Detect Nontechnical Loss Accurately and Efficiently To Reduce Energy Theft

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Solution Brief

Business Impact Challenges

“Revenue (energy) theft analysis is usually • Incomplete view of network relationships. • Isolation. Lacking timely and comprehen-
the main driver for smart metering It’s hard to collect data from disparate sive customer insights, many fraud teams
deployment in regions with a high level of energy consumption and feeder systems miss opportunities to pass critical infor-
nontechnical losses that have a significant and bring it together with other information mation to customer-facing teams.
impact on a utility’s financial performance.” outside the metering area.
• Inefficient use of resources. Lacking
Top Use Cases for Meter Data • Simplistic analytics. Many systems rely on comprehensive data, visualization tools,
Analytics Across the Utility Value Chain
Zarko Sumic, Gartner, Inc. rules, generate false positives and can’t interactivity and prioritized alerts,
3 June, 2015
adapt to changing loss patterns. investigators cannot be highly productive.

Detect Nontechnical Loss Accurately and

Efficiently to Reduce Energy Theft
The Issue Our Approach
Theft of service is a global concern. Fueled by poor economies and To defend against nontechnical loss, you must be able to detect
increased technical savvy, crimes such as meter tampering and multi- suspicious activity and hidden relationships in data associated with smart
party fraud schemes are both easy to commit and hard to detect. As meters, communications networks, call centers, socio-economic data,
a result, fraudulent activity continues to grow and attract a variety of meter repairs and replacements, meter tamper and inspection data,
“professional” criminals. A utility can lose as much as 10 to 30 percent billing data and case referrals. SAS software and services can help you:
in revenues each year to theft, and more than two-thirds of that loss is
• Improve information credibility by integrating disparate data
within the relatively small commercial account sector.
sources regardless of format, and applying embedded data quality
Only a fraction of the nontechnical losses due to fraud are ever techniques to ensure accuracy.
detected using historically available detection techniques. And • Find theft faster using advanced analytics to uncover hidden rela-
because of the post-payment nature of electrical consumption (with tionships, detect subtle behavior patterns, prioritize suspicious cases
few exceptions), outstanding debt caused by energy theft has low and predict future risks.
recovery rates. SAS’ fraud solution can improve detection of energy
• Enhance audit and investigation effectiveness by visualizing data
theft, shortening analysis from weeks to minutes and allowing utili-
from multiple angles to predict future risks, uncover hidden relation-
ties to mitigate theft within a billing cycle, reducing losses by millions.
ships and detect subtle, suspicious patterns of behavior.
During the fraud detection process, manual billing errors, meter
malfunctions, network topology errors and illegal connections may • Measure program performance through a dashboard that lets you
also be discovered. define and monitor key performance metrics.

SAS provides a holistic, customer-centric view of fraud that’s unrestricted

by data source or channel.
The SAS® Difference: Case Study:
A comprehensive fraud framework for utilities A National Electric Utility
From advanced analytics for fraud detection through alerts and case Situation
management, SAS gives utilities a comprehensive fraud framework to
With a service population of 3.3 million, this utility knew individuals
address nontechnical losses. With SAS, you get:
were tampering with meters to get lower consumption readings. It also
• Integration with existing IT infrastructure. SAS facilitates informa- found errors in technical loss computations. Estimated overall nontech-
tion flow across departments and functions, and supports future nical losses were around 1 percent, equaling 40 million to 50 million
technologies and processes. euros (US$52.5 million to $65.6 million) annually in revenue loss. The
• Detection and alert generation. Based on a combination of utility’s simple automated detection system identified only 0.1 percent
heuristic rules, anomaly detection, predictive modeling and social of all fraudulent activity. The rest was found manually, or not at all.
network analysis, SAS automatically routes suspicious cases for
review, and uncovers suspicious activity in real time.
SAS analyzed more than 300 variables for each of the 3.3 million
• Alert management capabilities. Alerts from multiple monitoring
customers to build models that identified aberrant energy consumption
systems are associated with common individuals or entities, and
behaviors. After accounting for seasonality, SAS Analytics found loads
potentially fraudulent cases are automatically prioritized and
greater than three standard deviations, voltage out of range, reverse
routed to appropriate team members.
flow, power equation anomalies, and missing or intermittent data reads.
• Social network analysis. By analyzing all related activities and
relationships at a network level, SAS detects and prevents Results
organized energy theft. After implementing SAS, the utility:
• Case management. SAS promotes systematic investigations, • Improved its predictions for illegal usage by a factor of eight.
enabling you to capture and display all information pertinent to a • Verified 2,000 fraud cases based on data analysis alone, valued at
case without duplicate data entry. 5 million euros.

To detect potentially fraudulent activity, SAS provides data manage- • Flagged an additional 200,000 potential fraud cases for further
ment and advanced analytics capabilities that leave no stone unturned investigation.
when collecting and analyzing data.

What if you could …

Base decisions on Automate tests that detect Promote investigator Quickly see areas of high
trusted data load anomalies efficiency and low performance
What if you could enhance What if you could use What if you could enhance What if you could improve
information credibility by advanced analytics and investigators’ proficiency by case resolution by moni-
integrating disparate data autoregressive forecasting to providing them with a web- toring KPIs in a dashboard
sources and formats, and identify fraud quickly – deter- based environment and environment?
applying embedded data mining what customer load prioritized alerts?
You can. SAS gives you
quality techniques? would have been if the theft
hadn’t occurred?

SAS Facts
• SAS helps customers at more than • A
 dvanced data mining from SAS • IDC ranked SAS as the leader in the
75,000 sites improve performance enables analytics on both structured Worldwide Credit Risk Analytics
and deliver value by making better and unstructured data to reveal hid- Solutions 2014 Vendor Assessment.
decisions faster. den fraudulent activities.

Learn more about SAS software and services for utilities at

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SAS Institute Inc. in the USA and other countries. ® indicates USA registration. Other brand and product
names are trademarks of their respective companies. Copyright © 2015, SAS Institute Inc. All rights reserved.

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