager responsibility
(N) Work Structures > Organization > Description

Online Help
For details on how to Create a New Business Group, please refer to the online help path:
Oracle HRMS > Organization Management > Locations and Business Groups > How To >
Adapt and Create a New Business Group
Instructor Note
Inform the students that the first level in the Online Help path, which starts with Oracle
HRMS, should be substituted with their local Oracle HRMS menu tree path level.

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

Setting up Business Groups, Locations, and Organizations

Chapter 10 - Page 17
Practice: Grant User Access to a New Business Group

Practice: Grant User Access to a New

Business Group

• Follow the demonstration, or use the notes

provided, to grant access to the business group you
• Use the System Administrator responsibility:

1. (N) Security > Responsibility > Define

2. (N) Profile > System
3. (N) Security > User > Define

Online Help
For details on how to Grant User Access to a New Business Group, please refer to the online
help path:
Oracle HRMS > Security > Responsibilities
Oracle HRMS > Security > Security Profiles
Instructor Note
Inform the students that the first level in the Online Help path, which starts with Oracle
HRMS, should be substituted with their local Oracle HRMS menu tree path level.

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

Setting up Business Groups, Locations, and Organizations

Chapter 10 - Page 18
Creating Locations
Chapter 11

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

Creating Locations
Chapter 11 - Page 1
Creating Locations

Creating Locations

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

Creating Locations
Chapter 11 - Page 2


• Locations are the actual work sites of your

– Internal addresses
– External addresses for tax authorities, agencies, etc.
• Shared across business groups or specific to one

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

Creating Locations
Chapter 11 - Page 3
Address Validation for US and Canada

Address Validation for US and Canada

• If you have licensed Vertex validation then

addresses will be validated against a table
containing all cities with a population of greater
than 200 people
• Additional window to extend list of valid cities

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

Creating Locations
Chapter 11 - Page 4
Closing Down a Location

Closing Down a Location

• You can make a location ‘inactive’ to prevent users

from selecting it for organizations, positions or
– Enter an inactive date
• You can delete locations, only if they have never
been referenced elsewhere.
– Typically you would make them inactive

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

Creating Locations
Chapter 11 - Page 5
Practice: Create a Location

Practice: Create a Location

• Follow the demonstration, or use the notes

provided, to create a location
• Navigate to the Location window using your local
Super HRMS Manager responsibility

(N) Work Structures > Location

Online Help
For details on how to Create a Location, please refer to the online help path:
Oracle HRMS > Organization Management > Locations and Business Groups > How To >
Create a Location
Instructor Notes
Inform the students that the first level in the Online Help path, which starts with Oracle
HRMS, should be substituted with their local Oracle HRMS menu tree path level.

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

Creating Locations
Chapter 11 - Page 6
Creating Organizations

Creating Organizations

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

Creating Locations
Chapter 11 - Page 7


• Organizations represent the divisions, departments,

or other operational groups in which your
employees work
– Internal or External to your enterprise
• Organizations are linked in hierarchies to show
reporting groups and for security definitions
• Shared with Purchasing, Inventory, Manufacturing
and Projects

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

Creating Locations
Chapter 11 - Page 8
Organization Overview

Organization Overview

Business Group

Internal EuroVision, Inc. London External

Business Group Inland Revenue
HR Organization Portsmouth
Tax Office

EuroVision Warehouse EuroVision Shoes

Luton London
HR Organization HR Organization
Health Care
Vision’s West Vision's South Vision's East - Vendors
Bristol Plymouth Norwich
HR Organization HR Organization HR Organization - Third Party Payees
(Courts, Unions)

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

Creating Locations
Chapter 11 - Page 9
Organization Classifications Special Considerations

Organization Classifications
Special Considerations

• Predefined classifications control how an

organization is used in Oracle HRMS
– Business Group, HR Organization, Benefits Carrier,
Training Provider, etc.
• Selecting a classification controls the additional
information you can enter
– Uses Extra Information Types
• Define your own classifications and extra
information types

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

Creating Locations
Chapter 11 - Page 10
Additional Organization Information

Additional Organization Information

You can record additional organization information

that is important to your enterprise

Cost Allocation

EuroVision Warehouse Work Day and Schedule

HR Organization
Time Management Detail

Hierarchy Information

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

Creating Locations
Chapter 11 - Page 11
Practice: Create an Organization

Practice: Create an Organization

• Follow the demonstration, or use the notes

provided, to create an organization
• Navigate to the Organization window using your
local Super HRMS Manager responsibility

(N) Work Structures > Organization > Description

Online Help
For details on how to Create an Organization, please refer to the online help path:
Oracle HRMS > Organization Management > Organizations > How To > Create an
Instructor Note
Inform the students that the first level in the Online Help path, which starts with Oracle
HRMS, should be substituted with their local Oracle HRMS menu tree path level.

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

Creating Locations
Chapter 11 - Page 12
End Dates on Organizations

End Dates on Organizations

End-Dating an Organization
• Enter a ‘Date To’ on an organization to end it
– Prevents it from being available for employee
assignments, but keeps a history of the

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

Creating Locations
Chapter 11 - Page 13
Deleting Organizations

Deleting Organizations

To completely remove an organization from your

system you must first remove any related data:
1. Delete all employee assignments to the
organization, at any date
2. Delete the organization from all hierarchy versions
3. Disable all organization classifications in the
Organization window
4. Delete the organization in the Organization window
5. Save your changes

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

Creating Locations
Chapter 11 - Page 14
Creating Organization Hierarchies

Creating Organization Hierarchies

Define hierarchies for:

• Management reporting structures
• Security
• Purchasing approvals
• Government mandated reporting
• Project Accounting

Instructor Note
You can enable position control for an organization hierarchy. If you select the Position
Control check box, the hierarchy will operate under the position control business rules. You
can only designate one hierarchy for position control, but at any level of the organization

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

Creating Locations
Chapter 11 - Page 15
Practice: Create an Organization Hierarchy

Practice: Create an Organization Hierarchy

• Follow the demonstration, or use the notes

provided, to create an organization hierarchy
• Navigate to the Organization Hierarchy window
using your local Super HRMS Manager
(N) Work Structures > Organization > Hierarchy

Online Help
For details on how to Create an Organization Hierarchy, please refer to the online help path:
Oracle HRMS > Organization Management > Organization Hierarchies > How To > Create
Organization Hierarchies
Instructor Note
Inform the students that the first level in the Online Help path, which starts with Oracle
HRMS, should be substituted with their local Oracle HRMS menu tree path level.

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

Creating Locations
Chapter 11 - Page 16
Practice: Assign an Employee to an Organization

Practice: Assign an Employee

to an Organization

• Follow the demonstration, or use the notes

provided, to assign an employee to an organization
that you have created
• Navigate to the Assignment window using your
local Super HRMS Manager responsibility
(N) People > Enter and Maintain > (B) Assignment

Online Help
For details on how to Assign an Employee to an Organization, please refer to the online help
Oracle HRMS > Workforce Management > Workforce Information Entry > How To >
Entering Employment Information
Instructor Note
Inform the students that the first level in the Online Help path, which starts with Oracle
HRMS, should be substituted with their local Oracle HRMS menu tree path level.

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

Creating Locations
Chapter 11 - Page 17
Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

Creating Locations
Chapter 11 - Page 18
Application Data Exchange
Chapter 12

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

Application Data Exchange

Chapter 12 - Page 1
Application Data Exchange

Application Data Exchange

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

Application Data Exchange

Chapter 12 - Page 2
Application Data Exchange (ADE)

Application Data Exchange (ADE)

A desktop utility that lets you

• Export HR information to word processor or
spreadsheet tools
• Manipulate information in common desktop
• Import updated information back to the HR
system using supported APIs

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

Application Data Exchange

Chapter 12 - Page 3
Three Modes of Working with ADE

Three Modes of Working with ADE

Standalone Mode
• Launch ADE from the desktop and connect directly
to Oracle HRMS
– Use applications security to sign-on

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

Application Data Exchange

Chapter 12 - Page 4
Three Modes of Working with ADE

Three Modes of Working with ADE

Standalone Mode
• Launch ADE from the desktop and connect directly
to Oracle HRMS
– Use applications security to sign-on
Application Mode
• Call ADE from any applications window using the
icon in the application toolbar
– Synchronized security with current login

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

Application Data Exchange

Chapter 12 - Page 5
Three Modes of Working with ADE

Three Modes of Working with ADE

Standalone Mode
• Launch ADE from the desktop and connect directly
to Oracle HRMS
– Use applications security to sign-on
Application Mode
• Call ADE from any applications window using the
icon in the application toolbar
– Synchronized security with current login
Letter Request Mode
• Call ADE using the Merge button in the Request
Letter window for recruitment and enrollment letters

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

Application Data Exchange

Chapter 12 - Page 6
ADE in Applications Mode

ADE in Applications Mode


Person Form


Instructor Note
Use this slide to explain the flow that takes place when using ADE in Applications Mode.
Starting from any window you click the icon. This launches the ADE launch-pad where you
can choose a different style, if available, and then launch the export to ADE, Excel, Word or
another program.
ADE has its own internal spreadsheet where you can view the results and then launch Excel,
If the style also includes an API definition then you can also upload from the spreadsheet. A
default example of how to do all this is included with HR as part of the Salary Administration
Details on how to set up and administer ADE are in the administration and technical classes for

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

Application Data Exchange

Chapter 12 - Page 7
ADE in Applications Mode

ADE in Applications Mode

ADE Data
Person Form <Default>
Style 1
Style 2


Instructor Note
Use this slide to explain the flow that takes place when using ADE in Applications Mode.
Starting from any window you click the icon. This launches the ADE launch-pad where you
can choose a different style, if available, and then launch the export to ADE, Excel, Word or
another program.
ADE has its own internal spreadsheet where you can view the results and then launch Excel,
If the style also includes an API definition then you can also upload from the spreadsheet. A
default example of how to do all this is included with HR as part of the Salary Administration
Details on how to set up and administer ADE are in the administration and technical classes for

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

Application Data Exchange

Chapter 12 - Page 8
ADE in Applications Mode

ADE in Applications Mode

ADE Data
Person Form <Default>
Style 1
Style 2




Instructor Note
Use this slide to explain the flow that takes place when using ADE in Applications Mode.
Starting from any window you click the icon. This launches the ADE launch-pad where you
can choose a different style, if available, and then launch the export to ADE, Excel, Word or
another program.
ADE has its own internal spreadsheet where you can view the results and then launch Excel,
If the style also includes an API definition then you can also upload from the spreadsheet. A
default example of how to do all this is included with HR as part of the Salary Administration
Details on how to set up and administer ADE are in the administration and technical classes for

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

Application Data Exchange

Chapter 12 - Page 9
Using ADE

Using ADE

• Query data in any application window

• Export data to ADE and then to desktop application
• Manipulate data in local mode
• Upload modified data back to HRMS using
supported APIs

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Application Data Exchange

Chapter 12 - Page 10
ADE Security

ADE Security

• An administrator can define styles for specific forms

and control access so that only users with a specific
responsibility can use them
• Security profile restricts access to data
– Use views to vary scope of data in export. Default is
all the fields in the form

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

Application Data Exchange

Chapter 12 - Page 11
ADE Styles and Views

ADE Styles and Views


Responsibility Form
- Standalone - PERWSEPI

API View
API - Upload - select data


Instructor Note
General Styles
• Use in Standalone Mode

Letter Styles
• Use to select merge fields for letters

Form Types
• Use to export data from a named form

Use a HRV_ view

• Automatically included in Secure Processes and Access

• Include joins to any related data. -

• For example: Name, Address and Primary Contact

Assignment and Entries

Job and Grade related information
Position and Assignment Budget details

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

Application Data Exchange

Chapter 12 - Page 12
ADE Styles and Views

ADE Styles and Views


Responsibility Form
- Standalone - PERWSEPI

Call Columns
API View
API - Upload - select data

HRMS HRV_<name>

Person Asg

Addr Entries

Instructor Note
General Styles
• Use in Standalone Mode

Letter Styles
• Use to select merge fields for letters

Form Types
• Use to export data from a named form

Use a HRV_ view

• Automatically included in Secure Processes and Access

• Include joins to any related data. -

• For example: Name, Address and Primary Contact

Assignment and Entries

Job and Grade related information
Position and Assignment Budget details

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

Application Data Exchange

Chapter 12 - Page 13
Practice: Using ADE

Practice: Using ADE

• Follow the demonstration, or use the

system, to find a person in the People window and
then launch ADE
• Navigate to the People window using your local
Super HRMS Manager responsibility

(N) People > Enter and Maintain

Online Help
For details on how to Use ADE, please refer to the online help path:
Oracle HRMS > Applications Data Exchange (ADE) > Applications Data Exchange Overview
Instructor Note
Inform the students that the first level in the Online Help path, which starts with Oracle
HRMS, should be substituted with their local Oracle HRMS menu tree path level.

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

Application Data Exchange

Chapter 12 - Page 14
Representing Financial
Reporting Structures
Chapter 13

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

Representing Financial Reporting Structures

Chapter 13 - Page 1
Representing Financial Reporting Structures

Representing Financial
Reporting Structures

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

Representing Financial Reporting Structures

Chapter 13 - Page 2
Module Overview

Module Overview

• HR management reporting requirements are usually

covered through the use of Business Groups,
Organizations, Positions and Hierarchies
• You also need to map your financial reporting
requirements onto the Oracle HR work structures
• Typically this is the mapping of cost centers and
account codes for budget planning and analysis

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

Representing Financial Reporting Structures

Chapter 13 - Page 3
Parallel Reporting Structures HR and GL

Parallel Reporting Structures

HR and GL
HR Reporting:
Organizations in a GL Reporting:
hierarchy Cost centers in a hierarchy

HR Division 01

Employee 011 012


Region A Region B Region C 0121 0122

Instructor Note
Use this slide to make clear that the two reporting structures are distinct from each other and
this provides the flexibility to meet the different needs of different types of enterprise. Not
everyone is using Oracle GL and not everyone has a one-to-one mapping between cost centers
and organizations. The reporting structures exist in parallel and you can map financial
reporting structures, as cost codes, to Organizations and other structures in Oracle HR. Cost
codes includes cost centers and account codes. The key issue for most integrated customers is
not how to do the mapping but how do they synchronize changes in structure between the two
systems. No easy answer to this one, but it really is a consulting/implementation decision that
results in defining user procedures. For most companies there are usually internal procedures
that require high level planning and approval before significant changes occur. However, there
are often lower level changes to work structures without impact on cost centers - E.g. A
director within a department with a single cost center can reorganize reporting groups without
change of budget etc. This type of change emphasis's the difference in view of management
reporting groups between HR and GL.
Similar but not always the same.

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

Representing Financial Reporting Structures

Chapter 13 - Page 4
Parallel Reporting Structures HR and GL

Parallel Reporting Structures

HR and GL
HR Reporting:
Organizations in a GL Reporting:
hierarchy Cost centers in a hierarchy

HR Division 01

Employee 011 012


Region A Region B Region C 0121 0122

Are the HR organization reporting lines and GL Cost Center

hierarchies exactly the same in your own enterprise?

Instructor Note
Use this slide to make clear that the two reporting structures are distinct from each other and
this provides the flexibility to meet the different needs of different types of enterprise. Not
everyone is using Oracle GL and not everyone has a one-to-one mapping between cost centers
and organizations. The reporting structures exist in parallel and you can map financial
reporting structures, as cost codes, to Organizations and other structures in Oracle HR. Cost
codes includes cost centers and account codes. The key issue for most integrated customers is
not how to do the mapping but how do they synchronize changes in structure between the two
systems. No easy answer to this one, but it really is a consulting/implementation decision that
results in defining user procedures. For most companies there are usually internal procedures
that require high level planning and approval before significant changes occur. However, there
are often lower level changes to work structures without impact on cost centers - E.g. A
director within a department with a single cost center can reorganize reporting groups without
change of budget etc. This type of change emphasis's the difference in view of management
reporting groups between HR and GL.
Similar but not always the same.

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

Representing Financial Reporting Structures

Chapter 13 - Page 5
Parallel Reporting Structures Similar but Not the Same

Parallel Reporting Structures

Similar but Not the Same

Differences may result if:

• HR management needs go to a lower level than cost
– A department with one cost center, but many reporting
units, and all share same cost center
• A manager manages one department that includes
many cost centers, administered for individual
posts or employees
• HR creates organizations with no cost centers to
simplify management reporting or security, or
because all costs are assigned at employee level

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

Representing Financial Reporting Structures

Chapter 13 - Page 6
Integration It’s Okay to Be Different!

It’s Okay to Be Different!

• Oracle Applications support the needs of different

types of enterprises by having a flexible cost
allocation model
• Define your specific requirements for HR as
segments in the Cost Allocation key flexfield and for
GL in the segments of the GL Accounting Flexfield

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

Representing Financial Reporting Structures

Chapter 13 - Page 7
Integration Understanding the Other Side

Understanding the Other Side

• Map segments between the two configurations. For

example, Cost Center segment in HR to Cost Center
segment in GL.
– Budget and Costing processes in HRMS will
accumulate cost details in HR and transfer summary
information to the correct GL segments
– Usually dependent on Payroll or Benefits processing
to produce actual values to transfer

Instructor Note
This slide introduces the concept of mapping the two different structures so that the transfer to
GL processes in Payroll and Benefits will post information to the correct segments. Actual
values for Cost Centers are allocated manually and summary values for each cost center are
accumulated by processing. These values are transferred by the processes.
Note: Budget planning processes vary by industry and currently there are no predefined
processes for budget setting. However, as part of the Public Sector development work a new
budget planning and management module is in development for R11i. This will be available as
a generic tool for any HR customer and will replace the current limited budget functionality in

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

Representing Financial Reporting Structures

Chapter 13 - Page 8
Cost Allocation Key Flexfield

Cost Allocation Key Flexfield

• Define your own segments
using a key flexfield
Cost Allocation Key Flexfield
• Up to 30 segments Company Vision US
– Validation on each
Account Code Salaries
– Can share value sets Cost Center 7350 - HR Dev
with GL
Project Self-Service
• Allocate costs within HR
– Payroll, Link, Org, Qualifiers control where a
Assignment and Entry user can allocate values
– No key combination in HR for each segment

Instructor Note
This slide summarizes the typical segments that you might expect to see.
Practical steps on how to setup the cost allocation key flexfield are covered in the Costing
module. This lesson, as part of the work structures module, concentrates on how the two
reporting structures can be configured to operate together.

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

Representing Financial Reporting Structures

Chapter 13 - Page 9
Multi-Orgs and Business Groups Similar but Not the Same

Multi-Orgs and Business Groups

Similar but Not the Same

• Multi-Org is the GL function for maintaining

separate sets of books for different operating
• Business Group is the HR function for maintaining
separate operating companies
• Both HR and GL have to support:
– Multiple companies operating in a single country
– Multiple companies operating in different countries
– Both

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

Representing Financial Reporting Structures

Chapter 13 - Page 10
Multi-Orgs and Business Groups Similar but Not the Same

Multi-Orgs and Business Groups

Similar but Not the Same

Oracle Applications provides the flexibility to let you

meet your requirements for both financial and HR
reporting within each functional area without
1. your ability to represent HR management
2. your ability to consolidate financial information on
a multi-company, multi-national basis

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

Representing Financial Reporting Structures

Chapter 13 - Page 11
Multi-Company and Multi-National Mapping Options

Multi-Company and Multi-National

Mapping Options
HR Reporting
Multi-Business Group
US Business n...Business US Business n...Business
Group Group Group Group

US n... Company A Company A


GL Reporting n... n...


