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Lecturer’s Name: Charl Ryan J.

Padilla Date:

Course Code: MAPEH22 Duration: 45 minutes

Subject/Unit: Health


At the end of the lesson, students are expected to:

a. identify the differences between the three most common types of eating which are emotional, social and
distracted eating

b. recognize the importance of good and healthy food eating strategies.

c. create strategies on how to avoid unhealthy eating habit and build health consciousness and healthy
lifestyle to be able to have a positive self image and fueled performance.


a. TOPIC: Three Types of Eating Disorder

b. REFERENCE: Congressional National High School. (2017, June 11). Eating disorder and four types of
eating. Retrieved April 26, 2020, from

c. MATERIALS: Laptop, Projector, Powerpoint presentation, Video Clip, Task Cards, Puzzle Images


Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

A. Routinary Activity

Good morning Class. Good morning Sir Padilla.

Class, please stand up. Let us start our day with a (Mr./Ms.___ leads the prayer.)
prayer. Mr./Ms. _____, please lead the prayer.

Okay, who’s absent today? None Sir.

Classroom Cleanliness
Before we start, please pick up the pieces of (Students will follow the instructions)
papers on the floor, arrange your chairs and seat

Review of Previous Lesson

Who among you can share the summary of our (A student will tell the summary of the previous
lesson last meeting? lesson)
B. MOTIVATION Student’s Activity

Before we start the lesson, I have here a short (Students watch the video clip)
video clip and I want you to watch and listen to it

Okay class, who among you have an idea on what Sir, based on the video that we’ve watched, I think it
the video clip is all about? is all about various eating habits.

Very Good! Thank you Mr./Ms.____.

Alright! I guess many of you loves to eat right? Yes Sir.
Now I want you to form three groups. Each group will
be given a set of puzzle pieces and I want you to arrange
those puzzle pieces to form the hidden image in it. Also,
prepare a brief explanation about the formed image.
Give me three claps whenever your group is finished. I
will give you only five minutes to finish this. Is it clear?

Okay, now go to your respective group and start Okay Sir.

building the puzzle.

Since all groups are done, you can now go back to
your own seats.

First group, can you please explain what is on the Sir it shows an image of a person who is somewhat
image that was assigned to you. depressed anxious or sad.

Very good! Now, second group? Please explain the Sir it shows an image of a big event or celebration
image. with lots of food in the menu.

Alright! Now, third group, it’s your turn. Sir, it shows a person who eats while using his/her

Okay class, since most of you got the ideas
correctly, we will now proceed to our lesson which is all
about the types of eating you should know fueling for
performance. (Student read the text)
Mr/Ms.___ can you read the texts in the first slide

Thank you. (Instructor explains the introduction

of the topic)

Now, who among you used to eat a lot when they (Some students raise their hand.)
are sad? Or stressed?

Mr/Ms.___ can you please explain to the class why (Student explains his idea.)
do you used to eat whenever you feel sad?
Okay, with that being said, this leads us to the first
type of eating which is emotional eating.

Mr./Ms.___ please read the next slide. (Student reads the text.)

Thank you. (Instructor explains the text and give


Alright, now, who among you loves to attend big (Some students raise their hands)
events or gatherings?

Can you please give me events that you’ve (Answers of the students may vary e.g. Birthday or
attended? debut party, seminar, reunion etc.)

Thank you. Why do you love to go to those said Probably because of foods.
events Mr./Ms.___?

Good answer! Now this leads us to the second (Student reads the text).
type of eating. The social eating. Mr/Ms.___ please read
the text.

(Instructor explains the text and give examples.)

Now, probably, all of you have gadgets right? (Answers may vary)
Please tell me the estimated time you spend on using

Using gadgets is somehow connected to the last (Student reads the text)
type of eating which is the distracted eating. Mr./Ms.___
please read the text.

Thank you. (Instructor explains the text and give


Now, why do you think it is important for us to (Answers may vary.)

know all of these?

What do you think is the impact of the types of (Answers may vary.)
eating to our health?

Very Good! Thank you. (instructor adds some


Okay, that’s the end of our topic for today. Class, is None.
there any questions or clarifications regarding our
topic? Any violent reactions?

Now, please get ¼ sheet of paper, I want you to
make a short essay about your opinions and ideas how (Students will follow the instruction.)
to prevent these types of eating to live a healthier life.
Include as many tips as possible in your essay. I will give
you five (5) minutes to do that and here are the criteria:

Relevance: 3 points
Content: 3 points
Organization: 2 points
Clarity: 2 points


For only 5 minutes. On a ¼ sheet of paper, identify what is being described in the following, no need to copy.
(2 points each)

1. Stress, emotions, and boredom triggers this kind of eating. (Ans. Emotional eating)

2. This type of eating is due to big gatherings or events. (Ans. Social eating)

3. When a person is constantly working at a desk all day, watching TV, or laptops and using gadgets, what type of
eating could he/she exhibit? (Ans. Distracted Eating)

4. Identify 2 tips on how to avoid social eating.(for 4 points) (Ans. Try to manage and control, know your limits)


Create a poster about your realizations and reflections about our today’s topic.



Okay, that’s all for today. Make sure that the

chairs are well arranged before you leave the classroom. Goodbye Sir!
Thank you and goodbye class.

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