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2013 Fourth International Conference on Intelligent Control and Information Processing (ICICIP)

June 9 – 11, 2013, Beijing, China

Optimization Algorithms for Home Energy

Resource Scheduling in presence of data uncertainty
Stefano Squartini # , Matteo Boaro, Francesco De Angelis, Danilo Fuselli, Francesco Piazza
Department of Information Engineering, Università Politecnica delle Marche
Via Brecce Bianche 1, 60131 Ancona, Italy

Abstract—Smart Home Energy Management is a very hot purpose, different optimization techniques have been appeared
topic for the scientific community and some interesting solutions in the literature so far: linear programming techniques [6],
have also recently appeared on the market. One key issue is Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) [7], Fuzzy-Logic [8],
represented by the capability of planning the usage of energy
resources in order to reduce the overall energy costs. This Artificial Neural Networks [9], and also Adaptive Dynamic
means that, considering the dynamic electricity price and the Programming (ADP) [10]-[14].
availability of adequately sized storage system, the expert system In this paper, the home energy system is assumed to
is supposed to automatically decide the more convenient policy be connected to the main grid and also equipped with a
for energy management from and towards the grid. In this work photovoltaic (PV) system and a battery in order to allow some
a comparison among different linear and nonlinear methods
for home energy resource scheduling is proposed, considering energy saving. The load requirements must be always satisfied
the presence of data uncertainty into account. Indeed, whereas by suitably managing renewable energy, battery and electrical
the employment of advanced optimization frameworks can take grid in order to reduce the costs. Therefore an optimal battery
advantage by their inherent offline approach, the need to forecast controller must be obtained, whose control policy is to min-
the energy price and the amount of self-generated power. A imize the energy cost imported from the grid managing the
residential scenario, in which a system storage and renewable
resources are available and exploitable to match the user load battery actions (charge/discharge) and knowing the forecasted
demand, has been considered for performed computer simula- renewable resources, load profile and energy price. In this
tions: obtained results show how the offline approaches provide work a comparison among six different methods for battery
good performance also in presence of uncertain data. management, the best promising chosen from the literature,
Index Terms—Energy Resource Scheduling, Linear Program- is proposed: an overview for each technique is provided and
ming, Particle Swarm Optimization, Adaptive Critic Design,
Electricity Price Forecasting, Solar Irradiation Forecasting.
also a comparison is reported, in terms of advantages and
disadvantages. The same approach has been followed in [17]:
now the presence of data uncertainty is considered, over a
certain time horizon, which makes the optimization task much
The concept of smart grid encompasses a large variety of closer to real situations but also more difficult to carry out.
electrical power engineering issues, and different solutions In particular, two forecasting problems are taken into account:
can be proposed for each specific application. In this re- one is relative to the electricity price, assuming that it presents
gard, Computational Intelligence has shown to represent a a dynamic behaviour (as in the US electricity market), and
remarkably powerful technological paradigm to be involved on the other regards the solar irradiation. The performance of the
purpose [1]. In particular, one relevant application area that has addressed algorithms is then evaluated by suitable computer
attracted the attention of many scientists and technicians is the simulations under realistic conditions.
optimal energy management, which can be applied to system The analytical issues related to each optimization algorithm
of different size, from the very large (like big distribution are discussed in Section II and the simulated home energy sys-
architectures) [2] to the very small (as in the self-powered tem is described in Section III. Section IV deal with the data
sensor networks) [3]). The authors here refer to the micro- uncertainty in electricity price and solar irradiation whereas
grid level (like for residential or domestic scenarios). The Section V is about the performed computer simulations and
main objective consists in reducing costs and thus avoiding related results. Section VI draws the work conclusions.
energy waste. To achieve that, several optimization algorithms
have been proposed over the years, and they are typically
oriented to schedule the activities of energy resources and A. Linear Programming Technique: LP algorithm
of the electrical appliances in order to minimize the overall The implemented algorithm is based on the “Linear Pro-
energy cost due to the grid connection. In this work we gramming” (LP) paradigm. From a general perspective, its ob-
specifically focus on the Energy Resource problem, assuming jective consists in maximizing or minimizing a given function
that the load is given (or pre-defined by the user) [4], [5]. On according to the following constrained scheme:

978-1-4673-6249-8/13/$31.00 ©2013 IEEE 323

max f (x) = cT x or min f (x) = cT x 2) Measure the fitness (utility function value) of each
particle and store the particle with the best fitness value
subject to Ax  b or Ax b
(minimum utility function value).
where x 0, x 2 Rn⇥1 , A 2 Rm⇥n , b 2 Rm⇥1 , c 2 Rn⇥1 . 3) Update velocity and position vectors according to (2)
and (3) for each particle.
The cost function within this optimization framework is 4) Repeat steps 2 and 3 until a termination criterion is
defined as follows: satisfied.
As already done in [12], [13] we introduce in (4) an utility
T ⇥ ⇤
U(t) = Â { L(t) Ru (t) + u(t) ·C(t)} (1) function that must be minimized for each temporal slot t.

where L(t) is the load demand at temporal slot t, Ru (t) is the U(t) =
amount of renewables exploited at time t, u(t) is the amount C(t) 2 2
of energy used for charging or discharging the system storage [L(t) R(t) + u(t)] · + SLcap [SL(t) + u(t)]
(therefore it can be positive or negative), C(t) is the electricity (4)
cost at time t and T is the work horizon. where u(t) is the optimized value of battery charge (u(t) > 0)
The constraints of the LP problem, for 1  t  T , are or discharge (u(t) < 0) that must be found by the algorithm for
the following (see notation used in Section III for battery each time t, SLcap is the battery capacity, SL(t) is the actual
parameters): battery level and Cmin the minimum electricity price. Mini-
• Positiveness of cost function: L(t) Ru (t) + u(t) 0. mizing U(t) means charging the battery when the renewable
• Exploited renewable energy: Ru (t)  R(t) (where R(t) is contribution is high and/or when cost is low, and discharging
the total renewable energy available at time t. the battery when the available renewable energy is lower than
• Charge and discharge limits (assuming a sampling time the load and/or the cost is high. Obviously u(t) must satisfy
of 1 hour): u(t)  Chrate and u(t)  Dhrate , in charging the two battery constraints discussed above: if this is not the
and discharging conditions repsectively.. case then the obtained solution u(t) is not valid and must be
• Battery level (SL(t) is the system storage energy at time discarded. So the function is multiplied by a penalty factor
t): SL(t) = SL(t 1) + u(t). which is typically set to an high value. This battery controller
• Battery level limits: SLMIN  SL(t)  SLMAX . works in online way, because the cost function is evaluated
step by step without knowing the energy profiles over the work
B. Particle Swarm Optimization algorithm horizon.
PSO is a technique inspired to certain social behaviors, C. Extended Particle Swarm Optimization algorithm
and it is used to explore a search parameter space to find
values allowing to minimize an objective function [16]. The Similar to the scheme proposed in Section II-B, an extended
PSO algorithm works by maintaining simultaneously various version of PSO has been realized. The operation is not online
candidate solutions (particles in the swarm) in the search anymore, but offline in order to give an optimal solution on an
space. In PSO, the coordinates of each particle represent a extended period, for which all scenario profiles are considered
possible solution associated with two vectors, the position x in the work horizon, as well as the forecasted data about
and velocity v vectors in N-dimensional search space. A swarm renewable energy. Differently from (4), the utility function
consists of a number i of particles that fly through the feasible adopted in this case does not include the battery terms, and
solution space to find the optimal one. Each particle updates a sum over the entire period is considered, in order to fulfill
its position xi on the basis of its own best exploration pi , its the optimization process over the entire work horizon T , as
best swarm overall experience pg , and its previous velocity follows:
vector vi (k 1) according to (2) and (3). T q
xi (k) = xi (k1) + vi (k) (2)
U(t) = Â [L(t) R(t) + u(t)] ·C(t) (5)
⇥ ⇤
vi (k) = vi (k 1)+r1 · rand1 · pi xi (k 1) + D. Adaptive Dynamic Programming
⇥ ⇤ (3)
+ r2 · rand2 · pg xi (k 1) Combining approximate dynamic programming and rein-
forcement learning, Werbos proposed a new optimization
where r1 and r2 are two positive correction factors, k is the technique [15], whose goal is to design an optimal control
iteration step while rand1 and rand2 are two random numbers policy, which can be able to minimize a given cost function
[0.0, 1.0]. The PSO algorithm can be described in general as called “utility function” (especially in nonlinear and noisy
follows: environments), adapting two neural networks: the Action Net-
1) For each particle, randomly initialize the position and work and the Critic Network. The Action Network, taking the
velocity vectors with the same size as the problem current state as input, has to drive the system to a desired one,
dimension. providing a control to the latter. The Critic Network, knowing