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Representing Financial Reporting Structures

Chapter 13 - Page 12
Mapping Options

Mapping Options

• When you define your Cost Allocation key flexfield

you decide which segments map to the segments of
each set of books
– Choose set of books then individual segment
• Oracle HR holds the allocation of cost information
– You do not see Cost Center hierarchy information
in HR. The hierarchy of cost centers is part of GL.

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

Representing Financial Reporting Structures

Chapter 13 - Page 13
Costing Considerations

Costing Considerations

HR but not Payroll

• You can record cost codes, but not accumulate
actual values
HR with Payroll but not GL
• You can accumulate actual values, but must create
your own transfer to GL process
– Still must run the Transfer to GL report to mark cost
results as transferred
Other Cost Information
• Oracle HRMS can process labor distribution costs
for Projects, that is not transferred directly to GL

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

Representing Financial Reporting Structures

Chapter 13 - Page 14
Practice: Entering Cost Information

Practice: Entering Cost Information

• Follow the demonstration, to see the

different points where you can enter cost
information in Oracle HRMS
• Navigate to the Payroll window using your local
Super HRMS Manager responsibility
(N) Payroll > Description

Online Help
For details on how to Enter Cost Information, please refer to the online help path:
Oracle HRMS > Payroll Definition > How To > Define a Payroll
Instructor Note
Inform the students that the first level in the Online Help path, which starts with Oracle
HRMS, should be substituted with their local Oracle HRMS menu tree path level.

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

Representing Financial Reporting Structures

Chapter 13 - Page 15
Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

Representing Financial Reporting Structures

Chapter 13 - Page 16
Representing Legal and
Government Reporting
Structures (U.S.)
Chapter 14

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

Representing Legal and Government Reporting Structures (U.S.)

Chapter 14 - Page 1
Representing Legal and Government Reporting Structures (U.S.)

Representing Legal and Government

Reporting Structures (U.S.)

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

Representing Legal and Government Reporting Structures (U.S.)

Chapter 14 - Page 2


In this module the following topics will be covered:

• Representing Legal and Government Reporting
• Defining Organization Information for Government
Mandated Reporting

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Representing Legal and Government Reporting Structures (U.S.)

Chapter 14 - Page 3
Module Overview

Module Overview

• A Government Reporting Entity (GRE) is an

organization grouping that national, regional, and
local governments recognize as the employer.
• An employer who:
– Issues pay to employees
– Withholds taxes from employee pay
– Is and is liable for taxes and tax reporting
– Provides other government-mandated reporting, EEO,
ADA etc.

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

Representing Legal and Government Reporting Structures (U.S.)

Chapter 14 - Page 4
Module Overview

Module Overview

• Employers must prepare a number of reports for

submission to various government authorities to
ensure legislative compliance
• In Oracle HRMS, you can organize and maintain the
information needed to produce these reports

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Representing Legal and Government Reporting Structures (U.S.)

Chapter 14 - Page 5
Representing Legal and Government Reporting Structures (U.S.)

Representing Legal and Government

Reporting Structures (U.S.)

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Representing Legal and Government Reporting Structures (U.S.)

Chapter 14 - Page 6
Identifying GRE’s

Identifying GRE’s

• You should already know the details of the GRE

structures in your own enterprise
• Each GRE has a unique EIN
• If your enterprise has only one Employer
Identification Number (EIN) then your Business
Group and GRE are the same organization
– The EIN is a 9-digit number issued by the Internal
Revenue Service
• If not, then you will need to set up additional GREs
and reporting hierarchies
– You can associate several GREs together as a Tax

Instructor Note
The Tax Group associates several GREs so that employees who transfer from one GRE to
another within the group receive credit in the new GRE for amounts withheld in the former
GRE toward Social Security, and FUTA.

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Representing Legal and Government Reporting Structures (U.S.)

Chapter 14 - Page 7
One Company - One Employer - One GRE

One Company - One Employer - One GRE

All employees work at or

from a single establishment
• Define one establishment AB Shoes
hierarchy to produce an Business Group
establishment report GRE
Reporting Establishment
• The top organization is
likely to be the business HR Org HR Org
• Classify the business HR Org HR Org HR Org
group as a GRE
• Classify the business
group as a Reporting

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Representing Legal and Government Reporting Structures (U.S.)

Chapter 14 - Page 8
Many Employers - Many GREs

Many Employers - Many GREs

Employees work in
multiple establishments AB Inc.
with one GRE Business Group
• Define multi-level
• Create new
AB Shoes Corp AB Finance
organizations if Reporting Reporting
necessary Establishment Establishment

• The top organization

can be a business
group or a GRE (HR Org) (HR Org) (HR Org)

Instructor Note
The AB. Inc., business group includes two GREs: the parent company AB. Inc., and a
subsidiary, MS Distributors Detroit. The enterprise employs a total of 4,000 workers at four
separate establishments:
• Company headquarters in Cleveland, Ohio

• A factory in a Cleveland suburb

• A factory in Dayton, Ohio

• The MS Distributors warehouse and shipping center in Detroit, Michigan

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Representing Legal and Government Reporting Structures (U.S.)

Chapter 14 - Page 9
Multi-Establishment Hierarchies

Multi-Establishment Hierarchies

Reporting Establishment AB, Inc. AB Distributors

GRE Detroit, GRE
AB, Inc., Headquarters 500
AB Manufacturing 1,500
AB Distributors Detroit 955
AB Finance Dayton 1,000 45

• For reporting purposes, this enterprise needs a

second multi-establishment hierarchy and a
headquarters hierarchy
• It is a legislative requirement that multi-
establishment enterprises identify one
establishment as their headquarters

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

Representing Legal and Government Reporting Structures (U.S.)

Chapter 14 - Page 10
Multi-Establishment Hierarchies

Multi-Establishment Hierarchies

AB, Inc. AB Distributors

GRE Detroit

AB Shoes AB Finance AB Finance
Reporting Dayton
Reporting Detroit
Establishment Reporting
Establishment Reporting

(HR Org) (HR Org) (HR Org) (HR Org) (HR Org) (HR Org)

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

Representing Legal and Government Reporting Structures (U.S.)

Chapter 14 - Page 11
Headquarters Hierarchy for Multi-Establishment Companies

Headquarters Hierarchy for Multi-

Establishment Companies

A single establishment company

• Use the top organization as a parameter for the
Headquarters Report
• Do not build a separate headquarters hierarchy

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Representing Legal and Government Reporting Structures (U.S.)

Chapter 14 - Page 12
Headquarters Hierarchy for Multi-Establishment Companies

Headquarters Hierarchy for Multi-

Establishment Companies

A single establishment company

• Use the top organization as a parameter for the
Headquarters Report
• Do not build a separate headquarters hierarchy
Multi-establishment company
• Only one organization can be classified as a
Corporate Headquarters in a business group
• Reports using Headquarters Hierarchies include all
employees covered by the hierarchy
• Use an existing organization or create a GRE for
reporting purposes
– Use same EIN as the operational GRE

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Representing Legal and Government Reporting Structures (U.S.)

Chapter 14 - Page 13
Headquarters for Multi-Establishment Companies

Headquarters for
Multi-Establishment Companies

• Top organization must be classified as:

– Reporting Establishment
– Corporate Headquarters
• Optionally classify as:
– HR Organization for employees to have assignments to
this organization

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

Representing Legal and Government Reporting Structures (U.S.)

Chapter 14 - Page 14
Defining Organization
Information for Government
Mandated Reporting
Chapter 15

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

Defining Organization Information for Government Mandated Reporting

Chapter 15 - Page 1
Defining Organization Information for Government Mandated

Defining Organization Information for

Government Mandated Reporting

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

Defining Organization Information for Government Mandated Reporting

Chapter 15 - Page 2
Mandated Government Reports

Mandated Government Reports

• Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO)

• Affirmative Action Plan (AAP)
• Federal Contractor Veterans Employment (VETS-
• Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)
• Occupational Safety and Health Administration
• New Hire Report

Instructor Note
Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO-1) and Affirmative Action Plan (AAP) reporting
focuses on the employment and advancement of employees by their gender and ethnic origin.
Federal Contractor Veterans Employment (VETS-100) reporting is concerned with the
employment and advancement opportunities of disabled and Vietnam-era veterans.
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) reporting is concerned with employment opportunities
for people with various types of disabilities and with employers’ provision of reasonable
accommodations that enable these people to perform the essential functions of jobs or
Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) reporting is concerned with the extent
and severity of work-related injuries and illnesses.

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

Defining Organization Information for Government Mandated Reporting

Chapter 15 - Page 3
Reporting Categories and Statuses

Reporting Categories and Statuses

• Some reporting, (i.e., VETS-100 and ADA), covers

only non-temporary, full-time or part-time
• You identify these employees, by registering
reporting categories and statuses for the business
• Reporting categories
– User extensible lookup type ‘Employment
• Reporting statuses
– User extensible ‘Assignment Statuses’ that
identify non-terminated employees

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

Defining Organization Information for Government Mandated Reporting

Chapter 15 - Page 4
Classifying Organizations as GREs

Classifying Organizations as GREs

• Identify Organizations that are designated as GREs

– GREs must be reported separately
– Enter the unique EIN for each GRE
– A GRE can include employees from several
establishments, and an establishment can
include employees in several GREs
• A GRE whose employees all work at the same
establishment is a reporting establishment

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

Defining Organization Information for Government Mandated Reporting

Chapter 15 - Page 5
Classifying Organizations as Reporting Establishments

Classifying Organizations as
Reporting Establishments

• Establishments may be:

– A single physical location
– A set of worksites in a locality
– All the sites in a large geographic area
• Identify existing organizations that are
establishments or define new organizations for
complex grouping
– Classify organizations as Reporting

Instructor Note
For OSHA reporting, there may be two or more separate establishments at one physical work
location, if distinctly separate types of operations are carried out at the location.

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

Defining Organization Information for Government Mandated Reporting

Chapter 15 - Page 6
Overriding Establishment Hierarchies

Overriding Establishment Hierarchies

• Reports that use establishment hierarchies can take

exceptional cases into account
• You can enter an override reporting establishment
at the assignment level for any employee
– When a process finds an override, it counts the
employee as part of the override reporting

Instructor Note
The reporting establishment override functionality does not apply to AAP reporting. This is
because AAP reporting covers individual affirmative action plans rather than establishments.

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

Defining Organization Information for Government Mandated Reporting

Chapter 15 - Page 7
Classifying an Organization as the Corporate Headquarters

Classifying an Organization as the

Corporate Headquarters

• For multi-establishment companies you must

identify a single headquarters organization
– Classify as Corporate Headquarters
• Define a new reporting organization if existing
organizations do not satisfy this need
– For reporting purposes only

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Defining Organization Information for Government Mandated Reporting

Chapter 15 - Page 8
Setting Up Non-AAP Establishment Hierarchies

Setting Up Non-AAP
Establishment Hierarchies

• A reporting establishment can never be subordinate

to another reporting establishment
• In a non-AAP establishment hierarchy, a
GRE/reporting establishment can be the top
– Or reporting establishments can be subordinate
to a GRE and optionally, to HR Organizations

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

Defining Organization Information for Government Mandated Reporting

Chapter 15 - Page 9
AAP Reporting

AAP Reporting

• AAP reporting requires breakdown of employees by

the affirmative action plans covering them, instead
of breakdown by establishment
• To meet this requirement, classify the organization
as an AAP Organization

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Defining Organization Information for Government Mandated Reporting

Chapter 15 - Page 10
AAP Establishment Hierarchies

AAP Establishment Hierarchies

• Establishment hierarchies constructed for AAP

reporting are exceptional
– Establishments appear as subordinates of the
AAP organizations that represent the affirmative
action plans
– AAP organizations, (which may also be reporting
establishments), can:
- Appear at various levels in the hierarchy
- Can be subordinate to other AAP
organizations, (which may also be reporting

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

Defining Organization Information for Government Mandated Reporting

Chapter 15 - Page 11
EEO-1 Reporting Checklist

EEO-1 Reporting Checklist

1. Enter report submission information for each GRE

2. Enter an EEO job category for each job
3. Ensure that each employee has on record: a
gender, ethnic origin, and assignment
4. Identify the types of EEO-1 reporting that each GRE
must submit
5. Define the reporting organizations
6. Build the establishment hierarchies
7. Enter establishment overrides for employees

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

Defining Organization Information for Government Mandated Reporting

Chapter 15 - Page 12
AAP Reporting Checklist

AAP Reporting Checklist

1. Ensure that each employee has on record: a

gender, ethnic origin, GRE, and job
2. Determine salary codes and grades
3. Define lines of progression
4. Enter job group names
5. Associate each job with an EEO category, salary
code, line of progression, and job group
6. Define an AAP organization for each plan
7. Determine and build the establishment hierarchies

Instructor Note
The salary code indicates the relative average salary of a job. Salary codes do not determine the
pay that employees receive.

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

Defining Organization Information for Government Mandated Reporting

Chapter 15 - Page 13
VETS-100 Reporting Checklist

VETS-100 Reporting Checklist

1. Register reporting categories and statuses for your

business group
2. Enter the necessary GRE reporting information
3. Record EEO job categories
4. Ensure appropriate veteran status and assignment
to a job, employment category, and GRE
5. Identify and define the necessary reporting
6. Determine and build the establishment hierarchies
7. Enter establishment overrides for employees

Instructor Note
Reporting categories are those employment categories that cover non-temporary, full-time or
part-time work. Reporting statuses are those assignment statuses that cover non-terminated

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

Defining Organization Information for Government Mandated Reporting

Chapter 15 - Page 14
ADA Reporting

ADA Reporting

• Register employees as disabled when you enter

other personal information about them
• Maintain information about particular types of
disabilities using the Disabilities window
• The report presents this disability information,
including comments
– The report can also display essential
requirements of the job or position, if you
maintain these requirements in the database

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

Defining Organization Information for Government Mandated Reporting

Chapter 15 - Page 15
ADA Requests for Accommodation

Requests for Accommodation

• The ADA encourages employers to make reasonable

accommodations that enable employees with
disabilities to work
• Use the Disability Accommodations window to
record information about employee requests for

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

Defining Organization Information for Government Mandated Reporting

Chapter 15 - Page 16
OSHA Recording Information

Recording Information

• Use Special Information Types to record the

information needed for OSHA
– Description of each injury or illness, with date,
place, and circumstances
– Physical effects and effects on the employee’s
ability to work, (Nonfatal incidents)
• Separate activities at the same location are treated as
separate reporting establishments
– For example, a manufacturing facility and a sales
office in the same building are treated as distinct

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

Defining Organization Information for Government Mandated Reporting

Chapter 15 - Page 17
Practice Classifying HR Organizations

Practice Classifying HR Organizations

• Follow the demonstration, or use the notes

provided, to classify HR organizations for
government reporting
• Navigate to the Organization window using your
local Super HRMS Manager
(N) Work Structures > Organization > Description

Online Help
For details on how to Classify an HR Organization, please refer to the online help path:
Oracle HRMS > Organization Management > Organizations > How To > Classify an
Instructor Note
Inform the students that the first level in the Online Help path, which starts with Oracle
HRMS, should be substituted with their local Oracle HRMS menu tree path level.

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

Defining Organization Information for Government Mandated Reporting

Chapter 15 - Page 18
Representing Grades and
their Relationship to Pay
Chapter 16

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

Representing Grades and their Relationship to Pay

Chapter 16 - Page 1
Representing Grades and their Relationship to Pay

Representing Grades and their

Relationship to Pay

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

Representing Grades and their Relationship to Pay

Chapter 16 - Page 2


In this module, the following topics will be covered:

• Representing grades and their relationship to pay
• Defining grade rates and pay scales

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

Representing Grades and their Relationship to Pay

Chapter 16 - Page 3
Module Overview

Module Overview

This module concentrates on defining:

• Grades
• Grade rates
• Pay scales
• Scale rates

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

Representing Grades and their Relationship to Pay

Chapter 16 - Page 4

• Grades show relative
levels of management or
seniority in an enterprise
• May be grouped as: Director
– Management,
Technical, etc. Director

• Often related to levels of Engineer.Snr

pay Clerk.Jnr
• Often related to Job
or Position
• Often related to
Union Group Assembler.1

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

Representing Grades and their Relationship to Pay

Chapter 16 - Page 5
Grade Key Flexfield

Grade Key Flexfield

• Define your own grade Grade Key Flexfield

structure using a key
flexfield Union USWU
• Up to 30 segments
Job Group Engineer
– Validation on each
segment Level 3
• Define each grade as a
combination of segment
Grade USWU.Engineer.3

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

Representing Grades and their Relationship to Pay

Chapter 16 - Page 6
Grade Key Flexfield Structure Simple or Complex

Grade Key Flexfield Structure

Simple or Complex

• In its simplest form, a grade can be a single

character, or number, in a logical sequence
– A, B, C
• By adding a second segment to the grade name,
you can identify sub-grades.
– A.1, A.2, A.3, and A.4
– B.1 and B.2
• A more complex structure could be used to
distinguish grades for different staff groups
– Manual.A.1, Manual.A.2, Clerical.C.1 and Clerical.C.2

Instructor Note
Since compensation information can change independently of the grade, you should not define
it as part of the grade name.
Instead you should relate it to the grade, either directly or indirectly. Using Grade Rates or Pay
Scales you can keep the history of changes. If you include this type of information in a
segment of the grade you will find it difficult to manage changes.
Changing the value in a segment means that you will change the unique combination - no
history. If you want history you must insert a new grade, end date the previous grade and
update all references - valid grades for jobs and positions, grade rates, and assignments.
Grades are not datetracked.

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

Representing Grades and their Relationship to Pay

Chapter 16 - Page 7
Grade Key Flexfield Checklist

Grade Key Flexfield Checklist

• Define Value Sets
– Decide if you need lists of values for simple lists
– The Grade window is usually restricted access and a
list of values adds maintenance costs
• Define Key Flexfield Structure and Segments
– Enter Yes for Allow Dynamic Inserts to allow users to
define grades in the Grade window
• Define Values
• Define Cross Validation Rules (if required)
• Define Aliases (if required)

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

Representing Grades and their Relationship to Pay

Chapter 16 - Page 8
Practice: Define a Grade Structure

Practice: Define a Grade Structure

• Follow the demonstration, or use the notes

provided, to define a Grade flexfield structure
• Navigate to the Key Flexfield Segments window
using the System Administrator responsibility:

(N) Application > Flexfield > Key > Segments

Online Help
For details on how to define a grade flexfield structure, please refer to the online help path:
Oracle HRMS > Extend Oracle HRMS > Flexfields > User Definable Key Flexfields
For details on how to complete the Key Flexfield Segment Window please refer to the on line
Help path:
Applications Help Library > Applied Technology > Oracle Applications Flexfield > Key
Flexfields Segments Window > Defining Segments
Instructor Note
Inform the students that the first level in the Online Help path, which starts with Oracle
HRMS, should be substituted with their local Oracle HRMS menu tree path level.

