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The Timing and Quality of

Early Experiences Combine
to Shape Brain Architecture

working paper 5
members Charles A. Nelson, Ph.D.
Richard David Scott Chair in Pediatric Developmental
Jack P. Shonkoff, M.D., Chair Medicine Research, Children’s Hospital Boston; Professor
Julius B. Richmond FAMRI Professor of Child Health and of Pediatrics, Harvard Medical School
Development; Director, Center on the Developing Child,
Harvard University Deborah Phillips, Ph.D.
Professor of Psychology and Associated Faculty, Public
W. Thomas Boyce, M.D. Policy Institute; Co-Director, Research Center on Children
Sunny Hill Health Centre/BC Leadership Chair in Child in the U.S., Georgetown University
Development; Professor, Graduate Studies and Medicine,
University of British Columbia, Vancouver Ross A. Thompson, Ph.D.
Professor of Psychology, University of California, Davis
Judy Cameron, Ph.D.
Professor of Psychiatry, University of Pittsburgh; Senior
Scientist, Oregon National Primate Research Center; contributing members
Professor of Behavioral Neuroscience and Obstetrics &
Gynecology, Oregon Health and Science University Susan Nall Bales
President, FrameWorks Institute
Greg J. Duncan, Ph.D.
Edwina S. Tarry Professor of Human Development and Bruce S. McEwen, Ph.D.
Social Policy; Faculty Fellow, Institute for Policy Research, Alfred E. Mirsky Professor; Head, Harold and Margaret
Northwestern University ­Milliken Hatch Laboratory of Neuroendocrinology,
The Rockefeller University
Nathan A. Fox, Ph.D.
Distinguished Professor; Director, Child Development Arthur J. Rolnick, Ph.D.
Laboratory, University of Maryland College Park Senior Vice President and Director of Research, Federal
Reserve Bank of Minneapolis
William T. Greenough, Ph.D.
Swanlund Professor of Psychology, Psychiatry, and Cell
and Developmental Biology; Director, Center for Ad- partners
vanced Study at University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign The FrameWorks Institute
The Johnson & Johnson Pediatric Institute
Megan R. Gunnar, Ph.D.
Regents Professor and Distinguished McKnight University The National Conference of State Legislatures
Professor, Institute of Child Development, University of The National Governors Association Center for
Minnesota Best Practices

Eric Knudsen, Ph.D.

Edward C. and Amy H. Sewall Professor of Neurobiology, sponsors
Stanford University School of Medicine The Buffett Early Childhood Fund
The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation
Pat Levitt, Ph.D.
Professor of Pharmacology, Annette Schaffer Eskind The Pierre and Pamela Omidyar Fund
Chair; Director, Kennedy Center for Research on Human
Development, Vanderbilt University

About the Authors

The National Scientific Council on the Developing Child, housed at the Center on the Developing Child at Harvard University, is a
multi-­disciplinary collaboration designed to bring the science of early childhood and early brain development to bear on public
decision-­making. Established in 2003, the Council is committed to an evidence-based approach to building broad-based public will that
transcends political partisanship and recognizes the complementary responsibilities of family, community, workplace, and government to
promote the well-being of all young children.

For more information, go to

Please note: The content of this paper is the sole responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the opinions of
the funders or partners.

Suggested citation: National Scientific Council on the Developing Child (2007). The Timing and Quality of Early Experiences Combine
to Shape Brain Architecture: Working Paper #5.

© December 2007, National Scientific Council on the Developing Child, Center on the Developing Child at Harvard University

