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106 Exercises 1 and 2


You're on a train. Follow the instructions in the box to make small talk with
student B.

Greet student B and ask if you can sit next to him/her

Good afternoon, I can sit here.

I have always loved life to be able to get on a train and now that I had the
opportunity to get on one, it is an unforgettable experience since it feels very
different from an urban or extra-urban bus, because it is very fast and old.

Where are you going?

I am going to Guatemala, to know its nature that they speak so much that it is
beautiful him/her where he/she's going.

What do you do now or what do you work for?

I am General Director in Marketing for the Company Omnilife and Seytú in España.

What does the Omnilife Company consist of?

At Omnilife we call it Multidevelopment, since the focus of the business is oriented

not only to earn money but also focuses on having a comprehensive well-being,
both in personal, family and economic development.

Respond with a positive comment.

The company really is very interesting; I would like to know more about the
products you have the digital catalogs for you to send it to me.

End the conversation and get off the train.

It is a pleasure to have met you, you take care of yourself and God bless you the
following is my destiny bye.

Exercise 2

You’re in a busy café. Student B makes small talk with you. Respond to
his/her comments. Use the information in the box to answer his/her
You live about half an hour outside the city.

No, I live about fifteen minutes from the city.

• You’re a chef at a hotel downtown. You plan menus and create the meals.
You really like making bread.

The truth is my passion is cooking in general, creating exquisite menus so that

those who approve of it want to eat it again and also innovate, and likewise the
hotel is satisfied with the desired results.

• Your favorite type of cooking is French.

Yes, I love strong dishes because of the natural ingredients and because I studied
a French cooking course and I have won with honors.

Liar, Liar
Peg. 8
1. In pairs, answer the questions.

1 What are the people in the pictures lying about?

a. The young man asked her how she looks and she told me in saying what
looked great to look good.

b. Lying that there is traffic for not going to the appointment or you forgot a
meeting to rest and the solution is to lie so that they understand it.

c. The young man is apologizing for not having seen the mail because he is busy
with a big lie that may be forgetfulness or he has not constantly checked his

d. When you are in a chat with a friend and lie for making yourself interesting they
invited you to a dinner while your friend is not the size in mind or lie that if you
were invited and it was not true.

2 What other things do people often tell lies about? Make a list.

a. For approval
b. To cover another lie
c. To adapt
d. To flatter
e. For interest
f. To gain time
g. out of pity
h. for shame
i. To give importance

2. A In pairs, take the quiz “The truth about lying.“

1. How often do people tell lies?

a twice a month

b twice a week

c twice a day

2. What do people lie about most frequently?

a work

b money

c unimportant things

3. How do people usually answer the question, “When did you last

tell a lie?“

a “I never lie.“

b “I can’t remember.“

c “Some time today.“

4. How can you know when people are lying?

a. They don’t look directly at you.
b. They move their hands a lot.
c. They give unnecessary information.
5. Is communication technology making us less honest?
a. yes b no
6. Do men lie more often than women?
a. yes b no
7. Do men and women lie about the same things?
a. yes b no
3. Cover the quiz. Complete the questions from memory. Then check your
answers in the quiz.

a. How often do people tell lies?

b. What do people lie about most frequently?
c. How do people usually answer the question, “When did you last
Tell a lie?“
d. How can you know when people are lying?
e. Is communication technology making us less honest?

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