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

Representing Grades and their Relationship to Pay

Chapter 16 - Page 9
Practice: Define Grades

Practice: Define Grades

• Follow the demonstration, or use the notes

provided, to define Grades using your new flexfield
• Navigate to the Grades window using your local
Super HRMS Manager responsibility
(N) Work Structures > Grade > Description

Online Help
For details on how to Define a Grade, please refer to the online help path:
Oracle HRMS > Enterprise Modeling > Grades and Pay > How To > Define a Grade
Instructor Note
Inform the students that the first level in the Online Help path, which starts with Oracle
HRMS, should be substituted with their local Oracle HRMS menu tree path level.

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

Representing Grades and their Relationship to Pay

Chapter 16 - Page 10
Defining Grade Rates and Pay Scales

Defining Grade Rates and Pay Scales

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

Representing Grades and their Relationship to Pay

Chapter 16 - Page 11
Grades and Pay Direct or Indirect

Grades and Pay

Direct or Indirect

Oracle HRMS supports direct and indirect

relationships between grades and pay
• Direct
– Use Grade Rates
– Fixed value, or
– Maximum, Minimum, and Mid-point values
• Indirect
– Use Pay Scales
– Progression Points and Values
– Grade Steps and increments

Instructor Note
These two types of grade to pay relationship are typical of the different enterprise cultures
identified in an earlier unit.
Grade Rates are typical of compensation plans in commercial environments - where individual
compensation is related to personal performance within certain guidelines. Salary
administration with Min-Max type criteria of salary bands.
Pay Scales are typical of compensation plans in public sector or unionized environments - rule
based pay, where pay is negotiated for groups of employees, not for individuals. Employees get
the pay associated with their grade and step, not because of personal performance or
Some hybrid enterprises will use both. Salary Administration for management and
administrative employees and Pay Scales for blue-collar or factory workers.

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

Representing Grades and their Relationship to Pay

Chapter 16 - Page 12
Grade Rates

Grade Rates ary

Janu ary ry
nu a
Ja nu

• Each Grade has a value or a range of values

Grade Value Minimum Midpoint Maximum
A.1 25000 20000 30000 40000
A.2 27000 23000 33000 43000

• Often used in performance related pay processes

– Salary Administration
– Units may be money, hours, numbers
– Comparative calculations

Instructor Note
A third model exists that is similar to the Pay Scales with progression points. This is the Pay
Plan model typical of Federal Government. Pay Plans use a tabular matrix to show grade steps
and pay values. The significant difference is that Pay Scales use a single set of points and
values for a wide range of different grades while Pay Plans use individual values for each
Grade.Step combination. Pay Plans may also have different tables for different locations. This
is also typical of large unionized environments - but the functionality is only provided with the
US Federal version of the product.
Consultants could implement similar functionality with User Tables in Oracle HRMS.

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

Representing Grades and their Relationship to Pay

Chapter 16 - Page 13
Practice: Define a Grade Rate Table

Practice: Define a Grade

Rate Table

• Follow the demonstration, or use the notes

provided, to define a Grade Rate table
• Navigate to the Grade Rate window using your local
Super HRMS Manager responsibility

(N) Work Structures > Grade > Grade Rate

Online Help
For details on how to Define a Grade, please refer to the online help path:
Oracle HRMS > Enterprise Modeling > Grades and Pay > How To > Defining a Grade Rate
Instructor Note
Inform the students that the first level in the Online Help path, which starts with Oracle
HRMS, should be substituted with their local Oracle HRMS menu tree path level.

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

Representing Grades and their Relationship to Pay

Chapter 16 - Page 14
Pay Scales

Pay Scales
Grade and Steps
Grade A - Steps 1,2,3 Pay Scale

Grade B - Steps 1,2,3,4 Points Pay

1 1 10000
Grade C - Steps 1,2 A
1 2 2 10550
2 3 3 10975
B 4 11450
3 5 11700
1 4 6 12250
C 7 12655
2 8 13000
9 13400

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

Representing Grades and their Relationship to Pay

Chapter 16 - Page 15
Pay Scale Characteristics

Pay Scale Characteristics

• One pay scale of points and values is used to

establish the actual pay for many different grades or
employee groups
• Each point in the pay scale has a single value
• Grades can have a number of distinct steps, with
each step given a single point in the pay scale
• An employee assignment includes Grade and Step
– The step and point value determine salary or actual
pay for the employee

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

Representing Grades and their Relationship to Pay

Chapter 16 - Page 16
Pay Scales

Pay Scales

• Pay Scales show indirect relationships between

grades and pay
– Unlimited number of scales
– Unlimited number of points and values
– Use sequence to define progression
• Define a value for every point
– Money, Hours, Number
• Define Grade Steps in sequence
– Select a point for each step
– Steps can skip points in the scale
– Define a ‘ceiling’ point to stop automatic increments
within grade

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

Representing Grades and their Relationship to Pay

Chapter 16 - Page 17
Pay Scale Checklist

Pay Scale Checklist

1. Define Pay Scale

– Points in sequence
2. Define Scale Values
3. Define Grades
4. Define Grade Steps and Points
– Enter ceiling point for automatic incrementing
5. Enter Grade and Step for an employee
– Employee assignment information
6. Run incremental process when required
– Default process is based on a fixed date

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

Representing Grades and their Relationship to Pay

Chapter 16 - Page 18
Practice: Define a Pay Scale

Practice: Define a Pay Scale

• Follow the demonstration, or use the notes

provided, to define a Pay Scale
• Navigate to the Pay Scale window using your local
Super HRMS Manager responsibility
(N) Work Structures > Grade > Pay Scale

Online Help
For details on how to Define a Pay Scale, please refer to the online help path:
Oracle HRMS > Enterprise Modeling > Grades and Pay > How To > Define a Pay Scale
Instructor Note
Inform the students that the first level in the Online Help path, which starts with Oracle
HRMS, should be substituted with their local Oracle HRMS menu tree path level.

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

Representing Grades and their Relationship to Pay

Chapter 16 - Page 19
Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

Representing Grades and their Relationship to Pay

Chapter 16 - Page 20
Representing Jobs and
Chapter 17

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

Representing Jobs and Positions

Chapter 17 - Page 1
Representing Jobs and Positions

Representing Jobs and Positions

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

Representing Jobs and Positions

Chapter 17 - Page 2


In this module, the following topics will be covered:

• Representing jobs and positions
• Representing positions
• Position hierarchies
• Changing job and position definitions
• Mass move updates

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

Representing Jobs and Positions

Chapter 17 - Page 3
Module Overview

Module Overview

• Every enterprise defines roles to represent how

employees work
• In Oracle HRMS, you can use Jobs or Positions or a
combination of both, to define roles
• Mass Move allows you to manage the movement of
positions as a result of reorganization and
simultaneously to update employee records

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

Representing Jobs and Positions

Chapter 17 - Page 4
Representing Jobs and Positions

Representing Jobs and Positions

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

Representing Jobs and Positions

Chapter 17 - Page 5
Jobs and Positions

Jobs and Positions

Payroll Manager
• Use Jobs or Positions
to represent the
different roles that a
person can perform in
your enterprise
• Oracle HRMS provides
two options to suit the Payroll Clerk
needs of different

Senior Engineer

Instructor Note
This slide introduces and summarizes the ideas of Job and Positions as two distinct ways of
representing the work roles that employees perform within an enterprise.
A simple distinction is to get people to think about whether the emphasis within their own
enterprise is to manage people or posts.
A simple question to help the decision making process is to ask what happens when an
employee is terminated.

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

Representing Jobs and Positions

Chapter 17 - Page 6
Using Jobs or Positions

Using Jobs or Positions

Payroll Manager
• Do you manage People or
– Fixed or Flexible Roles
– May be more than one
employee in the same
role Payroll Clerk
• If role continues to exist
after the employee leaves
then think about Positions Consultant
• If role ceases or is re-
evaluated when the
employee leaves then think Senior Engineer
about Jobs

Instructor Note
This slide introduces and summarizes the ideas of Job and Positions as two distinct ways of
representing the work roles that employees perform within an enterprise.
A simple distinction is to get people to think about whether the emphasis within their own
enterprise is to manage people or posts.
A simple question to help the decision making process is to ask what happens when an
employee is terminated.

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

Representing Jobs and Positions

Chapter 17 - Page 7
Additional Information for Jobs and Positions

Additional Information for Jobs

and Positions

• Oracle HRMS lets you hold additional types of

information for both Jobs and Positions
• Predefined types of information include:
– Valid grades
– Job Evaluation details
– Work Choices
– Competence or Skill Requirements
• An unlimited number of user-defined types
– Extra Information Types

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

Representing Jobs and Positions

Chapter 17 - Page 8


• Jobs are generic roles within a Business Group

• They are independent of any single organization
– Exist for all organizations
– For example: The jobs Manager and Consultant
could occur in many organizations
• Oracle HRMS lets you define your own job structure
and then enter details for each job in your enterprise

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

Representing Jobs and Positions

Chapter 17 - Page 9
Job Groups

Job Groups

• Each job belongs to a Job Group

• The Default HR Job Group is automatically created
for your Business Group
• Only jobs created in the Default HR Job Group are
available in other windows in Oracle HRMS, except
the Supplementary Roles window

Instructor Note
If the HR:Cross Business Group profile option is set to Yes then the Job Group name must be
unique across the system. If it is set to No then It must be unique within the business group.
The name for the default job group for each business group is created based on the
organization ID, for example Hr303. Recommend to the students to rename the job group to
something more meaningful.

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

Representing Jobs and Positions

Chapter 17 - Page 10
Job Groups and Supplementary Roles

Job Groups and Supplementary Roles

You can set up additional job groups to store

supplementary roles
• A supplementary role is an additional task an
employee performs as well as being an employee

Instructor Note
More information about supplementary roles in modelling the employment relationship.

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

Representing Jobs and Positions

Chapter 17 - Page 11
Job Key Flexfield

Job Key Flexfield

• Define your own job Job Key Flexfield

structure as a key
flexfield Title Manager
• Up to 30 segments
Level 1
– Validation on each
– Required or Optional
• Define individual jobs as
Job Manager.1
a combination of
segment values

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

Representing Jobs and Positions

Chapter 17 - Page 12
Job Key Flexfield Checklist

Job Key Flexfield Checklist

• Define Value Sets

– Decide if you need lists of values for simple lists
– The Job window is usually restricted access and a
list of values adds maintenance costs
• Define Key Flexfield Structure and Segments
– Enter Yes for Allow Dynamic Inserts to allow users to
define grades in the Job window
• Define Values
• Define Cross Validation Rules (if required)
• Define Aliases (if required)

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

Representing Jobs and Positions

Chapter 17 - Page 13
Job Key Flexfield Structure Simple or Complex

Job Key Flexfield Structure

Simple or Complex

• A job can be a one or two segment name

– Typical if you use Positions
– Manager., Manager.Senior, Consultant., Consultant.1,
• Adding more segments you extend the types of
information you use to define a job
– Useful if you use Jobs as the primary roles in your
– Manual.A.1.ShiftB, Manual.A.2.ShiftA, Clerical.C.1. and

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

Representing Jobs and Positions

Chapter 17 - Page 14
Practice: Define Job Structure and Jobs

Practice: Define Job Structure

and Jobs

• Follow the demonstration, or use the notes

provided, to define the job flexfield structure
• Navigate to the Key Flexfield Segments window
using the System Administrator responsibility
(N) Application > Flexfield > Key > Segments

• Follow the demonstration, or use the notes

provided, to define Jobs using the new flexfield
• Navigate to the Job window using your local Super
HRMS Manager responsibility
(N) Work Structures > Job > Description

Online Help
For details on how to define a Job flexfield structure, please refer to the online help path:
Oracle HRMS > Extend Oracle HRMS > Flexfields > User Definable Key Flexfields
For details on how to complete the Key Flexfield Segment Window please refer to the online
Help path :
Applications Help Library > Applied Technology > Oracle Applications Flexfield > Key
Flexfields Segments Window > Defining Segments
For details on how to define a Job please refer to the online Help path :
Oracle HRMS > Enterprise Modeling > Jobs and Positions > How To > Define a Job
Instructor Note
Inform the students that the first level in the Online Help path, which starts with Oracle
HRMS, should be substituted with their local Oracle HRMS menu tree path level.

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

Representing Jobs and Positions

Chapter 17 - Page 15
Practice: Create a Job Group

Practice: Create a Job Group

• Follow the demonstration, or use the notes

provided, to create a job group
• Navigate to the Job Groups window using your
local Super HRMS Manager responsibility

(N) Work Structures > Job > Job Groups

Online Help
For details on how to create a Job Group, please refer to the online help path:
Oracle HRMS > Enterprise Modeling > Jobs and Positions > How To > Create a Job Group
Instructor Note
Inform the students that the first level in the Online Help path, which starts with Oracle
HRMS, should be substituted with their local Oracle HRMS menu tree path level.

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

Representing Jobs and Positions

Chapter 17 - Page 16
Representing Positions
Chapter 18

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

Representing Positions
Chapter 18 - Page 1
Representing Positions

Representing Positions

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

Representing Positions
Chapter 18 - Page 2


• Position is a specific role, or function, that exists in

one, and only one, organization
• Positions show more management reporting detail
than organizations alone
• Position definition includes Job and Organization
– Use job to show common job types and
information across organizations
– Use fewer organizations to show groups of
positions and employees. E.g. Department level

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

Representing Positions
Chapter 18 - Page 3

Janu ary ry
nu a
Ja nu
Org : HR Department
• Use Positions to show
specific posts within an
– Typical in Public Sector,
Government, Education and
– Typical in large enterprises to
show management positions
• Use Position Control
functionality to manage

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

Representing Positions
Chapter 18 - Page 4
Position Key Flexfield

Position Key Flexfield

Position Key Flexfield

• Define your own position

structure using a key Title HR Director
• Up to 30 segments
– Validation on each segment
• Define each position as a
combination of segment Position HR Director
– Simplest option is Org HR Department
– one segment with no
validation for ‘Title’ Job Manager.3

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

Representing Positions
Chapter 18 - Page 5
Position Key Flexfield

Position Key Flexfield

• Every position in the enterprise is unique

• If every region has a Vice President, you must set
up a unique position name for each VP
– VP may be the job definition for each position
– Use job to define shared information

Org Job Org

Northern Region VP Southern Region

VP Sales North VP Southern Sales


Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

Representing Positions
Chapter 18 - Page 6
Key Flexfield Structure

Key Flexfield Structure

• When deciding on the number of segments a

flexfield has, it is usually better to set up a few small
segments rather than one big segment.
• For example: If position includes name, region and
code, you could define 2 or 3 segments.
– Give users a greater choice in reporting using
individual segments.

Seg 2
Seg 1 Seg 1

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

Representing Positions
Chapter 18 - Page 7
Key Flexfield Structure

Key Flexfield Structure

• If visibility of data is very important, you might

consider including additional information in the
• If the value can change often, you probably don’t
want to put it in the unique identifier
– Consider using one of the other options for additional
– Extra Information Types or descriptive flexfield may be
more suitable

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

Representing Positions
Chapter 18 - Page 8
Practice: Define Position Structure and Positions

Practice: Define Position Structure

and Positions

• Follow the demonstration, or use the notes

provided, to define the Position flexfield structure
• Navigate to the Key Flexfield Segments window
using the System Administrator responsibility
(N) Application > Flexfield > Key > Segments

• Follow the demonstration, or use the notes

provided, to define Positions using the new flexfield
• Navigate to the Position window using your local
Super HRMS Manager responsibility
(N) Work Structures > Position > Description

Online Help
For details on how to define a Position flexfield structure, please refer to the online help path:
Oracle HRMS > Extend Oracle HRMS > Flexfields > User Definable Key Flexfields
For details on how to complete the Key Flexfield Segment Window please refer to the online
Help path:
Applications Help Library > Applied Technology > Oracle Applications Flexfield > Key
Flexfields Segments Window > Defining Segments
For details on how to define a Position please refer to the online Help path:
Oracle HRMS > Enterprise Modeling > Jobs and Positions > How To > Define a Position
Instructor Note
Inform the students that the first level in the Online Help path, which starts with Oracle
HRMS, should be substituted with their local Oracle HRMS menu tree path level.

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

Representing Positions
Chapter 18 - Page 9
Position Hiring Status Special Considerations

Position Hiring Status

Special Considerations

Hiring status determines what changes you can make

to the position definition and whether you can include
it in any assignments
• Eliminated or Deleted
– You cannot change the position
• Proposed
– You can change the start date
• Active
– You can change only the start date before you make
any other updates to the position

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

Representing Positions
Chapter 18 - Page 10
Position Hierarchies
Chapter 19

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

Position Hierarchies
Chapter 19 - Page 1
Position Hierarchies

Position Hierarchies

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

Position Hierarchies
Chapter 19 - Page 2
Position Hierarchies

Position Hierarchies

• Use Hierarchies to show management reporting

lines between positions
– More detail than Organization Hierarchies
– In a hierarchy each position has one parent
• Unlimited number of hierarchies
– Dates and versions
– Copy and manage multiple versions
• Use hierarchies to control user access to records
– Security Profiles
– Reports

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

Position Hierarchies
Chapter 19 - Page 3
Position Hierarchy - Example

Position Hierarchy - Example

Managing Director
David Anderson

Finance Director, Sales Director, Research Production

Director and Marketing and Development Director

Alasdair MacIntosh Duncan McDonald David Anderson Michael Fiengold

Personnel Management Plant

Director Information Director Manager

Geoffrey Cox **No Holders** Wendy Rawlins

Plant Systems Department Production

Personnel Mgr. Manager Head Engineering Manager

Sheelagh Campbell Kaz Raghu **2 Holders** Geoffrey Cox

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

Position Hierarchies
Chapter 19 - Page 4
Defining and Changing Position Hierarchies

Defining and Changing

Position Hierarchies
• Positions can belong to any number of hierarchies
but can appear only once in any hierarchy
• Use the Position Hierarchy window or the Hierarchy
Diagrammer to define and change hierarchies
– Optionally, add new positions to hierarchies from
the Position window.
• To change the top position in an existing hierarchy
use the Position Hierarchy window
– Query the hierarchy
– Query the new top position
– Make the old top position report to the new

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

Position Hierarchies
Chapter 19 - Page 5
Hierarchy Diagrammers

Hierarchy Diagrammers

• A graphical tool to define and change hierarchies

using ‘drag-and-drop’ actions
– Not an organization charting and reporting tool
for general publishing. Consider using a partner
application, like OrgPublisher.
• Updates to the database are immediate
– Reflected in the forms, in reports, and any
security processes.