first printing: february 2008

The Issue
the foundations of brain architecture are established early in life through a continu-
ous series of dynamic interactions in which environmental conditions and personal experiences
have a significant impact on how genetic predispositions are expressed.1-7 Because specific experi-
ences affect specific brain circuits during specific developmental stages—referred to as sensitive
periods8,9—it is vitally important to take advantage of these early opportunities in the developmen-
tal building process. That is to say, the quality of a child’s early environment and the availability of
appropriate experiences at the right stages of development are crucial in determining the strength
or weakness of the brain’s architecture, which, in turn, determines how well he or she will be able to
think and to regulate emotions.
Just as in the construction of a house, cer- environment and experience has enormous im-
tain parts of the formative structure of the brain plications for policymakers, parents, and soci-
need to happen in a sequence and need to be ad- ety. An abundance of scientific evidence clearly
equate to support the long-term developmental demonstrates that critical aspects of brain archi-
blueprint. And just as a lack of the right materi- tecture begin to be shaped by experience before
als can result in blueprints that change, the lack and soon after birth, and many fundamental
of appropriate experiences can lead to altera- aspects of that architecture are established well
tions in genetic plans. Moreover, although the before a child enters school.1,7-9,20-22
brain retains the capacity to adapt and change
throughout life, this capacity decreases with
age.10-12 Thus, building more advanced cogni- Critical aspects of brain architecture begin to be
tive, social, and emotional skills on a weak ini-
tial foundation of brain architecture is far more shaped by experience before and soon after birth,
difficult and less effective than getting things
right from the beginning.13
and many fundamental aspects of that architecture
The exceptionally strong influence of early
experience on brain architecture makes the early
are established well before a child enters school.
years of life a period of both great opportunity
and great vulnerability for brain development. Nevertheless, despite increasing public in-
An early, growth-promoting environment, with vestment in K-12 education, there remains a
adequate nutrients, free of toxins, and filled persistent tolerance in our society for poor
with social interactions with an attentive care- quality care and education in the early child-
giver, prepares the architecture of the develop- hood period. In this context, scientific evidence
ing brain to function optimally in a healthy indicates that for children to reach their full
environment.14,15 Conversely, an adverse early potential, communities need to support the
environment, one that is inadequately supplied capacity of all families to provide a variety of
with nutrients, contains toxins, or is deprived of stimulating and appropriate experiences in the
appropriate sensory, social, or emotional stimu- earliest years, when a child’s brain is optimally
lation, results in faulty brain circuitry.7,16-19 Once programmed to benefit from specific types of
established, a weak foundation can have detri- experiences, and then build on that sturdy brain
mental effects on further brain development, foundation through continuous exposures
even if a healthy environment is restored at a to high quality, age-appropriate experiences
later age. throughout the later school-age years.23
The considerable susceptibility of the young,
developing brain to the synergistic effects of The Timing and Quality of Early Experiences Combine to Shape Brain Architecture  1
national scientific council on the developing child