the state and the control provided by the Action Network, on the previous training step, and it does not need to restart
checks its performance and return to the Action Network from the beginning like the other proposed methods.
a feedback signal to reach the optimal state over time. To E. Self-Learning Procedure Based on ADHDP Scheme
check Action performance, the Critic Network approximates
the Bellman equation defined as follows: Like in [11] this optimization procedure is based on a
simplified ADHDP scheme (and named s-ADHDP from now
• on) because only few actions can be done by the controller, in
J(t) = Â g iU(t + i) (6) fact the battery is limited to a ternary choice (charge, discharge
or idle). In this way we consider only a critic network in
where g is the discount factor (0, 1] and U(t) is the utility the scheme. If a network is trained correctly, whenever power
function. demand occurs the critic network verifies which is the action
As already implemented in [12], [13], works inspired by the that involves the smallest output value, so the most convenient
one proposed in [10], an Action-Dependent Heuristic Dynamic action is chosen. The training procedure is the following:
Programming (ADHDP) model free approach is adopted for 1) Data are collected: the action is taken randomly, the state
the design of an optimal controller, whose goal is to manage is characterized by the cost rate, the load profile, the
the battery, knowing forecasted data (Load, Price, Renewable battery level and the renewable energy;
Energy), in order to save money during an overall time- 2) Compute U(t) and Q(t) in order to obtain the target,
horizon. The input to the Action network is the system state since the training is based on the mapping: {x(t
x(t), and the output u(t) is the amount of energy used to 1); u(t 1)} ! {U(t) + gQ(t)}, where x(t 1) and
charge or discharge the battery; the input of the Critic Network u(t 1) are the previous state and control, U(t) is the
consists of the current system state and the current control actual utility function, g 2 (0, 1] is a discount factor and
provided by the Action Network. Q(t) is the actual critic network output;
The used Critic network is composed by 15 linear neurons 3) The critic network is trained with the “Levenberg-
in input, 40 sigmoidal hidden neurons and 1 linear in output, Marquardt backpropagation” algorithm;
while Action network by 4 linear neurons in input, 40 sig- 4) Eventually the neural network can be re-trained when-
moidal hidden neurons and 1 linear in output. In this study ever there are consistent changes in the scenario.
the proposed utility function U(t) is the following: The utility function that we want to minimize is:
q ⇥ ⇤ 2 U(t) = [L(t) R(t) + u(t)] ·C(t) (8)
U(t) = L(t) R(t) + u(t) ·C(t) (7)
where u(t) = u0 (t)q(t)
is the battery charge (u(t) > 0) or
where u(t) is the optimized value of battery charge (u(t) > 0)
discharge (u(t) < 0), u0 (t) is the battery action (1, 1, 0) and
or discharge (u(t) < 0) that must be found for each time t.
q(t) is the charging/dicharging battery quantity. Also in this
Obviously u(t) must satisfy the battery constraints discussed in
case u(t) must satisfy the usual battery constraints. Also this
Section III. When the utility function is minimized the control
battery control strategy is offline.
policy is optimal and the cost is the lowest.
The online training is based on the “Backpropagation” III. S IMULATED H OME E NERGY S YSTEM
algorithm: The proposed home model is composed of a main electrical
1) The Action and Critic weights are initialized before the grid, external PV array, storage system and Power Manage-
training: with random values [-1,1] or pre-trained with ment Unity (PMU), that ensures the meeting of load demand.
extended PSO. As reported in Fig. 1, PMU unit (energy scheduler) manages
2) Train Critic Network refreshing its weights using com- the energy flows: battery can be charged from the grid and/or
puting Critic error (Ec ), then refresh Action Network from PV, moreover if necessary it can be discharged to supply
computing Action error (Ea ). the load. If there is exceeded energy from PV not usable from
3) Evaluate the system performance computing the total the system, it is sold to the main grid. In addition the battery
cost to minimize in the work horizon. If the cost must satisfy the following constraints:
decreases, the control policy is improving and the new 1) The charging and discharging rate can not be exceeded.
action weights are the best; if not, revert to old action 2) Battery level must be always included between the upper
weights and add a small random perturbation. Then and lower bound.
restart the training from Step 2. All the simulations reported in Section V refer to the same
As the algorithm optimizes the utility function defined over scenario: a system storage is supposed to be available, as
all the time horizon T , it can be considered an offline approach. well as renewable resources deriving from solar energy. We
Moreover, it must be said that the initial computational cost consider an area of 40 m2 covered by photovoltaic (PV) panels,
of the ADHDP algorithm is not very small, but it has the whose efficiency is 19 %, and irradiation data is taken from
advantage to adapt itself quite quickly when the time horizon NREL database 1 . The available renewable energy is computed
and the scenario change. Indeed, the optimization process can 1 National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) of U.S. Department of
continue from the best weights of the neural networks stored Energy:

The battery efficiency has been considered equal to 100%.
Unidirectional Bidirectional A more realistic scenario where the system must work
Power Flow Power Flow with forecasted data is considered in this work, with the aim
to minimize the total energy cost. This is what effectively
Power Management Unit done in this section, where forecasted irradiation profiles and
unitary electricity prices are inserted within the addressed
offline optimization schemes and new computer simulations
Power Flow
performed to assess their effectiveness.
A. Electricity Price
According to the literature [19], [20] the prediction error
that affects the price in a day-ahead scenario is in the worst
case around 12%. A uniformly distributed noise has been
Fig. 1. Power Flows added to the original data related to the electricity price profile
used in simulations, taken from [21], in order to mimic such
a worst case condition. As for the load profile mentioned
with R(t) = SI(t) · h pv · A pv , where SI(t) is the Solar Irradiation above, also these data are relative to the US scenario. They are
(i.e., the amount of direct and diffused solar energy received reported in Fig. 3, where both original and uncertain electrivity
on a horizontal surface during a 60-minute period, expressed price curves are plotted.
inin kW h/m2 ) at time t, h pv is the efficiency of the PV and A pv
is the total area of the PV panel in m2 . The power load profile 8
Electricity Price

considered in our simulated scenario is the same addressed in Forecasted

[11]: it represents a typical US home case study and data are 7

reported in Fig. 2.

Power Load
Dollar Cent \ kWh

9 5



5 2

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Fig. 3. Electricity price profiles: original and forecasted data are reported.

Fig. 2. Power Load profile B. Solar Irradiation

The algorithm used for solar irradiation forecasting is the
In Tab. I the system storage parameters are reported, and one described in [23], where an RBFN (Radial Basis Function
since the resolution time used is one hour, kW h and kW agree Network) is used, i.e. an ANN (Artificial Neural Network)
so we can consider the same unit of measurement both for which uses the RBF (Radial Basis Function) as activation
energy and power parameters. function:
ye = f (x) = l0 + Â li f (kx ci k) (9)

SL0 SLMIN SLMAX SLcap Chrate Dhrate

f (kx ci k) = exp((kx ci k)2 /b ) (10)
5 1 9 10 1 1 where x is the ANN input vector, ci the ith RBF centroid and
li the ith output weights.
In Tab. I SL0 , SLMIN and SLMAX are respectively the initial, These are the main issues related to the algorithm (more
minimum and maximum State of Charge (SoC), SLcap is the details can be found in [23]):
battery capacity, while Chrate and Dhrate are the maximum • Five inputs have been used for solar irradiation data fore-
charge and discharge rate of the considered storage system. casting: Day of the Year, Hour of the Year, Sky Clearness