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

Position Hierarchies
Chapter 19 - Page 6
Practice: Using the Graphical Diagrammers

Practice: Using the

Graphical Diagrammers

• Follow the demonstration to see how to create and

change Position Hierarchies
• Navigate to the Position Hierarchy window using
your local Super HRMS Manager responsibility

(N) WorkStructures > Position > Diagrammer

Online Help
For details on how to Create and Change Position Hierarchies, please refer to the online help
Oracle HRMS > Enterprise Modeling > Position Hierarchies > How To > Create a Position
Instructor Note
Inform the students that the first level in the Online Help path, which starts with Oracle
HRMS, should be substituted with their local Oracle HRMS menu tree path level.

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

Position Hierarchies
Chapter 19 - Page 7
Additional Information for Jobs and Positions

Additional Information for Jobs

and Positions

With Oracle HRMS you can enter several additional

types of information for jobs or positions:
• Work Choices
• Job Evaluation
• Skills
• Valid Grades
• User defined Extra Information Types

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

Position Hierarchies
Chapter 19 - Page 8
Work Choices

Work Choices

• Work choices specify deployment conditions for

the job or position.
• These can also be entered for employees or
candidates to assist in succession planning.
• Choices include:
– Willingness to work in all locations, to relocate, to
travel or to hold a passport
– Specific countries or locations of travel
– Length of time the person must perform the job or

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

Position Hierarchies
Chapter 19 - Page 9
Practice: Entering Work Choice Information

Practice: Entering Work

Choice Information

• Follow the demonstration to see how to enter work

choice information for a job and a person
• Navigate to the Job or Position windows using your
local Super HRMS Manager responsibility
(N) WorkStructures > Job/Position > Description

Online Help
For details on how to enter work choice information for a job or position, please refer to the
online help path:
Oracle HRMS > Enterprise Modeling > Jobs and Positions > How To > Enter Work Choices
for a Job or Position
Instructor Note
Inform the students that the first level in the Online Help path, which starts with Oracle
HRMS, should be substituted with their local Oracle HRMS menu tree path level.

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

Position Hierarchies
Chapter 19 - Page 10
Changing Job and Position Definitions

Changing Job and Position Definitions

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

Position Hierarchies
Chapter 19 - Page 11
Changing Definitions

Changing Definitions

• Positions are DateTracked so that you can maintain

a complete history of changes to your positions
over time
• Jobs are dated so that you can
start and end definitions ary
Janu aryry
u n a
Ja nu
– No DateTracked history Ja
• Position Hierarchy versions
are dated so that you can have
multiple versions at the same time

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

Position Hierarchies
Chapter 19 - Page 12
Changing Details

Changing Details

• Ending a Job or a Position will automatically end

valid grade definitions
– Removing the end date will reopen valid grades
with the same original end date
• You cannot end Jobs that are currently in use in
assignments or positions
• You can change the Status of a position
• If you want to record the source of changes to a
position, use the Amendment Information fields
from the Additional Detail tab
– Useful for Public Sector and Position Control

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

Position Hierarchies
Chapter 19 - Page 13
Practice: Job and Position Windows Demo

Practice: Job and Position

Windows Demo

• Follow the demonstration, or use the notes

provided, to go back and view the job and position
definition windows
• Check the use of Date From vs Effective Date
• Check the details behind each of the taskflow
buttons in the windows.
• Navigate to the Job or Position window using your
local Super HRMS Manager responsibility
(N) Work Structures > Job/Position > Description

Online Help
For details on the Job and Position windows, please refer to the online help path:
Oracle HRMS > Enterprise Modeling > Jobs and Positions > How To > Define a Job and
Define a position
Instructor Note
Inform the students that the first level in the Online Help path, which starts with Oracle
HRMS, should be substituted with their local Oracle HRMS menu tree path level.

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

Position Hierarchies
Chapter 19 - Page 14
Mass Move Updates
Chapter 20

Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2002. All rights reserved.

Mass Move Updates

Chapter 20 - Page 1
Mass Move Updates

Mass Move Updates

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Mass Move Updates

Chapter 20 - Page 2


• Mass Move allows you to manage the movement of

positions as a result of reorganization and
simultaneously to update employee records
• Mass move functionality is only available if you use

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Mass Move Updates

Chapter 20 - Page 3


• If you use positions, you should try to keep the

definition of organizations as broad as possible
– Reduce the duplication of information
– Simplify the processes of reorganization
• Reorganization usually means changing
organizations, positions and hierarchies
– You cannot change organization for a position
– You must end one and create a new position
– Mass Move functionality supports this process

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Mass Move Updates

Chapter 20 - Page 4
Moving Assignments

Moving Assignments

• You can create new positions using existing

– In the same organization or a different one
– You can change the valid grade, location, and
standard conditions of the positions
• You can move a group of assignments to different
– In the same organization or a different one
– North American users can also change the GRE/Legal
Entity of an assignment

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Mass Move Updates

Chapter 20 - Page 5
Considerations Before a Mass Move

Considerations Before a Mass Move

• What is the effective date for the change?

• What are the source and target organizations?
– May be the same or different
• What are the source and target positions
– Do you want to deactivate the source position?
– If the target positions are new, do you want to copy
location and standard conditions from the source
position, target organization, or Business Group?
– What about valid grades and GRE/Legal Entity details?

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Mass Move Updates

Chapter 20 - Page 6
Considerations Before a Mass Move

Considerations Before a Mass Move

• Which assignments should transfer from the source

positions to the target positions?
• What should happen to the grade of any assignment
changed during the move?
• What should happen to the location, standard
conditions and GRE/Legal Entity of assignments
changed during the move?

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Mass Move Updates

Chapter 20 - Page 7
Practice: Mass Moves

Practice: Mass Moves

• Follow the demonstration, or use the notes

provided, to move positions and assignments from
one organization to another
• Navigate to the Position window using your local
Super HRMS Manager responsibility
(N) WorkStructures > Position > Mass Move

Online Help
For details on how to Move Positions and assignments from one organization to another, please
refer to the online help path:
Oracle HRMS > Enterprise Modeling > Business Group Reorganization > How To > Describe
your Mass Move
Instructor Note
Inform the students that the first level in the Online Help path, which starts with Oracle
HRMS, should be substituted with their local Oracle HRMS menu tree path level.

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Mass Move Updates

Chapter 20 - Page 8
Setting Up Workers
Compensation (U.S.)
Chapter 21

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Setting Up Workers Compensation (U.S.)

Chapter 21 - Page 1
Setting Up Workers Compensation (U.S.)

Setting Up Workers
Compensation (U.S.)

Instructor Note
This unit needs to be covered if this is being taught in the US as Workers Compensation is
unique to US only.

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Setting Up Workers Compensation (U.S.)

Chapter 21 - Page 2
Module Overview

Module Overview

• This topic concentrates on the setup of Workers’

Compensation, (WC), information for Insurers,
Codes and Rates
• If you are using Oracle Payroll you will have
predefined elements and fastformulas to do the
calculations for Workers Compensation
Workers Compensation Information
– Stores information. This is processed for each
Workers Compensation
– Stores the WC premium calculated during processing
of each employee

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Setting Up Workers Compensation (U.S.)

Chapter 21 - Page 3
WC Insurers

WC Insurers

• Monopolistic states require you to use their own

agency as your insurer
• Competitive states allow you to choose between
private insurers and the state agency to fund WC


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Setting Up Workers Compensation (U.S.)

Chapter 21 - Page 4
WC Codes and Rates

WC Codes and Rates

• You associate a state’s WC codes with an insurer’s

default rates
– Default rates apply when no location is specified

Instructor Note
If the carrier applies special rates to one or more work locations within the state, enter these
rates by carrier and locations.

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Setting Up Workers Compensation (U.S.)

Chapter 21 - Page 5
Workers’ Compensation Liability

Workers’ Compensation Liability

• Maintain specialized information to determine your

• Associate your jobs with state WC work
classification codes
• Associate state WC classification codes with WC
insurance premium rates

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Setting Up Workers Compensation (U.S.)

Chapter 21 - Page 6
Additional Elements/ Modifications Required

Additional Elements/
Modifications Required

Consider additional WC elements, new formulas, or

formula modifications if your enterprise has:
• Multiple GREs in different states, with different
• Employees working in states with unique rules
governing the makeup of employees’ payroll
exposure or in states with nonstandard modifiers
for the WC premium calculation
• GREs in Washington or Oregon where employees as
well as employers must pay WC premiums or fees

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Setting Up Workers Compensation (U.S.)

Chapter 21 - Page 7
Practice: Workers Compensation Codes and Rates

Practice: Workers Compensation

Codes and Rates

• Follow the demonstration, or use the notes

provided, to define Workers Compensation Codes
and Rates
• Use your local Super HRMS Manager responsibility
1. (N) Work Structure > Job > Workers Compensation Rates
2. (N) Work Structure > Job > Workers Compensation Codes
3. (N) Work Structures > Organization > Description

Online Help
1 & 2. For details on how to complete the Workers Compensation Rates and Codes Windows
please refer to the online Help path:
Oracle HRMS > Oracle HRMS US > Payroll Definition > Workers Compensation > How To >
Entering WC Codes, Exposure Rules and Surcharges
3. For details on how to complete the Organization window please refer to the online Help
Applications Help Library > Oracle HRMS Applications > Oracle HRMS > Oracle HRMS
Global > Organization Management > How To > Create Organizations > Create an
Instructor Note
Inform the students that the first level in the Online Help path, which starts with Oracle
HRMS, should be substituted with their local Oracle HRMS menu tree path level.

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Setting Up Workers Compensation (U.S.)

Chapter 21 - Page 8
Work Structures
Chapter 22

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Work Structures
Chapter 22 - Page 1
Work Structures

Work Structures

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Work Structures
Chapter 22 - Page 2


The following modules were covered in Work

• Module 1 - Overview of Enterprise Work Structures
• Module 2 - Defining Common Data
• Module 3 - Setting up Business Groups, Locations
and Organizations
• Module 4 - Representing Financial Report
• Module 5 - Representing Legal & Government
Reporting Structures (US)
• Module 6 - Representing Grades and their
Relationship to Pay
• Module 7 - Representing Jobs and Positions
• Module 8 - Setting up Workers’ Compensation (US)

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Work Structures
Chapter 22 - Page 3


In this eClass you should have learned how to:

• Recognise different types of enterprise business
models and explain how to represent these in
Oracle HRMS
• Describe the work structure components and
understand their use in Oracle HRMS

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Work Structures
Chapter 22 - Page 4
Defining Common Data -
Instructor Demonstrations
and Practice Solutions
Chapter 23

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Defining Common Data - Instructor Demonstrations and Practice Solutions

Chapter 23 - Page 1
Instructor Demonstration
Defining the People Group Key Flexfield Structure
This demonstration and practice reinforces your ability to define a structure and segments for the
Position key flexfield.

Business Scenario

This practice reinforces your ability to define the People Group key flexfield.

Remember to prefix the structure name with your unique group number.

The details of the flexfield are as follows:


No. Name Validation Description

1 Union Independent In this scenario there are only two values
USWU and Non-Union.
2 Medical Plan Independent List of values.
3 Stock Purchase None An employee can contribute between 1%
and 15% of net pay.
4 Source of Table This segment uses the values, which have
Information been defined for the Lookup Type
‘REC_TYPE’ to record the source of the

Value Sets

Values for Medical Plan Description

1 Employee only
2 Employee + 1
3 Employee + 2
4 Employee + 3
5 Employee + Family

Hint: You will need the following details to complete the setting up of the Value Set for
Source of Information.

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Defining Common Data - Instructor Demonstrations and Practice Solutions

Chapter 23 - Page 2
Table Application Application Object Library
Value Column LOOKUP_CODE
Meaning Column Meaning
Where/order by Where Lookup Type = ’REC_TYPE’

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Defining Common Data - Instructor Demonstrations and Practice Solutions

Chapter 23 - Page 3
Instructor Demonstration and Practice Solution
Defining the People Group Key Flexfield Structure
1. Navigate to the Key Flexfield Segment window using the System Administration

(N) Application > Flexfield > Key > Segments

2. Run a query with the following criteria in the Flexfield Title Field:
− People%

Note: This retrieves all previously defined structures.

3. Select an empty row in the Structures region to create a new structure.

Note: If an empty row does not appear, click in an existing structure and choose the New
button from the menu bar.

4. Enter xx People Group Flexfield in the Title Field (where xx represents your unique group
id number).

Note: Make sure that the Freeze Flexfield Definition box is unchecked, since you are
creating a new flexfield.

5. Save your work.

6. Choose the Segments button.

7. Choose the selector to add a new segment.

8. Enter Union as the name of the first segment, and a description if required.

9. Enter a column for the segment.

10. Enter a number for the segment.

11. Check the enabled, displayed and Index boxes.

12. Select the Value Set button once you are on the Value Set field.

13. Define a new Value Set with the following details:

− Name = xxUnion Name (where xx is your unique group number)
− Format Type = Char
− Maximum Size = 30
− Validation type = Independent

14. Save the value set.

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Chapter 23 - Page 4
15. Return to the segment window and choose the value set you have just created.

16. Select a Default Type of Constant.

17. Select a Default Value.

18. Uncheck the required checkbox, unless you want to force users to complete this field.

19. Save your work.

20. Close this window to return to the Segments Summary window.

Enter the following details for segment 2

21. Choose the selector to add a new segment.

22. Enter Medical Plan as the name of the second segment, and a description if required.

23. Enter a column for the segment.

24. Enter a number for the segment.

25. Check the enabled, displayed and Index boxes.

26. Select the Value Set button once you are on the Value Set field.

27. Define a new Value Set with the following details:

− Name = xx Medical Plan (where xx is your unique group number)
− Format Type = Char
− Maximum Size = 10
− Validation type = Independent

28. Save the value set.

29. Return to the segment window and choose the value set you have just created.

30. Select a Default Type of Constant.

31. Select the Default Value.

32. Uncheck the required checkbox, unless you want to force users to complete this field.

33. Save your work.

Enter the following details for segment 3

34. Choose the selector to add a new segment.

35. Enter Stock Purchase as the name of the third segment, and a description if required.

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Chapter 23 - Page 5
36. Enter a column for the segment.

37. Enter a number for the segment.

38. Check the enabled, displayed and Index boxes.

39. Select the Value Set button once you are on the Value Set field.

40. Define a new Value Set with the following details:

− Name = xx Stock Purchase (where xx is your unique group number)
− Format Type = Number
− Maximum Size = 2
− Validation type = None

41. Save the value set.

42. Return to the segment window and choose the value set you have just created.

43. Select a Default Type of Constant.

44. Select a Default Value.

45. Uncheck the required checkbox, unless you want to force users to complete this field.

46. Save your work.

Enter the following details for segment 4

47. Choose the selector to add a new segment.

48. Enter Source of Information as the name of the fourth segment, and a description if

49. Enter a column for the segment.

50. Enter a number for the segment.

51. Check the enabled, displayed and Index boxes.

52. Select the Value Set button once you are on the Value Set field.

53. Define a new Value Set with the following details:

− Name = xx SOI (where xx is your unique group number)
− Format Type = Char
− Maximum Size = 30
− Validation type = Table

54. Select the Edit Information button.

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Defining Common Data - Instructor Demonstrations and Practice Solutions

Chapter 23 - Page 6
55. Enter the relevant table information for Source of Information.

56. Save the value set.

57. Return to the segment window and choose the value set you have just created.

58. Select a Default Type of Constant.

59. Select a Default Value.

60. Uncheck the required checkbox, unless you want to force users to complete this field.

61. Save your work.

62. Return to the Key Flexfield Segments window and in the structure region check the
Freeze Flexfield Definition box. Acknowledge the message that appears after reading it.

63. Check the Allow Dynamic Inserts check box.

64. You can now select the compile button and compile your People Group Key Flexfield.

Adding Values to Value Sets

1. Navigate to the Segment Values window using the System Administration responsibility:

(N) Application > Flexfield > Key > Values

2. Query the Value Set you defined for Region and enter the list of values given for Medical

3. Save your work.

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Defining Common Data - Instructor Demonstrations and Practice Solutions

Chapter 23 - Page 7
Instructor Demonstration
Define the Personal Analysis Key Flexfield
This demonstration and practice reinforces your ability to define a structure and segments for the
Personal Analysis key flexfield, also known as Special Information Types.

Business Scenario

The objective of this exercise is to set up a personal analysis key flexfield structure for AB
Shoes, which can be used to hold details of company cars for reporting and administrative
purposes. Before you can enter actual details for people you need to define the structure of this
key flexfield and link it to your business group.

Remember to prefix the structure name with your unique group number.

The details of the flexfield are as follows:

Segments: Company Car Details

No. Name Validation Type Description

1 Car Make Independent List of values.
2 Car Model Independent
3 Registration None
4 Lease Start Date None Users can enter dates in the
following format:

Value Sets

Valid Values for Valid Values for

Car Make Car Model
Audi A4
BMW 3181
Mercedes C200
Saab 93

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Defining Common Data - Instructor Demonstrations and Practice Solutions

Chapter 23 - Page 8
Instructor Demonstration and Practice Solution
Defining the Personal Analysis Key Flexfield Structure
1. Navigate to the Key Flexfield Segment window using the System Administration

(N) Application > Flexfield > Key > Segments

2. Run a query with the following criteria in the Flexfield Title field:
− Personal%

Note: This retrieves all previously defined structures.

3. Select an empty row in the Structures region to create a new structure.

Note: If an empty row does not appear, click in an existing structure and choose the New
button from the menu bar.

4. Enter “xx Company Car Details” in the Title field (where xx represents your unique group
id number).

5. Select the Allow Dynamic Inserts box.

Note: Do not select the Freeze Flexfield Definition as you are creating a new flexfield.

6. Save your work.

7. Choose the Segments button.

8. Choose the selector to add a new segment.

9. Enter Car Make as the name of the first segment, and a description if required.

10. Enter a column for the segment.

11. Enter a number for the segment.

12. Check the Enabled, Displayed and Index boxes.

13. Select the Value Set button once you are on the Value Set field.

14. Define a new Value Set with the following details:

− Name = xx Car Make (where xx is your unique group number)
− Format Type = Char
− Maximum Size = 15
− Validation type = Independent (This will allow the value set to have a valid list of

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Defining Common Data - Instructor Demonstrations and Practice Solutions

Chapter 23 - Page 9
15. Save the value set.

16. Return to the segment window and choose the value set you have just created.

17. Select a Default Type of Constant.

18. Select a Default Value.

19. Uncheck the required checkbox, unless you want to force users to complete this field.

20. Save your work.

21. Close this window to return to the Segment Summary window.

Enter the following details for segment 2

22. Choose the selector to add a new segment.

23. Enter Car Model as the name of the second segment, and a description if required.

24. Enter a column for the segment.

25. Enter a number for the segment.

26. Check the Enabled, Displayed and Index boxes.

27. Select the Value Set button once you are on the Value Set field.

28. Define a new Value Set with the following details:

− Name = xxCar Model (where xx is your unique group number)
− Format Type = Char
− Maximum Size = 15
− Validation type = Independent

29. Save the value set.

30. Return to the segment window and choose the value set you have just created.

31. Select a Default Type of Constant.

32. Select a Default Value.

33. Uncheck the required checkbox, unless you want to force users to complete this field.

34. Save your work.

Enter the following details for segment 3

35. Choose the selector to add a new segment.

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Chapter 23 - Page 10
36. Enter Registration as the name of the third segment, and a description if required.