What Science Tells Us

The architecture of the brain depends on the mu- the architecture of developing neural circuits
tual influences of genetics, environment, and ex- so that they function optimally for each indi-
perience. Genetics supplies a basic plan for brain vidual.8,15,20,33 Just as a master carpenter modifies
development, just as an architect supplies a the blueprint for a house to adapt to the needs
blueprint for building a house. The genetic plan of its setting and the people who will live in it,
instructs the basic properties of the nerve cells experience adjusts the genetic plan for the brain
and lays down the basic rules for interconnect- and shapes the architecture of its neural circuits
ing nerve cells within and across circuits. In this according to the needs and distinctive envi-
manner, genes provide the initial construction ronment of the individual.2,6,15 Consequently,
plan for the brain’s architecture. healthy and stimulating experience results in
The environment in which the brain begins brain architecture that operates at its full genetic
to develop can have a profound influence on its potential, and persistent adversity leads to weak
initial architecture. Just as the selection of the brain architecture with impaired capabilities.
best building materials enables the realization
of the full potential of an architect’s blueprint, Early environments and experiences have an ex-
a healthy environment beginning in the prena- ceptionally strong influence on brain architecture.
tal period allows the full potential of the genetic For most neural circuits, the effects that the en-
plan for the brain to be expressed. This includes vironment and individual experience can exert
an abundant supply of nutrients, an absence on their architecture are particularly potent
of toxins, and the healthy personal and social just as the circuit is maturing.8 As a circuit be-
gins to function, its chemical environment and
the electrical information that it processes can
Experiences during sensitive periods of have an enormous impact on that circuit, caus-
ing adjustments in its genetic plan and changing
­development play an exceptionally important its architecture in fundamental ways. After most
circuits have matured, their genetic plans and
role in s­ haping the capacities of the brain.
architecture can still be modified by experience,
but the extent of these later modifications tends
habits of the expectant mother.14,15 Conversely, to be far more limited.
an environment lacking in critical nutrients, or The period of exceptional sensitivity to the
containing toxins that result from unhealthy effects of environment and experience is called
behaviors such as excessive maternal alcohol a sensitive period for that circuit. Because it is far
intake during pregnancy or lead ingestion in more difficult to alter neural circuits substan-
early childhood, can cause neurons to acquire tially after their sensitive periods have ended,
abnormal properties and aberrant connections experiences during these sensitive periods play
with other brain cells.17,18,22 In addition, an ad- an exceptionally important role in shaping the
verse prenatal environment can actually alter capacities of the brain. Some examples of be-
the genetic plan for the brain.19,32 These effects havioral capacities that have been shown to be
of threatening environmental conditions can affected by sensitive periods of underlying cir-
cause neural circuits to change in ways that pre- cuitry include vision,4,34 hearing,10 language,35
vent them from functioning well, or at all, even and responses to social cues.2,13,15
in a subsequent healthy environment. The increased flexibility of the circuitry in a
Experience refers to the interaction of a child young, developing brain is explained primarily
with his or her environment. In humans, such by three factors. First, during its initial stages of
experience begins before birth, as the fetus formation, the brain develops far more extensive
senses and responds to the environment of the connections than it needs in order to function
womb.18 This early experience influences the optimally, and connections that are not useful
basic architecture of low-level circuits that ma- are pruned away over time.4 Second, the mo-
ture at this early stage. After birth, experience lecular environment and cellular mechanisms
plays an increasingly important role in shaping that enable the formation of new connections

2  The Timing and Quality of Early Experiences Combine to Shape Brain Architecture
what science tells us

and the elimination of incorrect connections chy that analyzes visual information, low-level
are highly active in a circuit while it is matur- circuits that analyze color, shape, or motion are
ing.8 Finally, neural circuits are far more flexible fully mature long before the higher-level circuits
before a particular pattern of connections has that interpret complex stimuli, such as facial ex-
been shaped and fully activated.1 Consequently, pressions, or identify meaningful inputs such as
once a particular circuitry pattern becomes es- frequently used objects.26,28-30 For the develop-
tablished, it is difficult for the effects of new and ing brain, this means that the ability to perceive
different experiences to alter that architec- simple aspects of the world and to make simple
ture.36,37 This means that early experience has emotional and social judgments develops long
a unique advantage in shaping the architecture before the ability to make sophisticated, cogni-
of developing brain circuits before they are fully tive analyses.20,31 Stated simply, children’s ability
mature and stabilized. to interpret what they see changes over time as
their brain circuitry is built. Thus, it is impor-
Different mental capacities mature at different tant that experiences provided in the earliest
stages in a child’s development. Aspects of men- years are appropriate for the young child’s stage
tal function are carried out by different hierar- of development. Reading a picture book with a
chies of neural circuits in the brain. The hierar- toddler who is learning to speak, for example,
chies of circuits that analyze visual information provides an important opportunity to point to
are different from those that process auditory and talk about the pictures, not to focus on the
information, learn language, remember recent written words. The ability to decode written lan-
events, plan future actions, or determine emo- guage comes later, when the appropriate, higher-
tional responses. Because these various hierar- level brain circuitry will be built.
chies mature at different times in a child’s life,24
the same environmental conditions will produce Sensitive periods occur at different ages for dif-
different cognitive and emotional experiences ferent parts of the brain. Different neural circuits
for a child, depending on his or her age.20,25,26 pass through sensitive periods at different ages.
Even within a single hierarchy—such as visu- The sensitive periods for neural circuits that per-
al, auditory, or language development—different form low-level analyses of sensory stimuli tend
neural circuits mature at different times. Circuits to end before or soon after birth.38,39 In contrast,
that process lower-level information mature the sensitive periods for high-level circuits that
earlier than those that process higher-level in- process sophisticated aspects of the world, such
formation.27 For example, in the neural hierar- as communication signals (including language)

