Speech - Change

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“Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing

himself” That’s according to Leo Tolstoy, a Russian writer who is regarded as one
of the greatest authors of all time. There is only one thing in this world that is
constant and that is change. Change means to make someone or something
different. It can be from being bad to good or good to bad. Which for you?
Before the election came, people were shouting for a change in the
government. Parents faced a lot of problems with their children. Teachers thrived
to hurdle the challenges and concerns felt with their learners. Vices and
criminalities were all around the corner that contributed to the deterioration of
human health condition and subsequently affected our very poor economic
condition. Drug abuse and illicit trafficking are on top of the country’s dilemma.
At the outset or even earlier than that of the campaign period, several
partisan candidates paid expensive TV ads, print media and social media just to be
remembered by the voting electors. They carefully and superfluously presented
their platforms of government to convince the people who do not know them yet.
How impressive and wonderful are they! On the deadline of filing for certificate of
candidacy, one presidential candidate was not able to make it. Media men and
the viewing public waited for him and upon knowing that he was not going to run
for president they were dismayed. Comments and short talks spread that he
would not run because of lack of machineries and money. I began to ask myself,
“Why did he not run for president?” “I think he is the right person to run this
election”. I believe in his capacity, qualifications and strong political will. When
December 10, 2015 came, the PDP Laban candidate withdrew his candidacy and
that it was Rodrigo Roa Duterte replaced the former. Oh! Almost everybody was
extremely happy for his decision to run for the office of the president.
He became very popular throughout the globe. The 80-90% of OFWs was in
favor that Duterte would be the next president. That was the cry of the Filipino
people. Series of debates were held by the giant TV stations for the presidential
candidates. He was interviewed and guested in TV programs where he was asked
his platforms of government when he is elected as the leader of the country. He is
strong enough to tell the media and the public of his strong advocacy that is to
stop drug abuses, corruption and other criminalities in the country. Other
candidates and the past president were apprehensive that Duterte would win
because of his strong appeal to the public because he focused on the most critical
and crucial issue which is the primary factor that Philippines is getting poorer and
the children’s future is getting darker.
At last! Duterte won by nearly 6 million votes over the other candidates
despite the blackest propaganda they have thrown to him. Even the previous
president announced publicly over the media of his dislike against Mr. Digong.
Yet, the Filipinos were not convinced of his extremely unfavourable statements
thrown to him. He broke the record of the Philippine political history.
Ladies and gentlemen, look what happen! According to CNN commentator,
so far in the history, our president is the only one who dares to announce publicly
the 5 PNP generals as drug protectors and have to pay for their notorious acts.
Hundreds of drug lords and drug queens were identified and even killed and some
are under investigation. A lot of drug users and drug pushers have surrendered
themselves to the PNP. As a consequence, international and local investors have
already gained back their confidence to put up business in the Philippines. To the
president, I salute you for the job well done! It is true that rise and fall of an
organization always depends on the leader.
Finally, change has come because we Filipinos in general have embraced it.
My fellow toastmaster!


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