37. Enter a column for the segment.

38. Enter a number for the segment.

39. Check the Enabled, Displayed and Index boxes.

40. Select the Value Set button once you are on the Value Set field.

41. Define a new Value Set with the following details:

− Name = xxRegistration (where xx is your unique group number)
− Format Type = Char
− Maximum Size = 15
− Validation type = None

42. Save the value set.

43. Return to the segment window and choose the value set you have just created.

44. Select a Default Type of Constant.

45. Select a Default Value.

46. Uncheck the required checkbox, unless you want to force users to complete this field.

47. Save your work.

Enter the following details for segment 4

48. Choose the selector to add a new segment.

49. Enter Lease Start Date as the name of the fourth segment, and a description if required.

50. Enter a column for the segment.

51. Enter a number for the segment.

52. Check the Enabled, Displayed and Index boxes.

53. Select the Value Set button once you are on the Value Set field.

54. Define a new Value Set with the following details:

− Name = xxCar Model (where xx is your unique group number)
− Format Type = Char
− Maximum Size = 11
− Validation type = None

55. Save the value set.

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Defining Common Data - Instructor Demonstrations and Practice Solutions

Chapter 23 - Page 11
56. Return to the segment window and choose the value set you have just created.

57. Save your work.

58. Return to the Key Flexfield Segments window and in the structure region check the
Freeze Flexfield Definition box. Acknowledge the message that appears after reading it.

59. Check the Allow Dynamic Inserts checkbox.

60. You can now select the compile button and compile your Personal Analysis Key

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Defining Common Data - Instructor Demonstrations and Practice Solutions

Chapter 23 - Page 12
Extra Information Types - Questions

This practice reinforces your knowledge of Extra Information Types.


1. Explain what an Extra Information Type is?

2. Name the 6 important entities in HRMS that have EITs.

3. Give some examples of when you might consider using EITs.

4. What access restrictions can you impose on EITs?

5. EITs and Special Information Types both exist for extending personal information in
Oracle HRMS. What performance advantages do EITs have over Special Information

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Defining Common Data - Instructor Demonstrations and Practice Solutions

Chapter 23 - Page 13
Practice Solution
Extra Information Types - Answers
1. Extra Information Types are a type of descriptive flexfield that let you define a complete
set of information and segments, not just 30 unrelated segments. You can have many
records of each EIT for every main record. You can define EITs for several important
entities, not just for People.

2. Locations, Organizations, Jobs, Positions, People, Assignments

3. To capture country specific details for a person or an assignment for expatriate employees.
To capture company or division specific information when you have multiple companies
in the same business group. To capture additional job or position details for job posting.

4. You can restrict access to Extra Information Types by not including the windows in the
menus and taskflows for a responsibility or by using CustomForm with Taskflow security
to restrict access to specific types of information. For example: You might have some
users who should never see any EIT for people while other users have access to one EIT
but not all. You can also restrict access at responsibility level to sets of EITs as part of a
role-based security model. For example: You might want a recruitment manager to have
access to some EITs for people, others for assignment, and another set for jobs or
positions. The easiest way to define this set of restrictions is by responsibility.

Note: You must enable access at responsibility level before a user will see any EIT.

5. EITs have performance advantages in online data entry and in batch data loading over
Special Information Types. This is an important large-scale implementation where you
store high volumes of data.

Note: This is because the entry of any key flexfield combination checks to see if that
combination already exists. If it does, then the system points to that combination. If not, then
the system inserts the combination.

Descriptive flexfields do not check for unique combinations.

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Defining Common Data - Instructor Demonstrations and Practice Solutions

Chapter 23 - Page 14
Practice Questions
Key and Descriptive Flexfield Overview
This practice reinforces your knowledge of flexfields and their features.

1. What are the six key flexfields in Oracle HRMS and which one can have many structures
in one business group?

2. Which of the six key flexfields belong to the Payroll product?

3. How many segments can you define in the HRMS key flexfields?

4. Which user key flexfield uses qualifiers and what do the qualifiers do?

5. What is the difference between descriptive and key flexfields?

6. What system feature determines the validation of values in a segment?

7. What are the four types of predefined validation? What does each of them represent?

8. What are the additional features of key flexfields?

9. What is the purpose of cross-validation rules?

10. What is the purpose of shorthand aliases?

11. What is the purpose of flexfield value security?

12. What is the purpose of dynamic insertion?

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Chapter 23 - Page 15
Practice Solutions
Key and Descriptive Flexfield Overview Solution
1. Job, Position, Grade, Cost Allocation, People Group and Personal Analysis. You can have
many different Personal Analysis structures in the same business group.

2. The Cost Allocation and People Group key flexfields belong to Oracle Payroll.

3. You can define up to 30 segments in the HRMS key flexfields.

4. The Cost Allocation key flexfield uses qualifiers to determine which windows you can
enter costing information in.

5. A key flexfield defines a unique key combination to identify jobs, positions and grades. It
is used to configure the system to meet different business needs. Key flexfields can also
be used to store additional information such as people group or special information types.
A descriptive flexfield can store additional information that does not already exist on a
delivered form. User descriptive flexfields can store only one value in each segment.

6. Value Sets determine the validation rules for information stored in a segment.

7. The four types of validations available to value sets are as follows:

− Note: Any information can be entered into the segment as long as it is within the
characteristics of the value set.
− Independent: A user-defined list defines the values for the segment.
− Dependent: The values of the segment are linked to the values of a related segment.
− Table: The list of values for the segment is taken from a table of values that already

8. The additional features of key flexfields are cross-validation, dynamic insertion, shorthand
aliases, and flexfield security.

9. The purpose of cross-validation is to ensure that only certain code combinations can be
entered into the system. It maintains data integrity.

10. Shorthand aliases provide a word or phrase that represents a partial or complete code
combination. They save time.

11. The purpose of flexfield security is to restrict access to a particular value or a range of
values within a segment.

12. Dynamic insertion enables the system to insert a new unique combination as a valid value.
It often works with cross-validation rules.

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Defining Common Data - Instructor Demonstrations and Practice Solutions

Chapter 23 - Page 16
Instructor Demonstration
Defining Lookup Types and Values
The purpose of this demonstration is to show you how to define Lookup Types and Values.

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Chapter 23 - Page 17
Instructor Demonstration and Practice Solution
Defining Lookup Types and Values
1. Navigate to the Application Utilities Lookups window using your local Super HRMS
Manager responsibility

(N) Other Definitions > Lookup Tables

Define Lookup Types

2. Define two new Lookup Types:

Type Meaning Access Level User Name

XxAgencies XxAgencies User (Default) Default User
XxVacation XxVacation User (Default) Super User

3. Select the application with which you want to associate the Lookup Type.

4. Save your work.

Enter Lookup Values

5. Enter the following information for the new lookup types.

Lookup Type Code Meaning Description Start Date To Date

XxAGENCIES xxHR xxHeart Fund xxHeart Fund 01-JAN- Blank
XxAGENCIES xxUW xxUnited Way xxUnited Way 01-JAN- Blank
XxAGENCIES xxHS xxHumane xxHumane Society 01-JAN- Blank
Society 1990

6. Save your work.

7. Query the Vacation lookup Type, and enter the following information:

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Chapter 23 - Page 18
Lookup Type Code Meaning Description Start Date To Date
XxVACATION xxAV xxApproved xxApproved 01-JAN- Blank

8. Save your work.

9. Query ABSENCE_REASON Lookup Type.

Note: Before you can add a new value, you must click in one of the existing values to
activate it.

10. Enter the following values:

Lookup Type Code Meaning Description Start Date To Date

ABSENCE_REASON xxVAC xxVacation xxVacation 01-JAN- Blank

11. Save your work.

12. Query US_PAYMENT Lookup Type.

13. Enter the following values:

Lookup Type Code Meaning Description Start Date To Date

US_PAYMENT xxER xxExpense xxExpense 01-JAN- Blank
Reimbursement Reimbursement 1990

14. Save your work.

15. Query US_IMPUTED_EARNINGS Lookup Type.

16. Enter the following values:

Lookup Type Code Meaning Description Start Date To Date


17. Save your work.

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Defining Common Data - Instructor Demonstrations and Practice Solutions

Chapter 23 - Page 19
Instructor Demonstration
Defining Exchange Rates

This practice reinforces your ability to define exchange rates.

For your payroll, define an exchange rate of US Dollars - British Pound Sterling at a rate of
USD1.45 to GBP1.00.

Before you define an exchange rate, you must set up the conversion rate types for HRMS.

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Defining Common Data - Instructor Demonstrations and Practice Solutions

Chapter 23 - Page 20
Instructor Demonstration and Practice Solution
Defining Exchange Rates
1. Navigate to the GL Daily Rates window using your local Super HRMS Manager

(N) Payroll > GL Daily Rates

2. Change the Currency To entry to Pound Sterling.

3. Enter a Currency From value of USD.

4. Enter the date from which this becomes the active exchange rate.

5. Enter the type of conversion.

6. Enter exchange rate to be used in this conversion.

7. Click in the remaining field to automatically populate the return exchange rate.

8. Save your work.

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Defining Common Data - Instructor Demonstrations and Practice Solutions

Chapter 23 - Page 21
Work Structures Case Study
Business Scenario

This section provides you with the general business scenario for AB Shoes that lies behind the
demonstrations and labs for defining work structures. This information should help you to see
the individual labs in the context of a complete business operation and help you to understand
how the labs were designed.

Working individually or within groups assigned by your instructor you should read the following
and determine answers to the questions.

Business Scenario – Company Profile

AB Shoes Corporation is a division of AB Inc. - a diversified multinational corporation with

operations in manufacturing, retail, finance, consulting, and entertainment industries.

AB Shoes, formerly Panzanelli Shoes, opened its first store in New York on Feb 1, 1979.

Rapid expansion through the 1980s led to a chain of stores across the US. In the early 1990s the
company expanded into Europe through a series of acquisitions. Panzanelli’s was acquired by
AB Inc. in 1995 and renamed AB Shoes Corporation with new global management and
compensation structures in line with the rest of AB Inc. AB Shoes has its World and US
Regional Headquarters in New York, with European Headquarters in London.

AB Shoes Corp. has purchased Oracle HRMS and now wants to implement the system to support
all of its global and local operations. If this implementation is judged successful it may lead to
further implementations in the other divisions of AB Incorporated.

AB Shoes Corp (US) US Operations

Headquarters in New York

AB Shoes (US) maintains a central warehouse and distribution center in Wisconsin that supplies
shoes and leather goods to all other AB locations in the US.

There are three US Sales Regions: AB Shoes West in Las Vegas; AB Shoes Midwest in
Columbus; and AB Shoes East in Boston.

All employees of AB Shoes receive their paychecks from AB Shoes Corp. AB shoes has hired a
third-party administrator, called Great Benefits in Cleveland, to handle its health-care benefits.
AB shoes needs to run its Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) report based on AB Inc.
information in a consolidated report for all of their organizations.

Currently, one Senior Vice President oversees the North American division for US and Canada
with planned expansion to several Latin and South American countries.

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Chapter 23 - Page 22

The accounting department requires the transfer of certain payroll and budget costs to GL in line
with a global cost center structure for AB Inc. that covers all companies and organizations.
Accounting would like to track costs by company, by cost center, account code, and project or
product code.

Additionally, they would like to see a breakdown of tax costs by state, city, county, and school


Executives and managers are salaried employees with separate grade-pay structures to cover
differences in compensation for level and geography. Warehousing stock clerks and retail sales
associates are paid within hourly ranges. Stock clerks belong to the United Stock Workers Union
who negotiate annually to set rates of pay for employees in their union. Stock clerks are
automatically entitled to annual grade step increments within their pay scale. Every three years
the union also negotiates for changes in vacation, sick pay, and overtime.

Sales associates in retail stores are entitled to earn commission in addition to their regular wages.
Wage rates for sales associates vary by grade and are updated annually.

Annual bonuses for managers are calculated in January and paid at the end of February. Sales
and stock clerk associates are eligible for a bonus if AB turns a profit in the preceding financial

All employees accrue vacation time at the rate of 40 hours for the first year, 80 hours for the next
four years, and 120 hours from five years of service forward. These values are automatically pro-
rated for employees who work part-time. There is no maximum amount that can be carried over.

All AB executives and store managers are entitled to receive company cars.

AB Inc. offers an employee stock-purchase plan for all employees. Employees can choose to
deduct any amount from 1% to 15% of their pay toward stock-purchase.

Additionally, stock options are awarded on a discretionary basis to those associates who have
exceeded sales quotas. The company will record stocks that the associates sell.

AB Shoes runs a United Way campaign every November with contributions to be deducted from
the February 15 paycheck of the following year. In the absence of a self-service enrollment
option, local managers record individual employee contributions on a spreadsheet that is
provided to the Payroll Department who submit this through a batch process. Associates can
choose a one-time deduction or can spread the contributions over each paycheck until the end of
the year.

There are several agencies associated with the United Way and AB Shoes will match
contributions to the American Heart Society.

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Chapter 23 - Page 23
The company is offering a Preferred Provider Organization (PPO) medical plan for the following
categories: Employee only, Employee + 1, Employee + 2, Employee + 3, Employee + Family; it
will offer a dental and vision plan in the future. Each employee must choose one of the preferred
hospitals associated with this medical plan (Chicago Hope, Wisconsin Central, Boston Hospital,
Buckeye Memorial Hospital, or Las Vegas Healthcare).

AB Shoes Corp. UK Operations

AB Shoes (UK) has a London HQ, with a warehousing and distribution center located in
Manchester. There are three regional sales centers: AB Shoes North - Manchester; AB Shoes
South-London and AB Shoes Scotland - Edinburgh.

AB Shoes offers all employees private health care options and works with a third-party health
care group, Great Benefits (UK) to administer employee health checks.

Currently, one Vice President based in London oversees the entire UK operation. AB Shoes are
currently discussing options to establish an integrated European management structure to cover
all European operations.


The accounting department requires the transfer of certain payroll and budget costs to GL in line
with a global cost center structure for AB Inc. that covers all companies and organizations.
Accounting would like to track costs by company, by cost center, account code, and project or
product code.


Executives and managers are salaried employees with separate grade-pay structures to cover
differences in compensation for seniority and geography.

Warehousing stock clerks and retail sales associates are paid within hourly ranges. Stock clerks
belong to the United Stock Workers Union who negotiates annually to set rates of pay for
employees in their union. Stock clerks are automatically entitled to annual grade step increments
within their pay scale. Every three years the union also negotiates changes in vacation, sick pay,
and overtime entitlements.

Sales associates in retail stores are entitled to earn commission in addition to their regular wages.
Wage rates for sales associates vary by grade and are updated annually.

Annual bonuses for managers are calculated in January and paid at the end of February. Sales
and stock clerk associates are eligible for a bonus if AB turns a profit in the preceding financial

All employees accrue vacation time at the rate of 40 hours for the first year, 80 hours for the next
four years, and 120 hours from five years of service forward. These values are automatically pro-
rated for employees who work part-time. There is no maximum amount that can be carried over.

All AB executives and store managers are entitled to a company car.

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Chapter 23 - Page 24
AB Inc. offers an employee stock-purchase plan for all employees. Employees can choose to
deduct any amount from 1% to 15% of their pay toward stock-purchase.

Additionally, stock options are awarded on a discretionary basis to those associates who have
exceeded sales quotas. The company will record stocks that the associates sell.

AB Shoes runs a charitable giving campaign every January to encourage employees to enroll in
GAYE - Give As You Earn, with contributions to be deducted from the first paycheck of the
following tax year. Employees can choose to contribute a fixed amount or a percentage of pay
each pay period.

To encourage employees to contribute, AB Shoes will match any employee contributions to the
United Kingdom Heart Foundation.

The company offers a choice of coverage in a private medical plan with BUPA: Employee only,
Employee + 1, Employee + 2, Employee + 3, or Employee + Family. Each employee must
choose one of the preferred hospitals associated with the medical plan (Manchester Hope,
London Central, Bristol Hospital, Norwich Memorial Hospital, Plymouth Healthcare).

The company will offer a dental and vision plan in the future.

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Chapter 23 - Page 25
Business Scenario Questions (US)
1. Draw an organization chart to reflect the structures of AB Inc and AB Shoes.

2. How many business groups will there be?

3. How many locations and organizations (external and internal) will there be for AB Shoes

4. What effective date will you use when you set up your HRMS structures?

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Chapter 23 - Page 26
Business Scenario (US) Solution
2. At least two: AB Shoes Corporation US and AB Shoes Corporation UK

3. Locations: New York, Wisconsin, Las Vegas, Columbus, Boston and Cleveland
(external) Organizations: AB Shoes West, AB Shoes Midwest, AB Shoes East and Great
Benefits (external)

4. 01-Jan-1995

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Chapter 23 - Page 27
Business Scenario Questions (UK)
1. Draw an organization chart to reflect the structures of AB Inc and AB Shoes.

2. How many business groups will there be?

3. How many locations and organizations (external and internal) will there be for AB Shoes

4. What effective date will you use when you set up your HRMS structures?

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Chapter 23 - Page 28
Business Scenario (UK) Solution
2. At least two: AB Shoes Corporation UK and AB Shoes Corporation US

3. Locations: London HQ, Manchester, Edinburgh, and London (external) Organizations:

AB Shoes North, AB Shoes Scotland, AB Shoes South and Great Benefits (external)

4. 01-Jan-1995

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Chapter 23 - Page 29
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Chapter 23 - Page 30
Setting up Business Groups,
Locations, and Organizations
- Instructor Demonstrations
and Practice Solutions
Chapter 24

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Setting up Business Groups, Locations, and Organizations - Instructor Demonstrations and Practice Solutions
Chapter 24 - Page 1
Instructor Demonstration (US)
Creating a US Business Group for AB Inc
Business Scenario

From the AB Shoes business scenario in an earlier practice you should be able to identify that
AB Shoes Corporation (US) is an operating division of AB Inc. which is headquartered in the
US. AB shoes needs to run its Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) report based on AB Inc.
information in a consolidated report for all of their organizations.

To support this need and for future expansion to include other divisions, AB Inc. will be the
business group for your US based operations. AB Shoes Corporation is an organization in the
same business group. AB Shoes (UK) will be defined in a separate business group to support UK
payroll, tax and legislative reporting needs.

AB Inc has decided to allocate employee and applicant numbers automatically.

You must use the appropriate xx structures for the Job, People Group, Grade, Position and Cost
Allocation key flexfields, (where xx is your unique group number).

Make sure that you also enter Tax Detail References for your business group.