Synapse Formation in the Developing Brain

Higher cognitive function

Receptive language area/speech production

Birth–5 years

-9 -6 -3 0 3 6 9 1 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 30 40 50 60 70 80



months years

BHF Source: Charles A. Nelson, From Neurons to Neighborhoods, 2000. The Timing and Quality of Early Experiences Combine to Shape Brain Architecture  3
national scientific council on the developing child

or the interpretation of facial expressions, end Stressful experiences during sensitive pe-
much later in development.26,35,40 riods alter the function and architecture of
Because low-level circuits mature early and specific neural circuits, as these circuits adapt
high-level circuits mature later, different kinds their functional properties to the adversity that
of experiences are critical at different ages for has been experienced.8,10,38 As shown by experi-
optimal brain development,41 a concept called ments in which animals have been subjected to
age-appropriate experience. Soon after birth, ba- significant stress, when the adverse conditions
sic sensory, social, and emotional experiences last through the end of a circuit’s sensitive pe-
are essential for optimizing the architecture of riod, the changes in the circuit’s architecture
low-level circuits. At later ages, more sophisti- become stable and tend to persist in the adult
cated kinds of experiences are critical for shap- brain.46,47 Subsequently, although the brain’s
ing higher-level circuits. When adults or com- residual capacity for plasticity can mitigate the
munities expect young children to master skills adverse effects of the altered circuit architec-
for which the necessary brain circuits have not ture,10 the affected neural circuits do not pro-
yet been formed, they waste time and resources, cess information as well as they could have if
and may even impair healthy brain development the animal had been exposed to an appropriate
by inducing excessive stress in the child. experience during the sensitive period. The de-
graded information that is transmitted by the
Stimulating early experiences lay the foundation altered neural circuit can prevent high-level cir-
for later learning. High-level neural circuits that cuits from receiving the information they need
carry out sophisticated mental functions de- to shape their architectures optimally, even af-
pend on the quality of the information that is ter a rich environment has been restored later
provided to them by lower-level circuits. Low- in life.
level circuits whose architecture was shaped by
healthy experiences early in life provide high- Brain plasticity continues throughout life. Neural
level circuits with precise, high-quality informa- circuits, particularly those that are specialized
tion. High-quality information, combined with for learning, continue to adapt their architec-
sophisticated experiences later in life, allows the ture in response to experience throughout the
architecture of circuits involved in higher func- adult years.10,11 Even circuits that pass through
tions to take full advantage of their genetic po- sensitive periods maintain a degree of flexibil-
tential. Thus, early learning lays the foundation ity that allows them to adapt their architecture,
for later learning and is essential (though not at least partially, to experience in adulthood.12,48
sufficient) for the development of optimized The plasticity of many of these circuits in adult
brain architecture. Stated simply, stimulating animals can be enhanced significantly by in-
early experience must be followed by more so- tentionally drawing attention to the infor-
phisticated and diverse experiences later in life, mation that is being processed by the circuit.10
when high-level circuits are maturing, in order For example, plasticity in the representation of
for full potential to be achieved.13,20,42,43 sound frequencies in the auditory cortex can
be induced in adults—long after the appropri-
Impoverished early experience can have severe ate sensitive period has ended—by having adult
and long-lasting detrimental effects on later brain animals attend to particular sound frequencies
capabilities. Sensitive periods act as double-­ to receive a food reward.49 The residual capac-
edged swords. On the one hand, a sensitive pe- ity for plasticity in mature neural circuits thus
riod enables a neural circuit to optimize its ar- allows for some recovery of brain capabilities,
chitecture for the needs and environment of the even in adults. In order for the brain to take full
individual.33,44 On the other hand, this period of advantage of this plasticity, experience needs to
extreme receptivity also makes the circuit vul- be tailored to activate the relevant neural circuits
nerable to the damaging effects of adversity.16,45 and the individual’s attention must be engaged
Just as a faulty foundation has far-reaching det- in the task.7 The implications for later interven-
rimental effects on the strength and quality of tions in development are clear—the task will
a house, adverse early experience can have far- be harder, more expensive in terms of societal
reaching detrimental effects on the develop- and individual effort, and potentially less exten-
ment of brain architecture. sive and durable.