Index, Environmental Temperature, Wind Speed; the three • if the available renewable energy is greater than the
latter represents the weather forecasts data which are load demand, the surplus is used to charge the battery
obtained by a local weather database 2 ; (according with Chrate in Tab. I). If the battery is already
• The network has been first pre-trained through the BP full or the surplus is greater than the charging rate, the
(Back Propagation) algorithm, by using the Photovoltaic amount of energy in excess, not usable in other ways, is
Geographical Information System online data 3 - note that sold to the main grid.
this operation is typically done when no specific sensors Four different 24-h time horizons (1-24h, 25-48h, 49-72h,
and measures are available for those PV plants whose 73-96h) have been considered in our simulations and the
power production wants to be forecasted; money saving percentage with respect to the energy cost
• The training has been performed by means of a joint obtained by means of the baseline approach is reported in
Minimal Resource Allocating Network and Adaptive Ex- Tab. II and Tab. III, when original and forecasted data are
tended Kalman Filter algorithm, and using as target the respectively used.
solar irradiation data related to a PV plant located in Jesi, Looking at the results reported in these Tables, it is ev-
Italy, over one entire year (2010). ident that the LP offline algorithm provides the best solu-
• Day-ahead solar irradiation forecasts have been per- tion. Furthermore it has no convergence problems and the
formed by using the trained RBF and measured solar computational cost is very low, which makes it well suited
irradiation data in 2011; corresponding weather forecasts to implementation on low-power HW/SW platform also in
have been used as input. presence of reduced energy data sampling times. However,
Note that different meteorological information is used as whnever extensions to the model are needed, the linear as-
ANN input. Solar power production profiles (original and sumptions behid the LP optimization scheme can represent a
forecasted), used for our simulations, are reported in Fig. 4. As strong limitation and different nonlinear methodologies should
pointed out already, the training and testing data are obtained be chosen, like the PSO and the ADHDP based algorithms.
from italian databases. However, even though electricity price The PSO approach here introduced is an online algorithm
and power load profiles refer to a US context, the power able to work without forecasted data, and it optimizes step
production data can be considered as realistic for such a by step a given utility function, with very low computational
scenario. This aspect does not affect anyway the comparative complexity. For this reason it is not possible to offer an optimal
evaluation purposes of the present work for the optimization solution over a large time horizon, so the cost reduction is
algorithms under investigation. limited. Different is the case of Extended PSO, which gives
a good solution over the considered work horizon, due to its
Energy Production
offline nature.
Forecasted As mentioned, the Extended PSO is used to pretrain the
neural networks used in ADP method. The ADP, adapting the
Action and Critic weights, can improve the performance of
the Extended PSO and find a better solution with an higher

saving. The initial computational cost of the ADP algorithm


is not really low, but it has the advantage to adapt itself
quite quickly when the time horizon and the scenario change.
Finally, the self-learning procedure based on ADHDP scheme
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
offers a trade off between the goodness of the solution and
the computational cost: slightly sacrificing the cost reduction,

Fig. 4. Power production profiles: original and forecasted data are reported. a much shorter time spent for the neural network training can
be obtained.
It is important to remark that the same trend is registered
V. C OMPUTER S IMULATIONS when the original historical or the forecasted data are used.
In this section the performance of aforementioned algo- This means that, even in presence of data uncertainty, the of-
rithms are assessed from the money saving perspective. An fline methods allow to sensibly outperfom the online ones and
heuristic optimization approach is taken here as reference, thus achieving a consistent money saving in the realistic home
namely “baseline approach”. It works as follows: energy management system taken as case study. Of course,
• if the load is greater than the available renewable energy, the importance of using adequate computational intelligence
the difference is supplied discharging the battery (accord- algorithm for reliable electricity price and solar irradiation
ing with Dhrate in Tab. I). If the battery support is not forecasting is fundamental, and the approach here considered
enough, the needed energy to supply totally the load is for the solar power production is a remarkable example.
imported from the main grid; VI. C ONCLUSIONS
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