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Chapter 24 - Page 2
Instructor Demonstration and Practice Solution
Creating a US Business Group for AB Inc
1. Navigate to the Organization window using your local Super HRMS Manager

(N) Work Structures > Organization > Description

2. Enter xxAB Inc. in the name field (where xx is your unique group number).

3. Select a user-defined organization type from the list of values.

4. Enter 01-JAN-1990 in the from date field.

5. Select Internal from the list of predefined values to allow employee assignments to this

6. Save your work.

Classifying a Business Group

7. Select business group in the Organization Classification Name field from the list of

8. Select the enable box.

9. Save your work.

10. Choose the Others button.

11. Double-click on Business Group Information.

12. Click in the second field to open the window.

13. Enter a short name for the business group.

14. Select Automatic as the option for employee number generation.

15. Select Automatic as the option for applicant number generation.

16. Select the appropriate Flexfield structures for your group number.

17. Select United States from the list of values for the legislation code.

18. Select USD from the list of values for the currency.

19. Click the OK button.

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Chapter 24 - Page 3
20. Save your work.

21. Choose the others button again.

22. Double-click on Work Day Information to enter default information for all employees in
this business group.

23. Click the OK button and Save your work.

24. Choose the Others button again.

25. Select Tax Details References to enter the appropriate Federal, State and local tax default
information for your business group.

26. Save your work.

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Chapter 24 - Page 4
Instructor Demonstration
Granting Users access to a New Business Group

The security model in Oracle HRMS means that you must grant a user access to a business group
before you can define any details within that business group.

This demonstration and practice reinforces your ability to grant users access to your new
business group using a new Responsibility.

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Chapter 24 - Page 5
Instructor Demonstration and Practice Solution
Granting Users Access to a New Business Group
1. Navigate to the Responsibilities window using your System Administrator responsibility:

(N) Security > Responsibility > Define

2. Enter xx Super HRMS Manager as the new responsibility name (where xx represents your

3. Select Oracle Human Resources in the application field.

4. Enter a responsibility key name and a description for the new responsibility.

5. Enter an effective date of 01-JAN-1990.

6. Select Oracle Applications to signify that this responsibility applies to the professional
user interface.

7. Select Standard and Oracle Human Resources in the Data Group region.

8. Select your local SHRMS Navigator menu in the Menu field.

9. Select your local HRMS Reports & Processes and Oracle Human Resources in the
Request Group region.

10. Save your work.

Set User Profile Options

You must set at least two user profile options for this new Responsibility.

If you are using standard security - Security Groups Enabled = No, then you must assign the
Security Profile to the Responsibility and the Responsibility to a User as System Administrator

If you are using Security Groups Enabled = Yes, then you must assign the Security Profile and
the Responsibility to a User as the Super HRMS manager.

1. Navigate to the System Profile Values window using your System Administrator

(N) Profile > System

2. Check the display box for Responsibility and enter the name of your new responsibility.

3. Enter HR:Security Profile as the profile name and click the Find button.

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Chapter 24 - Page 6
4. Enter the security profile with the same name as your new business group.

Note: The system automatically creates a view all security profile whenever you define a
new business group. After you have setup all the work structures in your business group you
can define restricted security profiles using organization and position hierarchies, and/or

5. Save your work.

6. Return to the Find window and find a new profile.

7. Enter HR:User Type as the profile name and click the Find button.

8. Enter HR with Payroll User as the value for user type.

Note: This means that you can see and enter fields on all HRMS windows.

9. Save your work.

10. Return to the Find window and find a new profile.

11. Enter Help Localization Code as the Profile name and click the Find button.

12. Enter the appropriate territory or vertical code as the value for user type (US for USA or
GB for UK).

13. Save your work.

Note: This value is free format to allow for vertical and custom extensions to local versions
of user help.

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Chapter 24 - Page 7
Assign New Responsibility to an Application User
1. Navigate to the User window using your System Administrator responsibility:

(N) Security > User > Define

2. Query your own application username - the one you used to log on to the system.

3. Insert your xx Super HRMS Manager responsibility from the list of values in a new line in
the responsibility region.

4. Save your work and exit the window.

5. Choose the File > Switch Responsibility menu option to bring up the list of
responsibilities you have access to.

6. Select the new responsibility to sign on to the new business group.

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Chapter 24 - Page 8
Instructor Demonstration
Defining US Locations

Locations define worksites for operational and tax reporting purposes.

This practice reinforces your ability to set up locations.

Business Scenario

Create the following locations, prefixing each location with your unique group number.

Note: You can define local and international worksites for one business group or to be shared
across all business groups. (Controlled by HR:Cross Business Group user profile).

Your company will have 7 locations with the following addresses:

AB Shoes, Inc. AB Shoes Warehouse Great Benefits

44 Apples Way 540 Dairy Way 1401 Elm Street
New York, NY 10188 Sheboygan, WI 53081 Dallas, TX 75201

AB Shoes AB Shoes West AB Shoes Midwest

959 North Michigan Ave. 100 Buckeye Road 777 Gambler’s Gulch
Chicago, IL 60601 Columbus, OH 43287 Las Vegas, NV 89100

AB Shoes East
4534 Tea Party Circle
Boston, MA 02100

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Chapter 24 - Page 9
Instructor Demonstration and Practice Solution
Defining US Locations
1. Navigate to the Location window using your own Super HRMS Manager responsibility:

(N) Work Structures > Location

2. Type in the name of your location prefixing it with your unique group number.

3. Type in a description for your location.

4. Select the appropriate address style for local addresses.

5. Enter the address of your location.

6. Save your work.

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Chapter 24 - Page 10
Instructor Demonstration
Defining US Organizations
Your enterprise has six internal organizations. They are represented as follows:

Note: Remember that AB Shoes, Inc. has already been classified as a business group, so you can
requery the record and add any other classifications that apply.

All of the companies have the same work schedule of 8-8-8-8-8-0-0

Organizations Business Group HR Organization

AB Shoes, Inc. X X
AB Shoes Corporation X
AB Shoes Warehouse X
AB Shoes Midwest X
AB Shoes West X
AB Shoes East X

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Chapter 24 - Page 11
Instructor Demonstration and Practice Solution
Defining US Organizations
1. Navigate to the Organization window using your own Super HRMS Manager

(N) Work Structures > Organization > Description

2. Enter a unique name for each organization in the Name field.

3. Select the appropriate user defined type of organization from the list of values.

4. Select the appropriate location for each organization.

5. Save your work.

6. Select the Organization Classification of HR Organization from the list of values.

7. Click the Enable button.

8. Save your work.

9. Continue to the Others area of information to enter default information for each

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Chapter 24 - Page 12
Entering Work Hours

1. Select Work Day Information.

2. Enter the appropriate work hours for this organization.

3. Click OK.

4. Save your work.

5. Click Others.

6. Select Work Schedule.

7. In the Schedule Table field, select Company Work Schedule from the list of values.

8. In the Schedule Name field, select 1 Schedule 8-8-8-8-8-0-0.

9. Click OK.

10. Save your work.

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Chapter 24 - Page 13
Instructor Demonstration
Creating an Organization Hierarchy
Business Scenario

Organization hierarchies show the different management reporting relationships that can exist
within an enterprise. You will also use hierarchies for government reporting and defining
security profiles.

This practice reinforces your ability to set up locations.

Create a hierarchy in the system that reflects the organization chart for AB Shoes.

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Chapter 24 - Page 14
Instructor Demonstration and Practice Solution
Creating an Organization Hierarchy
1. Navigate to the Organization Hierarchy window using your own Super HRMS Manager

(N) Work Structures > Organization > Hierarchy

2. Enter AB Shoes Main Hierarchy as the new hierarchy name.

3. Check the Primary Hierarchy box.

4. Save your work.

5. Enter 1 as the version number.

6. Enter the version date as 01-JAN-1990.

7. Save your work.

8. In the Organization region, query the top level organization for your hierarchy.

Note: Use AB Shoes Inc. for the US business group and AB Shoes Corporation (UK) for the

If you were setting both of these businesses up in the same system you could define a global
hierarchy to include organizations from all regions for management reporting. Your ability to do
this is controlled by the setting of the HR:Cross Business Group user profile.

1. Click in the Subordinates boxes and select the next level of reporting organizations.

2. Use the down arrow box to move to the next level of reporting.

3. Save your work.

To enable position control

1. Query the organization hierarchy in the Name field.

2. Check the Position Control box.

3. Determine the level at which the position control begins.

4. Click the Top Node Enabled check box to set the level at the highest organization.

5. Choose an organization in the subordinate block and select Yes in the Position Control
block to set the level at a subordinate level.

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Chapter 24 - Page 15
6. Exclude an organization by choosing the organization in the Subordinates block and
select No from the Position Control block.

Note: Excluding the organization automatically excludes its subordinates.

7. Save your work.

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Chapter 24 - Page 16
Instructor Demonstration
Assigning Employees to Organizations

The purpose of this practice is to check that you can hire and assign employees to the
organizations that you have defined.

Business Scenario

Hire an employee to work in one of the AB Shoes organization with a hire date of 01-MAR-

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Chapter 24 - Page 17
Instructor Demonstration and Practice Solution
Assigning Employees to Organizations
1. Navigate to the People window using your own Super HRMS Manager responsibility:

(N) People > Enter and Maintain

2. Click on the Find button.

3. The system should tell you that no people exist in your business group.

4. Click on the New button to enter a new employee.

5. Set your effective date to 01-MAR-2000.

6. Enter Name and personal details for a new employee with a hire date of 01-Mar-2000.

7. Save your work.

8. Click on the Assignment button to open the assignment window.

9. An assignment to the business group is created by default when you hire an employee.

10. In the Organization field open the list of values. All of the organizations you created
should be displayed in the list. Select one and save your choice as a correction.

You have completed the practice if all of your organizations appear in the list and you can save
an employee assignment.

Hints: If an organization does not appear in the list or you cannot save the assignment,
check the following:
− Effective date of the organization is before the hire date of the employee.
− The organization has the classification of HR Organization enabled.
− The organization is of the type Internal.

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Setting up Business Groups, Locations, and Organizations - Instructor Demonstrations and Practice Solutions
Chapter 24 - Page 18
Instructor Demonstration (UK)
Creating a UK Business Group for AB Shoes
Business Scenario

From the AB Shoes business scenario in an earlier practice you should be able to identify that
AB Shoes Corporation (UK) is a separate operating company within AB Shoes Corporation
which is headquartered in the US.

AB Shoes Corporation (UK) is defined as a separate business group to support UK payroll, tax
and legislative reporting needs.

AB Shoes Corporation (UK) has decided to allocate employee and applicant numbers

You must use the appropriate xx structures for the Job, People Group, Grade, Position and Cost
Allocation key flexfields, (where xx is your unique group number).

Make sure that you also enter Tax Detail References for your business group.

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Chapter 24 - Page 19
Instructor Demonstration and Practice Solution
Creating a UK Business Group for AB Shoes
1. Navigate to the Organization window using your local Super HRMS Manager

(N) Work Structures > Organization > Description

2. Enter xxAB Shoes Corporation (UK) in the name field (where xx is your unique group

3. Select a user-defined organization type from the list of values.

4. Enter 01-JAN-1990 in the from date field.

5. Select Internal from the list of predefined values to allow employee assignments to this

6. Save your work.

Classifying a Business Group

7. Select business group in the Organization Classification Name field from the list of

8. Select the enable box.

9. Save your work.

10. Choose the Others button.

11. Double-click on Business Group Information.

12. Click in the second field to open the window.

13. Enter a short name for the business group.

14. Select Automatic as the option for employee number generation.

15. Select Automatic as the option for applicant number generation.

16. Select the appropriate Flexfield structures for your group number.

17. Select United Kingdom from the list of values for the legislation code.

18. Select GBP from the list of values for the currency.

19. Click the OK button.

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Chapter 24 - Page 20
20. Save your work.

21. Choose the Others button again.

22. Double-click on Work Day Information to enter default information for all employees in
this business group.

23. Click the OK button and save your work.

24. Choose the Others button again.

25. Select Tax Details References to enter the appropriate tax default information for your
business group.

26. Save your work.

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Setting up Business Groups, Locations, and Organizations - Instructor Demonstrations and Practice Solutions
Chapter 24 - Page 21
Instructor Demonstration
Granting Users Access to a New Business Group

The security model in Oracle HRMS means that you must grant a user access to a business group
before you can define any details within that business group.

This demonstration and practice reinforces your ability to grant users access to your new
business group using a new Responsibility.

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Chapter 24 - Page 22
Instructor Demonstration and Practice Solution
Granting Users access to a New Business Group

1. Navigate to the Responsibilities window using your System Administrator responsibility:

(N) Security > Responsibility > Define

2. Enter xx Super HRMS Manager as the new responsibility name (where xx represents your

3. Select Oracle Human Resources in the application field.

4. Enter a responsibility key name and a description for the new responsibility.

5. Enter an effective date of 01-JAN-1990.

6. Select Oracle Applications to signify that this responsibility applies to the professional
user interface.

7. Select Standard and Oracle Human Resources in the Data Group region.

8. Select your local SHRMS Navigator menu in the Menu field.

9. Select your local HRMS Reports & Processes and Oracle Human Resources in the
Request Group region.

10. Save your work.

Set User Profile Options

You must set at least two user profile options for this new Responsibility.

If you are using standard security - Security Groups Enabled = No, then you must assign the
Security Profile to the Responsibility and the Responsibility to a User as System Administrator

If you are using Security Groups Enabled = Yes, then you must assign the Security Profile and
the Responsibility to a User as the Super HRMS manager.

1. Navigate to the System Profile Values window using your System Administrator

(N) Profile > System

2. Check the display box for Responsibility and enter the name of your new responsibility.

3. Enter HR:Security Profile as the profile name and click the Find button.

4. Enter the security profile with the same name as your new business group.
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Chapter 24 - Page 23
Note: The system automatically creates a view all security profile whenever you define a
new business group. After you have setup all the work structures in your business group you
can define restricted security profiles using organization and position hierarchies, and/or

5. Save your work.

6. Return to the Find window and find a new profile.

7. Enter HR:User Type as the profile name and click the Find button.

8. Enter HR with Payroll User as the value for user type.

Note: This means that you can see and enter fields on all HRMS windows.

9. Save your work.

10. Return to the Find window and find a new profile.

11. Enter Help Localization Code as the Profile name and click the Find button.

12. Enter the appropriate territory or vertical code as the value for user type: US for USA or
GB for UK.

13. Note: This value is free format to allow for vertical and custom extensions to local
versions of user help.

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Setting up Business Groups, Locations, and Organizations - Instructor Demonstrations and Practice Solutions
Chapter 24 - Page 24
Assign New Responsibility to an Application User

1. Navigate to the User window using your System Administrator responsibility.

(N) Security > User > Define

2. Query your own application username - the one you used to log on to the system.

3. Insert your xx Super HRMS Manager responsibility from the list of values in a new line in
the responsibility region.

4. Save your work and exit the form.

5. Choose the File - Switch Responsibility menu option to bring up the list of responsibilities
you have access to.

6. Select the new responsibility to sign on to the new business group.

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Setting up Business Groups, Locations, and Organizations - Instructor Demonstrations and Practice Solutions
Chapter 24 - Page 25
Instructor Demonstration
Defining UK Locations

Locations define worksites for operational and tax reporting purposes.

This practice reinforces your ability to set up locations.

Business Scenario

Create the following locations, prefixing each location with your unique group number.

Note: You can define local and international worksites for one business group or to be
shared across all business groups (Controlled by HR:Cross Business Group user profile).

Your company has four locations with the following addresses:

AB Shoes London AB Shoes South

44 Apples Way 33 Stamford Street
London London
L1 6YH SE1 7QH

AB Shoes North AB Shoes Scotland

540 Dairy Way 95 Lauriston Place
Manchester Edinburgh
M8 7FG EH3 9HZ

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Setting up Business Groups, Locations, and Organizations - Instructor Demonstrations and Practice Solutions
Chapter 24 - Page 26
Instructor Demonstration and Practice Solution
Defining UK Locations
1. Navigate to the Location window using your own Super HRMS Manager responsibility:

(N) Work Structures > Location

2. Type in the name of your location prefixing it with your unique group number.

3. Type in a description for your location.

4. Select the appropriate address style for local addresses.

5. Enter the address of your location.

6. Save your work.

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Setting up Business Groups, Locations, and Organizations - Instructor Demonstrations and Practice Solutions
Chapter 24 - Page 27
Instructor Demonstration
Defining UK Organizations
Your enterprise has six internal organizations. They are represented as follows:

Note: Remember that AB Shoes, Inc. has already been classified as a business group, so you
can requery the record and add any other classifications that apply.

Organizations Business Group HR Organization

AB Shoes Corporation X X
AB Shoes Warehouse X
AB Shoes North X
AB Shoes South X
AB Shoes Scotland X
Great Benefits (UK)

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Setting up Business Groups, Locations, and Organizations - Instructor Demonstrations and Practice Solutions
Chapter 24 - Page 28
Instructor Demonstration and Practice Solution
Defining UK Organizations
1. Navigate to the Organization window using your own Super HRMS Manager

(N) Work Structures > Organization > Description

2. Enter a unique name for each organization in the Name field.

3. Select the appropriate user defined type of organization from the list of values.

4. Select the appropriate location for each organization.

5. Select Internal or External for each organization.

6. Save your work.

7. Select the Organization Classification of HR Organization from the list of values.

8. Click the Enable button.

9. Save your work.

10. Continue to the Others area of information to enter default information for each

11. Save your work.

Note: Remember that Great Benefits is a benefits provider and not an internal HR

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Setting up Business Groups, Locations, and Organizations - Instructor Demonstrations and Practice Solutions
Chapter 24 - Page 29
Instructor Demonstration
Creating an Organization Hierarchy
Business Scenario

Organization hierarchies show the different management reporting relationships that can exist
within an enterprise. You will also use hierarchies for government reporting and defining
security profiles.

This practice reinforces your ability to set up locations.

Create a hierarchy in the system that reflects the organization chart for AB Shoes.

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Setting up Business Groups, Locations, and Organizations - Instructor Demonstrations and Practice Solutions
Chapter 24 - Page 30
Instructor Demonstration and Practice Solution
Creating an Organization Hierarchy
1. Navigate to the Organization Hierarchy window using your own Super HRMS Manager

(N) Work Structures > Organization > Hierarchy

2. Enter AB Shoes Main Hierarchy as the new hierarchy name.

3. Check the Primary Hierarchy box.

4. Save your work.

5. Enter 1 as the version number.

6. Enter the version date as 01-JAN-1990.

7. Save your work.

8. In the Organization region, query the top level organization for your hierarchy.

Note: Use AB Shoes Inc. for the US business group and AB Shoes Corporation (UK) for the

9. If you were setting both of these businesses up in the same system you could define a
global hierarchy to include organizations from all regions for management reporting. Your
ability to do this is controlled by the setting of the HR:Cross Business Group user profile.