4  The Timing and Quality of Early Experiences Combine to Shape Brain Architecture

Popular Misrepresentations of Science

as advances in neuroscience have received orphanage. It is important to emphasize, how-
increasing attention, there has been parallel ever, that well-documented, scientific evidence
growth in the appetite for information about of the negative impacts of deprivation on brain
how to use scientific knowledge to enhance early circuitry does not necessarily mean that exces-
brain development. This creates both important sive enrichment produces measurable enhance-
opportunities for more informed investments ments in brain architecture.
in young children, and the danger of unrealistic
or misleading applications, sometimes with al- There are no credible scientific data to support
truistic intentions and at other times simply for the claim that specialized videos or particular mu-
commercial profit. Within this context, it is es- sic recordings (e.g., “the Mozart Effect”) have a
sential that we differentiate scientific fact from positive, measurable impact on developing brain
common misperceptions. architecture. Beyond recent research that has
argued against such claims,50 evidence from de-
Although a great deal of brain architecture is cades of scientific investigation of experience-
shaped during the first three years, claims that
the window of opportunity for brain development
closes on a child’s third birthday are completely Well-documented, scientific evidence of the nega-
unfounded. Basic aspects of brain function, such
as our ability to see and hear effectively, do de- tive impacts of deprivation on brain circuitry does
pend critically on very early experiences. Some
aspects of emotional development also conform not mean that excessive enrichment produces
to this concept. Nevertheless, vast regions of
the brain that are responsible for higher order
­measureable enhancements in brain architecture.
functions—including most cognitive, social, and
emotional capacities—have not yet begun to induced changes in brain development makes
mature by age three or are at extremely early it highly unlikely that the potential benefits of
stages of maturation. Thus, although the basic such media would even come close to match-
principle of early plasticity generally applies ing (much less exceeding) the more important
(i.e., “earlier is better than later”), the impor- influences of attentive, nurturing, and growth-
tant time periods for experience depend on the promoting interactions with invested adults.
specific function of interest. For most functions, Although a varied array of experiences clearly
the window of opportunity remains open well stimulates learning in the preschool years, pro-
beyond age three. motional statements about the superior brain-
building impacts of expensive “educational”
Studies of the adverse effects of deprivation on toys and videos for infants and toddlers have
brain development tell us little about the bene- no scientific support.51,52 Similarly, didactic in-
fits of enrichment. Much of what we know about struction in skill areas that are developmentally
the impact of early experience on brain archi- inappropriate for young children (i.e., the un-
tecture comes from animal or human studies derlying neural circuitry necessary to master
of deprivation. Examples include the nega- the particular skill has not developed) is an ex-
tive effect on the development of vision from ercise in futility. Attempting to teach one-year
a cataract present at birth or an untreated stra- olds to read is an example of such misguided
bismus (i.e., “lazy eye”) early in life; adverse im- efforts. The issue is not whether the child is
pacts on language and behavior as a result of “smart enough” or “motivated” to learn, but
delayed detection and intervention for a con- whether the necessary brain circuitry is suffi-
genital hearing impairment; and the devastat- ciently “wired” to support the specific domains
ing effects on all aspects of development when required for that learning.
a child is brought up in a bleak and neglectful The Timing and Quality of Early Experiences Combine to Shape Brain Architecture  5
national scientific council on the developing child

The Science-Policy Gap

practical experience tells us that it is in foster care, when to terminate parental rights,
easier to teach a “slow” first grader how to read and when to move towards a permanent place-
than it is to train an illiterate adult for a job that ment. The window of opportunity for remedia-
pays a living wage. We don’t need sophisticated tion in a child’s developing brain architecture is
research to prove that aggressive preschoolers time-sensitive and time-limited.
are easier to “rehabilitate” than violent crimi-
nals. Common sense tells us that the learning Education reform efforts that invest significant
and behavior problems of young children can resources in the training, recruitment, and reten-
be fixed more easily and at less cost than those tion of skilled teachers for K-12 will have greater
of adolescents and young adults. Neuroscience impact if they also include higher standards and
tells us why these statements are all true. more rigorous professional credentials for pre-
Scientific evidence about how brains develop school programs. Research shows that staff
makes it very clear that neural circuits are shaped knowledge and skills are among the most im-
by time-specific experiences, and that the impact portant determinants of the impact of early
of a given experience is influenced by the nature childhood programs.53,54 Consequently, when
of the circuits that are being formed at that time. model programs that have been proven to be
effective are “taken to scale” with less well-com-
pensated personnel who have less expertise, it
The convergence of neuroscience and econom- is not surprising that comparable benefits are
often not realized.23 Stated simply, effective pre-
ics tells us that the clock is always ticking, and school investments require well-trained staff
whose knowledge and skills match the needs
the costs of ignoring problems keep rising. of the children and families they are asked to
serve. Poorly qualified personnel (whose low
Moreover, the convergence of neuroscience and salaries provide immediate cost savings) com-
economics tells us that the clock is always ticking, promise the effectiveness of preschool educa-
and the costs of ignoring problems keep rising as tion programs and diminish the ultimate re-
time passes. Notwithstanding these fundamen- turns that can be achieved from subsequent
tal principles of biology and human capital for- K-12 investments.
mation, the critical importance of time is often
ignored in the world of early childhood policy. Education policies disregard fundamental con-
This striking gap between science and policy is cepts of neuroscience when they delay teaching
illustrated by the following examples. second languages until early adolescence and si-
multaneously undervalue bilingual programs for
The child welfare system is typically character- young children. Beginning at birth, all children
ized by cumbersome and protracted decision- have the capacity to learn any of the world’s
making processes that leave young children languages. This ability is encoded in our genes
vul­nerable to the adverse impacts of significant and activated by exposure to everyday conver-
stress during sensitive periods of early brain de- sation in an interactive way. Unless a child has
velopment. The powerful and far-reaching ef- a specific disability, the achievement of fluency
fects of severely adverse environments and ex- in any language, as well as the mastery of more
periences on brain development make it crystal than one language at the same time, does not re-
clear that time is not on the side of an abused or quire formal instruction or intervention in the
neglected child whose physical and emotional early childhood years. It simply requires ongo-
custody remains unresolved in a slow-moving ing communication with others. Moreover, the
bureaucratic process. The basic principles of younger the brain, the greater its capacity to
neuroscience indicate the need for a far greater master more than a single langauge. If education
sense of urgency regarding the prompt resolu- policies were guided by what we know about
tion of such decisions as when to remove a child the development of the brain, second-language
from the home, when and where to place a child learning would be a preschool priority.

6  The Timing and Quality of Early Experiences Combine to Shape Brain Architecture
implications for policy and programs

Implications for Policy and Programs

the science of early brain development after birth (and preferably prenatally), can en-
is sufficiently mature to support a number of hance the experiences of young children in fami-
­evidence-based implications for those who de- lies with limited education and low income. The
velop and implement policies that affect the environment of relationships in which young
health and well-being of young children. Central children live literally shapes the architecture of
to this conclusion are the core concepts of sensi- their brains. Effective programs provide center-
tive periods and neuroplasticity, which convey based, growth-promoting experiences for the
three important messages. First, both brain de- children, as well as help their parents create a
velopment and behavior are shaped by experi- home environment that provides the kind of
ence over time. Second, both the architecture of positive social interactions, rich language expo-
the brain and established patterns of behavior sure, and early literacy experiences that increase
are increasingly difficult to change as individu- the probability that their child will enter school
als get older. Third, it is more effective and more with the social, emotional, and cognitive skills
efficient to get things right the first time than to needed to succeed. These supportive interven-
try to fix them later. tions can be made available through voluntary
There is considerable evidence that public associations, community-based organizations,
policies can have a significant impact on pro- and employer-sponsored initiatives, as well as
moting the healthy development of young chil- through government-funded services. Because
dren, above and beyond the central importance not all such services are effective, it is essential
of family influences. This is particularly com- that funds be invested in programs that have
pelling for children who experience significant been shown to have measurable impacts.23
adversity during the early childood years. The
following four points are particularly worthy of Enrolling all children who meet the eligibility
thoughtful consideration. criteria for early intervention programs as early
as possible would help infants and toddlers with
The basic principles of neuroscience and the developmental delays and disabilities build the
econo­metrics of human capital development both foundational skills needed to realize their full
suggest that early and effective intervention for potential. When compensatory adjustments are
the most vulnerable children will generate the facilitated as early as possible, they help build a
greatest financial payback. In recent years, a
growing body of sophisticated economic analy-
ses has contributed an important new dimen- 3FUVSOPO*OWFTUNFOU0WFS5JNF
sion to the public debate about the value to so-