10. Click in the Subordinates boxes and select the next level of reporting organizations.

11. Use the down arrow box to move to the next level of reporting.

12. Save your work.

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Setting up Business Groups, Locations, and Organizations - Instructor Demonstrations and Practice Solutions
Chapter 24 - Page 31
Instructor Demonstration
Assigning Employees to Organizations

The purpose of this practice is to check that you can hire and assign employees to the
organizations that you have defined.

Business Scenario

Hire an employee to work in one of the AB Shoes organization with a hire date of 01-MAR-

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Setting up Business Groups, Locations, and Organizations - Instructor Demonstrations and Practice Solutions
Chapter 24 - Page 32
Instructor Demonstration and Practice Solution
Assigning Employees to Organizations
1. Navigate to the People window using your own Super HRMS Manager responsibility:

(N) People > Enter and Maintain

2. Click on the Find button.

3. The system should tell you that no people exist in your business group.

4. Click on the New button to enter a new employee.

5. Set your effective date to 01-MAR-2000.

6. Enter Name and personal details for a new employee with a hire date of 01-Mar-2000.

7. Save your work.

8. Click on the Assignment button to open the assignment window.

9. An assignment to the business group is created by default when you hire an employee.

10. In the Organization field open the list of values. All of the organizations you created
should be displayed in the list. Select one and save your choice as a correction.

You have completed the practice if all of your organizations appear in the list and you can save
an employee assignment.

Hint: If an organization does not appear in the list or you cannot save the assignment, check
the following:
− Effective date of the organization is before the hire date of the employee.
− The organization has the classification of HR Organization enabled.
− The organization is of the type Internal.

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Setting up Business Groups, Locations, and Organizations - Instructor Demonstrations and Practice Solutions
Chapter 24 - Page 33
Instructor Demonstration
Using Application Data Exchange (ADE)
This demonstration guides you through the ADE process of exporting data. ADE enables
common desktop applications like word processors and spreadsheets to change, export and
upload data in Oracle HRMS.

You can select the ADE icon from the toolbar and export data, however you must query some
data before you can launch ADE.

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Setting up Business Groups, Locations, and Organizations - Instructor Demonstrations and Practice Solutions
Chapter 24 - Page 34
Representing Financial
Reporting Structures -
Instructor Demonstration and
Practice Solutions
Chapter 25

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Representing Financial Reporting Structures - Instructor Demonstration and Practice Solutions

Chapter 25 - Page 1
Instructor Demonstration
Entering and Reviewing Cost Allocation Information
The purpose of this demonstration is to show you where cost information is allocated in Oracle
HRMS. Details of how to set up the cost allocation key flexfield are provided in the Costing

1. Navigate to the Payroll window using your local Super HRMS Manager responsibility:

(N) Work Structures > Payroll > Define

Note: You are using this responsibility so that you can view the information for a predefined
business group. If you use your new responsibility you will not be able to view any costing
information until you setup the cost flexfield.

2. Move the cursor to the Costing field. The flexfield window should open to display the
segments that are enabled at the Payroll level for this Business Group.

3. Close the window and move the cursor to the Suspense Account field. The flexfield
window should open to display all the segments that are enabled for this Business Group.

Note: If you are running Oracle Payroll, the costing process will use the suspense account
values to allocate costs that have no values allocated within the system.

4. Close the window.

5. Navigate to the Organization window using the local version of the Super HRMS
Manager responsibility:

(N) Work Structures > Organization > Description

6. Query an HR Organization and select the Costing window by choosing the Other button.

7. Open the flexfield window to view or enter values for costing segments that are enabled at
the Organization level.

8. Close the window.

9. Navigate to the Assignment window using the local version of the Super HRMS Manager

(N) Person > Enter and Maintain

10. Find an employee whose name begins with S%.

11. Navigate to the Costing window from the Assignment window:

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Representing Financial Reporting Structures - Instructor Demonstration and Practice Solutions

Chapter 25 - Page 2
(B) Assignment > Others > Costing

12. Open the flexfield window to view or enter values for costing segments that are enabled at
the Assignment level.

Note: You can enter multiple costing values at the assignment level to allocate costs for one
assignment to multiple cost codes. Each line is datetracked and the total allocation of costs
at all times must be 100%.

13. Close the window.

14. You could also navigate to the Element Link and Element Entry windows to view other
levels where you can enter cost information in Oracle HRMS. These are covered in more
detail in the module on Costing.

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Representing Financial Reporting Structures - Instructor Demonstration and Practice Solutions

Chapter 25 - Page 3
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Representing Financial Reporting Structures - Instructor Demonstration and Practice Solutions

Chapter 25 - Page 4
Representing Legal and
Government Reporting
Structures - Instructor
Demonstrations and Practice
Chapter 26

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Representing Legal and Government Reporting Structures - Instructor Demonstrations and Practice Solutions
Chapter 26 - Page 1
Instructor Demonstration
Classifying HR Organizations
You have already defined your internal organizations.

You must add the following classifications for AB Shoes Inc. and AB Shoes Corp (US). Also
you should define and classify the Great Benefits external organization as a Benefits Carrier and
a Workers Compensation Carrier.

Organization Benefits Business GRE HR Workers’ Reporting Corporate

Carrier Group Organization Comp Establishment HQ
AB Inc. X X X X X
AB Shoes X X
Corp (US)
Great X X

Note: Remember that Great Benefits is a benefits provider and not an internal HR Organization.

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Representing Legal and Government Reporting Structures - Instructor Demonstrations and Practice Solutions
Chapter 26 - Page 2
Instructor Demonstration and Practice Solution
Classifying HR Organizations
Setting Up Government Reporting Details for AB Inc.

1. Navigate to the Organization window using your own Super HRMS Manager

(N) Work Structures > Organization > Description

2. Query your own business group using xxAB %.

3. Add Government Reporting Entity to the list of Organization Classification values.

4. Select the Enabled box.

5. Save your work.

6. Choose the Others button.

7. Select Employer Identification and enter the following Employer Identification Number:

8. Choose OK.

9. Save your work.

10. Choose Others.

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Representing Legal and Government Reporting Structures - Instructor Demonstrations and Practice Solutions
Chapter 26 - Page 3
Entering Tax Rules

1. Select Federal Tax Rules from the Others list.

2. Select Self Adjust from the list of values for the Social Security Self-Adjust Method.

3. Do the same for the FUTA ER Self Adjust Method.

4. Select Regular from the list of values for the Type of Employment field.

5. Select Flat Percentage for the Supplemental Calculation Method.

6. Choose OK.

7. Save your work.

8. Choose Others.

9. Select Local Tax Rules.

10. Select Chicago, Illinois, Cook County from the list of values for the locality. Enter an
eight-digit locality ID number.

11. Repeat step 10 for the following localities:

− Columbus, OH, Franklin County
− New York, NY, New York County
− Las Vegas, NV, Clark County
− Sheboygan, WI, Sheboygan County

12. Choose OK.

13. Save your work.

14. Choose Others.

15. Select State Tax Rules from the Others list.

16. Enter the state code of NY.

17. Enter the SUI ID: 90-4447777

18. Enter the SIT ID: 32-11-78259

19. Select Self Adjust Method for the SUIF and SDI Self Adjust Method fields.

20. Enter SUI rate 1: .45

21. Select Federal Default in the Filing Status/Allowance Rate field.

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Representing Legal and Government Reporting Structures - Instructor Demonstrations and Practice Solutions
Chapter 26 - Page 4
22. Enter the employer liability rate: .60

23. Enter the experience modification rate: 90

24. Enter the premium discount rate: 90

25. Select Flat Percentage Rate in the Supplemental Calculation Method field.

26. Choose OK.

27. Save your work.

28. Choose Others.

Setting Up W-2 Reporting

1. Select W2 Reporting from the Others list.

2. Select Yes from the list of values for the W-2 Transmitter field.

3. Select IBM from the list of values for the Computer field.

4. Select Standard Label from the list of values for the Internal Labeling field.

5. Select 38000 CPI from the list of values for the Density field.

6. Select ASCII from the list of values for the Recording Code field.

7. Enter 40 in the Blocking Factor field.

8. Choose OK.

9. Save your work.

Adding Classifications for the GRE Organization

1. Enter Reporting Establishment as the next classification.

2. Choose the others button and to see the additional information that can be completed for
VETS-100, EEO-1 and other government-required reporting. This is not necessary for the

3. Save your work.

4. Enter Corporate Headquarters as the next classification.

5. Save your work.

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Representing Legal and Government Reporting Structures - Instructor Demonstrations and Practice Solutions
Chapter 26 - Page 5
Setting Up Government Reporting Details for AB Shoes Corporation

1. Choose the Organization Name field and query your xx AB Shoes Corporation (US).

2. Add Government Reporting Entity to the list of Organization Classification values.

3. Check the Enabled box.

4. Save your work.

5. Choose the Others button.

6. Select Employer Identification and enter the following Employer Identification Number:

7. Choose OK.

8. Save your work.

9. Choose Others.

Entering Tax Rules

10. Select Federal Tax Rules from the Others list.

11. Select Self-Adjust from the list of values for the Social Security Self-Adjust Method.

12. Do the same for the FUTA ER Self Adjust Method.

13. Select Regular from the list of values for the Type of Employment field.

14. Select Flat Percentage for the Supplemental Calculation Method.

15. Choose OK.

16. Save your work.

17. Choose Others.

18. Select Local Tax Rules.

19. Select Chicago, Illinois, Cook County from the list of values for the locality.

20. Enter an eight-digit locality ID number.

21. Repeat step 20 for the following localities:

− Columbus, OH, Franklin County
− New York, NY, New York County
− Las Vegas, NV, Clark County
− Sheboygan, WI, Sheboygan County

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Representing Legal and Government Reporting Structures - Instructor Demonstrations and Practice Solutions
Chapter 26 - Page 6
22. Choose OK.

23. Save your work.

24. Choose Others.

25. Select State Tax Rules.

26. Enter the state code of NY.

27. Enter the SUI ID: 90-4447777

28. Enter the SIT ID: 32-11-78259

29. Select Self Adjust Method for the SUIF and SDI Self Adjust Method fields.

30. Enter SUI rate 1: .45

31. Select Federal Default in the Filing Status/Allowance Rate field.

32. Enter the employer liability rate: .60

33. Enter the experience modification rate: 90

34. Enter the premium discount rate: 90

35. Select Flat Percentage Rate in the Supplemental Calculation Method field.

36. Choose OK.

37. Save your work.

38. Choose Others.

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Representing Legal and Government Reporting Structures - Instructor Demonstrations and Practice Solutions
Chapter 26 - Page 7
Setting Up W-2 Reporting

39. Select W-2 Reporting from the Others list.

40. Select Yes from the list of values for the W-2 Transmitter field.

41. Select IBM from the list of values for the Computer field.

42. Select Standard Label from the list of values for the Internal Labeling field.

43. Select 38000 CPI from the list of values for the Density field.

44. Select ASCII from the list of values for the Recording Code field.

45. Enter 40 in the Blocking Factor field.

46. Choose OK.

47. Save your work.

Completing NACHA Information

48. Choose Others.

49. Select NACHA.

50. Complete the NACHA Information.

51. Save your work.

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Representing Legal and Government Reporting Structures - Instructor Demonstrations and Practice Solutions
Chapter 26 - Page 8
Setting Up an External Organization

52. Click the Organization Name field and select the New Record icon.

53. Enter Great Benefit as the organization name.

54. Select the organization type of your choice.

55. Enter the From date as 01-JAN-1990.

56. Click Location field and select xxGreat Benefit from the list of values.

57. Make sure this is an external organization.

58. Save your work.

59. Click the Organization Classification field and select Benefit Carrier.

60. Select the Enabled check box.

61. Save your work.

62. On the next line select Worker’s Compensation Carrier.

63. Select the Enabled check box.

64. Save your work.

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Chapter 26 - Page 9
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Representing Legal and Government Reporting Structures - Instructor Demonstrations and Practice Solutions
Chapter 26 - Page 10
Representing Grades and
their Relationship to Pay -
Instructor Demonstrations
and Practice Solutions
Chapter 27

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Representing Grades and their Relationship to Pay - Instructor Demonstrations and Practice Solutions
Chapter 27 - Page 1
Instructor Demonstration
Defining the Grade Key Flexfield Structure
This demonstration and practice reinforces your ability to define a structure and segments for the
Grade key flexfield.

Business Scenario

The objective of this exercise is to set up a Grade key flexfield structure for your business group.
You will define a common grade structure with two segments to show grade name and level.

Before you can enter specific grades in HR you need to define the structure of the grade name.

Remember to prefix the structure name with your unique group number.

The details of the flexfield are as follows:


No. Name Validation Type Description

1 Grade Name Independent List of values.
2 Grade Level None Number Range 1-9.
Use Cross-Validation Rules to implement
rules that limit levels for each grade.

Grade Name Value Set

Valid Values for Grade Name Description

EXEC Executive
MGR Managerial
SA Sales
CL Clerical
ST Stock Worker

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Representing Grades and their Relationship to Pay - Instructor Demonstrations and Practice Solutions
Chapter 27 - Page 2
Cross-Validation Rules

The details of the cross-validation rules are outlined below:

Grade Rule
EXEC Grade levels 1 – 2
MGR Grade levels 1 – 3
SA Grade levels 1 – 5
CL Grade levels 1 – 9
ST Grade levels 1 - 2
In addition, grades ST.1 and ST.2 have
steps that are associated with pay and
overtime rates regulated by union
An automatic incrementing process also

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Representing Grades and their Relationship to Pay - Instructor Demonstrations and Practice Solutions
Chapter 27 - Page 3
Instructor Demonstration and Practice Solution
Defining the Grade Key Flexfield Structure
1. Navigate to the Key Flexfield Segment window in System Administration:

(N) Application >Flexfield > Key > Segments

2. Query the Grade Key Flexfield using <Grade%>

Note: This retrieves all previously defined structures for Grade.

3. Select an empty row in the Structures region to create a new structure.

Note: If an empty row does not appear, click in an existing structure and choose the New
button from the menu bar.

4. Enter “nn Grade Flexfield” in the Title field (where nn represents your unique group id

5. Select the Cross Validate Segments check box.

Note: Make sure that the Freeze Flexfield Definition box is unchecked, since you are
creating a new flexfield.

6. Select the Segments button.

7. Choose the selector to add a new segment.

8. Enter Grade Name as the name of the first segment.

9. Enter a column for the segment.

10. Enter a number for the column.

11. Check the enabled, displayed and index boxes.

12. Select the Value Set button once you are on the Value Set field.

13. Define a new Value Set with the following details:

− Name = xx Grade Name (where xx is your unique group number)
− Format Type = Char
− Maximum Size = 10
− Validation type = Independent (This will allow the value set to have a valid list of

14. Save the value set.

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Representing Grades and their Relationship to Pay - Instructor Demonstrations and Practice Solutions
Chapter 27 - Page 4
15. Return to the segment window and choose the value set you have just created.

16. Select a Default Type of Constant.

17. Select a Default Value.

18. Uncheck the required checkbox, unless you want to force users to complete this field.

19. Save your work.

Enter the following details for segment 2

20. Choose the selector to add a new segment.

21. Enter Grade Level as the name of the second segment, and a description if required.

22. Enter a column for the segment.

23. Enter a number for the column.

24. Check the enabled, displayed and index boxes.

25. Select the Value Set button once you are on the Value Set field.

26. Define a new Value Set with the following details:

− Name = xxGrade Level (where xx is your unique group number)
− Format Type = Number
− Maximum Size = 1
− Validation type = None

27. Restrict entries to numbers only.

28. Uncheck the required checkbox, unless you want to force users to complete this field.

29. Save the value set.

30. Return to the segment window and choose the value set you have just created.

31. Save your work.

32. Return to the Key Flexfield Segments window and in the structure region check the
Freeze Flexfield Definition box. Acknowledge the message that appears after reading it.

33. Check the Allow Dynamic Inserts checkbox.

34. You can now select the compile button and compile your Grade Key Flexfield.

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Representing Grades and their Relationship to Pay - Instructor Demonstrations and Practice Solutions
Chapter 27 - Page 5
Defining Segment Values

1. Navigate to the Segment Values window using the System Administration responsibility:

(N) Application > Flexfield > Key > Values

2. Query on the Key Flexfield or the Value Set name details and locate your flexfield or
Value Set.

3. Enter valid values for your xxGrade Name segment.

4. Save your work.

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Representing Grades and their Relationship to Pay - Instructor Demonstrations and Practice Solutions
Chapter 27 - Page 6
Defining a Cross Validation Rule

1. Navigate to the Cross Validation Rules window using your System Administrator

(N) Application > Flexfield > Key > Cross Validation

2. Select the Key Flexfield structure for which you want to define the rules using the first

3. Enter a unique name, error message text and error segment name for your rule using the
Cross-Validation Rule block.

4. Define dates during which you would like the rule to be active (optional).

5. Enter a range of low and high values with include and exclude statements in the Cross-
Validation Rule Elements block. Ensure that you have at least one include statement for
each set of rules.
− Include: EXEC.1 to EXEC.2
− Include: MGR.1 to MGR.3
− Include: SA.1 to SA.5
− Include: CL.1 to CL.9
− Include: ST.1 to ST.2

6. Save your work.

Once you have defined these rules a user can define only these combinations for Grades.

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Representing Grades and their Relationship to Pay - Instructor Demonstrations and Practice Solutions
Chapter 27 - Page 7
Instructor Demonstration
Defining Grades
Now that you have defined the structure of the grade key flexfield you can create the following
grade combinations:
− EXEC.1 and EXEC.2
− MGR.1 MGR.2 MGR.3 and MGR.4
− SA.1 SA.2 SA.3 SA.4 and SA.5
− CL.1 CL.2 CL.3 CL.4 CL.5 CL.6 CL.7 CL.8 and CL.9
− ST.1 and ST.2

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Chapter 27 - Page 8
Instructor Demonstration and Practice Solution
Defining Grades
1. Navigate to the Grade window using your local Super HRMS Manager responsibility:

(N) Work Structures > Grade > Description

2. Enter the start date as 01-JAN-1990.

3. Enter the Grade Name and Grade Level combinations.

4. Save your work.

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Representing Grades and their Relationship to Pay - Instructor Demonstrations and Practice Solutions
Chapter 27 - Page 9
Instructor Demonstration
Defining Grade Rates for Salaried or Hourly Paid Employees

This practice reinforces your ability to create grade rates with minimum and maximum rates for
salaried employees or with an hourly rate for hourly paid employees.