ciety of investing in the care and education of

young children who are at risk for later failure pre-school programs
in school and in the workplace. Extensive data
now indicate that policymakers can achieve
greater return on investments in early education

for children from families with low income and S
limited parent education than they can from in-
vestments in remedial programs for adults with
job training
limited workforce skills.13,55 In short, although
optimal financial benefits depend on continued
investment throughout the middle childhood
years, the greatest returns are realized when in- pre-school school post-school

vestments are made in the lives of vulnerable BHF

children well before they begin school. Rates of return to investment in human capital as function of age when the investment was
initiated. The data were derived from a life cycle model of dynamic human capital accumulation
with multiple periods and credit constraints. Investments were initially set to be equal across all
Increasing the availability of evidence-based, ages. ‘r’ represents the cost of the funds. Data are from Cunha et al (2005).
Source: Knudsen, et al.13
two-generation programs that begin ­immediately The Timing and Quality of Early Experiences Combine to Shape Brain Architecture  7
national scientific council on the developing child

sturdier foundation for the later achievement of heart rate, blood pressure, and stress hormones
higher-level skills. This underscores the urgent such as cortisol and cytokines) can result in the
need to identify sensory impairments as soon permanent disruption of brain circuits during
after birth as possible, so that corrective devices the sensitive periods in which they are maturing.
(e.g., hearing aids and eyeglasses) as well as ap- Common causes of such “toxic” stress include
propriate habilitative services can be provided child abuse, serious neglect, and prolonged or
during the time that basic neural circuits are repeated exposure to violence, which may be as-
being established. Outcomes for children with sociated with deep poverty, parental substance
cognitive impairments are also improved sig- abuse, or maternal mental illness, such as severe
nificantly by the facilitation of early learning ex- depression. The provision of both prevention
periences that build a stronger foundation upon and early intervention services for the large
which increasingly higher-level brain circuits number of young children and families current-
and more complex skills can be built over time. ly engaged in the nation’s child welfare systems
offers a compelling and promising place to start.
Providing developmental assessments and in- Although this would require significant increas-
tervention services for young children experi- es in short-term funding, effective programs for
encing significant adversity before they exhibit such highly vulnerable, young children are like-
problems in their behavior or development will ly to generate a substantial return on investment
increase their chances for more positive life out- through significant reductions in the later costs
comes. Strong and persistent activation of the of special education, grade retention, welfare as-
body’s stress response systems (i.e., increases in sistance, and incarceration.23

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Neuroscience, 21, 4356-4365. The Timing and Quality of Early Experiences Combine to Shape Brain Architecture  9
council working paper series

Working Paper #1
Young Children Develop in an Environment of Relationships (2004)

Working Paper #2
Children’s Emotional Development is Built into the Architecture of their Brains (2004)

Working Paper #3
Excessive Stress Disrupts the Architecture of the Developing Brain (2005)

Working Paper #4
Early Exposure to Toxic Substances Damages Brain Architecture (2006)

Working Paper #5
The Timing and Quality of Early Experiences Combine to Shape Brain Architecture (2007)

also from the council

A Science-Based Framework for Early Childhood Policy: Using Evidence to Improve

Outcomes in Learning, Behavior, and Health for Vulnerable Children (2007)

The Science of Early Childhood Development: Closing the Gap Between What We Know
and What We Do (2007)

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