You must create grade rates for the following data:

Level Managers’ Annual Sales Hourly Rate

Salary Range
1 30,000 to 50,000 5.00
2 35,000 to 60,000 7.50
3 40,000 to 95,000 10.00
4 11.50

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Representing Grades and their Relationship to Pay - Instructor Demonstrations and Practice Solutions
Chapter 27 - Page 10
Instructor Demonstration and Practice Solution
Defining Grade Rates for Salaried or Hourly Paid Employees
Defining the Manager Grade Rate

1. Navigate to the Grade Rate window using your local Super HRMS responsibility:

(N) Work Structures > Grade > Rate

2. Enter the name xx Manager Grade Rate, (where xx is your unique group number).

3. Select Money as the unit of measure.

4. Save your work.

5. In the Grade Name field, select the appropriate data and enter the following values:

Grade name Minimum Maximum Effective Date

MGR.1 30000 50000 01-JAN-2000
MGR.2 35000 60000
MGR.3 40000 95000

6. Save your work.

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Representing Grades and their Relationship to Pay - Instructor Demonstrations and Practice Solutions
Chapter 27 - Page 11
Creating the Sales Staff Pay Rate

1. Return to the top of the Grade Rate window.

2. Enter a new record and enter the name xx Sales Staff Grade Rate, (where xx is your
unique group number).

3. Select Money as the unit of measure.

4. Save your work.

5. In the Grade Name field, select the appropriate data and enter the following values:

Name Hourly rate Date

SA.1 5.00 01-JAN-2000
SA.2 7.50
SA.3 10.00
SA.4 11.50

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Representing Grades and their Relationship to Pay - Instructor Demonstrations and Practice Solutions
Chapter 27 - Page 12
Instructor Demonstration
Defining Grade Rates for Salaried or Hourly Paid Employees
Define the Pay Scale and Progression Points

For your hourly paid employees who have their pay negotiated by the USWU you will need to
setup a pay scale with progression points as follows:

1. Navigate to the Pay Scale window using your local super HRMS Manager responsibility:

(N) Work Structures > Grade > Pay Scale

2. Enter the name xxUSWU Pay Scale (where xx is your unique group id), and enter the
following details:
− Increment Frequency Number: 1
− Increment Frequency Pay Period: Year.

3. Create the Progression Points as follows:

Sequence Progression
number point
10 1
20 2
30 3
40 4
50 5
60 6
70 7
80 8
90 9

4. Save your work.

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Representing Grades and their Relationship to Pay - Instructor Demonstrations and Practice Solutions
Chapter 27 - Page 13
Define Values for Each Progression Point

1. Navigate to the Point Values window using your local super HRMS Manager

(N) Work Structures > Grade > Point Values

2. Enter the name of xx USWU Scale Rate (where xx is your unique group id).

3. Enter units of money.

4. Select your pay scale from the list of values.

5. Save your work.

6. Select each progression point in the pay scale and assign the following values:

Progression Point Hourly Rate Effective Date

1 6.50 01-Jan-2000
2 7.25
3 8.5
4 9.25
5 10.50
6 11.50
7 13.25
8 15.00
9 16.75

7. Save your work.

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Representing Grades and their Relationship to Pay - Instructor Demonstrations and Practice Solutions
Chapter 27 - Page 14
Define Steps and Points for Each Grade

1. Navigate to the Grade Steps and Points window using your local super HRMS Manager

(N) Work Structures > Grade > Grade Steps and Points

2. Select the ST.1 grade from the list of values.

3. Select the xx USWU pay scale from the list of values.

4. Select 3 from the list of values in the ceiling point field.

Note: Ceiling is the limit for automatic incrementing.

5. Save your work.

6. In the Grade Steps region choose the remaining points from the list of values.
− Points 1, 2 and 5

Note: The automatic incrementing process will follow the sequence of the pay scale. Grade
steps may skip points in the common pay scale.

7. Save your work.

8. Repeat Steps 2 – 6 above for grade ST.2 with 5 Steps mapped to Points.

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Chapter 27 - Page 15
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Representing Grades and their Relationship to Pay - Instructor Demonstrations and Practice Solutions
Chapter 27 - Page 16
Representing Jobs and
Positions - Instructor
Demonstrations and Practice
Chapter 28

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Representing Jobs and Positions - Instructor Demonstrations and Practice Solutions

Chapter 28 - Page 1
Instructor Demonstration
Defining the Job Key Flexfield Structure
This demonstration and practice reinforces your ability to define a structure and segments for the
Job key flexfield.

Business Scenario

The objective of this practice is to set up a Job key flexfield structure for your business group.
Before you can enter specific job names in HR you need to define the structure of the job name.

Remember to prefix the structure name with your unique group number.

The details of the flexfield are as follows:


No. Name Validation Type Description

1 Job Name Independent List of values.
2 Job Code Dependent This list of values is dependent on the
values you enter in segment 1.

Value Sets

Valid Values for Job Name Valid Values for Job Code
Vice President Executive, Sales
Director Executive, Sales, Manufacturing,
Manager Sales, Manufacturing, Admin
Associate Store, Sales, Admin

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Representing Jobs and Positions - Instructor Demonstrations and Practice Solutions

Chapter 28 - Page 2
Instructor Demonstration and Practice Solution
Defining the Job Key Flexfield Structure
1. Navigate to the Key Flexfield Segment window using the System Administration

(N) Application > Flexfield > Key > Segments

2. Run a query with the following criteria in the Flexfield Title Field:
− Job%

Note: This retrieves all previously defined structures

3. Select an empty row in the structures region to create a new structure.

Note: If an empty row does not appear, click in an existing structure and choose the New
button from the menu bar.

4. Enter xx Job Flexfield' in the Title Field (where xx represents your unique group id

Note: Make sure that the Freeze Flexfield Definition box is unchecked, since you are creating
a new flexfield.

5. Select the Segments button.

6. Choose the selector to add a new segment.

7. Enter Job Name as the name of the first segment, and a description if required.

8. Enter a column for the segment.

9. Enter a number for the segment.

10. Check the enabled, displayed and Index boxes.

11. Select the Value Set button once you are on the Value Set field.

12. Define a new Value Set with the following details:

− Name = xx Job Name (where xx is your unique group number)
− Format Type = Char
− Maximum Size = 20
− Validation Type = Independent (This will allow the value set to have a valid list of

13. Save the value set.

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Chapter 28 - Page 3
14. Return to the segment window and choose the value set you have just created.

15. Select a Default type of Constant.

16. Select a Default Value.

17. Uncheck the required checkbox, unless you want to force users to complete this field.

18. Save your work, and close the window to return to the Segments Summary window.

Enter the following details for segment 2

19. Choose the selector to add a new segment.

20. Enter Job Code as the name of the second segment, and a description if required.

21. Enter a column for the segment.

22. Enter a number for the column.

23. Check the enabled, displayed and Index boxes.

24. Select the Value Set button once you are on the Value Set field.

25. Define a new Value Set with the following details:

− Name = xxJob Code (where xx is your unique group number)
− Format Type = Char
− Maximum Size = 20
− Validation Type = Dependent (This will allow the value set to have a valid list of
values which depend on the values entered for the Job Name segment.)

26. Choose the Edit Information button to set up the dependency information.

27. Complete the dependent Values set window by choosing the xxJob Name segment as the
independent value set.

28. Enter disable as the dependent default Value.

29. Save the value set.

30. Return back to the segment window and choose the value set you have just created.

31. Uncheck the required checkbox, unless you want to force users to complete this field.

32. Save your work.

33. Return to the Key Flexfield Segments window and in the structure region check the
Freeze Flexfield Definition box. Acknowledge the message that appears after reading it.

34. Check the Allow Dynamic Inserts check box.

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Chapter 28 - Page 4
35. You can now select the compile button and compile your Job Flexfield.

Adding Values to Value Sets

1. Navigate to the Segment Values window using the System Administration responsibility:

(N) Application > Flexfield > Key > Values

2. Query the Value Set you defined for Job Name and enter the list of values given.

3. Save your work.

4. Query the Dependent Value set you defined for Job Code and enter the dependent values
for each independent value.

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Chapter 28 - Page 5
Instructor Demonstration
Defining Jobs
Now that you have defined the structure of the job key flexfield you can create the following
− President
− Vice President.Executive
− Vice President.Sales
− Manager.Sales
− Manager.Manufacturing
− Manager
− Salesperson
− Associate.Sales
− Associate.Admin

Note: You should not need to enter values for Job Codes. If the system will not let you
commit your definitions until you enter a value then you should check your definition of the
Job Code segment to see if you have checked the required checkbox.

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Chapter 28 - Page 6
Instructor Demonstration and Practice Solution
Defining Jobs
1. Navigate to the Job window using your local Super HRMS Manager responsibility:

(N) Work Structures > Job > Description

2. Click in the Name field to display the Job flexfield.

3. Enter the start date for each job as 01-JAN-1990.

4. Enter the Job Name and Code combinations given.

5. Save your work.

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Chapter 28 - Page 7
Instructor Demonstration
Creating Job Groups
You can use the Job Group window to set up an additional job group to store supplementary
roles for your employees.

Create a job group that is for use only within your business group.

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Chapter 28 - Page 8
Instructor Demonstration and Practice Solution
Creating a Job Group
1. Navigate to the Job Groups window using your local Super HRMS Manager

(N) Work Structures > Job > Job Groups

2. Enter xxJob Group (where xx represents your unique id number).

3. Select the job flexfield structure you created.

4. Select the business group if it does not automatically appear in the Business Group field.

5. Save your work.

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Chapter 28 - Page 9
Instructor Demonstration
Defining the Position Key Flexfield Structure
This demonstration and practice reinforces your ability to define a structure and segments for the
Position key flexfield.

Business Scenario

The objective of this practice is to set up a Position key flexfield structure for your business
group. Before you can enter specific position names in HR you need to define the structure of the
position name.

Remember to prefix the structure name with your unique group number.

The details of the flexfield are as follows:


No. Name Validation Type Description

1 Position None In this scenario the position name can be
Name entered freely by the user and may vary
from one region to another or one line of
business to another.
Creating a list of values would only add to
the administrative costs of maintaining
2 Region Independent List of values.
Defining the Region segment makes it
possible to identify positions by region for
reporting or analysis.
To guarantee standards of data entry you
want to enforce a list of values.

Value Sets

Valid Values for Region


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Chapter 28 - Page 10
Instructor Demonstration and Practice Solution
Defining the Position Key Flexfield Structure
1. Navigate to the Key Flexfield Segment window using the System Administration

(N) Application > Flexfield > Key > Segments

2. Run a query with the following criteria in the Flexfield Title Field:
− Position%

Note: This retrieves all previously defined structures.

3. Select an empty row in the Structures region to create a new structure.

Note: If an empty row does not appear, click in an existing structure and choose the New
button from the menu bar.

4. Enter xx Position Flexfield' in the Title Field (where xx represents your unique group id

Note: Make sure that the Freeze Flexfield Definition box is unchecked, since you are
creating a new flexfield.

5. Select the Segments button.

6. Choose the selector to add a new segment.

7. Enter Position Name as the name of the first segment, and a description if required.

8. Enter a column for the segment.

9. Enter a number for the column.

10. Check the enabled, displayed and Index boxes.

11. Select the Value Set button once you are on the Value Set field.

12. Define a new Value Set with the following details:

− Name = xxPosition Name (where xx is your unique group number)
− Format Type = Char
− Maximum Size = 30
− Validation Type = None

13. Save the value set.

14. Return to the segment window and choose the value set you have just created.

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Chapter 28 - Page 11
15. Select a Default Type of Constant.

16. Select a Default Value.

17. Uncheck the required checkbox, unless you want to force users to complete this field.

18. Save your work, and close the window to return to the Segments Summary window.

Enter the following details for segment 2

19. Choose the selector to add a new segment.

20. Enter Region as the name of the second segment.

21. Enter a description if required.

22. Enter a column for the segment.

23. Enter a number for the column.

24. Check the enabled, displayed and Index boxes.

25. Select the Value Set button once you are on the Value Set field.

26. Define a new Value Set with the following details:

− Name = xx Region (where xx is your unique group number)
− Format Type = Char
− Maximum Size = 10
− Validation Type = Independent

27. Save the value set.

28. Return to the segment window and choose the value set you have just created.

29. Uncheck the required checkbox, unless you want to force users to complete this field.

30. Save your work.

31. Return to the Key Flexfield Segments window and in the structure region check the
Freeze Flexfield Definition box. Acknowledge the message that appears after reading it.

32. Check the Allow Dynamic Inserts check box.

33. You can now select the compile button and compile your Position Flexfield.

Adding Values to Value Sets

1. Navigate to the Segment Values window using the System Administration responsibility:

(N) Application > Flexfield > Key > Values

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Chapter 28 - Page 12
2. Query the Value Set you defined for Region and enter the list of values given.

3. Save your work.

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Chapter 28 - Page 13
Instructor Demonstration
Defining Positions
Now that you have defined the structure of the position key flexfield you can define the
following positions:

Position Organization Job

Vice President of Sales.North Vice President.Sales
VP Mfg and Distribution.North Vice President.Executive
Western Regional Manager.West Manager
Richmond Store Manager.South Manager.Sales
Sales Associate, Richmond.South Associate.Sales

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Chapter 28 - Page 14
Instructor Demonstration and Practice Solution
Defining Positions
1. Navigate to the Position window using your local Super HRMS Manager responsibility:

(N) Work Structures > Position > Description

2. Choose the new button from the Find window.

3. Enter the start date for each position of 01-JAN-1990.

4. Enter the Position Name and Region combinations given.

5. Select the Position type.

6. Choose the appropriate organization.

7. Choose the appropriate job.

8. Select the hiring status.

9. Save your work.

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Chapter 28 - Page 15
Instructor Demonstration
Using the Graphical Diagrammer
You can use the hierarchy diagrammers to edit Position and Organization hierarchies using a
graphical interface.

From the Position Hierarchy window you can select the Open Editor button to open the
Hierarchy Diagrammer window. The editor enables you to create basic hierarchies and edit using
a drag and drop method. Any changes made using the hierarchy diagrammer are reflected in the
hierarchy windows, and are saved in your database.

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Chapter 28 - Page 16
Instructor Demonstration
Entering Work Choices for a Job and a Person
Create a Job with the following work choices for the jobholder:
− Work in all locations
− Relocation required
− Indefinite (length of time to perform the job)
− 0900 – 1700 normal working hours
− Work in all countries

Choose the following work choices for a person:

− Work in all locations
− Indefinite (length of time the person is willing to stay in the role)
− 0900 – 1700 normal working hours
− Work in all countries

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Chapter 28 - Page 17
Instructor Demonstration and Practice Solution
Entering Work Choices for a Job and a Person
1. Navigate to the Work Choices Information window for a job using your local Super
HRMS Manager responsibility.

(N) Work Structures > Job > Description

2. Enter xxJob name (where xx represents your unique group id number).

3. Save your work.

4. Choose the Work Choices button.

5. Check the All Locations and Relocation Required work requirements check boxes.

6. Select Indefinite as the length of time the jobholder must perform the job.

7. Select 0900 – 1700 hours as the normal working hours.

8. Select Monday –Friday as the work schedule.

9. Check the All Countries international deployment check box.

10. Save your work.

11. Navigate to the Work Choices Information Window for a person using your local Super
HRMS Manager responsibility.

(N) People > Enter and Maintain

12. Find the person you want to enter work choice information for.

13. Choose the others button.

14. Select work choices.

15. Check the All Locations work capabilities check box.

16. Select Indefinite, as the length of time the person wants to stay in the role.

17. Select 0900 – 1700 hours as the jobholder’s preferred working hours.

18. Check the All Countries international deployment check box.

19. Save your Work.

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Chapter 28 - Page 18
Instructor Demonstration
Job and Position Windows
This demonstration guides you through the Job and Position windows; it pays particular attention
to the use of date from and the effective date.

The Position window is datetracked, therefore if you create a position the effective date should
be set early enough to handle any historical information.

The Job window is not datetracked, therefore the start date must be set early enough to handle
any historical assignment information you want to enter. For example an employee cannot be
assigned to a job before the start date of the job.

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Representing Jobs and Positions - Instructor Demonstrations and Practice Solutions

Chapter 28 - Page 19
Instructor Demonstration
Creating a Mass Move of Positions
This demonstration guides you through the process of creating a mass move of positions from
one organization to another. You use the Mass Moves window to modify multiple employee
records at the same time.

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Chapter 28 - Page 20
Instructor Demonstration
Creating a Mass Move of Positions
1. Navigate to the Mass Moves window using your local Super HRMS Manager

(N) Work Structures > Position > Mass Moves

2. Enter xxmass move as a description (where xx represents your unique group id number).

3. Select the Organization from where you want to move employees.

4. Select the Organization to which you want to move employees.

5. Enter 22-JUN-2001 as the effective date.

6. Save your work.

7. Choose the Positions button.

8. Select your source position (existing positions in the source organization).

9. Select your target position (existing positions in the target organization).

10. Save your work.

11. Close the window to return to the Mass Moves window.

12. Choose the Execute button to commit the changes to the database.

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Chapter 28 - Page 21
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Representing Jobs and Positions - Instructor Demonstrations and Practice Solutions

Chapter 28 - Page 22
Setting up Workers'
Compensation - Instructor
Demonstration and Practice
Chapter 29

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Setting up Workers' Compensation - Instructor Demonstration and Practice Solutions

Chapter 29 - Page 1
Instructor Demonstration
Define Workers’ Compensation Rates
Define Workers’ Compensation using the following information.

Business Scenario

Your enterprise needs to calculate workers’ compensation for the state of Wisconsin at a percent
of subject earnings. Great Benefit will process Workers’ Compensation for the code 8820 at a
rate of 2.5 for both the employer and the employee. The only job that is affected is Stock
Associate. Both straight time and premium time will be used for the calculation.

Additionally, you will now have to complete the Workers’ Compensation portion of setup for
your GRE with an experience modification rate of 110.

Hint: Remember to query the state on the Workers’ Compensation Rates window.

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Chapter 29 - Page 2
Instructor Demonstration and Practice Solution
Defining Workers’ Compensation Rates
1. Navigate to the WC Codes and Rates window using the US Super HRMS Manager

(N) Work Structures > Job > Workers Compensation Rates

2. Select Great Benefit from the list of values for the carrier field.

3. Select Wisconsin from the list of values for the State field.

4. Select Percent of Subject Earnings from the list of values for the Calculation.

5. In the Code field, enter 8820.

6. In the Employer Rate field, enter 2.5.

7. In the Employee Rate field, enter 2.5.

8. Save your work.

Defining Workers Compensation Codes

1. Navigate to the Workers’ Compensation window using the US Super HRMS Manager

(N) Work Structures > Job > Workers Compensation Codes

2. Enter a query and search for Wis% in the State Name field.

3. The query should return a result of the state of Wisconsin.

4. In the Job field, select Stock Associate from the list of values.

5. In the Code field next to Stock Associate, select 8820 from the list of values.

6. Click the Calculation Rules section and select the Include boxes for both Straight Time
and Premium Time.

7. Save your work.

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Chapter 29 - Page 3
Entering State Tax Rules Using the Organization Window

1. Navigate to the Organization window:

(N) Work Structures > Organization > Description

2. Enter a query and search for xxAB Shoes Corp% in the Name field, (where xx = your
unique group id number)

3. Execute your query. This should return the relevant "AB Shoes" record.

4. Select the GRE region and choose the Others button.

5. Double-click State Tax Rules.

6. Select the state of Wisconsin and enter the following information:

− – SUI I D 91-1234890
− – SIT I D 91-1234890
− – Workers’ Compensation
− – Carrier and Experience Modification Rate of 110

7. Save your work.

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Chapter 29 - Page 4

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